Il I E L S E O R O ’l iuu day, .1 it u ita ty d l, 1937 A R G U S , II I L L S B O R O , P age T hree OREGON A dvertisem ents tell you how m uch foods, clothing and ed tin* Bridge club T hursday after noon. household needs will cost you before you go shopping. Jo«* Bates is home for a vihit with his paren t!, Mi and M in J E ' Bal«-. Jo«* w«»rks at Ihownsvill«* G eorge Healer. wtio w orks in I P ortland spent S atu rd ay and S u n -| |d a y w ith Ids m other, Mi E th el, i Bealei Mis A (* A hlgren at an « ’labor HANKS T he funeral services of I l l y l l o i i i u Meredith) | ate lunch«*<»n S atu rd ay e n te r ta in e d 1 W S A tlee will be held today GASTON Mi Edith H« k »f iH'iii Luut olw ix k I was in- Mi Matti«* J Halston and Mi.' U ndertaking parlors at 2 p. m In- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT jttnlt«*y Un* It«* G race Van Loo of Forest G rove and | torm ent will be in Banks cem etery. hokah *' ii o b h * g r i n d O thci of Mis 11 F K rahm cr of Gaston. Mr At lee w a . born O ctober 4 Prescriptions Our Specialty fleet M i n I*’ ( ’ Itutlci vice 1851. at N orth S 'uffordshire. Eng­ B irthday* Olmerved grand. Mi > In«/ I’orter, pa i noble • land He came to A m erica in 1854 L afrene «»f F o n ’.st Gr«»v«* and grand. M r . A M I’orler, «•« r«’- I M P arjorie and ettled at D owegiac M ich, G riebelcr of P ortlund cel-I tary. Mi h’r«’d K oherstein, tre a s ­ Icb i.itcd th w here he was engaged in th e flour eir b irth d ay s together u rer. Mi” l*’lorence B ryant, It S *at the home of M arjoru-'s m other, mill buxine - for forty years. Feb- N G . Mi I an.i Hay«*. I. S N Check this list and save on your rua i 13, 187.1. he was m arried to < ;. Mi- Miirv Ward H S V (5. Mis O rten G n e b e le r <»f Gaston. M; ry Frances Ja rv is Ja n u a ry 11 M arjorie is a g rad u ­ d ru g necessities. M il Hubert B .tte rx i I. S V O ate of Gaston high sch G c h a r g e of th e fu n eral services ] Arrange«« f««r l•i«•♦ur«- The first •.«•meslcr ends Friday He is survived by his w idow .; Postm astei T hom as Roe, was h i CITRATES & CARBONATES— N eu tralize Final exam inations a ie .*.eh«-dnleall gam« j tor the benefit of th«- general public. Berkeley. Cal . and tw o brothers. COD LIVER OIL— Build your resistance. J ph and Alvin of Monroe, Wash. Mi J Moi t. Mrs A ( ’ A hlgren Special 16-oz. bottle rond «*.»•o n for th«- gul.s T h at mean* T aking p art in tlu* cerem ony are R ufus C H olm an (left«, state treasu rer, and E B. M cDonald presi­ COLD CREAM -1 1 size ............... iBy Mrs. P. Patton) 69c ttiat th ere w ill be just on«* m ore f 'HEKRY G ROVE - Ladies’ Aid | d ent of the Oregon S tate Motor a aieiutlon practice to m ake up tin* necessary will m eet a t th e church T hursday tun«* T he next .sport will be indoor been absent from w ork at the black­ afternoon 'today«. A pot luck lunch , ba.scball L orrulnc Johnson is the t o J im ' B elanger, county agent ( C o n tin u e d fro m pag » I l sm ith shop here, since C hristm as w ill be served tieiid of this - port Hccuus«* of the R ange ow ners have been able to Mr S E. L inde w ent to P ort- 1 due to illness. He re tu rn e d to work lurge n u m b er of players required, in m arini' dlsuster» d u ru m th e do a great deal of w ork on th eir HAIR TONIC— Lucky Tiger. SI size.. 79c land M onday to pend several days i Monday. this gam e off«*i a g reater op p o r­ cen tu ry us com pared to 00.000 dead b nd th at they have been w an t­ visiting her daughter, Mrs. O M. in cur uccidents in th ree years in RAZOR BLADES— Gillette. 10 for 49c » Mi and Mrs C lark Inkeley and tu n ity for m ore of the girls to play ing to do for years, but have been son Sam m y of P ortland w ere w eek ­ S trandberg. and get points for being on team*. tile U nited States. TOOTH BRUSHES— Pro-phy-lactic. Reg. 50c 39c " forced to fo r e g o . Mr Behngi-r says Mr K innan w ent to a P o rtla n d ' T h ere an- th ree elem en ts in v o lv ­ S pring and w ater hole developm ent end guests of Mr and Mrs Civil K e e o i i l (a«M>d TOOTH PASTE— Pepsodent. Large size ,^..33c ed in accidents, K errick declared, h' -pital Sunday, w here she w ill re- 1 C arstens and fam ily. probably leads the list of p rac­ D uring th«* last m onth tber«* w ere e limliwuy, car. und d riv er. Of tices carried out u n d er the 1930 PETROLAGAR— Large size 89c Mr and Mrs. Louie W inter and ceive treatm en t. 20 student* wtio w ere n eith er a b ­ th T urkey grow ers in th is vicinity I th e th ree the highw ay Is the least program , he believes tw o sons of G le n w od -pent the sent nor tard y iltv Miss M ary Sandyl im p o rtan t and th e car is seldom w eek-end w ith Mrs. M inters’ p a r­ are p rep arin g to m ark et the last of T eam P lanned BANKS High school honor roll ents, Mr. and Mrs. Civil C arstens. at fault, he em phasized. “Most p e r­ th e ir birds Jo h n M orelli had a ! Several of tin* young women of sons." lie sani, “a re re lu c ta n t to for the third six w eeks is as fol­ crew picking the first of the w eek.; O ur entire stock— Drastic Reduction O. A. P. Meet Friday G aston a re planning on form ing a blam e tin- d riv er ." lows: 4-ls R o b e r t Schlegel. 1 Tow nsend club will m eet in the P P atto n finished dressing th e last . tow n team and have alread y met Louis Sokal. Hetty M cCann: 2 a v ­ B anks T ak e More Chance« of his fleck M onday and Tuesday. church Friday. These prices are for th is w eek-end only. R eg u lar J f«»r «»in* practice erag e M ik Davis, Jack Scabold. He spoke of tile n arro w roads G. W. K urtz, w ho is em ployed in : Last student b«xty m eeting <>f the ap p aren tly being th e safest b e ­ W ilc o x II I prices in effe c t a fte r S a tu rd a y evening. D orothy Shigeno. Jo h an n a Hess. I Seattle. pent a few days l a s t j . « in e s t« r w.a. held T uesday Alice cause of au to d riv ers using m ore Joseph W allnofer. 76. resident of I\.i Lee R osencranes. Jam es Cason. Ralph Wilcox, mail carrier, is w eek w ith his fam ily here. He re- | Jackson hat! th e studen t body p ro ­ caution As the roads are w idened H illsboro since 1920 died in h: L o retta Davis. Kvoshi K aw am ato. confined to his hom e w ith flu. tu Buy your Drug Needs in Hillsboro and t ■ rn ed to S eattle S aturday. gram _ Save the D ifference to allow m ore room, accidents in ­ hom e here T hursday F uneral -erv- Eugene W irtz and Etta Bailey The Russell B urrus is acting a- su b sti­ Miss Inez Port«’!*, tre a su re r of the crease because d riv ers tak e m ore iei s w ere held Tuesday m orning ; cm ester honor roll was reported tu te c a rrie r on his m ail route. O regon ( ’h i.'tu rn E ndeavor Union, chances. from St. M atthew s C atholic church as follows: 2 average- Mix Davis, W atts Wins atten d ed a m eeting of tlx* finance W atts grade school defeated E very sh arp curve, he related, w ith burial 111 tin' Catholic c e i l - Jo h an n a Hess. Jack Seabold, Iva «■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■a com m ittee of ttiat organization at sooner o r later is th e scene of an elery in charge of Young's F uneral Lee Rosencranes. Jam es Cason. L or­ B anks in basketball in the G ale- P m : la: I I-': :f the scholarship proved Io figure in less accidents ices for Mrs. Einm aline E H ow ­ weeks, retu rn ed to h er hom e in A nderson. Sec y o u r lo c a l S .P .a g e n t o r w r it e Among m asculine contributors loan t«> stu d en ts that she had than tlie older models. K errick re ­ land. 48. w ho died at A shland J a n ­ B anks W ednesday. She is steadily J A . O E M A N D Y . Gen P is s . HIGHLAND CHIEF— 49-'.b. sack ......................... $1.40 , will be the R otary club. C. E know n Hostess«’ > w ere Mrs Ja sp e r m arked T his is because th e d riv ­ uary 15. will be hehl at th e F o r­ ini proving. A i t . , 705 P a c ific B ld g ., F o r tla n d Ball. Mrs H J Bates and Mrs. ers all have a tendency to operate est G rove U ndertaking com pany F ir G rove S ew ing club met Wells, president. H illsboro fire d e ­ Dtto Salzmifnn. I too close to the safety m argin at chapel today 'T h u rsd a y ' at 10a. i l l T h u rsd ay w ith Mis.- A nn S nider partm ent. w ith W ilbur D illon in B urial was at G ales C reek W ednesday th e W orking Society ■11 tim es A fternoon wus spent by quilting. A charge of a num ber, an d Boy All above prices F. O. B. our w arehouse and su b je c t to Mrs H ow land w as born August pot luck d in n er was served at noon. Scout troop No. 226. sponsored by- i f G aston w ill m eet in the social O perators of the old m odel cars m ark e t changes. D espite th e p resen t sh o rta g e of concen­ room of the church I know th e ir lim itations p retty well, 31, 1888. al Forest G rove and was N ext m eeting is w ith Mrs William A m erican Legion. A dditional en te rta in m e n t num - t r a t e s in this area. IM PER IA L FEEDS are being held to At the church services Sunday he declared, and th erefo re do not m arried to J B. Howland in H ills­ D avis Ja n u a ry 28. I bers. not yet com pletely arranges!, boro N ovem ber 17. 1910. She is a special m usical program was of­ tak e so m any chances in traffic. Mrs. T u rn e r 111 the low est prices possible u n d e r th e circum stances. su rv iv ed by th e w idow er; h er fa th ­ Youth la k e s C h a n rr fered. Joseph Bates presented a Mrs M T u rn er is seriously in and th e evening's program , a« fi- A nother point tie touched was e r and stepm other. Mr and Mrs I w ith influenza at the hom e of her ■ nallv outlined, w ill be announced tromlx-nt* so,«», and Mr Thom as Grinding, cleaning, rolling or mixing $«¡1.00 Hoe and m other. Mis. Mary S tew ­ what lie term s "T he D angerous Allen S Dillev of Forest Grove; d au g h ter. Mrs. V ictor M anuel, in n ext week. 1 PER TON ..................................................... 4&I a sister. Mrs E sther Schm id and a rt sang a duet, accom panied by Age." W hile th e n atio n al average P o rtlan d . Mr. and Mrs. M anuel and Mrs S tew art on the zith er and A for accidents reached 107 percent, a bro th er. W alter Dilley, both of | son a re also ill w ith the flu. accidents by d riv ers betw een 15 Forest Grove. f S H atch on th«* violin Mr. and Mrs. W illiam G reener P ay Cash and Save— T ra d e w ith Im p erial Mi AH». 11 Kobei ’' ’in enteitain- ! and 24 y ears old increased to 180 of L exington and Mr. and Mrs. Ed CHARLES T. TEDBAI I per cent. Ages older th an th is show F rcu d en th al of H illsboro called on I rapid decrease In num bers. FO REST GROVE C harles T Fred W olford and fam ily Friday (C o n H n u e d fro m p a r e 11 W hile th ere has been a big in ­ T cdball. 70. died at his hom e n ear evening. Mr. G reen er w as called cian. and la te r moved to Jones crease over th e nation in th e auto h ere M onday and the body was to H illsboro on account of the ill­ hospital, according to reports death rate, K errick said, th e rate se n t to E verett. Wash.. T uesday ! ness and death last week of his F ern K arlen. 18. B onny Slope, Phone *1 Millers of Quality Feed. South Second Ave. in O regon has been one of the low ­ night. H e had resided n ear h e re ' m other. Mrs. H enry Tober, in H ills­ suffered cuts about the face and est in the nation. for 17 years. boro. neck and a serious scalp lacera­ Fred Sew ell acted ns chairm an of He w as born N ovem ber 15. 1800. I’oi llanilers Move Here tion last W ednesday night w hen the program , in tro d u cin g the sp eak ­ at G alesberg, III Deceased is sur- i A lvan G chits and fam ily of P o rt­ ears AKß driven by Pat S nyder of vived by tw o children: Mrs R 11 land have m oved into th e C harles Benny Slope and A lbert B attagtine er. C i. E A m g P ro g ram announced by L. E. G aston. O ronda. Wash., and L. H K essler house on Sunset avenue. of P ortland skidded on the icy TOO LS1 ’ Francis, chairm an for th e m eeting Tedball, F orest G rove ro u te 1. Miss M oxie H opkins, teacher in pavem ent and collided n ear Aloha. n ex t Monday, includes motion pic­ Miss K arlen w as brought to the th e S herw ood school, was ill se v ­ tu res of w in ter sports on Mt. Hood, e ra l days last w eek and spent the | county hospital f o r em ergency and a sp eak er to ta lk on the su b ­ tim e In B anks w ith her m other, I treatm ent. P assengers and d riv er ject. M O D EL 105 Mrs. E. E. Hopkins. in th e B attagtine car escaped w ith- INSURANCE BEAUTY SHOPS _ y; * P ib v io u b mod»l» W illiam K eer of H illsboro has ! out in jury. Itangr Program Meets Favor r«consltuc»«d at