Washington County’s Great Market Place - “Where the Buyer Meets Seller A h, .Hly A1 arle given out until the 1 Ilici n Issued. N otier B enin e «f tin- ad ditional serv- il’l’ 1 <•, Bank;-. 50-53p thence dow n ¿aid C rock to a point 17.61 chu. west and 9 61 chs. south 8-ROOM hou >e for sale. Bids will of the S. E corner of said A rth u r he received by trustee« of B eth- D I.. c . thence no rth 20 83 chs to any P resb y terian church until Feb- the place of beginning containing rin r y 12 on th e old parsonage 23 50 a ,.r(... of ,jJs0 ri ght Right r. served to reject any or u .• » n g h P r f w ä / f o r T m ä d ’c ^ all bids Nelse Johnson, Ht 4. veyed by A lexander C halm ers and Hillsboro. aOp wife to p arty of the first part, by deed recorded at page 205 of Book 29. Dog», Pet» 69. Records deeds fo r W ashing- - ------- i ton C ounty, Oregon. GOLDEN Spaniel, m . . ale, B . eing a - p art of th N orthw est . , 1-year- M — e — ........ —• old. sell or trad e ’ i n $$ r the southw est q u a rte r Ht 2, B eaverton. 1 none H ills b o r o of Section 16, T ow nship 1 N orth, 2R7 range 3 west Will M er and t.f M th e R ichard A rth u r D. L . U _ . IMO. R abbits 43 in said T ow nship and Range, 31. bounded by beginning at a stone RABBITS for sale, New Z ealand said D. L. C. W hiter Livi ■ or dres ed Phone sains from the southeast H illsboro 1074 50 o7 T s T " . tra “ A the noM n o rm h"nne“ line Oi a V f>0-acre ct sold by A lex C halm t TS to J W 34. R oom s, A p artm en ts ot r«qulr««l to prewrit them with th« proper VGHhr,r* to tb< und»r»ign«l »«JminUtr»- .¡, m„nlh. f,.„„ th» d»t» .,f th , first publication of tht* notice, to-wit, with » il ib) month« from January 21, 1937. Haie-J at Hillsboro, Oregon, on th IX’h »Uy of January. 1937. < Hl.OKl.s (A Y ftA M ah iii . *r-cr.. ,f th E .ta te o f Herman Frahm. Deceased. •’ I.. PATTERSON, Ati>,rn«y for Ad- E stât»: W. 8. and Addle E. Tilton NOTICE TO I REDITOHS In th . County Court of the S t . t . of Or»- y o n , for W »,hln gton County of .lh*» H. TILTON and ADDIL E. TILTON. both iJHcemed Notice 1» hereby given that the under- *ign«d ha» been duly confirmed by the «»titled court ax executrix of the Llwt W,U ar,d Test* rn*n - of »»W de- ceased, and hax duly qualified ax aueh. Now, therefore, all person. having claim . »»»Inst »aid estates notified and required to present the hereby xame. t'/qether with proper voucher» therefor, to the 'jr.deraigr.^i at t h . law office of E. u fl" A‘“ r' u u'i” * 7 ? ,!“"k Building. in Hillsboro. Oregon, Within six month« from the date hereof. Sale of Fir Trees Help to Hayward Meltebeke Electric Store, Hills­ titan T he 1937 W illys now Is on d is­ play at th e Used C a r Exchange, it w as announced this w eek. T he car is of th e latest design w ith full w idth »eats, all steel top and body. syncro-m esh transm ission. 13 cubic feet of luggage com partm ent, and will m ake up to 35 m iles per gaMou of gasoline. ■ ■ — - How Nice “I th in k th a t's a p erfectly w on­ derfu l p iano you have." "It is a g ran d piano."—Ex. (By V ivian Hudson) HAYW ARD- Mrs. B ertha Shaver. school teacher for H ayw ard school. rep o rts $21 tak en in a t C _________ hristm a tim e from fir trees sold from this com m unity, th e m oney being used to buy candy fo r th e children for C hristm as, a pencil sh arp en er f o r ' th e school and p ain t to paint the ______ ______ desks, _ w hich th e teacher expec to do over th e w eek-end _ , E xam inations fo r m id-term wil be held this com ing week at Hay w ard school. A p a rty w as held a t th e school house F riday evening in honor of those in the com m unity w ho have b lia irth r v d ay an n iv ersaries d u ring Ja n - I P u llets only m ay also be bad in i Rock» and Reds, ut prices low er U ary. L eghorns We also offer a boro. 45tf m eat grade of Rocks and Reds at H arvey and E leanor D argotz w ere absent from school last w eek, ELECTRIC w ashing m achine, good la figure you can afford All of our , b reed in g stock is blood tested and condition old model, $10 cash by o u r own ex p ert. All Mr C lara S tew art. 034 E Oak culled stock is fed th e sam e scientific O .I.lino ,af, n ' to rn an a n iron M Wr r a a house house fo r ren t? In q u iries a re „„ , hJ T A d * -P0^ c’V e’. for rent? In q u iries a re ' , r? ar ,td , a ye,v post ^t,***, u 4' '2 braxf t n IVToot b e in g n « r V e * c e I l iv V e vu d a at A r c u s U o f l - - J he left r* bank O I I y O ^ lO iV leC t 17 Fuel » l t t l h »V e ill a n 1 n r r,», th e West ------ - F ork — __ 1 J - *«r ALEAK. A tten w y for Eaaeutrla. mg u n iform h ly d ep . . . . fo Z Curds of T hanks I O u r is ctwtorn atch in g en a d e ab rv le iœ chicks. h an - dully riro o m s.a p a rtm e n ts and . (if [ T kiirv T’ ry.rab- Oil OO eaU,. i-, __ DRY fir and hardw ood tor sale dies We wi.sh to « s p n . our thanks P C N ew m an. 3 m iles routli of , , d w.onom ic foi t ie sym pathy and (IndncNis ex- Curnellu*___________________ ®°P | breeding farm tench d us n the loss >f o ur m oth- Noble. the possible, or w rit 1 1 M ! « Cl li r t in a l ’et« i. . and also DRY wood for sale wood man. ju st south of O reneo H atchery, 1080 for he lo vely flo w e r The Chil- 4H-50p! P ilo n e 3152. dun 50p anyone can d irect you. CASCO B riq u e t. Steady h eat all | TWO L arge w h ite tu rk ey toms We « i.sh to express our appre- Also rig h t of w ay tw o rods w ide Sta,te 2 r” " jn- ,!‘r w»*hir'x '<"> County. Mrs. W illiam S kene is slow ly im - Domi strain . $6 e a c h . 10 R I. it hi»i/innincy -»♦ »h, an<^ Monday, the l i t day of February, nrovinff a fte r a Ions? illness day. holds fire all night, ch eap er fl.ltl« li for the .vmpat h\ extended en ^ g in n in g at the n o rth w est co rn er i M 7. Bt the kour uf o’clock in the Pr o v m « « “ T ? Ayres. 4 m iles El VE - room house ro o .ste n . $2 each barn. c h ick t Uà Hl our • t í t «-m ent the los.s of than oak m ore heat, less ash We west of B eaverton on F arm ington house, fru it trees. l a4 acre# of (>‘ tract and ex ten d in g across forenoon of »aid day and the court room Birthday’ C elebrated d eliv er P hone 01 Im p erial Feed OUI* moth« r. M rs. Ar it ii.i <'am p 50-51 land, electric lights; half-m ile from " ortb $,r‘d , of . t r act conveyed to "f »»‘< * «»«rt > “ • »PPoInt«! by u id M rs. C. B. T ay lo r e n tertain ed 47tf road Phone 0354 B eaverton hell. and ; l.o for the lovely flow- St C rain Co, H illsboro — i school, at N orth P lains P hone B.e£ ha W eidewitsch, to g eth er w ith therLuj* >nd the S unday a t a d in n er honoring h is «•IS M is Mint.i Adam.', amt Mi.s. 5 0 ,f r i g i d to u s e » right of way for a — v d . — - b irth ay Jan . 25. „ G -------------- uests w ere - Mrs. H illsboro 1041X. WOOD, old-grow th, 16 - inch fir 24. Pigs < Hht* Mulli *y 50p . road conveyed by A lex an d er Chai bated and fir st published December 31, i L ew is and S ally Pow ers, M r. and $4 50 cord, and up. Also lim b and - Mrs R hease T aylor and son Lewis, oak wood. Ray Delsinan. Phone J2 II W eeks old p u re bred Clu ster FO U R -room house for re n t -R ay - iners, to g ran to r by deed recorded 1936. inond H ertel, Rt 2. H illsboro: 3 at page 205 records of deeds fo r ot lMt Publ‘“ tiun J ^ n t r y 28. = I. A n n oun cem en ts 2107. 39tf foi sale V h o r <'oven m iles southeast: R iv er road. 49tf W ashington C ounty, O regon; ' w a l t e r f ü h r e r Executor ■ ' ,A - nd wife in s *ctl" n 33- T 1 N R , w 50p Rt 1. Box H. H illsboro. w y with exception, containing: 195 A ttention . .1 ... ... and the said sale m ade su b ject to ------- —— -------------- ’-------- ------ 46-50 Acre». FOR W O O D -saw in g , call M. J B isket m ela! and program at Senske F ir and hardw ood for W EANLING pigs for sale Also 37. Loan» redem ption as per sta tu te of th e E state: Ruiph Pruhl J. C. O’Connor et ut to A. B. O’Con­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS S tate of Oregon. M h I a . iv •rh(H»| Ja n u a ry 29 A w ard ■ale P hone 214IZ. A ddress 423 N nor et ux. Lot 130 in Johnson Eatate p u reb red Y orkshire b r e e d i n g — D ated th is 23rd day Of Ja n u a ry . . *• ,h ,r ,l y «'?»" ,t h i i the ,un?er- Addition t,', Beaverton-ReedviUe Acreage K iv e n fu r mu.it original basket. 50p Second Ave J7tf stock, both sexe. Mutiny to Loan C W Jensen. 937 J * ’ I »iirned signed has been appointed adm inistratrix euntaininir cur.taininz 2 65 Acre« Acre- 1937 ’ 2 m iles west from M o u n t a i n -. 51-, m oney I.IU.IC; to loan on good im - , u . , , , , , , . of the E state o f RALPH PRAHL, de- Harold W hatley et ux to Home Own- DRY No 1 fir wood for sale, 4- dale. Diiinrr—Flay 50-lp proved farm s E. A G riffith. 131 ¡r S h eriff of W ash- ceasei. by an order made and entered in l.oan Corporation, part of Johnson foot, $4 75; saw ed 12 or IC-ineli. 31tf ln£ t°n C ounty, Oregon. the County Court of the State of Oreiron Estate Addition to Beaverton-P.eedwille HOME m ade suusaae and •auer- ^ v e . ________________________ A rnold Gnus. C ornelius BRED sow s for sale. $25 and up — E. J. Mc.ALEAR. Attorney f o r for W ashington County on the 31st day Acreage. k r a u t d in n er and play »0e Feb- $5 50 47tf H om e In a n e P laintiff, resident A ttorney S t a t e ,,f f r y " 1'6»1'. >936- * nd that ’ he ha3 duly M. t Welter et ux to W F. Hall et I’. F Klein. 6 m iles south H ills­ 4 I )uuier. 5 30 (X> at C O. P hone 6F2 F orest G rove Home Loan» N a tir fn a l R a n t ‘)u£Li,i*d a’ ,uch ux. part of Block 8 in Timber Towmtite. boro; second house east C am pbell F or building b u y in g o r rp , inanc - RnllYino U ili L V’t-ihixut z\ ar S ix ietv N atio n al B a n k th erefore, all person» having claim s u . G. F r e n c h « ux to Ethel B. Par- 18. S eed s, P lan ts, F low ers bridge. 50p mg on city or acreage property. n J lia in 8. Hnibooro, O regon. 50-04 a»ain»t said estate are hereby notified and arn». A. w Hart D. L. C. T 1 S R 1 W -------------------—---------------- — ---------------------- required to present them with the proper W M. 2.87 Acres. D ance» W ANTED 500 O regon C ham pion EIGHTEEN w e a n e ? pigs R aym ond M onthly p a y m e n t s a s low as »9 56 D oyle VJS. D oyle vouchers to the undersigned admini»tra- E»hel B. Parsons to Clara B. French. M ishler, S h erid an . Ore. 50p •Pe r month. «1000. including in b t ’MMONS trix at tbe ° f fice of ? L - Patterson, a . W. Hart D. L. C. T 1 S R 1 W W M. gooseberry bushes W. E Rice. Old Time Dance terest. — W ashington S a v i n g s & - . _ . Well» Building, Hillsboro, Oregon, within 2.87 Acres. H illsboro, Rt 3. SOp C ircu it C o u rt of th e S ta te six (6) months from the date of the first Luella L. Howell et ux to Eva E. Em- i.i Hull. S atu rd ay night O I C w ean lin g pigs for sale. 6 H illsboro.________________ 39tf in Of the Oregon, for W ashington C oun- publication of th is notice, to-w it. w ithin „ e r w r .' sZ-t b n 12 T I S R I W W it con- J.i 30 Sw:-:. A lpine F R U IT t u ' all varieties, h i l l and 7 w eeks old. — J. G eorge ty six (61 months from January 21, 1937. raining 0.943 Acre. grow ing, highest q nulity C om ­ Crosby. 1 m ile east, ‘•4-mile south ♦ »zvaaw« e» - J — a . Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this »Mark Skinner, superintendent of Banks, Good T im e D n n rr p lete line of n u rsery stock. For of C ornelius. to Louis E. Furrow et ux Thomas o tch in G EN EV IEV E M A R Y D O Y L E * ° f 50p ESTHER PRAHL. A dm inistratrix of d . L. c . t i n R2W w m containing lo t At G range hull ev ery S aturday landscaping y o u r hom e sec Motz .. . ... ...V. , , Sarah Galbreath. Bankrupt Plaintiff, the E state of Ralph Prahl, Deceased. Acres. night G eorgia lie s orch estra Ad- B rothers' N ursery, O reneo. P hone W LAM .1NG pi.; for sale G eorge , N PROCEED IN GS FOR A COM- VS. F L. PATTERSON. A ttorney for Ad- David C. Carver et ux to George W nilj iun 25c. 29lf 2024 H illsboro 41tf , - in ile e a s t O reneo; C or- PO SITION OK EXTENSION JO SEPH C LIFFO R D DOYI F D p m inistratrix. 49-53 »very, part of Section 25 T2SR 1 W W n elm s 1 ass road. 50p ¡n t ^ e D istrict C o u rt of th e U nited fonriant — - ■ — ------------- m . H IG H EST q u ality trees, larg est a s­ E state: Ethel Deavilie Laura Hayes, widow, to Laura Hayes, Help Wanted S tates for the D istrict of Dregon. To Joseph C lifford _ Doyle, the above NOTICE T o CREDITORS , ingle. Lot 1. Block 2 H aw kes Addition sortm ent g reatest values G rafted SEV EN -w eeks-old pigs for sale In the M atter of SA RA H GAL nam ed defendant: In the County Court of th e State o f Ore- to Gaston. W erner M eier, m ile south B e th ­ YOL NG lady for general house w alnuts, filb erts, prunes, plum s, BREATH. D eb to r ............ In th e N am e of th e S tate Of O re- ®on* — l ° r — County of W ashington, Meier & Frank Co. to Samuel G. Hulme 50 rk References req u ired Mrs peaches, apricots, ch erries, pears, any store. *•- l * ~ ------ - i-ot i Block 36 in Metzger Acre Tracts. To th e cred ito rs of S arah G alb reath go7 ‘ You ’ artT h e r e ’b v ^ r e a u ir e r T * ^ » Frobate Department. apples, grapes, berries. Boysen b er- en that I. Hunter et ux to Oliver B. Il 1 MucKcnzic of T igard. O regon. Rt. 1. in th e aD D ^ar a n d a n x w e r t h e e n m n la in t Notice u hereby *ivTO tnat the lne under- unoer- v ” "' James ri. . r o . s. etc. F reight paid ¡»re- NLNE-weeks-old pigs. $4 25 each — ans et ux. William L. Colvig D. L. C. nf W i « h i n c » t n n n n r i D i « ? .Ç ^ a r 3 . dnsv^e r tr ie com plain, gjjjned Daniel Deavilie has been appointed ^ va C ounty of W ashington, and Dis f,iec| against you in th e above en- ' A dm inistrator of the Estate of ETHEL T 3 30 S R 5 W W M. containing 24.72 niium ruees fj-ee Send today fo rt Edwin S im antel. 2 m iles n o rth of 8. W ork W anted tric t aforesaid: ' titled ......... court and - su it on or before ' -------------- tsaid; DEAVILLE. deceased, by t h e County ' * o ur "40,h A n n iv ersary " sales cir- N orth Plains. 50p N otice is h ereb y given th a t on t h e la s t ( la v o f t h e t i m e n r e x e r ih e d 1 ourt of «he S tate of Oregon, for Wash- I rred I.. Beach et ux to Franse I. culnr. C arlto n N u rsery C o , C url- av o f J a n u a ry A D . i _ n . l n e , \ ‘m e PreiC ,riD e a inKton County, and has qualified All Sandstrom. Isaac M. and Elizabeth F.vaus BARBER, nine years' experience, CHOICE b reed in g C h ester W hite : th e 18,h day „r r?ald C a.ah . 1,1 _ th e o rd er for pub licatio n Of t h u , ^ L n s havm g X against*said estate D. L. C. 62 T2N R2W o f W M. ' desire» w ork in H illsboro shop ton. stock, tw o sow s to farrow In 1937. th e petition of th e said S arah sum »¿m m m ons, onsTto-w to-w it. On or before th e are hereby notified to present the same. ! E ffie B. White to Carl W. W hite, part Will consider buying W id e p a r­ EVERGREEN spring; also feeder and w eanling G albreath, p ray in g th a t she be af expiration Of fo u r w eeks next, from duly verified. &» by law required, to the °f. Lot 9. Block 51 in North Plains, con- S h ru b ticu lars to II B Blrkholz, Box 2iki. et ux to George L. H ubbard. 50p USED electric radios. $3 unit up M odern N ew W illy» Car On D isp lay T h is W eek Twenty-Five Years of Awful Suffering R ancher’s L e g s H orribly S w ollen in A gon y o f R heu­ m atism U ntil He Finds R. U. X. Home Ec GrOUO Public Notices O NLY w ho those suffer from th e d re a d ­ ful p a i n s o f rh e u m a tis m how te rri- M any today, d esp erate th is afflic- — and d is­ c ' o u ra B g e d h b e - ' -«use you nave tried s o m any Hed Tried Enoorh Medicine for Rio old-fash- to Buy Another ioned rem edies. Pein Good Ranch. H ere i s t h e — en t of - - a m an w ho suffered statem fo r 25 y ears g ettin g re lie f a t last w ith W ILLIA M S R. U. X. COM- POUND. ”1 have lived in this community for 40 years. For 25 years I have sufferer! from rheumatic pain and the last few yearn I didn’t think I could stand it. My arms and le«s were horribly swollen, sometime» “ " m2 af u Wifreth„ break o off. ff I w a, they woul., would break was eemeu as »j f tney would oreax o n . i I wax in ,u such a bal bad condition 1 I couldn’t couldn’t look ! ‘1 ch B loox i^ h a v e L i e h t ha n o th ^ ke ^ d ° U™ neh'T OTTG PVT T v i TV m O A V C L /b b H E L siE f IN 10 D A Y S Or y o u r m oney is in stan tly refu n d ed .—Adv. --------------------------------------------------------------- - Sen». r Talk w ith V.. , 524 Acres in Cornelius •' . 1 0 faTXL, PHONE 734 for prlFe on ew er Job executor o f W’ill o f com plete; also all p lum bing co n ­ deceased, to Hub^gt F. . . Bjjjjvai uiiu aiian v i, n a iit U iti v nections 11 C. Schulm erlch, 463 years' ex p erien ce at yo u r service I’lG S for sale I S I uuan U -m ile C ourt as p ro p erly filed u n d , e r said Bierly. Section 6 T 2 S R 1 W , W M . t^ e pia jn tiff w ill apply to th e Have a Setter Man Do part of containing 5 Acres. Jackson St. 491 f E»tat»: Joseph W'allnofer Paul Drew N ursery. location east .ni’h .New ton. * 50 s 1 i f i I a« eiint, nvzv,,. °f II A. All Estimates FREE and Include ¡ng claims against said estate are here- K rah m er, C ornelius. 50tf lent sh ip p ers B ring 40 to 50 cents Carl Sandberg to W’alter Sandberg et C °.T-,^ 1i seph W’allnofer, back g u aran tee or free tria l.—Lo- C ircu it C ourt of Deceased. Roaedala road. 50-1 p 19. H ay and Feed te r r road: Kon- f°^ , W ashington Cot . M. ary 2g 2Ö. 193_ iy37. u p a at te e of or last publica- m . B S I M P , reside?’. »• a n d address, cated 115th St. F o ster o w ; one ~ ------ - ___ . ■ tion F eb ru ary 25. 1937. Hillsboro. Oregon. Attorney for s a i d M ILK Cow. sell or tra d e for wood BALED oat and vetch hay for sale. m ile cast of Lents; H enry B aum er. th e —nd d ay of Ja n u a r. . ,,r ,,n sotf a cause th erein p en d in g w herein M. B. BUMP. A ttorney fo r P lain - Executor and Estate. 60-64 or haled hay P ercy Hoffman, M A. S chappert. n ear Reed- P ' __________________________ J. M. STO TT is p la in tiff and WES- southeast of Hill boro n ear Koni- ville . “ 50p HEALTHY old horses w an ted for LEY J. ROYAL. A N JU N ETT R O \ - tiff. R esidence an d address. H ills- _ Will sell at Public Sale all of the personal property of gan's place. 50p boro. O regon 5o-54p the Late M. F. A yers, at his farm near t h e H a zeld a le fox feed P h o n e 2091Z. 48-8tp AL. som etim es know n as A njinett B AI.FI) bay. alfalfa, oats and vetch. — Royal, and M AGGIE MARCH VAN E state: Johnston Pugslcy Porter West Hili» Memorial Park to l . d . School on th e B eaverton -F arm in gton R oad, 11. T o Sw ap Ray D elsm an, Phone 2107, H ills- a re defendants, to m e NOTICE OF FILING FIN A L ACCOUNT H aver,tick et at. Lot No. 45 in Forest boro. _ N otice it hereby given that the under- Lawn. , 4Htf P hone 2107. 42tf d irected an d d eliv ered _ and _ com- TRADE 7 quackles» ducks for one ---- — m andim e me" to m ak e sale of the ’'»"«I h" f’1«1 » ,‘h the Clerk of the Thomas E. Heisler et ux to W illiam R. nr tw o sm all pigs. Will pay som e 21. _R ay m antling m e to m a o „ c„ r ;h,orl County Court of the S tate of Oregon for Heisler property adjoining John H osier Farm M achinery HORaSES for sale or trad e. __ n a y real p ro p e rty h e re in a fte r described WashinKton county his final account as i , nd on creek. cash Phone 4R2 H illsboro. 50p IJelsm an. G arib ald i St. 41tf ¡„ “¿r d i-r7 o s a tis fy 'ilie 's u m of $300. adm inistrator with will annexed of « « the » tv Russell M. Colwell, adm inistrator of 130 R. I. Red pullets; 60-ineh solid oak dining table OLIVER T racto rs and farm tools. 00, to g eth er w ith in terest thereon B»tate of JOHNSTON PUGSLEY POR- Mary L. Bolton, deceased, to Henry 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s Myer» pum ps Ja c k F oster, 150 TER. decease«!, and by order of said court Schwarzenbach, Lot I of Witch Hazel. with 6 chairs; 4 rockers; 6 beds with springs and mat­ C attle 26. at th e ra te of eight per cent per Tuesday. February 23. 1937, at the hour j cen T. York et ux to Harlan E. Brown E. Main St., H illsboro. 48tf an n u m from th e first day of July. of ten o ’clock A. M. is fixed a» the et ux. Lot» 8 and 10 Wheeler s Subdivi- tresses; library table; large organ; kitchen range and 250 (i'a-inontli.'-olil W hite Leghorn court »¡on. pullets, laying 8 0 'i. $1 each if LICENSED stock trailers. 2 - cow ONE full-blood Jersey bull, from 1931. u n til paid, and fo r th e fu rth e r thne. an«! the court room of said ...... .... heater; McCormick mower end rake; 2-horse cultivator; May W. Sm ith r et vir to W’illiam V heavy m ilker. 10-m onths-old.—S sum of S eventy-five and no/100 aa the place, for the hearing of said final all taken: fine 2-year-old heifer, capacity, ren t $1 per day. L ight account and the aettlement of , f » « d estate, wiike’n. L o u " iV 'a n d is'. Block si’iiort’ h 2 hand cultivators; John Deere plow; 2 spray pumps; C. Olds. Rt 2. Box 260 B eaverton; D ollars atto rn ey 's fees and fo r th e fresh in March: heavy single har- trailers m ade to order. A uto p arts D ate of first publication JL'.I 1 Emil 9 Singer - . ‘ Acres. n w a H tr n n ll w h O o X v ¿111(1 a n d voolr 50 costs and disb u rsem en ts h erein ta x ­ 1987. D ate of last publication February m and collar, new V aughn tr a c ­ and farm m ach in ery L. V. H ulit. 0,1 W alker road. et ux to Olga Harden p l ln c l t t f t n O r i m m s S p C n f lf» l l G - f f a a r r m m W J fO w it it h h b FRCkj • IWilsiron- AlilwiiU- tor and im plem ents, used v ery li t­ 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf GUERNSEY cow. av erag e m ilker, ed a t $17.80. and also th e costs and ‘“ r o l a n d DAVIS. A dm inistrator with u ' c . LT ti T “ 2 w w -’ m 2L2 * « " ’ c £ kei binder: fe,cd cutter; grindstone; sulkey plow; sub- expenses of said sale. I w ill on th e ----------- . ............... . tle. '31 D urant sedan, ex cellent $50 — G. F. W eibel, 1 *>• m iles 27th dav of F e b ru a ry 1937 at the Will Annexed of the Estate of Johnston and 3.35 Acres. soiler; 100 sacks corn on cob; 5 tons baled timothy; some int'cliaiiii ;il condition E. A H en d ­ 700-GALI.ON M itchell-L ew is tank west, 1 >2 m iles south H illsboro. 50 e a s t d o o r b rin e th e front door, of Pugsley Porter, Deceased. 49-53 Ethel P. McCormick to W illi.m C. and pum p, $85 I, Siegcnthalcr. rick, on, I 1-.! m iles n o rth east o f baled straw; and all small tools usually found on a farm. 19 T2S R 2 4 9 -5 2 p lf GOOD Jersey m ilk cow. w ill trad e th e C o u rt H ouse i n W ashington ----------- ----------------------------------------- I Hillsboro; O reneo road. SOp RI. 2. B eaverton. C ounty. O regon, proceed to sell at NOTICE TO CREDITORS W ilhelm in« Seiffert to Louise Tolke TERMS OF SA LE: $ 2 0 and und er cash , over $2 0 six for young beef stock.—P hone T i­ p ublic auction to th e highest bid- N otice is hereby given that the under- Section 3 T 2 N R 4 W W M, part of NO TRESPASS. A partm ent forRent. 23. Poultry g ard 0854. 50p , m on th s’ tim e b a n k ab le note, 8% . r e a c h in h i n d a n d accord- ’•■»»»•t hlv* l,« 'n » P o in te d adm inistratrix Section 34. T 3 N R 4 W W M. No Smoking. For Rent. For Sale, d e r f o for cash in h an d andI accord of th< Efltate of HERMAN PRAHM. de- Joseph Owen Murray et al to Herman No P e d d l e r . N o H andbills, etc., JA M ES W ay b ro o d er stove, b u rn s FRESH heifer, DeLaVal cream sep- 1 m g to law. all th e defendants t,eR, w|. by aa order made and entered in Jenne et al, D. L. C George W Jones .signs for sale at the Argus. 27tf bricqucts, 1000-chick capacity, $t! arato r. good m ilk cooler, for sale ■ rig h t, title an d in terest in and to 1 the County Court of the s ta te o f Oregon i ----------------------------------------------------------------- reaso n ab le A lex Eischen Rt 2 th e follow ing described parcels of for Washington County on the 13th day —M eltebeke E lectric Store. 50 l t d . O i i d u i t . m i x . tu is t iit ii, n t . „ r e n o r t v . ¡ t i n t e d In W ftxhlni- ° f January. 1937. and that she haa duly R ubber stam ps and office su p ­ C ornelius. SOp real p ro p erty situ ated in w asn in g nfiw| lo act „ , uch administratrix. H. A . K uratli, A u ctio n eer J. J, W ism er, Clerk plies. H illsboro A rgus. tf LEG H ORN II 1 R. CHICKS. T U R ­ ------------------------------- — ton C ounty, S ta te of O regon, to-w it: - Therefore, all person» having claims KEY PO U LTS R. O P. cockerels H OLSTEIN cow, fresh: ced ar posts. B eginning at a sto n e set at an- against said estate are hereby notified and MULE. Jersey bull. Hi m onths, anti from 300-egg hens used in o u r —-C. Topich, Rt. 1, B eaverton, g u lar co rn er on th e n o rth boundary side-tlellvery bay la k e for sale b reed in g pens. U nexcelled’ stock Box 474. 50p ! line of a tra c t of 44.85 acres here- i T. It. Denney, 2 m iles southeast and com p etitiv e prices. ------------------------------------------------ to fo re conveyed to B. H. Marsh, B eaverton. -Itl-Stlp EIVE-gnllon m ilk cow. one heifer sa id s tone b eing 14.95 chs. no rth j Forest Lawn Hatchery both about to freshen.—H erm an ancj 2.79 chains w est of th e south- Instruct Your A ttorn ey RI 5. Rox 032. P o rtlan d (52) F o lt SALE Red clo v er seed, 25c R o c k C r e e k Past co rn er of said section 17. lb.; No. 12 D el.aval cream sep­ 3 m iles out C anyon road. -BE. 1287 C h risten sen , o n to Publish Y our ro a d- 49-51p { ru n n in g th en ce n o rth 0 deg. 20' j arato r. good condition. $15 J. Van- T . \ ~ W est 14.65 chains to th e cen ter of derschuere, Rt. 2. C ornelius. 49,51;i T w o fme H I. R. roosters for JE R SEY cow , fresh . six weeks, for Dfliry C rcck; th en ce dow n |h e cen. compounded on superior, medical fact breeding stock; n lso b a n ty rooster, findinsrs new in this country. sale.- C. I . S yveison. 3 m iles )er ()^ creek, w ith th e m ean- it V McFall. Garibaldi si. Hills­ south CALLING C ards — E very w om an BUCKLEY’S MIXTURE (trip le acting) of R ecdville at Hazeldale. d erin g s th ereo f, to th e n o rth east j is the nam e of this am azing cough and 50 should have calling card s as a so ­ boro l ’ln'iie 31M. in the cold prescription that is so pure and free co rn er of said tra c t of land hereto- cial necessity. See The A rgus for and fam ily cows fo r sale, from harm ful drugs that a child can j CAPONS for sale r lb dre ted DAIRY B. II. M arsh q u ality work. take it and stop coughing. cash or term s. No dow n p aym ent fore conveyed t o P hone orders to F arm ers' U nion necessary, th en ce south 89 deg. 40’ West 14 One little sip and the ordinary cough is , A t the Philip M ohr farm , 1 % m iles so u th w est o f Cor* m onthly paym ents 50-51p as low as w ith eased -a few dosm and that tough old I FENCE posts for sale, from 5c to w arehouse. 1741. $5 p er m onth -G ail chains to th e place of beginning, n elius, O regon, D m / nttav « 1 G’ a v i hang-on cough is seldom heard again and co n tain in g 36.50 acres, m ore or 10c Ilav Delsinan, G arib ald i „ » « „ . . —r,», , ,,, arns, O reneo. P hone H illsboro 1 1 OVCn C llC U latlO n i it’s really wonderful to watch how speed- street. P hone 2107. 33tf SK « N E S S compel* « R in g 300 fin- K lfitf less, as d escrib ed In Book 77 page ily hard, lingering colds are put out of est stra in W hite Leghorn pullets. '.'ll.1 IN 508, Deed R ecords of W ashington eliminates a n y ques­ business. BUCKLEY’S MIXTURE is now SAND and gravel nt reasonable L aying 80%. Sell flock, 80c each, good »tore«- guaranteed. C ounty. O regon, in th a t certain tion of legality of pub­ on sale at At all Hillsboro R eal E state prices, prom pt delivery. F. A. <>'' 90c in sm all lots A. J. Vance. 28. Pharmacy deed from Jo sh u a W. M arsh et ux 6 good, young dairy cows, complete record of each will lication. Vnnnken. F orest G rove. T elephone i Rt. 2, B eaverton, l ’hone H illsboro to Maggie M arsh e t al. said deed TW O lots, 5-room house, fu rn itu re 160BW or home S4F1M «1 Iftp 3,i(! 50 and p lenty wood, $600. be given at time of sale; 55 Rhode Island Red pullets; b eing filed for reco rd Jan . 16, garden cultivator; 1 barrel molasses; some feed; WE are now booking o rd ers for SEV EN -room house, co rn er l o t . 1908. T h e N ew IF YOU HAVE SOM ETHING B eing p a rt o f t h e northw est W hile Leghorns. Rhode Island saves time a n d ex­ mail box; about 3 tons hay; some baled straw; 400-chick T O sell and are in a big h u r­ $1000, $150 dow n, b alan ce $15 a q u a rte r of th e southw est q u a rte r lleils. New H am pshire Reds. W hite m onth. ry to sell It, let the classified of Section 16. th e n o rth east q u a r­ electric brooder; and all small farm tools. pense. Reeks. B arred Rocks. Sexed L eg ­ ad v ertisin g d ep artm en t of th e horn pullets In q u ire for h atch in g FO U R -room house, lot 50x198, $650, te r of th e southeast q u a rte r of H illsboro A rgus prove its ab il­ $50 down, $12.50 a m onth. Section 17, and of th e R ichard A r­ KILLS FLEAS dales and prices.—C nbe’s H atchery. TERMS OF SALE: $20 and under cash, over $20 six ity ns a speedy and efficient M cM innville. 50-53 ONE acre. 3-room house, garage, th u r D. L. C. No. 43. all in T ow n­ sales m edium . tf months’ time, bankable note, 8%. prevents delays due to sh ip O ne no rth . R ange th ree west On Dogs and Cats chicken house, In city, $1800. typographical errors. E. A. G R IFFIT H , H illsboro. 50 W ill. Mer. bounded by beginning i flO O D safe for sale reasonable. -ID O YOU really w ant b e tte r chlx Mites on Birds on the n o rth line of 50-acre tract 45tf at decent prices? If so get H art's. Argus. sold to J. W. M arsh by Alex C h al­ — • • I L eghorns $9; $40-500. P u llet chlx F O R R E N T G r a d e B d a i r y f a r m Not a Poison S p ecify th e on S au v les Island.—7614 N. K el­ m ers at an iron b a r b e arin g n o rth | Cars, T rucks, Tires , 820; $95-500; cockerels $2. Red chlx 14. $8; $40-500: cockerels $7-100; pul- logg St., P o rtlan d . 50p 11.215 chs. and n o rth 89 deg. 19' H. A. K uratli, A u ctio n eer J. J. W ism er, Clerk W est 17.81 chs. from th e southeast 1934 Dodge I ' , ton truck. 19.37 II- let chlx $13. At th e h atchery. Cus- cense. P ickup nr sm all ear in torn h atch in g from tested hens.— T O U R -ro o m house and lot for co rn er of th e R ichard A rth u r D. L. Hillsboro, Ore. trad e $356 It F B ender, R ichfield H art's H atchery, Beaverton. P hone sale, O reneo, cheap L. B. C ar- C. and ru n n in g N. 89 deg. 19' W. [ 13.02 chs. to a yew post, thence 50p 0415, 50-52p ter- #<>P Oil Plani, B eaverton. SEWER CONNECTIONS PUBLIC SALE Real estate 1 ransiers Tuesday, February 9, at 1 P. M. Sharp Estate of M. F. AYERS, Deceased For Bronchitis Coughs, Colds Acts Like a FLASH PUBLIC SALE LEGAL NOTICES Hillsboro Argus Wednesday, February 3rd, at 1 P. M. I Complete Service mili FLEA - X I Careful Checking PHILIP MOHR, Owner Hillsboro Argus I Delta Drug Store