Page Eight H IL L S B O R O Group s Plan a Big Picnic A R G V S . 11 l l . L S B O R O . Letting Electricity Do It—Down on the Farm ’liitit (lay, August 27. 1 9 ’.6 OREGON prog* am Roosevelt, h* declared, al read> of tin* week from a few dav •' at tin'll various coast resorts, m aking Churches Plan l I hcadtpiai ters at N etarts tin* Past on Conference at me C of arlton last Friday h is been successful in d e ­ fe atin g m any of th e laws hacked by the union and said that no one kn w w here Landon stood and no body could find out. lb* advocated lim ited inflation •hrough tin* E ra/iei-L em k e law de Mr». F rancia M ndc H on or­ foated in the last congress, and ¡.ven t M o u n ta in I Ionic S e p ­ declared that the federal i serve ary M em ber o f C lub ta n k system was a m enace to the te m b e r 3 ; S traw B urns eountrv T he governm ent. In* said (B v Mr®. M abie AIHann) had fed IB billions of dollars vv orth MOUNTAIN HOME A commit- I R» Mrs 1 I • (*•»»! of bonds into the bank in e \ tcc iron, th e six Sunday schools in < , inge for v irtuilly nothing in tin KINTON T he s e c o n d ( p ia i te i 1 v this locality have m ade plans to form of som e 100 m illion dollars ,*t>uft*!'eiiee of th e E v a n g e lic a l have the annual S unday school m money w hich ho declared was ¡’h u rd le s of this d i s t r i c t w d l h e picnic cn L abor Day. More details all the cash that the banking sys held ¡»t the M ountain Home church as to place and program w ill be i S eptem ber 3 at B p m All officers tern possessed given later An attack also was launched on ' and m em bers a re urged to be p re s­ The W orkers' C onference, con- to * relief system and the soil eyn ent. • sisting of S unday school su p erin ­ Mr and Mr> Everett |) W right seivation act. advix’ating in their tendents from the various Sunday stead a m arketing and banking act anti family visited relatives and schools, have m ade plans for a w hich w ould create a Bank of the friends a few days last w eek at com bined teach ers' train in g class United S tates to issue all of the C athlam et. to be taught by Rev. V. T Specce ' Mi G eorge Stiles J r .md daugh money and a m aik etm g law which and Dr. A. S Hisey. A m eeting of i sot the value of all farm products *er B arb.oa M is \\ s llow cn and th e conference, to w hich the p u b ­ son S h elb u rn of Sherw ood. Mi*s at a cost of production m inim um . lic is cordially invited, will be held C arrie F uller and niece. Mi- . Carol at th e Scholls church S eptem ber 13. Hodges ef P ortland, w ere gut st.s at P lans of th e conference w ill be the hom e of Mr anti M rs Harold given at th at tim e and opportunity I Aten las' w <(>k given all those in terested to enroll W illiam Tav tor of P ortland who in the class. form erly resided here. spent a Men of th e Double Trees helped couple of days last week v isitm g iB v G ir l Scout T ro o p N«» 111 G eorge K irk p atric k shingle his new CEDAR MILL A fam ily re- old neighbors ami f r i e n d s house last week. T here was an ordinance of b a p ­ union of the descendants of Eli Made H onorary M em ber O liv er w as held S unday at the tism preceding th e preaching *a*iv- The C hchalem M ountain P otato hom e of Jam es W aller- w ith -Il ice at the church Sunday m orning club m et at th e Allison home F ri- present, m eluding L aura O liver. 1 At the reg u lar w eekly p ray er amt nay evening. P lan s for a potato Mr and Mrs Harold O liver ami FUble study m eeting held this field inspecting to u r w ere m ade children Harold and Jew ell, l.orene week. E verett D W right w ill be This w ill tak e place F rid ay after A tkin and C harles and W anda At- the le.»tier. th e crops jud g in g contest at H ills­ Mr. and Mrs Tony T scberniek k n Mr and Mrs F M Malcolm boro. Mr. and Mrs L. E. Francis. and d aughters D orenne and Helen. and duughter from M altby. W ash, Hillsboro, w ere present and Mrs visited for a few days last week Mr and Mrs John W alters ami son F rancis w as m ade an honorary Elmer. M rs J J C hurehley. Mrs w ith Mr. am t Mrs. E verett D m em ber of th e club. Wild Wood W illiam Erickson a n i l daughter. Wright F orestry club met in conjunction J C Snider, w ho m akes hi > home Mr and Mrs Sam W alters and son w ith the potato club F rid ay eve­ C harles. Mr and Mi Jack Satehell w ith Mr ami Mrs F red A nicker. ning. M em bers reported on the and d au g h ter Delina. Mr and Mrs re tu rn e d hist week from a visit condition of th e trees w hich they E E W alters and fam ily Edward. w ith C larence S nider amt family planted last spring Allen and Eloise, Mr and Mrs of Long Beach. Wash. Birthday Celebrated Mr amt Mrs. R obert Potneroy W allace Shipm an and H enry and Miss P eronice Ego w as th e guest B ertha Shipm an. Mr and M r s A amt th ree »laughters spent last week of honor at a w iener roast and R Pearson. Mr. and Mrs Ju m ts at the coast, when* they w ere bonfire p arty in th e F air View lo­ W alters and fam ily Verna, l.eola. guests of friends at Tillam ook Jam es, B arbara ami Donald, l.eon- j Som e of the tim e was spent on cality last F rid ay evening. It was a id U ppinghouse and Isabelle Op- fishing trips th e birth d ay an n iv ersary of Miss Mr and Mrs Emery V anK leek perm an. Ego. Mrs. B. I. Lekas had as h er house Mrs W I H einrich and Mrs ami fam ily re tu rn e d hom e the first T h e R u ral E lectrificatio n A d m in istra tio n 's m odel a ll-e le c tric farm a fR o s e d a le F arm , V a.. d e m o n stra te s guest last w e e k Mrs. M ichael G eorge C ote en tertain ed th e C or­ Mill (.»range hall at a in All rem arkable«»»:ogress to w ard lig h ten in g of fa rm w o rk by m e a n s of e lec trical devices. T h e above p ic­ G eorge and d au g h ter Elaine, alsc nell club in honor of M is William ladies are invited to atten d tu re s show som e of th e e q u ip m en t in o p e ratio n . U pper left, e lec trified k itc h e n , u p p e r right, electrical S pring on W ednesday Mi - Spring m Mrs. L. T. H affey and son Dennis, eetings Eat h lady is asked to m ilk cooler; lo w er left, elec tric corn sh e lle r: lo w er tig h t, e lec trical m ilker. recently m oved from this locality bring t ither a hot dish, salad or all of P ortland. and they presented tier w ith sem i Mrs. H arry S aunders spent the dessert. These m eetings a re e d u ­ gifts. w eek-end in Portland. th roughout th ese com m unities w ere T. . .J . „ J ---. \Z _ . cational and an* sponsored by tin* said to ra re ly exceed a fiv e per X llU C p C I lt lC I lt \ O tC FS Janet Lekas Honored Mr. and Mrs R obert N ohr and hom e d em o n stratio n agent Miss d au g h ter Dorothy of Madison. Wis Mrs. B. I. L ekas en tertain ed in _ cent vacancy, w hile 10 to 12 per Blanch Eickvvorth o f H illsboro w ere h ere W ednesday visiting mem- honor of th e six th b irth d ay an n iv e r­ Thes«* m eetings are free. i . of the M M Mead fam ily, w ho It also was pointed out th a t few. sary of h er d au g h ter Jan et S a tu r­ Work has b«*«*u pr<»gressirig on (C o n tin u ed fro m p a re 1> was a b ro th er of Mrs N ohr's fa th ­ the well for the C edar Mill school ( O » t i n u « i fro m pace I> if any. su ita b le m odern single fam - day afternoon. G uests w ere Miss Rclda Boulin of M ountain Hom», the county court room at th e co u rt 'il y d w ellings a re av ailab le w ith in national Farm er-' I nion. spoke for er. Lewis Mead Mrs H artram pf H eretofore the school has had no hour on the plans and program gave a d in n e r in th eir honor for w ater supply . Mrs. C. C. M aletis and tw o sons house a; 8 o'c. ck or th e purpose f reach of th e av erag e fam ily ’s bud- Die union, Mi s H elen C ham berlain. Mrs Jan ie C hris and Jam es. Sophia M a f of organizing for th e cam paign. The get. C edar Mill Sunday *.<*h«’ J held ’T he fact th at it is now ch eap er He condem ned both the m ajo r S andford and d au g h ter Elnora Mrs M aletis, Mr and Mrs. Les Haffey. m eeting is being organized by th e its annual picnic at Lost p a r k D ennis H affey. all of P ortland: central com m ittee at th e request of to ow n a hom e th an to pay rent political parties and declared th at Anne D orland and fam ily Betty T hursday. Miss Sophia M ae is rem aining as the state com m ittee chairm an. A r- should sitm u late th is 'O w n Y our th e farm ers could exp« t • nothing .lack and Donna. Mrs Jam es Wal- th u r W. P riau lx . H ome’ cam paign h ere u n til we re- from e ith er candidate if elected. J ters and d aughters G ertrude. Bar- a house guest this week. S ubscribe for th e Argus. hc bara and Leola. O tto H artram pf. A rrangem ents a re in th e hand- store a conditn-n of n o rm alcy in I The program of the Jerom e W aldron is digging a well on his farm. Dr. F .E .F e rrill "w ater- °.f D o n ald , T. T em pleton county o u r housing situation." h e said. In declared, w as endorsed and m part. Olive Mae and Joye, chairm an. J. O. Johnson, secretary, addition to m aking it possible f promoted by L em ke and therefore O n September 8 tin* fall w itched" the location for him. and John R. Wood, state com m it- deserv in g fam ilies to have hoin< • ' ' J. B. B artlett H , onored , teem an. All m em bers of the various i of th e ir own bv p ro v id in g am o k stood in the m atter e f the union m eetings will be held at th e C e u a i J. B. B ar.let. and fam ily w ere republican organizations in the funds and easy financing, we h >p< d in n er guests at the G eorge A c o u n t y , as w ell as th e com m ut e- al-u to p rovide em p lo y m en t for son home in honer of Mr. B art- men |)a\ been requested to at- m any craftsm en in th e building le tt's birth d ay anniversary. tend. trades. W hen we build payrolls Miss Mary S chm eltcr plans ,o P lans for the cam paign w ill be we exten d a helping hand to every leave S aturday m orning for C rook m ade at th is b m e a n d \ a . ?us prob- retailer, d ealer and in d u stry in th. county to teach a ru ra l school. She lem s facing th e local and state com- ‘ com m unity. T hat is th e kind of w ill live in a teacherage. a house m ittecs discussed. T em pleton said, -crv.ce to w hich this b an k is dedi- belonging to th e school d istrict. All republicans a re urged to at- gated. w ith an o th er teacher. ten d th e m eeting. U p-to-date, the W heat on th e W inters farm w ent cam paign has sh o w n sm all momen- — be su re to se e our m ore than fifty bushels to the turn on e ith e r side However, street acre i corners, luncheon tables, public b a r g a in s in Mr. and Mrs. Alec B ruce has as g atherings disclc -e a n u m b er of d in n er p arty guests F rid ay Mrs. heated arg u m en ts as to the m erit (C o n tin u ed fro m paire A m v A nderson. W illiam Wood of “J »tie tw o sciiools of ; Lcitctu P ortland, and Mrs. W. H avwood thought, and old tim e pout c.u th e total n u m b er ap p eared in p e r­ ■I * son to present claims. and Miss M amie Haywood of Van- a . re forecasting n , . . a good, old fashion , couver. B. C. This w eek an o th e r wel1 heatcd cam paign for this A n u m b er of the claim s involve v\ sted rig h ts w hich d ate back to a b ro th er of Bruce. W illiam Bruce, ' ____ period previous to 1D09. and w ife of Edm onton. A lberta. 'v ^ - - I For those w ater users w ho have C anada, a re th e Alec B ruce house not yet subm itted proofs, ev idence guests. can be filed w ith th e state offic ■ Mr and Mrs. G erald B aird of ir. Salem un til S ep tem b er 9. the San Francisco and Mrs. A lfred eng in eer pointed out. T im e for op­ B aird of P o rtlan d w e r e d in n er irontinu-d pace t> ening proofs for inspection w ill be guests at th e L ester W inter hom e of financing a hom e n ever was li..- set a fter w hich any p ro tests t A ugust 18. expensive or less burdensom e claim s m ay b? offered. The follow ing group w ent to the "We have faith in thus com m u- In event o ’ protests b ein g made, Lincoln beaches Friday: Mrs. F an- n ity and in th e en tire s :,te of Ore- an o th er h earin g w ill be heiil for ny Snyder. Jo h n Schm cltzer. Joseph 8o n - T h i5 su b stan tially atte -ed ie p resen tatio n of testim ony, and Stretcher Jr. and the Mia when The Fir Natl ma bank Schm eltzer. H elen Glenn, and Dor- P“ ®«» a: the potential cation take exception to th e of- othy Boulin. home owners a» many thousands of fjcial t nding . a cii Rev. Speece and the w inners of 1 , , J"5 3 w l" be re q u ir d to b ring ¡ng . jH ¡,e held to m ake final di-- his recent church con- o u r housing situ atio n back to nor- p c - t i j n of th e issues, th e er. nicer test left M onday for a vacation at . , . said the beach. Thp b an k er ia:ci increasin g ren ts _________________ G eorge Allison helped J. B. B ort- rz^.po,'tslblc in, n” ■ ,.>ncy .< i c-;i<.cd • Select Own Ticket Donclson & Sewell Phone 953 : llillkboro I I ’M .BAI. Illltl < TOILS anil 114 IN SI D IAIKAI Ml RM g u is h e d Mi Elizabeth Wt light. president of the L a t in * A id society. au nounees that tin* rcgulat met ting of' tin * .tH’iety will h e held at tin* e lu i r e i i S eptem ber 3. m all-day m e e t in g w ith pot luck d in n e r a t n o o n a m i business ami vvoi k a f t e r tinnier I f w eather condition.» will Used Cars SOLI» CONSIGNED m > i t a i l' C lo se o f A u g u st Planning It» Build SALE Reunion of Family Field at Cedar Mill Three-Sided Fight Seems Sure Here perm it, it will In* held on Hit* church- law n All lathes are Invited to attend Bring dishes to sei ve lunch in I'i .“ I I 01(1» K O A D S lF It V it w heel new paint, reenu ditn>tu*d nndoi All Ibis at a reasonable price. I D id ) ( O l I 'l Very good motor, new tin new paint You can get plenty of service out of thus one 1936 U II I, Vs SEDAN Ju st a few thousand mile at a lug reduction. I92K ( l i m s i Lit SEDAN Au ex» eptionully good i .»r at this pin«* 1926 O I . D S ( (> A ( I I II »• '27 motor, ru n s excellent, good ru b b er and looks g o o d ( III V I <11 KING lla.< good nifrtor, and lot.-» of transportation. Lumber Yards O thers to ciiooM* from Fhocse 301 222 R 2nd Are. Illllsbnro TERM S TRADE for T h e 1936 G ra h a m S e d a n , w ith T ru n k , as lo w ns FREE ESTIM ATES FREE PLANNING SERVICE 865" Delivered W c S pecialize in h e ir fully equipped B u ild in g M n terin ls B u ild e r s’ H a r d w a r e UsedCar Exchange C e r ta in te e d P a in t 2nd nnd W a sh . P h o n e 2641 ■ TH E G R EA TEST EVENT OF T H E YEAR ■ W eil’s 23rd BEFORE YOU BUY State Has Hearing Water Right Claims Federal Housing Program Helped : STARTS Reconditioned Cars Look at These Cars! Drive These Cars! Come in Now! owers Grocery P rom p t P hojie 81 Service M a in S tre e t S p e c ia ls fo r S a tu r d a y O n ly Matches PRESCRIPTIONS C arton, 6 b o x es • PROMPTLY » • * FILLE D » • Coffee MANNING’S. 1-lb. Time is Often a Great Factor in the Drug Business Tomato Juice Speed in th e filling of a p resc rip tio n often is im­ p o rta n t. A life may de­ pend upon g e ttin g the p ro p e r m edicine prepared — and d e liv e re d — in time. Red & W h ite, la rg e can. 2 for Red 1 KKAMIEN'R Palm Drug Store 1 Prescription Druggists P hone 266 -------------------------------------------------- I Baked Beans Wax Roll R e g is te r e d P h a r m a c ists on d u ty a t a ll tim es L. C. Kramien Marvin Woods can s W hite. 125-foot roll Toilet Paper Rill'' ,V \\ hit« . 4 r o l l s .............. 23c 25c good tires. R ecently reconditioned m otor 1929 NASH SED A N — Good tra n sp o rta tio n ................................ 1929 PO N TIA C COACH — Come in and drive th is c a r ............... 1934 CH EVROLET P IC K U P — A good c a r ..................................... 1934 GMC TRUCK— R econditioned th o ro u g h ly ... ___ 1933 CHEV TRUCK— Long w heelbase Dual tires, reconditioned m o to r. 1529 M ODEL A FORD TR U C K — l Inly 1929 M ODEL A FORD CO U PE (inly 1S29 BUICK CO UPE— A good one 29c 19c 19c Many o th e r item s specially priced for S a tu rd a y . T hese p rices good A ugust 29 only. NEXT WEEK 645 1936 W ILEYS SEDAN 4— New c a r tra n s p o rta tio n at big saving ... 17c SEE ALL COUNTY PA PERS $250 225 525 ’425 ’525 ’395 125 175 $245 READ m e r c h a n d ise at p r ic e s y o u 'll lo n g r em em b er. Buy for y ourself and fam ily a t this g r e a t v a l­ u e -g iv in g sa le . Every departm ent, will have its m u ltitu d e o f b a r­ g a in s. M onths of p re p ­ aratio n , m any hours of h ard work have assem ­ bled to g e th e r th e fin e st a sso r tm e n t o f fa ll and w in te r m e r c h a n d ise and it all g o e s on sa le sta rt- i n g F r id a y m o rn in g, Sept. 4. Be 'h e re w hen the doors open, sh a re in the savings of this m ighty A n n iv e r s a r y S a le. School Clothes and Supplies .Buy a Used Car Now and Save T h o u sa n d s o f D o lla r s W orth G eneral M otors In stallm en t Plan Paym ent , to nil y our purse. HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. C hevrolet - O ldsm obilc Sales and Service ■ 18-•'¡32 E. Main - Used C'ar Lot 136 S. 2nd Ave. Phone «144 Day or N ight H illsboro, O regon TIME TESTED OF THIS SHIRT THAT COUNTS I It’s W ashington C oun­ ty 's greatest yearly sale — T housands of d o llars in n ew f a ll and w in te r Othfcrs to C h ou se From on the /¿i All Ready for You! for this GREA i IT/1Z/' EVENT! V A N HEUSEN 0 ■ •g O t». »’•» o ff. » •b . t. iw ji S-|98 It’s the time-proved Van Heusen Collar that keeps our customers demanding V a n H e u s e n C o lla r - Attached Shirts. W e say you'll never find n collar to equal the Van Heusen for soft collar ease New p a tti'rn s for and lasting smartness. It fall a re in. D ark never wilts on you never and light stripes, also plain colors in loses its smfxdh crisp lines all sizes and sleeve . . . never shrinks It stays smart without starch. lengths.