H IL L S B O R O í'í I tee on alcoholic control at a m eet­ ing Tuesday m orn in g predicted I that O regon w ould soon again be a dry state unless steps w ere ta k ­ en to clean up conditions existing m m any beer p arlo rs and to en- I force th e law more strictly . S en a­ tor Eranciscovich suggested that enforcem ent of the provisions of, the Knox act be cen tered in the (By Mrs. F ra n k Frzoldt) C ath erin e B e r n a r d s - - L iquor C ontrol com m ission in- j Mrs ROCK CREEK —A nnua! business , steed widow of ttie late Theodore Ber- of leaving it to city and m eeting of the m em bers of the Hel- . nurds, died Sunday noon at her vetia and loeal R eform ed churches ¡. ai i 8 * '* P!esi' nt " J 11’ home at V erboort after an illness w as held a fter th e church services its in n u m erab le opportu n ities for of sev eral years at th e church here Sunday. John buck passing Services w ere held at the V isita­ N ew spaperm en covering th e ses­ B oeckli for the local church here tion church at V erboort W ednesday and Dave Tschabold for the H el­ sion.- whose wives or oth er re la ­ m orning u n d er the d irection of v etia church w ere re-elected as tives a re holding dow n legislative Robert E B urns M ortuary of F o r­ w ere m ade th e targ et of a eld er and deacon, respectively I t jobs est G rove Rev F ath er M Jo n as of- w as decided to have English serv house resolution this w eek eon- ice on one m ore Sunday in the dem iting th e p ractice as d epriving month, leaving only one Sunday in niany needy persons ot a chance the m onth w hen G erm an services f01 em ploym ent. w ill be held. G erm an service w ill _ F io p o srs Exchange be held every first Sunday in th e S enator D uncan of H arney coun­ m onth at the church here, w ith all p rep arin g a bill w hich w ould the rem aining Sundays Io have au th o rize counties to exchange English services thus, the second *an<« taken in on tax ilosures and fourth Sundays in H elvetia ‘or state school lands, thus enabl- and on the th ird S unday here, also ln S Poth the counties and th e state on the fifth Sunday, w henever one ,0 th eir holdings for more occurs, the service w ill be here and advantageous leasing or sale, in English. It w as decided to re- Hood, form er budget d i­ m ove the old wagon shed. W hen rector. has announced that he e x ­ rock is laid on the site it can be Peetz to renew his activ ities in be- used as a parking space for auto- half of a state d ep artm en t of fi- mobiles nance and a state d ep artm en t of The H. H. club met w ith Mrs w elfare Both of these d ep artm en ts Floyd B radley T hursday Seven " e r e included in H ood's cabinet w ere present. Mrs. E rnest S taehlc governm ent w hich failed to get had baked a birthday cake in hon- an y w h ere at th e 1935 session. or of Mrs. B radley's b irth d ay a n - -------------------------- Church Groups Elect Leaders; Give Program niversarv. T he W T club m et w ith M rs J. G etty T hursday. School Has Program Teachers and pupils of Rock C reek school are having inform al program s on the first Friday of th e month. One was held last F ri- day w ith th e follow ing nu m b ers on th e program : piano solos by A ldine Z ahler and O liver Dick: song by five upper grade girls: vocal duet by Florence Dick and M ildred Rv- land; recitations by Hazel Kies. Bobby D ancer. G len G rossen and D enghby Fry; F rench horn solo by E lm er G rossen; w histling num b ers: five boys, and a song by R uth Ru- ben. Ina and Leona Stauss. Mr. and Mrs. Jo n ath an Weldon a rriv ed here from S pokane last H. Mrs. Bernards Dies Sunday: Services Held \ z-, iV la ilV V O lIIltV OCOUtS A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O . « 'o n t in u « i Few N ew Laws in S tate L egislature □f C o u n ty D ies HilLsboro and p a rtn e r here for n um ber of y ears w ith L ester Ire ­ land in the hadw are business, died suddenly in Salem yesterday i W ed­ nesday*. according to a telegram received by Ireland. AI'V'; »’‘>d been in Salem since he Elections w hich took place Thin s- . T •’••• C" ‘ dav ‘" " ‘" ’K s,ale ‘» » 'I" >’f W.ish- gaged in tin hard w are business |i,igton county, found directors and C a u se of d e a th w as not given. officers re-elected, and considerable ¡banking progress rep o rted for the I y ear lam p com plete with shade one b ill­ poultry clinic" ami le d in e lo Ai G ram Co., one can Morton T ender Q uick, one can Morton fold key ea-.e sel. S m ith ’s Grocery, night i T hurs das* m Hie ehum bei salt, one suck Im perial calf meal, th ree packages assorted groceries. 'o f com m erce l oom - The session i . tw o cans sausage -vii.-otnne. Kel- Sal'ewas G rocery, eight ¡15c cans scheduled Io begin at 7 3(1 o'clock i Imgton Jew elry. P u rk ette pen: Rob Hill c.-tii-i- Weil one ladles The m eellng is sponsored by the Tlie M ens S hop, one m an ' scarf, um brella, one rag rug. one silk Im perial G ruln A Feed compiiny tw o m en's ties, one pair sox. Plg- lingerie bag glv Wiggly stoii-. one 49 pound sack H illsboro Bargain day is entirely lllr t h - 1 flour: Pow ers' G rocers, th ree I a loeal affair, and is sponsored by P elotm m T o Mi ami Mrs |( pound package . M anning s coffer th e retail I r i n l e s com m ittee of the I'cloquiii of Glenwood. Jan u a ry l a J C P enner Co., one pair liook cham ber of com m erce I a girl ends, one tor train, one pair la Firm taking special advertising D urand To Mr and Ml- Leo silk hose, one boy s dress arc: Maclxcn. ic M otor C o. First D orami of Gaston. Jim ti.uy 12. a W ash in g to n C o u n ty b an k at Banks elected as dieetors W illiam I’ants Palm D rag .stoic, one Hash N ational Bank of Portlum l. Belli boy I Moore, president. M illard Hur-1 ,1k,’t. one box candy one billfold rich B rothels Farm M aehiueiy. nett, vice-president: A lyee I S t o l l - i I'ool-G ardner L um ber C o, three C om m ercial N ational Bank ami Her. cashier. and M arian A Moore 10-pound packages nail Jack Foster F arm M achinery. C akes (Iffrrrd Mrs Anna Tow nsend of H illsboro director R esources total $158.491 accom panied by her brother. Jo h an and the bank lias gained $43.000 in ! P e rfe c tio n B a k ery , fo u r eak. County Poultry Kaisers ¡tw elv e 10c louves bread; S elfridge 1 H alldorson. of Portland, d e p a rt­ deposits d u rin g Hie year Attend Clinic Tonight ed Monday night for Des Moines I D irectors elected lor Hie First F u rn itu re C o . one fam \ pillow W ashington county poiiliiym en aunty pi Iowa, follow ing the death th ere of S ecurity bank of B eaverton in- coffee m aker cake p iale , .serving bow l; S p ro u s e Red.- C o . o n e ta b le lias i invited io attend a brother. Ju liu s J. P. H alldorson elude Jo h n F. Blum. G aston II Robinson. H 1’ Downing. II II of P ortland. H alldorson. w ho w as a w ar v e t­ Hansen. F D. Hite and Jay G ib ­ eran. was driving from D etroit to son. all of B eaverton O fficers a rc P o rtlan d w ith Mr and Mrs Coll V Gibson, president Blum, vice-pres­ Musgrave, a P ortland autom obile ident. and Jo h n F Throne, cashier T . he . bank opened Ju n e 16. 1934. nt Moderate Prices dealer. They w ere re tu rn in g w ith tw o autom obiles, and near C edar " 1 t«ePos‘,s of $140.000 w hile the l<«*K ulation (aiusH M a rk e r* hi Rapids. Iowa. H alldorson was in- statem en t of D ecem ber 31 1936. 4.50-21 stalled u llh iti 50 mtles of lllllshnrn. ju re d about the head m an auto- show s deposits of $396.361 3.1 The S'*5 and up; q u a lity derides t li e m obile accident. bank is a m em ber of the F ederal price. H orkniaiishtp and quality L eaving the autom obile w hich he d ep o sits Insurance corporation and rem ain long a lte r price Is forgot had been driving, the party pro- a " ’em ber of the F ederal R eserve Exchange ten. ceeded on tow ai d Des M oines w here system . Cash on hand flic fu st of H alldorson planned to e n te r a Vet- d’e y ear was $280,000. eran s- hospital for treatm en t. H e -------------------- --- - Oregon Monument Works died before reaching De.- Moines Hillsboro and New berg. Ore. He has been in H illsboro at v a r ­ H H S ta n ,1.m l. M gr. ious tim es visiting w itli his sister and has ra th e r a w ide acquaintance 13 P l a t e in this county. F u n eral services (C o n tin u ed fro m p a re l> will be held at P ark River. N. D S unday or Monday, and b u rial will gifts: A m acher's M arket, five 2- j pound packages of shortening. be at G arder. N. D. E xchange Bush s M arket, th re e packages a s­ sorted groceries; Ben F ranklin Store, one casserole, o n e alunu- ■ num w histling teakettle, one m an's lie: C. C . Store, one pair ladies' I silk hose, tw o pairs m en's dress W aith for 1937 I sox; C opeland L um ber C o. four ious effects of the flu can be avoid­ ¡5-pound packages nails: C olum bia Let us supply you w ith ed if pro p er care is tak en as soon Food Store, one electric m arsh m al­ low toaster, tw o m ayonnaise m akers, as sym ptom s appear. HERE SOON 1 o n r rc le o r v itrifie d ch tj one set 6 w ater glasses: D elta D rug Among the item s of advice given I ¿7* " by the health dep artm en t is th |lt. e i” o re' tw o flash lights; F airw ay pipe, or iron soil pipe. We adm onishm ent to keep out of . M arket, six 1-pound packages De- are also equipped to handle crow ds and th u s avoid contact w ith L uxe coffee: H illsboro Meat Co.. five th e disease as a first step in p re ­ 2-pound packages wienies; H ills­ the com plete connection job. boro M otor Co., electric w indshield vention. defroster, steerin g w heel knob. Rest N eeded Plenty of rest is an o th er prevent- H illsboro Argus, four 50c classified Banks Report Deposit Gains Accident Victim Has Sister Here on new ones *4.95 Local F in n s List M a n y C ash S avers Sewer Connections W IL E Y S Nash - La Fayette $852 Delivered a t i ^ ’i'n X Ä Ä X* om^sack ______ -i — m l I f, • r. zx t X lit, ax .x11 9 1 rx • • A nd another group of rep resen ta- ?¿e s' aI J ” Komig. cu b m aster VOWEier R pSlC lPtlt tives have joined in an attem iit to tbe new C ub P ack in Hillsboro. resto re th e "good tim e” cred it p rac­ says this m a tte r w ill be ag gravated tice at the pen iten tiary w hich w as in th e n ear fu tu re w ith the g ra d ­ upset w hen G overnor M artin re ­ uation of sev eral C ubs in to the G eorge Allen, fo rm er resident of fused to perm it th e release of Earl scout troops. P lans will be form ed at th e dis­ Fehl, fo rm er county ju d g e of Jack - tric t com m ittee m eeting follow ing son county. T his d earth of bills, how ever, does court of honor for an indoor not m ean th at th e fam ine is to ra ‘b' durin g Boy Scout Week. Feb- continue. T here a re a lot of ideas ru a r>’ * to 13. to celeb rate th e 27th afloat, m any of w hich will ma- an n iv ersary of th e Boy Scouts of terialize in tim e into tangible form, -^iperica. according to W illiam F R epresentative Bull, for instance. Johnson, field executive. has served notice th a t he p r o p o s - -------------------------- es to red u ce the age for partici- Drunken Driver Fined pation m old ege pensions to 65 , .. years. If he does it w ill only be Beaverton Justice a fte r the hardest kind of a fight M artin Rowell, arrested at B eav- for th ere is plenty of opposition erto n T h u rsd ay by a d ep u ty «her to any liberalization of th e pension iff for d riv in g w hile d ru n k , w as program a t this tim e and even if fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days such a m easure did pass th e legis- in jail in ju stice court there. Ja il la tu re it w ould have to run the sentence w as suspended. Jo sep h K. g au n tlet of the execu tiv e veto un- C unningham of P ortland, arrested less G overnor M artin can be show n at T igard M onday by sta te police, w here th e e x tra $3,000.000 to fi- w as fined $50 in Ju stice B arb er's nance such a program is to come court th ere y esterd ay < W ednesday) from. for being d ru n k on a highw ay. M em bers OREGON SAVE D IF F E R E N C E r /v n - E xtra service. wash, soft. On Sale They •/v'v W om en’s Special OXFORDS, PUMPS P ra c tic a lly a | I styles a n (I heels. In e lu d in g new spring $- sport oxfords .98 Men’s and Boys’ SHOES and OXFORDS oth thc-,0 outfit-, are your, for the makiny— and yourj W o r k shoes, school for a low cc,I loo when you make them yourself with shoes and dress oxfords our inexpensive fabric, and smart McCall fashions. Tho classic Rig lot. fS Q shirtwaisfer and tho divided dirt outfit qive stylo to playtime Now hours— and they re uro Io turn out perfectly when you follow tho complete printed direcli ris in every McCall Printed Pattorn. B ." « J * SHOE DEPT. SPECIAL W om en’s - C h ild re n ’s rubbers, wom en’s b ro k ­ en sizes galoshes, c h il­ d re n ’s patent straps, and s Uppers fo r t li e Mjede family. la k e your pick i i f V !SS I ?