Pngr Two H IL L S B O R O A R O U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N g e H o ld s Mr. and Mrs, J, Connell S¡X o D d rive Celebrate Anniversary M arried 50 Y ears Thnr-ulav, .T.imiary 7. T« ligue in II om p ila i— Dill You Know K. H Tongue wits taken tu the T h a t you can have your rn i; P ortland Medical hospital Mondti.v com pletely reconditioned in IIU*** H illsboro Business and P rofcs-| fulluw iuK a se v e re su d d e n illm boro’s m odern t.idto laboratory sional W o n i c i i 's c lu b w ill liold Iheir but is reported iis itupruviu*; id ee a very reason:»! le e»u»t Phone J t * Jatiii.iry nieeting Fridav evenini’ Iv. Ja n u a ry la. at tile ciiambci of cem m erce roonts P rogram u i ll be prep ared l>> the l’nblletty com im t- tec. and tile I.cgislation eonunittee M es.,am e C F W ell Mml W Iloseow. F C Scliulm ei ich Ftb B. P. C lub M eets F rid a y , J a n u a ry Moose lodge ;s conducting a m em bership d riv e w ith co m m it­ tees headed by G regor S tro cd er H enry Hunt. Henry C raw ford Ere I Je ik e and Fred Poe A Lu ge class is expected for th e last of Jan u ary A large m eeting w ith program and su p p er is planned for Jan u ary 15 at th e old G ran g e hall as an aid in th e drive. A d rill team of 32 m em bers ¡s in ch arg e of C ap tain C icero Sm ith C lub rooms will be opened to ill m em bers by the d rill team in co n ­ nection w ith th e lodge hall \ dru m and bugle corps is also being form ed. S ponsorship of a Moose baseball team for H illsboro i also being u n ­ d ertak en . All ball play ers in ter ested should get in touch w ith U; ptain S m ith S undavs betw een '! and 6 p. m at th e old G range hall I.loyd S h ro ed er w ill be in charge of the Moose club rooms M r. a n d Mrs. Joseph Connell celebrated th eir golden w edding high score at bridge. G uests w ere an n iv ersary D ecem ber 30 at then Messrs, and Mesdames Parsons hom e on T hird avenue and Oak Miller, and W illiam Johnson, and stre e t w ith an "open house" in Mrs Dolores Bailey, all of P o rt­ th e afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, land. and Messrs and Mesdames J and again in the evening Many H M uilon. Donald Megargel, and l i l i lí e s R u b én K u ru tll, a n d Mi (•li sie S itjer. <.u sic M tje r . h ha\ a v e chai -;e of th e friends and relatives from t h i s Mrs M attie B ertoli of Hillsboro. county and from P ortland called d u rin g th e da> to offer felicitation.- A v i l i o w AI m n k u . . “ i P c t c o n f e r e e ............ be h e ,, to the bride and groom of fifty ^ U \ l l i a i \ 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 > at M a rsh field « n ,i n c I,' a n d a m years M any lovely gifts and flow- j m e m b e rs a b le to o atten a tte n d are a re ask e d ers w ere received, golden colored a notifx Mis E b la me C ( ’ a ddv laine ld w tell ell Legion A uxiliary m em bers are flow ers predom inating. urged to atten d the W ashington Mrs. R ichard Connell and Mrs. county jam b o ree at Forest G rove A rgus classified ads get resulta. Thomas C onnell Sr. presided at the T uesday night T his is th e first tea table, and assisting about the county m eeting since th e election room s w ere th eir daughter. Mrs of new officers, and Forest G rove A. G. E A bendroth. and her d au g h ­ m em bers are p rep arin g a good ters. Mrs. H enry B ushm an and Miss program . L ucile A bendroth of P ortland. Mrs Mrs. F red E ngeldinger, chairm an F ran k Connell and d au g h ter Jean of the child w elfare com m ittee, r e ­ Ann. and Mrs. A rth u r Connell. ported th at th e au x iliary had fur- Rev. A lexander H aw thorne of the Mr . nd Mrs Joseph C onnell, who celebrated th eir golden w edding M ethodist church, of w hich th ey a n n tv e rsa rx on D e ce m b er 30 at th e ir hom e in H illsboro P ictur are both mem bers, offered p ray er by Schram el Studio. d u ring the afternoon, and th e L a­ dies' Aid sang "Blest be th e Tie $4 up Fred Johnson. Rt hall Frida th at Binds," led by Mrs. E. L. M c­ pany donated new toys for all the of officers at the night. H illsboro Phone N orth P lains 15F2 Corm ick. baskets. O th er m em bers assisted A com m ittee from th e K nights Mr. and Mrs. Connell w ere m a r­ w ith food. etc. circu latin g heater, l a r g e 1 1 club of th e R ebekah lodge WOOD Hostesses for th e m eeting T ues­ w ill h av e ch arg e of th e program ried D ecem ber 30. 1886. at th e home size Colum bian, good as new for and e P y th ian S isters' com m ittee met T uesday evening at th e hom e of th e bride's parents, th e late day niglht w ere M esdames A W. w ill th sate at »s-price P ortland G as A Mr. and Mrs. Zina Wood of south- , Hoffman. F red Gordon, and S F m ents. be in ch arg e of th e re fre sh ­ of th e ir president. Miss Josephine Coke Co.. Hillsboro. 47 S tu art New officers installed w ere w est Hillsboro. They m ade th eir Olson of th e co nstitution and b y ­ Miss M inerva Fuller, president; FOR SALE -5-year-old Jersey fam ­ hom e on th e farm at C onnell sta ­ law s com m ittee. Miss H elen Stevens re tu rn e d last Miss G race M cCormick, v ice-p resi­ ily cow. milk test 5 6 $45' John tion u n til about 24 years ago. when week from tw o w eeks' stay w ith dent: Miss E vangeline Fuller, sec­ Meier. Rt. 4 Hillsboro; n ear B e th ­ they turned the farm over to th eir C elebrate New Y ear's— h er m o th er and siste r at Adin re ta ry -tre a su re r Miss S tu a rt was any store. 47 sons and moved to th e ir present Mr. atid Mrs. V ertin C ochran e n ­ C a l. and w ith relativ es and friends elected rep o rter Next m eeting will hom e in Hillsboro. tertain ed a, a d in n er p arty T h u rs­ in O akland. be Ja n u a ry 19 at the hom e of Miss R I R Pullets, laying 70' Pick Mr. Connell w as born in C anada day evening. Mr. and Mrs W illiam Mrs Z. R. Riggs re tu rn e d Mon­ M cCormick. 'em at $1 25 F rank ("rotter. Hi in 1856 and cam e to O regon in P alm quis, of 'Scappoose. Mr. and day from a few days' visit w ith 1. 1’- m iles no rth of Ju n io r high 1874 w ith his parents, settlin g at Mrs. N orm an F arq u h arso n of P o rt­ Mr Riggs school. c.t San Francisco, w here of its w orkers.” th e farm now owned by Thom as land. D r and M rs F ran k lin Heis- he Sam R ayburn of T exas defeats Connell, n ear th e site of old G len ­ lev of O regon City, and Miss B er­ ness. is engaged in th e candv b u si­ Jo h n J. O 'C onnor of New York coe. Mrs. Connell iM ildred Wood» nice W art of Silverton. Mr. and for m ajority leadership of house. Loren B ronleew e w as one of c the was born in H illsboro in 1856. and Mrs. Ed K ortzeborn joined Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 5 has m ade her hom e in th is com m u­ group la te r in th e even in g for a group of Boy Scouts w ho spent England calls for G erm any and n ity ever since. T h ree children Î w atch party. S unday Mr. and Mrs. New Y ear and th e w eek-end at Italy to m ake stand on n eu trality w ere born to Mr. and Mrs. Con- ; C ochran visited relativ es in Sil- th e M azam a lodge on M ount Hood ; as Nazis h u rl fu rth e r th reats at Mrs G. C. C hase sp en t last w eek Spain. nell. one son. F ran k , dying on verton. in Seattle. Wash., w ith h er son-in- A pril 17. 1935. A daughter. G race Have N ew Year’s Party— M ayor Rossi o f San Francisco law and d aughter. Mr. and Mrs. blam es personal am bitions of H arry A bendroth. lives in P ortland, and Mr. and Mrs. P au l C raw fo rd e n ­ R ussell Nicholson. a son. A rthur, lives on the home Bridges, head of Pacific m aritim e farm . T hey also have seven g ran d ­ tertain ed w ith a d in n er p arty New P rofessor C am eron M arshall and federation, and C urran, leader of Y ear's day a, th e ir home Guests B urtis children. strik in g eastern seam en, for pro­ Poultry and D airy F eeds ¡ire P reston of W illam ette u n i­ w ere Mr. and M rs J. H. Loom er Mrs. Connell has one b ro th er liv ­ and fam ily. Mrs. B arb ara C raw ­ v ersity at Salem, spent th e w eek ­ longing m aritim e strik e O nly p re s­ dependable — they produce idential intervention can halt the ing. Zina Wood of H illsboro, and I ford and sons R ex and D ennv of end at th e R. A. Dean home. results. \\ e offer you three conflict. Rossi says. Mr. Connell has th re e b ro th ers and U. S sen ate and house of re p re ­ grades of dairy feeds at sen tatives organized for 75th ses­ prices based on market cost. C onnell and Mrs. Jo h n Lew is /> Show <2- Ssnturday-—1 . AFTER “8R0ADWAY MELODY’ Ar P y th ia n s In stall O ffic ers In sta lle d at F. L. C lub M eet Hodgeiv B re w s te r n':r, ä s s t £ d r week's Ne™s Highlights in Farmers’ Cash ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a DANCE RE OUR GUESTS Monday, January 11 Buckeye Pavilion POWER FARMING January 9th T o o L ate to C lassify ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Let “A n d y” Fix DAY Instructive, Entertaining, Profitable Your W atch FREE FREE MAYS BROS. J. L. Anderson U SED CAR Clearance 13 Used Cars A lucky number to choose from. Clearance prices are in order to make room for the new 1937 PO N TIA C S ♦ ♦ ♦ ’31 Chev Club Sedan....$265 ’31 Chev Cabriolet........ 265 ’26 Studebaker Tour.... 35 ’24 Dodge Coupe.......... 25 j ’29 Chandler Sedan...... 125 j ’27 Pontiac Sedan.......... 75 ’29 Pontiac ..................... 35 ’29 Erskine Delivery.... 125 ’25 Dodge Coupe....’.... 30 ’28 Dodge Victory Sdn.. 155 j ’29 Ford Roadster........ 115 ’31 Chev Coupe.............. 295 ’31 Graham 6 Sedan.... 310 Anderson Motor Co. Phone 751 227 S. Third Hillsboro 15 More Unusual V alues at RECORD LOW PRICES! White Elephant SALE A rack of good quality garments, but since they are victims of changing fashion, they are white elephants to us, and Believe It or Hot We will tell you what they cost us. You tell us what they are worth to you. No reasonable offer refused! GOAR’S W OM AN'S SH O P E. M. BARNES, Prop. W ise H ostesses alw a y s rely on ROYAL BEVERAGES to give zest to a party. ROYAL Lime R ickey RO YAL GINGER ALE ROYAL M ission Sparkling O range or Lemon ROYAL Kist Royal Soda Works 345 E. Main Phone 2432 1927 S tu d e b a k e r S ed an $ 45 1927 C h ry sle r C oupe ........... 125 1928 C h ev ro let T r u c k ..................... 75 1927 E ssex C o a c h ..................... 75 1929 D u ra n t C oach ................ 75 1927 P o n tia c S e d a n ...... ......... 75 1929 F o rd T u d o r ..................... 195 1930 P ly m o u th S e d a n 250 1930 C h ev ro let C oupe 225 1929 C h ev ro let C oach 195 1928 F o rd C o u p e ............. 145 1928 C h ev ro let P ick u p ......... 75 1927 C h e v ro let C oupe _____ 95 1927 C h ev ro let S e d a n ........... 95 1928 A u b u rn S e d a n .............. 150 Hillsboro M otor Co. PHONE 444, DAY OR NIGHT .718-332 E. Main St. Hillsboro. Oregon Use Car Lot at 136 S. Second Ave. SU N . - M O N , - TU ES, Continuous Show Sunday- 11 P. M.