Page Four n I L I, S F O R O ■ ■ - A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O . T h u rsd ay , O cto b er 15, 193(1 O REG O N ■— P ortland his b arn w ith a new cem ent base- daily and four L Sundays instead. H onor Couple ■ m ent. Scholls Grange to Make Plans A. C ote of Mt Hood is visiting Misses M alie and Alma Sc ‘m at- w ith his son George. have 1 ' * 1 Mr. and Mrs G eorge Foege a re Jo h n for Pomona; Suppe r on rn d av i l"“" on Anniversary spending ' 1 M a w eek at Walla Walla »feller, left fm th eir hom e Satin Miss Flora Wick of H illsboro iH » M io P o m m ln l spent th e w ek-eud at the C .e k -e n d w ith V eina sp en t the SC H O LLS An all day G range S eiffert home H aases Rent Farm ; Sellers W alters S upper F riday Mrs. A. R Pearson en tertain ed ineeting w.ll be held at th e G runge A cafeteria supper will be given Buys H illside P lace the C edar M ills club at th e home hall S atu rd ay K inton G range will fill th e ehairs and have ch arg e of at the church parlors Friday ev e ­ FIRD ALE IOWA HILL A fam ily reunion honoring Mr. and Mrs Sam G erig's th irtieth w edding a n n iv e r­ sary was held at the Sam G erig hom e Sunday. Guests included Mrs H Dallmann. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Dahlm ann. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faix. all of K inton; Mr and Mrs J W. K oerner and d au g h ter l.ola. Mr. and Mrs Celon Fish and son Leland; the Misses B ertha. Emma K atherine and S arah Gerig. all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs Joe G erig and daughters. Lydia and Laura. Mrs. F red DeVcres, Mr. and Mrs H arold DeVerse and d aug h ter Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r DeVeres. all of P ratum : Mr. and Mrs C. E Carlson. P ortland A pot luck d in n er was served. Mr. and Mrs. C E C a rl­ son spent the w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Gerig. Mr and Mrs. R eynold G erig and daughters of St. Helens visited at the Sam Gerig, F ran k Koch and John K am na homes S atu rd ay and Sunday. L ittle J u a n ita Mae is spending this w eek w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Kamna. The N ever Idle division of the St. M atthew s A ltar society has co m p leted th eir project for th e bazaar w hich is to be held O c­ tober 20 at th e G range hall. H ills­ boro. P rize is on display in Ire ­ land's window. The second prize is a surflow er quilt, th ird prize is a perm anent wave, t h e fo urth a crocheted rug All club m em bers of the N ever Idle division are selling tickets. of Mrs. Jam es W alters W ednesday. Jack Shaw w as tak en to th e hos­ p ital w ith several broken bones and ex tern al bruises, w hich h e re ceived w hen a ear stru ck hint and carried him about 33 feet. Social S atu rd ay C edar Mill n u tritio n extension unit w ill hold a social evening at the C edar M il G range hall next S atu rd ay night. E verybody is in ­ vited. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of M innesota m oved into th e Hogan place recently. C ouple O b serv e 5 2 n d A n n iv e rsa ry th e e n tire program . All Scholls gran g ers are urged to atten d Final plans w ill be m ade for Pomona G range O ctober 28 C an im u n lti Event Set The ann u al chicken su p p er spon­ sored by the M ountain Home L a­ dies' Aid will bo hold in th e M oun­ tain Home church d in in g room No­ vem ber 13 Inspect Tile P lant Pupils of th e Jaek to w n school w ith then teacher. Miss Evelyn Hcaae. m ad e a visit to the Scholls Tile m ill M onday to see how the tile and black w ere made. Mrs A ngie Bell B radw ay of In ­ dependence cam e Sunday evening fo r an in d efin ite stay at th e 1 li M urrav heme. A good i d atten d ed the pot I luck dinner ven at the church j p arlo rs S •iidav by th e T ru th Seek- I ers' class Mis. W illiam It C hand- lice had i harge of the follow ing pro- | gram ; Se eeted ptx'tns road by Mrs. Ida Kav piano solo by Mrs. C Earl Sti etcher, talk b y J. M. S tretch er and d uet by Ava and ! L uella H oward. Born, to Mr. and Mr: 5. P arian Coin, a girl. O ctober 8. V erba S m ith of North H illsboro ning S erving will begin at ti \ short program and social hour w ill follow M rs W illi.on U C handler. Mrs C lifford T rask and Mrs. 1. C row der are in charge. Mrs A J W eller has been at the hom e of h er daughter. Mrs Fern I'yal.i. in l\-i tlan d ;e p u t vv eek M issionary m eeting w ill be hold it th e M ountain Home parson u;e T hursday afternoon at 2 o'clock B enefit S uccess a t N o rth P lains I By L a Velio Jackson» NORTH PL A IN S A benefit e n d party was given by th e Past C hief.' A McCoy) club, l ’ytlnan Sisters, here M on­ day evening of last week for the KANSAS CITY Mr. and Mrs distressed town of Bandon The a f ­ M artin V anderzanden and son fair was a success and they sent W ayne and d au g h ter M arjorie and over tw enty dollars to Mrs Elise friend H enry Tews spent Sunday Rasm ussen G rand P rotector o f w ith Mrs V and erzan d en ’s parents P ythian S isters Mrs R asm ussen is Mr. and Mrs. G eorge V andehey. of to d istrib u te th e am ount as she Roy to cele b rate th e fifty-second sees fit am ong the sisters of B an­ w edding an n iv ersary of Mr. and don. Mrs. V andehey Mr. and Mrs Ju liu s Schoenberg Una B rady in com pany of th e and Mr. and Mrs F E N orthrup C hristian E ndeavor of H illside a t­ left S unday m orning on a hunting tended a C h ristian E ndeavor rally in eastern O regon They will at B ethany Friday evening Miss V erda C en ser of L aG rande. j trip Ben P a rk e r spent a tew days las; w ho w ere re tu rn in g home from a visit friends in Boise. Idaho, ami week visiting friends in B eaverton trip to New York City. W ashington, re tu rn in a week or ten days. Mr and Mrs J Neilson of M arys­ Neil F itscharles and fath er w ho D C and C alifornia. w here Mrs have been helping w ith th e filbert N ettie B enedict joined them , w ere ville, Kan . w ho have been at the harv est at th e Seavy ranch for the I recent visitors at the 11 V ersteeg C arl C h risten er hom e for the past few weeks, spent th e w eek-end vis past tw o weeks, left for th eir hom e home. at Alsea last week. Mrs Jam es R achin of P o rtlan d ¡ting relatives at Valsetz. Tin y w ere accom panied by Miss Phyllis Leon H eesacker en tered school I Rent Farm visited h er niece. Miss Wanda C hristener. John and H arold H aase have M onday a fte r having been at home Finigan. S atu rd ay and Sunday Fred Poe. w ho has been in bet! Dix Dolge of P ort O rford visited ren tsd the G. Rueeke farm on th e for th e past six w eeks w ith w hoop­ an uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. for th e past week, is recovering F irdale road for the com ing y ear. ing cough. slightly from a severe ease of e r y ­ R obert and R alph V anderzanden Mrs. M ildred A rnold of Jefferson, left S atu rd ay for Alsea on a deer E lery McDougal. S atu rd ay and sipelas. It w ill be some tu n e before Sunday. w ith h er sm all son David, spent the hu n tin g trip. Mrs. W ayne Jones visited S a t­ he w ill be up and aro u n d again. w eek-end w ith tier parents, Mr. I K ansas C itv F arm ers' U nion met Misses M arjorie and S ue Putzy u rd ay w ith h er m other. Mrs. M and Mrs W. J. Ammon. at B anks W ednesday evening i n , L. K endall, of G ran ts Pass, w ho of P ortland sp en t the w eek-end Roy C arter spent th e w eek-end ; th e Royal N eighbor hall. is a guest of relativ es in Newberg. v isiting w ith th e ir b ro th er-in -law w ith his family. He w orks on th e and sister. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge A n n iv ersary O bserved N ew berg ro u te one w ill begin dredge "M ichie P. S.." w hich is M r and Mrs Louis S tro h m ay e’- N ovem ber 2 carry in g mail over a Hess. now stationed at A storia. Mrs. I .ouis Houston and d au g h ter Mrs. T heresa Eischen, w ho h as | and Mr and Mrs Theo K rieg er and stretch of road from F ar View D olores and Mrs. E lizabeth Davis been ill at the Good S am aritan d au g h ter K ath erin e w ere Sunday farm n orth past N utcro ft and back of B eaverton \v re S undav dinner hospital in P ortland w as taken to d in n er party guests of Mr. and Mrs up th e m ountain by th e J a q u ith 1 p arty guests of Mr. and Mrs. J H the home of her d aughter. Mrs. Tony K em per and fam ily and Miss and J. P. Jo n es farm s, c o m i n g Davis. F ran k Waibel. by h er son. Alec Frances Vanloo of Forest G rove out again on to p of th e m ountain N orth P lains bus from H illsboro in celebration of th e fou rteen th by th e P leasant View school house. Eischen. S aturday. to N orth P lains has been discon­ B lanche V andehey. O rpha C arter. w edding an n iv ersary of Mr. and This new addition of ro u te one, tinued. T h ere are now th ree trips to carried by Mr. H anville. w ill serv e G eorge Dober. Louise Unger, all Mrs. K em per. 21 fam ilies, nine of whom w ere M arlow and Eldon H avem an of P ortland, and M ary T rum p of j i*re served by H illsboro ro u te 5 The joined by Mr and Hoquiam. Wash., w ere guests at I o th er 12 fam ilies bad to go q u ite cer of L aurel and Mrs D. M er­ the E J. C arter home W ednesday. left th e sam e a distance to th e ir mail boxes, sev­ W ednesday. Word has LeRoy Rose is b uilding a new J been re- eral over a mile. chicken house. F ran k W aibel has ceived from them saying th ey hud ju st finished shingling Will Red- Jones In ju red gone fa rth e r south n ear B urns «n R -i» Mr. an d Mrs. Jam es W alters and w ho w ill rem ain un til N ovem ber B arbara, and Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r 1. Mrs. B rad w ay visited Mrs. L loyd Schulz and Je a n e tte sp en t t h e M urray at Scholls S u n d ay and w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Lee Monday. ä Mead at N ehalem and th e beaches. G eorge C am pbell and sons George Mrs. W alters is Mr. M ead's sister. J r . and D onald and Mrs. G. W. Sam uel W alters is rem odeling C am pbell of Y akim a. Wash., and (M olte Party at Hazeldnle 3(1. the Six m onths Bat* ’ihre«» mont h i .•»,) if cents Tw o m onths 3b cents. dtetl Mi Till« D r. P . G . B row n day cvenin.:* by train from Port Il.itlow « land I'hey intended to go to San I » N i ls I Eianei.sit» to vi it relatives and Club Plans for H allow o H an't Ih'lav t our spend a feu days w ith Mrs F led «i r<»nitiht rial M Social O ctober 30 D riilal W ork Z>bach in Long Beach before r e ­ n. We t tin E.i |*A\ ON M t • %SY tu rning. i . tai nn*« 1 at. ill tin !• \ \ 111 N I I’l \N f h er d au g h ter Loi The,-« u, day afternoon. i 15 little folks present T he Rim diart h, >vs, w ho i em ployed at Hood Rive, ¡n ut ' w eek-end at th eir home Mi Jo h n BI* ' critically ,11 at the Em m ind pitul. is slow ly im proving at THIS MASON HILL N ’w rcsitlents nf home in P orthind Mason Hill are Mr. and Mt Jo h n W EEK Paveleik. w ho a rriv e d last T h u rs­ M. day from Faith. S. I), and expect! Continuous Show S aturday— 1 ¡3 0 to 11 to m ake th eir home in Oregmi. | »n and F aith is in w estern South Dakot , 1 C ornelius Ida!,, «1 and in th e h eart nf the "dust ' enee w ere week by the death *ii3n2LK4O\4r'.ii> sw v h o i happened wheA fa warlord 8 in ’- the Qdehr tpdj,.*ta keep I ] Qary hpm hh sjot. I t Ï 8 C ount' HE STAX I »S EOR Redi mg i •xpci a group t Mil (if faction. Will consldt'r cv ry hill on it . m erits and v« »t<* for th«» best intere.•> the stat«' and county. Qualified Experienced E veryone a tax paver, eith er rr ¡»ersonn in- , gas, indust*i l ac- tangible, ► i cidi nt autom obile, dr •r licens« or o th er tax. M em ber Low er House J 931 Session T hree Tim es M ayor of C ity of F orest («rove N ative W ashington C ounty 30 Y ears of B anking E xperience T axpayer Who O w ns and O perates Tw o F arm s a i 5 Ad.lph Zwb.r p GARY COOPER M ADELEINE C A R R O ll Every dollar spent c >mes from zou, then let’s cut nut unnecessary spendipg. THE GENERAL D IE D at DAWN Will legislate according t< business principles. (P » l,l A tv t ÍLMrífy ï °“ r PLUS— ‘ P o p ey e” Cartoon and O lher Short Subjects “- - SU N . - M O N . - TU ES. O ctober 18, 19, 20 P a lm P re s c rip tio n S e rv ic e T h e re is no w ork in w hich we ta k e g re a te r pride, no r is any t a s k m ore im p o rta n t in the en ­ tire o p e ra tio n of ou r store th a n th a t of ta k in g care of y o u r prescrip tio n s and sick room req u irem en ts. A s a special in tro d u c to ry o ffe r, th e W e stin gh o u se e le c tric range fa c to ry p rod u ce d several thousand o f th is O N E fine m o d e l, effe ctin g im p o rta n t econom ies in such huge mass p ro d u c tio n . Every cent o f A g e n ts for A s th m a n e frin In halen t and Sets In sta n t relief. W hy su ffe r w ith A sthm a. KKAMIEN’S P alm D ru g S to re Prescription Druggiita Phone 266 Notice these Outstanding Ventures Smart new design, finished in white porcelain enamel, with red and chromium trim; fittings are jet black. Comes complete with range light, kitchen clock and salt and peppers, 2 high speed Corox cooking units and 2 Ebonite cooking units, warming drawer, big automatic oven with radio dial heat control, and lots of other interesting features that will make you really proud to own this fine range. Visit your nearest Pepco Electric Store today. See this wonderful range value—and Icarft about easy terms that will enable you to take advantage of this unusual offer for only a few dollars a month. A,a" m these m a n u fa c tu rin g savings are bein g passed o n to you! 'I b is is NOT a c u t-p ric e range. I t is N O T an obso le te m ode l. It is one o f the m o st up-to -d a te ranges in the W e s tin gh o u se lin e today. Special p ric e q u o te d is guaranteed o n ly w h ile present q u a n tity lasts. B U Y NOW! W IR IN G If n e e d e d , o n ly t f d o w n , $1 o m o n th , w ith your elettric bill Electric STORES of the Portland General Electric Company I 8 8 I r)irfcltd ky CtoTf^t St.-’ ve«.,. A / ’A N D R O S., I1EAMAN Production. Lyrlcj ky DOROTHY J fELDS I S elected Short Sub jects s