Page Six H IL L S B O R O Thursday. February 18, 19,37 A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N I j v e r t o n. Mrs. S anders retu rn ed test flight and w as forced to land I *»f Sylvan on the Canyon r«wd. a w ith them for a few days' visit. suddenly In landing he com pletely rep o rt read* M onday M rs W alker and Mrs. ruined his plane He called out a Child stru c k S ander - w ant to V ernonia and v is­ Swan Island tran sp o rt to rem ove (hdropallilr Jack Knud>eoti of G arden Home. ited th e F rin k H artw ick and Ellis CORNELIUS—C. W. K ockw rll the plane Physician mill Nur g ru n I u.i - struck down hut ap p aren tly ' M cGraw fam ilies. received a telegram Friday con­ Art Kirkham Speaks uo| injured Sunday ufternooii when Infant d a u g h te r of Mr and Mrs. COMMERCIAI. BUILDING gratu latin g him on being w in n er Hl ¿J d i .H ili - .I I .» h l'llr A rt K irkham spoke at the G as­ C lyde H opkins is ill w ith pneu- in the "Singing Sam" eonteat. Phono O ffice 861 When a num ber of driver-. failed tli i\ cn b\ F J Haase 35. Portland n. ma ,n a Salem hospital ton high school T uesday on "Radio Io heed red flares and signals from The p riie is a Nash I a fa y rlte car. reported that the boy came From th e Inside." His visit was Mr. and Mrs Verio P rick ctt and F riends also h eard the new s on officers a fte r m idnight Sunday, 11 (By Ml»» M ary Sandy) (By Helen Williams) sponsored by th e G aston W oman's autom obiles w ere w recked mid up into the street from behind a park two children have retu rn ed to th eir the "Singing Sam" radio program BANKS M onday night this week home at Neah Bay. Wash . after club. A fter Ins address he was a proxinuitely $10(81 w orth of dam age ed autom obile. GASTON K nights of P ythias Friday evening. Mr. R ockw ell B anks defeated B eaverton high at spending a few m onths at th e E. E WE SELL S truck by a car driven by Mrs « a s th e only O regon person re­ convention was held F eb ru arv 9 guest at th e ch u rch d u ring the was done (he various curs in a B eaverton 14 to 15. social hour Hopkins home in Banks Mary M I’mdell of Bunks route I w ith delegates present from H ills­ ceiving a priie. traffic tangle on the highw ay at All Breed» Town Team Wins Rev F. G P hillips spent a few Mr and Mrs A lbert K oberstein St. Marys, according to report.- Sunday afternoon, A llr e d Edwards boro. Forest Grove. N orth P lains B anks tow n team defeated the days th is week at th e M F m in ­ arv 6 in th e Jones hospital in H ills­ and J r of C ornelius visited the home m ade by deputy sheriffs Y am hill li was hurled Id feet but escaped Banks high school team Monday isters' conference at Nelseott. boro. of A lbert K oberstein S r all of last G reyhounds Lose The trouble began when tw o car- w ithout serious injury The hoy ran night of last week 18 to 42 week W in from Gales C reek By the close score of 27 to 32. the S hipleys Buy Place collided about 1 a in and others into the road in front of the ear W in from G aston M rs. K oberstein Hostess F rid ay afternoon th e B anks T igard T igers defeated (he G as­ Mr. and Mrs Em m ett Shipley w ere ditched at tin* scene despite it was reported ami Mis Pimiell W ednesday afternoon th e Banks G rade school defeated G ales C reek ton G reyhounds at a gam e at T igard S atu rd ay night Mrs. Cecil Kobei th e efforts of a state patrolm an nearly w recked her ear in an at grade school team defeated Gaston have purchased the W oodman house in th e G ales C reek play shed 13 to 6 Tuesday. stein w as hostess at a pinochle At 145 a ill the night patrol from tem pt to avoid the accident The on Main street T he fam ily moved grade school at Gaston 28 to 10. plus good Lose to C ornelius In a senior class m eeting W ed­ party Mrs A lbert K oberstein c a r­ the sh eriff's office arrived Five accident was about 12 m iles north 1 (ìin n l ih ic k s in Monday Gaston W ins F rid ay ev en in g in th e Banks nesday com m ittees w ere appointed ried off high score for th e e v e­ Mrs N. J. G riffin retu rn ed home grown the Hodgen. m ore cars w ere ditched a fter Dial. of V ancouver Wash on the Pacific l t ‘(‘) |s W ednesday evening a double S atu rd ay a fte r spending a week gym nasium Banks tow n team was m preparation for class night and ning. ! the deputies reported, before ttio highw ay near the b»»v'.-. home Brewster way iissui'c you o| header was played in th e Banks w ith her m other. Mrs K ath erin e* defeated by C ornelius 38 to 25. m aking suggestions for the class Albert Sehoene 9. Hu/.cldulc suf tro u b le could be stopped high gym nasium « hen Gaston high Keenon, w ho was ill. She is much ii p ro fita b le . high pi'odiu m> C ouple Move gift fered bruises Sunday afternoon As far as is know n no one w.i- defeated B anks high 16 to 17 and im proved. Mr and Mrs F rancis M iller mov- ! Mrs John W arren of P ortland floe k. when his bicycle was .struck by a injured. Banks tow n team was defeated by Alvie K auffm an w ent to P o rtlan d ed to R ockaw ay S unday w here visited with her m other. Mrs Toni car driven by Mis Edna W hittle C ar C lim bs Bank Headquarter lor Hodgen. Gaston tow n team 16 to 30 Monday, w here he has a jo b in the they will w ork in th e fern business Williams. W ednesday and T h u rs­ of Laurel. The accident happened Mr. and Mrs. C arl Shipley and Union Pacific Yards. day. for th e G rib n er brothers. Most spectacular of the accident just west of the H azeldate school Brewster feeds and qtialit) daughters of V ernonia and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E rnest C lack of w as w hen a car driven by E .1 Mc­ when the boy turned his bicycle ,-( 11111 > ni <■ 111. Mr and Mrs. A S H atch w ent to H enry C hrism an, w ho has been ;rom nave 1) Mrs. George M cFarlane and d au g h ­ w orking for G rib n er b ro th ers at N orth Bend w ere w eek-end visitors Tillam ook on a business and p leas­ the-lcss, (Continued he relates th at he was Lain of P ortland was stopped near across the road in front of t h e te r of Forest G rove w ere Sunday Ocean Lake, retu rn ed to Banks of friends and relativ es in B anks u re tr ip T uesday and cam e back by­ able to purchase a good assortm ent th e scene and was im m ediately W hittle machine, an accident r e ­ d in n er p arty guests of Mr. and S aturday. Monday he w ent to W al­ and Forest G rove way of P acific City W ednesday of w om en's w ear w hich already stru ck from behind by a car driv port st a text. Mrs. C harles Shipley. The infant la W alla to spend a w eek on b usi­ Mr and Mrs. Ernest M arr and Helen S h arp spent the w eek-end has begun to a rriv e here D uring cn by A W arga, also of P ortland F red - Seed Wool P o u ltry » W d aughter of Mr. and Mrs. C arl ness. d au g h ter D arlene w ere S unday in Y am hill at the hom e of Mrs th e trip he was in San Francisco Tin- McLain m achine was throw n I Ask your attorney to send youi T elephone 3(M H Shipley, w ho has been seriously M orris S harp visitors cf Mr and Mrs. A lbert Hold C ard P arty j tw ice in connection w ith buying up the bank, onto the right-of-w ay legal advertising to the Argus. ill w ith the whooping ro u g h , is Win Gaines At th e R N. A silv er tea T h u rs­ S taffo rd at Taft. He w as also able to m ake sev eral ; and into the railw ay tracks a scant much im proved. Among Sunday guests at the Fred G aston tow n team defeated the 1 advantageous purchases o f goods ' 10 feel behind a receding freight day afternoon Mrs. C. G eisbers Miss Lillian Steele has retu rn ed won first and Mrs. Ju stiu C runican W olford hom e was Miss C rystal Forest G rove tow n team F ebruary from m a n u factu rers despite the i n - ! train. McLain escaped injury to her w ork in the C harles Kessler 1 second G rin d le of Eugene 5 and the B anks tow n team F ebru- I crease in price of m aterials The S aturday night Mrs Joan B ru m ­ hom e a fter being at her home near Mr and Mrs Dean Sellers and 1 ary 11. Seniors Sponsor Dance m arket is peculiar. W en says, in as baugh. 25. B eaverton, was injured G aston recu p eratin g from an a u to ­ Plan for Dance Senior class of th e B anks high d a u g h ter Donna of G ia n ts Pass j I m uch as the m an u factu rers are in a collision involving a car driven mobile accident. A C. A A m eeting w as h e ld ' school w ill sponsor a dance in the w ere T hursday night an d F rid ay and consequently are in ­ by her husband. H arold and Tony Mrs. John H artw ick and baby B anks union high school gym nas- guests of Mrs Ada S ellers and F eb ru ary 10 to decide about the ; d oversold ifferent as to m ore sales A Bozich. also of B eaverton The daughter Joyce spent all last w eek | i ium F eb ru ary 26 at 9 p. m. The Amos S ellers Donna is visiting for an n u al party or dance T he girls In Los A ngeles he visited his accident happened tw o m iles w ed visiting her m other, Mrs. Rose i m usic w ill be fu rnished by th e Pa- a few w eeks w ith Mr and Mrs. plan to give a program dance M arch wife, w ho has been th ere since Porter, of P ortland j cific U niversity orchestra. They B ernard Sellers and fam ily T h eir > C om m ittees w ere appointed bv last autum n for h e r. health Her Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones of I w ill also fu rn ish th e en tertain ers, son W illiam, is in a G ran ts Pass M axine Klinge. president, and soon health has greatly im proved He a l­ H ave a S ew er M an Do P ortland w ere Sunday visitors o fi j All m em bers of th e stu d en t body hospital. Mr and Mrs. Dean Sellers w ill s ta rt p reparations so visited w ith Ins brother. Sam Y our W ork Jack Jones in Banks. Mrs. Hugh ' will join in th e ticket selling con­ are trav elin g an d looking for a new A w ard L etters Weil. Jones w as a d in n er guest of Mrs. test. The class th at sells th e most location so he can go in to the G A. A letters w ere aw arded to A lbert Heard. M axine Klinge. Jean A nderson and ' tickets w ill receive a prize of $1 n ew spaper business again. Tow nsendites to Meet M arjorie Sharp. i and th e persons in th e rem aining" The B anks Tow nsend club will tw o classes w ho sell th e m ost tic k ­ S uffers Stroke T here w ill be no church services m eet in the M ethodist church F r i­ ets w ill receive 50c each. J H W hite, w ho w as in the hos­ day. Easy payment plan available pital recovering from an operation, at the schoolhouse d u rin g th e r e ­ Lloyd F rid ay sp en t th e w eek-end m ainder of F ebruary Mrs. M aurice Thompson of V er­ visiting friends in Portland. th rough F ederal H ousing A d­ su ffered a paraly tic stroke The W S. F rench fam ily helped nonia spent the last p art of the ministration. Mrs. R L. Gibson visited in Couple G iven C harivari C harles Johnson celeb rate his b ir th ­ (By Mrs. F ran k Pezoldt) w eek w ith her parents, Mr. and P o rtland T hursday and Friday. A group of fifty su rprised Mr. All E stim ates I REE and Include day Friday night at the Johnson Mrs. C liff Sandy. Doris Thompson and ROCK CREEK—H elvetia and lo­ Mr and Mrs M. I.. Lee and three Mrs. Ray K elly i Ada M a c , All P lum bing C hanges retu rn ed hom e w ith iier m other French) w ith a ch ariv ari at th eir cal Ladies Aid m et at th e hom e children of P ortland visited Mrs hom e S unday the G eorge Hills a fter spending the w eek visiting home on B ald M ountain M onday of Mrs. Louis Z u erch er F eb ru ary Lee's m other. Mrs. A C Wilson, e n te rta in e d the Johnsons at a V al­ e n tin e d in n e r party. her grandparents. 10. New officers w ere elected as last w eek-end. evening. J. A. Short School resum ed last W ednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M cFarlane follows: Mrs. E rnest Staehle. p res­ Mr. and Mrs. J C A m icker and Mrs. C arstens Hostess P ho ne 2902 318 N. F reem an a fter a tw o w eeks' vacation on ac­ of D ufur, w ho have been visiting ident. Mrs. Jo h n B erger, vice- son of M ultnom ah visited Mrs F ir G rove sew ing club met T h u rs­ president; Mrs. P. L andaucr. secre­ Florence M cFarlane in B anks for day A nucker's m other. Mrs J. A Moist, count of the deep snow w ith Mrs. C lell C arsten s A ♦ Lowest prices con- ♦ Long GMAC time a few' months, a re spending this an d Mrs. A rnold Berger, , last w eek-end. luck d in n er w as serv ed at tary. w eek visiting relatives in Manning. pot sistent with quality. payment*. Mrs. Jo e W illiam s re lu m e d from The day was spent in q u ilt­ treasu rer. Mrs. P L an d au er was Mrs. Lizzie Harms, w ho has spent noon. given a h an d k erch ief show er. Spe- L ongview Friday, w here she had ing. ♦ Red “OK” Tag the last six w eeks visiting friends ♦ Largest Used Car ial guests w ere Mrs. E rnest Am- been visiting all week w ith her Mrs H attie Davison retu rn ed to acher of P ortland, Mrs. J. B ohnert and relatives in N orth P lains and guarantee. selection. daughters, Mrs. G ilbert M ackey and h er w ork at the Masonic home M ountaindale. retu rn ed to her Miss T G ehnert of Witch Hazel, Mrs. Roscoe Baker. atu rd ay a fter being off tw o w eeks and w ork for Florence M cFarlane, here S fo rm erly of Kulm. N. D . and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs P E. W alters of w ith th e flu. last week. Ben Leu of th is section N ext m eet­ Mrs. Ray P arm ley spent several ing w ill be held a t th e hom e of R yderw ood. W ash, is visiting Jim Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schlegel and W alters of East Gaston. Mrs. W. G. W alker spent th e w eek­ days last w eek w ith Mrs. Alice Mrs R F eu erstein at H elvetia W illiam Icklof shipped th eir Parm ley. n o rth of Banks. Mrs. Fred M arch 10. end as guests of Mrs. G uy S anders fo urth carload of onions last week with our safe, sensible monthly Irvine of P o rtlan d also was w ith and Mrs. Emma K auffm an at Sil- H onor Roll G iven At a Bargain A short program was held at Mrs. Parm ley. h er m other, w ho is T he follow ing UDper grade pupils payment plan the Gaston high school F riday a fte r­ ill w ith high blood pressure. Mrs ' at Rock C reek school are on the P arm ley retu rn ed to P o rtlan d with honor roll for th e first sem ester, noon in honor of A braham L in ­ Your th rifty friends and neighbors an- using our b unc- coln's birthday. Mrs. Irv in e and w ill rem ain for receiving 1.0 « iiiilr a g r . I l r a l r r O k il Dr. P. G. finaiicing plan bec.iu.-e it kills off th e loan, be Ide carl a grade not low er th an II: I-ose Close G ame aw hile. for the reasonable interest cost, w ith sm all m onthly pas - Erna Staehle. G ladys Berger. Elm er Gaston high school w as defeated Born, to Mr and Mrs. Glen Grossen. m ents. R onald Z ahler. Florence by T igard 17 to 16. French i A gnes Kelly i of Bald Dick, V irginia lliven. M arjorie G et the details of our sim ple, rc-paymc*nt plan before D efeat C ornelius L t l l f » lu rllt.(s r ilu .it- —O K 'd M ountain, a 9>- pound boy. F eb ru - Epperson. Iren e A R.vland. A ldeane you rem odel, buy. build or refinance y o u r home. G aston g rade school won th e ir Z ahler and Billy H affner. gam e w ith C ornelius by a score of The Rock C reek school w ill give 21 to 10. WE DEAL IN REAL ESTATE M em ber Federal Home Loan Bank a program on W ashington's b ir th ­ Leng w h rrlb aar. d u a ls—OK'd Girls Lose W rite day at 2 p m. P aren ts an d friends G aston grade school girls lost F ire and A utom obile Insurance are invited. M ake Loans and Issue S urety Bonds th e ir basketball gam e w ith the C o r­ Club M eet, nelius girls by a score of 12 to 2. 1 K rro n d lllo n ril m ntor -O K 'd KURATLI & WISMER H elping Hand club met w ith Miss Plane Forced Down SAFE R E L IA B L E Hillsboro, Oregon M innie B auer T hursday N ext m eet­ W hile flying from P ortland to ing w ill be held w ith Mrs. E p p er­ his hom e m M arshfield. W illiam I Phone 13»! 140 N. 2nd Ave. son. ! Jo h n sto n w as forced to land his OK d Mr. and Mrs Bill L uethe re tu r n ­ plane in G aston because of m otor ed to B onneville last week. He is tru b le A fter rep airin g his plane he I em ployed at odd jobs th ere for the attem p ted to "take off" in the soft ! O K 'd present tim e. e a rth and broke a w heel A Sw an | HAR RISO N D. H UG G INS J M PERSON. M anager O bserves 80th B irth d ay Island a irp o rt m echanic w as called Savings A Loan Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon M. D. A braham Z u m k eh r observed his out to re p a ir it A fter the plane had | eightieth birth d ay a n n i v e r s a r y been rep aired he took it up for a 1 KYE. EAR, NOSE AND TH R O A l Monday. He is still stro n g and well SPECLALIST for his age. Less th an a y ear ago ( h o i r r of I wo he carried on his shoulders, a lad ­ der 28-feet long fo r a distance of GLASSES F lfT E D about tw o miles. He also last y ear alone cut dow n a tree, w hich was ( holer of Ih re r K oob I six feet in diam eter and later cut Con Berciai National Bank Anne« much of it. by hand, for fire wood. Commercial Building Cecelia Kies, w ho has been ill Phonea flou r i 2nd and Main St. at St. V incent's hospital in P o rt­ Residence 2972 9:30 a. m. to 12 m. O ffice 2971 1 :30 p. m. to 6 p. m. land. is recovering. Hillsboro, Oregon Mrs. H ow ard N ottage of P o rtlan d For Women underw en t an operation last week. New richness in sp rin g colorings. She is in th e Em anuel hospital in C ollars and c o lla r and Styles ty p ic a l o f these tw o famous Portland. Mrs. N ottage is a sister c u ff sets in laces, fr ills of Mrs. C h rist R eichen and Mrs. makes, newest pattern hits o f the F red Jossy of this section. and tailo re d styles. ye ar— stripes, checks, plaids, as w ell Son Killed A son of Mr H arris was killed Phone 444, day or n ig h t as fab rics o f rich, solid tones o f tan in an autom obile accident in Los I and grey. B u ilt fo r hard usage o f d u r­ 318-332 E. M ain St. Hillsboro A nkeles recently. H arris lives up Rock C reek able woolens— and e xcep tio na lly low Used Car Lot at 136 S. Second Ave. New Spring Sm all son of Mr. and Mrs Geiza , p ric e d ! B urger of S prin g v ille road, w ho has been ill w ith pneum onia, has r e ­ .85 00 covered. are here in Balcony to Mr. and M rs Geiza B urger w ere ya rn departm ent, hosts at a d in n er F e b ru ary 7 G uests w ere Mr. and Mrs. Bill j Com petent in stru cto r L u eth e of Bonneville, Mr. and Mrs in charge. Paul L u eth e and M rs T heresa L uethe and sons of B rooks Hill. ' Banks Defeats Beaverton Hi in Basketball C. W. Rockwell of Cornelius Winner Pythia ns Hold District Meet with Gaston Many Autos in Sunday Mishap Dr. Win. E. Hinds BABY CHICKS Sunny South Black During Frost Fight Farmers’ Cash Store Used Cars Mason Hill Mrs. Staehle New Ladies’ Aid Head SEWER CONNECTIONS HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. offe rs Used Car buyers K ill OK Y our M ortgage 1936 Olds Touring Sedan 1935 Ford V-8 Sedan BROWN DENTIST Washington Savings 2>C Loan Ass’n. SPRING STOCKS ARRIVING AT WEILS Newest NECKW EAR New H art Schaffner & M arx C IIIT C and C lothcraft OUI I V $525 1934 CMC Truck 445 1934 Chevrolet Truck 495 1933 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan 395 1931 Ford A Tudor 275 1931 Plymouth Coach 275 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Lord Coupes 195 150 1928 Chevrolet Coaches 125 1929 Federal Truck 195 M any m ore to choose from HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. Built Entirely of Steel 69c and 98c YARNS T9 M E N ’S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Used Cars The New McCormick-Deering A ll-S te e l M anure Spreader TEEL frame, steel box, The McCormick - Deering steel bracings — ALL has five spreading speeds. The STEEL all the way through. upper saw-tooth, non-wrapping That's what you get in a new beater, the lower spike-tooth McCormick-Deering All-Steel beater, and the widespread Manure Spreader. The rust- spiral shred the manure and resisting. non-warping box is spread it in an even layer over built of heavy-gauge galvan­ the soil. ized steel containing copper. Remarkably light draft is It is low for easy loading and provided by the use of eight has a capacity of 60 to 70 roller bearings and Alemits bushels. lubrication. S FEEDS and POULTRY and Com plete Line Chick Feeds HILLSBORO FEED CO. M cC orm ick -D eerin g Phone 271 Farm M achinery 160 W. Main St. U nder­ com fort MJNSING Powers Grocery Prom pt Service S pring Stocks arc in model car In the pink of condition throughout. O nly 23.000 miles, d riv ­ en by a very careful d riv er. Has heater. S trato sp h ere B lue paint, in excellent condition. VOUR BOY w ill look his best in these plain and button down c o lla r Be S ure an d See T his Car “Kaynees.” — TRADES Dusty shades, blue, burgundy, green. Also lig h t patterns and plain whites. Half the Gas Twice the Smartness Nash - L aFayette $852 Delivered Used Car Exchange 2nd and W ash. P h one 2641 f Sizes 6 to 16 79c to $1,25 : Phone 81 Main Street $