H IL L S B O R O Thur day. .Tanunrv 21, 1937 Pnge Five A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O , O R EG O N Washington County's Great Market Place - “Where the Buyer Meets Seller“ A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost - - - Classified Columns Close at 9 A. M. Wednesday - - - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 4 P. M. Wednesday 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s C ount Word* -Send M uiiry IF YOH HAVE SOM ETHING TO Mi'll »nil a ic In a big b u r ­ ry to sell it. let tlie classified ad v ertisin g d e p artm en t of th e H illsboro A rgus prove Its a b il­ ity us a speedy and efficient Males m edium . tf C ount Y our P ro fit! F irst lir ortlon. per w ord 2c Each additional in.scition, per w ord lc (No service per l.s..ue less th an 2flc) ()ut of f.urm i to all no in fo r­ m ation on the Clns.'dfled Page w ill be g i v i i out u n til tlie p aper is U*ucd. N otice Recall «• of the ad d itio n al se rv ­ ice req u ired in h an d lin g Blind A ds w ith answ er» to be r e ­ ceived oy the A rgus a m in i­ m u m c h a rg e of f»0 cen ts will he made for this service. Tin paper w ill not give out inform ation relativ e to such advertising. ( a rd of Thanks We wedi to th an k th e m any kind fr ie n d s a n d n e ig h h o is f o r t h e i r as- . n t . uh e and lovely floral offering.* «luring the recent illness and death of (.nr beloved w ife and d au g h ter. M uriel B idw ell I. y < . 4 'flu* Fam ily. p Mountaindale IX) YOU wunt b e tte r ehlx from b etter m uting'’ G et H art's L eg ­ h orns at $40 500 Bullet ehlx. $95- Man Suffers pullet Hollywood Special chi« from Jaw Fracture 1i .ipne'.ted ben.'.. records A nnouncem ent* 17 24. Pigg ------i FIRE INSURANCE DRY rick wood. $3 5(1 p er cord FOR SALE ,0 pigs. 7 10 w eanling $500 mi your fu rn itu re cost* $4 for N ear C onnell station Tse ha bold w eeks old I Edw in Sim antel. 2 .1 y e a rs . » Is o w e g iv e y o u a dlvl- Bros 49p m iles n orth of N orth Plains. 48-9p « li'iu l o f I’ll B e fo r e v o u In s u re ,, Noble, th e ELEVEN 7-w eeks-old pigs, sell GET THE FACTS DRY wood for sale or wood mum ju st soutti of O renco, I'lialatlll t.illr v losur-inee A gency tra d e for cow. Emil Trachsel. anyone can d irect you. 4H-50p m ile n o rth Elm onica; W alker road. : iio E Mum s t GASCO B riquets S tead y h eat all FOUR 9 -w eeks-old pigs for sale — Dance* day. holds fire all night, ch eap er Mrs E M. Ingles, Rt. 1. Banks, p than oak m ore heat, less ash W ei Good T im e Ilan ce d eliv er P hone 01 Im perial Feed ! 25. Horae* At G runge hall ev ery S atu rd ay A < Jraln Co, Hillsboro 471 f night G curgiu lies* o rch estra. A d­ HORSE, about 1700 lbs. 10 years. mission 25c. 2‘J tf WOOD, old-grow th, 16 - Inch fir. for sale M ike Zahl. Rt. 1. C o r­ $4 50 cord, and un Also lim b and nelius 48-9p M odern D ance oak wood Rav D elsm an. P h o n e 39tf HEALTHY old horses w anted for At S hadyside e v e r y S atu rd ay 2107 night l.adie* free u n til 9 20 p, in fox feed P hone 2091Z. 48-8tp ____ 49p FOR WOOD - saw ing, call M. J A d m issio n 25c S en sk e F ir and hardw ood for H ORSES If in th e m ark et, try sale Phone 2141Z. A ddress 423 N L ents S tables on F o ster road, Lost an d F o u n d 3. Secon I A v .- I7tf m ile east of Lents. We buy, sell and exchange both horses a n d LOST Hl.irk and tan Doehshuild No 1 fir w ood for sale 4- row s H enry B aum cr. prop.; Rt 3. it ird a i Jenaen, 519 C DRY foot. $4 75: saw ed 12 or 18-ineh. Box 1.388. Portland. 45-51 Lincoln s t 49p $5 50 A rnold Gno*. C ornelius 47tf W ANTED O ld horses fo r fox fee:! MOUNTED tire on w ire w heel P hone CF2 F orest G rove. —P hone 2107. 42tf O w ner eall and pay for ad Phone Hillsboro 8 F I0 49 18. Seed s, P lan ts, Flower* Ray H ORSES for sale or trade. 41tf Delsm an. G arib ald i St. 6. W a n ted — M iscellan eou s F R U IT trees, all v a rie tie s, h i l l grow ing, highest q u ality C om ­ C attle WANTED B arcelona filb erts J p lete line of n u rsery stock For 26. It Jack. 3017 N F 21st. P o r t- landscaping y o u r hom e see Motz land 49p B rothers' N ursery. Orenco. P hone FOR SA LE H olstein cow, 6 years old. Just fresh, has heifer calf, 2624 Hillsboro 411 f good m ilk er Come see h er —J. L. H elp W an ted 7. H IGH EST q u ality trees, larg est a s­ K err, at Scholls; H illsboro. Rt. 5. 49 sortm ent g reatest values. G rafted Box 197. W A N T g irl foi gem : ll h o u se w o rk . evenings free In q u ire 7224 A r­ w alnuts, filberts, prunes, plum s, cow. fresh, good m ilk ­ gus. __________*____________________ pearhes, apricots, cherries. pears, GUERNSEY er. for sale. —L eonard S tark. T i­ apples, grapes, berries, B o y stn b e r ­ gard; at P rogress G arage. 49p WANT girl for gen eral bousew i rk ries, roses, etc. F reight paid. P re ­ Send today for svi.ci.il huuti, daily. « o u t S u n ­ m ium loses free day 331 S 10th Ave H illsboro, p our "Ifith A n n iv ersary ” sales c ir ­ COW, fresh first of m onth, for sale —P h o n e 191. 49 cular. C arlto n N ursery Co., C a rl­ ton. 3fitf F IV E -gallon m ilk cow, one heifer W ork W anted 8. both about to freshen —H erm an Shrubs, tree*. wall PHONE 734 for price on sew er job EVERGREEN o n R ock C r e e k n, clean, m any v arieties of C hristen sen , com plete; also all p lu m b in g con­ cy grow 49-51p p ri ss, ju n ip ers, arb o rv ltae. yew. road. nections II C. S ciiuim crich. 463 rhodos. azalea, daphne, box. laurel, J a c k on St 1'i'f heather, etc E x p ert landscape d e ­ GUERNSEY bull, 14 m onths, for sale - -C hris Tschanz, 3 m iles no rth H EM STITCHING n eatly and satis­ signs (advice free). M ore th an 50 M ountaindale. P hone N orth P lains factorily don»'. 5c p er y ard 807 y, ii i' expellenee at your service 9F14. 49p P au l D rew N ursery, location cast E Baseline Phone «M2. 4SM end of Htb S t , B eaverton. P hone FIN E 15-m onths-old G uernsey h eif­ 34tf WOOD saw ing, saw filing, and er for s a l e —I,. O. Edm iston. at saw gum m ing -Q harles B ucher, th e G rabel school. 49p RED H eart stra w b e rry plants. $2 50 BIO S. E ighth Ave 29ti p er 1000 O rd er now, W. Stone, JER SEY cow. fresh six weeks, for Rt. 1. C ornelius. 48-52p sale —C. P Syverson. *4 - m ile Bid* 9. 49p DORSETT stra w b e rry plants. B er­ south W itch Hazel school. T H E C O U N T Y C o u r t of W ashing­ ries su p erio r in q uality, flavor. I DAIRY and fam ily cow s for sale. ton C ounty w ill receiv e sealed hardiness, production and excel-1 C**h nr term s. No dow n paym ent bids on P ublic L iab ility and P ro p ­ lent sh ip p ers B ring 40 to 50 cents erly Dam age and F ire and T heft m ore per crate. P lan ts $6 per th o u - | necessary, w ith m o n th ly paym ents Insurance on C ou n ty ow ned au to ­ sand 11 M T u ck er, Rt 1. Box as low as $5 p er m o n th —G all K arns, O renco. P h o n e H illsboro m otive equipm ent, w hich bids m ust 330, Boring, Ore. 49-1 2821X. 16tf lie su b m itted by 10 o'clock A M , W ednesday, Ja n u a ry 27. 1937 D e­ RED HEART stra w b e rry plants for Real E state tails may be had nt t h e C ounty sale O rd er now R aym ond H er- 28. C ourt, Hillsboro. O regon B idders tel, 3 m ill's southeast H illsboro; YOU C A N T M ISS must be resid en ts of W ashington R iver road. 49tf C ounty. 49 15 acres all plow ed read y for crop. I 1.- mill's of town, good land. $75 19. H ay and Feed B arber Shops an acre, fin e b u ild in g site WANT SM A LLER FARM for sale - A l Long, ’ .-m ile RICHARD'S B arb er shop, haircuts, HAY 50 acres, about 30 in cultivation. east of C am pbell bridge, Rt. 5. Aloha ______ Btf H illsboro. 1 acre beaverdam . 2 springs, wood 40 for fuel, all good land. 5 - room house. 2 barns, gran ary , chicken 10. S ale or T rad e— Mis. FEED grinding, cleaning, ro llin g or m ixing. $2 ton.—Im p erial Feed house, orchard. IV» m iles of town. G ENTLE w ork horse, sell or trade; A G rain Co. P h o n e H illsboro 01. 6 good cows, fine team , wagon and baled oat and vetch hay for sale; harness, o th er f a r m equipm ent. w anted to buy buck rak es -J o h n BALED oat and v etch hay for sale. W ant ab o u t 20 acres. K nodel, 2 m iles w est o f N orth W. G. IDE. H illsboro. 49 — M. A. S chappert, n e a r R eed- P lains. 49p vllle. 50p FARM fo r ren t. — In q u ire C a r l BROOD sow to farro w F e b ru ary HALED hay. alfnlfu. oats and vetch. Klinge. G aston. P h o n e Forest 4. w ill sell or tra d e for yearling 49 —Ray D elsm an, P hone 2107, H ills­ G ro v e 1705M. heifers. M Balocco. Rt. 2. Beav- boro. ________ 48tf SF.VEN-acre farm , grxxf buildings. erton; m ile n o rth w est Jaek to w n B-room house, b ath and pan try : school. 4‘ 21. Farm M achinery also good hen house, 20x40; good T o S w ap II. OLIVER T racto rs and farm tools. dairy barn: w aln u t a n d ch erry M vers p u m p s —J a c k Foster, 150 trees, sm all berries, for s a le —Ja k e FIVB fool b ath tub, w all lavatory E. M ain St . H illsboro. 43tf N arup. m ile so u th an d m ile east of B anks. 47-9p w alnut bed, coll springs, 2-foot sash and frames, w ill tra d e f o r LICEN SED stock trailers, 2-cow Room s, A partm ent* chickens llox 070. Rt. 2, B eaver- capacity, re n t $1 p er day. L ight 34. 49 p tra ile rs m ade to order. A uto part* Inn nnd farm m ach in ery .—L. V. H ulit, TWO housekei’tiing rooms, b a t h pi iviii’gt’s 220 S. 3rd Ave. 49-50 12. For S a le— M iscellan eou s 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf $35 BUYS P ow erfu l K erston hand stum p p u lle r, complete w i t h about 50 feet 5 8 cable L arg e tent. $10 F ran k S R ichards, 1435 R W M ontgom ery. P o rtlan d . P h o n e BE. 1232. 49 700-O A L I.O N ! M itc h e ll-L e w is ta n k 35. H ouses and pum p. $85.—L S lcgentbnler. Rt. 2, B eaverton. 49-52ptf FO U R -room house for ren t.—R ay­ m ond H ertel. Rt. 2. H illsboro; 3 C E N T R IF U O A L p u m p w ith pipes. mil** southeast; R iver road. 49D tw o iron wagon w heels, for sale. - A. S trick er, Box 46, Rt. 1, B eav ­ Loan* 4!* 37. K< i TRESPASS, Apartment for Rent, e rto n . No Smoking, Poe Went. F o r Sale. Money In Loan Poultry No P eddlers, No H andbills, etc., 5H '’!. money to loan on good im ­ signs fo r sale nt T he A rgus. 27tf 3C-INCH H art gas brooder, slig h tly proved farms.—E A. Griffith. 131 R ubber stam ps and office su p ­ used, $10 F red S erjent, O renco. S. 2nd Ave. 31tf plies.—H illsboro A rgus. tf JA M E S W ay b ro o d e r stove, b u rn s Home Loan* ( 'A I L I N G C a u ls E v e ry w om an b riequets, 1000-chick capacity, $6 For building, buying or refinanc­ should have calling card s ns a so­ M eltebeke E lectric Store. 49 ing en cilv or acreag e property. cial necessity.—See T h e A rgus for 50 HANSEN W hite L eghorn la y ­ M onthly p aym ents ns low as $9 56 q u ality w ork. ing bens for sale. -V. L. Nash. p er m onth per $1000, in cluding In­ MULE, Jersey bull, 1(1 m onths, and ■»-mile n o rth W itch Hazel school. te r e s t.— W ash in g to n S a v in g * A I onn. Hill -l.ori» 39tf side-delivery bay ra k e for sale T. B. D enney. 2 m iles southeast BARRED Rock roosters; fir cord wood. $3.50—E. W yffels, C o rn e ­ B eaverton. 49-50p lius. Rt. 1. 49p F O R S A L E Red c lo v e r w e d , 29c CALL FOR WARRANTS lb.; No. 12 D el,aval errn m sep­ FOR SALE — L arg e B ourbon Red All C ounty Road F u n d W arran ts arato r. good condition, $15. J. V an­ I tu rk e y tom, good stock.—Leon S. of W ashington C ounty, Oregon, e n ­ der chiU'ie. Rt. 2. C ornelius. 49,51n Davis, m ile n o rth L au rel store. dorsed “not paid for w an t of funds" P oultry of all kinds. on o r befo re J u n e 4, 1938. a re now FENCE posts for snle, from 5c to W ANTED W rite, w ill call, or b rin g F rid ay , p ay ab le at th e office of th e C ounty 10c R ay D elsm an, G aribaldi tree! Phone 2107. 23M S atu rd ay or M onday b efd re noon. T reasu rer, in H illsboro. Oregon. In ­ F R H arden. C o rn e liu s 34tf te re st on such w arran t* not h ereto ­ fore called w ill cease Ja n u a ry 23. SAND and gravel a t reasonable prices, prom pt delivery. F. A. I L egal blanks, 5c and 10c. A com ­ 1937. MAUD W. BOSCOW, Counly p lete supply av ailab le a t th e H ills­ V anaken, F orest G rove. Telephone 49 tf Treasurer. 1000W or hom e 24F155. 41-15p boro Argus. Public N otices 4 ! y E. A. Griffith Mrs. ('. E. W ells Poultry Group to Meet January 26 istrator. Therefore, all persona having claims against said estate *ire hereby notified and required to present the same duly verified to the undersigned V ictor S. Nixon at his residence at Amity or at 2$0 E. Main Street, Hillsboro, in Wash­ ington County. Oregon, w ithin fi months from the first publication of this notice in the Hillsboro Argus, said date being the 2 lst day of January. 1937. Dated this 18th day of February. A. D. 19.77. VICTOR S. NIX ON . Adm inistrator of said Estate. VINTON. MARSH A MARSH. Att r- 1 neys for said Estate. 4*-Mp T he W est U nion local w ill spon- sor a "M ajor Bowes" program at th e K. P. hall at N orth P lains (tonight) T hursday. All farm ers and th e ir fam ilies invited. No charge. L adies brin g sandw iches and cake for lunch. Cold In con ven ien ces LAUREL RIDGE—Cold w eather I brought plenty of snow to this , com m unity w ith frozen w aterpipes and o th er inconveniences. M ail ! c a rrie rs m anaged to m ake th e ir Eatate: Ralph I’rahl I ro u tes every day. b u t some of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS new spaper ro u te c a rrie rs m ailed N otice 1» hereby given that the under- signed has been appointed adm inistratrix papers to the houses h ig h er up th e _ ____________ of the E state of RALPH PR A H l. de- ' ridge. ceaseii, by an order made and entered in the County Court of the State o f Oregon for Washington County on the 71st .lay of December. 1976. and that she has duly qualified to act as such adm inistratrix Therefore, all persona having claims ngainst said estate are hereby notified and required to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned adm inistra­ trix at the office of P. L. Patterson. Wells Building. Hillsboro. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication o f this notice, to-w it, within six (6 1 months from January 21. 1937. Ilate.1 at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this 18th day of January, 1977. ESTHER PRAHL. Adm inistratrix of the Estate of Ralph Prahl, Deceased. P. L. PATTERSON. Attorney for Ad­ m inistratrix. 49-57 F.ntnte: Herman F r n h m NOTICE TO ( REDITORS N otice it* hereby »riven that the under­ signed hus been appointed adm inistratrix of the E state of HERMAN FRAHM. d«‘- eeaaeri. by an order made nnd entered in the County Court of the Stnte o f Oregon for Washington County on the 1.3th. day of January, 1937. nnd that she has duly qualified to act as such adm inistratrix. Therefore, all persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned adm inistra­ trix at the law office of I’. I.. Patterson. Wells Building, Hillsboro. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit. within six <61 months from January 21, 1937. Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, on this ISth day of January. 1937. CHLORIS FAYRAM. Adm inistratrix of the Estate of Herman Frahrtl, Deceased. 1». I.. PATTERSON, Attorney for Ad­ m inistratrix. 49-53 J »me» Bovle NOTICE TO ( RKDITOR8 Notice 1» hereby given that the under- ■ignml ha« been appointed adm inistrator of the Estate o f JAM ES BOYLE, ik'- reaae»1. by an order made and entered In the County Court of the State of Oregon for W ashington County on the 19th dav of January. 1937, and that he ha* duly qualified to act a* such administrator. Therefore, all person» having elaims ngainst aaid eatate are hereby notified nnd required to present them with the proper voucher» to the undersigned administrn- tor at the law office of P. I.. Patteraon. Wells Buildinsr. Hillsboro. Ore«on. within six (61 month» from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit : w ithin nix (61 months from January 21, 1937. Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, on thia 19th tlay of January. 1937. J. I,. SEARCY. Administrator of the Entate of James Boyle, Deceased. Attorney fo r Ad­ 49-53 E state: Frank Alexander Reitzel NOTICE OF FtNAL SETTI.EMENT No. 4446 In the County Court of ’he State of Ore­ gon. for Washington County. In the Mutter of the Last Will and Testa­ ment and Estate of FRANK A LEX­ ANDER REITZEL. Deceased. N otice is hereby given that the under­ signed executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Frank Alexander Reitzel. deceased, has filed her final ac- c( unt and report as such executrix in the County Court of the State of Oregon • for W ashington County, and that said final account and report has been set for final hearing and settlement before said court at the court room thereof in Hillsboro. Oregon, on Tuesday. February 23, 1937, at 10 o’clock a. m. of said day. Dated and first published January 21. 1967. D ate of last publication February IS. 1937. A N N IE WILLIAM SEN. Executrix of ■ the Last Will and Testament and Estate i f Frank Alexander Reitzel, Deceased. M. B. BI'MP, residence and address. Hillsboro. Oregon. Attorney f o r said Executrix and Estate. 49-63 Rccdville P.-T. A. to Meet Friday I By Mary Sinclair) REFD V ILLE—P aren t-T each er as­ sociation w ill m eet at th e school house F riday afternoon a t 2. J. A. B row nlee is at th e Good S am aritan hospital in P o rtlan d r e ­ covering from an operation. K athleen W olfe and Lois York, a fter a w eek's illness, hav e retu rn ed to school. K enneth Coon an d Howard T rachsel a re ill w ith th e flu. M any 111 D ennis Hagg. P ercy U nderwood. Russell Woolcock. D oris Brow nlee. and The New Insect Powder D E R -X Sure Death to all Crawling Insects K ills Fleas, Lice, Mites. Ants. Roaches, W aterbugs, V erm in Albert P. Cooper et ux to Clarence IfigginH et ux. 19 Arre* TIS R3W. G. K. Howitt et ux to Herman Day. NL»$ "( NE% S. 11 2N 3. A. B. Wet»*» et ux to M F. Welter et ux. Block 9 Timber Townaite. Elizabeth Kuratli to A. Dorner et al, 2S Arre* T ’ S R3W A. Dorner e* ux to A. W. W’ohler, 23 Arres T lS R3W. Glenn 8. Ehle et ux to K iltie A. M. H r.ch. S 1^ of Lot» 6. 6, 7. 8 Block 11 Went Portland Height». Glenn 8. Ehle et ux to Kenneth J Golliet et ux. Ix»ta 9 and 10 Block 24 W. Portland Height». .Mary Ann Taylor et al to M il « C. Purdin et al. Lota 1 and 2 Section C T2N R3W. The Reed Institute to R. M. Spencer. Lot 9 and 14 Block 3 Ladd & Reed V E T E R IN A R Y R EM EDIES Come in and Get His Book T he P ractical H om e V eterin arian Delta Drug Store D elta Drug Store Hillsboro. Ore. Credit Bureaus (Incorporated) C o llectio n * — C re d it R e p o rt* la Washington Tillamook, Yamhill, Polk and Marion Counties. Personal Contact on Collection* Washington County Office C om m ercial B uilding Second and Main Street* Phone 3071 Hillsboro, Oregon M iserable With Gas Bloating Prom inent N evada Miner M ade a D iscovery W orth a Fortune— S. L. K. O NE know n w e N 11- e­ vada m in i n g m an has stru ck i t rich. Good health is w orth a fortune, and th e m any local sufferers from sluggish sto m ­ ach, liver and kidneys w ill be glad t o know th at they. too. WILLIAMS S. L. K. Formula Stop« His can enjoy th e Trouble» from Gas, benefits of Mr. Bloat, Constipation R alph B lanchy's discovery. He says: D on’t Sacrifice Y oui S afety and Comfort with Such Condition» Drive into our station tomorrow. We have complete BEAR SYSTEM ALINEMENT EQUIPMENT "All last winter I had been bothered to check and remedy every with colds. Seemed like I was tired all the time— unable to get out as much work misalined condition of steer­ as in the past. I was terribly constipated and suffered constantly from painful back­ ing, axles and frames. aches. Everything I ate tasted flat, and then laid heavy on my stomach, not digest- ¡ Let us give you a ing at all. And that aw ful stomach gas— : it had me in misery all the tim e! "A friend told me of WILLIAMS S. L ( K. FORMULA, so I bought a bottle. This [ one bottle certainly has done wonders for l me. I'm no lonuer troubled w ith coids and my constipation is gone. I can sit down to a good meal and eat and digest it and I am never troubled any more w ith gas.— MR. RALPH BLANCHY 1220 S. Virginia. Reno, Nevada. FREE CHECK-UP No obligation on your part. H ave your w heel* “ B ear-a-L ined” Local D ruggist M akes F ree T ria l O ffer If you su ffer distress a fte r e a t­ ing. if y o u r stom ach doesn't digest food properly an d your bow els r e ­ Shell Gaa and OH fuse to function w ithout laxatives —by all m eans investigate th e new Eveready Prestone - Arvin Heater* M o n e y -B a c k G u aran tee O f f e r Auto-Lite Batteries w hich enables you to test W IL­ Gates Tires and Tubes LIAM S S. L. K. FORM ULA o n Auto Repair yourself w ithout risk in g one p e n ­ Front-end Aligning ny! C all today at th e D elta D rug S tore an d ask th e D ruggist about 365 E. Main St. Hillsborl W ILLIAM S S. L. K. FORM ULA.— PHONE 721 Adv. COOMER QC LACKEY to Financial Independence during TRACTOR REPAIRS National Thrift Week January 17 to 23 Start today to chart your course according to the Thrift Week program H illsboro A u to F reight We are agents for DR. DAVID ROBERTS’ Alfred Guerber to Elmer E. Guerber et ux. part of Section 27 T2N R2W. Edward J. Craddock et al to F. C. D aniels, Lot» 1. 2. 3, 4, Great View. Section 27 T IN R2W. Mary E. Reeve» to Frank H. Reeve» et ux. 7 Arre» Section 33 T lN RlW J. W. Connell t Sheriff i to W. E. Reeves, part Section 34 TIN RlW. W. A. William» et ux to Claude E. Smith et al. part Lot 3 Block 2 Forest Grove. V. O. Steen rod et ux to L. H. Cobb et ux. 1 Acre A. W. Hart D. L. C. No. bo T IS RlW Carl Meier et al to Fred Meier et ux, 5 Acre» Section 5 T IS R2W. Carl Meier et al to Joseph Meier, 19.06 Acres Section 5 TIS R2W. Frank H. Boge et al to Elmer Boge et u>, part Saction 36 TI S R3W. ~ Harmless to human beings and Domestic Animals Chart Your Course Daily Trips to Portland Bonded and Insured Carrier Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed- ville, Hillsboro, Cornelius and Forest Grove Pickup and Delivery Service at Package Rates Hillsboro Phone 542 East Side Terminal Portland Phone EAst 9131 Hillsboro LICENSED KMBA1.MEB8 Acres. R e-organization of th e city coun­ cil this month, brought th ree new faces to the city council table. A r­ th u r K roeger of th e southw est w ard replaces J L. A nderson. Mrs. C. E. Wells of the southeast w ard, w ho replaces M H. Stevenson, v eteran of the council, is th e first woman to attain a council seat in th e his­ tory of the city. E. A. G riffith tak es the place vacated by J. M. Person. The council now is com ­ posed of th e new m em bers and Dr. E state: F ran ces B ernards J O Robb. L. C. K ram ien. and J. ADM INISTRATORS SALE OF J. Wismer. holdover m em bers. J. REAL PROPERTY N otice is h ereby given, th a t by H G a rre tt is m ayor. The council v irtu e of an order, license an d d e ­ w as organized and com m ittee a p ­ cree issued out of the C ounty C ourt pointm ents m ade Ja n u a ry 5. of the S tate of O regon for W ash­ ington C ounty on th e 19th day of Ja n u a ry , 1937. in the m a tte r of th> Arthur Kroeger E s ta te o f F ram es B e r n a r d - Picture by Svhramel Studio ceased, th e undersigned. A dm inis­ tra to r of said estate will, from and a fte r the 20th day of F eb ru ary . W alker, second, and Mrs. F red Bo- vee. th ird Mrs. Echo W illis w a s 1937. «ell at p riv ate sale to t h highest b id d er in one tract, for a guest. Mrs. W alker w ill e n te r­ cash in hand, all of th e follow ing tain th e club next. Fred Schlegel, w ho h js been vis­ described real property, belonging W ashington county poultrym en to th e deceased at th e tim e of her itin g his brother. Sam Schlegel, d eath and th a t said estate has ac­ at O lym pia is ill w ith th e flu at w ill m eet at the T igard G range hall q u ired th e re in since said tim e. t> th e home of his b rother, Ed Schleg­ T uesday at 8 p. m.. rep o rts L. E. Francis, assistant county agent. el, here. wit: B eginning a t a point 100 fee’ Mrs. N. H. Toates sp en t last w eek G. C. K eeney, m anager of the south of the northeast co rn er of in P o rtlan d visiting her children P acific P o u ltry P roducers' C o-oper­ Block 39. in th e tow n (now C ity) and th eir fam ilies. ative association, will be the sp eak ­ Y outh V ery III of Forest G rove. O regon, and r u n ­ er. Subject of his discussion w ill Jim m y B rennen, in fan t son of b * "The E g g M arket S ituation. ning thence w est 100 feet: th en ce south 50 feet: thence east 100 feet: Mr. and Mrs. Jam es B rennen, is Its P resent Problem s, and F u tu re thence no rth 50 feet to th e place of q u ite ill w ith pneum onia at the O u tlo o k ." beginning, all in Block 39. C lark es Jones hospital in H illsboro. T he m idw estern d routh of th e Mrs. Jam es M athiesen w ill e n te r­ past season has changed th e picture A ddition to th e C ity o f F orest G rove, W ashington C ounty, O re­ tain th e N orth P lain s P ast C hiefs’ of th e egg situation in th e coun­ club at h er hom e Ja n u a ry 28. t r y j u s t as it has m any o th er a g ri­ gon. Mrs. L. L aw ton of S eattle 1$ c u ltu ral com m odities, states F ra n ­ Bids w ill be received for said p ro p erty at th e law offices of E J staying at the hom e of h er parents. cis, and a review of this situation, McAlear. A ttorney at Law, in the Mr. and Mrs. I. H. M axw ell. She accom panied by a discussion of First N ational B ank building. H ills­ is helping to care for h e r father, th e outlook fo r the com ing year, boro. Oregon, from and a fte r the w ho is q u ite ill again. should be of value and in terest to Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M athiesen th e poultrym en. K eeney is in a 20th day of F ebruary. 1937. D ated th is 20th day of Ja n u a ry , en tertain ed the N orth P lains "509" particu larly fine position to dis­ club last T uesday evening. F irst cuss this problem because of the 1937. THEODORE BERNARDS, A d­ prizes w ere won by Mrs. R ichard com petent and reliable eastern con­ S andford and Andy C h risten er and tacts w hich his association keeps. m inistrator. E. J. McALF.AR. A ttorney f o r second by Mr. and Mrs. H enry Follow ing the re g u lar m eeting. A dm inistrator. 49-53 C ypher. ' the W ashington C ounty P o u ltry T here are a n u m b er of cases of C ouncil w ill hold a special m eeting K n ( a ( f : Julia K. Nixon flu here. at w hich tim e th ey w ill outline to NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. L. L ayton spent th e past th e poultrym en th e ir activities d u r­ N oiire (■ hereby given, (hat the under­ signed Victor S. Nixon has been duly ap- w eek visiting relatives in P ortland. ing th e past tw o m onths and w ill |Hanted as adm inistrator of the estate of also discuss som e im portant item s J t'l.IA E. NIXON, deceased, by the Coun­ A m ateur Program Set for in state legislature w hich directly ty Court of Washington County. Oregon, ■ affects the poultrym en. . and he has duly qualified as such admin­ North Plains T onigh t : FUNERAL DIRECTORS Real Estate Transfers CALL LOR W ARRANTS All C ounty G eneral F und W ar- ran ts of W ashington C ounty. Ore- gl>n endorsed “not paid for w ant of funds" on or before S eptem ber 30. 1938. a re now pavablc a t the ()ffjce of t he C ounty T reasu rer, in H illsboro Oregon. Hillsboro. O regon. In terest on such w arra n ts not h ereto fo re called will l< ‘»«A pn \v BOSCOW C ounty T^ U D W BOSCOW. C ounty P. L. P A T T E R S O N . m inistrator. Phone 953 Father Dies ale. reasonable 45tf ery, Beaverton. F u el Donelson ÖC Sewell S. A. B ecker'. fath er died and the fu n eral was held in P ortland T ues­ day. D onald K essler from T igard school is a new pupil in the fourth grade. T hom as P a rk e r Jr. visited hi3 aunt. Mrs. V etta Raider, of P o rt­ land d u rin g th e w eek-end. Mrs. Roy D C raft of M edford is visiting her m other, Mrs. A C T aylor, and h er aunt, Mrs. Ida K irkw ood, of Rendville Mr. and Mrs. M M cGuire of K el­ so, Wash , visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray P izer d u rin g th e w eek-end. 5U0 G i i . i r a n l e n l 97 p e l c e n t It O P m a le s , 250 to 280 re c o rd s . 225 to 2110 $ 1 1 5 0 - 100 B e tte i R e d c h ix $9 -100. $40 500 A t th . ' fa r m H a r t 's H a tc h ­ (By .Miss M argaret M athiesen) M OUNTAINDALE H enry M ea­ 48-53p cham had both low er jaw s broken one day last week when he fa in t­ H ughes L eghorn, B arred Rock, 14. Cars, T rucks, Tire* ed w hile c u rry in g his horses. He It I R e d ( h ic k s 1931 I.ong w heelbase, dual lu e s ALL th re e breeds from second, th in k s he m ust have fainted and y ear hens only, m ated ex clu siv e­ th e horses kicked him . He was Chevrolet truck, 1 by-ton. new paint, new stak e anil flat tack. ly to It O P cockerels The best taken yesterday from Jones hospital A 1 m echanical condition for sale you can buy at an y price, and our iri H illsboro to the home of his sis­ See Donald S m ith, Gus K rau .■ prices a re very m od erate. Day-old ter. Mrs. Fred Ennis of H illsboro. M ountaindale L u th eran S unday plan., I ' , m iles MOUtlo-ast g o l f Leghorn pullet*, reliably aexed and course. C ornelius. 49p with 95’: m inim um accu racy b a c k ­ school celebrated the fo u rth a n n i­ ed by full cash re fu n d guarantee. v ersary of its organization w ith ; STANDARD six Hulck. reco n d itio n ­ P ullets only may also be bad in p arty at th e com m unity hall S u n ­ ed m otor, d e u n upholstery, new i Rocks ami Reds, at prices low er day afternixjri E n tertain m en t con­ ru b b er, ut bargain H arm s A [ th an Leghorns We also offer a sisted of singing, a short address Brock 4!» m eat g rade of Rocks and Rods at by the pastor, Rev. C arl Nitz, and a figure you can afford. All of our games A large birth d ay cake which breeding stix k is blond tested anil served th e forty-one people present 15. O ffice E quipm ent, culled by o ur own expert. All was baked by Ruby Reynolds, teac h ­ r of th e p rim ary class. G uests in ­ LEG A L B lanks for «ale, 5c and 10c stix k is fed th i' sam e scientific e cluded form er Sunday school su p e r­ H illsboro A rgus. tf b reed in g ration T h e resu lt of u n i­ intendent, M artin Stuebe, of Forest form breeding, feeding and b a tc h ­ ing is un ifo rm ly dependabl«« chicks Grove, and a form er teacher. O tto I NVEl.t II’ E i .d cr... 35c Argu O u r custom hatching serv ice h a n ­ Voges. and parents Mrs. H ollenbeck H ostess dles both hen and tu rk ey eggs 16. Furniture, Pianos, Radio* safely an d econom ically. V isit o u r; Mrs. Loel H ollenbeck was hostess b reeding farm nnd h atch ery if for th e B anks-M ountaindale "500" USED electric radio*, $5 an d up possible, o r w rite H ughes A Son club at her hom e F riday afternoon M eltebckc E lectric Store, llllls- H atchery. 1080 E Oak, H illsboro H onors w ere won as follows: Mrs 45tf Phone 3152 boro 45tf P- A. Qualls, first; Mrs. W ill. GOOD safe for Argus. Readers, per line 10c Black face heading perm itted ( a ¡)i should accom pany order. G loria G reen, Neil McInnis and D orothy Jurg en sen of the prim ary grades are out of school on account of sickness New Faces on Council P oultry Have your tractor put in shape NOW! Don’t wait un­ til spring work starts and suffer unnecessary delay. Call us today! We'll put your tractor in tip-top shape at reasonable cost. Exper­ ienced mechanics assure you of a quality job. ¿¡A H EIN RICH BROS. Hillsboro, Oregon 158 E. 3rd Ave WORK PRODUCTIVELY SPEND WISELY SAVE CAREFULLY SHARE GLADLY Sighting on these four principles, the aver­ age man and woman will steer a course to better personal money management. Commercial National Bank Not connected with any branch bank, chain bank or holding corporation. Hillsboro Orog*« MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COBPOBAT1OM