Page Two H IL L S B O R O STillsbonl^Wro W ith W hirh la Combined the H ilhboro Independent Hillaburu Artrua Eritab 1894 Ilillab vro Independent Eetab 1871 M rK IN N K Y A M r K IN N E Y , Publiahera Published Thursday. Entered a* aecond-cteu m atter in the IMMtoffire et Hi Ila boro, Oregon W V E R N E M k K IN N E Y Editor MRS. E. c M c K in n e y Associate Editor End Suspension A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N fía bson I ’isu a lizes Mass Made Houses as the Next Step A dm inistration proposal will find a g reat deal of sym pathy in all w alks of life in his e ffo rts to “sp e ed -u p ” the co u rts so th a t constitutional issues will not be held By Roger Babson in th e balance as long as they have been ST PETERSBURG, F lorida Feb- in the past. S everal m easures, a ffe c tin g ruary 12 To get my idea, m ake tw o studio.- First, w alk up and th e lives and w ork of m illions, such as the dow n beside Ilio assem bly lino of NR A. AAA and others, w ere in effect for a n autom obile plant. Pick m ore th an tw o y ears before being term ed day. of course, unconstitutional. It was p red icted in m any w hen th e boys q u a rte rs th a t th e m easures w ere uncon­ a rc not "sitting d o w n '' W atch stitu tio n al but th e nation ami its people th e steady flow w ere kept in a sta te of suspense for a long of a m otor car period, w hile th e cases went th ro u g h the in tlie m aking L ike a riv e r of courts. in a n u f a c t u re. The atto rn ey -g e n era l w ould he a u th o r­ th e job sw eeps along, fed h > ized to p a rtic ip a te in low er court cases be­ _________ t r i b u t a r y tw een p riv ate p arties w here a c o n stitu ­ I ______ K is e r W Babson stream s of e n ­ tional question is involved. He w ould also gines. fenders, and o th er essentials from the sides Suc­ have the rig h t to a p p e al d irectly to th e converging cessive w orkers at th e ir stations suprem e court from an adverse d istrict attach th e ir respective p;p'ts and co urt ruling. At least from the laym an's bolt them homo It is an am azing m asterpiece of organization and a view point this should m aterially cut dow n tin illing spectacle of mass produc­ on present red ta p e th at tak e s so long to tion. unw ind. Iland-M ake H ouses Boomed'.* Tlnii’-tflnv, Fehi'tinry 1R. 1037 The Great American Home I M in R alph Cobh, m issionaries to Africa, will «how slides ami brinis a m issionaiv message Mi ami Mis. I Cobb a re on their wav to Afiic.i for th eir first term . They will be in H illsboro just one night Sunday school is it 9:45 i in and the C rusader service at G p in G uy By A. I.. I.lm lheek 1’ D uffield J r . pastor C A I EM O reg o n is not vet n Senate Defeats One House Plan; Reforms Spurned M ethodist KplMCopal CliUK'h to a ll. u n io n its u lv lim e II IO,I loci lalive ic t up for the iinieanieial system. I l l the opinion of (lie s l i d e O F F IC IA L N E W S P A P E R OF W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y senate Two m easures ealling for Selected aa Oregon*» Heat Weekly N e«*p*P er. 1930 this legislative lefo rm w ere killed hy tlie senate lids week (h ie of Named on All-Am erican Weekly Newspaper Eleven, 19*0 FATHeQ, TO L€TM E .y , — - J these, by C arney, would H< no. able Mention National Editorial Association New a pa per HAVE A CO l i CF- ’ 7 .- Ä . — have vested Hie luw niukliig fun, PMJuetion Con teat, 1M4-35. and General I • 1>S5 lions in a single organisation ,,r Subaeriptien Ratea Strictly Caah in Advance nut few er (linn 311 nor m ole Ilian W ithin Washington County 3(1 m em bers No tim e liinll would Fer year ............... *1 5t) Two m o n th s __________ 35 have heed placed upon .sessions of One m.'iith < this law m aking body and then i $ if aggregate pay yvould have been Outside Washington County fixed at $UII (MMI fur th e b l c i iii iu n . U. S . per year 12 Foreign countries *1 50 this sum to bi- divided equally am ong (he inem hei s. w hether 30 or M EM B ER Oregon State First Audited Paper. 36, and the m em bers to lin e th eir Editorial Association and Largest ABC Weekly own stenographer- The oilier u n i­ National Editorial A »so­ Circulation in West. tia t ion. cameral legislature proposal by S enators Hill ke and S taple . would have abolished the House of Repre sentatives and left tlie law m aking function., entirely in III, h an d . X the senate S enator S tra y , - I . chan T here is m uch sentim ent in W ash in g ­ man of the resolutions coinm ittvc wlnch had recom m ended that the ton county for the bills sponsored by the T hen m ake the second study; lusisures "do not pass," declaii*., Stop at the nearest lot and w atch All Saints (Episcopal) Hood River G row ers’ association. These that Oregon could not afford Io ex ■ { the building of a house according Sect lees for th e second Sunday bills grew out of th e experience of t h e to the best trad itio n s of th e trades m Lent will be held as follows: peruiieiit w ith the proposed r e ­ apple grow ers in t h e recent m aritim e O bserve the crude p u tterin g of church school. 9 45 a in Morning form lie urged that this state aw ait | saw and plane. M ark th e ancient p ray er and serm on at II Every the outcom e of the expel im etd now strike and provide fo r ind u strial o rg a n iz a ­ ' rites of ham m er and trow el. See W ednesday at 2 30 p in the vicar being tried out in N ebraska A D a u g h te r of O regon tion reg istratio n and control of sym pathy the craftsm en sw arm ing higgledv- will give a stales of m editations In The sen ate also blocked the. strikes. They a re intended to be fa ir to the church E veryone is invited move to refer to the voters a pro W ith th e recen t passing o f H arriet H oover | piggledy over the job You will C hoir rehearsal will lit- held on posed constitutional am end m e n t both em ployers and em ployes. K illin, widow of B enton K illin. prom inent P o rtlan d i soon conclude thut todav's con- Friday evening at 7 30 Reginald creating th e office of lieutenant attorney. O regon has lost one of h er most beloved i stru ctio n m ethods a rc not far re- W ashington county a g ric u ltu re a n d pioneers. lin ks, vicar. governor and still an o th er m easure Born in th e y ear th at O regon w elcom ed 1 m oved from the procedure of three business lost heavily in th e recen t m ari­ h er first te rrito ria l governor. Joseph Lane. Mrs l centuries ago. As a result of these proposing an in the pay F irst B aptist C hurch , tw o experim ents, no th in k in g man of legislators from $3 to $8 a day tim e strike. L egislative rep re sen ta tiv e s K illin w itnessed o u r e n tire history as a state A nd or woman can escape the concln- P ray er service T hursday, 8 p. m A lthough the.-,- proposed reform s from a g ric u ltu ra l sections, such as W ash­ she helped in the form ing of th at history, for ours I sion th at housing is due for revolt!- O renco cottage pruyei m eeting at are dead so far as the present ;, M r and M rs Sabo - Tuesday. 7 30 ( sion is concerned proponents of the ington county, should be found am ong the is th e splendid state it is today, both cu ltu rally tion. T hat sh ak e-u p w ould have sp iritu ally , because of th e broad and generous popped long ago had it not been p hi Everyone is welcome. Sunday unicam eral legislature and lieuten proponents of these bills. They should and living of w omen of th e ty p e of Mrs. K illin. school, 9:45 M orning worship. 11. at ant governorship expect to place for custom . L iving habits a n d thoroughly realize th a t th e public h as be­ w hich tim e the pastor will bring the issue before tin* people through At a tim e w hen h igher education for w om en housing styles a re alw ays th e last come very m uch fed up w ith being th e w as not generally accepted. H arriet H oover a t­ to change! tlie concluding m essage from the ' the leferendum book of G alatians as lie speaks on j Hence, hom e bu ild in g is am ong goats in q u a rre ls betw een em ployer and ten d ed Pacific u n iv ersity and was th e first girl I may be consulted any day betw een iiie s u b i e o t ' Iiiesc.ip.iblc " Im pol- . last of the m ajor in d u stries to em ployes and in w hich they are only the g rad u ate of th at h istoric institution. W ith dig n ity the i 10 a m and noon, betw een 4 and Young A m ericans, w ho live in taut questions dealing with t h e ! and charm she u p h eld h er lib eral background th ro u g h ­ face th e evolution: To strid e from ; ti p. m . or by appointm ent, at the innocent bystanders. soul will be brought to light and I Oregon, are not to lie denied the Beaverton Church of Christ out h er long and in sp irin g life, first as a te a c h e r in slow, costly inefficiency and waste, House office. 232 N orth T hird av etl- answ ered pleasure thut comes from burnlin: Raym ond R. P e te r of M edford, re p re ­ th e old H arrison school and la te r as th e w ife of a to the fast, cheap efficiency and B ible school next Lord'» day at tie. II Y P U . 7 p. m This society one's fingers nr shooting out an econom y of m ass production. H ow ­ 9:45 a. in.. Mrs. V ernia Hopper, senting a large group of southern O regon tru ste e of Pacific u n iv ersity an d a reg en t of O re ­ ever. is grow ing rapidly E vening s e r­ occasional eye in the good old fa ti the tim e ¡¡.»slowly a p p ro ach ­ C om m union service. r r n trc o s ta l T abernacle fru it grow ers and shippers, m ade th e fol­ gon S tate college. W ith h e r contem poraries. Mrs. ing w hen a change is in evitable superintendent. vice at H. w ith an evangelistic mes- loni-d way on the F ourth of Ju ly . 11 a. m . follow ed by serm on by C la ra H W aldo an d M arg aret Snell, for w hom a I The House this week killed thu m . low ing p e rtin en t com m ents a b o u t th ese n atio n al fellow ship has been nam ed by th e A m eri­ W ithin th e m em ory of th e p res­ the pastor, subject, "God and M an * Sunday school Sunday. 10 Rev. J. 11. E bert superin ten d en t, mg will be held next T hursday b e ­ Higgs hili which would have b a n « . ent generation, w e have developed bills : P reach in g at 7:3» p m . subject. classes for all ages M orning w or­ ginning at 7 p m w ith a fellow ship ne,l the H-,• ,if fiiewoik can Association of U n iv ersity Women" Mrs. K illin ■ ! facto ry -b u ilt doors, w indow fram es, I am at a loss to u n d erstan d w hy som e legis­ p ioneered in p opularizing courses for w om en in sh u tters, and o th er ready - made "D rifting." preceded by song se r­ ship. 11. serm on them e: "T he S u ­ sup p er F ollow ing this the yearly I crack ers in this slate • • • lative representativ es from up state are refusing, o ur hig h er in stitu tio n s of learning. T h eir p hiloso­ b uild in g m aterials. T hose w h o vice. Special m usic by the choir prem e Need of a C hristian " Young reports will be read and election ,,f both m orning and evening d irected I people's m eeting. (1:45 p m . D el­ office:.s w ill be held All m em bers to date, to support such, constructive legislation in p h y o f life w as th a t of a good n eig h b o r as th ey C ounties in w hich the -dale m ilk w rite poetically of th e com ing spite of the fact th a t th e ir constituents a re o v e r­ q u ietly yet effectu ally cru sad ed for an O regon of glories of th e p refab ricated house by Mrsr. J. Johnson. M id-w eek Bible m ar W yatt, president. Sunday e v e ­ are asked to be present us special control board has established milk study each W ednesday at 7:30 p in w helm ingly in favor of th ese bills. enlig h ten ed people. T h ey w ere of th e essence of overlook im portant progress already ning evangelistic service, special business is to be traiusacted O rtiz pools will have th eir own local con A reception for the new pastors. A pparently such rep resen tativ es an d senators trol boards if a bill in troduced th u O regon womanhood. m ade by th e so-called old - line Mr. and Mrs Hatch, will be held m uaic by t h e o r e l i e s t i a . s e r m o n W W eniger, pastor. a re p erm ittin g agents of a few m inority groups week is enacted into law The b uilding industries. Even today a Monday night T here will be a pot subject: "W hen these signs come to T h e K illin home, a p art of old P o rtla n d and to dictate to them irresp ectiv e of th e fact th at local boards, to be nam ed by the C ongregational C hurch its b est traditions, w as sym bolic of th e g ro w th of very considerable p a rt of m odern luck d in n er at 7, followed by a pass M id-w eek services, Tuesday th is legislation is p rim arily an d essen tially in th e governor, w ould serve w ithout pay F ebruary 21 10 a. m Church evening, p ray er m eeting, them e a com m onw ealth. Its latch -k ey w as out to the co nstruction is an assem bly jub. program —G eorge W Hatch, pastor. "Praying With R esults " T hursday school. Prof. Stalley Mi|>crmteiid- and act only In an advisory c a ­ public interest and for th e u ndoubted w elfare of E very Day is M oving-D ay y o u th of th e state, w h ere young people could come the g reat m ajo rity of th e citizens of O regon b e­ ent 11 a in. M orning w orship pacity to the state board N evertheless, th is tren d tow ard Bethany German Baptist Church , evening Bible study, subject: "Suc- Serm on "W hen Things Work T o­ for encouragem ent an d aid w h ile p u rsu in g th e ir • • • cause th ey a re a d irect blow at irresp o n sib le la­ I cess of the local church S aturday m ass production of houses will college train in g , and. ex cep t fo r th e h elp received F ebruary 21. m orning: 9 45 church bor agitators an d racketeers. g ether for Man's Good " A nthem In his second app earan ce before g ath er speed d u rin g th e n ext few school. Jo h n C roeni. superintendent evening evangelistic, subject: H eart "Seek th erein , education fo r m any, d u rin g th a t period, Ye the Lord. Roberts F eb ­ the legislature since the present O rganized labor, in th e long run, will Felt R eligion." M orning p ray er ould have been im possible. T h ere w as a d elig h tfu l years. T he p ressu re is m ounting 11. w orship and serm on, "Lost in ' m eetings. W ednesday m orning at ru ary 24 D r B allard, m inister First session enlivened G overnor M artin be m uch b e tte r off th ro u g h som e degree w M ountains." Evening: 7:30. the hom e of Mr. and Mrs Hriot, P resb y terian church of P ortland. ' this week ereeked down on the l e g ­ b len d in g of th e old w ith th e n ew in th e K illin F am ilies a re beginning to ponder th e of regulation. home. Its fine old fu rn itu re, g as-jetted chandeliers, as n ev er before a shocking fact: young people's service. "T he E x ­ West Main street; Friday m orning • |>euk.s upon "C om plexes and Con- islators. w ho are sponsoring hills ro se g arden and c a rriag e house rem ained, b u t gas The budget d o llar w ill buy m ore istence of G od," 8. serm on. Rev E at Mrs G oodm an's hom e in C o r­ fliets T A rthur D ungan. m inis­ aim ed at the state highw ay fund gave w ay to electricity, an d a n autom obile stood autom obile than it w ill buy house R M artin, su p erin ten d en t for the nelius at 10. All evening services ter. and the regulation of highw ay t r a f ­ T hat realizatio n is b itin g deep Pacific N orthw est of the "A m erican in th e carriag e house w here p ro u d horses of a past fic. Bills now before the sesaion. in to consum er consciousness C om ­ Sunday School Union." w ill p r e s e n t1 begin at 7:45. Come and bring your g en eratio n once pranced. M. E C hurch (Bethany) the governor pointed nut. provide parison of th e w orth you get from the m essage W ednesday at 8 p. m . ! fr ie n d s —J. F S hackleford, pastor. On G erm antow n road. Sunday for the diversion of $1.700.000 of the T h ere is a perm anency to th e afterg lo w r e ­ hand-tooled tin k e rin g a n d t h e m idw eek service; 9 p. m. c h o ir ; T here has been a g re a t deal of com ­ flected «chool every Sunday, 10 n m ; G e r­ highw ay funds. To enact these, he St. P eter's L u th eran C hurch from th e life of one possessing those a t­ w orth you get from an assem bly practice.—T heodore A Leger. pas­ m an service. 11 u rn , first and w arned, would create a deficit of p lain t and p ro p ag a n d a g e n e ra te d in P o rt­ trib u tes of c h aracter possessed by H a rrie t K illin. line w ill blast hom e-ow ners from tor. C ornelius, Route 2 D efending Jesu s at The G arden third Sundays; English servlet, II $1.000,000 in the highw ay account. land over th e sta te m ilk control b oard Thus, a d au g h ter of O regon passes.—O regon J o u r ­ th e ir an cestral ruts. M oreover, the G ate" w ill be the them e of th e a. m,. second and fourth S undays S e n ato rs and Raprasantatives whi se average fam ily's scale o f ‘ v alu es The Oreneo-RerrteiBe Parish because of th e price of m ilk in th e s ta te ’s nal. tf toe.s w ere .stepped on hy I he g o v e r n ­ I-cnten D evotional today 'T h u rs ­ —E Ju liu s Tragtio, pastor. is radically shifting People today S unday school in both church««. or in his speclnl message and m etropolis. This law has been of benefit are thoroughly sold on utility, live- 10 a. m.; w orship service in the day» at 8 p. m T he c h ild ren ’s they w ere m any did not tn k e k in d - L aurel Evangelical C hurch to the dairym en, who com prise a larg e ability. and freedom . The com ing O renco church, 11 a m.; w orship choir will sing "O B leeding Head (Seven m iles south of H illsboro) g Jo h n L. L ew is’ treaso n ab le dem an d upon th e generation may tend to s w a p service in th e R eedville church, 8 and W ounded" under the direction p erc e n ta g e of th e co u n ty ’s p opulation and Sunday school, hi a m Mi . , houses som ew hat as they now p. m. W om en’s M issionary society o f E. K iekhaef r Worship HI the p resid en t to "stand an d deliv er.” is an in cid en t th at W atkins, su p erin ten d e n t P reaching j th e increases w ere necessary because of any of the objectionable m e a s u r i - , G erm an language S unday m orning cannot be overlooked in th is country. Block legis­ trad e-in th e ir autom obiles for new m eets at O renco on th e th ird W ed­ at 10 o'clock Sunday school in the service, II a. m. Ju n io r C hristian that rnigtit get as f.u as the govern- rising costs to them . F ig u re s in an O re­ lation has progressed to th e p o in t th a t it is becom ­ models. x nesday of each m onth and at R eed­ Endeavor, ti p m Rev. V T K prerc, i (H -. office could ex p act to m eet up O th e r sh a rp u p h eav als a r e ville on th e fo u rth T hursday of English language at 9:45 pastor. tj w ith the ex ecu tiv e veto. gonian edito rial recently rev ealed th e in­ in g a menace, b u t L ew is' latest th re a ts should a w a k ­ each m onth. tf ploughing th e ground for fu rth e r tere stin g fa c t th a t out of 12 re ta il foods en congress to th e fact th a t th e p ublic has rig h ts pre-fabricating. In th e u p p e r Foursquare Church First C hurch of Christ. S cientist a t m ust be re s p e c te d —M cM innville T elephony- T he parole board bill, w hich S eventh-day A dventist C hurch th e price of fre sh m ilk has increased th e th Special revival .services w ith the b rackets o f incom e, o u r b etter-to- R egister. Services are held every Sunday carne before the legislature w ith Services a re held each S abbath "Jovbringers" w ill continue every do fam ilies in these m odern tim es least. The increases ra n g e d all th e w ay as follows; S abbath night w ith th e exception of S a tu r­ ¡a t II a m.; W ednesday evening tlie hle-.sing of G overnor M artin, a re erectin g few er castles. In to­ (S atu rd ay ) services at 8 o'clock; S unday school from 100 p er c e n t fo r po tato es over a These tw o talented young 1 at 11 a m. P upils up to the age does riot m eet w ith tlie approval day's era. ostentation and v u lg ar school, 10 a. m ; preaching service day of S tate T reasu rer H olm an Tlie fo u r-y e ar period to 33 p e r cent fo r fresh display have lost th e ir charm . a t 11; young people’s m eeting a t ladies. Misses P ansy B ray and Irm a ' of 20 years a re welcomed. Free F ew er fam ilies crave to put up a 2:30 p. m. P ra y e r m eeting W ednes­ H erm ann, have a m in istry t h a t reading room open on W ednesdays lull would centralize th e parole a c ­ m ilk. p rincely palace to m ake the tax- day night at 8 o'clock. V isitors are brings a blessing and a real Inspir­ and S atu rd ay s from 2 u n til 4 p. m tivities of th e p en iten tiary , boys' and girt-.' achoob undei a ingle g a th e re r blink and to lu re the w elcome a t any service.—Dr. W al­ ation. T hey not only p re a c h , hut S unday's topic. "M ind." board Holman objects to tlie pro tf sing and play Instrum ents They F av o rs H ighw ay F u n d fo r City crim inal elem ents. In the low er te r H untington, pastor. posed disruption of tlie parole staffs will be conducting the services at b rack ets th ere is a grow ing clam or GOING DOW N • at the boys' and girls' school , E d ito r A rgus—It has been called to m y atten tio n for h ig h er stan d ard s of living—not 11 a m and 7:30 p. m this Sunday Mountain Home Evangelical M any a g re e th a t O regon legislators "We didn't start ius ju n g le beasts w hich have been built up over .. and then on through th e week C hurch th a t you have w ritte n sev eral articles in reg ard a bigger price but at a sm aller a re u n d erp aid , th a t th e $3 a day d oesn’t to th e diversion of h ig h w ay rev en u e. T h e play at R egularly each Sunday: S unday each night at 7 45 Do not nn-.s and w ork up." ao says Uncle Eh period of y ears w ith a view to price. By this tim e, th e public We w ent in at th e top and w orked giving ex p ert supervision to these ta k e care of th e ir expenses w hile a t w hich h as been m ade on th e w ord diversion is a well know s w hat it w ould m ean if school, 10 a. m., E dw ard A eblscher, these inspiring services. T his Sat- dow n." he adds. ju v e n ile delinquents sup erin ten d en t. M orning w orship - urday evening a t 7 45 Rev Salem , and th e solons seem to feel the sm oke screen because all th e cities of th e sta te are a house could be built in the shop service w ith alte rn a tin g leadership and . . . U ncle Eb is right. F irst step dow n opposed to d iv ertin g high w ay fu n d s for instead of on th e lot. H ousing m ust sam e way ab o u t it for it has been re fe rre d o ab th solutely T he perennial chain sto re hill, C hristian E ndeavor, 7:30p.m . E v an ­ er th a n street, ro ad and highw ay m ain ten an ce becom e a mass production in d u s­ long delayed, finally m ade ils ap- gelistic service. 8 p. m .—Rev. V. T. 1° t}?,e Pe° P Ie six tim es and th ey have said an d construction. Y ou m ust realize th a t a stre e t is try! Speece, pastor. tf 1 peurance in S aturday 's bâti h o f “ N o” in no unm istak eab le term s. U n rec­ a highw ay an d th a t you m ust tra v e l o v er th is stre e t New Baby in M u s-P ro d u c tio n new senate bills The bill would Fam ily onciled to th is decision rep re sen ta tiv e s to get to eith e r a co unty ro ad o r a sta te highw ay. Trinity Lutheran Church levy an ann u al tax on all retail The n ex t blessed event in in d u s­ he cities oppose th e red u ctio n of gas tax u n til such stores, ranging from $1 for an in ­ S ervices a re conducted at 10:30 I voted an increase, b ut w h a t good it will do T tim e th a t th is can econom ically be done—in o th er try should be th e b irth of th e a m.; S unday school at 9:45 S er- ! BY SPECIAL dependent sto re up to $250 for in view of th e a ttitu d e of th e people is w ords th e city stre e t is as of m uch im p o rtan ce to packaged hom e- th e hom e th a t is each store in a chain of 75 or more. mon topic, "The C hangeless C hrist" w rapped in cellophane all ready to C O R R ESPO N D E N T questionable. R e p re se n tativ e H ughes of th e city autom obile o w n er as is th e county ro ad and set up and occupy—th e tru ly and — Heb 13. 8 D uring the season of ASHIN G I ON.— w h e n the ham, chief of army engineer», a Now that the House has clam ped th is county seem s to re a liz e the futility state highw ay. D iversion re a lly m eans to use th e fully p re-fab ricated house. From L en t devotional services are held I president abruptly ended ne­ m oney for such th in g s as schools, relief, etc. member of the old committee every T hursday evening at 8. For ' down on new bills they a re all the very start, th e asking price of such action and ta k e s fo r g ra n te d th a t gotiations to pool TVA power coming in by way o f t h e S e t i a t . 1 The League of O regon C ities has no in ten tio n of a good five-room house (not the com ing service the local pas- 1 was not picked for the new one with electricity produced by p ri­ th e people m ean t " n o ” w hen th ey said of jeopardizing The hopper of the upper house isl th e sta te h ig h w ay system or of its in cluding th e lot) ought to be to r w ill speak on the subject, "The V " T- w - Norcross, chief vate power companies In the Clogged every day, a single day . “ n o ” because his vote a t Salem is in line u ltim ate com pletion. We a re only ask in g fo r a d i­ $3000. To a g reater and g reater ex- , S ilence of C h ris t.'—M ark 14. 60-ti! of the Forest Service's Division Tennessee valley, the attention grist d u rin g the past week to tallin g vision of highw ay fu n d s w hich m eans a portion of ten t new hom es w ill be m ade by You are cordially welcomed to w or­ Of _______ w B I w ith th e o ft-re p e a te d ballo t decision. selected to sit 35. of Washington was focused on with Engineering, th e increase in h ig h w ay rev en u e. the recon.”titJuTcom mRtce‘ th e m odern m achines of industry. sh ip w ith us. the new National Power Policv On reliab le au th o rity I can s ta te and I th in k They w ill featu re th e new m a ­ K now ing God, they w orshipped N PPr J°t> of Ihe P ilgrim House Committee. th at G eorge McGee can p ro v e it. th e chairm an and ch in ery of living Such houses will ! T hursday: C om m em oration NI IC Is to work out a policy him not as God. “T hat w as aw ay of Ostensibly, the committee Is to incerase com fort and secu rity from state highw ay en g in eer te n ta tiv e ly agree to give back yonder before the flood. Anil for rates and distribution of the M artin L uther, reform ation fath- T he new p a rk com m ission, as nam ed th make recommendations for legis­ e cities ap p ro x im ately $800.000 a y e a r if th e com ­ th e lightning rod and insulation I er. F riday and S aturday: Em ber says the Bible, as it wax in the power Bonneville w ill be ready by M ayor G a rre tt, has a re a l o p p o rtu n ity m ission could designate th e stre e ts an d spend th e on the roof, to th e heater, cooler days, lation under which the $51,000,- days of Noah, before the floixl. ... set aside for special prayer to sell by October. It may )yer and sp rin k le r system in the b a s e - 1 000 Bonneville dam, on the Co­ fo r service to th e com m unity. W ith the m oney u n d er th e ir d ire c t supervision. T his c e rta in ­ m ent. This hom e of the fu tu re fo r the church universal and fo shall it be w hen C hrist re tu rn s to for recommend that rates be fixed lumbia river In Oregon, w ill op­ sw eep aside this present set-u p of im provem ents m ade th ro u g h fe d e ra l aid ly show s th a t fu n d s a re a v a ilab le to th e citias. m ust be brought w ithin reach of th e clergy. Sunday: Second of L en­ temporarily by the Federal I’ow- nations und to lak e over all rule erate. But the committee mem­ I could w rite pages and pages on w hy th e cities th e m illions In order to be m ade ten S unday chapel services at 10:30 er Commission. last y e a r th e use of th e S hute p a rk will be to him self. a. m., w ith serm on on "Not U nto bers. who have pointed Ungers at re ju stly en titled to a sm all portio n of th e highw ay by the million! Because I n d u s t r i e s locate g re a tly increased and every e ffo rt should a revenue, So w orship died out hack th ere the persistent efforts of private Look a t the o th er fam ily item s! U ncleanliness, but U nto H oliness” b u t I am going to suggest th a t M cGee con­ where cheap power is available before th e flood in N oah's tim e be m ade to en courage people to use it tact you and give you th is in fo rm atio n to read at w hich — power companies to press court have - gone mu/ into qudiiuiy q u an tity (I Thes. 4:7); L iturgy of confes­ It becomes apparent that the And these lust days being like D r o d u c tio n W h v r*nn Why can n an n average ' sion and absolution; the general suits against the TVA, ore sup­ m ore and m ore fo r rec re a tio n a l purposes. your convenience. It m ay be of in te re st to add th at production. that, we ask if men now have recommendations of the commit­ re a d e r use 100 tin cans a year? litany; "Religion in the N ew s” to p ­ th e highw ay com m ission have sp en t u n d er th e ir d i­ posed to have influenced the tim e for God? Does Dad get the O u r neighbors i n su rro u n d in g farm in g rect supervision on an av erag e of b e tte r th an $20.- Because a m achine is able to ics: "George W ashington on his tee might make I m p o r t a n t president's decision to roll oil the fam ily together and open the Book changes in the Industrial map of com m unities should be invited to enjoy 000.000 a y ear since th e estab lish m en t of th e h ig h ­ sw ing out 400 cans a m inute! If K nees,” an appreciation of the fa th ­ power pool negotiations. to read the w ords of life 0„d light the country, if , he government you tried to roll y o u r own tin e r of the nation; "Why O nly C om ­ w ay departm ent. it as much as possible. to the brood? The tendency seems to be to­ m unism ?" a review of the C ath o ­ cans w ith hand-snips and soldering aggressively pushes any public S tep 2 "N either gave th a n k s.” I w ould like to see you h av e th e m a tte r clear iron, cans w ould be in th e jew elry lic archbishop's pastoral letter for ward blanketing the country power plan that w ill affect retail Too busy is he today also. Too busy in y o u r m ind an d be ab le to boost in favor of th e case and not on th e food counter. Lent; and "A lbany College Okehs with public power projects such to bow the knee and open Ids cities req u est as I th in k it v e ry reasonable. as TVA, to be handled by re­ G iant in d u stries have put on the D ancing." W ednesday. F ebruary 24. h eart and m outh to praise (iod and If pin m achines are to be taboo, th e re I w ould be pleased to h e a r from you.—C. G. road one autom obile, say, per e v ­ is th e com m em oration of St M at­ gional “ authorities’' which w ill y^ZHATEVER power legislation plead for (lie kiddies und olders that ery six or seven people. Mass p ro ­ thias. th e apostle The L enten sea­ make compromises with private a re p robably several o th e r ty p es of g a m ­ REITER, C ity M anager, Bend. the rich blessings of heaven may goes fo Congress with Presi­ duction h as im proved quality, e n ­ son w ill end w ith special services power companies only when follow thorn th rough the day. ) b ling th a t should be banned, in clu d in g th e dent Roosevelt’s backing w ill be larged quantity, and low ered cots d u rin g holy w eek, and the E aster forced to by supreme court de­ S tep 3 "Becam e abaorbed in d o g races. H ow ever, it is going to be a fought, not only by private pow­ of the n ation's transportation, food, Dawn w orship, Sunday, M arch 28, cisions. in particular, the ad­ useless discussions." Reasoned God and clothing. Now, w hy n o t use at 6:30 a, m. P astor H en ry S H aller er companies, but by transporta­ m ig h ty tough jo b keeping th e A m erican out of it next. "S et up th eir own ministration is known to favor mass production to provide th e term p robability ra th e r t h a n a tion interests ns well. way iiLstead of his way. an Ohio Valley Authority which p eo p le aw ay from gam bling. If not out in n atio n's sh elter? From my view ­ n ear-term possibility. The same group which Is ex­ St<»p 4 - “A nd t h e i r senseless would combine flood control and th e open it will be behind b a rre d doors point, th a t question a d m i t s o f F ifteen Y ears Ago pected to try to defeat the St. In ev ery th in g I have said, I r e ­ power development. m inds w ere darkened. “Now God but one answ er: “G ive us t h e an d m any people realize this. fer to m aterial houses b u ilt by A rgus, F e b ru ary 16, 1922—E. J. S h erm an a rra n g ­ 'packaged' hom e.” I-awrcnce waterway legislation, him self takes a hand, you see. He hands, and not to sp iritu al homes es to s ta rt his m ill in South T u alatin . draw s a veil over th e ir sp iritu al When It comes up, w ill fight pub­ W here is M issing Link? new NI’ PC Is headed by m ade by hum an hearts. The great eye-sight. B linded then us a ju d g ­ lic power projects, which Im­ Mrs. S ophia J. C rep s of B anks dies F e b ru a ry 7. W hy has p réfabrication not yet in stitution we call H ome is not Secretary Harold lckes; and m ent for q u ittin g him, the giver of prove navigation. R. L. T u ck er com pleting his b u ild in g for m a n u ­ c au g h t th e public's im agination-' som ething th a t can be tu rn ed out Frederic A. Delano, the presi­ all good. Run th rough the B ible The development of river vnl- The m issing link of ready-m ade by m achine tools. H ome Sw eet dent's uncle, is one of its mem­ T he O reg o n ian is g rea tly w ro u g h t up factu re of D untile. and see for yourself w hat the Lord homes to d a te is lack of versatile Home can never be put on th e a s­ bers. vJi? (,WuS. Whnt Presid«o‘ Roose­ in s u p p o rt of th e repeal of th e sta te crim ­ does to all w ho tu rn from the light design. To be successful, these velt had In mind when PWA was T h irty Y ears Ago sem bly line or m anufactured in as he gives it. Only a lew insiders realized in al syndicalism law and has been fo r sev­ homes of tom orrow m ust not reg i­ created. At that time Lew S tep 6 “B oasting of th e ir own A rgus, F e b ru ary 14. 1907—Ira D. L atim er of T il­ m ent ua in to row s of residences q u a n tity output. With m ore e f­ that a National Power Commit­ e ra l y e a rs. It fee ls th a t the m easure fo r lam ook Douglas, who was director of the wisdom they becam e u tte r fools. and Miss C alla Young of H illsboro m arried w hich look like a strin g of r a il­ ficient production and operation tee was already existent when of houses, men and women will I its re p e a l sh o u ld be tak en o u t of com m it­ h e ro F e b ru a ry 10. S tep 6 And instead of w o rsh ip ­ ¿'nACt' pprsUi|ded Roosevelt that road cars. Instead, by clever d e ­ the new one was created TVA ping the Im perishable God, they NRA was the recovery measure te e a n d says, “ L e t the legislators sta n d D avid S m ith of F orest Grove, pioneer of 1851, sign and construction, packaged win m ore freedom f o r creating Director Llllenthal, who had a Home in its deep er sense. To be w orshipped Images resem bling p e r­ homes m ust be as versatile and in ­ assured of th e only kind of pros- 1 bitter row with TVA Chairman be push('d fl« t. up an d be c o u n te d .” True, b ro th er, tru e , dies F e b ru a ry 8. ishable m an. S tep 7 - T h e last step I WA and CWA became clear- C rescen t th e a tre m anagem ent plans an o th er e x ­ d iv id ual and personal in form as p e rity th a t Is sound and lasting, Morgan, was on the old com­ o th e rs m ig h t be in terested in th e color cursion from B uxton and B anks for "T he Missouri th e clothes w hich we wear. When w orship im ages of beasts, birds and big houses for huge sums of this nation, and all o th er nations, mittee but Is not included In the creeping things. Scg Rom ans 1:21-23 re v e a le d . G irl." F e b ru a ry 26. th e "factory-hom e" builders o v e r­ need not m erely higher stan d ard s ' new money which went Into schools, for th e above. one. W illiam Z u erch er of P o rtlan d an d L ydia P icren come th e public's fear of re s i­ of living—hut stan d ard s of higher d ?e’ ’ nnrt cop«-thouses Folks can get rig h t an y w h ere on The aimy engineers, who have Snd ,7 ' d en tial standardization, then p ré ­ living! of H elv etia m a rrie d h e re F e b ru a ry 14. I "he shelL * ' P’On WaS PU' on hfer..w a•,; dl7 ," - C ount th e blood co-operated with administrations fabrication is destined to be th e H illsboro B oard of T rad e en th u siastically con­ B usiness today, as registered by 1 of ( as blotting out th e stain / "inctustry of th e decade." T he th e B absonchart, is tw o per cent more sympathetic to private T a lk is com ing out o f Salem of m ak in g sid ers plans for new h otel h ere as prom oted by R L gro and '?.a \ n? W bC 21 Sunday school. 9 ta a m C C W eber, su p erin ten d e n t. church w orship service. II a n t. anthem by tin* choir M r H e x Howell, pianist Speciul rnublc Sei mon by the pastor. Mihject “T in' Gospel f o i the Lost Epworth League, G 30 p m . topic He St.II ami Know I Am God ' Psalm I 10 10 This is the second study in a sei ie- i>n "Resources for a Good Life 'l’lie aim is to find helpful inethixts for the devotional life Evening service at 7:30 Thus will he \ i'i ip T h i. ugh tin* Holy i.H ii by m eans of a motion picture It will show tin» place w here Jesus ! was horn the tow n w here lit» grew up Monday. 5:45 to 7 30 p nt., G eorge W ashington dinner in church basem ent W ednesday. 7 30 p m . m id-w eek .service, praise, p ray er and Hibl s tu d y T h u r s d a y , I 1 I m . «»hoi practice Alex ander H awthorm push»! What Other Editors Say CHURCHES Increase the Least Public Forum A” Ì yy WASHINGTON LETTER Our Yesterdays J'BE lor, Beaverton. Adv.