Page Six ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - |sn o w covers th e ground. Moore I also five case of shoplifting in- | rest. Ye. "T he Lord linn elf .shall) suggests, for the benefit of those vestiguted ¡w ho wish to feed the birds, 'd escen d from heaven w ith u shout 1 In tra ffic work. Il cars w ith d e ­ 1 the feeding alw ays should be or The dead in C hrist shall rise first fective lights w ere taken to g a r­ | the south sid e of the buildings in T hen we w hich are ullve and re ­ ages for rep airs and 27 bicycle rid the sun and a u a v from brush and The New Insect Powder m ain ahull In- caught up together ers w ere w arned that it w as 1I-1 I trees. B read crum bs, sliced apples w ith them III th e clouds to meet legal Io trav el w ithout lights a t ! , partly rotten, and suet tied to trees, the Lord in (lie air. and so sh all night T here w ere tw o holdups and < -1 ,^ a re all relish ed by the birds, he WO OVOI !»■ With I he 1.01 d Si r live parked cars w ere robbed <*l I I l l V l l O V C says. Sure Death to all Crawling (By I.a Veil«' Jackson) I Tiles 4 13-17. Close to hand say M ethods of raising m oney fo r' C hange in the w eath er cam e w ith liwrrta NORTH PLAINS Rev Father Bible -.Indents G eorge N Taylor. const m et ion of an in d u strial sew er I W C ornelius, win w arm er tem p eratu res Tuesday night H eesacker gave his farew ell serm ­ Kills Flea--. I.lee. Mites. Ants. | B eaverton. Paid Adv e re being discussed by the c ity , as a Vi,uiity eom nilssiim ei on at the St. E dw ards church S u n ­ en d m ixed rain and .-now W ednes­ according t o McGee Application' h*’1 l,f " '. u s d ied at F a r e d Roaches. W aterhugs, V erm in day. He has been tran sferred to day. O fficial forecasts for this area has been made to the governm ent January 8 ami civ- indicated continued cold w ith m ore W oodburn w here he will take snow. lluriulrss Io human lit d i i g a for additional funds u n d er l h e ' lces " e r e held Tuesday afternoon DR. R. J. NICOL charge of the St L uke parish His original agreem ent Full am ount of at ,b e |,' " " ’st G rove I ’m lcitakiii and Domestic Animals Temperatures successor at St. Marys will be Rev money left out of the loan ami com pany chapel Rev T u rn er of DR. E. W. ALM QUIST Max Min. F a th e r Jam es Maxwell. grant will not be know n until Belated and interm ent was in the Ja n u a ry 1 25 Tractor School Attracts V eterinarian* Ja n u a ry 2 the K ern & K ibbe contract lias Forest View cemetery 20 A tracto r school was held in the IIUIsiHiro, Orr. He w as tlie father of Mrs W il­ been fully audited However, the Ja n u a ry 3 21 K nights of P ythias hall here Mon­ Telephone 843 ami 812 liam H urtram pf of Forest G rove public voted a bond issue of $110 - Ja n u a ry 4 31 day It was sponsored by M ay s1 Ja n u a ry 5 IHHt of w hich only $102,000 in bonds Mrs F rank Sm ith of F resno Cal 28 bro th ers and the In tern atio n al Ha’r-i was issued, leaving $8000 w hich the " ,<1 A ndrew 1{ C ornelius ot For Ja n u a ry 6 17 vester com pany of A m erica M ov­ city still can issue *'s* G rove route I Mr C ornelius Ja n u a ry 7 8 ing pictures w ere show n and lec-I S ettlem en t Made Hived south of C ornelius for many Ja n u a ry 8 7 tu res given by representatives ofj Final settlem ent has been a u th o r - , Ja n u a ry 9 21 th e com pany from P o rtlan d A free; W A SH IN G TO N C O U N T Y ’S Ja n u a ry 10 ized w ith th e W arren - N orthw est , 1 C ornelius was born at old lunch w as served at noon .About' construction com pany for the sew 1 cntei vtlle in tins county Januaiw Ja n u a ry 11 13 seventy-five persons attended Ja n u a ry 12 age disposal plant w hich has been i ’H->l ,,f pioneer parentage 1 Attendance Low Ja n u a ry 13 com pleted, and all visible d efeel. He was a m em ber of the Knight-- 10 Mrs. R uth Will, principal of the = i , r, col lected. G eorge McGee, city m a n -!of J’-'’thius lodge N orth P lains school, reports that 5 75 i n c h e s h" Cr a -o ager. reports. 1 He was elected county eo m n u . th e attendance in school has been t 50 Yc.i, P len ty o f H eal! Com e In! G et W arm ! A nnouncem ent has been m ade bv 1 Sll,n*‘r 1,1 N ovem ber 1918 and e n low. due to so much sickness £ n u > rv ’¿n £ ‘nCh January authorized w ith K ern A K ibbe for *■ 1!)2°- " ,u‘n be resigned Mrs. Ed K auffm an and th ree i ’ nuT '2 1^ , ra ‘uar5 r a ‘ T orest G rove charges m ade on am ounts above children a re ill w ith flu O thers ¡ nuar> £ ’ ’ * er new “ ' Tins s ..... .. Je st, w ho a re ill are Buddy Meek, son <•> mu »«i. . . • uh u is laKen ui of Mr. and Mrs. M elvin Meek. tak en up from vou into $„...00 I he com pany had asked for heaven shall s,i . M ark Blake. Dayton M ays Jr., and Now in Full S w in g ! m ore than $6.000 a l'.......* ‘ *nau ‘so to « o f t .alleged ‘ X M rs N orm an Bidwell. » .-le k __ 7 for changes n u d e a fter th e con- heaven " "111 hk e m anner " It G eorge Hess has retu rn ed from h l t i l t S5I0I1 W OOL MIX HOSE AI.I. W OOL MELTONS tra c t w as signed. ' a H illsboro hospital w here he has ,!'„ , .‘*’, ''.i!'" ?he I’te a e h e r Eor W ool LEGGING SUITS Child Burned g o v e rn o rs budget and go hom e f k - i m h p r C i l t n n i n r « ' * ' B u d g e club met at the hom e of m ittee chairm en and m em bers t h i s ' " 1, ' l l , , ett. great S outhern W arm th am i protection D elarenc. th e tiny d au g h ter of except th a t if they did they w ould 1 ,1 * 1 V O I I I I lltr C t Four-piece. Keep the Mrs W. E G ilm ore last T uesday week places the W ashington co u n t P‘ ' a " ,hat •" » “ « b e will afternoon ty delegation ot. several of t’h e ° .m .'1 ple° di,’g w ,,h Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Hess, fell on be back again in special session A i l r" , /— • d ru n k outside kiddies w arm . >098 the stove in her home last S atur- w ith in 80 d a v s to tak e care iVlaK CS V jO O ll G a i l l S s .i. Mae M cD aniels of C om pany G p o rtan t com m ittees at Salem this w hile th e crow d is pressing m S pecial jm ! w here he is to speak A lw ays ,u day. and burned her face badly. needs w hich had been left out of and M orris P earson of C om pany D. year. (C o n tin u rd (ru m pace I ) it try in g to get som eone to C hrist Mrs. Jam es D avis spent several th e budget and w hich deserve at- V ancouver B arracks, visited 'M r 1 E L. Ross. TW IN SW EA TER SETS 12 and 16-inch days in P o rtlan d last w eek helping tention. No provision, thev pointed ° ? 'y e,nd g o vernm ent o w nership P earson’s fath er h ere Sundav. draw n seven a s s ig n m e n ts'" in c lu d ' you see Out on the pli.ins in sum For wom en anti h er daughter. M a argaret. Miss ~ Davis out. has been hiouv m ade * in th e uuuxei budget ™,Iw ays . om pany - - ing unem ......... ploym . »«kum eni» relief includ- RUBBER BOOTS j 1 t 11 mv W allace ------ Dean of . . C C. ent and at« mer. cow -punchers com e for miles « „.a . . . » -------- » e» T o lo ^ e n ^ s ° ' “ »T n r S tftlu o r I f ....................... ....... T 1 ________ t . . . a . ----------- • re d d e d her foot when h e r coffee for a n y m ajo r capital outlavs . T tle ^ ram from S en ato r S teiw er V ancouver B arracks, is on a 15-dav coholic traffic, claims, election* to hear him W onder it his constant " B a rr e l’’ sw eaters "A nkle Fit ’ for Men. and I personal w ork may not m part i-x- percolator tipped over. T h ere is no provision for m eeting IP an sw er to a letter w ritten to furlough to his hom e here ‘ privileges, fishing industries horti'. Ja n u a ry t- th e rapidly ram d lv grow erow ing .nn p opulations at P tesid en t R oosevelt ask,ng ■— th at nn- •• ................•- 8 Miss B ernice Meyer, w ho is at- M averene and • - L o rrain e - T allm an c u ltu re and - insurance com m ittees I plain his pow er'’ Special ten d in g G irls Polytechnic school th e several state institutions, or P2edla ,c ■ c!; n be tak en to settle ,-uid LaV erne K tlburg w ere visitors J W H ughes of Forest G ro\ I O r m aybe you are like tin- Port- Sides in P ortland, and G ertru d e W inters for new buildings w hich the state c,‘2 n iarl!im e strike, yvas read Hi B uxton S atu rd ay and S unday representative, is chairm an of the ' land high school, teacher ' Ib e rs ¡g irl w ho comes into her Sundav P o rtlan d spent last w eek-end at needs And m uch of th e gru m b lin g S teiw er pointed out th at he had al- Mr. and Mrs. B M. W right re - livestock com m ittee and m em ber th e M eyers hom e here. stran g e as it m ay seem, comes from read y tak en th e " m atter up w ith ceived ......................................... .. w ord of the d eath « . of .. M r I.. ’he . b anking and corporations, re- ~Ctc ’o tlaSS ,lnallv ; ‘ « ’Pl- C hrist as ’^c p tesid en t C opies of th e le tte r W right's brother-in-layv ! legislators w ho a re regarded revenue. ber past,-, Y, Van Rip- vising ,aws. tax atio on n and re v e n u e ., £ , o w ,(h th(,m W arm («loves. Sheep Lined ( ’oats. Stocking w ere sen t to each of th e congress- per. of P o rtlan d last week, friendly to th e adm in istratio n . and erosion and flood control com- »u $ I 1 them and one bowing men. m ittecs. I ./JJ’ head in first p r a y e r Overtime Out • aps. I-ell Boots, Lined O vershoes, .Mittens, Dinner February 5 His colleague. Ray L A ntrim of rh an k God for p u ttin g m> L egislative em ployes wil-1 receive W arm B lankets. A ll R educed in Price. BUY Aloha, is vice-chairm an of th e elec- ' Ihs aw av 1 n(j a n tin g e te r n a l lift Ino ov ertim e pay th is session—tin- The ch am b e r also voted to sup- NO W ! i less th e law m ak ers change th e ir P °rt a H illsboro d in n e r F eb ru ary tions com m ittee and m em ber of t h e | i >n ,n? Piig<* br,Mn nou , n 1 • ; « m> nrrfc » hl1" wiTo*” " , ’ ***n m ind. O ne of th e first m e a s u re s '5 at H elvetia to be sponsored by com m ittees on education, horticul- maJ *ing ordv‘ ' f,o,n t,,r Hibl • -- ‘ to go from Othefr rnld H»V ¿ ? rvf> sh? " ’’ P ^ s e d >n ’he sen ate w as a resolu- th e S un sh in e club, w hich is com- ture, - labor and industries, and ero ­ unci the ” pow • er j you”—Then Deriod and V ™ . M ,WCen Vj3t ’l011 to th is effect In past sessions P°sed of w om en living n o rth and C h rist's sin ,u t and sion and flood control. (C o n tin u e d fro m page I ) cem ber 1 ^ 19r> w h^n 7 ° ° e ' Tu C ov ertlm e « raft has am ounted to east of H illsboro. The d in n e r will teac h er and class cau g h t up to j glory.” aru^e r e a c h e d s ' t h K ’ p er‘ ' th e ProPo rti°n s of a scandal. be in th e H elvetia com m unity hall . w ere , allow ed to sleep in th e city a ™, e Z®ache" 5 deg,r “ s above zero — .— an(j tickets w ill be sold by the Jai1 and tw e n ty ju v en ile cases w ere H illsboro Feed Sponsors O r m aybe like Livingston who ano .November J, 193a. w hen an A n o th er e arlv action of the ses- " o m e n in H illsboro in vestigated. Inspections included Farm D ay, Many A ttend | opened A frica For t h e d . u k eon- early freeze brought th e m ercury M ore than ,K 100 farm ers w ere in tin en t slept until this man ,,f i;,,,) sion was designed to h elp stran d ed M ayor J. H G rrrc tt b ro u g h t up 45 , plum bing , . and 85 w iring - installa- . . , tOSnowdeT O ^ re d b hlBhwavs rro o o d legislative . em yes Es tte r of H ,,iain em pl? ployes :.s wcl1 u e ll a« as ’he th e m m a atter of new new settlers settler« from fr„n, ,lons whlU> 24 letters and tele- atten d an ce this week at the annual opened th e trail- And P ow er F arm ing d ay sponsored by honors him w ith a sleeping place to a hard crust b v gpassing tra ffic n ?X f eRrfS Whi? be sh o rt M idw estern states, and suggested gram s w ere answ ered besid hel­ great m W estm inster T h e re w ere 41 street lights re - ¡ th e H illsboro Feed com pany. The has served^ to cause num erous ac- tre a su re r to m ake a d v a n c e 's ^ n 'th " ccidd 'do a ' g.' u d 'A v o rk in° helping P°rtcd as not w orking and 61 door- program included dem onstration.. Abbes lii. faithful blacks found cideuts and to brin g d riv ers to a n er d iem earn in g s of persons en th ese persons to get th e rig h t start ,n ,h e buslness a c t i o n w ere found of P«we e r farm m achinery and mo- him on his knees in bis hut So m ore cautious pace. unlocked and taken care of. Six t ‘on pictures of the in d u strv and death took him. You say th a t i £ese agre ‘aiu rt u ^ 7 ,n°f Hc was seconded in this by W,l- noisy Snow Welcomed parties w ere quieted. farm operations. The program was - ” To be m th*- thron e-room plcud- F arm ers w elcom ed th e snow, in d of th e session as they ° ,iam F Cy 7yrus. co unty agent, w ho held in V eterans' hall Duties Varied w hich follow ed a cold w ind o f 'a l - wh'en“ h e y 's U r t^ d 't o ’ w w k ’ f o r * ^ d ec,ared th a ‘ th e ch lcf d an 8c r w ith A m ong the varied duties of a 1 nc tz-Eiir«^ 4 ***'- th e new com ers w as in h aving them .•»« m ost hu rrican e nrnnnrlm proportions w hich state. IF HE C O M E S IN 19.17 settle on tra c ts not capable ÿ j chief of police in H illsboro is aid blasted through the C olum bia gorge _____ C hrist's Ascension; M ount of O l­ to visitors in locating friends, of ives. to w ith er grain stands w hich had A bill by R ep resen tativ e Hvde fu rn ish in g a living. As his disciples follow Him „ . , „ , ,, w hich th ere w ere 23 calls during hardly sprouted since th e rains be- of L ane countv would , R V W G ard n er of P o o l-G ard n er th e y ear F ifteen night calls w ere with th eir eyes tw o heavenly v is­ V Ban in Decem ber. C overed w ith a o fficia’s and em nlov. • 8= « J . Ui ' V itors ask "Why stan d ye looking ■ L u m b er com pany, related a recent answ ered to the residence district th attC’a Se r f a tb dpiiet' f fa^ m ers fe,11 afternoon holiday ' A t th e T im e th a t a great deal of dam age to tim e it w ould re q u ire that nil conversation w ith officials of the to in v estig ate night prow lers, and resettlem en t a u d u m u i u n . a i s n t r a a u t i u o . n i i n „ , 13 Persons persons w ere a assisted g is te d in th eir crops would be avoided ! county offices be In the east p art of th e co u n ty .: business ^hV o^ch \ h e no< w hich i! w as in lim atet» l hat as search _for room ing houses after c n r v v ir IM V II II. soon as constru ctio n of 50 homes night T w elve calls for a doctor w ind drove th e rx snow into drifts, had been com pleted in Y am hill *’e rc answ ered and six calls tc i d y in g out. how ever, before the d rifts proved troublesom e to tra i- E Ì C F l I l ^ n E r i l f i t t i i i i e c county, a sim ilar p ro ject w ould be •*3i-',t *» finding an a u to m echanic fie. On the S ylvan cut of th e W olf I T d l M ! LJ1CS launched h ere on lands recen tly Six calls w ere to assist in find- purchased or now u n d er option. mg friends for persons w ho w ere! C reek road, w ork crew s w ere ham p- rT' i cred som ew hat by d riftin g snow T i t r e O il J UCSCD-V ill. and 11 noisy parties on t h e W ith the a rriv al of the snow ' ' streets w ere quieted. T here were w in ter sports took th e in terest of dav m o r n i n ^ m " » n h d 'ed rT u cs‘ all w ho could find skis, sleds, or b r.ef T a n n i c U H illsboro, a fter a S ubscribe now to th e A rgus. In n e io rm c n v y lived 1 any m a* anner of object which ight a a fa ™ ,v£d ° on ? r f W • C t l O J S a t 'T” W ashington county $1.50 a year serve a conveyance on th e m hills ,Tllala!'" Plains church 1 I in b C T Six m onths 85c. T h ree m onths 50 Ire skating also found plenty of foi- Hm«h„™ I1' boro- a'>d moved to tf TIMBER Mr. and Mrs. W E cents. Tw o m onths 35 cents. low ers as ponds and stream s froze ” «¿Xhved bv t h 7 e j a ’5 ago, H of M ojave ^ a V Hc hadHb''en A J R iche and Mrs. Leona K otch- brought an ex p U n a^o n " th is tveck 7 ! " - ? th c F M L ackey resi- C eceli» M ar<*el and Paul Buy M etsker’s new revised W ash­ ington C ounty Atlas. Ju s t finished 1 D eRem er. from O bserver Moore, w ho pointed u p -to -date The most com plete, best I a t The pick -u p tra in w hich has been out that at times there is onïÿ "â , ,nUncra *?rvices„ " crc held m ap of the county ev er m ade I variation of 2 degrees in th e re- Hom7 7 ' ° U.n- J u " cral 7 7 , a ” ‘ " ?'"*'k fin ,: hed — Show s ........ all a, acreage. P, properU, and ports, w hile at others the d iffer- p ia?„ e e ^ , mCnt at T u alatln 'V ? ,7 ,k Mo" riay i ’s n ex t w ork i- ow nerships, road- plats section cnce is som etim es as g reat as 10 1 Ial" S ccm e ter>- at M cM innville. tow nships and ranges- -everythin! g. o r 15 degrees | -------- ^ uc ,b e cold anti now y w eath- Also excellent county and tow n- P o rtlan d - papers o f t e n c a r r - y ! r _______c r h , erc th c Pas’ - Vi - - i 11 -- * i f * * w eek m any 1 have sh 1 ip 11 maps. IIICZ . A i nything > 11 y V 1 1 i 11 in 111 th l e I IF. ma 111 <1 f 1. C h an ge to w in ter w eigh t motor w eath er reports from o th er tow ns „ 5 ' S L arrjd lin paid a fine of $4a.90 c Ids and o th e r ¡line- e< The sick line For ale at C ountv Assessor ? Inspect radiator hose and re­ and those interested can check d c c , l n , Justlc/ ? A W. H avens’ list the past w eek included Mrs office and the H illsb o ro "A bstract . oil. p lace worn hose, from these. Moore said This is par- . “ “ h , ,Sd ‘"d a y when he p lea d ed D M < ' Al K night Mi T itle Co.. Hillsboro, and at "M et- rlv tru e of a rnm ,,r g u llly 10 a gam e law charge. A rth u r B raden. Mrs H H Goss, k r r M aps." 514 S. W O:-k St Port- tic u la rly com r,ari„„n parison of 2. H ave your car lubricated with flu s h radiator. Mrs. B. T allm an, B. H. Tillotson. land Oregon. H illsboro w ith Longview, as the S u b scrib e for th e A rgus. A rth u r Syverson. and R uth Byers sp ecia l w inter lubricants. tem p eratu res h ere and th e re are Inspect coolin g system for invariably th e sam e leak s. 3. C harge battery. This is explained, Moore said by the fact th a t th e re is a cold s trip Fill radiator with a n ti-freeze. 4. C lean and set gen erator ah ead . w hich starts at Longview and pass­ es south through V ernonia and R enew spark p lu gs if driven Hillsboro, all of these places h a v ­ 5. Inspect b attery cab les. 10,000 m iles. ing tem p eratu res which v ary only from one to tw o degrees. 6. A d ju st tim ing for w inter sta rt­ C hange oil filter every D uring cold w eather, w hen thc BOUGHT SOLD Farewell Sermon Given; Tractor School Attracts Blind Man Finds Much to Do Forincr County Official Dies DER - X Della Drug Store TRADE IN com,ort at WARMEST DEPT. STORE JANUARY SALES Legislature Opens County Legislators Draw Appointments «2.98 25c 49c «1.00 «2.98 COMPLETE STOCKS Coldest Weather Nears Record Here Sewt'r Collections Appear Excellent Just in—“Monopoly" (tam es! Flörsheim s i u°EE Now «7.65 l ake Your ( ’a r to the HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. for These .Services b l l Used Cars Powers Grocery CONSIGNED 1929 S tu d cb ak er S ed an — 95'.’- tires. 6-ply; u p h o lster­ ing ex cellen t; m otor very good; 1937 license. 1928 Ford T udor— V-8 w heels; tire s n early new : m otor reconditioned; a v ery good buy. 1931 P lym ou th — 1927 M odel T F o r d - w ire Phone 81 Service M a in S treet Saturday O nly, January 16th Good p aint; upholsterin g clean: m otor lias been gone thro u g h ju s t a sh o rt tim e ago. R uns O K ; cheap. Prom pt w heels; T oilet Tissue WANT IN A ing. WASHER 10,000 m iles. A Service for Every Motoring Need Here is the Washer that has EVERYTHING you're wanted In Home Laundry Equipment . , . The new ABC One-fllty Six Wash* er la "Truly the World's Greatest Washer Value”- Has more Exclu* sire Safety and Conrenienee Feat­ ures than any washer erer built. The new ABC french Type Agi­ tator, together with the new larg­ est capacity Porcelain Tub. washes T ° u r Clothes Cleaner, faster. WHITER. Ask for a Demonstration In your own Homel < otnplclc Motor Tune up W heel A ligning Uar Painting, Car Washing I REE M onthly Inspection Service Call 444, 3361 or 671Z for WRECKER SERVICE Complete Stock V^inter Accessories A n ti-F reeze Car H eaters R adiator Covers 1934 C hevrolet T ruck— Long w heelbase; dual tires; nice condition. A Knockout? The man with auto in­ surance may meet with accident, but his policy will keep loss from put­ ting him down and out. 1934 C hevrolet P ick u p — O nly 22,000 miles. ’.00 Down $9.50 1936 C hevrolet Sport Sedan C hoice of Tw o TERMS TO SUIT New C ar G uarantee 1935 C hevrolet Sedan Fully G uaranteed A sk CHARLES MEACHAM Hillsboro, Rt. 3 about his claim R U SH LO W 60 Kind* of Insurance Phone 1701Y 336 E. Washington W atch for 1937 W IL L Y S HERE SOON Nash - L aF ayettc $ 8 5 2 D elivered cans H u m b le 1936 O lds 6 32 -p iece Set D ishes Low with every $50 of purchases. 1935 M ileage AU Bran ELECTRIC STORE H