1 nllsb or Printing— Doin' In lllllxlniro Ini'rraara Local Payroll» and Aitila Io Local I'roixprrlly rgus Your Paper— Carries the week's story of new s and merchandise into all cor­ ners of Wanhington county. W ith W hich is Com bined th e H illsboro In d ep e n d e n t Volum e I.'!. No 111 H illsboro, O regon, T h u rsd ay , J a n u a ry 21, 1937 IlilU buro Ind ep en d en t E stablished 1B73 Scavenger H u n t Former Hiteon Girl Muhly Elected Held by Folk Weds 'B y in Zell Vancouver President of Struthers) HITEON .Mr. ;■ n d Mrs. J L. Haggerty. Miss E lizabeth S tr u th ­ at Cornelius ers. Guy Wilson and Mr and Mrs. Church Group Lesier R obinson w ere am ong guests Has Date with Major Howes Buxton O .A .P . Group Elects Mrs. Ripole illy D orothy Cooke) CO RN ELIU S Mrs M attie S m ith und Miss Myra W eidcwitsch. fourth d ep artm en t recreational leaders of t h e M ethodist E pw orth League, w ere hostesses to a scavenger h u n t p nrty Friday evening at the church. li.r.m onrl T id e s and I.loyd Mull- dorf w ere captains for th e h u n t w ilh Lloyd M undorf's side w inning, T h ere w ere about 30 present. M r and Mrs. V ictor N ixon and d a u g h te r of A m ity a re m aking th eir home in the residence of the late Mrs. Ju lia Nixon, at pres- ent. Organize Team Women of the tow n a rc organiz- ing a b asketball team in th e local school gym. m eeting each M onday evening at 7 o'clock (By Mm. J e w McyerM BUXTON B uxton Tow nsend d u b nt the Ki-.inge hull T hursd ay elected officers us follow . Edith ItlKUb*. president; Ju u n itu K etherford, vice- president, M.ie Q u in , se c re ta ry , Anna B e th e l ford, tieu su rer, G eorge Bledsoe. chuirm un of advisory board; (.’buries Swe« ker. chairm an finance. G eorge Biggie, chairm an m em bership; Jessie T illm an, pro- . grain chairm an; laiV ona P eter.o n , A i« i < p ti H .ii I R a lp h S im p on at the w edding of Miss T hora Nielsen and Herton Sand of Taco- ma Wash w hich was .olemnized S aturday evening at the hom e of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ira N ielsen of Vaocou- ver. Wash. The bride is th e grand- ilaughb . of Mr ai d M: J I. H aggerty. She g raduated from Ti- gard grade and high schools, at- tended Pacific university tw o years and graduated from O regon S tate college The groom is a ju n io r at the U niversity of W ashington at S eattle w here they w ill m ake th e ir ' home. 1 Che; ter Robinson student a t O 9 ,.ls cori'*net' 'h e in firm ary flu - , , Miss R uth M ultauf g rad u ate of B eaverton high school, has entered for nurses' train in g at Goixl S a m a r­ Rem odeling House itan hospital in P ortland. Mr. and Mrs. H J T helin are club m et Ja n u a ry 13 at redeco rating the in terio r of their th e Hiteon of Mrs Zell S tru th ers. hom e arid building a new porch. T his home was vice-president's day :Mr.-.? ,n d ..? ir.s ..T-h_eli.n ..?n d _ ia ^ i.I.y Mrs. H anna C hristensen had charge recen tly cam e from Iowa and p u r­ ! of th e m eeting. R oll-call was “A chased th e Jo h n T ines house south .Com m on E rror in E tiquette." Mrs. of tow n. Mrs. Erm a Olson talked on tab le Mrs. M attie S m ith accom panied nj M ting j c n u a ry 27 w ill pub- ^ lic ity . Eugene B urr was speaker. A gpcciul m eeting of W B A . 29. was held at th e hom e of Mrs E thel M eyers Ja n u a ry 14 T en m em ­ bers w ere p r e s e n t A business m eet- j U ; w ill b<5 h e ld .il ’ In- h.ill if Weather perm its Ja n u a ry 27 in the ' (»fternooii (iiri'ii M ountain G range mid in all day session at th e hall S atu r- d i> Mr and Mrs Earl Eishci of Sun-1 set vi itid relatives here th is w eek- t nd Mi Irene E lsher spent th e w e e k -! end w ith friend? at T im ber Billy Best and G ilbert Frost w ere h ere from H arrisb u rg last week Logging o p erations then* w e , <• d o st d dow n on account of snow. Pedro club met at the hom e of Mrs <> H S tow ell Friday night High h o n o r, w ent to Mrs. Elsie Kelly and low to Mrs O II S to w ­ ell. The club will m eet at the home of Mr and M is K. J. Kelly F riday night A card party was given by the W B A ladies at the Ira Pow ell hom e S aturday night Eight tables w ere in play including cribbage. •’500 ‘ and pinochle. High honors w Watson. low. D elm ar Higgle, in „ *‘500“ C larence S tecklem high and A S tephens low; in pinochle. C laude Higgle high and low to Mrs. M arie Watson M e.. Jen n ie Felong. w ho is em ­ ployed at O regon-A m erican at Kea- sey, spent the w eek-end a t her hom e n ear T ophill Mr and Mr F rank C ushing of P o rtlan d spent the w eek-end at th e hom e of h er b roth er. Hubert Place W hat’s time worth today? , . : T W ayne N u k e in. talen ted young H illsboro banjnist. w ill ap p ear on an All-Clubs Jam b o ree T hursday night of next week at t h e high school. The event is being arran g ed by th e H illsboro M en's B reakfast d u b . h i co-operation w ith several o th er local org an iza­ tions. to hi Ip defray costs of sending the young m usician to New Y m k for an audition before M ajor Howes. . - H illsboro to "C radle S ong” at L in ­ field college in M cM vi innville Sat- ~ t > i _ u urday Miss Phoebe H aw thorne, a sen or a t college, took a leading part Mrs. C harles W ells Jr. of R ed­ mond visited h er m other. Mr. Joseph C ochran, d u rin g th e week Surprise Given - Mrs R A S chultz was surprised W ednesday afternoon w hen a group of th e M. E. L adies Aid g ath ered at h e r hom e for quilting. Mrs. Ray Shaw has been con- fined to h er hom e du e to illness. F rancis Schm idt u n d erw en t an appendicitis operation in H i l l s Miss M ildred Rock is visiting rcla- tives in Bend. Mrs. E llen V ickers is ill a t h er home. C o rn elius public lib ra ry board postponed its Ja n u a ry m eeting d u e to bad w eather. S tu d en ts of F orest G rove high school enjoyed a vacation on F ri- day. follow ing sem ester e x a m s e a rlie r in th e w eek. Postpone M eeting W om en's Home M issionary so - cietv of th e M. E. ch u rch postponed its Ja n u a ry m eeting d ue to sick- neu an d cold w eather. ■ • - • ■ M i.ss E lizabeth S tru th e rs retu rn - cd to h e r w ork a t th e O range j „ F rid h a v ., , b e tn o[( for a weeR wRh an jn ju ry su ffe r. ed w hile sk atin g at L au relh u rst lake Miss M argaret Heddcn and K en­ neth S tru th e rs w ere w eek - end guests of Mr Struthers' uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. F red G ibbons. a, Eugene. Miss H edden was m aid of honor at the w edding S undav of Mlss R „wena C hilders and Mr. Morgan at the C hristian church at Eugene. K enneth S tru th e rs acted as one o( t |,e ushers. b o r o _________________ . Revival Meetings ® to Begin at Kinton four groups to plan d efin ite en- iBv Mrs. E. L. Cox) terl.i.n in en t and w ork for th e year. KINTON—S eries of revival m eet- L eader lor the first group is Mrs. ings w ill begin at th e church this Eila Ilog«-. Mrs H erm an Huge, sec­ S unday and continue every eve- ond group. Mrs J K am na. th ird ; ning except S atu rd ay a t 8. Rev. i By H elene M. S ehult) Mi- Edgar Rehse. fourth. F or the V irgil Speece. pastor, w ill have EARM I N ( ¡TON C o m m u n it y first th ree m onths group one w ill ¡charge of th e m eetings and all a re arran g e the first feature, and th e Sunday school has nam ed Mrs Err'd invited. S tevens su p erin ten d en t; Mrs F lo r­ o th er groups in the o rd er chosen Mrs. N ettie Fitch of Sherw ood, ence Dodge, se c re ta ry -tre a s u re r and will presen t th e ir ideas. au n t of Mrs. G ladys Aten, sp en t a teacher. Mrs Ed H atfield, pianist; Among the folks w ho have been few days d u ring th e past w eek at M ik s E -tlier Huge p rim ary teac h ­ q u ite ill w ith th e flu a re th e S. S ¡the A ten home. e r a - -I Ml Em ily B"ge .nid Mrs. Dalb.v and .1 W ehlitz fam ilies, the P reaching services a re being held Welilitz. tea hers The senior classes R o b it'sin fam ilies. Mr. an d Mrs. I every o th er S u n d ay evening a t th e are planning to study th e Bible in F Rowe. Mr and Mrs. Ed Boge. church u n til fu rth e r notice. T here detail A dults and ch ild ren in te r­ Loren Rehse. Helen Bagnell. G ladys j w as a very good atten d an ce a t the ested a re invited. B u rk h alter, and Mr. a n d Mrs. (service S unday evening. T w enty - five m em ber - of 1 Ii e W. ed Mr. and Mrs. Elwood W ilson M aurine and M argaret Putnam C om m unity W elfare club had an F u n eral services f o r Lovindu and children of n e a r B anks w ere absence are back in school a fter an in terestin g in ertin g in the club Woodman. H6. w ere held from th e I W eek en d guests of Ml Wilson'» lo o m s of the school Mrs. P K lein of sev eral w eeks because of ill- chapel of th e F orest G rove U nder- parents. Mr. and Mrs. W arren Wil- and Mrs Ed H atfield w ere h o st­ lies.». Mi Jan ie Will visited Mrs. S. I tak in g com pany T uesday afternoon, son. esses A hot p late lunch was se rv ­ ---------------------- “ e-1 New officers beginning th eir II D albv d u rin g th e holidays. Mrs B urial was in th e B anks cem etery Mrs. W oodman was born A pril 1. Ix - i n c ' l l L ifv z w ork for the y ear a re Mrs S S Will W as a form er teach er here, 1850. at M aple C reek. Wis. S he w as I V r f lla c t S V a lly Dalb.v. president. Mrs L. I’unco- and is now teach in g n e a r P ortland. a resid en t of B anks for 34 y ears anti Mrs. J. A. McCoy) Char, i ,tc-p resah -n t. M r- Erl Hat* Mr. and Mrs O liver, form erly of had been in P ortland, w here she p a rty guests at the J P. V ander- fielil. secretary -treasu rer. T h e club tin com m unity, now living near died, for th e last tw o years. Services ¿anden home T uesdav evening plans to m ake fu tu re m eetings m ore Bank a re th e p aren ts of a baby w ere conducted by Rev. E. D. Kel- , w cre M r and Mrs. W illiam V anloo interestin g by o b taining educational girl. ; logg of F orest G rove. : and Mr. and Mrs. Louis S trohm ayer. featu res and lectures thro u g h the T he sew ing class m eets as usual -------- The ev ening was spent in playing O regon S tate college. M em bers of on T h u rsd ay afternoon. All ladies BANKS The W oodm ans w e r e -sot)- an d pinochle, th e club have been arran g ed in interested in th e flow er m aking arried at M aple C reek. Wis.. in Mr. and Mrs. Louis S tro h m ay er p roject a re cordially invited to a t ­ m 1870. T hey had farm ed in Wiscon- w ent t 0 P ortland S unday to sec tend. Snow sports, sk iin g and tobog­ sin. Iowa, th e D akotas and O re- j obn B ockcr. w ho is still in a hos- ganing w ere enjoyed last w eek-end gon. A few y ears ago th ey sold pjtal. e ir farm n ear B anks and moved c h . C ane of Salem w as a guest on Rehse s h ill ju st back of the th in town, w here M elville W oodman at , be j p V anderzanden hom e school. one d av last w eek. Miss Helen Bagnell has com plet­ died in 1934. The W oodm ans celebrated th eir Neil F itscharles. w ho has been ed h er four y ears of high school 63rd w edding a n n iv ersary May 20. WOrk in g for his uncle. R alph O gles- and is now enjoying a vacation. 1933. Mrs. W oodman had been liv- by th e past sum m er, left fo r his Rev. Halls of M cM innville w ill mg w ith h er son. Roy W oodman, home S unday in Alsea. He has a ( Inly rings such as I hose conduct service in th e F arm ington at C apitol H ill for th e past y ear j ob d riv in g tracto r. R obert V ander- found in o u r stock can church Sunday. She w as v isitin g Mr. and Mrs. La- zanden and b ro th e r R alph re tu rn e d i zott at P o rtlan d w hen she m et h er hom e w ith Mr. F itscharles fo r a tru ly express the se n ti­ I sudden death. visit. ment of an en g agem ent. She is survived by one son. Ray D arrel B rady and the V andehey O ur assortm ent is equal of C apitol Hill. T here -.were four children, w ho have been ill at th e ir i By Mrs. Lou W right) o th er children, w ho m et th e ir homes th e past w eek, re tu rn e d to to any in q u ality a n d R alph B uckley and Mr. I-indor d eath in early childhood. school th is w eek w ere in M cM innville S atu rd ay on price. Mrs. M artin V anderzanden en- business. M t'Alear R otary S peaker j tertain ed the H arm ony club m em - Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ju n k e r an d In lercstin g sidelights on a recent bers and th e ir husbands W ednes- Leota Lepschat are confined to th eir C alifo m ia trip w ere given by E J. daY w ‘,h a , . pot luck S, homes w ith flu. 211 E. Main St. Hlllsbore D orothy Dodge has been absent M cA lcar at the R otary m eeting : n°?n. T he afternoon was• spen^: in T hursday q u ilting for Miss M arjorie V ander- "L et Andy Fix Y our W atch" from school w ith th e m um ps. zanden. N ext m eeting w ill be held O fficial S. P. W atch Inspector L et th e ad v ertisem en ts help vou w ith Mrs. C lara S ta rk F e b ru ary 19. coni­ We specialize in qu ality F ran k V anderzanden is ill a t his for W ashington C ounty ti m ake y o u r shopping plans. m ereiai p rin tin g .—Argus. hom e w ith tonsilitis. Born, to Mr. an d Mrs. E rnest H eesacker, a girl, Ja n u a ry 10. Officers Named by Farmington School Resident of Banks 34 Years Succumbs J- The only thing that ap p lies to all farm s and all farm ers exactly alike is tune. It. use is the m easure of profits. "C aterp illar" T rack - T ype T ra c ­ tors o re th e toola w ith w hich to fully utilize tim e. B ecause of . ure g rip p in g tra c ­ tion. "C aterp illar" T racto rs start to w ork e a rlie r in the season and co n tin u e later T hey get the w ork d one at exactly the rig h t season and th ereb y ineiea.se production. T hey w ork in alm ost any kind of soil an d th u s save th e tim e lost by o th er form s of pow er ill nego­ tiatin g the tough spots. You'll get in m ore hours of w ork w ith a "C aterp illar" a n d accom ­ plish m ore each hour. Lester Ireland 8C Co. Section 2, P ages 1 to fi H illsboro A rgus E stablished 1894 Diamond R IN G S Thatcher J. L. Anderson Audited Circulation A m em ber of th e Audit B ureau of C irculations the A rgus gives th e A dvertiser proof of authentic, paid up subscribers. To th e w ise b u y er of space th e re can be no substitute. BLOOMING — L eonard M u h l y was re-elected p resident o f St. P eter's church at the ann u al vot­ ers m eeting M onday night. A lbert E K rahm er was re-elected tru stee a n d Rudolf M eyer is the new elder. They will be inducted into office at the church service S unday m o rn ­ ing. C arl S ch ild h au er was received into voting m em bership. G eneva Shay was aw arded fourth prize of $2 50 in an essay contest sponsored by th e W omen's C h ris­ tian T em perance Union. H er entry wa.s entitled "Prevalence of D ru n k ­ enness in C om parison w ith L ater Y ears of P rohibition." Mrs W illiam Buck an d son left for th eir hom e in O akland. C al. Sunday night. Misses Anna arid E sther M eyer en tertain ed w ith a pinochle party at th eir hom e Sunday night A w ards w ere received by H enry N eukirk and Mrs L eonard M uhly. high, and L eonard M uhly and Mrs. R ichard M oeller, low. G uests tyere Mr and Mrs. L. H M uhly and daughters. Mr and Mrs. Louis N eukirk, H enry N eukirk. H enry and R egina N eu­ m ann Mr and Mrs. R ichard M oel­ ler. Mr. and Mrs. G us M oeller and L eonard G urske. John S teele is recovering nicely from th e effects of having been h it by an autom obile last w eek. Pupils of th e Bloom ing school w ith perfect records of attendance th e past six w eeks are D oris S im ­ mons. A nita K rah m er a n d Jean H ergert W hooping cough w as the cause of m ost of t h e a'Dsentees. R obert N ew m an and O rville M eyer received 100 p er cent on th e ir six w eeks' spelling tests. O fficers N amed O fficers of th e L u th era n school fo r this m onth w ere elected F ri­ day. T hey a re F ran k lin K och, p re s­ ident; J e a n e tte B randaw , secretary ; H elen Liebenow . treasu rer. It was decided th a t each child pay one cent per w eek dues to assist in the purchasing of school eq uipm ent A collection w as raised am ong the children as a cash gift for p res­ en tatio n to Jo h n Steele. Miss A nna M eyer of P ortland sp en t sev eral d ay s of this w eek a home. Mrs. M atthes spent p art of last w eek a t the hom e of h er sister. Mrs. H erm an Liebenow . S he r e ­ tu rn ed to P o rtla n d Monday. Camp at Sunset Resumes Operations TIM BER S unset Cam p started ru n n in g M onday a fter being shut down for th ree w eeks because of th e w eath er The new side, w hich was ready to sta rt operations, will I not ru n for aw hile. G ilb ert Frost and Bill Best of H arrisb u rg and Ethel Brow n of Banks visited L aV erne K ilb u rg , W ednesday evening. A rth u r Syverson. w ho has been confined to his bed w ith mum ps th e past tw o w eeks, is able to be I out again. Ida Page of P ortland cam e t o , T im ber S atu rd ay night to visit Mrs. Ida M. K ilburg for tw o w eeks be­ fore she leaves for a trip to the southern states W eek-end visitors at the B T a ll­ man hom e w ere G ilbert F rost of H arrisburg, Mr and Mrs. G eorge Riggle. Russell Pow ell and Irene F isher Mrs. Riggle rem ained in T im ber for a tw o w eeks’ visit. Mr and Mrs. E arl B yers and son Ja c k of W arrenton and Mrs. D D ePew of Jew ell spent the w eek ­ end at th e hom e of Mr. B yers’ p a r­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Byers. Remodel Kitchen Mr and Mrs W E. G ilm ore are rem odeling th eir kitchen th is w eek. DR. R. J. NICOL DR. E. W . ALM Q UIST V eterinarian« Telephone 643 and 642 Y O U N G ’S Funeral Home "Thoughtful, Sympathetic Service” Phone 972 Hillsboro T he N ew R A T -X KILLS RATS and MICE only Safe and Sure Delta Drug Store Hillsboro, Ore. JA M ES A. BOYLE Jam es A. Boyle. 75. re tire d la­ borer from the Sherw ood district, died T hursday in th e W ashington county hospital. F uneral services w ere held S aturday from th e Don- elson & Sew ell chapel w ith burial in G reenw ood cem etery. Services w ere conducted b y Rev. H enry H aller. Boyle was born in 1862 in th is state and is survived by a brother. M arcus, a resident of C ali­ fornia. S tate C apitol N ew s L etter—G iv­ in g th e highlights of official ac­ tiv ity a t Salem .—E very w eek in th e A rgus. tf F ishing T ackle Guns, A m m unition CORWIN HARDWARE 128 8. 2nd Ave. Phone 72 Agent Long Radios Dr. Wm. E. Hinds Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon COM MERCIAL B UILD IN G P h o n e O ffice 861 R esidence 862 Rites Held Monday for Mrs. Bidwell Metsker's M uriel E sth er B idw ell, 18. wife W ash in gton County A tla s of N orm an B idw ell of N orth Plains, died T h u rsd ay at h e r hom e th ere B uy M etsker's n ew revised W ash­ a fter an illness of a w eek. F u n eral ington C ounty A tlas. Ju s t finished. services w ere held M onday a fte r­ 1 up-to-date. T he m ost com plete, best noon from th e D onelson & Sew ell m ap of the county ev er m a d e .1 chapel w ith b u rial in F ir L aw n Show s all acreage, pro p erties and cem etery. ow nerships, roads, plats, sections, Mrs. B idw ell was born May 27. tow nships an d ran g es—ev ery th in g 1918. in B utte. Mont., m arrie d N or­ Also excellent county and to w n ­ man Bidw ell in 1934 and had lived ship m aps. A n y th in g in th e m a p ! at N orth P lain s for th e last tw o j line. F o r sale a t C ounty A ssessor's years. S u rv iv in g a re h er father. office an d th e H illsboro A bstract Z Roscoe W illiam s of P ortland: m oth­ T itle Co.. Hillsboro, and a t "M et- er. Mrs. M arie Fair. N orth Plains, k er M aps." 514 S. W. O ak St., P o rt­ and a sister, Mrs. R C row e. Spo­ land. O regon. kane. PLUMBING is a PUBLIC TRUST W e will not b e tra y th a t tru s t e ith e r in q u a lity of m a te ria l o r w o rk ­ m anship. See us today for your plumbing requirements. L abor by C. W . M ason BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPART Next door to Venetian theater Hillsboro ALL-CLUBS’ JAMBOREE for “Nickeson to M ajor Bowes” THURSDAY NIGHT BROODERS As sales of the 1937 FORD V-8 jump, our stock of dependable Used Cars in­ creases. We have popular makes and body types at attractive prices. 2-day money-back guarantee. Easy terms. K resky Fuel Oil Brooder 1000-chick c ap acity ............ $ 12 « 1 7 ^ .5 . 0 H udson Oil Brooder 500-chick I ca p ac ity ............ January 2 8 $ 0 0 .5 0 ’22- HILLSBORO HIGH AUDITORIUM E lectric B rooders 1936 Ford V-8 Touring Fordor- Color D cscit G rey, w hite side w all tires, radio, low m ileage. 500-chick cap acity 1934 Ford V-8 Tudor- A w ell-k ep t ear. (irre n . Radio equipped. Finish 1934 Hudson “8 ” Sedan 1936 Ford V-8 Coupe— A b eau tifu l ear, side w all tires. A perfect ear, only rim 11.000 miles. 2 1935 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedans E xterior anil in te rio r linlsh in p erfeel ro n d ltlo n . One Radio equipped. low m ileage. Radio, Phone 911 h eater, w hile 37 12 .50 50 to Gas Brooder Coal B rooders 1933 Ford V-8 Tudor K rrnnriH toiird m otor ju st in stalled . A good used car value. Corner Third and W ash in gton 22 Nine Acts of Local Talent in one M a m m o th ! C o lo s s a l! Good New and Used Mackenzie Motor Co. ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ V ineyard H illsboro ’9 ,o T8 W e c a rry a full line of p o ultry supplies, including feeds, th erm o m eters, w afers, w icks, etc. Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Reed - Wool - Poultry Telephone 3061 S tu p en d o u s S h o w ! A dm ission 50c Auspices Hillsboro Breakfast Club