L O. O. K, Rebekahs Hold Joint Installation Crime Solution, Subject Before B. & P. Group Because of th e prevalence of in ­ been b a ile d from Jo n es H ospital in Hillsboro, it was announced this week flic D etective O rvle K Willi.ur.s oi ban will be continued until fu rth er V ernon Hahn was installed as Misses Ju lia n n a Schneider. V alcnc , notice The co-operation of the , the P o rtlan d police force, ex p ert noble grand of M ontezuma Lodge U nderwood. Mary J e Flynn. Lena public will be ap p reciated by th e . i ' i i fingerprinting, ballistic.'«, a n d No. 50 and Miss M inerva F uller as C hiotti and Ju n e W hite; M essrs staff, it was announced h an d w ritin g . spoke on ‘ S cientific rim inal l ’i ocislure," before t h e noble grand o f H illsboro R ebekah R udy Marugg. C larence Huss. Heav­ Among th e hospital p atients this C Business and Prtifession.it W omen's Lodge No. 54 at jo in t installation e r Cordt«. and M essi- and M es­ w eek. Ja n u a ry 13 in th e I. O. O. F. hall. dam es Bill Jones. Bill Borgelt, C J The 13-m onths-old baby of Mrs club F iid av evening. He w as asked O ther officers for th e cu rren t term C rittenden. E H. W hite of V er­ A it I'w 'is of Forest Gruve, pneu­ bv C hief N iles to tak e his place are: Irw in W. T u rn er and Mrs W nonia. an d M esdames K ath rv n Xu- m onia patient, is rep o rted as being as he w as unable to attend. W il­ liams has been engaged in sc ie n tif­ W. W eaver, vice grands; E. M. Bow­ Ian and O tto Steinke. a little im proved. w ork for the d ep artm en t for 13 m an and Mrs. R C. Munson, sec­ L eonard S m ith of B anks is in ic years and is also a m em ber of the retaries; C. Ja c k J r . and Mrs H el­ Jo n es hospital receiving treatm en t O regon b ar He cited interestin» en Deichnian, treasu rers; M arvin for an old fractu re facts reg ard in g th e origin of tin Woods and Mrs. F ran k Baker, w ard ­ A rt Epperson of H illsboro- a present fin g erp rin tin g m ethod, tin ens; W W C lark and Miss An- pneum onia p atien t at Jo n es h o s­ use of ballistics, th e microscope thelva Cox. conductors; G raham pital. is in a serious condition and m oulage in crim e detection Young and Miss G race McCormick Ted W illiamson, w ho underw en t and gave as illu stratio n cases in Inside guardians: E lm er J. P eterson an operation for ru p tu red appendix w hich science w as th e c o n trib u t­ and Mrs. Clem Eslinger, outside Jo in t in stallation of officers of at Jones hospital tw o w eeks ago, is ing factor in solving crim es. He guardians, and W. F. L orm or and believes, how ever, to obtain best Scout H arrington cam p and a u x il­ im proving. Mrs. A. L. Brock, chaplains. Cal T esstner of G aston, p atien t at I results, m em bers of a police force Dr. J. R. M arshall, d istrict deputy i a r y , U nited Spanish W ar V eter­ Jo n es hospital for several weeks, l i m ust first have th e respect and grand m aster, acted as installing ans. w as held at V eterans' hall is m uch im proved. confidence of the citizens of the officer for the Odd Fellow s and Friday night, w ith S tate C om m an­ Dr. H. D. H uggins perform ed a ' city or com m unity in w hich thev er Hugh Rogers as installing of­ Mrs. A rth u r McConnahay. district d ficer for both groups and D ep art­ m astoid o p eratio n for Allan S igler , work. deputy president installed th e R e­ m Monday at Jo n es hospital His con- • Inspector Vessey as m aster As an in troduction to D etective bekahs. They w ere assisted by the of ent cerem for th e men u n d ditio n is sat isfactor v W illiam s' talk. Mrs. p S K a a jt. follow ing staff of past grands and M innie H onies C ornelius Nelson o f H illsboro is aley for th e ladies p resident of th e W omen's L eg isla­ past noble grands: R. N. Brow n and A new m em ber was taken in bv a p atient at Jones hospital tive Forum o f P ortland, spoke Miss May Cook, m arshals; A. L. both W alter C hallaeom be of C ornelius, on th e w ork of th e Forum , w hich groups, in creasing the m em ­ E rock and Mrs. O. M. Heaton, d ep u ­ ersh ip to th e g reatest i n th eir p atient at Jo n es hospital for six ' is lim ited to forty m em bers, w ho ty w ardens; C harles Douglass and b h is weeks, is som ew hat im proved. to ry . are fu rth e rin g in ev ery w ay the Miss Angie H arrington, deputy sec- Mrs. Ida H amar. w ho w as brought cam paign for crim e prevention and A fter th e cerem onies, luncheon retarits: G raham Young and" Mrs. was to Jo n es hospital Ja n u a ry 5, w ill be ed by the auxiliary, and law enforcem ent. They obtain q u a l­ E M. Bowman, d eputy treasu rers: talks serv m ade by com rades and sis- released today (T hursday». ified sp eak ers and contact o rg a n i­ Harold C arlile and Mrs Elwood Mrs. P aul C raw ford, w ho u n d e r­ zations to place these speakers on Johnson, deputy chaplains: Adolph w ent an o p eratio n recen tly at Jo n es th eir program s S he also gave an M ohr and Mrs. J. R H argrave, hospital, is recovering. , o u tline of in terestin g new m ethods deputy inside guardians, and O. Mrs. M ary C o rrieri of H illsboro ' i of tra in in g child d elinquents and M. Heaton and Mrs. M ildred C h ris­ is at S m ith's hospital u n d er m edi- o en ab lin g th em to becom e g o o d tensen. deputy outside guardians. cal care citizens. A fter installation a program com- i Copies of "T he H illsboro Business m em orating the b irth d av of Thom- , W oman," a m in ia tu re new spaper as Wildey. founder of Odd Fellow- ; and fun sheet p rin ted each Ja n -i ship on th e N orth A m erican con- ] u a ry by Mrs. Em m a M cK inney, tinent, w as given. This included a w ere d istrib u te d as a su rp rise to vocal solo by Miss M inerva Fuller, ] D ixie L ee MacDovvell w as elected m em bers and guests Mrs. W illiam s reading. Deloss A nderson: accord- ‘ w o rth y advisor of H illsboro A ssem ­ and Mrs. Sim pson, w ho is a m em ­ ion solo. H arry Pearson, accom pan- ] bly. O rd er of Rainbow. M ondav b er of th e board of th e L egislative ied at th e piano by C harles W alk­ I even in g and w ill be installed T h u rs­ Forum , w ere am ong guests p res­ er, and m usical selections bv V ern ­ day evening at tile M asonic tem ple. ent. M usic on th e program con­ on Hahn. H erry Pearson. Rav Sin- . S un n y sid e ch ap te r of D eM olay will sisted of club songs led bv Mrs. clair and H arold C arlile: and "a talk i tak e ch arg e of th e crow ning c ere­ Fred C aldw ell w ith Mrs. K ath ry n on R ebekah-O dd Fellow ship by mony. O th er officers elected w ere Nolan as pianist. Mrs. E dith C Mrs. Cora M. Heaton. Louise C ruzen. associate advisor: Evans, w ho w as to have sung, R em ainder of the evening was I Jean Person. C h arity ; D o r o t h y w as unab le to attend. spent dancing. R efreshm ents w ere t F ollow ing th e dinner, w hich was C hallaeom be. Hope, and F ern P rick - served in the dining room u n d er c eft of F orest G rove. Faith. E sther served by th e L egislative com m it­ direction of Mrs. C h arlo tte B ucher C H arty was re-elected reco rd er and tee. a short business m eeting was chairm an. Rosanne Weil, re-elected treasu rer. held, and th e first of a series of "W ho's Who" for m em bers w as riv en bv Miss G eorgenia Brown. ’ D elegates to S p eak — The subject w as Mrs. Zola M organ, W ord was received S a tu rd a y of n. , Mrs c H. V an M eter of P o rt- state president of th e club. P lans th e d eath of Mrs. J a n e ft Rogers, al land and Mrs. Jesse W. B unch c f for B usiness W om en's Week. M arch m other of H. S. Rogers G randm a id Forest G rove, w ife of th e new 14-"0. w ere discussed. CORNELIUS—The St. A lexander R ogers w as 101 y ears of age on M ethodist Episcopal p asto r there. church was the scene of a lovely Mrs, M organ and Miss J u lia Ta- Ju ly 22 last, and passed a wav at ?s *H1 sp eak at th e local M. E. church torn atten d ed th e d istrict co n fer­ the hom e of her dau g h ter, Mrs J. w edding o n T hu rsd ay m orning ?- S unday evening. T hey a re dele- ence at M arshfield S atu rd ay and G Mines, at Wayne. Neb Surviv ­ w edding on T h u rsd ay m orn in g e:h h gates to th e g en eral ex ecu tiv e Sunday. Mr. M organ accom panied ing are tw o daughter* and one w hen Miss M ary Spiesschaert, old­ , m eeting of th e C olum bia R iver them on th e trip . At th e c o n fe r­ son; I. grandchildren, nine g re a t­ est d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. A r­ th u r Sniesschaert.. becam e t h e | B ranch of M issionaries' societies, of ence recom m endation w as m ade to grandchildren. a n d th ree great- b rid e of P aul W yffels of M artinez, w hich Mrs. V anM eter is corres- all clubs in the sta te to send a g reat-g ran d ch ild ren Cal. i ponding secretary . T h eir subject te'eg ram t o P resid en t Roosevelt The church was d ecorated in will be th e "Work of th e Missions " ask in e fo r som e action to end th e Mrs. G ordon D eBok of O akland p ale pink chrysanthem um s and The public is invited. p resent m aritim e strik e situation. Cal . a rriv ed h ere M onday a fte r­ carnations and palms. ’ R e tu rn fr o m F u n e ra l— noon to spend tw o w eeks w ith her The bride, given in m arriag e by parents, M r and Mrs H A. Deck. e Mrs. J. E. E dw ards and h er sis- h e r fath er, was a ttired in a floor M r and Mrs. Sam Riggs and b ter. Mrs. M ary H u n g er of Forest length w h ite crepe trim m ed in d au g h ter B eulah o f Tacom a Wash i. Grove, re tu rn e d S atu rd ay evening im ported lace. She carried a bride's visited Mr. and Mrs H. It. Em m ett s from Salt L ak e City. U tah, w here bouquet of T alism an roses a n d W ashington county students list­ 1 they w ent for th e b u rial of th e ir ed in th e scholarship honor ro ll at T hursday. bouvardia w ith stream ers of sw eet- peas. , ather. L. \ \ . G uym on, w ho died O regon S tate college for the first D ale Busch «nent th e w eek-end it Ja n u a ry 8 in F orest Grove. T h eir term w ere W illiam F rederick Goet- w ith V ernon G u rsk e of P ortland H er m aid of honor. Miss Louise :- m other. Mrs. G uym on, rem ain ed ter. H ill-boro engineering: M aurice Both bovs a re m em bers of t h e W yffels, sister of th e bridegroom , s in Salt L ak e and w ill la te r visit M undorff. C ornelius, low er d iv i­ Young O regonian accordion band w ore blue taffeta w ith gold acces­ sories. and carried p in k roses. ,s h er son at Coronado. Cal. sion: D aniel W illiam S later, Tigard, and took p art in th e Y oung O re ­ The Misses M artha Spiesschaert. Dance Tonight— ag riculture, an d T hom as F. O'Neill, gonian C ircus F rid ay an d S a tu r­ sister of th e bride, an d L o retta day. F o rest G rove, science. The th ird in th e series of M a­ K ra n th o fer w ere hon o rary b rid es­ Mr*. M innie G errish retu rn ed sonic-E astern S ta r dances w ill be m aid and w ore pin k satin gowms S unday f r o m Pocatello. Idaho. . held to n ig h t (T h u rsd ay ) at th e Miss Yantti in Hospital— w ith silver accessories and carried ' w here she has been v isitin g her j M asonic tem ple. H illsboro Assem- p in k roses. Miss M argaret Y antti is su ffe r­ : son-in-law and d au g h ter, Mr. and e bly. O rd er of R ainbow for Girls. ing from back in ju ries as th e r e ­ G eorge S p iessch aert b ro th e r of Mrs. Ju d d Sedam . for th e past . w ill hold th e ir installatio n cere- sult of an autom obile accident last ; ; th th e bride, acted as best m an. U sh­ re e weeks. ' m ony p receding th e dance. All are w eek and is in St. V incent's hos­ ers w ere Em il W yffels an d R obert Mr. and Mrs. Florian M ills r e ­ s invited to atten d both th e in stalla- pital in P ortland. VanLom. tu rn ed from T rail S unday and a re tion and th e dance. The cerem ony w as perfo rm ed by Mrs. Jonrs Hostess— snending a few days w ith Mr. and the Rev. F ath er Bosch. Has Lead P a rt— Mrs. C lyde Jones e n tertain ed the Mrs. E. E. B entley. Mrs M ills' par- F ollow ing th e cerem ony a w ed ­ i LIN FIELD COLLEGE. M cM inn- K um and K la tte r K lub T hursday. I ents. ding d in n er was serv ed a t th e - ville. Ja n u a ry 19 — Phoebe H aw - Six m em bers w ere present. Mrs. C. Mrs. Anna K irk, w ho sustained hom e of th e bride's parents. . thorne. d au g h ter of Rev. an d Mrs. W. H ergert w iil be hostess for the a recent w rist in jury, has again I On T hursday evening a dance i A. H aw thorne of H illsboro, played club F eb ru ary 11. ta k e n u p h er d uties in th e u n d e r-) w as given in th e ir honor a t th e a leading role i n "C rad le Song" w ear d ep artm en t at W eil's D ep art­ B uckeye dance pavilion. Makes Home Here— by M artinez S ierra presen ted Ja n - m ent store. F ollow ing a w edding trip, Mr. Miss M ary Benson of H ollywood. i u ary 15 and 16 in th e M elrose L it­ and Mrs. W yffels w ill live in C ali­ I B. W. B arnes has been ill w ith Cal., is m aking h er hom e w ith the tle th eatre. fornia. w h ere Mr. W yffels is em ­ P au l P attersons. Miss Benson and I flu since S aturday, but is im prov- j ployed. ing. Surprise Given— Mrs. P atterso n a re sisters. Mrs. W yffels has been em ployed Mrs. T W M cD onald and son ' Dr. an d Mrs. A. O. P itm an and for som etim e in a P o rtlan d hospital. B illy a re ill w ith flu. , Dr. an d Mrs. H. D. H uggins of Two Sizes Larger Mr. W yffels is a son of Mr. and H illsboro and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Miss R uth Jones, cashier at W eil's “H eard th e latest about New- Mrs. H enry W yffels of M artinez. B uchanan Jr. c i G aston gave Mr. rich?" has been ¡11 at hom e this w eek. S everal p arties and show ers have and M rs V erne M cK inney a su r- “No—w hat now ?” been given recen tly in th e ir honor. • prise p arty in th e ir new hom e S u n ­ F o r Sale — C ollector Tor Home "H e bought a Louis XIV bed, but d ay night. it was too sm all for him, so he C om fort Range Co. has repossessed Mrs. Plass H onored— sen t it back and asked for a Louis wood and coal range, fully en am e l­ P.-T, A. Group Meets— F riends and neighbors gave ? ed. used about 1 year, about half X V I."—Ex. p arty th e afternoon of Ja n u a ry 13 P.-T. A. study gro u p w ill m eet paid, w ill sell for balance tlue us for Mrs. Jo h n Plass. They tied a W ednesday afternoon a t th re e in or trad e for good piano.—W rite H com forter for h er d u rin g th e ir vis- ' W arden—“W ho gave th e bride th e m usic room at D avid Hiil V. A nderson. G eneral delivery. away?” school. Topic w ill be "F am ily S a f e - , H illsboro. 49p C onnolly—"H er little b rother. He ty and th e C om m unity." tak en . Given Surprise P a r ty - stood up in th e m iddle of th e from th e Ja n u a ry issue of th e P a r­ Miss E laine C aldw ell was given Attention cerem ony a n d yelled, "H urrah, en t-T each er m agazine. a su rp rise p arty Sunday evening, B asket social and program at A nnie, y o u ’ve got him a t last."— honoring h e r birthday . P resen t w ere M idw ay school, J a n u a ry 29. A w ard Visits in Florida— Ex. given for most original basket. 50p Mrs. W. F. L orm or is visitin g w ith h er daughter. Mrs. W ayne 1 Bryson, in Pensacola. F lorida. She plans to visit relativ es in Iow a and South D akota on h er re tu rn trip w hich w ill be aro u n d th e m iddle of F eb ru ary . Social Club to Meet— E astern S ta r Social club w i l l m eet F rid ay at 1:30 at th e hom e of Mrs. V/. H. T reglow n for a d es­ sert luncheon. A ssisting hostesses will be M esdames B. M Goodman, H. L. Hoeffel, and D an B u rk h alter. Nebraskans Visit— Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k P ierce and son C alvin of V enango, Neb., a r ­ riv ed th is w eek for a ten -d ay visit w ith Mrs. P ierce's m other, and Could You Afford uncle, Mrs. E e rth a R um m el, and T. A. Leger. Initiation Friday— Our entire rack of cot­ Phoenicia T em ple, P y th ian S is­ ters. w ill have th e ir re g u la r m eet­ ton House Dresses at to pay an Auto ing and in itiatio n F rid ay n ig h t at Clearance Prices. th e K. P. hall. Accident Claim? fluenza, visitors h iv e Laut Longer Spanish War I'ets and Auxiliary Hold Installation most om e E ngebret-en. the associatif At tiic cm th ere w as a Of Mesilume Allison. H i M Person. C am pbell FRI. and SAT. Rainbow Order Names Officers Mother Succumbs, Ag-cd 101 Years Miss Spiesschaert Weds Mr. Wyffels DOUBLE 1EATUR1 Radio Tubes DOUGI ASS RADIO elfrldge Fura. Co. SERVICE Phone 2 1 \ W ANTED ! County Students on Honor Roll Cotton Frock Clearance Don't take chances! Insure today ! Quick auto accident adjustments by old l i n e board companies. No wait­ ing . . . no suit. Ask E. H. HILLIS Hillsboro Argus about his claim Why Not Make a Belated NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION to Have that Radio Fixed Every prescription we fill for you is made as your physician directs f r o m pure, fresh drugs. For prompt service, call GOAR’S D o u g la s s - D a v is o n R a d io & A p p ls a c ic e S e r v ic e BO Kind» of Insurance Phone 1701Y 136 E. IVaahingtoa For HEALTH’S Sake í? 1.95 Dresses N o w ........... NOW A ll Work Guaranteed Selfridge Furniture Store Phone 21 X Womans E. M. Barnes, Prop. 150 E. Main H O RTO N IN A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Hillsboro B zasu landi e rto PIT T S HEALY iDMtiND G W E N N iDOAR K E N N E D Y D i r t r t t d b y G a e r o « S. P ' O i h t t ' / b y H a r r / ■. j I C o n tin u o u s S h ow S n tu r d a y , 1 :3 0 to 11 I». M. E9 S3 sa B3 SMBOTawriT*« L«a 31 a ca B| »UN. - MON. - TUES. * 2 MAJOR FEATURES 2 Í ) Moou ! O 6_0j FARM WASHER E q u ip p ed w ith Johnson Iron Horse 4-Cycle G as E ngine Every Farm Wife can now have an abundance of SNOWY WHITE clothes with this largo»! capacity ABC H -avy Duly Farm W aiher Model One-Thirty Six Q. Here Is a eturdy. long life Term W aiher that will wash the m oil »oiled collar» and cuffs spotloisly c l e a n , withoul need of hand rubbing. The excluelve ABC French type Agilalor, and especially d eilgn od porcelain luo mean Faster, Safer. WRITER w ashin g!, end the de pendable Iron Horse Gee Engine means greater fuel econom y . . , o a s l e r atarting . . . smoother running, l e t us demonstrate this big value ABC Farm Washer In your home. Ç2.95 Dresses N o w ........... cane rs aun Down TERMS TO SUIT They rame In her Inn, - ty, unu a n le it., , anti they beherfit in hrr. '■ .......... Acmlrm» A h ord M inner in with every $50 of purchases. "Saves You Money on Every Purchase." Two Stores— llillshnrn anil Aloha , DOUBLE FEATURE BILL — as------------- B E T T E DAVIS 32-piece Set Dishes ELECTRIC STORE A uit,Y jiuo«p WEDNESDAY ONLY, January 27 t M E LT E B E K E GfADYS GEORGE ARUNE JUDGf JO H N H O W A R p 'H A R R Y CAREY A F n in m n iin f P irtin