H IL L S B O R O Page Tw o f-i •, IF Bergstrand. Ginevra Warbis lo r - J [ury Fails to ■ * • * * / > W D onovan Reach Verdict H enry G ehrke. A fter m ore th an Ida II. Sheldon LI I V A < U lo I V ' G erris | Alice A A k u v S , h I i .I .S B O k o , P R E G O Stabilizing Power Milk Control Board Lifesaver for Dairymen V ictoria A irola Anderson. John T Hi-ederick W l.cpschat. H inm an. C hrist Linder. . . . ,1 New suits filet! this w eek in eir- five hoursi of cu i, col„.t jnclude w F Bnlle> et d eliberation a circu it ro u it jur> failed to agree as to th e guilt o r senting little or no d ifferen tiatio n and show ing anaplastic tendencies ! w ith m arked h v p erch ro in atirity . usually rep resen ts the h ig h ist grade of m alignancy and rapid in- I v a s iv e te n d e n c ie s . . .. . . m ilk is n e rL s h a b le in 1 th erefo re The bioeiienue.il stim u li w hich n l,lk J u W d , p lu m d le a n d m at L ¡"duce both n. „1.1 O regon d airym en w ho daily pro- m ore .. * .............. tb-m »n.txt .ithi‘1* tiiiki nrotliw is c e ll g r o w t h r e p r e s e n t tile f ie ld e t i vs j j,. fo lig a n et al. to quiet . . n e rg er vs unknow n Blooming I orai lleets T he next m eeting ef Blooming li v a i w ili he in thè seliool house D eeem ber !» All membei . a r e m g ed to a tten d F.leetion and in stallatim i ef otlieeis. B e tte r Egg P rod uction , M p i. 'iii\ | . E ta ; MASH W OT rom tlw Pen H ighlights in 2.20 2 10 2.00 280 Mush D a iry Feed S P E C IA L S Im p e ria l high protein dairy ra tio n , w ill save onev and im rease the production ol yo ur herd. mom them tod a y! $38.00 33.00 31.00 26.00 Imperial Dairy, 20" , Cow Ration, 17‘ < Molnsses Da ¡ry, 15‘ ( Molasses Screenings, 12' < you I «> ton ton ton ton H ARD W HEAT FLOUR KITCHEN QUEEN— 49-lb. sack CROWN FLOUR— 49-lb. sack HIGHLAND CHIEF— 49-lb. sack A ROYAL R ecipe r c $2.38 1. 100 lbs. lhs. 100 lbs. 4-grain Scratch r ilA lthou«h d u rin g th e past tw o d red form al public hearings have iiv.s. t h e o r ig in of cancer w ill not v /a .' he• e , ^ o f • liv in g ' and t h e ^ e n held •.him ,ghaut th e state: b e c o m e k n o w n . T estim om wa introduced at th e lI/zjzjL-’ e IV />ipc cost of production has sh arp ly ad- » ’■•« ev ery opportunity for con- vanned in some instances as m uch « « ’>»'<• and producer to .-.o ' and 4 ^4 ^< ene.i to shoot th e horses if they T hursday. Sox tu b e r M , , as 60 p er cent, the w holesale priep discuss common problem s lias been cam e on his place again. T his he j oj,n B oettiger. son-in-law O( ad v an ce of m ilk has inclined be- K "en. and th a at no tim e has any- denied as well as denying th at he id fn , Roosevelt. appointed e!? n “ a n d “ *’« per eent 'fiilin g cen su m er or his legal rep resen ta did the shooting p u b lish er of S eattle P o st-In telli- * « * ' ,a ¡ J w,"b >-ve ev er p ro te-ted any action of Lloyd Logan, charged in an VV gencer by W illiam R andolph '" A " P ‘‘” e ' ' th e board. dictm ent w ith m anslau g h ter i n H earst p roduction coats connection w ith th e death of A rth u r U niv ersity of W ashington m an- te e d P rices l lim n CANCER W ebb of H illsboro on Gales C reek , w ishinffton S tate 40-0 J e ffe r- An idea of th e m o u n tin g m ,..e . road In an accident O ctober 25. >«*« h' , ^ ‘’bevts H ix x lR iv e r 36-0 th e p ro d u cer has had to pay foe C an cer is a d i - ase of the living X a d not guilty S aturd ay a F of I calls’ flu• am endm ent vem nuxlities e n te rin g into the an d ceases to exist w ith the d eath P Edw ard K atke plead guilty to ,/ ia, < ecurin act lO protect p roduction plan is h ere set forth, of th e law. l e i haps no othei di>- reckless driving Tuesday and w as S g an ti'e old-age reserv e fund ^ « u r e s ;" er_e ‘ ' ll,d,ed a n a ’ - w n im s d ealers in a v ary in g num ber of ly.'-eii and d readed by th e laym an sentenced to pay a fine of SllX (rom congressional - “whims." e s id e , 't if M ari- com m unities O regon's now famous an d m edical scientist alik e as is by Judge R F ra n k P eters He w as w j ] Fischer, president if P allowed to pay his fine at th e ra te ^ nR1 F ed eratio n of “ a e if - tells* drouth, has caused forced feeding th e disease process called cancer, d m a n - o t ex p en siv e grains in o rd er th at E arly study w a- d irected to- of »10 a m onth strik in g unions in i L.. P o „ rtlan ™ ," ' th e d airy m en be able to m aintain '.'a id s the m orph, ogic.,1 appear- For the th ird tim e since his in ­ tim e s trik e m ay last m J onths. his q u o ta on his established m ark- anee of can cer in its various form s dictm ent in O ctober. M artin B er­ Friday. .- November 27 et or be able to supply his local an d stages as observed in clinical nards of Aloha, charged on six S ir Basil Z aharoff. E uropean d js trib u to r w ith his daily needs and post-m ortem a!l:,LS secu re a r m ? - fluid m ilk w as being produced an d , m itosis, w hereas a cell gro u p w ith M aritim e Strike neace nlan h its m ark eted u n d er th e m ost diverse large nuclei and nucleoli, re p re- M aritim e .tr ik e peace plan hits n d ,tions. S an itatio n , au a litv and - rocks O w ners dem and m asters re- d w J w hf f ---------------------------------------------- tu r n to ships to tn su re safety in pro d u cers and d istrib u to rs. C ertain rfiK S -iS S ” ' i n a . S t / r 'i X ■ for W ashington.^ w;{h (h eir p u rch asin g and Sunday. N ovem ber .9 dem oralized th em w ith th eir price- L eague of N ations calls special cu ttin g tactics to induce custom ers session on Spanish w ar. Spanish jn to th e ir stores. M ilk was an eco- loyalists say in su rg en ts defeated, nom ic football P o rtlan d police aid prom ised C hanged P ictu re V w o rk ers at F o u nd atio n \\ orsted W h atev er th e in d iv id u al may com pany in P ortland. th in k of p rice-fixing, m ust, in final P o rtlan d auto show ends, a t­ analysis, be governed by results ten d an ce and sales records set. gained The control law in O regon O regon an d W ashington fires as ad m in istered b y th e control halted. board, has o p erated to p rotect th e Salem T ow nsendites bolt con-1 best in terests of both consum er and VA- clav e w hen tw o groups clash o v er p ro d u cer s a n ita tio n at th e source Shop now while our line is most com plete BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY Next door to Venetian theater Hillsboro , S " ; ? 7 “ “ r n " V b ' d. . “ ” Py i ' e 5 S S 5 ,l « “ c J S " h I S ° ^ ,“ t t r *"! hv ir /p ir tia n 4 ‘ ' ' ^ A H com m unists m u st leave Ja- T a V v a «av< More th an 400 hogs die as flam es raze p lant in livestock in d u strial d istrict of P o rtlan d . i T w o n avy men die in plane crash i at San Diego. Ca! in Fascists bom bs sh ak e -la d r.d new attack . i Tuesday. December 1 for' the' ¡erican I * ace f t B uenos m ain ten an ce of peace at Buenos Aires, calls for u n ity an d peace in has b e tn possible d u rin g th e brief I ^ ard has operat’ been m inim ized. o th e r th e Iaw has s tr! \ en to Pr ° ' ec: ’ he man w..o produces on th e farm , this m o s t essential d aily food. The nature_e,f A m erica* Asserts stan d to g eth er ag ain st acts of ag- gression from ab ro ad Pleads i ,r {rade faan oujter M aritim e strik e causes food short- a &e *n Haw aii. F e a r prices to cause E m ergency shiu off to Em ergency snip off to Thomas S. Sholes V OFFERS 1936 Terraplane Touring Sedan 775 1936 Terraplane Touring Brougham 725 1936 Terraplane Brougham 725 1936 Terraplane ?,-ton Pirk-up 650 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach A ugust G en n erich . 55. body guard an d close p erso n al frie n d of Roose­ v e lt sin ce 1928. d ro p s dead at B uenos A ires. M adrid d efen d ers w in back key- positions. Fascist stro n g h o ld in U n iv ersity C ity w rested away- fo l­ low ing m ine explosions. Wednesday. December 2 B uenos A ires bids ad ieu to P re s­ ident Roosevelt, w ho leaves for n ex t peace g reetin g to U ruguayan nation. R ebel p lan es bom b M adrid in fierce b attle. C ap ital in panic as i b uildings trem ble. E d w ard M cG radv. assistan t sec­ re ta ry of labor, in P o rtla n d visions law to end strikes. fo r C hristm as G ifts of Kir«? E d w ard 's frien d sh ip for beauty and sentim ent M rs W allis Sim pson. A m erican r e ­ at sults in com prom ise proposal w h ere­ by he could marry- h e r w ithout causing resig n atio n of th e cabinet and his forced ab d icatio n . It w ould provide his m ajesty be perm itted to m arry Mrs. S im pson provided 211 E. Main SL H illibera she becom es only th e D uchess of “Let Andy F ix Your Watch" C o rn w all an d n o t q u een of G reat B ritain. O fficial S. P. W atch Inspector Jo h n R ingling, la s t o f circus for W ashington C ounty brothers, dies in N ew Y ork. Small deposit w ill hold any gift W heat prices boom in most sec­ tio n s w ith short sellers frantic. J. L. Anderson’s PROVED SAFETY plus liberal earnings 375 1931 Buick Coupe That’s Our Record 350 M any th rifty citizens have p ro f­ ited th ro u g h th e ir fo re sig h t in choosing th is in stitu tio n to m an­ age th e ir savings. W e a re proud of ou r reco rd of d e p e n d ab ility and sa fe ty . . . y e a r in a n d year out . . . in good tim es a n d bad . . . and th is is y o u r a ssu ra n c e ot sa fe ty and p ro fit fo r y o u r sav­ ings. too. 1931 Essex Coach 265 1929 Plymouth Coach 3 '/2% '185 1929 Essex Coupe 150 Member Federal Home Loan Rank Y our roof sh ould not o n ly keep too. N early hall of tin- heat you d uring w in ter goes off through the as im portant as doors and w indow s rh on e 2432 ‘H - you dry— but warm lose to th e ou tside roof. T he roof is in conserving h.-at. A new sh ingle roof, put on over the old . not o n ly keeps vour roof w ater tight, hut seals the heal insido w here you need it. E ven if your roof does not leak right now. it’s w ise eco n o m y to build up its thickness as a protection against w inter. If vou ask our prices for a new shingle roof you 11 not be o b lig a ted — com e in. Pool - Gardner Lumber Co. Fuller Franchise Dealers "If It's Lumber—Call Our Number'" 151 W. B aseline Phone 2691 See and Drive the New 1937 P on tiac » these quality cars now also The N ew 1937 udsons and T erraplanes RELIABLE SAFE Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n. J. M PERSO N . M anager Saying» A Loan Bldg Hillsboro, Oregon A RG U S Solves the Gift Problem a t ou r new location Third Ave., between W ashington and Baseline for the family and out-of-town relatives! Used Cars from $10 up 1934 FORD 4-door Sedan .................... 1931 CHEVROLET Rumble Seat Coupe ........ 1931 CHEVROLET Victoria ......... ..................... 1929 ESSEX Coach ............. q 48 ’285 ’275 ’75 Special Offer Ending Dec. 15 Extended from Deeember 1 Hillsboro Argus , and News-Telegram Both One Year by Mail OUR S P E C IA L $350 in Washington County Brand New 1936 Pontiac 8 4-door Tour. Sedan Write! Phone! Come In! at a saving you c a n 't pass up. Sign up today for the 1929 Essex Coach 125 The Hillsboro “See Anderson First” Anderson Motor Co. 227 S. 3rd Ave. Phone 1271 Hillsboro HILLSBORO ARGUS