H elvetia Sunshine C lub Plans Party i Bv M r. John Tliuu-diiv. N ovem ber ’J<», I 936 HILLSBORO ARGUS. HILLSBORO. OREGON P a g e Tw elve U Vla»l,b.<*w l H ELV ETIA S u n sh in e club met \v .:h Mrs. M innie B lak e N ovem ber 18. Mrs. D ayton Mays was assistant hostess. Mrs. D C h am b erlain was song leader. Mrs. l.elah Poe joined th e club, w hich now has o v er 80 m em bers. All m em bers a re e x ­ pected to a tte n d th e n ex t m e e t­ ing at the hom e of Mrs. R. S a n d ­ ie r D ecem ber 18. A C h ristm as tree w ill be ready for th e p resen ts and m em bers w ill know w ho th e ir u n ­ k n o w n frien d is. Mrs. B lake p re ­ sen ted a so u v en ir h an d k erch ief to all present and la te r w as p resen ted w ith a p a ir of em b ro id ered pillow slip s for h er b irth d ay , w hich was tin s m onth. R obert G isler of San F rancisco, C a l. w as a w eek-end guest at the J. J. N ussbaum er home. G isler is a d istrib u to r of Bovosan pro d u cts in th e w estern te rrito ry of th e U nited States. T h is p roduct is p re ­ p ared by Dr. E ugene G isler in ; w ere d in n e r party guests at the liem c of Mr and Mrs. David Tsch- Zug. S w itzerlan d , a specialist. D onald G u erb er. son of Mr. and aheid Sunday. Mrs. E lm er G uerber. is im proving Ered Y ungen. wlm re tu rn e d from from an o peration for ap p en d ix the Good S a m aritan hospitnl tw o N ovem ber 18 at th e Good S a m a r­ w eeks ago, w ent to P o rtlan d this itan hospital in P ortland. w eek for treatm en ts. Bis in ju red Mrs C. E K orn has been ill t'er knee is not im proving. He w ill stay som e tim e, and h er d au g h ter Edna at th e hom e of his cousin, Mrs. Sam T rachsel. is tak in g care of her. The Ered Yungen fam ily w ent A reco rd crow d atten d ed th e shooting m atch at H elvetia Sunday. Io Longview . W ash, S unday to vis T he w eattier was ideal and m any lit Mr, and Mrs A lfred N yegger Martha M m ade th e trip to w atch th e con- an.I their tiew baby Nyegger. w ho has been s ta y in g ' S The tu rk e y s w ere disposed of q u ite h ere w ith h er g ran d p aren ts for th e past tw o m onths, re tu rn e d to h er early in th e afternoon. School b en efit p rogram at th e hom e Sunday. school house F rid ay night was a success, socially and financially The p lay s w ere en tertain in g and well presented. S everal b and and o th er m usical n u m b ers w ere e n ­ joyed. Mrs 11. W Rossbach, 79. died al Mrs J. J. N u ssb au m er spent last w eek visiting Mrs. G feller at N orth th e hom e of h er son. H erm an Al- fred R ossbach of P um pkin Ridge Plains. F u n eral servici Rev. F rcsenborg. Mr and Mrs N ovem ber 19 Jo h n B o c h li and E lizabeth and R uth w ere held S atu rd ay at th e A rcade s c h o o 1 u n d e r directio n of Young’s F u n eral Home In term en t was in A rcad e cem etery W ilhelm ina U lb rich t w as born n ear F reiberg, Saxony. G erm any. O ctober 18. 1857. cam e to A m erica in Ja n u a ry . 11198. and settled In W isconsin In 1923 Mr. Rossbach C are will save you died and in 1927 Mrs. Rossbach front th e fire h a z ­ cainc to O regon to m ake h er hom e a rd s th a t exist i n w ith h er son at P u m p k in Ridge She is su rv iv ed by five children. C h ristm as trees, dis­ C am illa G rah am and A lbert Ross­ c a rd e d g ift w ra p ­ bach of St Paul, Mrs. Lily May of H illsboro a n d Mrs. Meta Black pings, etc. and A lfred of P u m p k in Ridge. Headquarters for Xmas Gifts M rs. Rossbach Dies at Pum pkin Ridge Ainitv Leather floods Cotv Sets 300 Boxes Quality Chocolates Whitman's Société Johnson's Brown nnd Haley Keep Your Xmas Safe from Fire Barker Box Cigars Ben S ets KRAMIENS PALM DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS PHONE Ϋ« INSURE and BE SURE ŒAS.L. WALKER "tuVtu Jtfun eft (W uX tow TELEPHONES 0FF.I73ÎRÙ1O9Î 116 SO THIRD St - HILLSBORO Si d Prices Effective Friday and Saturday — November 27 and 28 i a CURRENT AND r e r a COMING ATTRACTIONS I FRIDAY and SATURDAY—This Week g I Johnnie W eissm uller in I "TARZAN ESCAPES” 3 ! I I SUN., MON., TUES., Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 I Sinclair Lewis* I [ "DODSWORTH” I ...___ _ I I Dec. 2 — Two Features I I WEDNESDAY, Charles Ruggles and Mary Boland in I I "Wives Never Know” I PLUS— JACK HOLT in ‘‘CRASH DO NIV AN” I I I THURSDAY, December 3 8 I Edward G. Robinson in 3 "Bullets and Ballots” I ________ 3 I SATURDAY, Dec. 4 - 5 I I FRIDAY and DOUBLE BILL I Leo Carrillo and Neno Martini in I "The Gay Despar ado” I PLUS— I I LAUREL & HARDY in “POOR RELATIONS” I SUN., MON., TUES., Dec. 6, 7 and 8 | I TWO FEATURES I W illiam Boyd in I I "Hopalong Cassidy’s Return” I 1— Francis Lederer in I I PLUS— « One Rainy Afternoon” I I 1 SUN., MON., TUES., Dec. 13, 14, 15 I I Shirley Temple in "Dimples” I I I PLUS—Selected Short Subjects with Walter Houston, Kuther Chatterton and Mary Astor CHOCOLATE Sugar ; Ai 10 49c 2 ib.. F lo u r 49 L $1.19 2 ib. B read l 13c 2 ib.. W in e s 45c 3 25c GUM DROPS k-lb. bag TABLE L O A I. DROPS 25c G uaranteed H urdu heat. SATIN MIX 2 JULIA LEE WRIGHT. Dated. loaf CANDY BARS He for ^Pint 25c) Elsinore, Tokay, Port, White Port, .Muscatel, Angelica 5"1,,. 59c allow £■ III. S Y R U P sl" p> W Pure Cane and .Maple. I (Pint 19c) C O R N BEEF L,(T ' S C O FFEE MA£WELL house 2 Camp's SPA G H ETTI Van PEANUTS 2 .»s. 2 ibs. 2 ibs. 2 ibs. 15c 25c 19C 25c lbs. White or Wheal ioc S O A P PA l i IM OLIVE ar T O M A T O su" 5c 15c 4 Del Monte DOG FOOD 2 15c 43c SANKA J e llw e ll 3Pbi.i4 c 25c 35c 35c 35c Assorted Flavors BRAZIL NUTS F o r m ay 3?.„ 59 c FILBERTS Pure Vegetable Shortening Coffee 29c Beer 3 WALNUTS Pounds 3 S (Lb. . n? 17c) ;c 49c AIRWAY, the West’s Most Popular Blend ALMONDS Soft Shell. Pound ll- o z . bottles (Case $1.98) BROWN DERBY, Pillzner Type W e Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities FRESHER FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Friday and Saturday CP U. S. No. 1. L arge, sw eet, Spanish G ra p e fru it LEM ONS 50 lbs. Large size, Arizona Seedless. DOZEN Sunkist only. Good size, juicy. DOZEN ............................................. 75c 29c IO C *