i •i. '? ’! instead of a d eficit due to a "m il­ know n u n til the w eather has r, lion-dollar'' b lu n d er in p rep aratio n P o rtlan d hospitals and H erboldt is tu rn ed to norm al, allow ing gro w th of th e state budget. T he surplu: I being treated in a hospital here to be resum ed Forecasts a re th a t w as disclosed a fte r an audit of Herboldt. suffering tw o broken considerable dam age lias been done th e state's fin an ces show ed th at ribs, has developed pneum onia and and m any fields a re know n to be Nay you saw tl in the Argus. ■ th ere w ould be som e $822.000 m ore i.s in a serious condition, it is re i com pletely ruined. 'a ta ila b le for 1937-38 than had been ported He is in the county hospital (Cwnllnuwi from page I» T em p eratu res d u ring the w eek estim ated w hen th e budget was H arris related to officers that lie I the T hursday m eeting on the bed- i Ity M ary Sinclair) have rem ained low. the highest b e ­ p rep ared KKEDVIl.l.E I’ -T A met F n - looked around after bringing hr. I ding industry and told of I l l s r e ing on Monday w hen the m ercury T he state senate by the o v er­ , The additio n al sum was o b tain ­ reached 41 above zero, according day afternoon at th e R eedville ear to a stop in the ditch in tim e cent trip to Chicago w here lie a t­ The New By Lorraine Drmminl w helm ing vote of 26 to 2 late T u es­ ed front th e state's u n ap p ro p riated to A W Moore, o b serv er h ere for school house A ttendance was not , 111 see the H erboldt m achine crash tended a Nealy com pany conven­ SCHO LI.S A nnual benefit earn- the U. S biological survey Coldest largì- ow ing to so m uch sickness into th e one driven Ity Fred Davis tion. d a y killed th e bill, w hich would cash surplus, estim ated additional have elim inated th e O regon m ilk . unexpended balances and income ival d in n er sponsored by th e Ju n io r te m p e ra tu re was S atu rd ay w hen m this vicinity but a very in te r­ 1 bursday noon, F obruarv 4, ■control board, a target of some ■ tax money w hich should not have W om ans clu b F eb ru ary 5 w ill be the m ercury dropped to 24 above esting m eeting was enjoyed' C h e a t­ P o rtlan d groups since its recent been cred ited as offset a g a i n s t followed by a play 'an d special ing and stealing w ere the m ain B eginning w ith T hursday, th ere m usical num bers o rd er increasing the price of milk p ro p erty taxes at this time. l\ll.l>? KATS mid topics for discussion It was decid­ C harles Paynes. H enry P eters has been 1 02 inches of ram . not ed to co n trib u te to the Doern- to consum ers. including yesterday i W ednesday», and Bobby B ax ter spent th e w eek ­ Ö C M ICE only bechcr hospital A program by the T he vote w as taken on a report end fishing on the N estucca riv er w hile snow fall has registered th ree selnml ch ild ren is plnnned for F eb­ by the senate ag ricu ltu ral com m it­ and a half inches S afe and Sure Phone 953 : H illsboro A nniversary O bserved tee that th e lull, introduced by Snow and colder is forecast for ruary m eeting Ail in vitation was League of O regon Cities, besides Mr. and Mrs Ernest H anson cele­ today (T hursday) w ith an east extended to attend the m eeting at seeking a portion of the gas tax S en ato r Lessard, "do not pas.- " FUNERAL DIRFCTOKS b rated th eir 25th w edding a n n i­ wind. C orvallis F ebruary 9. 10. 11 and 12 funds, also has set out t o retu rn S en ato r Lessard announced that he anil BEAVERTON F u n eral services v ersary w ith a d in n er p.irtv Stin- B irthday M eeting Today w ould introduce an o th er m easure T em p eratu res the liquor revenues to t i l e mini 11111'thoro. O rr. LICENSED IMBAI.MFRS for Mrs. Celia E H ulett, w ho died da.\ P resent w ere Mr and Mrs M is H ow ard C httrchley will e n ­ to lim it th e pow er of th e milk leipalities. I¡corgc McGee. city mail Date Max Mm. tertain the W omen's M issionary ager. reported this week board to fix the price received by at h er hom e h ere S unday a fte r­ O tis S trin g er and son Don. Henry Ja n u a ry 22 34 26 society at her hom e T hursday a f t­ the producer and abolishing t h e noon. w ere held at th e C o n g reg a­ and H arry Lam bert. D orothy Faul- U nder a resolution r e c e n t l y Ja n u a ry 23 36 24 ernoon at 2 This w ill be the a n ­ I adopted by th e league a request Is rig h t to set m inim um prices and tional church. B eaverton. T uesdav > r. all of P ert land, and Mrs Lucille Ja n u a ry 24 38 afternoon, w ith Rev B urns offi­ H ent of Newbeg. 28 quotas. nual b irth d ay m eeting. m ade that the provisions of the ; Ja n u a ry 25 41 31 Born. Io M r and Mrs. Mvron M aking (¡loves S enator M cCornack. Lane coun­ ciating. She is su rv iv ed by th e Knox law. w hich lias been super- Ja n u a ry 26 39 32 Mis S A B ecker s sew ing class ceded by th e liquor revenue act. I ty, chairm an of th e com m ittee, said w idow er. Jo h n H H ulett, p u b lish ­ A u th ard Ja n u a ry 23 a boy. Ja n u a ry 27 36 of th e B eaverton R eview , four No S ervice Sunday 32 is enthused w ith the m aking of be placed in effect as regarding th a t th e com m ittee's rejection of er . hurc i *er\ ices w ere held in leather gloves w hich is very sim ple tlu» d istrib u tio n of revenue under outright repeal of th e board was daughters, Mrs G ladys B raun of e M. F ch u rch Sunday because under h er instructions If you are this law. Demand based upon testim ony presented by Forest G rove. Mrs L u tin o T hom p­ th of so much illness. son of Moro. Joy and A letha H ul­ not a tten d in g one of these schools, p roducers and distrib u to rs from ail ett of B eaverton: one son. Russell The original law. McGee points | Miss Y vonne B unnell spent se v ­ b etter get started T uesday m orn­ sections. out. provides that all revenues frum of B eaverton: six g ran d ch ild ren , eral d ay .- las’, week \ siting Mis,- ing !» to 12 at Reedville 1 licenses should bo d istrib u ted Io B enefits of the law w ere brought th re e sisters. Mrs Bell Mills. M r s ' B etty A nderson in Portland. M any at B argain Day cities and counties on the basis of out by S enator E. L. Ross of this Em m a D rake, and Mrs. Eva P h eat Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M urray w ere Many from here atten d ed b a r­ population 1'otal revenue from this BEVERAGES county. of T rav ers City, Mich. called to Mt. Angel W ednesday I gain day at H illsboro and found it source w ould b e approxim ately A pplications f o r app earan ce o n Official notice w as given t h e Mrs. H ulett w as a m em ber of because of the illness of h er m o th ­ the a n n u al am a te u r show of H ills­ a w orthw hile day $250,(X X ) p er year. legislative ways and m eans com ­ th e D aughters of th e Union V et­ er. Mrs Mary Komvate. Jim Mullen, w ho form erly lived I o p ttlar hosts don t ta k e chancea on mat anv It lias been pointed out. McGee b o ro post. A m erican Legion, already h ere but for the past y e a r has been m ittee Tuesday that it w ill have erans, and of B eaverton Rebekah arc being made. J a k e Weil, co m ­ in P ortland, retu rn ed last week for aid. that liquor revenue lias alw ays m ixer w hen they e n te rta in . They know that a surplus of $340.000 to deal w ith lodge. Both organizations had a been teg ard ed as a source of re v ­ m ander. reported at the post m e e t­ a short stay in this vicinity. , KOVAL has it •'zip" t h a t ’s d iffe re n t- is nni- p art in th e fu n eral services. e n u e for local governm ent, but that ing Tuesday night. R epairs House lorm ly delicious. T he rem ains w ere forw arded to th e relief problem ap p aren tly just T he com m ittee has decided th at Mrs. F ran k s is m aking som e re ­ ified tem porary diversion of liquor Kingsley. M ich, for the conc' iding prizes w ould be th e sam e as last pairs on tier bouse this week Ask for it at your denier services, and are being accom pan­ revenues to state purposes lit 1933 year, m aking a total of $35 to be (C o n tin u e d fro m page I ) Mr and Mrs C larence W right ied bv Mrs. G ladys B raun, th e However, increase i n rev en u e d ivided betw een five w inners, firs! oldest daughter, and Mr. H ulett. creasing needs of flood victim s in place to receive $15. and the w in ­ and son Billy of P ortland. Rav from various d irect taxes levied b> A rrangem ents w ere m care of \V eight states, th e Red Cross is c a ll­ n ers a chance to broadcast on the W right of Salem . Mr and Mrs Jay tht' state, m akes the present the Brown and d au g h ter O pal of S o l­ proper tim e to re tu rn to th e o rig ­ ing on people of U nited S tates for E. Pegg. B eaverton. m inim um relief fund of $10.iXX).(XX> Legion KGW program follow ing ida. C olorado, visited S unday a ft­ inal d istn b tu io n plan, the league I’honc 2432 H illsboro 345 E Main St. ernoon at th e home of the w om en's Reports received lately indicate the show in H illsboro All persons com peting last y ear cousin B. 1. Sinclair, and fam ily m em bers claim. m ore th an 700.000 men. w om en and children driv en from th e ir homes w ill be eligible again this y ear w ith T he B row ns expect to visit his and now d ependent on th e Red th e exception of first place w in ­ brother. Jo h n Brown, n ear Rose­ Cross for em ergency relief in c lu d ­ n er O th er w inners a re not barred burg before re tu rn in g hom e by way of C alifornia ing food, shelter, bedding, m edical from com peting for first place Helen B ecker at the piano accom ­ atten tio n and w arm clothing. R ag­ T he com m ittee i s seeking a ing blizzards and freezing w eath er v ariety of acts w hich can include panied a violinist pupil of Miss in m any flooded sections add to m usical n um bers of a l l kinds: Dorothy Long Sunday afternoon in th e su fferin g of refugees and sp eaking acts: singing: dancing and the studio of N ational In stitu te of g reatly increases th e need for in ­ an y o th er nu m b er w hich m ight be Music at P ortland stant relief p leasing to th e audience "We feel su re th e people of vour V arious organizations o f t h e with our complete I hey Know from Long Experience that ---------" w ill Milk Control Upheld in Big Vote in Senate Scholls Folk Plan Benefit; Honor Couple RAT - X Cities Asking Liq nor Money/ \\ ife of Publisher at Beaverton Dies Donelson Sewell Delta Drug Store DON’T GAMBLE ON MIXERS Amateurs Seek Place in Show ROYAL Norman Seeks Fund Red Cross Relief No Guess Work Royal Soda Works thrifty shoppers sV r GREASING SERVICE PERFECTION BAKERY B ring y o u r c a r into e ith e r of our two locations for a com plete g reasin g . . . th en go out and SPECIALS Enjoy Good Driving Notice how th e shim m ies, th e little unnoticed ja rs , ra ttle s and body-squeaks of old have been elim i­ nated. A nd note h o w m uch longer your c a r holds its prim e p erfo rm ­ ance. Praline Cake Made w ith O regon F ra n q u e tte W alnuts a n d B row n Sugar. Topped w ith delicious B u tter Scotch F ondant Icing. 29c 49c French Coffee Cake W alnut. B row n S u g ar and C innam Icing. cin n a m o on n icing. Each BUSCH’S Two Handy Locations SERVICE GARAGE Phone 501 SUPER SERVICE STATION Corner Third and Baseline Phone 391 A. H. Busch, Pro> 15c Assorted Cookies 3 dozen 25c French Do-Nuts Dozen 30c All Perfection Breads are made with the best local milk. D e­ mand Perfection Bread and Pas­ tries at your Grocer. gus office in care of th e Red C ross A lready m any v o lu n teer su b scrip - tions have com e in. O ther places w h ere donations w ill be accepted a re Aloha. C J S tickney office: B eaverton. city w ater office: T igard. B ank of T i­ gard Forest G rove. Alf Johnson. Forest G rove N ational bank. in sure ju stice in th e m a tte r of se- lections. W eil points out. T he past set th e date for the county Legion Jam b o ree March 23 and p rep aratio n s already a re being m ad e to in su re an excellent pro gram . A rran g em en ts a re in the hands of W illiam D ierdorff a n d Dr. R alph Dresser. C o m m a n d e r J a k e Weil and A d ju tan t Leon S Davis. O regon senators and re p re se n ta ­ tives a re to receive letters from th e post u rg in g th e ir su p p o rt to 1 the univresal service law sponsored (C o n tin u ed fro m p a r * 1) by th e Legion to tak e th e profit appeal to log h au lin g and wood out of w ar. tru ck s to keep loads at a m inim um and rem ain off th e roads if possi­ ble. o B ecau ecause se oi of conditions in the Vv eather Continues Varied, Snow Falls san aw aitin g w arm er w eath er an d m elting of snows. T h ere still is a deficiency in norm al rain fall am ounting to se v ­ eral inches d esp ite th e heaviest snow falls in recen t years. Roads Slippery S atu rd ay and Sunday, m elting snow s on the highw ays froze into a slip p ery coating, forcing au to ­ m obiles to trav el at m inim um speeds and causing m any acci d en ts of m inor n atu re. A lthough th e frost has gone out of th e grain fields, am ount of dam - age to crops w ill not be d efin itely McGee Gi\ res Rad io Talk on Motor Fund - G eorge McGee, city m anager of H illsboro, spoke last night i W ed­ nesday» from rad io station KO AU at C orvallis in prom otion of the m ovem ent by th e L eague of O re ­ gon C ities to obtain a share of the state m otor vehicle fund for street purposes. He covered reasons for the d e ­ m ands. citin g the need of street funds by m ost cities and towns C ities and tow ns produce from 67 _ to ° 75 vehicle ™ p e r c e n t of th e ? m ° otor ! fu n d collects' hc out. t-.-ta te : I.e n a L n c le r X IIT IIE OI f l X . l l , s i: T T I . I- .M U X th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e S ta te u f O r r - , t i'jn . f o r W a M h in irtn n C o u n ty . I In th e M a tt e r o f th e K a ta te o f L E N A E N G L E R . Deceased. , N o tic e is h e re b y »riven th a t th e u n d e r* j xip-ned e x e c u to r o f th e la t w i l l a n d te x ta - [ m e n t o f * a id de»en.*ed has file d in t h f ; abo ve e n t it le d c o u r t and cause hit* F in a l A ccount and R e p o rt a - »uch . a n d th e : c o u r t has fix e d a n d a p p o in te d th e 27th da y o f J a n u a r y . 1937, B l t i l l h»»nr o f | 0 • »’c lo c k A . M »rf said d a y a n d th e < < u r t room o f th e a bo ve e n title d c o u r t in H ills » b o ro , O re g o n , as th e tim e a n d p lace f u r h e a rin ir o b je c tio n » t o sa id f in a l a c c o u n t and fo r th e f in a l settlem ent o f said estate. D a te d t h i* 2 * t h d a y o f J a n u a r y . 1937. H E N R Y T H IE S . E x e c u to r .»f th e L a i t W ill a n d T e s ta m e n t o f .-«aid Deceased E. J . M r A L E A R , A t to r n e y f o r E xe cu ­ tor. 50.54 Prices for Friday. Saturday and Monday- January 29 and 30. and February 1 FLOUR ^ r F£ "£.KE - CORN MEAL 91 8 39c q u an tity of venison in the creek, but was caught in this by fresh track s in th e snow a n d traces of m eat in his w hiskers. A fter th e fines w ere levied, the men asked to be allow ed to leave th e jail as soon as the logging cam ps opened, pointing out to one an o th er th a t inclem ent w eather could best be w ithstood in the steam -heated in terio r of th e county hotel. Burning Car Nearly Traps Injured Man (C o n tin u rd fro m p a re I ) n ear Rex. on the N ew berg highw ay when the Voight — car crashed w ith another driv en by L A S hiffer of report accident happened when rep o rt T he aecideni th e Voight car attem pted to pull around a n o th e r w reck on slippery pavem ent at th e sam e tim e that the S h iffer ear w as approaching around th e w reck from the other side. M rs R W. R ichardson of P o rt­ land d a u g h ter of Mr and M rs A W. H avens of Hillsboro, was slig h t­ ly in ju red S a tu rd ay m orning near W itch Hazel statio n w hen the R ichardson car. and one driven by W. C. Moore, A rm our com pany salesm an, collided Mrs. R ichard- son was th ro w n against th e rear view m irror. Both cars w ere con­ sid erab ly w recked The accident happened w hen Moore attem pted to pass a n o th e r car on th e slip- ' pery pavem ent. W arrant was issued T uesday for Louis H erboldt of Hillsboro, c h arg ­ ing reckless driving, follow ing an accident late M onday n ig h t a mile east of B eaverton in w hich thre< persons w ere seriously in ju red , ac­ cording to a rep o rt filed w ith John Connell, sheriff. T he in ju red w ere Mrs. Louis H er­ boldt. S arah Davis. 42. a n (I Fred Davis. 43. both of P ortland. The charges w ere filed against H erboldt by Dan H arris, w ho charges that he was forced off the road near th e scene of th e m ajor accident by H erboldt. T he th ree women a re in Sperry Eastern Yellow or W hite FRED Dvenserve or Crystal Ware. Your ( hoiee -g -lb. A tin 2 6 c ^ Golden W est COFFEE offers The Northwest's Favorite Tuna Flakes COHN M adison Ideal, 10c ' .'s. 3 C olum bia Best COFFEE Lb. 25c J J [9c -f 1 5c HONEY— 5-lb. can F irst G rad e—L ight Color DATES— 2 lbs. 2 15c KIDNEY BEANS V7L,‘. 10c CHILI CON CARNE c.n 15c Hormrl's. Just heat and serve, 2's PINEAPPLE JUICE 2,„ 15c Di lc s N atural H aw aiian. N atu re's A lkaline D rin k for Colds 25c) JELL WELL BEANS— Sm all W hite. 3 lbs. i U M V P W ALNU TS, 2 lbs . 29c O regon F ancy PECANS, lb. 29c G eorgia F ancy P a p e r S hell ALMONDS, lb. 29c IX L Soft S hell Cold W eath er is Candy M aking Time J ^ (1 0 ’s ........ 45c) Your choice of seven p o p u lar flavors. Pkg an W an. N oted for th i-ir tc n tllirn i-n s 2's cans Suri, for hom e m ade Cookies 4c 27C 15c 2 TO M ATO JUICE 4 Del .Monte F ancy. salmon 11 rnr-r- Priccs E f^ ctiv e Friday and Saturday, January 29 «nd 30 FREE DELIVERY— FOUR TIMES DAILY P, , O NE 3131 BOTTER 36c I’iggly W iggly. G ra d e A. Lb. H & D JELL POWDER, It. flat«,, . 3 pkg8. BOUQUET VANILLA. 4-oz. bottle CRISCO ilG-nz. cans BACK BACON Lb. BACON SEl A S O N |N c . BACON By the piece. Lb. PORK ROAST Lb BEEF ROAST Lb. _ BEEF LIVER PURE LARD 23c) IVORY SOAP SAUERKRAUT21’ 2 cans ■«■■»■I »■■■■■■■■■■■* Libby's Silver Threaded 2 cakes lie s.a'° Soap Flakes P k f. 5 D eliveries Dally ■E 19c 49c 15c 23c Johnson's GLO-COAT 29c MARSHMALLOWS COFFEE -f HEINZ SOUPS Pint Quart 55c 95c -lb. cello pkg. -lb. 25c Except Consom m e, Clam Chow d e r and C hicken. A Pint tins aHt leans 3 rolls 19C Scott K itchen I’kg. 10 HEINZ BABY FOODS. 3 cans Heinz BEANS, small size 9c. Tuna Fish 25c Med., 2 cans 27c W hite S ta r or 29c Del Monto Minced Clams Spinach EKES 11 AND CRISP POUND lbs. 15c 69c 25c JU ca Underwood WHOLE CLAMS. 2 tall cans Otter Cove OYSTERS, tall cans. 2 cans fresh fruits — vegetables Parsnips 5c \\ iiiesiips and N orthern Spies BOX 25c 25c Royal c |i e f . 7 A A Elat tin lUU ED’S MASTE RMKT. for BETTER MEATS .Saturday Only Hock less PICNICS Ideal to fig h t “ flu .” DOZEN Res, Phone 321Z 3, le a Garden SYRUP 12-oz Jug 26-oz Jug CHIPSO lb. ho? DOG FOOD PANCAKE FLOUR TOWELS SUPERIOR MARKET rh on c 651 17c 27c CALO FISHER’S M edium Size 1000-sheet 3 1 ib, 42c 17c Large Pkg. 69c 10c Regular Bars Soap the Best in FRED'S 7::;.5 c ’ 35 c Del Monte Red Alaska Lb. SOAP POWDER P&G Naptha SOAP Snowflakes or Grahams 2 YOU 14c 21c 16c 14c 14c OXYDOL I4c io . 55c 3 -lb.tin Blue Ribbon MALT. 3-lb. can CANDY BARS, all 5c varieties. 3 for All Meats Inspected by Drs. Nicol and Almquist D P A C Y» liow Split, G reen Split. W hole G reen. (46-oz..... HIGH QUALITY at LOW PRICE Scot TISSUE Q uality M eats Del M onte G olden B antam C ream Style or W hole Kernel M jL ® IGGLY WIGGLY A lw ays lia s Sunrise Brand. rh erm alo Roasted 27cS5§t; OATS : Can’t Be Fooled Trnm page I ) In Mother’s. China. Pkg. a F. G. Youth Under Holdup Nice lo r baking 65c Pound 610^ PO T ROAST Pound i. I