Page Six H IL L S B O R O an ag g reg ate sum g reater th an the new budget su rp lu s have already been introduced. One m easure calls for $206,000 to finance co n stru c­ tion of a new tuberculosis hospital in M ultnom ah county. A nother p ro­ vides $54,500 to construct and equip a new 50-bed pavilion at th e E ast­ ern Oregon T uberculosis hospital at The Dalles A th ird asks for $60,000 to finance an O regon ex- Dibit at the San F ra n c isc o world s fair in 1939. S till another, a d is­ tinctly ad m in istratio n m easure, calls for $100,000 to finance a new state m ining board durin g th e cu rren t biennium A bill by Hyde of L an e county, w hich has alread y passed t h e house, w ould m ake voting more convenient for residents of isolated sections of th e state. It provides th at persons living m ore th in ten m iles from a polling place may- avail them selves of th e absentee voter p rivilege up to the day b e­ fore election. W PA Theatre Group to Give Acts Saturday (By Mrs. O. II. Peterson) BEND—The O regon WPA Fed- eral th eatre will present four acts of light, fast-m oving vaudeville and a one-act comedy at 8 p. m. F ri­ day in th e new Sherw ood high school auditorium . T he 23 players and an 8-piece orchestra, under Bess Whitcomb, w ill provide the evening w ith entertainm ent, fol- low ing the dedication cerem onies of th e new high school. No adm is­ sion will be charged. Frances and Patty Gholson have been absent from school for som e tim e with the flu Miss Lucille Peterson, who is em ployed at the C. E S tretch er hom e near Scholls, has been ill at th e hom e of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O H. Peterson, and fam ily for over a w eek w ith th e chicken- pox. O liver C lark spent last Sunday at the home of his m other. Mrs M. E. Clark, at 15■ E lectricity is being installed n ear th e north end of th e Bend road. They expect to have the poles set th is week and most of th e homes a re w ired. Chet Joyce of N ew berg is engineering the job Those h av ­ ing the electricity installed in th e ir homes include Foultz. Albert Scott. L Schultz. B ruce Bowne. Sam Ludwig. Alvin North. O. H Peterson. A rth u r Steinhoff. Joe Baggenstos. E d Johnson, a n d C harles D everell. Snow of 40 Inches Reported at Hayward (C ontinued fro m p a re 1) county w ould give everv county in th e state a seat in the low er house regardless of th e size of the county. This would account for 36 1 . , of th e 60 representativ es The oth- SlipC nntC nC JC nt tO e r 24 would be distributed am ong I th e larg er counties on a popula- Atf-pt-ld D t'tlir -itio tl lion basis If approved by th e leg- A H tn U L S L U K d U O I l islature th e m easure m ust go b e­ O B K raus, county su p erin ten d fore the voters since it involves an ent of schools, w ill atten d th e eve- am endm ent to the state co n stitu ­ ning portion of th e dedication cer- tion. emonies at S herw ood S atu rd ay for A m easure sponsored by a group th e new high'scho o l, he announced of house m em bers w ould imDose yesterday (W ednesday) an annual levy of one m ill on O re­ T he cerem onies w ill begin at gon property for th e support of 1:30 p. m. w ith th e sealing of the high schools. On the basis of the cornerstone. T h is w ill be follow ­ present valuation of th e state the ed by a program of m usic and levy w ould raise n early $1.000.000 sp eak in g in th e new auditorium . a vear K raus said. S enators Staples and B u rv e in ­ In th e even in g th ere w ill be a troduced a new proposal for v ariety show by th e WPA uni-cam eral legislature They would from P o rtlan d and m usic bv the the abolish the house of rep resen ta­ orchestra w hich accom panies the tives and leave the business of show. A nother featu re of the the law m aking in the hands of the senate, confining th e m em bership piece S herw ood high school band to 30. but boosting th eir r $6 a day w ith a m axim um of S360 fo r th e session T his is th e th ird one-house legislature proposal so far this session. One bv S enator C arney provides for a legislature of 36 m em bers to be elected for term s of tw o years. A group of house m em bers, including R ep re­ "It is m y und erstan d in g th a t th e sentatives Oleen. Hosch. Bevans. H arrison and Miller, w ould abolis,h n u rsery schools will be continued. 1hc senate and retain th e house o r states U nited S tates S en ato r C harles at least an assem bly of 60 m e m -' I,. ’ M cNary, in ------------ response - to - a let- — ritten by one ---- -- of • • the > - - ------- bers to be paid a t the ra te of $350 ter w p aren ... ts a y ear for th eir services. of a pupil In the David Hill Nur Labor Board Planned sery school. . i i mu , , .. , , ation o of f a labor relatio ns T he ^m man C reation relations anagem ent j j f J h e^ Jo c a l board for Oregon is proposed in a n u i,u rsery school ap preciates th e co- .r v .. , i„ „ „„ bill introduced th is week u n d er operation of everyone, including th e aponsorahip of a n u m b er of Pool - G ard n er L u m b er com pany. house <-nd senate m em bers. The C opeland L u m b er com pany. O. B b ill provides for a board of th re e K rau.^ co unty school su p erin ten d - °Vt: F H i , Ni°SleTr' su p erin ten d e n t governor. S alaries a re fixed at of city schools: L. C. M ooberry. $3600 a year. T he board w ould be Principal- oth er teach ers of th e em pow ered, in lt. discretion, to Hill sc h o o l an d V> E K im - m ediate, conciliate > or a rb itra te d is-! ball, jan ito r; th e C offee club. W ell's putes. The m easure, w hich is said D epartm ent store, friends and indi- to be an adeptation of th e federal viduaLs w ho h av e donated toys. W agner-C onnery act to suit state time, t needs, forbids em ployers to spy for th e co-operation of p aren ts ol on. black list, dom inate or in ter- the children. fere w ith labor organizations, t o ---------------------------------------------------- discourage union m em bership or to discrim inate against union m em ­ t^iw dzTK? have to be bers. T w o m easures, said to em anate enjoy 4¡ás4 wh i s key T from adm inistration sources, are being w hipped into shape for in- . O ld Q uaker brings you a barrel troduction. One would centralize! o f quality in every b o ttle and it th e fix in g of prison term s in the doesn't cost you a barrel o f money. state parole board. The other would 90 Proof. Also available in Rye enlarge th e pow ers of th e parole board and its duties. It creates a The Old Quaker Co., Lawrenceburg, Ind. fu ll-tim e chairm anship o f t h e SCHENLEVS board at an a n n u al salary of $4000 and a chief parole officer and staff of assistants whose salaries w ould be fixed by th e board. A ppropriation bills th a t call for McNary Foresees Continuance of Nursery Schools i. • Highlights ITI Week's News all of trade for season because m aritim e strike. Fifteen thousand dollar fire loss suffered at B ridal Veil Blizzard- d riv en blaze w hips into logging settlem ent F our houses destroyed. Monday. February I Mrs H attie L one K oeber. 52, w ifei Oregon snow fall sets 21 vear rec­ ord. All s ta te s m am highw ays are ef H erm an T K oeber of m ar Sher-1 wood, dic'd at the fam ily home blocked by deep drifts. Sunday a fter an illness of th ree T h irteen convicted Trotskyists, years. condem ned to die for treason and Mrs K oeber w as born in Ne­ sabotage, executed. Nine injured in C hevrolet plant braska (X-tober 31 1881 She is riot at Flint. Mich survived by the w idow er and tin' G iant w aves m enace levee in following children B a n N of B ea­ T ennessee Cairo. I l l . rushes w ork verton; K enneth of San Francisco, as flood crest rises. Velda of Sherw ood, and Mrs l.vla.s F our persons die in northw est K oeber B artlett of P ortland Two | storm sisters Mt ■ Ferd G roner of Scholls L indbergh and w ife m issing in and Mis 1 ,ce G reenw ood of Aloha, airp lane and tw o brothers. E rnest Callow Tuesday. February 2 of Omaha. N et', and W illard Callow L indbergh and w ife reach Koine of P ortland also survive. K enneth K oeber cam e up from G iven big w elcom e Flint. Mich court rules sit-dow n San Francisco to atten d th e fu- strik e rs m ust vacate G eneral M otors lierai, luit Ivan, w ho is on a tour i east w ith his orchestra, w as unable plants Tennessee child m arriage stirs to attend. F uneral services w ill be held at officials F ears for safety of D r J. C B. the Scholls M ethodist church S a t­ Davis. 67. kidnaped a t Willow urday afternoon at 2 o'clock, w ith Springs. M o. and held for $5000 Rev. A. H aw thorne officiating In ­ term en t w ilt be in th e M ountain­ ransom, im pedes search. F rench cham ber cheers go v ern ­ side cemetery Rem ains will be at m ent's plan for increased defenses. the Donelson A Sew ell F uneral t'hapel until I o'clock S aturday, G erm an program to lx- m atched w here they may be view ed by- W ednesday, F ebruary 3 friends. G overnor M urphy, acting u n d er Mr and Mrs K oeber a re well P resident Roosevelt, suggests L ew ­ know n here, w here they operated is' union recognition by tie n e ra l a confectionery on Second avenue Motors and w ith d raw al of all sit- for many years Mrs. K oeber w as I down strik ers from G eneral M otors a faithful m em ber of Phoenicia plants. Temple, P y th ian Sisters, d u ring lie'-' r Robert Kenyon. rroocri ixenyon. 20. L'lt. leads federal residence in Hillsboro, and h .. a . d ! agents to body of Dr. J. C. B. Da- m any friends in this com m unity VLS- w")om he kidnaped and killed __________ _______ before attem p tin g to collect $5000 Thursday. January 28 South prep ares for reco rd flood as sw ollen riv ers recede in north. D esperate fight w aged on levees by 100.000 m e n A ppoxim atelv 1.000.000 hom eless in 11 states Cold increases victim s' m isery. Total dead 333. Jap an ese th re a t to Pacific coast salmon resource. Icy w all moves on A laska city F ro z e n tid a l w ave m enaces homes at B arrow . ransom. R u ssia n pro secu to r i n conclud- S eam en pile up big vote to end LOST 2-year-old red steer. Re- ! mg tria l of conspirators against m aritim e strik e w ard F red's S u p erio r M arket Soviet ru le dem ands death for 17 Roosevelt sends six -v ear program plotters. of publie w orks, am o u n tin g to $5.- 1937 PONTIAC sedan, new. take H ighw ay at K lam ath Falls chok- 011.000.000. to congress. used car or stock for down pay-1 R iver at Cairo. III., stays at 5'J m ent.—B irch, 2 m iles south o n 1 ed w ith snow. 16 ch ild ren spend feet. C rew s fight to save city. In ­ night in schoolhouse. L aurel roud. Sip fluenza epidem ic h its am ong flood Friday. January 29 refugees in M em phis. Tenu. SIX 8-w eeks-old pigs, full blood Deluge assails M ississippi riv e r C hester Whites, foF sale Than defenses as Ohio dum ps its flood Caven, 2 m iles north of H illsboro.! into parent stream . L evee system Rt. 1, Box 8. H alf-m ile w est Ed I to face big test. K amilas. 51pl Social secu rity law targ et of re ­ publicans in congress, w ho propose F IR E S T O N E cat ra d io 6 -lu b e 2 to include dom estic serv an ts — and - - . F uneral services . • X I for X»S Mrs I I H It attie lilt 'lV i. y I e 111 a r 3 s 1 old. $25. - 1« E G Paine. 445 .' ep™;„n Vv-UemU” * 1 ,!le o1^ agc ?ic '.soi1'. _w,1° died T uesday, w ill E Jackson S t. H illsboro - be held at 2 p. m. F rid ay from th e ' _ End of long m aritim e strik e be- Donelson & S ew ell chapel w ith FA IR BA N K S gas engine; 500 - r a ­ lieved near. pacity incubator; brooder f o r ) Rev. A lexander H aw thorne offi­ D eath by shooting penalty m eted ciating. In term e n t w ill be in F ir 1000 baby chicks; D cLaval s e p a r­ 13 Russians charged w ith treason. L aw n cem etery. ator. for sale or trad e Mrs. A. Mrs Nelson had been a resident H Meyer. Rt 1, H illsboro; n ear; Saturday. January 30 51-52 A greem ents Between m aritim e of this city 25 years. Mr. Nelson C onnell station. union and sh ip o w n ers su b m itted cliPcf in 1930 Deceased is su rv iv ed to vote of w orkers. R esult W ednes­ by the follow ing children: G eorge LOST -S trin g of gold beads last i T hursday on Main street betw een day expected P Nelson, P ortland; Mrs. C N H ughson C a l: Mrs First and T hird avenues Reward. G erm any wild w ith jo y over H it- Reynolds. Phone H illsboro 2021X - f c , * ^ a ",al ° G er,n a"-V« con- C am pbell. San Franc.see: r f Z in , ih iV iT g u l,ty ' G rc™ ' )f U klah- Ca ■ A I i )A N W .o i < i» m . m: ; q, X *d W3r . b ro th er lives at Tacom a. Wash bered farm n ear H illsboro. W rite ' . J * ,1;'- •Nlbakes. lain th reats 7348 Argus. 51 !±p 5 i J iv? r Boy Scouts to Observe th reaten s nOO.OOO lives from Ohio t o 1 a : j ELECTRIC w ashing m achine, good G ulf of M exico C rew s w ork h ard Anniversary Monday condition, old model. $10 Mrs ! lo keep riv e r in bounds. Cairo. H illsboro district Boy Scout an- C lara S tew art. 634 E Oak St. 51 pi 111., deem ed safe as flood finds own n iv ersary rally will be held M on­ safety valve and pressu re c u t day evening in th e high school M ILK goat, now m ilking. w ilt freshen in May, for sate. J. C dow n. gym nasium beginning at 7:45. w hen 51 G eneral M otors head denies he scout m asters and assistants w ill Olsen, south of condenser reached agreem ent w ith S ecretary assem ble w ith field ex ecutives and P erk in s on s trik e issue. ' com m issioners. T his w ill be fol- OAT and vetch bay, $12. C ate- Rt. 3. Hillsboro. P resid en t Roosevelt th an k s coun- low ed by assem bly, flag salute, in- try for liberal response t o Red spection. scout contests and stunts. Cross pleas for h elp to flood vie- and close w ith aw ards, vesper song D O N ’T *■— - ~ J for - tim s and support of - b irth d ay ' benediction an d taps balls. ' I ____________________ >5E H O P E Sunday. January 31 JO HN EDGAR W ESTW ICK i f ■ - 'i ar»- < lra frne < 1 a n d a o tT e r < r ’ .’ . j.f I / . ’ tf f.« a>1 n o ta ra Tension increases a t Cairo. III. FOREST G R O V E — Jo h n Edgar d o n t MM * h "p p u n t il yo u tr y as O hio riv e r n ears to p of 63-foot W estwick. 55. carp en ter, died at O u r in e t h e V ie n n a s p e c ta i is t 'n seawall. F u rth e r south a seco n d ary ; h is hom e h ere F riday and funeral a n t is e p t ic t r e a t m e n t Y o u r c s s * levee gives way before the m ount- services w ere held from th e Done!- m a y ne c a u s e d o r a tf(rra \a te < 1 by jn g M is ^ s ip p i. C older w eath er i son & Sew ell chapel M onday w ith h a r d e n e d w a x o r a s e p t ic c o n d i- t»< n. T h o u s a n d s a re a m a z e d a n d predicted. Rev Jesse Bunch o ffic ia tin ’ In- ov -rjo y e d « t O t ’ R I N E r e s u lts West coast seaboard stirs as "back term en t was in F orest View ceme- Y o u r m o n e y re fu n d e d i f n o ! sa t to w ork p rep aratio n s accom pany tcry He was born in S eattle No­ le f » d C o s ts o n ly a f e w c e n ta d a ily . I ’ aed sinca 1*96 over a call for union vote ' vem ber 14 1881 Deceased r sur- m i llio n p a c k a tfe s s o ld S a fe in - Soviet presidium denies c le m e n c y ! vived by the widow and t wo ¿hil- rr * * d * e n ts as lis te d in t h e I ! S appeals of 13 condem ned men. dren. G alen J. of B altim ore and Pharmaropein ask ABORToi'RlNEToday A pple ex p o rters lost p ractically ! M aria M axine of C orbett. D elta D rug Store Services Friday for Mrs. Nelson ENEO? DEÄFL YOU the Best in Quality Meats BACK BACON B A C O N SE Lb. ASONING- BACON 14c By th e piece. 21c Lb. BEEF R O A ST Lb. = BEEF LIVER JJ C 14c Lb PURE LARD 3 42c SUPERIOR MARKET P hone 651 5 D eliveries D aily Rrs. Phitne 32IZ Valentine Day SPECIALS Columbia Best .Mission T o m ato , 13* ¿-oz. b o ttle s. P ineapple Ju ice 29c CORNMEAL FLOUR STARCH PEACHES 3 SOUP CLEANSER Y ellow -lb. bag N o rth e rn 11 a r d w h e a I. (2 4 > /2 ’ s 49’s 89 c ) S1.49 7c 43C 7c W e tilso o ff e r q u a lity am t econom y on t i r e s, lu b ric a tio n , c a r w a sh in g a n d p ain tin g . Devil’s Food Cake Supreme 29c 49c BUSCH'S COOKIES 3 dozen 25c McFall Jersey Dairy Phone Î1UI Try Perfection Bread — None Better. Demand it at your grocers. Hillsboro Two Handy Locations SERVICE GARAGE Phone 501 SUPER SERVICE STATION Corner Third and Baselin» Phone 391 A. II. Husrh. Pr«a PIGGLY WIGGLY Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, February 5 and 6 FREE DELIVERY— FOUR TIMES DAILY PHONE 3131 OLEO 2 s 29c lbs. PABST CHEESE, ¡ill v a rie tie s. 1 2-lb pkg. PABST-ETT, th e ch e e se food. P k g . PABST Super Cured CHEESE. 2-lb. loaf PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 17c 17c 55c 9c ED'S MASTER MKT. f d i - BETTER MEATS S p r e ta i T r ie rs — O n ly BACON COCOA M o t t i f f ’s B r illiti 15c UNEEDA BISCUITS. 2 pkg*. 9c The N ational Soda C racker Fugar ( urrd JU i V FOUND KRAUT 10C 01 Alt 1 WIENERS RITZ CRACKERS. Large pkg. 20C I OI .M) Heinz BABY FOODS, ¡til \ ¡trielies. 3 cans FOLGERS COFFEE i t 27e 21 53c Dundee Gold. Bant «m CORN 303 Size Can . 29c 3c.„, 29c Van Camp's PORK & BEANS 3 T ria n g le b ra n d , (¿nick or Reg. ¡.urge 2 2 't Can - 9 -lb. Campbell's TOMATOES No. I’ig g ly W ig g ly b ra n d 24*/2-lb. sack SOUPS 2'i Cans 3 cans 29C can. Dundee 25C Except C hicken 25c cans $1.69 /I ft OÎ/U 'lì/ WINDMILL FLOUR. 49-lb. sack PEERLESS FLOUR. 49-lb. sack Drifted Snow, Crown or Fisher’s. 49-lb. sack TIFFANY WINES O ranges and Lem ons are High Use P ineapple Juice 49c Assorted I)o le ’s N a tu ri H a w a iia n 10’s can Gasoline - Oil Battery Checking Accessories V a riety of fla v o rs There are many things you'll like about tile pure, frrah milk the McFall Jersey Dairy delivers: Its unquestioned purity, carefully h a n d le d from an inspected herd, and delivered Io you promptly. All the richness and vitamins of nature are in this milk. FLOUR 9c Special bottle Modern Cars WHITE CAKE Pure Milk . . . No. 2 Cans CATSUP Modern Ser vice Our Famous Cut Green K * Coburg BEANS i a 3 cans 25C 3 it,. 73c