The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 08, 1936, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page Eight
II I L I. S B O It O
Club to Meet
« y 111
at Hazelaale
, visit w ith h er sister. Miss D eborah
B arrett. S he was accom panied from
| H eppner by h er d aughter. Mrs
G len Jon es and son Billie. L ittle
B illie w as brought dow n to have
his tonsils rem oved.
I he Makings of Green Pastures
Grade Schools
Show Increase
Growers Hear
Prune Plans
Iligli O fficers H onored—
A dult Sew ing Class O rgan­
Mrs. M arvin Woods, state vice- O fficers Elected by Class
i president of F. L. clubs, e n te r­
Groups Local Schools
ized ; Fam ilies M ove
tained Tuesday evening for Mrs !
(By Mr. J. C. Smith!
HAZELDALE— C om m unity club
w ill m et: at 8 p. m Friday in the
school house A social hour and in ­
form al program w ill follow the
business m eeting
New Fam ily H ere
Mr. and Mrs Clyde C arey w ith
th eir fam ily have moved onto th e
T aylor farm They cam e here r e ­
cently from Fillm ore. Utah.
T avlors Move
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T aylor and
Mr. and Mrs. H arley T aylor moved
to a farm n ear A lbany last week
Mr and Mrs H erm an Schoene
are in eastern Oregon
Mrs. Donald F raser spent a
couple of days last week as th e
guest of Mr. and Mrs Max B erger,
Mrs. F raser is recovering from a
recent illness and w ill move back
on to th t ir farm shortly
Class Formed
An adult sew ing class was o rg an ­
ized last W ednesday and 17 m em ­
bers enrolled. The class w ill meet
each W ednesday in th e basem ent
of the school at 1 p m. This is a
PWA project and is free of charge.
Mrs. B ecker of R ted v illc is th e in ­
Mrs. Ellen K retzer of The Dalles
spent th e w eek-end w ith Mr and
Mrs. Max B erger Mrs. K retzer is
an au n t of Mrs B erger.
Mrs. A rchie O 'C onnor was taken
suddenly ill nast S atu rd ay and is
at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n
O 'C onnor at Tobias.
V erne Jeld erk s Honored
A surprise birth d ay party was
given fo r V erne Jeld erk s at th e
home of Mr and Mrs. Tom M iller
T hursday night. P resent w ere C e­
celia Beard. Dolly R inehart. C lar­
ence Bough, H arold Lee. H erb
Thomas. Bob Long. Mrs. Jelderks.
V irginia. M argaret. R uth and Jean
n la v p d a n d
M iller G a m e . s „ . . w.-prp
„ a re P
refreshm ents served
Mr. and Mrs. H. E G rab h o rn of
C ooper M ountain have had as
guests at th eir home for th e past
m onth th eir daughter. Mrs E dw ard
Neill, and children of E nterprise.
Mr Neill w ill join them to a t­
tend the Pacific L ivestock show,
a fter w hich they w ill d ep art for
th eir hom e in W allowa county.
T h u rs d a y , O c to b e r 8, 1936
A R G U S . II I L I, S B O II O . O II E G O N
N orm anden N am ed M em ber
o f Central C om m ittee
M ildred Machow of P ortland, state
| president, and Miss M ildred Law-
Bv School Reporters)
of Y am hill, sta te secretary Miss
A fter on? m onth of grade school
s t E u k h o rn . presid en t of i i h ere the enrollm ent is 268 boys and
the Rose C ity club w as also p res­ ; 247 girls or a total of 515, w hich
ent H illsboro F. L. club m em bers is 22 more than a y ear ago.
p resented them w ith corsage bou­
S tudents at E xposition
quets Mrs Roscoe Munson, past
state president, was likew ise lion- ' S u p erintendent Nosier and Miss
I Brow n, each, chaperoned a bus
load of pupils w ho atten d ed th?
E ditor V isits Here
(Pacific International Livestock Ex-
Miss E sther E llinghusen of Holly- | position S aturday
wood, a m em ber of th e local high i
Talk on F ire H azards
school faculty a few y ears ago. was ,
G arrett and W ilbur D il­
visiting old friends h ere Friday
lon spoke to th e l ’eter Boscow an t
Miss E llinghusen is now associate ju
pupils M onday w ith
txtltor of The Gospel L ig h t" Press,
a Sunday School sto rv publication. reference to tire prevention.
Dick C rockett, a n . w 7A stu d en t
She has been ln S eattle aI1 su m .
m er
and has b e e n
lecturing from G ran ts Pass, was absent from
throughout th e state on h er work school several days to receive m ed­
L ectures also w ill be given in ical attention for an infected thum b.
New Pupils E nroll
p o rtland and cn route to Los A n­
geles. S he is accom panied by her | New pupils in th e local schools
m other.
arc as follows: 6A2 Edm und Schif-
. fer from S uth erlin . 7A2 Ted Fish-
| c r and Donald Roseland from South
Free W ill D onations
I lisli which is as heiillliftll as the
e.limed fruit juice., citrus fruits or
I tom ato Juice.
All of these o ther articles. U was
pointed out to the grow ers are
highly a ih e rtise d w ith the result
that vast Increases In salrs and
Ilk, wise in production, bus re s u lt­
ed M eanw hile the Oregon prune
has been lagging fur behind in
popularity and consequently in
value to the producer.
In com parison w ith o th er p ro d ­
ucts. prune eoiisiuuinatIon during
the depression fell fill b e h in d o tlie i
product.'- 111 the n atu ral decline in
consum er dem and.
B etw een 25 and 30 p ru n e grow ers
of W ashington county a em bled in
the Forest G rove cham ber of com
mere«1 rooms Friday night to dis
cuss plans for advertising O regon
prum s in castel li m arkets as a
com petitive product tor various
fruit and vegetable juices and Cat-
(M r* . R ichard H unger I
ifornia d ried pru n es and citrus ,
Mi uiul Mi
!•' Dcht'oux.
Hei b N orm anden. Forest G rove Kichuiil .»ml Hubert. \ isit« i| with
prune grow er, was selected to , Mrs D ehroux s parents, Mr and
re p rise n t the district on the c e n |
com m ittee, w hich is considering the
ad v ertisin g cam paign.
This cam paign is designed to
stim ulate the sale o f d r i e d p r u n e s
to tin» housew ife as a breakfast
Mr* Louis K< del at Welch« Sun
Mi and M r Al McDonald, Mi
and« Mrs
A Punt el of Port land
w ri\ luncheon party KUr*t . Sun
day .it the home o( Mi and Mi
N llotlmiun
M i. G erald llu ii> . Mr and Mi
Bryson W ode
ami hahy of Wren
spent th«* w«*ek*eml w ith Mi ami
Mrs Ah In llungei
P acific Play» L infield
at Forest G rove Friday
Fresh from th eir 20 to 7 vn to, v
over Port Lewis in P ortland 1.« t
Saturday, t h e I'aeifl«* univem ity
Batixeis will t.n kle the ir first eon
ferem v football opponent when
they meet L infield on th e Pacific
field Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
I This will he the fu t of the two
hom e gum .s for Pacific tin.-, yeai
W ith n Lucky Purchase
for B andon S ufferers Mary Gra
Kansas: T revor C anby. B uxton
8A—Willis Thomas. M arjorie S p en ­
O 'D onnell. E lm er
S troder. C larence Rice. P atti C ro ck ­
ett. M arie M ontgomery. C h arlo tte
W oodward. M elba Poe. P c t.r Bos­
cow school: 2A G loria S h iffe r.;
Utah. 5A—Ju n io r Wilson. M ountain.
Wis. 5B—Dick Ogden. P u m p k in
R j,
., t v . , ,
- r ,,.
, •
A P riscilla M crkt is- u. son w ere nam ed on the safety
D akota.
O fficers Named
2A. 3A. D avid Hill Ja c k Doyle,
Class officers. 6A2. Ju n io r high
S tanford G ray, president: R ichard president C harlotte Patterson. vice-
G illette, v ice-president: Alice Ban- president Jacq u elin e Barney, sic-
ner. secretary; C harles Sim m ons, retarv; B arbara Gates, treasu rer.
YOUNG cows f o r sale freshen Roy K astcr room m onitors. A lice R -. M artz w. is nam ed safety offi­
soon — F. H. Bowlby. T elephone Banner, patro l officer
cer and C h arlo tte Patterson,' safe­
New 7A_ class, ju n io r high, off i- ty council m em ber.
1 eers arc. B illie Ziegler, p resident.
Leave for O llier Places
TWO m atu re Jersey proven bulls Ju n e Ireland, v ice-president. Don-
Pupils that have moved away:
for sale, and 8-m onths-old calf, aid Nelson, secretary , and Ivan
7A2. Ju n io r high K enneth S w ank
Also team of young horses, m are Steinke, patrol off Icel­
and g e ld in g —A rth u r Knox. Scog-
7A2. Ju n io r high Alvin K raus to M ountaindalc. Edwin W orkm an
gins V alley: Rt. 1, G aston.
34p p re s id e n t H arlan Weintz. vice-pres- to P ortland. 8A2, Ju n io r high—L il­
ident: Bud E dw ards, secretary lian M iller to Amboy. Wash. 4A.
SIXTY R. I R. pullets, startin g to Lloyd A nderson, sergeant-at-arm 's. P eter Boscow—Alice S ears to E u­
gene. 2A—C arolyn Rob. i ts to P ort-
lav. $1 each — Ray DeLsman. G ari- B etty G ardner, patro l officer
baldi St.
7B and 6A. Ju n io r high—D uane I land. 5A—B etty J o S w ank
Haynes, president: Milton Dodson,
FOR SALE — V aughn d rag s a w . vice-president R aym ond M eltebeke. p M
‘ ‘
equipped w ith m agneto: l-to n secretary.
idm Jh m r , abtSent Y ith " n ° ° P;
truck, good tires; anvil and hand
6B—Erm a W illiams, p resident:
forge, tongs, etc: 3-horse gas en- V ernon Schorn. v ice-president; F ern ' i”
W '*,,'l
arren Bascomb of bB at , Ju
n io r
Miss E leanor K um alae of Holo- S|n e - M yers b a rre l spray outfit: Weintz. secretary ; W arren Bas- Ug 1 j ' C.r.e ° Ut W1‘h
c° lt«a se'
lulu and C larence K um alae of Hoi- 4-hole cast cam p stove: brooder comb treasu rer; Joe Spicka. ser- t :a aay s'
. ..
lywood left S unday for San F ran- stove. 1000 capacity: lot m iscellan- géant
gean t-at-arm s.
1 '•*' i r , d a >'
cisco and Los Angeles. Thev had . e°us tools, etc.: high grade year-
Ju n io r high 8A is giving a play
8A. Ju n io r high—Jam es P eppard.
been visiting th e ir b roth;r-'in-law ling heifer: steel panel d eliv ery president: M arjorie Kidney, vice- F riday.
and sister. Mr and Mrs. V erlin body, fit ton tru c k .—W. J. A m ann. president; M arie M ontgom ery, sec­
T hird grade at P ite r Boscow is
C ochran for 10 days and enjoyed Rt 2. C ornelius.
34p retary.
co-operating in Fire P revention
trips un th e Colum bia highway.
by giving attention to posters
O fficers. 3rd. P eter Boscow school
to Mt. R ainier N ational p ark and THREE young Jersey - G uernseys. —G
eorge Allison, p resident: D o r is 'and reading stones of fire hazard-
P aradise valley, and also visited
fr« h a,n d C0T lng fresh, first to J o b ^ 0 *1 v ice-president S t u a r t that em phasize the need of care in
S e t ,I o ,„ d T .c o ™ . T S .ir (irn
regard to fire. A special study pro­
gram has been tak en for opening
■ ,,
. ,
.. w’ho
, 2 cr block
ay s on W heel- , re 4A_
? * p „ e,
Miss C h arlo
tte _ Eickw’orth.
y^ve n o rth of • highw
s.w. P eter Boscow G loria Mc­
has been visiting h er sister. Miss
G uire. president; R obert Rasm us-
B lanche E ickw orth. for th e past PRICED for q uick sale—B edroom - en- vice-president; P atricia G atton
month, retu rn ed S atu rd ay to h er
set. A m erican O rien tal rug. 9x12; secretary: D eris A nderson, song
hom e at Em pire. Miss B lanche ac- 28 laying R. I R hens: S en tin el leader: Bobby M acKenzie. health
com panied her hom e and sp en t th e w asher, garden to o ls —E v ert Roem- inspector: Jack H utchinson a.--: -
w eek-end w ith her parents.
hildt. Box 760-A. Rt 2. B eaverton: tan t health inspector.
Mr. and Mrs. M ike Bibby left Blanton Ave. off H uber Ave. 34p
2A. P eter B cscow - K e n n e t h
T uesday m orning for th e ir home — —— ----------------
A nn
at G rass Valley. Mrs. B ibby has 115 18-weeks-old R. I. R pullets.
Person, vice-president: B illy C hris-
been sp e n d in g ' th e sum m er w ith
40c each: 110 R I. R. pullets. 1 8 -iten sen . secretary : Ki nneth
P ear-
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan, and w eeks-old. 60c each; 5 1-year-old j son. treasu rer: Je a n K ennelly, scr-
Mr. B ibby has been here for sev- hens. $1 each: good healthy b ir d s — gean t-at-arm s: A llan G eisbers. mott-
H R. H enning. 2 m iles south Reed- itor; M ilda Beth Pitm an, health
eral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hoberg. Mrs ville: 4 -m ile w est H azeldale store ■ inspector; R obert B urnett, assistant
C. D. “H udson 'a‘nd'tw*o som
. Farm ington road._________ 34p health inspector.
-r- i
, , ,
O fficers, 5A. David Hill school—
to M cM innville Sunday to visit
buy good used kale Dale Busch, president:
D eLoris
Mr. H oberg's sister, Mrs. J. I.
p lanter.—E. B. Rolfe. Box 355. Sears, v ice-president: R ichard Gates.
K night, w ho has been ill. Mrs.
34p secretary : Jo h n Wiley, M o l l i e
K night resided here y ears ago.
, _________________________________ i o -n
E lm er Johnson and family of ROUND oak dining table, S3.50.--
, B nnk vnjorV,iT F r i t p i,,.-
K d so . Wash , w ere guests Sunday
925 Oak St.___________________ 34 p re f id e n t J a c k i u rai secret PP>
M r Johnson* w asA'the ' barber ^af THOROUGHBRED Jerse y heifers
2. David H ill—W alter Johnson.
z- A.
no j Engineers, in w u hich i he
« io m
m « »r,
hnn s o o n — president:
ror sale-
to frm
d „n ,.
p ia n C n ruzen, vice-pres-
and Mr. Hoffm in served.
Erank Schulmerich. Rt. 5, H ills -
m ana«er
Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard Sm ith and boro P honc 5R25
34 ;
Ug 3 '
Helen Tsugaw a. board m anager.
d a u g h ter R uth of C orvallis w ere BOY w ants job on farm ._P hone H elen Tsugaw a and W alter Jo h n -
H illsboro visitors Sunday, calling
34 ---------------------------------------------------
on old friends. Mrs. S m ith was
fo rm erly Miss G ertru d e B ettis of HIGH g rad e C hester W hite boar
this city.
for sale or tra d e .—W. W. Hughes.
Mrs. Lee H ardebeck of neor G as- m ile n o rth and 14-milc west of
ton u n d erw en t a m ajo r o peration Scholls.
at Jones hospital T uesday w ith Dr.
T W O -vear-old bred G u em sey -Jer-
R. S. W altz operating.
sey heifer. $35. C an be seen at
G. R. M orse of Los A ngeles. Cal y an L o o 's place, 2'4 m iles north-
is visiting his d aughter.
au g h ter Mrs. E m - east Hillsboro.
est K idney. He likes O regon v ery
m uch.
GIRL w anted for general house­
w ork.—In q u ire or w rite 6443 Ar-
Ross Baer, w ho has been w ith the
P o rtlan d G as com pany here for th e Sits-
past y ear, left F rid ay fo r San —; -----——— ;----- ------- ——— --------
Francisco, w here he will be located
Legal blanks. 5c and 10c. A com-
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E dw ards of PIete supply av ailab le at th e Hills-
H oquiam . Wash., w ere H illsboro boro Argus.
visitors S aturday to purchase p ro ­
p e rty in this vicinity.
Mrs. R. D English retu rn ed S a t­
u rd ay from a tw o w eeks' visit with
h e r daughters at S eattle
B reakfast club met W ednesday
m orning w ith Mrs. R. F ra n k Peters.
Miss Dolores B um p is a stu d en t
at Linfield college at M cM innville.
1. Low First Cost—
Mrs. G eorge Dooley of H eppner
arriv ed S aturday for an extended
T h ree y ears to pay.
F ree w ill Red Cross donations
for Bandon F ire R elief in th e sunt
of $30 have been sent in th is week.
co n trib u tin g w ere Mrs. \\
Tilton. SL: Mr. and M rs Joseph
~ onne* •
ar|d M rs F. O.
Eagon. $3; H illsboro Argus. $5:
P atty Lomax. $L Mrs A W
“ m an- $L J r F. A pplegate. s SI.
el ? store. $10: A m erican Legion
A uxiliary. $5: all of Hillsboro: and
Mrs. A. C. C hristensen of M etzger.
Too Late to Classify
Local Happenings
Ju liu s C hristensen. W ash­
ington county dairy farm er,
show n above beside his four-
inch een tn iu g .il pum p w hich
irrigates a n 18-acre clover
field, providing green p as­
tu re all sum m er long Not -
th e portable five-horsepow er
electric m otor Left The m o­
to r in place under a p ro tect­
ing roof Illustrated courtesy
P o rtlan d
G eneral
E L ctric
com pany.
in O regon d u rin g the firs t
six m onths o f 1936 as a re ­
sult o f a u to m o b ile accidents.
W O M E N ’S
A ll w ool fleeces, tweeds, pla id s and fu r trim s . K itte d
o d e ls - g uarante
u a r a n t e ed
models w ith belts. Loose back m
m odels
linings. W in te r colors grey,
w ine, b ro w n a n d black.
M ake y o u r selection n o w !
$1 Q00
T h is fig u re c o n s titu te s a
te r r ib le w a rn in g and an u r­
gent appea l Io »'Very m o to r
c a r d r iv e r to I e a le rt, c o u rt­
eous— to p re ve n t a d d in g to
A dult education classes under
WPA again are being organized 111 ■ th is d e p lo ra b le to ll.
Classes for Adults
Now Reorganizing
this county, it was announced this 1
w eek by O B. Kraus, su p erin ten d -I
end of schools. T eachers conducting
classes are:
Mrs. H azel Becker. B eaverton
ro u te 2 C lasses in sew ing and a p ­
plied art at Reedville. Hazeldale.
Farm ington. A loha and H illsboro
Mrs. Lois F urlie, Forest G rove
Classes in crafts (basketry, s p in -i
ning and w eaving) at Forest G rovi
G aston. C ornelius and G ales C reek
Mrs. C lara W hitford B eaverton
Classes i n A m ericanization a n d
d ra m a ' i<"i a« B eaverton. Hillsboro
and H elvetia
G asoline
B atteries
ireasin g
Ac cessone»
A "Magic Carpet
Free with Every P air
Mrs. Nina Holbrook. Sherw ood
T w o Ilanily Location«
route 1—C lasses in A m ericaniza­
tion. dram atics, and practical E ng­
S ervice G arage
lish at T u alatin and Mulloy.
P hone 501
E u g .n e F antetti, S herw ood route
3 Classes in Bible. A m ericaniza­
S uper S ervice
tion and English at Sherw ood. M id­
S ta tio n
dleton and T ualatin.
C o rn er T h ird and Baseline
Miss H elen Wilcox. H illsboro
Phone 391
A. II. Busch, l’rop.
C lasses in piano.
These classes a re free It any pc
son over the ag ■ of sixte ■n year
( Jctoher Sale
Used Cars
Two Nice, Clean
Good tires. A -l m otors and paint.
No b e tte r buys th an these.
A real buy.
1927 motor. S u re ru n s fine.
You will be su rp rised how cheep
you can buy it.
C nm r in and
Sec Them.
New and Used
Everyone younir and
i Id hnv « g<Mxi w ord
fo r th is clea r rp a rk -
tin s
brew w ith (he
real o ld -w o rld laircr
fla v o r. A rk
fo r
to d a y a t y o u r n car-
ert fo u n ta in .
O N T A P O ft
' ¿ 0e
T A S rt
bif«trih«jte<l by
H illa b o ro , Ore.
V ery reasonable
Willys 77 $559 here
Graham $865 here
Used Car Exchange
2nd and W ash. Phone 2641
Powers Grocery
Oil Burner
Prom pt
Phonc 81
Main Street
S pecials for Saturday Only
2. Low O perating Cost—
A ssured by th re e exclusive
G eneral M otors' ach iev e­
m ents the "T hin-M ix" Fuel
C ontrol: th e “Oil A irato r"
and th e ‘‘H eart-H o ard er.”
G boxes
3. E ntirely A u tom atic—
No dust, no d irt, no ashes
or fuel to handle.
4. Q uiet O peration —
O nly one m oving part.—
one-piece fram e—no v ib ra ­
tion no rattles.
6-oz. size
Big stock of popular, makes taken in on
Fast A ction —
N ew Ford V -8s. All body.types. < M an y
Q uick ra d ia n t heat from
th e lum inous S un Flam e."
like new. Every:car;carries our 2>DAY
6. R eliab ility—
A p roduct of G en eral Mo­
tors, th e w orld's largest
and most experienced p ro ­
d u cer of liquid fu el com ­
bustion equipm ent.
prices. Come in a t once. Your present
car in trade. Attractive UCC terms.
» • ; f , * »« / u ,
• *
»,, !. « ; • ■>’ j
P lum bing and H ealing
P hone 215
F orest G rove
You must,
be satisfied! They’ll go^quick a t our low
7. D ep en d ab le P erform ­
an ce—
The only Oil B u rn er com ­
pletely designed, built and
controlled by one org an iza­
tion. Backed by w ritten w a r­
ran ty ; installed by factory-
train ed specialists.
11 v
M A N N IN G S .
Soap Chips
FANCY. 3 lbs;
M otor Co«
C offee
These price« good October Id only
Many other items specially priced for Saturday.