1 Judge Peters on Hu y East to Masonic Meet W omen's Home M issionary s o cictv met at the home of Mrs G eorge H olscher last T uesday aft ernoon. Mrs. Belle Lilly led thi devotional m eeting. Mrs. Dorothy P o ffen b erg er led the study lesson Mrs. F O Shay gave th e book r e ­ view and Mrs. W. R Cook, vice- president. had charge of the b u si­ ness m eeting. Miss P hyllis C h risten er of N orth Plainss w as a w eek-end guest of Miss H elene Shaw. Civic club m et Tuesday a fte r­ noon at th e home of Mrs Mike Sus- bauer. Mrs Luella .Mustonen ta lk ­ ed on ‘ In terio r D ecorating." M rs W Hall is em ployed at the M asonic Home in Forest G rove J. A Irm ler has been very ill at his home His daughter. Miss Ver- nita. a g rad u ate nurse of Portland. North Plains Gives Benefit for Flood Are Ju d g e R F ran k I'elers 'eft Tuesday for W ashington l< a t t c th ree-d ay conference of the gi m asters of the grand Mas lodges of every sta te T he i ference opens F ebruary 22. Follow ing the conference he pects to rem ain in W ashington a tim e He w ill be absent t H illsboro tw o weeks, he said. M eanw hile Ju d g e H ow ard Z im m erm an of C olutnbia-C la' county circuit court w ill ta k e place on the bench, handling circuit court m atters arising c ing the absence of Ju d g e Pete He w as accom panied by 5 Peters. i Mrs. J. C. Smith) ( U n P irL IU S -O n S atu rd ay ev e ­ iHv LaVelle Jackson) H AZELD AI.F C om m unity club ning at 8 a program w ill be p re ­ NORTH PLAINS T h e re w ere I met Friday evening, followed bv a sented at the grade school a u d ito ri­ tables in play at the benefit car V alentine party u n d er direction’ of um. A one-act comedy. "F or Sw eet party given by the Pvt hum Si Mrs Ray K m cheloe T he club v o t­ C harity." w ill b e presented by the ters ill th e K of P hall Mondu ed $10 to the Red C ross flood re ­ C ivic club, d irected by Mrs Luella evening Mrs A K R eynolds an lief fund A short program was p re ­ M ustonen of Hillsboro. The Box- l\d o Lincoln hud hi^jh score *111 sented by the school children The Scouts and men w ill also present Mrs Andy C h riste n e r and Hem u p p er room harm onica band p re ­ a play, "The Boston Tea P arty ." C ypher second Q uite a few wh sented several num bers. Jo an Heil O th er num bers w ill be included on w ere unable to atten d on aceoun tap danced and Ben Jeld erk s and th e program including n um bers by of sickness, gave to w ard the fum Leo Salee put on m instrel num bers a m ixed chorus. T he proceeds of m aking Slit at) net. w hich will b The p rim ary room sang several this program a re to be used in tu rn ed over to the Red C ross fo paying for the new stage curtain. the relief of th e fliHxt su fferers ii R efreshm ents w ill be sold a n d ' th e east. served in the basem ent follow ing Attends Conference the program. Mrs I. R C ypher atten d ed t i l . Boys Entertain Homo Interest conference at Cor Boys of the Young People's class vallis last week T his w as tin of th e M E. church en tertain ed the seventh annual conference and tin girls F riday evening a t th e church ! tained a group of her friends a largest yet held W ashington conn h er home Friday afternoon w ith < They w ere losers in a recent con­ party. tv was represented by 21 delegates test. Lloyd M undorf w as in charge (By Mrs. Bird M cCorm ick) M iss M a rg are t C y p h e r is assist M r and Mrs. L ester M ooberrv of the entertain m en t. A b irth d ay CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN V. e L earn-to-S w itn cam paign cake w as lighted in honor of the Mr. and Mrs. W illiam M ann and is b e in g h e ld a t the Y W b irth d ay an niv ersary of Raymond d au g h ters L ucille a n d Priscilla. in P ortland. Mrs M D. Mann and Mrs. M attie T rites T here w ere 30 presen t to Mrs. J. G feller has gone to Ta- Sm ith atten d ed a fam ily d in n er enjoy th e evening. coma to visit her dau g h ter. M rs Sunday School W orkers' co n fer­ p a rty at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs Jo e O O berbillig Loyal M ann of Forest G rove S u n ­ ence and official board of th e M. E. day. Meetings to Continue church m et in th e back room of Special m eetings, held everv e v e ­ Mrs H enry B ehrm an and Miss th e church T hursday evening. Pre- ning 111 the N orth P lains C hristum Frances Pugh retu rn ed W ednesday Kelly as hostesses M any lovelj E aster arrangem en ts w ere made. church w ill continue a n o th e r week from a tw o m onths' trip to S o u th ­ gifts w ere received by ttie hono’i Plan Special Offering Rev P utnam of H illsboro is co n ­ guest The refresh m en t tab les vveri Sunday a special offering w ill be ern C alifornia. ducting the services. beau tifu lly decorated w ith a pink tak en for the M ethodist w ork in M iss Kelley Hostess and blue color schem e carriec th e flood districts. Miss S hirley K elley e n te rta in e d throughout The ladies present were W illiam R itthaler. w ho is em ­ Sunday evening w ith a V alentine Mesdames Kelly Brooks, M cHenry ployed in Oregon City, spent S u n ­ party. "M onopoly" and gam es f u r ­ Mills. Day. Sm ith. W alker. S h ap er day at the home of his m other. Mrs. nished the e n tertain m en t w i t h B ridgem an. Birdsell. Jeld erk s. B eck­ H enry R itthaler. M argie Sigler. Ethel S pieling, and er. Jensen. K etcham . Dooley. B ol­ Mrs. Ball Hostess S hirley K elley receiving high scores linger, Nelson. C. P Syverson. C. Ju n io r Aid of th e L u th eran church __,.Bv Mrs- Jesse Meyers) Present w e re L aV elle Jack so n Rena m et F riday afternoon at th e home i B P X T O N -W B. A met at the L. Syverson. Heil. Johnson. Long. Duyck. Ethel S pierm g. M argie S ig ­ of Mrs. Ed Ball. Mrs. F. W. H ering. hall F eb ru ary 10 N ext business Doty. McMinn. F raser. I m 1 a h. ler. Florence W underlich, and the new ly elected president, was hon­ m eeting w ill be M arch 10. a b irth ­ and Misses T helm a Davies and V ir­ hostess. ored w ith a h an d k erch ief show er day d in n er for m em bers having ginia Miller. ■ uiin u au g in cr or Gi an ts Pass Party Saturday Night fo r her faithful w ork as secretary b irthdays in Jan u ary . F e b ru ary and gnest of a sister. Mrs. E arl Etz- C om m unity club w ill hold a "500" visited Mr. and Mrs W ayne Jones w of th e organiation fo r a nu m b er M arch w ill be held at th e ’ hall iler. Sunday. She was accom panied by of years. F eb ru ary 24. Mrs Vida Pow ell lias p arty next S atu rd ay at 8:30 p m. in D r and Mrs. H om er H ester and Mr and Mrs. C larence O rnduff Win Two Games been chosen ju n io r su p erv iso r bv the school basem ent Mrs C P little d a u g h ter of N ew berg - and fam ily spent last w eek w ith Syverson and Mrs. D onal F raser Men's basketball team w on in suprem e president. Mrs. E E H offm an was ill last an aunt. Mrs Rhoda C ady. The tw o hard fought gam es last week F ran k M eyers of n ear H illsboro a re in charge of arran g em en ts. O rn d u ff fam ily a re h ere w aitin g w eek w ith h eart trouble Aid Flood Fund T hursday evening t h e B eaverton spent a few da.vs last w eek a! the M rs L L. M urray and d a u g h te r for a-lo g g in g eamp. in tl»e C ascade Six dollars has been donated to team lost on th e local gym floor, hom e of his brother. Jesse M evers m ountains near Mosier, to open up j th e flood relief b ran ch of th e Red V irginia and Miss A lice M cInnis and F riday evening th e C ornelius i and fam ily here. All pupils at F ir G rove school b e ­ of West visited th e ir parents Cross from th e S unday school team w ent to B anks to play. Mr. an d Mrs. Tom Riggle of B irk- funds. and brother. Mr and Mrs. D M gan attending reg u larly a g a i n Defeat Gaston enfeld v isited his sister. Mrs E tiicl M cInnis and K enneth McInnis. T hursday for the first lim e since Return to Home Here T he grade school girls w o n a M eyers, last week T hursday This w as th eir first visit before C hristm as on account o f , Mr. and Mrs. L A. Betzer. w ho oasketball gam e from the Gaston Elect Delegates h ere since before C hristm as ow ing sickness and bad w eath er A m eetin g of B uxton Tow nsend have been living in P o rtlan d for to th e inclem ent w eather. V irginia E verett M organ has trad ed his ! club was held at R E. Sim pson's th e past year, have re tu rn e d to rem ained for a w eek's visit. 40 acres on top of the m ountain store F e b ru a ry 11. T hree delegates th eir home on F arm ington road. and Mrs G eorge S axton w ent form erly know n as the H azenberg . w ere chosen for th e T ri-county B eaver C reek visited h er m other. to Mr. Elsie in th e N ehalem vallev place, to G z\ Thom pson of Dun - ! rally and one for the Eugene co n ­ Mrs. O H Stow ell, recently. W ednesday w here they looked at Jee M organ acquired a garage at v ention F eb ru ary 21. Those chosen M iss A lice L u k e is hom e from a farm w ith the idea of buying Dundee, in the deal, w hich he will I for H illsboro w ere Mrs. Edith Rm- olgx V n- 5f^„ z-x. ■ , . - _ & C alifornia, w here she has been for T hey have sold th eir farm h ere to jperate. The T hom pson fam ily ex- 1 som etime. a com pany, w hich expects to raise ?ects to move here in about tw o! S ev eral local men a re em ployed filberts. Mr. and Mrs Earl E tzw iler w ent a t C lark e & W ilson's logging camp. Mr. and Mrs. Ted R utschm an and Party This Saturday L. T F m igan and th eir w eek-end to T illam ook M onday and rem ain- ■ ( n e a r K lam ath Falls visited his cd until T uesday as guests of Mr A card p arty w ill be given S a t­ m other. Mrs. W. E. Hill, last week. u rd ay nig h t at th e hom e of Mr. and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Tom S huck and Mrs. Pearl E tzw iler A card p arty was given at the Mrs. R. W. M anley. L adies a rc r e ­ and S tanley S huck of H illsboro, at- I Lacey O rnduff of P ortland, w ho I Jesse M eyers hom e F eb ru ary 11 by quested to b rin g ap p le p ie or cake : tended a d in n e r p a rty at th e Ed is convalescing from an atta c k of i W ohlschlegel hom e in Scholls S u n ­ W. B. A. Six tables of cribbage and pneum onia suffered tw o m onths! A dan ce w as given by th e W B. j day. one of pinochle w ere played High A. a t th e ir h all S atu rd ay night. A ! ago. v iiite d a sister. Mrs E arl Etz- I Mr. and M rs Floyd W hitm ore score in cribbage w as won bv aller crow d th an usual is r e ­ and baby son and Mr. and M rs Bill wiler. and fam ily T h u rsd ay and Jesse M eyers, w ho w as given a sm ported. H oodenpyle of Scoggins v a l l e v Friday. cribbage board and low w ent to Mr Hutchens Honored Miss Ju a n ita R etherford. w ho is I Vic W hite. In pinochle high honor em ployed at C. S e id e lm a n s n ear w ere w eek-end guests at th e C lay­ Mrs. A lfred H utchens e n tertain ed 11 w ent to Ira P ow ell and low to Mrs Pebble C reek, sp en t th e w eek-end ' ton W hitm ore home. W ork began S a tu rd a y pushing w ith a d in n er p arty S unday in Ellis W atson. at h e r hom e here. the snow off th e Skyw ay road wide honor of her h usband's birthday. Mr. and Mrs Dellis C o rn u tt m ade enough for tw o vehicle-; to pass P resent w ere the honor guest and | a trip to Indep en d en ce last w eek ... : family, M r an d M n 'I Y am hill county's bulldozer was i.i.-tu. to assist his fath er, whose farm for H. A. Vituon a n d fam ily of H ills-Il used. Snow h ere was said to be had becom e flooded. fo u r feet deep and d rifts over 12 boro. Mr a n d M rs E I, N ielsen I W ashington’s Birthday Honor Roll Given ooro. died M onday in P o rtlan d feet. and fam ily of N ewberg. Mr. and I A ud ito riu m p r o g r a m a t t h i s S u rv iv in g a re tw o sons. H arry of Mrs. H arold K im ber and W alter l Grain Damaged school. F rid ay consisted of n u m ­ P o rtlan d and W. S. of O akland M uch of the fall and w in ter grain bers by th e orchestra, poems by Cal., tw o dau g h ters. Mrs. F ran k A rth u r Sim onton and E sther Q uier Richards. Los A ngeles an d M rs H h ere was killed by th e freezing I Cherry Log Roll songs by u p p er grades, distrib u tio n O. K in ser of H illsboro. T he r e ­ w eath er before th e last snow storm of valentines. "G randm a's V a l e o . m ains a re at the M iller & T racy O nly a few fields retain ed then- o riginal blanket of snow th a t fell fu n eral p arlo rs in P o rtlan d . Som ething d ifferen t—a really ju st a fter C h ristm as and served as DOUGLASS RADIO SERVICE delicious p arty treat. a p ro tecto r in th e freeze betw een Please send in news copy early snow storm es. Selfridge Furn. Co. Phone 2IX to the Argus. jf Miss E rm a O rn d u ff is a house Program Planned at Pleasant View PERFECTION SPECIALS Cherry Pies. Ea. . 25c Radio Tubes CAKE R andall of Scholls. C overs w ere ' laid for 21 A n u m b er of o th er friends called d u rin g th e day. Ila n i Damaged C arl W ohlschlegel's new barn on ((‘»nllnu.g fro«. it««* II lus farm on top of th e m ountain w as spread ap art four inches by , to broadcast in a special p ro g ra m o v e r ra d io s ta tio n K G W in Port the w eight of the heavy snow on it C arl H anson of G arden Home lias I la n d on a da te to be set In u n c d lu tc - been em ployed to re p a ir the d a m ­ i ly follow ing th e show E n trie s sin ce last w eek in c lu d e ages. R u th M cC u tch e n . (H en wood toe Frye Gored by Hull Jo h n F iv e was kuoeked down ' and ta p d a n cer. M a rk B la k e H ills ­ and gored by a bull Monday. He b o ro ro u te 3. h a rm o n ic .i. M al y C a lil received th ree broken ribs and w e ll, H ills b o ro , w h o w ill s in g and severe bruises and is being cared p la y a hom e nuule Jazz instrum ent; for at W illam ette hospital in N ew ­ F ra n cis Touch. III. Forest G ro v e berg Mr F rye lives on the Cap. ro u te I. bass voice, sponsored by W atts Women'-- c lu b . Jessie I ’ lapp S tayton farm 7. re a d in g . H ills b o ro . I.ester Neu Mill Shuts Down T he Hates and B urnette saw m ill : post, and also w ill lie g ive n u ch a lice was closed for repuirs the first of m an. 7. a c c o rd io n solo, son o f M i­ the week It ran part tim e last ; a m i M rs p c N eum an o f C oi W'eek in spite of the deep snow and n e liu s , H u g h ie R ing. 12. sin g e r and W It frozen logs They expect to resum e d a n ce r son o f M i and M i R in g o f O ren co . H ills b o ro ta p dane operations soon w ith a full crew el's. Rosanna W e il. E v e ly n Ann I Mrs J M K otera visited Mr I M B radw ay at Independence Busch, E le a n o r W a ld ro n . Lee A im S aturday and Sunday, when she K ra m ie n and P a tty C.vrus went to i orvalhs. and rem ained i L e g io n c o m m itte e in c lu d e s Jake It J until M onday as a guest of Miss W e il. Leon S D avis. D r Moris McCord, who is a student N ic o l and A J F o c lk e i A p p lic a HEAI TH tio n s fo r e n try can lie m ade to any m e m b e r of ttie c o m m itte e . SAXTON « LOONEY P roducers of Qui lily SAND mid GRAVEL P la n t located 4 m iles north of F orest G rove on G ales Creek. Phone 1G09R FIR GROVE DAIRY YOUNG’S Funeral Home “Thoughtful, Sympathetic Service" Phone »72 llllIxtM Legal blanks. 5c and 10c A con etc supply available at th e Hill PIGGLY WIGGLY live Friday and Saturd, FOUR TIMES DAILY 19 and 20 PHONE 3131 APPLES rm o u r s M ILK Minced Clams OYSTERS SALMON ("ii cii. SODAS SPINACH H. & D. JELL POWDER TEXAS. PER POUND Individual Cherry LOG ROLLS CtifomCíaíJcGtl Cc. Hot Cross Buns at Your Grocer Full of Fruit and Nuts Dozen ..... ...... 2 COFFEE ED’S MASTER MKT better meats Prices for Friday. Saturday and Monday February 19. 20 and 22. 1937 RITZ Special “ Prices CRACKERS CANADA DRY GINGER ALE French Coffee Cake Each 15c “The Toast of Hillsboro" PERFECTION BREAD Demand it at your grocers Buy Nationally Known FOODS of QUALITY PABST GREEN CHEESE At Reasonable Prices FRED offers YOU the Best in uality Meats I?AISINS Seedless. Choicc Thom j 4-lb. Tuna Flakes M iracle W h ip COHN CARROTS M adison's Ideal cans Salad Dressing (Pt. 21c) Qt. Del M aiz F ancy Niblet; » cans U> Retain Natural Flavor BACK BACON Lb BACON SELi SONING- BACON Ily BEEF ROAST Lb. 24c 14c 21c 14c DOG FOOD F avorite or Victory cans .................... DOG FOOD Per can SOUPS ( a n ip b c ll’s, assorteti cans Piggly W iggly Special Tom ato Juice L ibby’s G entle Pressed COFFEE George Washington Birthday Special )5c Scot Tissue 3 HUSKIES S Ï TRIXIE GLO COAT ?. SOAP CHIPS SUGAR CHERRIES PURE LARD POTATOES LIFEBUOY FRED'S SUPERIOR MARKET 5 Deliveries Daily A Res. Phone 321Z TOILET SOAP ICE CREAM H a tc h et ( 'e n te r CRYSTAL WHITE 10 b„ “ T he M illion Bubble S ohj LAUNDRY SOAP 253? 29< O rd er Carly! Also—Vanill V anilla-S traw berry, nr V nnllla-C hocolatc. 1 Wc R eserve the ' R lghM o sack