Pago Six H IL L S B O R O Washington Grange Plans Antique Show i ess for th e B anks - M ountaindale : "500" club at h er hom e January- 15. House Damaged Word has been received here by- relativ es of Mrs Lou W irtz of Ju n ctio n City th at th ree young men com ing from S tanford university D ecem ber 20 failed to keep to th e road due to tin, much speed and crashed into the hom e of Mrs W irtz and Mrs Royce H arris The house was dam aged q u ite badly and Mrs. W irtz w as badly hurt. Jo h n Davis and son C laude e n ­ tertain ed Sunday at a d in n er party G uests w ere Mr ; ml Mrs. Dan Ennis. M r and Mrs Lee Schaffer. Mr an d Mrs E rn est S pencer a n d d au g h ter M arjorie, a n d A lbert G raham of H illsboro Mr. and M rs Page G ard n er . nd d au g h ter Elaine of N orth Plains'. Mr. and Mrs 1.. H P eters and Leila. Mr and Mrs M artin S tadelm an and son. Mr and Mrs T hurston P eterson and sen Billy. Jo e Stadelm an. Mrs C hris Tsehanz and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n McNew and Betty- Mrs. Elsie W eaver is spending several days this w eek w ith re la ­ tives in P ortland. Queen Candidate A KG U S , H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N T h u rsd ay , J a n u a ry 7, 1937 w ill probably be up and about in Verse; it tells w hat Io do about Say you saw it In the Argus. u few days. it. "If we confess our sins, lie Is Mr and Mrs. H enry B urgett e n ­ tertain ed at "500" S atu rd ay e v e ­ faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all n in g G u e sts w e re Mi a n d Mrs ' V Fred G.irrisoii Mi and M i- Bari unrighteousness " I John 18-9 So here is b etter than a New Year's (By D onna M eredith) Song from P arad ise'' over KEN on G riffith. Mr and Mrs A rlie Hank W eisfield-G oldberg am ateu r Ins of Forest Grove. Ml and Mrs resolution. Go into the secret pluce, GASTON The new year finds the Ja s p e r Hall. Mr and Mrs Fred you child of God and Confess; the tow n of G aston in the most program last week Miss Rolson (By Miss Margaret Mathirsen) prosperous condition in its history ' was one of the w inners in the con­ H arris and Mr and Mrs Albert Confess; Confess Out w ith it Your K oberstein Mrs lla ll and Fred Lord know s all about it but He M OUNTAINDALE — W ashington Many im provem ents have been test on this program a few m onths G range held its m eeting and New- m ade d u ring the pa.-t year About ago and last w eek's program was G arrison won high score and M rs w aits for you to confess Then Y ear's p arty S aturday. This next 2tt new residences hav e been built ! the sem i-finals. If she w ins this G arrison and A rlie H ankins, low praise him for forgiveness This is m onth they will hold an antique Mrs Mary Holbeek of O iegon! the m ark of th e fru itfu l branch. and a num ber ef hom es rep aired I tim e she will receive a $50 G ruen Ill- confesses on th i-sp o t, he keeps show. People are requested t o and rem odeled. T he Eleisehliauei : w atch W inners will be announced City has been visiting tier daugli b rin g some of th eir old things, business and ap artm en t block w a s ! over KEX Friday 9 to !• 30 p. m ter. Mrs C lifford Epling. the pa.-t fit and clean bv instant confession You need to he fit If your neigh w hich they have had in the fam ­ com pleted . nd occupied The Wap- | The prize in the finals is a re g ister­ w ee k ily a long tim e and tell w hy they Jam es Burton, w ho teaches in bor die- out of C hrist and lost this a to take project, w hich converted I ed perfect diam ond T he tim e of hav e kept them. year of 1937. w here does your a ll-; ev er 800 acres into garden tracts, | that contest is still to be announced tlie high school, spent part of the New Y ear's party guests of Mr w ent into operation w ith its big: , Gaston folks a re sending i l l votes vacation w ith Ins parents at Kliini euee put y o u ' Ills hloisl is on and Mrs. C larence Meek and fam ­ y o u r hands unless you have hud outlay for pum ps and dykes and ! I for Miss Rolston and w ishing her nth Fails ily w ere M r and Mrs. C larke Ink- linn on your prayer-list You are canals. The new sew er w ill be fin- I success 27th A niiivrrs.ii> C rlrbralt-d ley of Portland. Mr. and Mrs B er­ only fret- from Ins blood when you Mrs Elm er Wells and tw o w eeks ¡shed in th ree o r four m onths. AU New Year's day was the 27th an W ood n a rd G hent of T hatcher, and Mr business houses rep o rt increased old son. Elm er Robert, re tu rn e d to niversary of the w edding of Mr have w restled before Hu- th ro n e I and Mrs. Jo e B aker and fam ily tr. de and farm ing conditions m th e th eir hom e Sunday from Forest and Mrs .1 E Bates M r- Matthew for his .-.oiil And beyond H ollenbecks E n tertain su rro u n d in g country a re excellent Grove. Bales honored them w ith a d in n er that yon must w ateli to speak a Mr and Mrs R W A irey and at her home A mong th e guests w ont Your very silence Your very Den E Sehank. reco rd er and tre a s ­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck e n ­ failu re to show eoneei n for the u re r of the town, rep o rts the tow n sons W ilfred and Robert retu rn ed w ere Miss G enevieve Hall of Cor tertain ed the N orth P lains "500'' club T uesday evening. High scores in fine financial condition w ith to S eattle S unday a fter spending nellus. Mrs. B lanche Brow n and lost encourages them to believe i they- a re safe They that tu rn many j w ere m ade by Mr. and Mrs. H enry net resources above all in d eb ted ­ the vacation at th eir hom e here Joseph Bates of B row nsville to righteousness shall shine as the C lifford w ill receive his m aster's ness at $1871.38. C ypher and second by Mrs. Loci Mrs Donald M cIntosh gave a See Thom as R Roe, postm aster, r e ­ degree in history and also his luncheon D ecem ber 30 al w hich the sta rs forever and forever H ollenbeck and A. K. Reynolds. G eorge N T ay lo r.: ports th e largest post office b u si­ 5-year norm al and R obert his B A guests of honor w ere Mrs Nora D aniel 12 3 H onor Earl Hollenbeck B eaverton Paid adv. ness in ye; rs He rep o rts stam p at the U niversity of W ashington in S ean d rett and Mrs Sim ons of F. i Mrs. H ubert Sm ith en tertain ed sales increased over 36 per cent June. Sunday w ith a d in n er in honor of est G rove O th er guests w ere Mrs Mr and Mrs. C harlie Larson of Milton Sim ons of G ale C reek. Mi- in the last tw o y ears and the money- th e b irth d ay an n iv ersary of her o rd er business increased over 40 Elgin w ere visitors at the II. A M auriee S h arp of Yam hill Mrs "* 't father. E arl Hollenbeck. G uests L arson home Sunday. per cent d u ring (he sam e period w ere Mr. and Mrs. Sydney C on­ A rth u r A nderson. Mrs Paul S h arp IOWA H IL L -E IR D A L E -M r and V irginia C ran d all o f B eaverton E xports from G aston d u rin g thd Celebrates 90th Birthday nolly of W illam ina. Mr. and Mrs (Incorporated) and Mrs Dennis S aunders can d id ate f o r O regon W inter pas; y ear included tons of black Jo e W illiam s of Yam hill cele­ L eonard VanDom elen of Roy. Mrs. Mrs F ran k W aibel en tertain ed the Collrctliuu — Crrdlt Reporta New Y ear's eve ttie J 1’ Thump- "500'' club New Y ear's eve in h o n ­ berries, w alnuts, filberts, prunes, S ports carnival queen The queen brated his 90th birth d ay a n n iv e r­ Echo Willis. Mr. and Mrs. E arl In contest w ill close shortly before log. n b e rrie a raspberries, grapes sary New Y ear's day. Many of his son hom e was the scene of a m id ­ Hollenbeck, and Mr. a n d Mrs. or of the b irth d ay s of T ennis Pyle and F ran k W aibel. T he even in g th e carnival, w hich w ill’be held and potatoes. T ruck loads of veget- ' children and g ran d ch ild ren gath- night dinner party Ouwts were Washington Tlllumook. Yamhill, H ubert Sm ith and son Earl. w es spent in p laying "500.” High Polk und Mu'lon Counties. F eb ru ary 18 to 21. ables such as tom atoes, sw eet corn. | cred at his hom e to honor him J Mr and Mrs Ro.v Thom pson an I Jam es B rennan, w ho is reco v er­ honors w ere won by E lm er Boge spinach. Chinese lettuce and onions Among them w ere four sons a n d ' , children of Nehalem . M i- E veline Personal Contact on Collection* in g at th e Good S am aritan hospital and Mrs. Sam G erig: Sam G erig K rugen of P ortland. M i s s Verna w ere taken to can n eries or m a r­ and d aughter. Mrs. Peterson. th eir wives from Gaston. Mr. and in P ortland, i s reported feeling and Mrs. Jo h n Haase, low. kets. Sever;, l thousand tu rk ey s and Mrs Tom Williams. Mr. and Mrs T uberstein and Miss Alice K rugen of P o rtlan d , an d C Iona Dober Washington County Office m uch b etter and is able to be up Iowa Hill. Surprise Given o th er poultry w ere produced a n d , L aw rence W illiams. Mr and Mrs of N ehalem Mr am i Mrs Dal in a w heel chair now. C om m ercial B uilding and Mrs Earl Mrs G lcdys Ede of P o rtlan d v is­ m arketed L arge q u a n titie s of eream 1 C harles W illiam s and Mr and Mrs Thom pson. Mr Ladies of the F ird ale com m unity Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Connolly- Laughlin. D arrel Thom pson and Second and Main Streets w ent to th e condenseries and 1000 ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, .dsn a daughter. gave a house w arm in g su rp rise re tu rn e d to W illam ina S unday a ft­ W< odrow Epling M i . Pitone 3071 e r spending th e holidays w ith re la ­ p arty for Mery and L inda Koch Don Pearson and fam ily o v er New- pounds of cheese a re tu rn e d out Mrs Wesley W alters. Mr W illiams and Miss Alice K rugen w ere week d aily at the factory. Year's. was born in Bristol. England, and end guests. D ecem ber 29. Hillsboro, Orrgon tives and friends here. Schools, churches, clubs and . cam e to New York City w hen he Mr. and Mrs C arl R uestig and H enry B aker and Jam es Snead lodges r r e flourishing. Mrs E I. Olson wa. c iifiucd was about 15 years old He made of Mt. Angel, w ho a re atten d in g d au g h ter Inga of Richfield. W ash, M aple burls and cedar posts have , sev eral trip s back and forth and to her lied w ith the flu all of last i school at Sect tie. visited several form erly of this vicinity, spent New been shipped as far as N evada week Donald and S tanley w ere in a fter receiving a substantial legacy days w ith Mr. B aker's m other. Y ear's w ith Mr and Mrs. H enry J and th e lum bering and fuel busi- j toured England A bout 60 years ago bed several days w ith the -am e H aase of Iow a Hill. Mrs. Joe Baker, and family. A P e rs o n u l ness hi ve kept m any em ployed. he settled n ear G aston and has ailm ent. They w ere t h u . unable Sam m y Inkley of P ortland spent Farewell Given In fact G aston e n ters 1937 w ith | lived h ere ever since He was one to atten d the fam ily gathering New i By Mrs. Frank Pezoldt) th e past w eek visitin g his uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. W B rash er gave splendid prospects. of the pioneers in the hop m dustry Y ear's day at th e hom e of Mt and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C larence a farew ell p arty for F ra n k B rosher ROCK C REEK —Miss May Fucgv H er­ A ll Enam el W atch P arly Held and at one tim e had 1000 acres of O lson's parents. Mr ..nd Mi W ednesday evening. He left for of Los A ngeles and E A Thomaii T he New Y ear's eve w atch p arty hops He is still hale and h e a d y man Llebenow at Bloom ing Tin- New Y ear's d in n er party guests M apleton a fter spending th e holi­ w ere m arried in Los Angeles. C a l. Inside and