Image provided by: Hillsboro Historical Society; Hillsboro, OR, and The Oregonian; Portland, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1937)
Hilhi and Forest Grove Quintets to Play on Local Floor Friday Nigkt 7:30 may serv e to cripple th e offensive ¡of the Blue and W hite. Lineups: Hilhi Tossers Nose O ut Team from Scappoose Mrs. Shipley New President of Banks Club: Game Next Tuesday I 'ownsend C lub to Elect January 25 I m outh coupe and W inner $10.150 opposite the rolinl.v home The night for injuries. I « “s t»Klty and Z im m erm an allege . , ..I .................. “ hut he wax was that on , the 11 , ‘ lie . . unable , , II to see the . The comp ' a nt alleges " | stage, crashing Into | night of N ovem ber 1*. 1936. Z im -j W inner alleges that he w.ts hrm s- Tow nsend club sem i-annual elec ' m erm an was d riving east on the j ed about the head ami su ffe rn l a (By M iss Mary Sandy) I teen a re signed up already The tion of officers has been set (or highw ay cast of Hillsboro, and that 1 mashed nose and liei vouh shock, S peaking on advertising and the I the 11, BANKS M others' club met F r i club is in division No 1 They a re Ja n u a ry 25 by vote of m em bers stage came to a sudden s t o p ' resulting in p erm anent Injury day aftern o o n w 11 It Mrs. C hris m aking in terestin g pieces of w ork M >nday evening at the m eeting m sales efforts of PEP com pany. A L ast m in u te rally by a flashing, | Rieben. O fficers for this y e a r w ere Mrs. E arle W ilson was ill l.g-t the B aptist church ll is the re g u i ' McM ickcn. general sales m a n lar social night of th e club w hich ag er of the com pany from P o rt i elected as follows Mrs C h arles w eek, but is b e tte r now fighting Scappoose basketball team, i- to begin w ith a pot-luck d in n er land. addressed em ployes of t h c | Shipley presid en t: M rs C h r is R ie Mrs S h u rte r is visiting relatives closed a w ide gap and added con ben. vice-p resid en t. Mrs G eorge in B eaverton this week He is al 6 30. follow ed by th e election of H illsboro division a t a special sid erab le excitem ent to an o th e r j M cGraw, secretary ; Mrs. Kay F arm - building a house on th e A C Con- i fficcrs and a social program and m eeting in the company offices here Monday night. ley, treasu rer. w ise o rdinary final h alf w alkaw ay ■ n an t place, w here he is em ployed name- Mrs C. W T hrapp and Mr W 11 B ucher will have charge of fo r H ilhi on th e ir own floor F ri Honors Won i R A Cook is assisting him He outlined a new ad v ertisin g th e d in n er day night. Final score w as 34-29 cam paign w hich t h e com pany Play am ong the local bow ling B ridge clu b met F riday a fte r Pcnsii n M eetings Resum ed P rotect your health by Eugene B urr, a close friend of fo r the B lue and W hite. leagues w as resum ed d u rin g the noon with Mrs O tis Johnnson. Mrs T he B ank- T ow nsend club has S enator W A Borah, and one of launched Monday, featuring Reddy of the e a tin g plenty of T he locals led Scappoose from the week w ith tw o changes in team s V erle P riek ett won first. Mrs Je ff again sta rte d its m eetings. It met the best inform ed sp eak ers on the K ilow att." representation sta rt, although by only a m argin Ben F ran k lin sto re took over th e K ennedy second, and Mrs A rth u r F rid ay evening in the church. A low nsend national recovery plan, energy w hich operate- all the home R eddy K ilow att," lie of one point in th e first half, when H illsboro P harm acy team in the Irelan d consolation. Next m eeting program was given Mrs Lloyd and has been invited to address tile club appliances said, w ill becom e fam iliar to all th e score stood 14 to 13. In th e N ational league and H udson-T er- w ill be J a n u a r t 22 W ith Mr.- C B son. Jam es Lloyd, B ert F n :ay and F ebruary ¡I m the M ethodist for COLD WEATHER residents w ith in the territo ry of second half H ilhi tossers began rap lan c the M en's Shop team in the Hall. G ran t W esterhaven furnished the church. the eonipany before the cam paign d ro p p in g them thro u g h th e hoop Com m ercial. The usual prizes are Mrs Tom Engen is spen d in g a music, w hich w as appreciated. The Shoppers is com pleted for best av erag e few days t h i s week w ith Mr and T ow nsend club w ill m eet e v ery in rapid succession, th e Scappoose being offered score by tcan; and individuals. Mrs. C arl W hite at N orth Plains. tw o w eeks on F riday evenings. boys being unab le to u n tan g le the M cM ickcn told of the steady rise '31 Chev Club Sedan $265 In top place follow ing th e first in the use of electricity hi this C arl Engen of V ernonia is v is it W S A tlee is still very ill in the B lue and W hite offensive. series of games a re R ay M ann, Your Best energy food. ing his sister. Mrs. Lois Sheelev. te rrito ry over a period from 1926 E m anuel hospital in P ortland. '31 Chev C abriolet 265 H owever, in the last fo u r m in to the present The average am ount i T h e girls of th e cooking class in u te s of play, th e visitors, led by A m erican: H ornback's. C itv: B ak and tw o ch ild ren in B anks this \ a rie ty Io choose front. '26 Sludebaker Tour. 35 ery. C om m ercial: B ristol and C h ev w eek. , of electricity used in 1926 was 658 [ high school served a d in n e r to th e C atch, rallied and drove thro u g h UNIVERSITY GF OREGON. Eu- kilow atts. In* said, as com pared to ' in th e N ational and Mrs. H enry S tohler, w ho has m em bers of the school b eard at I ’21 Dodge Coupe 25 th e local's defense. C atch accounted rolet tied Uctie. J a n 13 «Special) Thom as S hipping and F ro ste r team s in the been ill in th e Good S am aritan th e school board m eeting T h u rs 994 I I I 1933 D uring this tim e the fo r 10 of th e points w hile Staines. C annery Tongue, th ird -y e a r student in law i rate per kilow att, he pointed out. '29 Chandler Sedan 125 hospital, w as m oved last w eek to! d ay evening in the (ugh school Scappoose center, m anaged an o th er High scores for th e first w eek a n ap artm en t in P ortland, w h e r e ! F ra n k Rmek J r is visiting his at the U n iv e rsity of O regon, was has fallen from 4 13 cents in 1926 eight . ’27 Pontiac Sedan 75 father. F ran k Rmek. in Banks He am ong the eight stu d en ts to r e to 2 90 cents in 1936. Hilhi scoring w as led by W ahner. a re V. Sm ith. 203. A m erican. C she is u n d er th e care of a nurse. .Mince and 1’uniplUn had not seen o r h eard about his ceive an all A average for fall term '29 Erskine Delivery 125 In 1926, McM ickcn said, t h e G am e T uesday Night su b stitu te forw ard, w ith 11 points, Koble.. 226. City. Rushlow. 200. T ongue is affiliated w ith Chi com pany sold 376 million kilow att B anks tow n b asketball team has I fath er for m any years. w hile B aum gartner, forw ard, scored Com m ercial: B ergen. 198. N ational: '25 Dodge Coupe 21) Psi fratern ity , and is th e son of hours of energy w hile m 1936 the To A ttend In stitu te nine. W ahner. w ho g rad u ates at Senko. 177. C annery, and C D ahl played sev eral p ractice g a m e s . l en. 150. women. C K oble won the T uesday night. Ja n u a ry 19. it w ill' F rid ay and S atu rd ay a rc the days Mr and Mrs T II Tongue. J r . of total w as 536 million, or in in m id-term , played his last game. '28 Dodge Victory Sdn 155 P erfection cake and th e Im perial Hillsboro. He w a s p resid en t of H ilhi seconds, sw am ped th e in Cafe din n er. The d in n e r is a new play H illsboro in th e 'B a n k s h ig h ' ef th e m id -w in ter in stitu te f o r the associated stu d en t body in crease o f 42 per cent Howevt r. he ’2!) Ford R oadster 11.» school gym. said, the increased sales have not th e E pw orth L eagues of this d is v a d e r’s second strin g u n d er a n prize. B ark from Hospital trict. T h ere w ill be tw o or th ree 1933-34. and business m anager of kept pace w ith the increases in avalanche of baskets in a gam e '31 Chev Coupe 295 Prizes for th e last h alf of th e Mrs. R. E. M cNabb re tu rn e d ' cars ' going from Banks, leaving the U niversity year book, the O rc- tax es wages, and other expense, w hich ended w ith th e score 36 to season a re a $10 au to tire by gana. th e y ear before He is a w ith the result that the net rev en u e '31 G rah am 6 Sedan 31(1 5 in favor of the Blue and W hite. G eorge Wick set of five sw eaters hom e Ja n u a ry 6 from a H illsboro F riday in th e e a rly evening. m em ber of Phi D elta Phi. n a tio n is a g reat deal less than in 1926 hospital, w h ere sh e u n d erw en t a B anks B eats C ornelius H ilhi dropped a close gam e t o 1 by Clem 's Place: hat by th e M en's m ajo r operation sev eral w eeks ago ' '28 Ford Coach 125 al h o m ra ry society in law. Phi o rd er to increase th e am ount B anks grade school b asketball Beta K appa. R ain ier high school a t R ainier Shop; w ine by th e Royal Soda S h e is g ettin g along nicely and is national scholastic of In energy sold, the com pany b e team defeated C ornelius g r a d e T uesday night by tw o points for w orks, and neckties by th e C. C. u p and aro u n d th e house. I rom th e fam ous Itrlty honorary, and of F riars, cam pus gan m erchandising electrical e q u ip school 17 to 6 F rid ay on the C o r service h o norary for senior men. a final score of 24-22. R ainier led Store. W eekly prizes include th e ( rocker recipe. Miss R uth B ailey has s ta rte d the nelius floor. m ent. th e sales of w hich have been by one point at th e end of the P erfection cake: Im perial C afe d in g irls' 4-H club w ork in th e B anks Drop iu am i gee the clim bing steadily. L yle W olford spent several davs first half and added an o th er point n er and 30 passes to th e V enetian g rad e school. T he g irls a re b e last w eek helping at th e B ert theatre. in th e last. NEW tw een th e ages of 9 and 12 Eigh- G rin d le hom e in Forest Grove. W ahner. playing out of his usbal A m e ric a n — Têt. D em and l*rrfrrll<>u B read and spot at forw ard, en tered the gam e R a y J . M a n n I'ax lrlrs a t 1 O ur G rocer hospital in H illsboro, w here she at guard position and led th e Hilhi F i x it Shop was o p erated on and is getting G ro c e ry scoring w ith n ine points S tartin g R O o akes N ellie Johnson. 45. resident of y a l Soda along as well as could be expected JHH) lineup placed B au m g artn er a n d C ity Born, to M r and Mrs. Ernest F orest G rove five years, dieii J a n Pet. S eeking dam age, for in ju ries to G rogan, forw ards. L aw rence, cen H o rn hacks 1.000 H eesaeker Ja n u a ry 4. a girl, at uary 3 in a P o rtlan d hospital a fter e ar and person. P ete Z im m erm an ter: W ahner and S utherland, guards. P a s tim e an illness, w hich began in April and Ralph W inner, passenger in th eir home. R uecker su b stitu ted f o r Grogan. i C. C. S to re Mrs. Rudy L epschat is still ill She was a telephone sw itchboard the Z im m erm an autom obile, have M iller for Law rence, and W ojahn , N a tio n a l G u a rd s o p erato r by vocation Phone 751 By W. F. C yrus. C ounty A gent I and h er im provem ent is slow brought suit against the O regon C o m m e rc ia l— Pet. fo r S utherland. She w as born Ju ly 2. 1891. in M otor Stages a m i 1. A. Hansen, P e rfe c tio n B a k e ry 1 Disease control, m arketing, farm S how er G iven 227 S. Third illllaboro l.i N ext gam e h ere w ill be w ith D .x ip e M o to rs ortland. F uneral services w e r e stag e d riv er Z im m erm an is a s k .667 legislation, b reed in g q uestions and Mrs. R alph B uckley and Mrs P held Ja n u a ry 6 from the Forest ing $427 66 for dam age to his Ply F orest G rove F rid ay night w hich F a ir w a y M a rk e t feed resources w ill be the basis of Alice B uckley gave a m iscellaneous .000 prom ises to be a contest, both team s H u d s o n -T e rra p la n e rove U n d ertak in g com pany chapel I consideration at th e tw o-dav m eet- show er for S ylvia .W ood' W eaver G ap p aren tly being about e v e n l y N a tio n a l P e t. I m g of the O regon D airvm en's asso last T hursday afternoon at th eir w ith Rev. O. I, C u rtis officiating B r is to l H a n l w a re m atched. H owever. H illsboro w ill C h e v ro le t M o to rs burial was in the G ales C reek ciation n ext T uesday and W ednes home. S he received several p re tty and be m inus W ahner at forw ard, w hich R u s h lo w In s u ra n c e cem etery She is survived by two 1 day on th e O regon S tate college and useful presents. sisters. Mr- Helen P arkin of V an Ben F r a n k lin S to re 1 E. P lace atten d ed a union m e e t couver. cam pus at C orvallis. T he m eeting B. C . and Mrs W. A Sm ith C a n n e ry — W L P e t. [epens at 10 a. m . Tuesday, w ith ing at C arlton S unday afternoon. S h ip p in g of Forest G rove 1 G eorge F ullenw ider. C arlton, d e F r c s te r 1 P la n t liv erin g his an n u al address. In th e O ffic e co u rse of th e first day's program Dr. B. T. Sims. I. R j’ones an d J N. Shaw will discuss ste rility of d airy cattle and som e of its causes and calf scours. T he an n u al banquet P ersons in W ashington county r e (C o n tin u e d fro m pace I ) w ill be held at 6:30 Tuesday. ceiving old age assistance check J M Person and A rth u r K roeger T he W ednesday session w i l l b e for J a n u a ry are to be re q u ire d to K roegcr and Person changed places D eclaring th a t attack s on the tak en up in discussion of th e 1937 place th e ir sig n atu res on tw o card.-, HILLSBORO m ilk control law a re being carried soil conservation program , q h ality one of w hich w ill go to the state- on the board. K roeger becom ing HILLSBORO on by eastern ow ned chain sto re im provem ent an d discussion of O re-, relief office and th e o th er to the the m em ber from the council and Person tak in g the place as n o n in terests and “political rack eteers " gon's feed resources by E L. Pot- ‘ sta te tre a su re r T h e o rd er cam e council m em ber. Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, January 15 and It'» u n d er th e p reten se th a t th ey are ter. Also on th at day th ere w ill be from th e federal auditors. for th e b enefit of consum ers, the a discussion by L T he cards a re to be used to com IREE DELIVERY— FOUR TIMES DAILY PHONE 3131 B urlingham . W ashington C o u n ty F arm ers' U n m anager of th e N ational D airy pare sig n atu res on checks to d e ion convention passed a resolution show, on the resp o n sib ility of p u re term in e w h eth er o r not the checks condem ning th e move and ap p ro v b re d breed ers to th e d airy in d u s are b eing cashed by th e persons ♦ . in g th e law as it stands Largì try . w hom they arc given. When checks Cold W eather Diets In detail, th e resolution declares Pkg. O scar Hagg of ReedviIIe. W ash a re signed, sig n atu res on card.* and I an approval of the ad m in istratio n O ld Q uaker brings you a b a r r e l check m ust be th e same. Demand Plenty of of the law,*, and opposes any a t ington county dairym an, heads the o f quality in every bottle and it W orkers from the local relief of discussion at 3:30 th e opening day' ’ -lb. tem pt to rep eal or am end it E very of th e m eeting. fice a re p rep arin g to d esig n ate: doesn’t cost you a barrel o f money. dairym an an d farm er also is urged San Juan Extra Large OLIVES, pint. 2 cans 29c tin m eeting cen ters m the various A i you prefer iu B ourbon or Rye to support th e presen t act and tow ns w h ere those w ho receive T h e O ld Q u a k e r C o., L aw renceburg, In d . C-H-B SWEET PICKLES. 12-oz. jar 19c w ork against any tam p erin g with checks m ay m eet w ith the w orkers S C H E N L E Y ’S it. Copies of the resolution w ere and sign the cards. Miss A lice M ax HEINZ ( HILI SAUCE. Medium size 23c pail sent th e g overnor and the legis (B y Mrs. Lou W right) well. executive secretary of the re lators of th is county. Heinz VINEGAR, W hite or Cider. Pint 10c Mrs. R aym ond Hodge, w ho was lief com m ittee, said Tuesday. taken seriously ill last T h u rsd ay i «Htm» s m a iC M i WHISKEY .,» o PROOF m orning, was ru sh ed to th e Jo n es M ake milk an im port Re-arrange Store In terio r of the S afew ay store. Fine a n t p a rt of every m eal Second avenue, has been re-ar- d u rin g th e cold w in ter < iran. cloth bag ranged to give m ore room for stock m onths. P ure, nourish an d g reater convenience for cus tom ers, it w as announced th is week or GRAHAMS ing F ir G rove M ilk will Ili lh i (34* G ro g a n . 2 B a u m g a rtn e r, M ille r . j S u th e rla n d . * W« ahn .. . . I ----- — „ S u b s titu t e * : U a h n c r ' xer. R u c v k e r. (29* S ta p p o o s r K rv w n 10. G a tc h 8. St a t n r * 5. M < « r 6. Pungey L a w re n c e . B e t- PEP Employes Attend Meeting Bowlers Begin Last of Season WARD OFF COLDS! 13 Red Hot USED CAR BUYS PERFECTION BREAD H igh S tanding in Scholarship W on PIES Each 25c French Doughnuts Dozen 30c Gold-N-Sno Cake Funeral Rites H eld for Nellie Johnson Flagg to Open Discussions at Dairy Meeting 29c D am ages Asked of M otor Stage Firm A nderson M otor Co. BAKERY Farm U nion Votes S u p p o rt Milk Law UV H illsboro C hildren Read M any Books *2fm dtmf have Io beizal to enjoy tícA whiskey I* FIR GROVE T hatcher M. J. B. COFFEE BISQUICK 1 26c 4 ib- 99c Births P av elcik —To Mr. and Mrs John P avelcik of H illsboro ro u te 3 J a n u a ry 7, a girl. D urand—To Mr. and Mrs. Leo D urand of Gaston. Ja n u a ry 12. a boy. O liver—To Mr. and M rs Fred O liver of G ales Creek. Ja n u a ry 10 a girl. , ? n ®e*cn To Mr. and Mr-. D on ald Engelen of C ornelius, Ja n u a ry 8, a girl. | FIR GROVE DAIRY Grade A MILK and CREAM Phone 4RX1 Divorce Suits Filed Sandgren—Alice H ortense against David A. 2 Prices Effective Friday. Saturday and Monday January 15 - 16 - 18, 1937 True American RICE FRED Large Pkg. 0 TOILET SOAP 2 bars ] 1c LAUNDRY SOAP 4 giant size bars 19c lbs. E x tra Eaney B lue Rose K RA U T 2 É ï YOU the Best in t * A * q p A, É Jb C S r ì V T C Quality Meats BA CO N S^ SON1NC' 15c bacon 21c Lb. BEEF ROAST Lb BEEF LIVER Lb. PU RE LARD FRANKFURTERS— 2 lbs. SAUERKRAUT— 1 quart 14c for C O R N E D BEEF L o Jl,ta: r Armour.'; PPA Ç Sau Wan *■ S u g ar 2 2's Sugar, 2 14c ib.. 42c 39c PEACHES ran, cans ’■ A P R IC O T S n i ? “ R A IS IN S 15c O L E O M A R G A R IN E “ lid ay . 'o l im i FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET P hone 651 5 D eliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z 9", hag 39c FEES N A P T H A “'¿V lia r ecn ! Split . L E N T IL S Yellow or G reen Pea: •ni l B arley. W hole Peas STARCH 2 ! box Mission in puree. Special f. 12 >O can P U M P K IN “ - ’I M 3 / j C O R N M EA L W Spcrrys hite or cas,cr" yellow W H E A T H E A R T S 5« % Ut. B E A N S n ; 5 “' S.,» «j K rispy Soda or ISC lOL".; V cans 25c Heinz Ketchup COFFEE C hase & S a n b o rn 's or C olum bia Best Lb. s e ,,,1''"'" ARGO Corn or Gloss. I-II». pkgs f e e Scans 21c 20c 17c 29c 1 cans 33C ans 29C 4 '.ig 29c 16c 5c 2 .Hs. 15c BABY FOODS HONEY 49c 19c CHASE & SANBORN S COFFEE. Per lb. H & D Fancy Pack SPINACH, lg cans. 2 cans Santinm Cut Green BEANS. 2 cans Dundee Golden Bantam CORN. 3 cans Piggly W iggly H ard w h eat 49-lb. $. 1 .6 9 Sack T here is none b e tte r Carton of 6 boxes 25c 27c 25c 29c 17c WRIGHT SILVER CREAM. 8-oz. jar SHINOLA SHOE POLISH. 2 cans Dundee KRAUT, solid pack. 2 large cans H-D Green LIMA BEANS, No. 2 can. 2 cans FOREX . FLOUR 10c 19c 8c 10c 37.:'.' 19c ArmHtir’s h ig h est ((utility MATCHES HEINZ Strained S ilver T hread offers 29c 49c 10"’ BOQUET VANILLA. 4-oz. bottle CALUMET BAKING POWDER. 1-lb. tin Arm & Hammer BAKING SODA. Pkg. Eleischm ann’s FRESH YEAST. 3 cakes MILK SOAP -box _ carton 6 28c WHITE KING GRANULATED PALM OLIVE s™e* M ATCHES -lb. box 29c SUGAR N. B. C. Snowflakes provide t h e vitam ins necessary to keep little bodies health y , stro n g and vigorous. 1937 PONTIACS PERFECTION Check Being M ade O íd A ge Assistance M ILK 49c PUREX PUREX Peerless Peerless 10c Vg-gallon 21c 15C 25c 27c 19c BOWL CLEANER. Per can DRAIN PIPE SOLVENT. Can LIQUID WAX. Pint can POLISHING WAX. 1-lb. tin 17c 17c 39c 39c PANCAKE FLOUR Sperry’s 55c 28-oz. pkg. 17c SYRUP V erm ont M aid ( ' fills ane and Alaple 2 6 “„z 39c PRESERVES AI a rase it t-lb . 29c jar Black berry, St raw berry Fruits and Vegtables Lettuce 5c Apples s 69c Orangeszoo.« uoïlSc 1 Bananas ( »olden Ripe ED’S MASTER MKT. for BETTER MEATS Saturday Duly POT ROAST Pound 15c BACON S u g a r Cured Pound 28c ► (