The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 26, 1936, Page 22, Image 22

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    • uiden Tuesday it being his b ir th ­
Mr. Jo h n K anina Mrs K anina
day A pot luck d in n er w a.- served
and Mi • E dw ard B u rk h alter w ere
at noon T he afternoon was spent nil
T he young folks of th e com m un­
playing card.-.
ity surprised Mr and Mrs E d ­
Mi and Mrs Edd V anderzanden
, By M r - I.m i W r i t f l i l »
w ard H atfield w ith an old fash ­
of Hoquiam. Wazdi . and Ernnk
THATCHER M i s - M a r j o r i e V anderzanden of the T ide Watei
ioned ch ariv ari. The crow d w a s e n ­
tertain ed w ith a party and treats Place an d E tan k ie C ushing of T im ber Co of zVstona w ere week
at th e Scholls G range hall Mr D ufur w ere m arried in V ancouver end guests of Vandei /u u d en '.- pm
and Mrs H atfield are at hom e on S atu rd ay and a re now living in enls. Mr and Mrs J P. V ander
A dolph H einrich M eyer 72 re s i­ ' th e ir fa rm n e a r S c h o lls
d ent of H elvetia for the last 18
Born, to Mr and Mrs W alter
L ittle Miss D elores Pierson of
S everal from here uttended the
'« irs, died at his hom e S unday P o rtlan d visited w ith h er cousin W right. N ovem ber 17. a boy
chicken d in n er at Gales C reek
H e had been in poor health many G ladys B u rk h alter at the school
Ml and Mrs Johnson and fam ­
years. He was born J u n e 3. 1884. for a few days.
ily and R osetta P an n ier w ent to
th e son of M r and Mrs Royal
R obert Robinson, w ho has been Pleasant Home Sunday to visit Mr.
G am ew arden F ried rich M eyer of ill for sev eral w eeks w ith polunel- and Mrs McRae.
R oethen. H anover G erm any. He itis. is now ab le to be u p a n d
and Mrs Ted Haney and
cam e to this country when 18 and around
son E verett and E A B ennett went
w orked on a farm in C olorado
Sew ing class m eets in the club- to P o rtlan d Tuesday and E A J
Tw o years la te r he jo in ed th e room s of th e school D ecem ber 3. B ennett rem ained for a w eek's
V. S. arm y and served four years It is hoped th at all m em bers will v i.-it w ith friends
in th e th ird U. S calvary re g i­ be presen t and th at they will bring
Ja y Raym ond spent from S a t-'
m ent. He rode patrol in Y ellow ­ others in terested in th e project
urday to M onday in P o rtlan d w ith
sto n e park for six m onths an d was
Cecil Boge spent a few days in his brother.
th e n tra n sfe rre d to New Mexico, P o rtlan d w here he received su rg i­
M rs E P lace a tte ille d h er d a u g h ­
w h ere he saw plenty of action cal treatm en t for his eye.
te r s w edding Saturday in V ancou­
against the A pache Inians. He was
honorably discharged in 1387. go-
W .8
l g in to th e sheep business in Local V eterin arian s at
Miss Place W eds
in V ancouver
Helvetia Man
Dies Sunday;
Burial Friday
T h u rsd ay , N ovem ber 21». 1936
i ’.ige F o u rteen
com m unity d u b hall Friday e v e ­
teac h er of tho
Kansu City school. Is p rep arin g
u two aet play for h er C hristm as
program .
Mr and Mrs Louis S trohm ayer.
Mi and Mrs M artin V anderzundeu
enjoyed a ".'>00" party Sunday e v e ­
ning at the J I*. V anderzanden
Sav you naw It In th e A rgus.
Hillsboro’s Gift
V alley A ssociation M eet
acres of land w hich he owned,
w hile 1907 saw him raising cattle
on a 400-acre irrigation ran ch at
Joseph. He sold this farm in 1916
an d moved to P o rtlan d and later
to a farm n ear H elvetia
Mr. M eyer was a m em ber of the
M asonic lodge of Joseph
He leaves his wife A nna, and
seven children. G ertru d e of P o rt-
l ’ ld. K u rt
Anna M arie
H erla and R udolph at home, and
M rs W illie B ielitger -f Kiel. G e r­
many». and a grandchild
F u n eral services ''.ill he at th e
day at 2 p. m w ith b u rial in th e
H elvetia cem eterv
Birthdav Observed
at Farmington
W illam ette V a l i e v
V eterinary
M edical association met in C o rv al­
lis N ovem ber 18 in the poultry
building at O. S. C w ith about 33
m em bers in atten d an ce Dr It J
Nicol and Dr. E W. A lm quist a t­
tended th e m eeting and Mrs Nicol
and Mrs A lm quist w ere e n te rta in ­
ed at luncheon b v Mrs W T
(B y Mr« J A MrCurl
A McCoy. Mr and Mr.-
Mr and Mrs W illiam
den and little grandson
Mr and Mrs Louis
pleas mtly su rp rised J
and Mrs J
B utterfield
V an d erzan ­
Je rry , and
S tro h m ay er
P Vander -
of Glamour
A Electric Refrigerator
Circulating Heater
* '
You will enjoy our selections of
Visit this d e p a rtm e n t today!
A sm all deposit will hold any gift
J. L. Anderson
Electric Washer
Waffle Iron
Electric Iron
Electric Toaster
Coffee Maker
M ake, this store y our h e a d q u a rte rs for TOYS
am i G IFTS for atty m em ber of the fam ily.
Shop early while our line is most com plete. A
deposit will hold y our C hristm as o rd er in readt-
ness for you.
»F &
No gift
come th a n a b e a u tifu l M
w atch, jew e lry or sil- M
verw are.
Bring your
g ilt list h e re — a selec­ y
tion from ou r stock is »
-lire to please.
. sw
fa rm :-: ¡ t »• ■
w ere, en tertain ed at a jo in t b ir th ­
d ay p arty at th e club room s of
th e school for Loren R ehse and
E dw ard P une ichar "’Bunco ' f u r ­
n ished th e en tertain m en t for the
evening M i-; D elores M cPhers n
w on first at the progressive games
at six tables for the ladies, and
M r S o h ler w >n t r t e me:
D an B u rk h a lte r ar.d sons have
re tu rn e d ire m th e ir h u n tin g trip
to eastern O regon
T he W om ens club enjoyed a
pleasant afternoon at th e hom e of
Kansas City M an
Given Surprise
Pilone 781
N ext door to V enetian T heatre
O pen Sat. Evening* 1 ntll 9 I». M .
H illsboro ¡
See Santa and get your Xm as order in early.
Santa w ill h ave a
G ift for every little boy or girl bringing M other or Dad to visit
She Sleeps and Cries
Show M ortes A t Home!
t o Baby Doll
A S tream lin ed lie a u ty W ith H e a d lig h ts !
A lovable Jolly with a soft
cuddly body and composition
head, arms arid legs. She has
moving eyes and a crying voice
Dressed in adorable baby clothes.
O ther baby dolls, 19c and up
K iddies
Red A e r o flite W agon
Double Faced
Clear-toned phonograph with
strong spring motor. Plays 10"
records! E x tra records. 10c ea.
Hand driven 16 m.m. Keystont
projector with adjustable lamp
and double lens. Up to 10 foot
projection of 20”x20" pictures!
With cord, lamp, and two 100 f t
Safe, non-inflaniniub!e
11ms extra, 59c and up.
48" overall wagon with a one
piece heavy steel body, hall bear­
ing wheels and rubber tires.
Built-in fenders! Lights! F lash­
light batteries ex tra, 5c ea.
22" ladder hark
rocker with seat
10" from the
floor. N i c e 1 y
made and fin­
ished. Makes a
grand g if t'
Hillsboro, Oregon
Sturdily constructed and color­
fully finished truck. Solid black
ru b -e r wheels! lC !i" lonv.