'r , .. A -t> r . Bargain Day- \ H it llills lio ro Novem ber it Ilosi oi Pre H o lliin ) S liii|i|ilir; II.,i guilts ■ ' Of a H illsboro Snell Lauds Government in Address ^ 369 New Families- - , Added ss New Paid-In Advance A rg u s Subscribers from Jan. t to Sept. 30 O lili Boro In d i, endent W ith Which is Coi V olum i1 13, No. 39 v Ind ep en d en t Con ncil woman E stablished 1873 Hill boro, O regon, Thur.sd. N ovem ber 12, 1936 H illsboro A rgus E stablished 1894 I wo Sections, F o u rteen P ag el __ » Pole Tualatin Boy Telephone Proves Jin x for Six Indicted, Wins First at California Man Grand Jury Corn Exhibit Ends Term | County Man Meets Death on Highway The telephone com pany is not alo n e in th<- belief that a big n u m ­ ber 13 . hould be painted on a c e r­ tain QnJuefcy telephone pole about i th ree m iles west of F orest G rove j and on th e outside of a curve there. . G» orge B Roth of San Diego. T h i r t y - f o u r C lu b M e m b e rs Cal . is a tw o-tim e loser because L o g a n H e ld A n s w e r C h a r g e A in e r ii a iiis m S tressed l l c r r C h a rle s P e te rs o n , R e e d v ille , of the pole and Lloyd Logan. P o rt­ E n te r A n n u a l B a n k land youth, also is a victim of the M a n s la u g h te r in D e a th in A r m is tic e A d d re s s S tru c k by P o r tla n d e r ! "jinx." C o rn S h o w Roth lost the fir.st tim e when he o f L o c a l B o y W ednesday in F o g F r id a y w recked in autom obile about th * e w eeks ago when it faded to m ake t the cu rv e and sheared th e pole i : from its roots. A fter th e pole was i replaced. Logan w recked his car | on th e am e pole and A rth u r Webb. V e n e t ia n T h e a t r e H o s t to 19. of H illsboro w as killed. M a n W a s S ta n d in g in C e n te r W a r f o r t u n e s D a n g e ro u s to , B ecause of the Roth wreck. Roth * N o r th P la in s R e s id e n t Eaces V is itin g Y o u th s ; i back in jail in San Diego charg- ! T w o In d ic tm e n ts P e a c e Says S p e a k e r o f R o a d , R e p o rt ed w ith "bad jum ping." and facing I « charges of larceny by bailee be- ! ( layton N ybeig uf T u alatin won I cause of his rem oval from th a t | Nil! tru e bills in six indictm ents I li II .»boi o paused W.'dn. la y iti D eath cam e out of the fog T hurs- fu st honors in tin- Hill&bcro C om ­ state with a m ortgaged autom obih and m e not true, w ere retu rn ed l»s« rvunce of the •igning uf the ! nay night to end the m onotony and m ercial N ational hank corn show, H also is w anted fur non-: up p o rt • by the cc ounty grand j u i f at th e A rinislii c Nov em ber II. 1H yc:ii » loneliness of C harles Peterson. 61. held m the bank. F rid ay and S a tu r­ and su n d ry other thing?, according close u f a th r 'e -d a y session S atu r- ago. Pro gram of th«' day. sponsored Mr. C F Well w ho lived at R eedville by him self, day. report? L. F F rancis, assistant to Jo h n C o n n e ll sheriff. i day. T he ju ry w ent in to session public work 1 i i or y ears P eterson had labored county agent oro i st. A m erican Legion. Roth m ight have been safely h id ­ T hursday m orning, serv in g its last council woman I to procure for him self a home, inrludt'd1 parad e M veteran.*«, th eir O thei a w auls in th e contest fol­ den h ere if the telephone pole had I term A new ju ry w ill be draw n a u x ilia n «• and other patrio tic o r­ , planting, harvesting, and p lan tin g low: S tanley H ergert, second Joe not been in the way. but when he ¡N ovem ber Hi I and h arvesting again. A round his Katii/.at lims to Ibe flag poh* on thi* ' I o n tin u td un p u r r 4 , rulum n ¿1 Berger, th u d . Jo e Santoro, fourih; , Lloyd Logan. 21. d riv e r of the ! tin y home, em pty now of all save court In .v e law n for the flag veiv- W ilbur N ybeig fifth. H erb ert Laf- A I his sim ple belongings, his filb ert IlloilV. kv sixth; G efv aise Jan sen eventh; : 19. li t his life, and W illiam Wach- Follow ing th<» fl*ig « « i cinoiiy, the : trees stood F riday m orning, stra ig h t W arren Suhnow , eig h th , Raym ond ner, 22 N orth Plains, was seriously and tall in th e fog i n soldierly pai ade m arche d to t h e V enetian I)i< n ck x . n in th , M arvin H eyndcr- injured, was indicted on one count, ranks across th e tiny farm . From th e a tre fng by the afidicnce. L aw rence Jan sen , tw elfth D D I ' c c k h d r i v i n g T he accident hap- j that, o rd erly and precise. nivovat h >n bv Fred F n g e ld in g ri. Hill, proie? or of farm crops at 1 pened O ctober 25. th ree nnles west acting .e. . hapil*m. song by the L< - O regon S tate college, was official “P re tty Lonesome" , of Forest G rove on th e G ales With 29 vears of service to the judge. gum A uxiliary .c xt«*t. and addles . 1 “He w as p re tty lonesom e." re- i creek road w hen th e Logan car by Fari Snell •acretar.v of state public behind her. Mr C F Wells Many E xhibits | lated a neighbor. Jo e Bush. “He .left th grade at a cu rv e and crash- Paul I. Putter.-: u n . c h a i r m a n o f t h e H illsboro's first councilw om an, looks T h irty -fo u r club m em bers e x ­ told m e m any tim es th at he was so i ed into a telephone pole, program i «»mmittce. introduced the fo rw ard w ith an ticip atio n to the hibited at th is sev en th ann u al lonesom e he had to sh o u t an d call i Lloyd Logan was given u n til , tim e m the n ear fu tu re w hen she • to him self to keep from g o i n g will tak e over her duties in con­ corn show, states Francis, and the O . M . P lu m m e r S p e a k e r B e ­ M onday at 10:30 a. m. to e n te r a Stresses A n i e r h - a iiis iii crazy.” '¡’lea to the charge of m anslaughter. nection w ith ad m in istratio n of m u ­ ex h ib its w ere very good d espite the fact th at the g row ing season Snell. in he address, stressed nicipal businej*. B ut C harley, as the neighbors He was arraig n ed Tuesday. Max fo r e C h a m b e r C o m m e rc e A m e i le a iiis i n . citing tin* ch aracter was not conducive to best q u ality called him, began his last long • G uzik also w as given u n til M on­ "A new experience." she says, corn. of G eorge W ashington us part anti jo u rn ey into th e land w h ere th e re ¡day tc e n te r his plea principal of tin* foundation of tilt* "and one from w hich I expect to Each y e a r the e> h ib its attra c t is no loneliness, T hursday m orning boro cham ber of com m erce T hree D ischarged nation W ashington. Snell said, not d eriv e a great deal of pleasure 1 w idespread atten tio n f r o m faesn- - i.s I e R n I S te rta early. in in g at its reg u lar lu n ch ­ i The jury found a not tr u e bill < n lv w a a great .- tate.' unit), but feel th at 1 have a great deal to er? and o thers in ter csted in corn e o n M o n tla He fed his rab b its and his ch ic k ­ v . C layton N yberg, Jo e | again* learn and m uch studying ahead of W illiam B arker. M J. G ray. I «..■»•«• cd m arvelou. jud g m en t and i • iluction. e ith e r fo r seed or for B erger and Donal M acintosh, th re e ens. Took a suitcase. L ocked his me before 1 can proceed w ith the I E lm er M itchell. Jam es Ferguson s ita s. T ins y e a r larg e n u m b ers of er as a w arrior. had door carefully upon h i s th rifty W ashington county 4-H club m em ­ ¡and a m inor charged w ith rio tin g I Wa lungton . c r o i n g a iiianci* that 1 will be doing just peri »ns visited the show d u rin g bers He supplies and his treasures, and set w ho have brought co n sid er­ | in con lection w ith an alleged at- l>e aw are and the b attle of th e right thing." if tl the tw o days, bank officials re- able honor to th e county as a r e ­ forth. This full, for th e first tim e in j»..i : d lack c on N apoleon R oyier of T ual- an exam ple When the A t m idnight, a p p aren tly lost in sult of th eir 4-H w ork O M. P lum - atin O ctober 24 at T u alatin . The of th e developm ent of m pl.lined before the at- 20 y ( ( ears T he an n u al banque t at w hich tlx.1 th e dense fog w hich blanketed the o i i t t n u e d o n ! '» < € 4, m l u i n t i to i By Ed C. Conian, mer. m an ager of the Pacific In te r­ J u r y z hen found an indictm ent (hat th e ir pow der w as wet. corn club m em bers an d leaders I nato highw ay, and befuddled by the fog Ju st as th e rab b le once arose to rial Livestock exposition, will , again: B arker. 34. and G ray. 27. pom tied out. W ashington r e ­ w ere guests of the hank officers. be th e speaker. w hich w hirled in distorted fashion ¡charg ig assault an d b attery on save the city of P aris in bygone w as held ni HHIsboi > G ran g e hall in that ea. «• they would th days, so a ragged, nondescript gang R e s u lts R e m a in U n c h a n g e d ; th ro u g h his brain, he stood in the C layton N yberg, who was nam ed | R oyier he ir I: liiyonets and they did. Friday night J L Searcy, cashier. center of the road, a m ile w est of At the p relim in ary h earin g w it­ of form er Hifhi grid stars arose to >ni that b attle grew the g re a t- I ' ' ! I D I S( IlU 1 - as one of th e o utstanding 4-H boys B eaverton w hile death h u rtle d out unexpected heights on the local E rro rs F o u n d in O regon for 1936. has an o u t­ nesses alleged th at B a rk e r and nation t n earth today. Snell de- nierich. presidi nt of the bank w el­ of th e darkness and ghostly g re y ­ field Friday afternoon to defeat red comed the boys and co n g ratu lated stan d in g record of achievem ent G ray dragged R oyier from under th e Hilhi v arsity 19 to 6 and save ness to leave him a silen t figure l’a>s I rihute i them on th e ir sin cere effo rts to and leadership. J.>e B erger and l.is autom obile and forced him the honor of the alum ni. Gone was an offical canvass of th e ' on th e concrete. pause t< pay trib u te to ¡reach th e top. w hich he stressed as D onal M aclnto.-h of the H azeldale down the street w here they a t­ the incentive to do or die for "alm a W With I a sh in g to n co u n ty electm n return's i serfer i^ >f 'ill. and to Lincoln, wh > the keynote to slice« s. D I) Hill, 4-H clubs w ere m em bers of th e tem pted to m ake him e n te r an m ater"—the alum ni w ere fighting os, courage in thoa* trying judge, was tho principal sp eak er n o rth w est cham pior< a g ricu ltu ral autom obile. W hen they failed in for lights on the high school field com pleted Friday,' th e resu lts stand mobile. R. W. K idd of P o rtlan d , ex- Sin II »aid With criticism time; discussing recent d evelopm ents in dem o n stration team and brought this, the w itnesses testified, they and they gave the fund a flying the sam e as in th e unofficial count plained to officers a half h o u r later. w ith a n u m b er of totals changed to O regon for the fourth consecu­ beat K yicr. R oyier w as unable to v hand, tie replied th at he the use of h y b rid corn. to the tu n e of $215. B eside P eterson lay his suitcase, ! slightly. tiv e tim e th e P lum m er trophy. atten d th e p relim in ary hearing, ac- start was d< ting the best he knew how " P r o p e r ty O w n e rs P ro te s tin g State Leader Here Football equipm ent of every d e ­ The biggest change w as w here an em pty except for a pair of ru b b e r F our-H clu b w ork, according to I cording to his doctor, because of scription w as dragged out of the I .<• veteran* if ’W and th eir H. C. Seym our, sta te clu b Ic^uci. heels. In his pocket w as $30 in a'l-i-tm it county I his Tiitysival condition. 'in co m p lete fig u re had been given in D a m a g e by D ig g in g wa* a guest and sp eak er a* th e 1L. E. F ran«». high school archives to d rap e the th e statem en t o f o n e precinct, cash. W here he spent th e day is a agent, who is in charge of the i an ti.idition* also wa ■ recited by B arber and G ray en te re d a plea fram es of the alum ni w ho w ere banquet The fet'd d ealers of W ash­ m ystery except th a t it is know n tin* »speaker before he touched oil ington county also w ere guests. a g ricu ltu ral division of th e pr - of guilty to the charges on arratgn- living exam ples of t h e Biblical w here Ray L. A ntrim should have th a t he w as paying court to a th e « ffect.» of the W orld w ar O ffering any a ..si.stance nee ded Each was asked to . peak, and each gram , is playing a vital role in | merit before Ju d g e R. F ran k P eters phrase—"the sp irit is w illing but had 100 m ore votes than he was w om an in P ortland. "Li.i in. ' of a * • .«:«!. “the to help in th e developm ent of H ills­ com m ended th e boys on the fine W ashington county's ru ra l com ­ Tuc day. B arb er » a s sentenced t the flesh is w eak." Jerse y s rang- cred ited w ith, m aking his final O ne H illsboro group believes th a t ( t u n lin u n im i pag r I. ««»lumn II boro. F J M cAIear and C T q u ality seed produced u n d er th e ir m unities. The business men of tile serve th re e m onths in th e county i n g from ragged, pitch - spotted total 5354. they saw P eterson tw ice T hursday T he close race w as betw een M a­ night. Once w hile they w ere on the R ichardson, rep resen tin g a re c e n t­ new co -operative m ark etin g plan county have been very active in jail and G ray four m onths. Each o: sw eat shirts to th e becom ing pink ly organized gro u p e m em bers, for the any tim e w ith th e gro u p o r its | m ain the sam e w ith all m easures n ear N orth Plains. ¡th e co m m ittee to m eet w ith him I The present plan will be different w hole com m unity has im proved (( <>n I m u rd nn 1»«« p I. colum n > T he accident happened w hen a i defeated decisively. at some fu tu re date. from B argain Days held previously the q u ality of th eir dairy anim als Loss is E s tim a te d a t $ 4 ,6 0 0 ; C onstables elected in the various heavily loaded truck, driven by Ray H are, w ho discussed the m a tte r as th e re will be no prize plates due to the clu b ’s activities." ju stice of the peace districts in- E. Wood of P ortland, and th e ¡w ith Baum an, said t h a t B aum an throw n from the cham ber of com ­ I, has alw ay s been a policy of P a r t i a ll y In s u re d : elude: J. R. Peppard. Hillsboro: D em lher m achine, stru ck headon | stated th at rates into H illsboro had m erce roof to w aiting crow ds b e­ this dep artm en t, states Francis, to Mike W irak. Forest G rove; W. F near the C arl C h risten er home. A | not been raised u n d er the n e w low. have the 4 II projects in d irect Inn* D essingcr, B eaverton, and R udolph long sp lin ter of steel w as driven ¡tariff. A check by S taples revealed Instead th e m erchants a re cxpcct- w ith the ag ricu ltu ral program of I B ringing a loss estim ated at $1- Olson. Sherw ood. Olson won o v e r : into D em lher’s scalp. Paul L. P atterso n of H i l l s t x u o I mm fi!.,. Sunday aftern o o n at about th at a rate of 10 cents for H ills- led to offer exceptional bargains, the eoim ly and iLs re.s|>eclive com ­ E. G. Hagen 385 to 511. In T igard ' Dr. A. O. P itm an of Hillsboro, m unities The progress report of h i In i'll appo in ted chairm an of the 2 o'clock, destroyed th e tw o-und- bo ro ealls from the Scholls e x -I w hich will a ttra c t buyers from all d istrict R. Tw iss won his office re tu rn in g hom e from a call, ar- this one club is indicative of what tale liar grievance com m ittee for a-lialf .story house and shed full of I change again w ere at five cents ¡parts of th e county. T he occasion P h illip s D e v e lo p in g F a r m by w rite-in votes, th ere being n o 1 ' rived at the scene im m ediately a f t­ | will be preceded by an extensive C lackam as. W ashington. C olum bia wood al I he G eorge W alters farm . p er call 4 II club w ork can accom plish er th e accident and gave first aid. opposition. M cK inney reported that an a t - , ad v ertisin g cam paign covering all S im ilar re c o rd , of im provem ent and C latsop counties T hom as II. five m iles n o rth east of Hillsboro. N e a r H ills b o r o The man w as unconscious for th ree have been cited from tim e to tim e Tongue Jr. is also a m em ber of the The fire is thought to have started tem pt to obtain com parative ta riffs i and m ore th an th e H illsboro trade , days a fter the accident. from th e public u tility commis- territo ry . jn connection w ith sheep, hogs, corn com m ittee. Criticizes Vote in the roof n ear th e chim ney. M onday night, Mrs. E. H. A dam s (C o n t i i i u n i on p « kp .1. ru lu m n 2) W orkm en constructing a n e w and potato projects, all of which Ju d g e G eorge li Bagley was F ull announcem ents and adver­ T ouching on A m ericanism and T he d o w n stairs fu rn itu re was of n ear H illsboro and Rev. A ndrew are playing im portant parts in both nam ed a." a m em ber of the trial saved throiigli h elp from th e n eig h ­ tising w ill be carried in th e A rgus story and a half fram e hom e for W. criticizing teachers w ho voted for j C arrick of P o rtlan d received b ru is­ the 4-H club program and the com m ittee for the first congression­ bors. T he house w as valu ed at $3 - 1 , o f N ovem ber 19 R eaders w ill be T. P hillips on his p ro p erty n o rth a com m unistic nom inee for presi­ of H illsboro on th e N orth P lains d ent in a recent election poll ta k ­ es and cuts when th e C arrick ag ricu ltu ral program of the county. al d istrict. ¡able to get th eir shopping ideas (tot) w ith $1500 in su ran ce w hile the m achine and a light tru c k d riv en road, liad about com pleted th e ir from that issue, it is pointed out. contents w ere valued at $1600 w ith w ork this w eek, a visit to th e farm en at the teachers in stitu te here. by Adam s collided at th e in te r­ E. J. McAIear. H illsboro attorney, $600 insurance. In th e woixfshed section of th e highw ay and th e disclosed. R aid Nut C rop was the en tire su p p ly of w in ter John A T hornburgh, president T he house has four room s on th e spoke this m orning. (T hursday) be­ ¡C hurchill road n ear W itch Hazel. fore the H illsboro M en's B reakfast fuel A dam s attem pted a left tu rn into O rganized raids of w aln u t o r- first floor, including tw o bedroom s, of th e Forest G rove N ational bank Gall for assistance to th e llills- and engaged in Forest G rove b a n k ­ ' ehards and w arehouses n ear G aston bath, living room across the front club. (C o n tin u ed on page 3, colum n 2) d ep artm en t brought the ing for n early 30 years, has been is indicated in a report fill'd w ith and a large kitchen. M ore room s cm,',’dry“; pum , per. G rah am Young, ¡ n o m inated for d irecto r of the fed­ S heriff Jo h n C onnell T uesday. Nuts can be finished upstairs. z\ full accom panied t h i ' l eral reserv e board, it was an nounc- | ! w ere taken over a considerable basem ent has been constructed w ith * ! firem an w ho W a'hington county tu rk e y m isers ly free of pin feath ers and only a pum per, suffered severe b u rn s from ed this w eek. T he nom ination is for i period from sheds and o rchards of an autom atic w ater system for the will he in terested in th e ten tativ e few scattered p in feath ers over re ­ th e elbow Io th e w rist on one arm . re p re sen tativ e ef class z\ banks, sev eral residents, the report reads. house w ater supply. tl. S stan d ard s and grad es for m ain d er of carcass. C rop must be The W alters fu rn itu re was moved gro u p three. 1 Some of those losing property w ere In addition to th e house, the d ie ed turkeys. reports L. F. em pty. O nly v ery slight flesh or by the neighbors to th e Jossv O th er nom inations include the G eorge With.vcombe. Dr. H aw k and b arn has been enlarged w ith place Francis, as-istant county agent. skin bruises, abrasions, or d iscolor­ house on a n earb y farm w h ere the incum bent. Keith Pow ell of Salem . I an o rch ard ist by the nam e of Me- for from 10 to 11 cows, w hich P h il­ These te n tativ e new grad es Imve ations perm itted, wdtli breast prac- fam ily w ill live for th e present. and a C alifornia hanker. Election iturney. the rep o rt said. H illsboro's $185.455 sew er system sealed lateral connections. In th at lips believes w ill be about all th e h ern recently com piled by the tieally free of such defects. Slightly w ill begin N ovem ber 25 am ong 226 20 acres of farm land w ill carry. is com plete except for testing. As case the pipes in (hat section m ust b u reau of a g ricu ltu ral economies. i (h'liled hreasl hones «not to exceed hanks in group th ree of th e 12th , Most of the w ork has been dotie soon as the tests are ru n and the be dug out until th e tro u b le is A P R O C L A M A T IO N U nited Stale? D epartm ent of a g ri­ ' • inchi perm itted, hut no crooke«! d istrict w hich includes Oregon. by him self w ith the exception of new lines accepted, the new d istrict I found. A num ber of unsealed later- cu lture. and are now being used I b reasts that w ould in terfe re w ith That w e may take t ím e lo eon- C alifornia. N evada, Utah. Idaho and the actual erection of th e house. 1 will be hooked into th e disposal al connections have been found in the federal and federal-slate the slicing of the meat, or o th e r d e ­ siili r that great unselfish organ part of A rizona. already as w ell as one or tw o He expects to move w h en ev er tlie plant. form ities allow ed. B roken w ings tu rk ey grading work ization. the A in erieaii Red Cross. T ests now a re u nderw ay on th e cracked pipes. w ork has all been com pleted. All h u d a re cl.c ified as follows: I above the w ing tips or b roken legs I. as m ayor of llils h o ro set aside “L e t the fisherm en talk of sal- A nother house u n d er construction : new portion of the system w ith W herever tro u b le develops, Kern Young liens fem ale birds usually | not perm itted . A d isjo in ted let or II, <• lim e from A rm istice day u n ­ men am i trout as they sit at th e ir this sum m er and nearly ready for considerable of the w ork already A • — ' K ibbee must remove the dirt less I ban I y ear old. .' oft m ealed , w ing p e rm itte d if only slightly d aily hiiieheons." chuckles George til Thanksgiving day as R e d occupancy is tlie E R B ailey r e s i - 1 com pleted. The last backfill on and locate w ith flexible hreal hone; young bruised B irds w ith crops pro p erly McGee, city manager, "I'v e got a dencc just north of th e ju n io r high i sew er ditch was com pleted by the system Ihe defective portion of Cross time. buns m ale birds usually less than | rem oved and sew n up may he in- fish pond of my own." school w hich bids fair to be one of K ern A Kibbce. contractors, Mon- T his w ill lie (lie period i n T he city now is p rep arin g an a p ­ I y ear old. soft m ealed w ith flex ­ I eluded in Ibis grade. Must be dry \n d lie has. The fish are gold D isregarding the superstition that the show places of H illsboro. O u t­ day which w e w ill he called on to plication to the governm ent for an ible hrea? 1 hone; old hens m atu re I picked or sem i-scalded and m ust be fh h and the pond is the settling F rid ay the 13th i.s a day of had ) side construction is all of clin k e r T he disposal plant now has been as-isl in i eplenisliing the funds additional loan and grant, u n d er letnale birds m ore than I y ear j d ry packed. D ue allow ance is tuck, stu d en ts of H illsboro u n io n ! lank of (he new disposal plant brick. ru n n in g for a considerable tim e and I’WA, for $14.000 w ith w hich to of I he Red Cross. «»Id. w ith loiighened flesh and mad«' for fleshing conditions eh ar- w liir e the golden streaks flash high school w ill nresent the "H it- | M aterial for botli the B ailey and is reported as a success, w hile on com plete a few additional sh o rt I he past year has seen many acterislic of age and sex. h ardened hreasl bone; old toms hi V arieties of 1937,” a vaudeville h ith er and y o m lrr. enamored of P h illip s houses was furnished, in N ovem ber 1 the first statem ents of lines of sew er and construct an in ­ m a jo r ra la m llirs , some of which m atu re m ale birds m ore than 1 the w id e spaces afforded a fter program , h ere Friday night. D S. C hoice or G rad e B. Bird, most part, by the H illsboro C on­ assessm ents due from users on the d u strial sew er line to handle c a n ­ have been v e ry n ear home to us. i >ear old. w ith toughened flesh and w ith fairly w ell-fleshed breast, and The program w ill lie sponsored ' (In confines of the fish bowl. crete B rick A Tile com pany, A r­ old system, w ere forw arded and nery w aste d irectly into th e T u al­ The I t id Cress lias been on I,and h ardened breast hone. "Thi: is not a p artic u la r sport­ w ith carcass fairly well covered bv th e assem bly council under th e J th u r K roeger manage» collections are reported as coming atin riv er. ill every ease w ith Its w o n ­ The m arket grades for all of th e I w ith fat. Must be fairly well bled d irection of Miss E thyl H endren. ing vi n liii c," M cGee explains. "It's in satisfactorily. according to T he e x tra money, it is believed, d erfu l organization to relieve the above* classifications a n a : i irn tifie proposition to d e­ i r ,u’ | and dressed, and may show scatler- chairm an of th e council, and Miss | G eorge McGee, city m anager. Tarmers M eet w ill be av ailab le because of Ihe sul'firin g. prevent disease a n d P rim e or G rade A.. U. 1 ( hoice i (.f| p in feath ers o v er th e e n tire c a r­ term in e w h e ih e r or not the ef­ Ina P earl Allen, pnrult.v advisor T ests being used for th e new W ashington C ounty F a r m e r s ' fact th a t the voters passed a bond help Io re h a b ilita te am, give hope o r (H ade H. U S. C om m ercial or cass. C rops must he p ractically Proceeds will go for school ac­ flu e n t from Ihe sewage plant is I nion met S atu rd ay in V eterans' I system is known as the hydrostatic issue of $110,000 of w hich only Io the disaster-stricken people. (¡i.ole ( ’. H epeifieations for these free from feed. Slight flesh or skin pure enough Io dum p info the tivities. hall. Pol luck d in n er was served by test in w hich a given section of $102.000 was used. To this can he I (lust you w ill welcom e the g ra d e , are as follows: river. bruises perm itted, hut not monx Ihe women of Ihe L aurcl-S cholls the sew er line is blocked off w ater added, if the application is apprnv- , |.poi lim it)' to give w hen the I’ S. P rim e or G rade A. S o f l - |||u,n th ree m eh defects oil any "The gold fi> li d eterm ine the G range to Fleet O fficers unit S everal m atters of im portant tight. and the m anholes inside the 1 ¡n W ashington, 45 per cent m ore Red Cross rep resentative ealls on im ’ated bird, w ith well fleshed bird. Slight skin abrasions or dis- H illsboro G range will meet S a t­ , fleet on fish life. I f the effect is to th e union, u n d er discussion at blocked portion are filled with as a d irect g ran t by the govern­ you. breast, and w ith e n tire carcass well I co loratii us p erm itted . A brasions u rd ay for the election of officers, tlie same on other fish as it is the business session, w ere carried w ater. m ent. McGee declares. covered w ith fat. Must he well bled. or tears over th ree inchess in dinm - .1. II. GARRETT. and all m em bers are urged to be i n these, th e y 'll now have more over to the next m eeting for final If the water runs out too rapidly With the acceptance of the new well dressed, w ith breast practical- I Mil yor. (C ontinued on pniie K, t-ulunin 4) vim . v ig o r and v ita lity ." present. decision, officers said. it indicates cracked pipes for un- (Conllnutd on pas« I. column 21 Urges Less Attend Banquet Profits Mrs. C. E. Wells First Hillsboro C oil ncil wom an Tualatin Men Held Hides Victim Club Youths Honor Guests Here Monday A lum ni Rabble ■ Creak to Win in Benefit Tilt Board Makes Official Count County Ballot Citizens Offer Aid to Council for City Plans Farms Aided by Club Work Banks Farmer H urt in Crash Bargain Event Plan Complete Fire Destroys Z Walters House Homes Near Completion Patterson Heads Grievance Group N cw Tentative U .S. Standard Turkey Nominate F. G. Man to Reserve Board Grades of Interest to Loeal Growers Contractors Complete JTork o f Laying New Sewer Lines Through Hillsboro City Manager Has Fish Pond Hit hi Varieties on This Friday Night k