T h u r «lay, D ecem ber 17, 10HG Hilhi Short of Old Players H IL L S B O R O land. Stretcher, H a iry W ojului and Itlli kei M eanw hile other n iu te ila l Is be­ ing rounded in to shape as ta p id ly e. p n .'ih le Io f||| any gaps widen may is cur. Practice was begun ly tin . yeai und i We .ley f q . "•n new basketball roach, w ith ie yei.il men added Io the quad, at II., I.i-lh a ll p ro |..c l f,„ 11)11,1 III" close of the fo o tb a ll season ra th e r it it k fo r lb " In i hair ,,, The main schedule w ill begin Ho' ' w ill) .'l ill.sl lu l l a Is, I t.ifp aflei New Yeat s, hut at a recent of i \ (n'i h m i ll m i'll, mu .1 nf | i confereriee it was decided that y r a i'il t i'lllll b rin g lost through '■■n h of llie schools in the e o l l f e l I'l tduilHoll erne would play at least o n e game o f hi t y i - . i i t r a i n . only H u r t ' hefoie ihe Christum vacation Fol- li'tti'i nn n ii'iu u in . mid only one lo w ln g that decision, lllll'h o r o met i f flu !• w ith n iu ili is pi i ii'ui i 'i'l,,. Clatskanie Tuesday n ig h t there ini'o • )'■' S iillii i Inuil. Ilu iifn g u i'tii'-r F rida y night the sqnad w ill meet no I i''l Grogan, a I h I i ' It.iu m iyii I ni-t M c M in n v ille in a non-conference I , l i i r i nl.v re g u la r nf 1.1 I y r in ', game |i i l.i't sh o o in '* file next game w ill lie ill the W iilu ie i. ri'g illu r iif ti year ago, iiin fe re iic e w ith SI Helens there on January 5. graduates w ith tin- cud n f thl .. mi i I . w h ile M olir and Howell, in nti i . of a yeai ago, w ill im t be Hilhi Football Team e lig ib le ug.iln. according to | i m (1« oilman, lii'.u l coin'll. Hold» A nnual Dinner A im ing t ill' in w playi i ; advanced A nn ua l football banquet of the from till' s im i,nil .quad nf last se i- H ilh i football team was held Sat- .■ill. Is M ille r, slated f »r»«n'. 12 E I. W ih '.n ihcates and makes him self plain i Brown (’ Tualatin Plains P resbyterian 1, H higeno D avid W indsor so that he can m a r­ Buy Your 4>r»(f«ir 'Y Must be Sold by Christm as S elect Yours N ow ! N ever B efore So Cheap! lie /¡1ea¿ SPECIALS for SA TURDA Y, Dec. 19 OYSTERS Quart Fresh W illapa» Shor'tciimg ib». lbs. 39c PORK LINK 22c S A U S A G S — F resh d aily. PO U N D ................................ 25c Pork and B eef S elected for Q uality Baby Beef Roast j «1 Gov. Inspected. POUND H olland HERRING 10-lb. Kit $-« .39 BACON Season. Lb. ISC H ILLSBO R O M E A T CO. Phone H illsboro 982 59c 98c Popcorn, Festival........... 10-oz. can 10c M arshm allows, F luffiest......... Lb. C hocolate D r o p s......................... 2 lbs. Brazil N uts.................................... 2 lbs. A lm onds, IXL, soft shell........... Lb. W alnuts, soft shell................... 2 lbs. Filberts, Oregon....................... 2 lbs. Popcorn, black......................... 2 lbs. Stokelys Peaches, halves....... 15c Stokelys Fruits for Cocktail. 2 cans STAR HOLIDAY HAM W ITH CRANBERRY STARS JE S S E MEAL OF IHE MONTH HAMS K now n fo r Q uality. O u r Own M ake H alf or W hole O ffx» PO UN D ........... PEANUTS 15c 25c 35c 29c 29c 29c 19c 10c SU G A R P u re Cane 10,6.... 49c 25c No. 1 tall cans PinCHpple Libby’s, Fancy Sliced P/4 tin Crystal W hite S oap ................10 bars Lux T oilet Soap .......................3 bars Ivory Soap, med. size........... 2 bars 10c 29c 19c 11c W INES A com plete lin e of Elsinore and M ar Vista F o rtifie d and D ry Elsinore— P t. 25c. Qt. /Iff/» L t«JV FRESHER FRUITS AND VEGETARLES Friday and Saturday O ranges G reater T hese are NOT low q uality birds, but are am ong the fin est w e h ave ever o ffered . A lso Fresh K illed G eese, Ducks, Chickens and Capons .567 .533 .467 .433 re t. .667 .515 .515 .303 H Maiiny Ray-Malin« -------------------- advantages o f best prospective year i n m ore than decade. W arning ! sounded to citizens alrea dy hard h it by tieup. Tuesday. December 15 Federal m ediator declares ship- 1,000 Choice Corn-Fed '»i S leepy H ollow Syrup........Pint jug 19c Jello, assorted flavors............. Pkg. 5c Penrod Motor Oil.. 2-gallon can $1.19 ROASTERS Fertilizers M YERS PU M PS and H A Y TOOLS STA R BARN EQ U IPM EN T Honey, Ore. No. 1........... 5-Ib. pail 45c C om fort ’J i b the ideal fam ily gift No g ift could be of g r e a te r an d m ore last­ ing jo y th a n increasing th e com fort and con­ venience of y o u r hom e. A few ad d itio n s or r e ­ p a irs will m ake y our hom e sn u g a n d com ­ fo rta b le . See us fo r all kinds of B uild in g M aterials E stim ates G ladly Given POOL-GARDNER Lumber Co. Franchised Fuller Dealers P hone 2691 151 W . B aseline S tre e t E x tra L arge Size. D ozen ....................................... Med. size, D o zen ......... -i 19c AiFLz Sm all size D o z e n ....... 25c 4 Ap, Save M oney—B r— B u y a special ! size pack—Fea­ tu re d at th is s tim e of the yea r (*a case $1.79) t Cranberries A Coos Bay E x tra Special .................... E x tra V alue lbs. Z itJ s -z C arrots 10c 9 lbs. Enjoy th e m ost delicious salad fruit. Extra s p e c ia l...... 5c Celery Hearts Fancy, w ell b lea c h e d , crisp. (3 in a b u n ch ) B u n ch ................ P roduct n Ä C alavos * 1 7 L /* » SPU D S A Real Buy U. S. No. 2 O regon ...... We Reserve the Right to L im it Quantities 50 a .. 89c