lin tif f R e sili« u t A tto r h c y . S i a t e 23 72 chains to a post on the recog Oregon, and of general circulation o f lli i 'g o n . P o si O f f h e A d d i« " nized line betw een the East and in the S tate of Oregon, pursuant F irs t N a tio n a l llim k B u ild in g . H ill West halves of said Elam Young to an order of the H onorable l i o n 47-51 D 1. C ; thence S outh 1 degree aid T. T em pleton. Judge ol the boro, Oregon. Easl 16.14 chains to th e cen ter of C ounty Court of the S tate of O re Il B Jone ami soli W illiam of Rock C reek; thence up cen ter of gen for W ashington County, m ade peni thè w eek- Rock C reek 38 611 chums, m ore or and rendered on the 6th day el A lie r.le e n . W a h i no will) hi h i e l l i e r in law ami Jan u ary . 11)37 le.-s, to the Fast line of said Dona E J M eA l.EA ll. A ttorney foi Sister Mi ami Mts N y e O Bristol lion L and C laim No. 38. t h e i i e i N orth 1 degree West on such Fast |R> Mary Sinclair) line 15.10 chains to place of b e­ BLOOMING Mrs. R ichard M oel­ R EED V ll.l E All women, who ginning and containing 33 75 acres le r was elected president >•: S ! ,u e interested, are invited to attend m ore or less, save and excepting P eter's Ladies' Aid at a m eeting , the adult education sew ing class therefrom , how ever, that certain held in th e church b rsem ent De­ i held Tuesday m orning at K cedvillc 17 91 aere tract heretofore sold to cem ber 30 u n d er th e sponsorship I school house from 9 to 12. Hills- Ju lia A Hatch, as described m of Mrs, O scar Pfahl. Mrs W alter boro. Tuesday. 1 to 4 p. tn , Hubei Hook 11)7. page 437 of tin* Records Demmin was re-elected \ ice-chair­ W ednesday. 9 to 12 a m ; Ila. el o f Deeds of W ashington County. m an and Mrs. E rnest H allauer sec­ dale. W ednesday. 1 t> > 4 p. in.; Oregon, retary A treasu rer will be elected Farm ington. T hursday. 1 to 4 p nt. and forex er b arrin g and prcclud at the Jan u a ry m eeting. Visiting No classes w ere held last week a s l m g you and each of you. and all 4 supply .vou with com m ittee for this m onth includes Mi s S A. Becker, th e teacher. | persons claim ing by. th rough or Mesdames M. N eumann. Verona was atten d in g Hie O regon S tate under you. from claim ing or a t ­ or v itrified clu j Helmold and Emil Branriaw. Mes­ T eachers' in stitu te in P ortland tem pting to claim, assertin g or a t­ dam es W alter Demmin. E W H in ­ iron soil pipe. VVo tem pting to assert, tiny right, title Mrs G eorge Im lay e n tertain ed a richs and Gus M oeller w ere named group of neighbors and friends at or in terest in or to said real p ro p ­ also equipped to lutntllu on a com m ittee, w hich is to start erly. or any pai l thereof, adv erse I a New Y ear's Eve party a m ovem ent w hereby each m em ­ com plete connection job. Irene A ltig of P ortland v is ite d to the title and interest of t I t « b e r w ho desires may have a "su n ­ Dorothy K irkw ood d u rin g t h e p lain tiff th erein and thereto, ami shine friend" for 1937 A question- that th e title of the p lain tiff in and C hristm as holidays. box was voted in w hich m em bers A ll K inds of Clay and Cem ent B uilding M nlerials P atricia M .lluesen. w ho has been to srid real property be quieted I m ay deposit questions to be ans­ E d w ard C Luce (left) shaking han d s w ith his successor. A rth u r in the hospital for five w eeks against th e claim s and dem ands of w ered by the pastor at the o rg an ­ T o p p er (right * Luce w ill continue as th ie f d eputy clerk P ic­ you. and each of you. from ru p tu red appendix, was able ization meetings. T his sum m ons is served upon I tu re courtesy O regonian. to re tu rn hom e for C hristm as She New Fam ily H ere i.s convalescing, although i t is you by publication th ereo f in the SUMMONS New residents in the com m unit\ doubtful w h eth er she w ill be able H illsboro Argus, a n ew spaper p rin t­ Phone 1341 N orth of C annery, across W W ashington SL a re Mr. and Mrs. S m ithenry and In the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate to atten d school this term ed am i published in llilL sb o ro .'_______________________________________________________________________ d aughter from Coos Bay, w h o of O regon, for W ashington C oun­ W ilbur Jan n sen visited his aunt. moved into the form er H orner ty. Mrs M cConnell of P ortland, d u r­ place last Friday NEAL W BUSH. P laintiff, ing. the C hristm as holidays Oscar Muhly Honored vs. F rank A llm an o f L akeview . A group of friends honored O scar HENRY GUITAR. MARY GUITAR. Wash , is visiting his m other Muhly w ith a birth d ay surprise IRENE YOUNG P U C K E T T. Mr. and Mr.- A rchie B row nlee party New Y ear's night. The eve- ARCHIE PUCKETT. M A R Y en tertain ed at a New Y ear's d in n e r YOUNG L U C Y A party for Mrs G eorge Im lay, Mr. iBv LaVelle Jackson) CHAMBERS. MAMIE 1 D IC K ­ and Mrs. C harles Im lay, and Mrs. N O R T H PLAINS F rien d sh ip SON. IRENE REID, t h e U n ­ C Isaacson Tem ple. P ythian Sisters, and G le n ­ know n heirs of C olum bus Young, S hirley G reene, w ho has been coe lodge. K nights of P ythias, w ill also all o th er persons an d parties visiting her g ran d m o th er at V an­ hold join t in stallation services in u n know n claim ing a n y right, couver. Wash . re tu rn e d hom e for th e K. of P. hall Ja n u a ry 20 All title, estate, lien or in terest in school. K nights and S isters and th eir fam ­ th e real estate described in the Mrs. F rancis G uski,1 of Kelso. ilies a re invited. com plaint herein. D efendants D in n er p arty guests at the M V To: H enry G uitar. M ary G uitar. Wash . visited Mr. and Mrs Ira F R eport of activ ities at th e W ash­ Lowe and fam ily New Year's, w hile ington countv hospital for t h e Jack so n home New Y ear's day w ere Irene Young P uckett. A r c h i e th ere th eir baby girl celebrated her period from M av 22 to D ecem ber Mr. and Mrs. R obert B atehelar ef P u ck ett. M ary Young first birth d ay 31. inclusive show s 168 persons Covina. C al. Alvin B atehelar ef L ucy A. C ham bers. M amie 1. I.ent Viar. w ho has been w orking adm itted, w ith 23 resid en ts at th e M cM innville, a n d Mrs. M argaret Dickson. Iren e Reid, the U nknow n at the M eyers home, left the first B ateh elar of Hillsboro. , present tim e and 13 p atien ts h eirs of C olum bus Young: also of th e w eek for P ortland, w here Mrs. N ussbaum er of H elvetia is D uring this tim e 138 of those a d ­ all o th er persons and p arties u n ­ he has w ork m itted w ere discharged: 10 died: visitin g Mrs. J. G feller for a few know n claim ing any right, title, T hree new pupils in Mrs. B ear's th ree w ere tra n sfe rre d to oth er days. estate, lien or interest in the room a re M abel U nderw ood from Mr. and Mrs. L aw rence C rop e n ­ hospitals, and tw o w ere retain ed real estate described in th e com ­ P leasan t View, Thom as P a rk e r J r tertain ed F rid ay w ith a New Y ear's W EEK -END SPECIALS as residents. p laint herein. D efendants. of P o rtlan d anil Ju n e O ’C onner of T here w ere 49 surgical o perations d in n er party. P resen t w ere Mr. and In the N am e of the S ta te of O re­ B eaverton. Mrs E dw ard M aher of P um pkin perform ed: 63 persons w ere given S. A. B ecker has been settin g gon. G reeting: medical treatm en t; 20 babies w ere Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M aher. You and each of you a re hereby out tw o and a half acres of fil­ o ffers you. jis born: 27 cases of tonsils and ad e ­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed M aher Jr. of berts. This m akes a five-acre fil­ noids w ere operated on: four p e r­ P o rtlan d and Mr. and Mrs. McM ann req u ired to ap p ear in the above bert orchard, w hich he has planted alw ays, the Delicious F lavor Young, Meaty en titled C ourt and an sw er t b e sons w ere isolated for contagious of Aloha. F. F. L aH aie of H illsboro spent com plaint filed .-gainst you in the the last tw o y e a rs . H igh est Q uality M eats disease, and tw o w ere held for in ­ th e w eek-end w ith his d aughter. above en titled cause on or before grees 18' E 24 25 ft. from the n o rth ­ sanity. at th e 6th day of F ebruary. 1937. said D uring th is tim e th ere w ere nine Mrs. J. H. Davis. east co rn er of the G eo H. Sm ith Pound Pound Mr. and Mrs. L. Cole of Salem date being a fter th e exp iratio n of D. I.. C. and ru n n in g th en ce S. 2 Possible doctors in atten d an ce at various Lowest times, and th ree called for con­ spent sev eral days last week w ith four w eeks from the date of the degrees 18 E 2090.2 ft to the South Mrs. Cole's sister. Mrs. E rnest first publication of th is sum m ons boundary of See 33: thence E. sultation. upon vou. th e d a te of th e first Meyer. 771 ft. to th e place of beginning; You g e t it in every pint Miss E ugenie C ypher s p e n t p ublication being J a n u a ry 7th. 1937. all of said land being in Sees. 33 T hursday and F rid ay in P o rtlan d and the date of the last p u b lica­ and 34. T 1 N R 2 W. of W. M. of FIR GROVE Milk Pound J tion th ereo f b eing F eb ru ary 4th. visiting friends. and Cream . D rink it and part of the Elam Young I). R onald M eyer, w ho was tak en 1937: an d if you fail so to appear L C. No. 45. and containing 3810 every day — cook w ith to th e Jo n es hospital last w eek, and answ er said com plaint, for- acres, m ore or less Pure and Sw eet By the Piece (C o n tin u ed fro m p a e * 1) u n d erw en t an operation M onday w ant th ereo f th e p lain tiff w ill a p ­ it — it's pure, delicious TRACT 3 B eginning 33 1 ft. East C arl B erger vs. th e unknow n h eirs for infection of th e th y ro id glands. ply to th e C ourt for the relief of th e southw est co rn er of S ec­ Home M ade and h ealthful. of John Q Z achary, d efault and d e­ Mr. and Mrs. J H. Davis en te r- prayed for in his com plaint, to- tion 34. and ru n n in g East 797 1 cree: H arold S. T u ttle vs. Pacific t; :ned F rid ay w ith a d in n er p arty w it: ft. to th e southw est corner of A lex­ U niversity, v olu n tary non-suit; H h onoring th e ir grandson, R onald For a decree declaring plaintiff B igney a n d N ettie B igney vs Davis. O thers presen t w ere Mr. to be th e ow ner in fee sim ple and an d er Acres, a regularly recorded Jam es W alter He.-s et el. dism issal and Mrs. Pat D avis 'R o n ald 's p a r­ in th e actu al possession of the fo l­ subdivision in W ashington County. O regon: thence N 1 22' W 835 35 of suit. e n ts '. F. F. L aH aie of Hillsboro. low ing described parcels of real O rders filed this w eek in probate Mr. and Mrs. J. R. S andford of p ro p erty situ ate in W ashington ft. to the corner of Lots 6 and 7 r f said A lexander Acre-: thence court include Ralph P rah l. G eorge H elvetic. Mr. and Mrs. S. A D. C ounty. O regon: N 0 28' W . 1252 9 ft. to the N o rth ­ W ashington Atwood. Eli G rindle. Meek and son Pa-lev. Mr. and Mr- TRA CT 1. P a rt of t h e Elam DAIRY C arlisle W. H arrison. C h ristin a A rth u r Davis. M argaret Davis and Young and w ife D onation Land west co rn er of sam e: th en ce West 797.1 ft. to an iron pipe; th en ce S Peters. M arjorie V andehey. Phon«- 9 8 2 H ills b o ro " Grade A C laim No. 38. T. 1 S. R. 2 W. in 1 10’ E . 2086 ft. to th e place of M New cases filed this w eek in MILK and CREAM sections 3 and 4; B eginning at the beginning, all of said land being aaacagEiaiaiaixgiEggBBeaagagaggggaaiii « b b b b b b b b ib b b b b b b iib iib b iìb b b b b c b b b Jiaaa M eet Postponed circuit court include R C. H unger B reak fast club m eeting w as p ost­ co rn er of S ections 3. 4 33 and 34. in Section 34, of T ow nship 1 N o r th . vs. Inez A dkins, m oney: F ederal of Tps. 1 N . and 1 S . R 2 W and • P h o_e 4RX1 !. ... : Bank of Sp leant va. w . F poned until n ext W ednesday m o rn ­ ru n n in g th en ce East 12.58 chains Range 2 West, of Will. Mer con­ V anLoo et al. m ortgage foreclosure, ing. Mrs. Ed W ortm an w ill be to the S. W co rn er of the subdivi-: taining 38 00 acres, m ore or less. TRACT 4 P art of t h e Elam hostess. urc. sion know n as A lexander Acres: | Young D. L. (' No 38 in T. 1 th en ce S. 1 20' E.. 16.10 chains to South Range 2 West Will M e r the c en te r of Rock C reek: thence and described as follows, to-w it: __ SP’iiW?? flaw w ith th e m eanders of Rock Creek, B eginning w here th e East line of in a w esterly direction, d o w n said Elcm Young D I. C crosses stream to the w est boundary of | the Base L ine 3.72 chains West of said Elam Young and w ife D I . ' the q u a rte r section corner on the C : thence, w ith said w est boun-j N orth line of Section 3 in said dary. N. 2 18' W 22 08 chains to: T ow nship 1 South Range 2 West: the Base Line: thence East 11 18 ru nning thence W est on Base Line S p ecial V a lu es for Friday a n d Saturday, January 8 and 9 chains to the place of beginning, co n taining 45.20 acres. TRACT 2. B eginning 33 1 ft cast) of th e southw est co rn er of See i 34. T 1 N. R 2 W est of W. M ru n n in g thence N. 1 degree 10' W. 2086 ft. to an iron pipe: th en ce W. | 819.9 ft. to an iron pipe on th e, Prices E ffective Friday, Saturday and M onday, January 8, 9 and 11 w est boun d ary of Elam Y oung D. I Carton L. C. w hich pipe b ears S 2 dc- O FFERS (6 «-ans R egular 90r V alue B utter K ernel («olden B antam —W hole K ernel EXTRA LARGE. Blooming Aid Has Election of Officers Vteran Luce Retires ■ ning was spent in p laying games Present w ere M ildred K rahm er. A r­ th u r and Elm er G urske. Harold K rahm er. H arold and M ildred Mey­ er. Robert and W alter Liebenow. Edmund W eichbrodt Wilma Schild- h; uer. Melvin V ernon and Alta Moyer C lara Helmold. Louis H in­ richs. R ichard H erdlcin. Lois Alton Robert and R ichard Zagel and Ft cd. A lbert Oscar. L ester a n d W alter Muhly. Miss Jean n e Jepson spent se\ - eral davs last w eek at C edar from w hich she left w ith an aunt and uncle S atu rd ay to \ isit sev ­ eral days w ith her aunt. M is G ras- sen. at Hebo I,ouis H inrichs beg. :t w orking for the Home L aundry in H ills­ boro Jan u ary 1. ru n n in g the d e ­ livery tru ck in the absence of the reg u lar d riv er, w ho w as in ju red in an autom obile accident last week Elm er Muhly of S eattle spent D e ­ cem ber 29 and 30 :.t th e paren tal hom e here A nton L inquist of B erkeley. CaL spent New Y ear's day at th e E \\ H inrichs home. Anton is a g ra n d ­ son of Mrs Mary Sims V eters' Meeting M onday The ann u al voters' m eeting w ith election of officers will be held at ■ St. P eter's church Mond: v night. Society to Meet The young people's society w ill | m eet tom orrow (F rid a y ' night. R e-arrangem ent of classes in th e L u th eran S unday school took place Sunday m orning. L ester M uhlv and R ichard and Robert Zagel left S unday for P o rt­ land to continue th e ir studies at C oncordia college. Sewing Classes Held Several Places Weekly Sewer Connections Hillsboro Concrete Brick 3C File Co. North Plains Lodges Plan Installation Many Aided at Countv Hospital : Hillsboro Meat Co. Here's LARD Grand Jury Will Meet This Morning 2 Thomas S. Sholes Oranges SW EET NAVELS. Smooth, solid PARSNIPS 4 .bs 10c CARROTS sS h- 3 ibs. 5c Lemons cans 27c FLOUR Grapefruit Florida Park No. 2 Can COD FISH Pkg. JLî/C HEADCHEESE 2 9 e 2 ib, Bacon lb . 25c 24° : H ills b o ro M e a t Co. | FIR GROVE Hot soup for these cold days Big Double Size tin s 18c 35c HEALTH Oysters SPARE RIBS SLICED BACON o 5 20C DOZEN 4c IOC ï F T -* T I TCP Frcsh- crisP- solid heads. Head ORANGES Navels Medium size Dozen T he F ollow in g P erson ally Indorsed Bright USED CARS Sayings of Children 1936 T errap lan e 765 1936 T erraplan e Tour. B rougham 725 Buick Sedan $195 Custom built 1931 E ssex $ 165 Sedan T ouring Sedan FANCY SLN K IST. Full of Juice. DOZEN Waverly Chipped Beef Pure Cocoa T ry it cream ed on toast Large 3Va»oz. jar 15c KITCHEN Q UEEN. F lo u r i up. Buy now ! 49-lb. bag For a hot d rin k >-lb. I can g o in g 13c S I-4 9 Armour's Star Deviled Meat $ "S ure we re strong enough to do th e w ork W e re the h u sk iest kids A lso the F o llow in g in the neighborhood, bein' brought Q U A L IT Y USED CARS up on lots of 'Big Boy Bread'— th at delicious b read th a t's m ade 1935 P lym outh w ith b u tte r and m ilk. You see ii S edan. F or only ! th e e x tra food valu e th a t gives us e x tra stre n g th .” 1933 C hevrolet • *550 375 $175 Coach. A t.......... 1929 S tu d eb ak er T ry these Bakery Specials S a tu rd a y Sedan. R educed 1929 Ford R oad ­ ster. A honey a t 1929 Plym outh $-8 O f f .ELOtJ Coach. Good buy 1929 P lym outh $-8 O Sedan. Now only ZEE TOILET TISSUE. 4 rolls 15c Van Camp’s Hominy. 2 No.2,z2 cans 19c CORN. 2 No. 2 cans 27c WHEAT POPS. 5 oz. pkg. 5c Hersheys CHOCOLATE. L2 lb. pkg. 8c Peet’s Gran. SOAP. Large pkg. 25c PINEAPPLE, Libbys. V/4 tins 10c MATCHES Highway 15c BEANS Idaho. Red or White -lb. cello pkg. t 19c B nB B B B flnflB B B ta CRACKERS Fancy Sliced All Crisp Sodas p -lb . TOMATO SAUCE, Valvita. 4 cans 15c BAKING POWDER. 2 Ibs. 23c 19c 2 pkg. Bakers Special COFFEE, Airway, lb. 17; JELLO Assorted Flavors 5c Pkg. CALUMET BAKING POWDER Pound Can 31bs. 50c Yellow Split PEAS. 3 lbs. 15c HERSHEYS COCOA. >/2 lb. can CAMAY SOAP. 3 bars Log Cabin SYRUP. Med size tin Brown Derby BEER. 4 12-oz. tins Stokelys FRUITS. 2 No. 1 tall tins 9c 14c 39c 39c 29c For Cocktail FLOUR Tamarac, llardw hrat G uarantred k-lb. $« bag HERSHEY BARS. Reg. .5c. 3 for PEACHES. 2 No. 1 tall tins Del Monte 10c 19c Cookies, fancy nutmeg flavored. Ib. 19c FRESHER FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES X:EN:,zr 10C BANANAS 4 Fancy G olden Ilipc SPINACH S 3 13C ,„s. Broad, thick, curly l<; ves, free from frost. SQUASH X ; ,r pound Fancy H ubbard or M arblehead lie