H IL L S B O R O Page Six Judge Directs Bell Verdict ‘Electric Chair’ for Chickens D irected verdict against th e state j accident comm ission was given in circuit court W ednesday afternoon by Ju d g e R. F ran k P eters at Vie close of an action brought by H ar­ vey Bell to appeal from a decision of the commission. Bell had been denied com pensa­ tio n for th e loss of sight in one ey e as the result of an accident w hile cutting wood for Z. J. Riggs of H illsboro Riggs was m ade in ­ terv en er by th e commission. T he verdict assures Bell th e am ount usually aw arded for th e loss of an eye and his expenses. A ppearing for Bell w as P au l 1. P atterson. U. R G riggs represented th e accident comm ission and W. C. W inslow. Riggs. Highlights in Week's News levied in Justice court at Iteav- J Ki< kett.s » m rested Monday by erton several w eeks ago When con State Boliceinun Je rry ( ochrtin aft ¡Rites Friday for Meanest Individual ¡fine Meeting of Seal 1 fronted by an officer. Beech's moth u a com plaint was lodged by an r is said to have given the young irate landow ner against H n k etts August F. Peters Sale Leaders to Makes New Record e man the am ount of the fine, but w in August F P eters. 85. resident of H illsboro for the last fo u r years died T uesday afternoon at his hom e h ere F u n eral service« will be held Friday aftern o o n at 2 from the Donelson & Sew ell funeral chapel w ith b u rial in F ir Lawn cem etery P eters was born M arch 23. 1851 in G erm any Ten years ago he re tired from his farm and since has been m aking his hom e h ere Reverses Decision Made by Accident Comission Thursday, O ctober 22, 1931! A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N S heriff's deputies this week are be Held Saturday , who. -coking the "w orld's m< anest m an" some tim e last week shot tw o P rep arato ry to the annual C h rist­ horses ow ned by Fay Mead w ho mas seal sale the last of next resides in the m ountains n o rth ­ m.'util, chairm en of tin- various east of Buxton A ccording to the i eport made In seal districts w ill m eet in H ills­ boro S aturday afternoon at 1:15 the officers, the horses w, re shot in o'clock in the H illsboro Pharm acy (he abdom en in such a m anner for luncheon, it lias been a n ­ w ith a .22 caliber rifle, that they nounced by Essex M arsh of w andered for a day or tw o before succum bing to the w ounds Beaverton, president. B esides his w idow . C h ris tin a , he O ne horse was found dead near Mrs Sadie O rr-D u n b ar w ill be u rv iv e d by six sons. W illiam of present and plans for the eatn- the Mead school, w ithin half a mile M... eapolis. M in n ; E dw ard o f I sign m ade C hairm en and th eir of the Mead (arm. w hile the olliei N orth D akota. O tto of G reat Falls districts are Mrs H elen Gale. Mid had w andered th ree miles tow ard Mont ; Reuben of Hillsboro W aite: dleton. Mrs E J. Johnson. T i­ | Banks Loss of the horses leaves Mead of C anada and Leslie of P o rtlan d gard. Mrs ii D Ledford. WatU; T w o daughters, Mrs C lara S tew art Mrs W J. C lapshaw . Hillside; horseless until new horsepow er and Mrs. B ertha S tew art, both of Mrs M C. M cK ereher. B eaverton: can be supplied to the farm. i H illsboro, also survive. Mrs A C. Johanne.sen. G lenw ood; MRS. t AKI (I. M il I I R Mrs P errv S hearer. F airview . Mrs ,1 E M orbaek. Sherw ood; Mrs ' Mrs C arl G M iller of Helvetia. 1 W. G uild Midway Mrs. A 11 80. died at Jones hospital Sunday Busch. Hillsboro; Mrs A nnie evening F uneral services will be Schm idt. L aurel; Mrs M T Hates. held this afternoon at 3 p m from aston; Mrs M V Jackson. N orth the R isk C reek church, w ith in ­ Boy Scout honor court wil con­ G Plains; Mrs H enry Ilehrm an. C o r­ term en t at that place Young's Fll- vene in the circuit court room in nelius. Mrs F lorence H olroyd, F o r­ I n eral hom e has charge of a rra n g e ­ the court house tonight iT h u rs d a y > i es: G rove. Glen Fpler. Dilley; ments. w ith Ju d g e R. F ran k P eters p re ­ Mrs C harles Mrs Shipley. Banks; Mrs. A nna C aroline Fuchs was born siding. F ollow ing the new ly in a u ­ g u rated plan, th ere will be d em o n ­ W. R H aw xhurst. T ualatin, and in Boland S eptem ber 5. 1856, and Mrs. C. O Mabee. A loha-H uber. was m arried in 1879 to C arl Gustav e stratio n s in addition to the court Rose Cove of H illsboro is seal M iller In 1902 the fam ily moved P aren ts and friends are urged to sale chairm an for th o county. to A m erica and since then had r e ­ attend. sided in W ashington county M r. A fter the court th e d istrict Bov M ARTHA MU I LK M iller is survived by her husband, Scout com m ittee w ill hold a m e e t­ M artha Miller, resident of P o rt­ tw o daughters. Mrs Rose Selioeht ing. according to W illiam F J o h n ­ land. died th ere early W ednesday of P ortland and M is M arie C raig son. area field executive. She was born in N ovem ber. 1889 of Richmond. Va . and one son S u rv iv o rs include t h e w idow er. A dolph of A shland Attend M eeting R N T orbet and C harles W alker, A dolph M iller. F uneral a rra n g e ­ P refers Jail both of H illsboro, and A rth u r Yen m ents are being m ade by D onelson S ew ell fu n eral chapel. O scar G ran t Beech of P ortland m ans of Forest Grove, agents for th e N orthw est M utual F ire In s u r­ was lodged ill the county jail Wed Itirth s nesdav a fter refusal to pay a $7 50 ance com pany of M ilw aukee, a t ­ S usbauer To Mr and . Cor- tended a tw o-day conference in P ortland M onday a n d Tuesday nelius S usbauer of Cornelius, Oeto- 8MXMMKXQtiK XMMK Xix; xLX w h ere they met w ith o th er agents ber 17. a girl. V an d er/an d en To Mr and Mrs and officials of the com pany. W e ure u gents for Bert V anderzanden of n ortheast of H illsboro. O ctober 18. a boy. M arriage L icenses DR. DAVID ROBERTS' Boscow To Mr and Mrs. Bill F ra n k E B alden a n d F rances Boscow, O ctober 8. a boy. Lewis. P ortland O ctober 16 V E T E R IN A R Y H ow ard Ray S heele and L ucienne D ivorce Su its F iled LaVoic. Forest G rove O ctober 16 R E M E D IE S Fish Lena R against W alter J H ow ard S tratton. G ales C reek l.illa rd E dith R. against Mack and D elta W Hay.-. H illsboro ro u te C Onie in anil G et Ills Book 1. O ctober 17 H enkel Leola T. against G eorge The Practical N athan C leabm an R ushling. B iav - erto n r o u t e 2. and E lizabeth Jo s e p h ­ Jr. Home Veterinarian Soutli Lela against Raymond. ine A rata. P ortland. O ctober 19 John F. C orrieri. Hillsboro, and Legal blanks, 5c and 10c A com ­ M ary A nn Z anobelli. P ortland. Oe plete supply available at the H ills­ to ber 19. X « » « X x « w V k « x X w « x g tf Kxx:« S teven J. V erboort and R ubv M boro A rgus. Coy. Forest G rove. O ctober 20. Mrs Scout Honor Court in Session Tonight Seeking a m ore h u m an e m ethod of p rep arin g pou ltry for m ark et, two San Francisco tech n ician s have developed an electric device to kill chickens, tu rk ey s, geese an d squabs. T he p ictu re above show s tfce new m achine doing its jo b as an o p erato r points out how th e c tic k e rs , suspended from a m oving belt, th eir legs pinioned in w ire clam ps, a re killed as th eir heads are pressed ag ain st electrodes. The m achines have from 1C00 to 1500 volts, according to th e size of th e fowl to be killed. T hursday, O ctober 15 R oosevelt in M ichigan says d e­ pression w es beaten because his adm inistration had acted. G overnor L andon says “it is the fa rm ers and th e w o rk ers th at eventually w ill play S anta C laus to th e new deal's program of reckless extensive in e a rth q u ak e th at hits th ree-y ear-o ld B enjam in M ouehette , Jr. of G lendale, Oregon. Italy. Y ugoslavia and A ustria extravagance.“ L u th er Jenes. ex-convict, adm its W itnesses attack plan to boost D uPont fam ily gives $383,000 to price of m ilk in P o rtlan d area d u r­ republican fund up to S e p te m b e r slaying four N evada men. N in te e n die as boat capsizes in ing tria l to m ake p erm an en t a tem ­ 30. porary injunction against Oregon Fascist arm ies in trem endous new L ake E rie u n d er im pact of gale Spanish rebels isolate M adrid. m ilk control board. offensive sm ash w ay to point 25 R ailroad lines cut. m iles w est of M adrid. Y ear's extension of presen t w ork- G erald L. K. Sm ith, self-an n o in t- Monday. O ctober 19 i mg co n tracts and ag reem en ts be- ed successor to Huey Long, r e ­ U. S. su p rem e court tu rn s back I tw een m aritim e groups and em ­ moved from Tow nsend m ovem ent, attack s on 1933 securities act. p ro­ ployers ap p eared likely today as according to Dr. Shadduck. state visions of the natio n al in d u strial r e ­ R ear A dm iral H arry G H am let Tow nsend chief. covery act and 1935 relief m easure. ' conferred in San F rancisco w ith S tate m ilk control board takes Landon on w ay to coast prom ises rep resen tativ es of both factions in step to protect its advance in th e "to do all in o ur p o w er” to rev iv e efforts to settle lab o r disagree- price of m ilk in the P o rtlan d area foreign trad e and contends new I m ents. w hen it files m otion in circuit deal policies of “econom ic n a tio n al­ Socialist troops rep o rted to have court asking tem p o rary injunction ism" a re "dangerous to A m erica checked Fascist d riv e on M adrid blocking price increase be set and to w orld peace " C alls on p res­ 20 miles from th e Spanish capital aside. ident to express view s on NRA. . Left front governm ent forces re ­ V ice-P residential N ominee Knox P resident Azana and th re e cab ­ ported to have received an im ­ asks P resid en t Roosevelt to deny inet m em bers leave M adrid for po rtan t su p p ly of w ar m aterials or confirm reports th at he plans to B arcelona. L oyalists say move p lan ­ from abroad. raise wages and shorten hours by ned to encourage loyalist arm ies. $2,000,000 blaze sw eeps through a federal law. if re-elected. San Diego. Cal., dow ntow n business T uesday. O ctober 20 Roosevelt at D etroit says o u t­ Roosevelt schedules cam paign in ­ block sh o rtly a fte r m idnight. standing issue of th e cam paign is: vasion of Indiana. Ohio and P e n n ­ "S hall the social and economic se­ sylvania. Leaves on New E ngland N e w Court C ases c u rity and betterm en t of th e m ass­ trip. Did You Know New cases filed in circu it court es of the A m erican people be m ain ­ T hat you can have your radio Landon raps CCC. and re cip ro ­ tained and stren g th en ed or not?” cal trad e agreem ents a n d farm this w eek in clu d e C harles F B ar­ com pletely reconditioned in H ills­ ron vs. H enry and Em m a B arton Belgian K ing Leopold in ta lk says policies. cancellation of deed; M ike Kokich boro's m odern radio laboratory f o r ' his country w ill re tu rn to h er p re ­ Spanish loyalists g ath er n e w vs. M att V rlicak. money: S tate of ¡a very reasonable cost. Phone 21N w a r n e u tra lity status. tf arm y to rep el rebels On both O regon vs. M artin J. B ernards, I —Douglass R adio Service. F riday. O ctober 16 fronts fascists w ell w ith in 20-mile p etition for w rit of review alleg ­ M aritim e F irem en's Union a n ­ rad iu s of M adrid. ing e rro r at law in ju stice court nounces it w ill proceed w ith a Dean Acheson. form er u n d er sec­ conviction for assault and b attery. - r 1 9 3 0 F o r d T r u c k A rgus 6603. 36p gling" fiscal rep o rts of governm ent monopoly. 1927 C hev T ru c k to m ake "expend itu res look less W ednesday. O -to b er 21 GOOD b u ild in g lot. southeast P o rt­ th a n they are.” P resid en t R oosevelt speaking on / \ 1 9 2 8 F r a n k l in S e d a n land: sell or trad e for H illsboro Long w heelbase, dual w heels W alter R ucker. 31. dies of historic Boston Com m on declares lo t —C. C. Fishback. Rt. 1, H ills­ w ounds suffered w hile pheasant A m erica has gone m ore dem ocratic boro. 36-7p h u n tin g n e a r M cM innville. w hile oth er n atio n s slip. R abble- T EN -m onths Jersey -G u ern sey bull. rousers tak en to task. S aturday. O ctober 17 31 f I fo r sale —H. H. Boge. Rt. 2. H ills­ P h ilad elp h ia surgeons r e m o v e F. R. a t B uffalo declares his 36p public w orks program had "helped tw o-inch n ail from th e lung of boro. P hone 1051 Scholls. sta rt the w heels of trad e and com ­ e i i e h e b e ■3■■■!■■□■ i b as¿ aaaaaaaaat bbbbb m erce tu rn in g again.” H e said it rep resen ted "W hat we A m ericans 1 had decided as a su b stitu te fo r th e dole.” * D istributed by Jam es P. W arburg, one of Roose­ AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICI R A Y J. M A N N v elt’s fo rm er econom ic advisers H illsb o ro , O rc. Phone 371 o r 373 w ho becam e one of his severest critics, w ill support the president. W arburg sw ung back to new deal by recen t F ranco-B ritish-A m erican m o n etary stabilization agreem ent and reciprocal ta riff program . P rices for I'ri.. Sat and A m erican F ederatio n of Labor 119 S. Second Ave. Mon. Oct. 23. 21 and 26 executive council urges its m em ­ PHONE 771 bers to su p p o rt Roosevelt. R elief A d m in istrato r H o p k in s te a rs in to L andon's relief attacks and says L andon can m ake good on his cam paign prom ise to cut re lie f costs only "by p u ttin g a b l; w o rk ers on th e dole." Jo h n Lewis, labor lead er calls Golden West S c o tt T is s u e Baker’s COCOA upon A m erica to re-elect Roose­ v e lt and forestall the "settin g up 1000-shrrt Rolls C O F F E E of a F ascist state.” '..-III. can V ice-P resident G arn er in first B ak er's Prem ium I -lb an d last cam paign talk cites scan ­ C o m f o r t a n d C o n v e n ie n c e CHOCOLATE glass ja dals of the H arding and th e "in ­ ' . lb. bar ep titu d es" of the H oover ad m in is­ w ith tratio n s. “The safest thin g that could happen to this co u n try is the re-election of P resident Roosevelt." I Q G O 49-lb. LD F' bag LA K E' F our N evada men slain in desert P resid en t Roosevelt's 5000 - mile b a llo t drive bolsters c ertain ty of re-election. 1. A 1 0 0 '. petroleum fu e l— ideal fo r furnace, HpeNr/ ’¡ n X ” ‘e' S enator B orah refuses to j o i n fire p la ce or stove. (N o special equipm ent in partisan attack s on new deal, p u ts w elfare of nation above party. needed.) pkgs. Coos Bay Times, republican, PREFERRED h¡TOCK th ro w s its support to Roosevelt. 2. H ighest heat content of any solid fuel. O regon beats Idaho 13-0. Oregon S ta te loses to W ashington "U" 19 3. No h anking or shaking. H old fire a ll day or to 7. W. S C. tie« U. S. C 0-0. for n ig ht. Sunday. O ctober 18 PUREE. LARGE 2 '. CANS PA BSTETTE C olum bia netw ork denies rc- broadcasting. Interru p ted speech of 4. No ashes or clin ke rs to ca rry out. S e n a to r V an d erb irg brings co n fu ­ SLICED BEETS CANDY sion. 5. One ton o f Gasco B riquets gives as much L andon travels west in final L in d y P E A S heat as tw o cords o f firs t-g ro w th fir. No. 2 can p resid en tial cam paign dash to P a ­ Sw eet and ren der cific coast. T w en ty -fiv e killed and dam age SARDINES CANDY BARS, GUM • Mrs Delta Drug Store $35.00 down S II« Sa R» Too Late to Classify $35.00 down $35.00 down taste! YOUR CHOICE M otor Co. told him to pay it by nerving in Ag ene y Transferred jail because she thought the fine A nnouncem ent was in.ule W ed­ too stiff. nesday of the tran sfer of the agency tor tiu» S uperior and N orthw estern Eire Insurance com panies to W M sh o t E E IV E R Y South Second A ye. ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■II ailEBBESaRBaBBBIBaiaBBRBBBRBRaBBBRRHBBBBBBBBBBBaB 0 V