The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 05, 1936, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page Eight
A RC. U S . H I L L S B O R O , O R E G O N
j h er hom e in H illsboro F riday eve-
T uesday so that they m ight be
I ning w hen she en tertain ed w ith
an evening of music.
Mrs Inez T iehenor of C latskanie
Mr. and Mrs W illiam C raw ford,
left for her hom e S atu rd ay after
w ho are spending the w in ter w ith
spending the past tw o w eeks at
his father. J C raw ford, spent sev ­
the hom e of her sister. Mrs. Joe
eral day* over th e w eek-end at
d t-stia. Doroth. Cook.)
* is rep o rted as im proving and ex- Juiehem ieh, and her m other, Mrs.
Kmtna Finn
CORNELIUS l ast week Mrs Ed- peets to be home toon.
H a llo w e’en Party Attract* N ew
B ernard Wiek S r re tu rn e d home
Mr and Mrs B G MeNav and na Russell, local lib rarian an noune-
W a lte r K itth a lrr In ju re d
tw o d aughters and Miss F lorinc ed that eighty-tw o new books had
Mr and Mrs Henry Rit th aler rc- front Pendleton recently, w here tie
Many Folk Saturday
doing electrician w ork
C allihan of Forest G rove w ere been added to th e city lib rary reived w ord last w eek that th eir
Miss Je a n Bowne left last week
S aturday night and S u n d ay guests shelves They included such books son W alter is m a R oseburg hos
(B y M r . F I , B ro w n )
I. L Brown
as "G
“G reen
reen Pastures,
P astures." and
and "T
"T rail
rail o o fip
fip ita
ita l l w
w ith
ith th th ree
ree fingers
fmge and part of for C utter C ity to visit friends
I A U R F I - L o r a l h o m e „ t . , . > „ at
a t the
l h e F h
B r o w n hom
h o m e e They
T h e y as
T igard g rad e school is receiving
unit will m -et^ F r i d a v a t if w •> atlcnded ,h ' H allowe en party at th e Lonesome Pm e. also
Black one hand torn off W alter recently
in at the comm unity7 hall for a 1,1' halL Ml>' C alllh an s m other Flow er. "L ittle Lost G irl." "H ous received tem porary em ploym ent in a new coat of paint on the outside
dlmmns ration o n " >a h l e a l e i r e " a n d «randparent-s. Mrs M C allihan W ithout ..K e y . '" T r u m p e te r Sw an," Roseburg
! A pleasant tim e was spent ut the
dem onstration on "tab le service and Mr and Mrs J. C allihan. of ’ Fool's G old." "H aunted Hills.
l.ois H orton re tu rn e d to her home hom e of Mr and Mrs W illiam
given by Mrs Edna McNay and Lebanon w ere callers Sunday aft- en land." "R ange D w eller." "Pleas
Hillm an M onday evening, w hen
Mrs. Bernice Brown. A planned ernoon Miss C allihan is a stu d en t a n t Jim ." "R ancher's Revenge." last week She had been living in tw enty four friends and relatives
P ortland and a tten d in g school
lunch will be served at noon. Ev­ at
Pacific U niversity.
"Seventh Man." "M urder Day by
C hris Mickelson, w ho for som e i *J t,u ‘red for 8 farew ell party Pot-
eryone is invited to attend.
Miss H elen R utschm an w as a Day." "D eepening S tream ." "G irl tim e has been living at th e Jo h n ,uck su I’P>'f w as served to all Mr
B irthday C elebrated
guest at a bridal show er given for from G lenn G ary." "Black H unt- Tines house south of town, moved and Mrs. H eilm an a re m oving soon
Messrs and M tsdam es Jacob and M iss W anda F inigan S atu rd ay aft- e r.” Torches T hrough t h e Bush." ,o Mrs. Jessie H enderson property to th e ir new hom e at L ake I.abish.
W alter Schm idt w ere guests at a ernoon by h er aunt. Mrs. Jam es "D anger Rati." "F alk n er of t h e 011 T hursday
birthday p arty S u n d ay at th e Raehin, at h er hom e in P o rtlan d
Island Sea." "F low er of th e N orth,"
Miss M ildred Rock re tu rn i'd home
home of Mrs Jacob Schm idt's sis­
Mrs. Roy H eineek of P o rtlan d "Seven Men C am e Back." "Huii- last w eek a fter a m onth's visit w ith I F uneral services for Mrs B ertha
ter. Mrs P hilip M esiinger of B eav­ was a Sunday guest at the home d red th C hance." "Prison W a l l " relatives in Bend.
Iren e P alm er of G ales C reek. 69.
er Creek, celebrating Mr. M essin- of h er d au g h ter Mrs. Ade R utseh- "Storm D rift." "H ound o f t h e
Mrs Ed Wolfe is confined to her w ere held F riday afternoon ut Hie
ger’s anniversary. About 35 r e l­ man. and fam ily, w hen the fifth B askerville." " Code of th e West " hom e because of illness.
G rove U ndertak in g com pany
atives w ere present.
W alter C ltallaeom be is recovering chapel. In term e n t wos in Banks
birth d ay
an n iv ersary
of Adolf "B order Legion." "R iders Across th e
A ttendance Good
R utschm an was celebrated
B order." "Starlight Rider." "Gold
cem etery. She was the m other of
More than one h undred people
Mrs. H M W hisnand en tertain ed of th e M ounted." "D owney of the of relatives in C herry G rove
O w en Palm er. G ales C reek, and
attended the H allow e’en party at w ith a H allow e'en p a rty at h er M ounted."
C a rn iv a l Success
"Beloved S t r a n g e r "
W ade Palm er. Ju n ctio n City
the hall S aturd ay evening Miss hom e Friday evening. G uests w ere "F inding of Ja s p e r H o lt" "G irl
H allow e'en carnival at the public
B lanche E ickw orth of H illsboro the L aurelview school ch ild ren and from M ontana." Voice i n t h e school house on S atu rd ay evening
conducted the games, w hich caused th eir parents.
"G ringo P riv ateer " was a great success A large and
m uch m srrim ent and enjoym ent
Mrs. Fred W ithee iLizzie T at- Lord of Lonely Valley " "P arson en th u siastic crow d attended
Tire E pw orth L eague of the M
The people of th e com m unity ex- m an) and d a u g h te r of D ayton w ere of Pantom im e." " L u c ia t h e Mag-
press th eir appreciation of Miss guests of the form er's sister. Mrs. nifieent." "Queer Ju d so n " “T rail E church held a H allow e'en parly
Phone 953 : Hillsboro
E ikw orth's presence and help in Flora Baker, from S atu rd ay until of Conflict." We Ride the G a le " at th e church Friday evening w ith
m aking th e evening a successful Monday T hey w ere S unday guests "Light m the Ju n g le " "M ission F rank O liver in charge of e n te r­
of th eir broth er. C harles Tatm an. arv." "K indling and A sh e s" "F o r- tainm ent.
E lbert Stevens spent from F ri- and fam ily of C hehalem M ountain bidden Valley." "H eart o f t h e
day until Sunday a t N orth Bend
A ccident Victim R ecovering
N orth
F lutes of Shanghai." "Hop«
and Bandon.
Mrs. T. A. Lovegren (Josephine along Cassidy," "M an from B ar 20"
, c
. . . . W hitm ore) is g ettin g along as w ell "Trail D ust." "S hining W indow s?'
W l D E A L IN
Mrs. W
W. L.
L_ Stevens
Stevens^ en h tertain ed as could be expected a fter in ju ries S torm House." “T h ree
w ith a dinner party at home S u n ­ received in an au to accident in Dian."
W r tt«
F ir « and A u to m o b il« In a u ra n e «
day, celebrating th e b irth d ay a n ­ P o rtlan d last w eek She is at the
K a k « Loana and laaua Sn rat» Honda
niversaries of Mrs. George S tev ­ Em anuel hospital su fferin g from
ens of P ortland a n d Miss Irene a badly cut head, a b roken collar
Stevens of Oswego, w ho sp en t th e bone and a bruised pelvic bone.
H IL L S n o R O , O K E G O N
w eek-end at home. O ther guests H er father. C alvin W hitmore, w ho "Roman Hat M vsterv," "S panish
T elepho n« 1391
1236 Second 8».
w ere G eorge Stevens of Portland. was d riv er of th e car. w as badly C ape M ystery." "F ig h tin g T e n d e r­ duet was given by H elen Wick and
H elen Johnson, tru m p et solo b y
Mrs. H attie W illiams and Clay- bruised and sh ak en w hen they
B ernard Wick, song by the upper I
F reem an cf Hillsboro, Miss Ina w ere stru ck by a bus d riv en by foot." and "M an F o u r S quare."
P a rty Held
grades, harm onica band accom pan- I
Stevens and Tom B atem an of V er­ the P. E P. com pany.
led by F rances Gholson on the I
nonia, Mr. and Mrs. F red Stevens.
G rove union high enjoyed a " h a rd ­ piano, song by th e school, several
W L. Stevens and D orothy and
tim e" H allow e'en p arty at t h e plays, tw o piano and accordion
B etty Anne Stevens.
hom e of L eland Jaeobsm uhlen. a selections by Mrs. H L. E isner and
Mrs. J H. M cPherson's m other
of n ear Vancouver, Wash., visited
Joe K usy. T h ere was a large a t­
Rebekah club held a card p artv m em ber. S atu rd ay evening.
h er several days last week.
Class E n tertain ed
Tuesday evening in th e ir hall Five-
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown w ere hundred w as in play.
An E pw orth L eague was organ­
Mrs D orothy Poffenbarger. teach-
guests of Miss Ina P earl Allen at
„ ____„
L adies' Aid and __________
M issionary
studv e r of th e Rosebud class of th e M ized at the S herw ood M E church
class and pot luck lu n ch eo n ’w ill be E Sunday school en tertain ed her O ctober 25. A bout eighteen young
held at th e ch u rch th is T hursday, class w ith a m asquerade p artv on people atten d ed th e m eeting and
George M cK urcher. w ho is i n S atu rd ay afternoon at th e church, elected officers M eetings w ill be
th e Sacred H eart hospital in Eugene The tab le w as clev erly d ecorated held ev ery S unday evening at 7:30
8b 8 pro o f 70% grain neutral ip iriri.
T he steam pipes in th e T igard
Supervised by The W ilk e n Fam ily.
w ith a fractured leg. is able to b e in seasonal decorations. P resen t
Jot.S Finch flr C o . Inc .Sc hen ley. Pi
up in a w heel chair. He is scon to w ere Mrs M attie Sm ith. Lois Hor- high building becam e clogged up
have it put in a cast. T hen it will ton. L ucille Mann. W illiam Cooke last w eek and school was closed
be a m atter of a sh o rt tim e before and Mrs. D orothy P o ffen b arg er and
he will be able to com e home.
daughters. L ucille Mann w as pre-
The H allow e'en p arty held at the sen ted w ith a gift as w in n er in a
B eaverton school house S atu rd ay recen t contest.
evening w as such a g reat success
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Davis, a
th at those sponsoring it decided girl, nam ed K atherine,
to have a bigger and b e tte r one
Mrs. H R. S ch eu erm an of V er-
n ex t year.
I nonia. form erly G ladys B row n, is
Mrs. Dov G ray re tu rn e d Mon-J recovering at the home of relativ es
day from C alifornia, w h ere she at- ■ in P o rtlan d , from a m ajo r o pera-
tended th e fu n eral of h er sister. I tion last w eek.
Mrs. Olga Fergerson. in Long Beach
F uneral Services Held
and visited h er son, Myron, in
F u n eral services w ere held Sun-
San Francisco
day afternoon from th e local M. E
Born, to Mr. and M rs Mason church for th e late Rilev B ennett
C raig of Fairvale. a girl, at th e of n orth of tow n. In term en t w as in
St. Vincent hospital O ctober 29 C ornelius cem etery
M rs C raig w as form erly Miss G race I Mrs Ju lian D elmonte. w ho is in
M iller of B eaverton. Mrs. C. W. the St. V incent's hospital in P o rt­
i Craig, m other of Mason Craig, is land. follow ing a m ajo r operation.
expected to a rriv e next w eek from
Los Angeles. Cal.
A nnual bazaar and h arv est d in ­
n er will be held at the C ongrega­
tional church T hursday afternoon
You could iron clothes on and evening.
(B r
C. L . C o »)
Mrs. Stipe Honored
an expensive piano— but you A reception w as held fo r Mrs. K INTON— K inton G range w ill
m eet S atu rd ay in all day session,
wouldn't risk ruining t h e Dora Stipe, associate grand con­ beginning
at 10:30. The m aster. L e­
ductress of th e grand ch ap ter of
piano. You could have just O.
E. S., at th e M asonic hall W ed­ land Flint, urges all officers and
anybody repair your car— nesday evening im m ediately fol­ m em bers to be present. O fficers w ill
eetin g of _ be elected. AU g ran g ers a re wel-
but o u r many customers lo w in g th e re g u lar m
B eaver c h a p te r 'd . E. S. A bout tw o COP?C',I
know our sp ecialized auto h undred persons w ere in atten d - H allo w een w as observed by th e
children of th e school and a pro-
repair service is best f o r ance including Milo B Mack.
th y grand patron. Mrs. P au lin e Erarr! ’U, k ecP‘ng was given by th e
your car.
Moore Riley. M rs T heresa C astner pu.E:. £ r »d ay-
and Mrs. Bess Setters, all past
Mlss B ertha G erig. w ho has been
grand m atrons of the grand ch ap ter a Ruc-St for ,h c Past tw o w eeks or
of Oregon: J. H. R ankin, past grand T.ore
h er g ran d p aren ts, Mr. and
patron: Mrs. H azel Ingram , associ- Mrs A ugust H
D allm ann, r e ­
A l l W o r k G u a ra n te e d
ate grand m atron: N ellie M cKinley, burned to h e r hom e in Salem F ri-
h i l Jones, g
a, ian d da>
grand secretary : P Phil
T '- j - ■ « j
sentinel, and o th er appointive of- ™.Ladl/ s A ld S0Clety w ill m eet th is
ficers. ch ap ter m em bers and friends ¿ tlursda-v afternoon at th e hom e of
An im pressive degree w as con- 2!rs' ° H P e terson on B end road,
ferred on Mrs. S tipe by five ladies T nere wl11 be w ork, and th e ladies
in gypsy costum eP from B eaver w ho atten d ed a re ” asked
1' “ ' - to u b - rin
!“ g
ehapter. Miss Rhoda T hyng gave sew ing tools. All ladies in th e com ­
a hum orous read in g and H arris m u n ity are invited.
W alter H eaton on H illsboro road,
(With UNISTEEL Turret Top Construction)
H ansen accom panied by Willis Cady
is h aving his
sang tw o songs.
M ider, roomier, more luanrioug, and the
The rooms w ere decorated in
f i n ! all-steel bodies combining silence
yellow and gold. Mrs. P au lin e Moor Cox are doing th e work.
Supper Success
w ith safely.
C hicken supper given by L adies'
Aid society of this tow n last T h u rs­
day evening at th e grange hall was
a success financially. $30 b eing
netted. It was added to th e treas-
' ury for w ork in connection w ith
M aking this new 1937 Chevrolet the
the church.
Laurel Unit to
Convene Friday
Cornelius Library Adds Books;
Many Hallowe'en Parties Held
Donelson ÔC Sewell
'riiiirsday, November ft, I'.I.'Ui
Budget of l imber
School Accepted
(T o o la te fo r last w eek)
TIMBER A budget m eeting was
held at the .schoolhouse last Tuc.x-
< \e n in g
A fter adding $1000
for ttie em ergency fund, th e budge
was accepted
. Report cards w er ■ given out last
Tuesday Honor roll includi* fust
gradi*. Fred Adams, second. N**rtni
K lingsporu
Dale Ilomieli,
third. Zona 1 a*e Uonncll. fourth
Bette G ene W right. D ebus Kay
and Robert K lingsporu
M r ami Mi . <'ii. h I , Stanton
teaok a trip last week, leaving hom e
Sunday and returning F in lay First Ju n ctio n last Monday and Tuesduy
they visited th eir son, C harles, at
Roseburg. O n th eir re tu rn they
visited in Bandon and Reedsport
I hen visited th eir son. George, at
Mrs H arry Mooney and d au g h ­
B onnie ...
of ............
P oilt.ind >in,lvu
visited „ Mr
Mooney here over the w eek end
H ow ard Colem an, w ho is e m ­
ployed at the .shingle mill, spent
Hie week end at Ins hom e in C a rl­
Mrs Mary Tolson sp in ! the first
o f this week
visiting her aunt.
Miss Polly K needler. at Amity
F ail Salee spent the week end
at lus liome in tla /e ld a le
Mr and Mrs A rth u r B raden v is­
ited Mr B ra d e n s b ro th er at O tis
" I he Man Who
Owns One”
. . . . is the best
Salesm an for
’Caterpillar’ Tractors
Finance Your Home
. . . at Home
Through this local S av­
ings and Loan A sso cia ­
A (.epical expression from a
"C aterpillar” owner . . .
tion . . . and at
A Lower Rate
( h 't o b c i
Geld leinen
our local association t an now offer
ter ¡mil easier way to home ownt*rshi|
net lower cost.
W hether you propose building a new home, oi-
ret inti (icing your present mortgage— it will pay
you to get in touch with us.
Free C onsulation
O ur "C aterp illar" is six yeurs old,
has dune a good Job and earn ed us
| some money. Il Is m very good
¡shape and we have mt idea of tr a d ­
ing II in.
j We have instructed lhe D ealer
■ if I k - can't .sell fractals. Io bring lhe
prospects I n us and we will do the
I .selling for him.
Y ours truly,
W lL K E N
R ichfield, Wash.
Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n.
Lester Ireland ÔC Co.
J M PERSON. M anager
Bsvlngs A lo a n Bldg.
Hillsboro. Oregon
P lu t ( o m g f e t e G e t _ - G u n p £ e t e £ i|T |c u r
COULD . . . but
Kinton Grangers
Convene Saturday
Seventh Annual
4'H Corn Show
We are proud to announce the
.Seventh Annual Commercial Nation-
al Bank 4-H Club Corn »Show in our
lobby Friday and Saturday, Novem­
ber 6 and 7.
We are also proud of the accom­
plishments of the Washington Coun­
ty 4-H Club boys and girls in their
various programs, and particularly
in this Corn Show, recognized as
one of (he most outstanding projects
of its kind in the state. We are glad
to sponsor this event and assist in
contributing to the agricultural pro­
gram of Washington County.
e cordially invite you to visit
the displays in our lobby and share
our confidence in the future of this
community, its agriculture and its
young people.
Commercial National Bank
"The la r g e s t Independent Bank In Washington County"
H illsboro
Riley and Mrs. R. R. S um m ers p re ­
sided at th e urns. T hose serv in g
cakes w ere Mrs. S. B. Law rence.
Mrs. H. L. H udson and Mrs. J. R
T alb ert T he ladies in gypsy cos­
tum es assisted about th e rooms.
(at no mura co,t)
lh e
R elief at Last from D ays of
Pain and S leep less N igh ts
s ta b b in g ,
s h o o tin g ,
m u scu lar
s h o u ld e rs ,
arm s a n d legs
a re m ak in g yo u r
l i f e a m isery,
d eterm in e to end
i t now.
j is th e prescrip-
j tion of a rc-
n o w n e d W o rld W I L L I A M S R. IT. X .
W a r D o c t o r , Com pound Hau Reen
I com pounded t o a L if e Saver fo r H « r.
co rrect this con-
, dition. The follow ing le tte r from
a fo rm er su ffe re r proves how e f­
fectively it does so:
" I have eu ffered untold m iffery fo r year«
w ith p ain » in my h ark and lim b , fro m
rheu m atiam . T h e re , w a , h a rd ly a n ig h t
(h a t m y real w aa not broken in to by pain.
I trie d e v e ry th in g , but n o th in g gave m a
re lie f. I read of I I. U . X . in the p a p e r,
and had m y d au g h ter g rt me a hottie. I
got re lie f fro m the f ir a t do,e and now,
a fte r ta k in g l a o hntllee, 1 ra n r e r ta ln ly
■ay th a t W I L L I A M S R. U . X . h a , been a
J life eaver fo r me. N o m ore aleeple,« n ig h t,
and d a y , fu ll of p a in ." — M R S . M I N N I E
H O B A < K . .140 It S tre e t. Yu ba f tty , ( a lif
G et a b ottle of W ILLIA M S R, U. ,
X. Com pound now at th e Delta
I D rug S tore and see how q uickly it
,acts. If you a re not relieved of your
| rh eu m atic pains in 10 days your
d ru g g ist w ill re fu n d the
fu ll
am ount you paid for it. You m ust
* be com pletely satisfied or it will
'co st you n o th in g —Adv.
( jii.lit y , < le u r c t -,
n g fr ly
|d s lc g l.s n , in clu d rrl « n n t.n d u r d r (|(ii|,m c ii (,
smartest and most distinctive of all low-
priced cars.
Eliminating d ra ft,, amnltr, windshield
clouding — promoting health, comfort,
I t ’ s t h e n e w e s t o f a ll lo w - p r ic e d e a r s . . . n e w
(at no extra eoat)
(■t no extra com)
Rheumatic Pains
Quickly Relieved
f o ic t
Proved by more than two million Knee-
Action users to be the world's safest,
smoothest ride.
in e v e r y f e a t u r e , l i l t i n g
m ost
t h o r o u g h ly
p ro v e d , th e
Much more powerful, much more spirited«
and the th rift king of its price class.
a n d f a b r ic . . . a ls o t h e
s a fe , th e
m ost
m ost
th o r o u g h ly
t h o r o u g h ly
Steering m » true and vihrafinnleM that
driving ia alnioM effortI cm .
d e p e n d a b le .
N SATURDAY, Novem ber 7, Chevrolet will present lhe brilliant
(With Doubla-Anlr.ulal«l Braka Shot Llnkaga)
successor to the only complete low-priced enr— Chevrolet for
1937, the complete ear— completely new. Y ou’ll w ant Io see it. for
il reveals an even greater measure o f superiorily over ils field than
the fine ear which in 1936 set a new all-lim e high in ( .'hevrolet sales.
Rciognizcd everywhere a , the aafeat,
smoothest, moat dependable brake, ever
Chevrolet for 1937 is new a ll through . . . new in lhe unequaled
Iteauly of ils Diamond Crown Sjieedlme Slvling . . . new in lhe
unm ah lied <*oinfort and safely o f he A ll-Silent, All Steel Body
. . . and most excilingly new in lhe greatly o h ica-cd power and
acceleration o f ils Digh-Conipression V alve-in -llcad l.ngine. Then,
too, this thrilling motor car is p ro u d o il lluoii^l,. It cmltodies all the
extra-value features which have made Chevrolet dependable and
complete beyond any other cur in ils price range.
See and drive the complete eor— completely new. L< l your own
giw»d judgm ent tell you that it's lhe outstanding value of 1937!
root Shockproof Steering no Manter Ite I o r e m id r ln o n ly . Ceneral
Motor* Inntallment 1‘lan —monthly pnymriiin to suit your p lo w .
ton icoNoMiui
f * utNisat Morosi
H illsb o ro M o tor Co.
3 1 8 - 3 3 2 E. M a in S t.
P h one D ay or N igh t 444
H illsboro, O regon