Thursday. February IS, 1937 H IL L S B O R O A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O , Paire Five— OREGON Washington Countÿs Great Market Place - "Where the Buyer Meets Seller" A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost - - - Classified Columns Close at 9 A. M. Wednesday - - - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 4 P. M. Wednesday 12. For S ale— M iscellaneous 21. Count W ord*— Semi Money I •< Jl< I’i ,A N I) saw seivlee Hand or T W O -w ay 12-inch sulky p lo w machine. l e t n n t h , .set, file, large U te il .1 E A ll'i BOX 37, Itt I ere . .cut. e in le , drag a n d hand 4 West. H illsb oro 52tf l I'A'.I No I job, 121 E M o rii oh SI , Portland. 52-7p O LIV E R T ractors and farm tools, M yers pumps Jack Foster. 150 Rubber .'tumps and office su p ­ E M ain St . H illsboro. 43tf plies H illsb o ro Argus. tf Count Your Profit« F i r ’ Insertion, per word La< h a d d itio n a l insertion, per word (No service per Lstfuv len« than 2)c) Headers, per lin o . 10c (Dark face heading perm itted Cash should accompany order. Out o f fairness to a ll no In fo r­ m ation on the Classified l*ag<‘ w ill he given out u n til the paper is issued. Notice Bee» 11 e o f the ad ditiona l serv­ ice jc q u U i l m handling B lin d Ads w ith answers to be re ­ ceived oy the Argus a m in i­ m um chaige id 50 cents w ill la* made fo r this service. 'Phi., paper w ill not give out in fo rm a tio n re la tiv e to such advertising. ------------------------------------------- SAN D and g iave l at reasonable LIC EN SED stock trailers. 2 - cow capacity, rent $1 per day. L ig h t pines, prom pt de live ry F. A V .m .iken p u re st (¡rove Telephone tra ile rs made to order A uto parts L. V H u lit I008W or home 24F155. 4l-13p and farm m achinery 152 N. Second Ave 23tf IE YO U H A V E S O M E TH IN G TO sell and are In a big h u r­ 23. Poultry ry to Hell it. let the classified ad vertising departm ent of the S E L L 12 W hite M inorca la ying H llU b oro Argus prove its a b il­ hens and roostei cheap Rube ity us u speedy and e fficie n t Jones. Vista A v e . Alohu 53p sales m edium . tf TEN young Bronze tu rk e y liens. $2 14. Cars, T rucks, Tires each C P Syversoti. 3 m iles south o f Reedvllle 53p M O D EL T Ford lo urin g, good tire.. and run ning order, fu r sale on BROODER stove, coal or briquets, account of death M i . Sarah I).ill- foi sale J. II Wagenblast, Box man Itt 1, Hcuvertnn; near K m tou 292. Kt 2 Heavarton; '¿ -m ile north school. 53p on Tobius road 53 p 193(1 C H E V R O LE T standard couch, run 3000 mil«' excellent con di­ O A K E S ele ctric incubator fo r sale at barguin. 1200-egg capacity, tu n tion. fo r sale to settle an estate I ’r i'.- Ullin E W llu ffe ly . C orne­ 2 hutches Roes Porter, 3394 S E 53-2 lius. Kt I. at M ountam dule. 53p W 'xidw ard, Portland. Cards o f T hanks We wish to express our thanks bi our frien ds for th e ir muuy ucts of kindness and sym pathy extend- 1 I ' i ,di r. HI"' A: gu . 16. Furniture, Pianos, Radios G ood T im e D ance A t Grange h a ll every Saturday night G eorgia Hess orchestra. Ad- 2Utf Iti io -fit S ocial A t V F W hall, S aturday night. February 20 Baskets w ill he auc­ tio n ed Everyone in v ite d 52-53 N ew sp ap ers O I(E 'IO N IA N D uly 45c, d a ily and S u n d a y , II.' h , Sunday, 10c copy Hill I!"-.cow Phone 1052 152 N 4th 53t f NEW and used fu rn itu re fo r en­ tire home. Cook stoves, b e d . springs und mattresses. T w o good used electric washers. Come in and shop before you buy. E Hom back. at 155 S. 8nd Ave. 52-54 USED K e lv in a tu r electric r e fr ig ­ era to r 5-foot capucity. $35 Sel­ frid g e F u rn itu re Co.. H illsboro. CO NSO LE battery radio, batteries all good, also sew ing machine, both in good condition Vernon Hahn, Hanks. 53p P IA N O fo r sale, modern, s m a l l bungalow size, standard make, guaranteed Sm all balance due You I.O ST F ra te rn ity pin. star and take over balance fo r cash or small ere: cent, jew eled. H e w a r d m o n th ly payments Address J F. George McGee, c ity h a ll. H ills ­ Sm ith, adjuster. C line Piano Co. boro. 53p lo l l S W. W ashington St., P o rt­ land. 51-3 I.O S T G lassc has n a m e D r G a l­ vin L ooser. Lodi. G a l. in case $ | USED M aytag washer. Gas-en­ rew ard M r; W M W ilkins N o rth gined. square tu b type. $30 Plains 53 M elteheke E le ctric Store. H illsb oro 3. Lost and Found FO U N D Lady's ring tier Itt l, i l il labore 4. Farm M achinery W alter Tan- 53 17 Fuel O X U ,g ro w th ID-inch f ir fo r sale - F in n M ille r, N o rth Plains. 52-4p Mod ern ize P A IN T IN G , paperhanging, kutso- tnin in g cleaning Spencer und S tickle y. 172 S S ix th Ave. 52-4p Catti« GOOD 7-room house, large lot. F or- ‘x‘km ning. containing 23 50 acres. est Grove, clear Trade fo r sm all r ‘ ght «.Way l T J rods w ide house in H illsboro. beginning at the n o rth w e st corner ,„« -, . , , of said tra c t and exte nding across W |E ,|‘I 'ir , it houSP' argp north end of tra c t conveyed to uz n P i i l i v i v n n k Bertha W eidewitsch, together w ith FOR S A L E T w o good used in c u ­ W O G A L A W AY. H illsb oro . P ' rig h t to use a rig h t o f w ay fo r a bator:. 450-egg capacity Horn- road conveyed by A le xa n d e r C h al­ buck'.s New and Used F u rn itu re 30. Stoves, H eaters mers, to g ra n to r by deed recorded Store. 52-54 I k < zm > o - i _i___ t - i _______ ¡TT a‘ PaKe 205 records of deeds fo r . !■ OR Sale cheap. Florence o il b u m - W ashington County, Oregon; S P E C K LE D Sussex eggs, fo r sale er. w ill heat 3 rooms; gas range ... . , B. W. D tested.— Mrs. Emma w ith elevated oven; ra d ia n t gas a , the said sale made subject to Harvey, Ht 2. H illsb oro ; ’4 -m ile heater. O w ner can't use them - B ert {edem plion as per statute of the 53 State Oregon southeast W itch Hazel school. 52-1 H u n tin g to n . ____________ ' Dated th is 23rd day o f January, H ughes I.ighurn. Barred Rock and T R A S H b u rn e r fo r sale, alm ost 1931. Rhode Island Red C hirks new. has hot w a te r coils —B ill J W. C O N N E LL. S h e riff of Wash- C H IC K S from 2nd year h e n s , Boscow, 152 N. 4th Ave. 53p ' ington County. Oregon mated to o ffic ia lly w in g banded ---------—----------------------------------------- E. J. M cA LE A R , A tto rn e y f o r R O P. cockerels Also New Ham p- 33. For R ent— M ise. P la in tiff, resident A tto rn e y State sh li es. and a cheaper, u t ilit y grade ----------------------------------------------------- , of Oregon. First National B a n k of Rocks and Reds. E ith e r sexed F A R M o f 27 acres o f cu ltiv a te d B u ild ing , H illsb oro , Oregon. 50-54 o r unsexed chicks A ll sexing land fo r rent. Cash or on shares., dune by Am erican born Japanese —I. H. Rice, Rt. 5. H illsb o ro ; 3 Federal Land Bank vs. W. F. expert, and u n c o n d itio n a lly g u a r­ m iles south. _______________ 53 p VanLoo et al anteed. V is it our hatchery a n d NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F S SALE breeding farm . See the chicks in 34. Rooms, A p artm en ts our brooders n o w . In fo rm a tio n __________________________________ On the 22nd day o f M arch, 1937, H A V E YO U A ROOM : at ,,he h° u r of 10:00 o’clock A. M free on request. We custom hatch v » ,, , . . i a‘ ‘ he east fro n t door of the C o urt hpit and tu rk e y eggs re lia b ly and A-. Or a house fo r re n t’ Inquines are I House i n H illsboro. W ashington cheaply ' .. r ^celve4 a‘ ‘ he A rgu s of- County. Oregon. I w ill sell at pub- HUGHES A SON H A T C H E R Y f ic e d s t ly f o r rooms, apartm ents and hc auction to the hi he¿t b ¿ der 1080 E. Oak H illsb o ro bouses. Those w h o in q u ire are re -¡ fu r cash the fo llo w in g described Telephone 3152 52tf ú m íl? t0 the A rgus classified col- • reai prope rty. located in Washing- ' -------- -,— ...... .... . .- Í ‘ on County. Oregon, to -w it: FOR s a l e li - t i ii Cypher) 11 it-air I 1 Com m encing at a po in t 3 1933 incub ator 1. C. Hoeffel A Sons. H ouses chains South and 4 10 chains N o rth '« -m ile n o rth W itch Hazel school 75’ ’ 45' Southwest house. 52tf W A N T E D -to rent 5-room house.' I p r J West n from o " ‘ the u e ao m nu est barn and p o u ltry house in or Son I a n d c T a i^ , i* I?3 ’ WE are now booking orders fo r near H illsboro; m ig ht purchase.— 1 q , v lh JU? ^ ° ' I 1, Tow nship W hite Leghorns. Rhode Island S L. A llen . A shla n d ________ 5 2 -lp 2 " h f^ n g p .F our' West of Reds. New Ham pshire Reds. W hite -■ ■ ■ ii — » ‘ he W illam ette M eridian, and from Rocks. Barred Rocks. Sexed Leg­ •17 In ««« said beginning point ru n n in g thence horn pullets. In q u ire fo r hatching ___________ ___________________ Soulh 15 4166 chains to th e cen- dates and prices.—Cube's Hatchery. W A N T E D —to b o rro w $200 nt 8 per ° f the C ounty Road leading M c M in n v ille . 50-53 cent. 20 acres of tim b e r land as, v Purest G rove to Gales Creek ! se cu rity —W rite 7380 Argus 5 2 tf1 ' a *?>', s a id P?1" 1 be lnS °n the W A N T E D -Poultry Of all kinds. • _______ 1 so u th e rly lin e < f the H e n ry B uxto n W rite, w i ll c o lt or b rin g F rid a y, M oney to l oan 1 J r Donation Land C laim X o . ’ 451 S atu rday or M onday before noon — 5 i2<7 m onev , 0 i oan on good im. i ‘ hence South 45 East along center E I! Harden. C ornelius 34tf 1 proved farm s —E. A. G r iffith , 131 , f sJ?ld C o un ty Road 10.50 chains S Ave 31tf the B re uxton -e n tra J n t f corner said 24. a. 2nd zna Ave.___________________ d in H pnry D cnation o f Land Pigs JA M E S W A Y brooder stove. 1000- cbick size A - l condition Rea­ sonable A lfre d Sim antel, N orth I ’!.m, 53p oak wood, de­ live re d at $5 50 cord o r on place by cord o r ric k R. F. Clarke. Kt 1. Gaston; near C h e rry G rove 51-53 YO UNG sow and eight fin e pigs PHO NE 734 fo r price on sewer jo b fo r sale or trade fo r cow — R. A complete; also a ll p lu m b in g con­ GASCO B riq u e ts - Steady heat all Dean. m ile west W itch Hazel. nections H. C. S cliulm crich. 483 day. holds fire all night, cheaper Jackson St 49tf than nuk more heat, les.* ash We \\ EANER p:., fo r sale George d e liv e r Phone 01 Im p e ria l Feed A ltis h in , Rt. 1, B eaverton; near 6. W an ted — M iscellan eou s ,«• G ra in Co, H illsb o ro 47tf Hazeldnle school. 53p W ANTED C orner cupboard what-not Must be in good d itio n E. H om back, 153 S A .I DEAD ."bd. 16-inch thence down .said Creek to a point _ 17 01 chs west und 9 01 ehs. south T H ItE E -ye a i -old Jersey hull, a fin e of the S E. corner of .a d A rth u r anim al ami gentle Come and look “ L. C thence n o rth 20 03 chs to hint over Price Is tig h t J u liu s ! ‘ he place of beginning, containing Kaye on G erm antown road. 52 2p i ‘ *,J acres of land, also rig h t to use a rig h t o f way fo r a road con- JE R S E Y -H olsteln to w fo r sale A le xan der Chalm ers and • W itch H azel school. 53p ' I w l recorded at page 205 o f Book 09. Records of de ed; fo r Washtng- JE ItS E Y cow w ith second calf, to ton County, Oregon. freshen in A p ril -L B. Pearson, Being a part o f the N orthw est ' •-m ile east of Bethany s a w m ill qu arter of the southwest q u arter “ 77Z7;------ “ 7------------------------r* of Section Iti. Tow nship 1 N orth. D A IR Y and fa m ily cows fo r sale. ra ilg l. 3 WMt W ll l M er and of cast) or terms. No down paym ent the R ichard A rth u r D L. C No necessary w ith m o n th ly payments 43 ln -sa|d T ow nship and Range, a , lo w as $5 per m onth G ail bounded by beginning at a stone Karns. Orenco. Phone H illsb o ro on the east, lin e of said D. I,. C - ‘ ” ‘ ‘ 11215 chains fro m the southeast , comer of the claim ami running on Z /. L iv e M o ck . y. ,, 4 1 « 1 b>' Alex Chalmers to * J. , 7 W TW O Young m ilk cows fo r sale to Marsh n o rth 89 d f] . '-'hain.-. to an iron bar. thence south h e ife r and horse I. T W oodward on a lin e m arked by a yew post northw est corner o f Baseline and on the le ft bank of the West F ork Orenco roads Phone H ills b o ro 792 of D a iry C reek 20.83 chains, m ore or less to the center o f said Creek; 28. Real E state thence down said creek to its ju n c ­ z • . 1 • 1 » • v l I n w J ith l H U the IC As cl a t T I r. U i lex 1 y tion East F IJ ork o l f D a 1 iry « n r« , "u JU7 ° r i h‘.g^ C r« * ; ‘ h* nce UP « i d East F ork a i V " ” ' H o ,p o in t e le ctric ^ the Eaat Jjne o f said D L C ; ’ u ' J ! /« in v ei thence n o rth on said lin e 5.20 I I W. C u rr.n , 134 E M atn St cha„ uS m ore or 26. El nt W O O D -sa w in g , call M J Senske. F ir and hardwood fo r 2ml sale Phone 2I41Z. Address 423 N. I7 tf 52-54 Second Ave or con­ W ANTED P ractical experienced m arried couple wishes w o rk on fat in W rite in c o Box 1I6X. Kt 3, H illsb oro ; A rm o n d y farm . 53p 18. Seeds, Plants, Flow ers NOW is tile tim e to set those w a l­ nut trees. For be tte r trees sc«' II E Meyers, ■'«-mil«' west Laure l BO YS! B rin g in yo u r old iron; or store Phone 2755 Scholls; Rt. 2. m etal o f a ll kinds. 25c per l()tl llills lio t'o 53tf lb fo r old iron I. V H u lit. 152 N S e c o n d Ave 531 f C E R T IF IE D Red Heart .straw berry plants. $3 per 1000 dug a n d W A N T E D (>1,1 <1. s h e cake plates sacked: $4 packed in boxes: Cer- glassware o r any k in d of old liTied Marshalls, a ll sold. Boysen- bric-a-bra c E H om back, 155 S berry plants. 15 fo r $2. $10 per .'■ I A.r KM). $65 per 1OQ0—C. L. Chapman. 2 m iles south S taffo rd; Rt 1. S her­ H elp W anted 7. wood. 53-2p W A N T E D W oodcutter, good tim ­ F R U IT trees, a ll varieties, h i l l ber Roy E llic r ly . at K u ilo ii oil grow ing, highest q u a lity . Com ­ plete lin e of nursery stock. For tad landscaping yo u r home see M otz B rothers' Nursery, Orenco. Phone 8. W ork W anted 2624 H illsb oro . 41tf W OOD sawing, saw filin g , Bnd H IG H E S T q u a lity tri-es, largest as­ saw gum m ing.—Charles Bucher, sortm ent greatest values. G rafted 81(1 S. E ig hth Ave. 20tf walnuts, filb e rts , prunes, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, pears, Barber Shops apples, grapes, berries. Boysen ber­ RICHARD'S Barber shop, haircuts, ries, roses, etc. F re ig h t paid P re ­ 25c, A l" h . i 5tf m iu m roses free. Send today fo r ou r "40th A n n iv e rs a ry " sales c ir ­ cular. C arlton N ursery Co., C a rl­ 10. S a le or T rade— Mis. ton. 3Gtf FOR S ail' o r trade fo r chickens, EVERG REEN Shrubs, trees, w e ll D e Ln viil cream seperator, good grow n, clean, m any varieties of w o rk harness. O. Johnson, K. I, cypress, ju nip ers, arborvitne, yew, Gaston. 53 rhodos, azalea, daphne, box, laurel, T A K E livestock or lig h t car fo r heather, etc. E xpe rt landscape de­ signs (advice free). M ore than 50 e q u ity in 1937 I'o ntiu c .sedan.- V I Ils ' 1 'x p e t 'H 'n i'i - at y o u r serv ice. Birch. 2 m iles south La ure l road, p Paul D rew Nursery, location east t- - . . • • o f 8th St., Beaverton. Phone 12. For S a le— M iscellaneous end 11805. 3 lt f STRAW and ric h cow m anure for DORSETT s tra w b e rry plants. B e r­ sale by truckload Earl Stretch­ ries superior in q u a lity , fla vo r, er, Scholls. Phone 0511. 53-54p hardiness, production and exce l­ lent shippers. B rin g 40 to 50 rents W A D E dragsnw. lik e new, w ith m ore per crate. Plants $6 per th o u ­ magneto, 3 blades and o t h e r sand.—H. M T ucker, Rt. 1, Box tools. Also 2-wheel Ira ile r. I ’ . C. 330, Boring, Ore. _____________ 49-1 Newman, 3 m iles south o f Corne­ lius. 53p 19. BO\ > bicycle , a n i fram e. 2. H illsb oro . balloon tires, stand- W alter Schm idt, Rt. 53 p C A R B ID E or Presto L ite lam p for m otorcycle. W rite 203 5th Ave. N . H illsboro. 53p FOR S A L E W h ile mare, 12500 lbs.; n e arly new John Deere su lk y plow: nearly new H ay and Feed H A Y GROWERS! I f you have hay fo r sale, lis t it w ith us. Possible m arket n o w being developed.— Im p e ria l Feed & G ra in Co. Phone H ills b o ro 01. 53 FOR S A L E Baled oats and vetch hay. P. J. M e rke l near M o f- McCormick- , ,, _ .. Deering 6-foot m ow ing machine; B A I.E D hay, alfa lfa, oats and vetch. 5-foot Deering m ow er; 90 la yin g » « y Delsman, Phone 2107, H ills - ptlllet:; W W Ge. Iiii;h w heel w.i.; b o r o 4HU on and hay raek T ile e th in :' II" priced fo r q u ick sale I ’rahl ranch, 2 m iles northeast H illsboro. 53 ' ' . . r arm M achinery ; —;;-------- Tf?----- J— • BU ZZ saw on tra ile r w ith engine, $30 C. E. J. Lewis, 2 m iles south T E A M o f horses, 2-year-old eolt, farm m achinery, fo r sale.— E. A. of Cornelius; Rt. 2. C ornelius. 5.3p Bnrngrover, on Fred Schaer place, _ 3 miles n o rth M ountnindale. 32-4p FOR S A L E John Deere m anure ... | spreader. No. 2 In te r n a tio n a l NO TRESPASS, A pa rtm e nt forR ent, cream separator. 2 h. p. In te rn a ­ tio n a l gas engine. A ll p ra ctica lly No Sm oking, For Rent, For Sale No Peddlers, , No H andbills, etc new.— J Vi. mUe? u n lo r high. 53-4p signs fo r sale at the Argus. 27tf no rth Jun Home Loans . c la im . thence S outh 6 ' East 19 97 For b u 1 ild b u V yin o r r l refin an c- - UU 1 U in 1 I I g, X. UU 1 I1 g K U U ltlld llV «n ______ .a -1 t 1 . in g on c ity or acreage pro p e rty 10 M o n th ly payments as lo w as $9 56 Pedl' o?,?e t " * '' bence N o rth | per m onth per $1000. in c lu d in g in-1 ,.5 Fast 8 25 phalnf ,0 a P°»>‘ terest. — W ashington S a v i n g s A -: V " J . he , d‘ v “ 10" h " e. between the Loan^ H illsb oro . 3 9 tfl - o rth and S?uth halves o f H e nry B u x to n Jr. Donation Land C laim No. 45 said point being the S ou th­ O i C ;,:gs h w Farnham east Corner of a 42-acre tract de­ Phone H ills b o ro 1041X. 50tf vised to H e n ry T hurston B uxto n Stott vs. R oval et al PUREBRED O. I, C boor sc v ie by H e nry B u xto n Jr. kn o w n as N O T IC E OF SHER IFF'S SALE —Hugh Farnham. H illsboro. T ele­ T ra ct “ B ;" thence N o rth 29s 45 phone 1041X. 52tf N otice is hereby given that by East 13.30 chains to a stone; thence v irtu e o f an attachm ent execution N o rth 74° West 6 83 chains to a FE E D E R pigs for s a le M i k e and ord er o f sale issued out o f the stone; thence N o rth to a po in t 3.1933 Zahl. Rt 1. C aiieliu.s 52-3p C irc u it C o u rt o f the State of O re- chains South o f the -------------, N o rth e rly ___ line gon. fo r W ashington County, c i o f the H e nry B uxton Jr. Donation 25. H orses the 22nd day o f January, 1937. in j Land C laim said point being the a cause therein pending w herein Southeast C orner o f a tra c t of W IL L have a new load o f horses J M. STO TT is p la in tiff and WES- land sold to W. H. Bow m an bv last o f th is week.—L. K. Fiske. L E Y J. R O Y A L. A N JU N E T T RO Y- deed recorded in Book 96 of the C ornelius. 53tf A L. sometimes kno w n as A n jin e tt Deed Records of W ashington Coun- ; Royal, and M A G G IE M A R C H V A N ty. Oregon, at page 213; thence H O R SE S b o u g h t. s"!d and tra d e d G RU N SVEN are defendants, to me N o rth 75 45' West 15.66 chains to Highest price paid fo r trade-ins. directed and delivered and com- j the place o f beginning, containing Free d e liv e ry .—Ray Delsman. G a ri­ m anding me to make sale o f t h e ; 43 26 acres, m ore o r less. A lso be- baldi St. Phone 2107. 53tf real p ro p e rty he re in a fte r described g in n in g at a point on the East lin e HORSES —I f in the m arket fo r in ord er to satisfy the sum o f $300 - 1 of the Donation Land C la im o f horses or mules, try Lents Stables 00. together w ith Interest thereon A m m on K nighton, in Section t h ir ­ We ca rry a good v a rie ty most o f , st the rate o f eight per cent p e r| ty -fiv e . Tow nship One. N o rth o f the tim e. Priced rig h t w ith money annum fro m the firs t day of July.,' Range Four, West o f the W ilia m - back guarantee or free tr ia l.—L o ­ 1931, u n til paid. And fo r the fu rth e r, ette M edidian in W ashington C oun­ cated 115th St. Foster road; one sum o f S eve nty-five and no 100 ty. Oregon. 41.95 chains N o rth 6’ m ile east o f Lents; H enry Baum er. D ollars a ttorn ey’s fees and fo r the West from the Southeast C orner o f prop; Rt. 3. Box 1388, P ortland. ! costs and disbursem ents herein ta x ­ said D onation Land C laim ru n n in g tiiv g o n 53tf ed at $17.80, and also the costs and thence West 20 10 chains: thence expenses o f said sale, I w i ll on the N o rth 20.93 chains: thence East B A Y m are for sale; 1500 lbs W al­ 27th day of February. 1937, at the 16 69 chains; thence South 45J East te r Vanderzanden. Rt 1. H illsb oro : east door, being the fro n t door, of 1.76 chains; thence South 6 ’ East 3 i j m iles n o rth J u n io r h i g h the C o urt House i n W ashington 19.80 chains to the place o f be- school. 53tf ( County, Oregon, proceed to sell at ginning, con tain ing 40 acres, and p u b lic auction to the highest bid - being situated in W ashington Coun- Horses Horses Horses der fo r cash in hand and a c c o rd -! ty. State o f Oregon: subject to JU ST received tw o shipm ents of in g to law, a ll th e defendants' I easements fo r rig h ts o f w ay now tw o carloads, w h i c h includes rig h t, title and interest in and to of record. tenements, some of the best horses th a t can the fo llo w in g described parcels o f | Together w ith t h e be bought. 25 mares, 10 in foal; real p ro p e rty situated in W ashing- hereditam ents a n d appurtenances Belgians, Percherons and Shires, ton County. State o f Oregon, to -w it: ( thereunto belonging or in anywise a ll sound and gentle; 50 head in B eginning at a stone set at an- appertaining, all. L o w priced fo r q u ic k clean­ gu la r corner on the n o rth boundary Said sale is made under execu- up. G uaranteed as represented. Free lin e o f a tra c t o f 44.85 acres here- tio n issued out o f the C irc u it C o urt d e liv e ry -L e n ts Stables, one m ile to fo re conveyed to B H. Marsh, o f the State o f Oregon fo r the east o f Lents on Foster road: Rt. 3. said stone being 14 95 chs. n o rth C ounty o f W ashington, to me d i- Box 1388, Portland. H enry Baumer. and 2.79 chains west o f the south- reeted in th e case o f T H E FED- east corn er o f said section 17, ; E R A L L A N D B A N K o f Spokane, H E A L T H Y old horses wanted fo r ru n n in g thence n o rth 0 deg. 20 . a corporation, vs. W. F. V A N LO O fo x feed.—Phone 2091Z. 48-8tp West 14.65 chains to the center of and P A U L IN E V A N LO O , husband W A N T E D —O ld horses fo r fox feed. D a iry Creek; thence down th e cen- , and w ife ; M A U D E E. B U X T O N : E —Phone 2107. 42tf te r o f said creek, w ith the mean- ■ McCOY: W A S H IN G T O N C O U N TY derings thereof, to the northeast j N A T IO N A L F A R M L O A N ASSO- corner o f said tra ct o f land h e re to -, C IA T IO N . a corporation, C attle 26. fore conveyed t o B. H. M arsh.! Dated this 11th day o f February, FRESH Guernsey cow, d o u b l e - thence south 89 deg. 40 West 14. 1937. J. W. C O N N E LL. S h e riff o f Wash- tested, heavy m ilkers. — R. A chains to the place o f beginning.! W ithycom be, Rt. 5, H illsb o ro ; south and con ta in in g 38.50 acres, m ore o r : ington County. Oregon, less, as described in Book 77 page | W M . L. B E A T T Y , A tto rn e y fo r of G rabel school. 53tf 508. Deed Records of W ashington j P la in tiff, 514 P orte r Bldg., P ortland, THREE good fresh Jersey cows, C ounty, Oregon, in tha t certain Oregon. F irs t pu blicatio n F ebru ary 18 com ing three years, $195 fo r all. deed fro m Joshua W. M arsh et ux (illl N F i n t Ave 53p to M aggie Marsh et al. said deed 1937. Last p u blicatio n M arch 18^ being file d fo r record Jan. 16, 1937. 53.3 ---- ---- ----------------------------------------------- JERSEY cow fo r sale, fresh M arch 1908. Being pa rt o f t h e northw est Estate: Thomas W ithycom be 4.—B. A. Leu, Rt. 1, H illsboro; C orne liu s Pass road. 53tf q u a rte r of the southwest q u a rte r! EXECU TO R'S N O TIC E O F S A LE o f Section 16, the northeast quar- OF R E A L PRO PERTY W A N T E D To buy day-old calves. te r o f the southeast q u a rte r of In the C irc u it C o u rt o f the Sta^e o f —E. E Jenkins, Beaverton, Rt. Section 17. and of the R ichard A r- Oregon, fo r M ultnom ah County, 1. Box 741. th u r D. L. C. No. 43, a ll in Tow n- In the M a tte r of the Estate of ship One north, Range three west TH O M A S W IT H Y C O M B E , De- JERSEY heifer, to freshen this W ill. M er. bounded b y beginning ceased. week, double-tested,—L. T h u rn - on the n o rth lin e of 50-acre tract N otice is hereby given that, u n ­ hecr, Rt. 2. H illsb oro ; 5 m iles south­ sold to J. W. M arsh by A le x C h a l- ! der a u th o rity, and by virtu e , o f an 53p mers at an iro n b a r bearing n o rth ord e r of sale heretofore d u ly made east on R ive r road. FRESH eow and fresh h e ife r fo r 11.215 chs. and n o rth 89 deg. 19' and entered by the above e n title d sale.—C. Topich, Rt. 1, Box 474, West 17.61 chs. fro m the southeast cou rt in the above e n title d estate, Beaverton. 52-53p corner o f the R ichard A r th u r D. L. the undersigned executors o f the C. and ru n n in g N. 89 deg. 19' W. estate o f Thomas W ithycom be. de­ JER SEY b u ll calf. Dam's D. H. I. A. 13.02 chs. to a yew post, thence ceased. w ill sell at p riva te sale at record 577 lbs. fat. Sire's firs t south on a lin e m arked by a yew tlie o ffice o f Ora H. Porter, room daug hter’s now on test. P rice $60. post on the le ft bank o f West F ork 413, Davis B u ild in g in P ortland, registered. — C. B. Buchanan Jr.. o f D a iry Creek 17.60 chs.. m ore or. Oregon, on and a fte r the 23rd day Rt 1, Gaston. 53p less, to the center o f said Creek; of M arch, 1937, a ll the rig h t, title . Public N otices interest and estate that the above named Thomas W ithycom be had at the tim e o f his death and w hich his said estate now has in and to the fo llo w in g described real p ro p­ erty. to -w it: The Northeast q u a rte r of t h e N orthw est q u a rte r o f section nu m ­ ber two, tow n ship one N orth, range . 7 ,, ■ ,4 tl '• W. M. ¡11 Wash* ington county, Oregon. Also the N orth tw e lve acres of the fo llo w ­ ing described tra ct o f real prop­ erty. to -w it: Com m encing at t o e ' N orthw est corner o f the donation land claim o f D. H. Belknap and w ife in section tw e n ty nine, to w n ­ ship one N orth, range tw o West of the W M. In W ashington county. Oregon, ru n n in g thence South on the West lin e o f said claim nin e ­ teen chain.: and six lin k s to the land o f S W illia m s; thence East th irte e n chains and seventy-seven lin ks to the corner of the donation land claim of Richard W illiam s, thence N o rth tw o degrees a n d fifte en m inutes East eighteen chain , and fifty - n in e lin k s to the N orth lin e of the D H B elknap donation land claim ; thence West on said claim lin e eighteen chains and f if t y lin k s to the place o f beginning containing 26.72 acres. Also: A tra ct of land described as follows, to -w it: B eg in nin g at a point 660 feet N o rth and 1221 feet East of the q u a rte r section corner between sections 30 and 31. tow nship one South, range three West of the W M. in W ashington County. Oregon; ttierice N o rth 438 03 feet: thence South 89 degrees 17 m inutes East 1434.7 feet; thence South 510 feet: thence South 89 degrees 17 m inutes East 648 feet; thence South 154 feet: thence N o rth 89 degrees 55 m inutes West 38.9 feet; thence N o rth 66 feet to the center o f the creek; thence dow n center o f creek South 75 degrees 30 m inutes Wes' 199 7 feet; thence South 87 degrees West 139 6 feet: thence N o rth 69 degrees 23 m inutes West 127.1 feet; thence N o rth 74 degrees 35 m in ­ utes West 90 4 feet; thence South 85 degrees 3 m inutes West 63.5 feet to the line between sections 29 and 30; thence N o rth 73.4 feet: thence N o rth 86 degrees West 316.1 feet; thence South 77 degrees West 439.3 feet: thence South 83 degrees 37 m inutes West 304.2 feet: thence N o rth 72 degrees 11 m inutes West 390.4 feet; thence N o rth 74 4 fee' to the place o f be ginning con tain­ in g 19 177 acres m ore or less. Also a certain peace o f real p ro p e rty 20 feet in w idth, being 10 feet on each side o f a center lin e thereof, de­ scribed as follow s: B eginning at a po in t 767 feet East fro m the q u a r­ te r section corner between sections 30 and 31. tow n ship o n e South, range three West o f the W. M . and ru n n in g thence N o rth 25 m inutes West 137 feet; thence N o rth 44 degrees 3 m inutes East 138 4 feet; thence N o rth 63 degrees 27 m in ­ utes East 183 5 feet; thence South 81 degrees 57 m inutes East 152 6 feet; thence N o rth 84 degrees 28 m inutes East 196.3 feet; thence N o rth 55 degrees 2 m inutes East 122.6 feet; thence N o rth 47 degrees 14 m inutes West 121.2 feet; thence N o rth 61 degrees 48 m inutes West 139.3 feet: thence N o rth 52 m inutes East 43.8 feet, the bearings upon the last described lin e are calcu­ lated fro m assuming th a t the lin e between said sections 30 and 31 runs due East and West. Said real p ro p e rty w i ll be sold fo r cash and subject to the ap­ p ro va l and c o n firm a tio n o f the above e n title d court. Bids w ill be received by the undersigned execu­ tors at room 413. D avis B u ild in g , P ortland, Oregon, o r a t the re si­ dence of e ith e r o f th e undersigned executors fo r a ll o f the above de­ scribed real p ro p e rty o r fo r any one o f the above described tracts. GEORGE H. W IT H Y C O M B E and T R A Y M O N D MOORE. Executors of the Estate o f Thomas W ith y ­ combe, Deceased. 53-3 Procurem ent D iv is io n , P u b li c B u ild in g s Branch. W ashington, D. C., Feb. 1, 1937.—Sealed bids in duplicate, subject to the condi­ tions o f B u lle tin No. 51 (Revised) o f the Federal Em ergency A d m in ­ is tra tio n o f P u b lic W orks, w ill be p u b lic ly opened in th is o ffic e at 10 A. M., M arch 2, 1937, fo r p a in t- , ing. plaster, etc., in the U. S. P. O. at H illsboro, Oregon. Specifications. ' not exceeding one set. m ay be ob- ! tain ed fro m the Custodian of the ' b u ild in g o r at th is o ffice in the discretion of the Assistant D ire c ­ to r o f Procurem ent. P u b lic B u ild - ; ings Branch.— W. E. REYN O LDS. Assistant D irector. 52-53 Efttate: Martha A. Arnold NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the S tate o f Ore- yon. for W ashington County. In the Matter of the Estate of MARTHA A ARNOLD. Deceased. N otice ia hereby given that the Last Will and Teatament of Martha A. Arnold, Deceased, has been duly admitted to pro­ bate. and that the undersigned has been appointed Executor o f said Last W ill and Testam ent, and has duly qualified as such. Now therefore, all persons having claim* against said Estate are hereby notified and required to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at his residence at Tigard, Oregon, or nt the Law O ffice of Thus. H. Tongue Jr., in the Commercial Block in the City of Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this ¡ o f the Estate of said dec»a«*d. and has (itilv qualified us siu II Now therefore. a I I persona having j claim s against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, , together with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned Ht the law of five»* of I Bagley A Hare, in the First National I Bark Building, in Hillsboro, Oregon, with­ in six months from the date herotrf. Date«! this 16th day of February. 1937. Estate: Annie M. Imhrie EDW. H. I REUDENTHAL. Adntinis. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court «f the State of Ore- . trator of the Estate of said Decease«*. BAGLEY A IIARK, Attorneys for AU« gon, for Washington County. In the .Matter of the Estate of ANNIE ministrator. M IM BRIE. Deceased. N otice in hereby given that the un­ dersigned Executor <»f the Last Will and I Teatament of said deceased has filed in ’ the ab've entitled court and cause hi* , John R. Bliss et al to John »Hrold Final Account and report a* xuch. and the Johanson, 2 Acres Section 94 T lS RlW , Court has fixed and appointed the 13th David Tschaboid et ux to School Di4« day of March, 1937. at the hour o f ten trict part Section 33 T2N JWW o'clock A. M. of xaid day and the court A. W. Courtney et ux to William M rm of the above entit.ed court In pari • ...... II, l •■«. 21 and Hillsboro. Oregon, as the time and place n r'.S R2W for hearing objections to said final ac- i Mike Zahi et ux to Fre«l F Cu/tick et c«>unt and for the final settlem ent of j ux. part Block 27 and 35. North Plains. M id estate. Washington county to B. C. Steele et Date«! this 4th day of February. 1937 5 and ♦» Block 16. Beaverton. ALBERT J HARTRAMPF. Executor! ux. J. Lots W Connell (S heriff) to Fred Cosla, of the Last Will and Testam ent of said I . ’ rtland Height» No. 2. Claude R .Martin et ux to Herman II. HALLEY A HARK. A ttorneys for E x-I Thompson et ux, N 'j o f Lot 4^' Gar­ ecutor. den Home. H. A. Jones et ux to T itle A Trust Estate: Rufus E. Bohannon Co.. Lot 11 Erickson’s Addition, Beaver­ ton. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Fred Costa to Ernest W utrieh, I.nt* 14, In the County Court of the State of Ore- ' 15 and 16 Block 15 Portland H eights gon, for Washington County. No. 2. In the Matter of the Estate of RUFUS F«. Fred Costa to Jacob Heinrich. Lots 15, BOHANNON. Deceased. 16. 17. 1H. 19. 2b. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2.4. N otice is hereby given that the under- j signed, administrator o f the estate of ' 26. 27. 2s, 29. 3b, 31, 32. inclusive. in- Rufus E. Bohannon, deceased, has f ileal Block 6 Portland Heights No. 2. Meier A Frank Co. to John M. Love his final ammount and report as such administrator in tho County Court o f the et ux. Lot 1 Block 47 Metzger Aero Tracts. State of Oregun for Washington County, i Herbert B. Krueger et ux to Roy H and that said final account and report ha-, been set for final hearing and set­ Bills, part of Section .32 T2N R2W Glenn S. Ehle et al to Andre»» tf. tlem ent before said court at the court room thereof in Hillsboro. Oregon, on Syron. Lots 1 and 2 Block 32 W. I’ort^ Monday. March 15. 1937. at 10 o'clock ' land Heights. First National bank of Forest Grove A M of said day. Dated and fir»t published February 11. to W. M Smith et ux, 25 Acres Section IS T1S RlW . I 1937. Last publication March 11, 1937. Axel F. Pederson to John Arden. 4d HENRY YOUNG. Administrator o f the Acres Section 17 T IN RlW . Estate of Rufus E. Bohannon. Deceased. J. W. Connell (Sheriff! to Mark T. M. B. BUMP, residence and address. Hillsboro. Oregon. A ttorney for said Ad­ Cox. part Lot 1 Block » N aylor’s Addi­ tion, Forest Grove. m inistrator and Estate. 52-2 Tualatin Co. to Hugh Thomas Smith, part of Elkanah Walker I). L. C. T IN . E state: Hogan Lindahl P.4W. NOTICE TO ( REDITORS W. B. Coon et ux to Gua Reichow et In the County Court of the State of Ore­ ux. part Lot 3 Block 23, Forest Grove. gon. for Washington County. Maliada J. Cummings to Louis P. W right In the Matter of the Estate of HOGAN et ux. 19.75 Acres TIN RlW . LINDAHL. Decease«!. Gunnar Brostrom to Ethel Belter. Lots N otice is hereby given, that the under­ 7, M. 9 Lakeview Addition. Gaston. signed has been duly appointed by the John H. S«hum et ux to Mike Zahl above entitled Court, as Administratrix et ux. Lots 8 and 9 Block 45, N orth of the E state of said Deceased, and has Plains. J. W. Connell (Sheriff* to The A lp h a ’ duly qualified as such. Now, therefore, all persons having Corporation, 2.32 A e iw T IN R3W. claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the A u d ite d C ircu la tio n same, together with proper vouchers there­ A mem ber o f the A u d it Bureau for. to hte undersigned at the law o f­ fice of E. J. Me A tear, in the First N a­ o f C ircu la tio n s the Argus gives the tional Bank Building, in Hillsboro, Ore­ A d ve rtise r p ro o f of authentic, paid gon, within six months from the date up subscribers. T o the wise buyer hereof. Date«) this 11th day of February. 1937. of space there can be no substitute. SELMA LINDAHL. Administratrix of the Estate of said Deceased. E. J. McALEAR. First N ational Bank DR. R. J. NICOL Bldg., Hillsboro, Oregon, Attorney for Adm inistratrix. 52-2 ' mon I hi» from notice, to-wlt. within F*4»ruary H . 1937. I>ate