H IL L S B O R O Page Six A R G V S . Il I L L S B O U O . T h u rs d a y . J u ly 30, 1930 OREGON q u in te t of Section 6. T ow nship I published hi the H illsboro Argu • 'la n d s or o th e r p r o p e r tie s n o t a . iiitl llo aid of E qualization N orth. Hnnge I W <•.*•! of the Will tor a period of four consecutive f setl Mei . amt ruinm it: thence South and successive weeks, beginning I .' hall m ake tin* proper correction All chum s for reduction pre- >3 chains to th e NE corner of t w ith the is ue thereof datetl I’hur X tra c t i of land sold b> Jam es Me- day. July 30, 1036, and ('tiding w ith r'lin .m ami M athilda M cClaran to the i ue thereof dated T hursday. tlou must be flit d in the office J B Lilley, by deed dated J an Augu t 27. 1936. and requests you ¡of the C ounty C lerk w ithin fifteen E ditor's Note Im pressions o il Mahomet Ah taking possession of 2. I KB I ami recorded on I’a»; • 410 t » iippear and answ er the petition d av . from the ll th day of August countries visited a re being sent to | the C itadel tti 1805 and founding of Book T of Kecords of Detd.s of tiled in th e above en titled court Event Shute P ark Sunday; J E CAKPENTI K. Assessor of the A lga- by Miss F ried a Korn. the present ruling dynasty. W ashington C ounty, O regon, tt nc * and cause on or before Friday. W ashington C ounty. < >rcg«m, Hill d au g h ter of 'M r and Mrs C E This city in spite of its m odern G irl B reaks Arm August 2». 193il West on N orth line of said Lillev ! horo, O ie g o ll, Ju ly 13. 1936 22 ft K orn ci H elvetia, w ho left San im provem ents still retain s m uch of land 20 chain*' to the West hue of W it h e * ' th e H onorable Donald T i F ra n c . --co F eb ru ary 21 on a six or its O riental glam our Except for the (Hr M n, E W Hinrich») hom estead claim of -a tl J.»me M t* I’e m p le to ii, Ju d g e of th e C o u n ty , seven m onths' p leasu re tu p aro u n d long nightshirts (the n ativ e dr» C laian ; thence N orth on W< , t line C o u r t of tin * S ta t • o f O re g o n , fo i I j b c U l ,; !d BLOOMING Ladies' Aid of the one w ould im agine you w ere in t»f said Jam es M cClaran claim a . l 4 L utheran church is sponsoring a W a -'h in g to n C m in ty . w it h th e seal Bombay. India the midst of a sh rin ers' co n v en ­ chains to a post in tin* Ash Sw ale i f a id c o u r t a ff ix e d , th is 2 9 th day picnic to be held in S h u te park Bombay is th e gateway to India tion All M > i.im m e d a n s h e re w e a r thence East 19t»o chains to the o f J u lv . A I) 1936 Sunday. A pot luck d in n er will be and through it flows th e com m erce a red fez and n ever tak e it off. place of beginning, contaimm* Uh! served at noon. «SEAL» T he chief attractio n s in the city of an em pire It is an island eleven acres, m ore or less Teacher Nam ed A t t c t Edw ( ’ Luce. C lerk of and a half m iles long and was proper, how ever are the m osques Edw in K iekaefer of Waco, N eb. as praved for in the petitrtm of sai I th e C o u n ty C o u r t o f th e S ta te of given as a bride s dow ery of C a th ­ w hich a re regarded as the best has been em ployed to teach the C ora May Thom a « E xecutrix of the O re g o n , a n d C o u n ty C le r k o f Wash erin e of B raganza w hen she m a r­ specim ens of A rabic arc h ite c tu re It L utheran school th is fall. Last Will and T» lam ent of John in g to n C o u n ty , O re g o n 34 26 ried C harles II of England, but the is also the educational c en te r of Acme G a rd e n G u a rd Arm B roken M cClaran, Deceased, filed herein King found this som ew hat of a Egypt Islonuc students from all L ittle Norm a M uhly broke her Monday the 31st das of A ugust. N d ll-tll'se n ii'. A ll cl I eel ive IIO U III (>| F Q l ’ A l 1 / A I IO N w hite elep h an t and leased it to over the M oham m edan w orld com ­ arm in a fall at th e henhouse last A D 1930. at the hour of 10 00 T o th e T a x p a v e rs o f W a hlngton ilnst In e lim in a te insects in the East India com pany From this ing here to attend At .Azhar, a ver> (Continued from page II week. o'clock A M . in the forenoon ot fine university C o u n ty . O re g o n d ate Bom bay's p ro sp erity begins as flo w e r and g a rd e n crops. Mrs. B ertha D emmin retu rn ed brought th e farm ers 10 cents m ar- said day. m the County C ourt The citadel, built by S aladin in N o t ic e is hereby given that th«* S unday from a visit w ith her S*’i above th e v htcago price. Usu- well as English history in India. Koom in the "County C ourt Hous * 1166. w ith stones taken from the W ill n o t dam age te n d e r H ere as no o th er city m ay be Hoard of E qualization of W.«slung ( ( '« t t t l i t t u c d N e t « W e e k 1 daughter, Mrs. Helen Jackson, of a 'b ' the farm er receives the Chi- in th e C ity of I till bon». Wash ton C ounty ()■ egon, will in««*t on sortm ent of • sm all P yram ids at Gizeh. is a very fo lia g e . C arlton. cage price less th e freig h t and seen th e greatex tngton C ounty. O regon, has boon Monday. August 1(1, 1936 at the interesting place From the parapet Loose Motor Holts Mr. and M rs Fred K rahm er and handling The e n tire crop w assn ap - Brahman.* and M ussulm ans. Jew s, th ere is a splendid view of the set as tin* tim e and place for e<»urt house In HilLhoro. in W ash­ A rm enians. Jains, and B uddhists. W hen your autom obile engine the hearing of said petitum ami Mr. and Mrs. H enry H ering spent PCl^ UP h>' th e buyers. Ju d g e Fitz- domes and m inarets and th e city N uplhnlene Sundav at Bonneville. eerald related, not only because of Arabs. Persians, and all th e tribes stretching aw ay u> the M okkatam vibrates excessively, the cause may all objections thereto, by an o rd er ington County, that being the sec­ of India. Malays. C hinese J a p a n ­ ond Monday in A ugust, ami the be traced to loose m otor leg bolts Mr. and Mrs. H enry V oelker and *ts su p erio r m illing qualities but hills on the n o rth ern horizon, w hile according to the O regon S ta te Mo­ heretofore m ade and entertsl m the turn* ami place provided by law to A ro m b itia lio n fe r tiliz e r a n d - ese and a com plete assortm ent from Carol retu rn ed last w eek from a because of the fear th at th ere is go- above en titled court and cause on publicly exam ine the nssexsinent insect rep e lla n l. * ing to be a big sh o rtag e in nulling the countries of Europe, all striving aw ay to the west I w as alm ost to r association. visit to California. Ju ly 29. 1936 sta rtle d w hen I had pointed out to roll • of said county for 1936. and in th eir own w ay to gain co m m er­ w h eat. Also fu ll line o f -lu rk fly Mr. and Mrs. P eart and d aughters T his citation is served upon you correct all erro rs in valuation amt (IT A ITOS In Omaha, the v isito r declared, cial ad v an tag e and social su p re m ­ me the pyram ids I had no idea they af Coquille have been spending This city w hile m uch m ore w ere so close to the city only six In the C ounty C ourt of the S tate by publication th ereo f m th • H ills­ de criptum or quuntltie.s of land, spray in In tlk and bouse the past week w ith th e H enry V oel­ things w ere boom ing w hen he left acy. boro Argus, a weekly new spaper i m odern, contains m any of th e sam e m iles from Cairo, on the edge of lota or o th er properties, and it is hold spray. Large v ariety k er and R ichard M oeller fam ilies th at city th ree w eeks ago. Con- of O regon for W ashington County printed and published in Hillsboro. the desert duty of all persons Interested Rev. E. W. H inrichs officiated stru ctio n had reached proportions n ativ e bazaars, tem ples, etc., as In the M atter oi the E state ot Jo h n W ashington County . Of t •. «n. and of the The visit to th e E gyptian niu- to appear at the tim e amt place sprayers. Sundav at the m arriage of Miss u n h eard of in recent years and do thb in terio r cities M any of the ‘ scum still seems only like a dream M cClaran. Deceased general circulation, p u isu an t to an appointed ami if it shall uppeur Hilda H ering of P atton valley to everybody seem ed to be w orking. M aharajahs and P arsecs m aintain as though I had been sw ooped To: Mary M P eterson. J a n e Mr* o rd er mad»* and e n tere I on the to tin* Hoard of Equalization that A rm in N etter of A urora. The wed- The sto res w ere doing a good busi- elab o rate homes here, and som e of aw ay on a m agic carpet into a C laran Brown. E dw ard Brown. 29th day of July. A D 1936 by th ere ar<* lundt, lots or other prop­ ding took place at the H ering home, tiess and events seem ed shaped for th e resid en tial sections a re very d ifferent w orld. We w ere in th > M argaret M cC laran Her. C arl Hon. Donald 'V T em pleton. Ju d g e erty assessed tw ice or in the name beautiful, as a re th e w ooded hills Mr. and Mrs. John Jepson. A nne com plete recovery, Her. M argaret B. Q ualey. Elsie I of the County C ourt of the S tate of of a |x*i son or persons not the ow n­ Fred - Seed - Wool - P oultry m useum from 9 in the m orning and sh eltered bays. O ne of these and Junior, attended a bridal Politics. Ju d g e F itzgerald relat- M cClaran McClung. C lyde Mc­ Oregon, for Wa hing n C T elep h on e 3061 until about 1:30 and the visit was er of the sam e or nsscised under bays, know n as Ju h u . is tru ly one ed. w ere in som ew hat of a snarl show er in P ortlan d S atu rd ay eve­ Clung. C ora May Thom as, and that req u ires this citation to b« or beyomt its value, or any lots. ju st about th re e w eeks too short of th e most b eau tifu l splits I have in th a t dem ocratic state because of ning in honor of Mr. Jepson's niece to all o th er heirs unk n o w n of All of the collection rep resen ts the Je a n n e Jepson visited several a general dislike for the dem ocratic seen in a long tim e B ecause of the finest of E gyptian an tiq u ities in Jo h n M cClaran. D eceased, it any candidate for U nited S tates senator, heat, late beach picnics a re q u ite days last week at B ethany th ere bo. G reeting: th e world. The collection is w orth Mr. and Mrs. L. A. M uhly served w ho is seek in g to fill th e vacancy th e thin g h ere T he san d y beach, m illions upon m illions of dollars In the N ame of tin* S ta te of O re as sponsors at th e baptism of P a u l­ left by S en ato r N orris. However, the stately palm s and a gorgeous and is the real tre a su re house of gon: You and each of you are h e re ­ ine Elizabeth, infant d au g h ter of p etitions for Norris, w ho is a non- moon over th e In d ian ocean m ade a Egypt. H ere a re m onum ents and by cited and re q u ire d to ap p ear Mr. and Mrs. H enry H ering of party m an. w ere in circulation and perfect setting w ithin ten days from the date of ap p aren tly N orris was p rep arin g to m os- un u su al thing m em orials covering the life of the th e service of this C itation, if s e rv ­ C ornelius, at* Bloom ing Ju ly 19 E gyptians from th e tim e of the rep u d iate his declaration th at he *n Bombay a re th e "T ow ers of S unday d in n er party guests at ed personally w ithirt W ashuigh i S ilen ce.' the cem etery of th e P ar- ancient em pire (2282-2475 B C .' C ounty. O regon, w herein the pre th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred w ould not sock an o th er term . T he m um m ies and statues of a n c i­ How th is w ould affect the Lan- They w rsh ip th e elem ents and Boyd w ere H arold Schaefer and ent rulers, the hieroglyph record of ceeding is pending, and w ithin d au g h ter of Recdville. Mr. and Mrs. don candidacy. Ju d g e F itzgerald de- bo'.eve that n eith er earth, fire, nor th eir lives, the fu rn itu re they used, tw enty days if served personally J e r g .n s of B eaverton. Mr. and Mrs. d a re d he did no: know Up to th e w ater should be polluted by re- the ornam ents they w ore and in the in any other C ounty of this S tate rem ains of the G rant Boyd of n ear Forest Grove. tim e he left Omaha. or if served by publication, w ithin ised. so wit these walls on ease of T ut-S nkh-am en. w hich is tw enty-eight days from the date Mrs. G eorge H inkel and Mr. and don was not being given seri consideration, but th e trouble in huge grates are placed the bodies the best preserved tom b so far d is­ of first publication of this C itato u Mrs. Jo h n Jepson and Ju n io r. the deceased and left to be de- covered. even some of th e food they to show cause, if any exists, why Niel Jepson. Max Felde. and th e dem ocratic ra n k s m ight mean ate and some of th e rem ains of O tto Ediger cam ped and fished on alm ost an y th in g in th e final count voured by th e vultures The tow ers flow ers placed in th e ir tombs. an order of sale should not b e m ade a re su rro u n d ed w ith beau tifu l th e Wilson riv er from F rid ay until of votes, he rem arked. P erhaps the most astounding and in the above en titled Court and O m aha sportsm en, he said, w ere garden in which. th e re is also a S unday evening. th e thing that d istu rb ed me most cause as prayed for in the P etition 70xK() PLA ID D oris and H elen Felde of P o rt­ ra th e r down hearted because the chapel for m ed itatio n and p ra y e r w as th eir alm ost unbelievable pos­ of C ora May Thomas, the duly ap T he P arsis orig in ally cam e from governm ent had purchased a vast land w ere w eek-end guests at the pointed, qualified and acting E x ecu ­ session of so m any things wo have tract of land in th? sand hills of Persia and a re am ong th e m ore Jo h n Jepson home. alw ays accepted as relativ ely new — trix of the Last Will and T estam ent th at state and had closed it to educated of th e Indians. Seem s as though I am alw ays 3.000 years before C h ris t—ch ario ts of Jo h n McClaraYi. Deceased, a u th ­ hunting. This te rrito ry contains a orizing. licensing, em pow ering and ( 'he aper num ber of m arshes and lakes talk in g about w eird and u n pleasant w ith ru b b er tires, linen cloth, said ex ecu trix to sell at w here duck and geese congregate things, but such is In d ia—fascin ­ woven as finely as any 1 have ever directing than sheets ating. enorm ously rich, a land of seen, alab a ster vessels of every d e ­ p riv ate sale to th e highest bidder durin g th e autum n flight. and lots o f m aiestv and m ystery. O ften I w as scription—one m um m y w ith rouged ior not Uss than one-half cash in really ill from th e sights I saw or lips and painted finger and toe hand, and th e balance of said p u r­ w a rm th and th e food I ate. especially in th e nails S ta tu e of w hat is considered chase price to be paid m not to th in c o u r’" , o f‘griene’’r*v*wi'. t here service. exceed th ree years a fte r date. an 1 to b? th e first doctor. 5.000 y ears interior. This rem inds m e of a n ­ and th ere w ater show ing 1 Special o th er very funny in cid en t—at B en ­ ago. Ne A n k h re -g la ss eyes in to be secured by a first m ortg.c »Id. ares this w as I lived in th e best m any of th e statues. S tatues of upon said real p roperty so of distance, tim e and speed. The hotel there, but each tim e I w ent bronze m ade 3.000 y ears before and to bear interest at the rate fields and buildings, below, scorn 'B y M argaret Dixon 1. gan> e G reeks. T heir statu es and c a rv ­ six per cent per annum , payable 70x90 W H IT E stationary as though the airp lan e "A M essage of Hope A bout Can- to t'ne dining room to eat h ere w as­ th ings of figures, as a whole, all sy m ­ sem i-annually, the follow ing d e ­ hung suspended betw een sky and cer." and "O verw eight. Its C au-? n't one th in g I could tru st m yself m etrically p erfect— wood carving. scribed real property, lying, being earth. and T reatm en t." are tw o of the to eat w ith th e exception of tea and resorted to beer and b read - ,o°- in ,hose d a -v s- nlos,lv wood and situ ate in the C ounty of W ash­ Up ahead and to th e right, a yel- m any pam phlets available for free finally res ington. S late of O regon, and m ore low scar slashed in zig zag lines distrib u tio n at the office of the u n til I could get out of town. .Any­ from th e cedars of Lebanon S a n ita ry , T he collection from the tom b of particularly described as follows. across the hills to disappear around county health nurse. T his service w ay one lunch tim e w hen th e only T u t-an k h -am en w as absolutely d az­ towit: serviceable th e m ountain. T his was th e South- has been m aintained for th ree oth r guest and I w alked in to th e F irst T ract: The NW q u a rte r of din in g room, we h eard an aw ful zling. It still seem s only like a ern Pacific railw ay cleaving through years and has been utilized and p ra e ti th e hills tow ard Tillam ook Follow­ clubs, teachers, young m other-, and noise em an atin g from an ad jo in in g dream . Jew elry , m illions and m il­ Section 5. in T ow nship 1. N orth cal fo r a ll lions of dollars w orth, fashioned Kang 4. West of the Will Mer room. We investigated and h ere ing b ark along th e scar, th e Wes- school boards uses. Reg. w as o u r w aiter, sp raw led out on m uch like our m odern jew elry is. containing 166.74 acres m ore or tim b er mill was visible and beyond. E xpectant m others are offer' E arrings w hich screw on the e ar less: m any fam iliar landm arks. Wolf an especial .service by th e state the floor, sound asleep. 98c SIZE 72x84— R eg u lar $12.50 Second T ract: B eginning at a I Too. in ju stice to th is land of just as ours do. N ecklaces, b race­ creek road apparen tly was hidden board of h ealth w hich includes a lets. belts, jew el boxes, cuff links, post at the NW corner of the SE 1 m any w onders. I cam e h ere in th e ir behind the hills. booklet and m onthly letters which 66x80 DOUBLE Below, now. th e landscape had deal w ith diet and hygiene of this h o ttest season and saw it at its razor blades, rings, chains, e t c . e x ­ TW O -TO N ES cept that these are of pure gold or given place to the m ountains, and txtriod. A pplications for these mav w orst. I S REAL ESTATE WE DEAL R eversible. A nother fu n n y sig h t was in Bom- silv er set w ith precious stones, look ahead, stretch in g to unbelievable be secured h ere or m ailed direct W rite bay. a bullock cart lum b erin g along , i I for all th e w orld like an y th in g a distances th e naked skeletons of to th e O regon building. P ortland. B e a n tifn l c o l­ F‘re and Automobile Inaurnri«*« high-class jew eler w’ould offer now T illam ook's ravaged forests tu rn ed T h ere is read ab le inform ation i r. the stre e t loaded dow n w ith petrol, Make Luana and lasu« Surety Bouda o rin g s and c o m ­ PAR I WOOL th e landscape to a d irty grey. alm ost every su b ject re la te s to gasoline to use. bound for a filling Gold in. th ese days was less p reci­ ous th an silver. b in a tio n s. S atin Fine w oven To one side, as the plane sw ung health, som e of w hich contains station. K U RA TLI & W IS MER O ne piece of gold w hich covered I w as fo rtu n ate to be in Bom bay across the sum m it and b a n k e d 'to - advertising, b u t all of which h hound. A “ L u x ­ plaids. H eavy HILLSBORO. OREGON th e head of th e m um m y of T ut- w ard the south to cross th e Wilson | been checked by th e s ta te office for to w itnc s th e a rriv a l of th e nev Telephone 1331 123# Second St u r y ” P endleton w e ig h t. S at­ V iceroy to India and an im p ressiv e ankh-am en is o n display th ere I* river, the yellow gash thro u g h tim - accuracy, is a solid piece ol 24 B la n k e t. On ber and burn, aro u n d m ountains S tudy clubs or teachers w ishing sig h t it was. all th e pom p and een hound. and across flats, w hich is th e em - q u an tities on any p articu lar sub- «lory of a m onarch. I th in k w hat w eighing 240 lbs. Sale Spet iitl, P a ir F our of us hired a sep arate guide b ry o highw ay, was visible, to fade ject m ay obtain these by w ritin g 1 enjoy ed m ore th a n an y th in g w ere DR. R. J. NICOL w ho stayed w ith ils from th e tim e , aw ay into a tra il and disappear as or calling at the office on S atu r- all th e M ah arajah s in th e ir beauti ful brocades—tunics, h ead g ears all w e a rriv ed in C airo until w e took it cut through tow ard th e box day m ornings DR. E. W . ALM Q UIST of th e colors of th e rain b o w . tra in for A lexandria. He was canyon of the D evil’s Lake fork • • • a m an about 55. has been a guide V e te rin arian s A head th ere cam e into view the I for about 40 y e a rs and an ardent T illam ook end of th e new sea T elephone 643 anil 612 ......... . > left 1 route, d riv in g up the canyon in The vaca’tion’ camo" for ail homo Suez 80 ,h a t wc 8 ° th ro u g h v? 14ab,3 ?S t t,,er>? w a s.a Rrcat deal a w ide ribbon. Th? gap betw een i n c vacation cam p ior an nerne , F . . o f depth to all he said, P la in w h ite and th is end and the o th er seem ed tiny m akers o v er 18 years, of W ashing- par,1 01 l a * a ^ c ' > ldtcI T.,rS>n Size 72x90 in one big T u t-an k h -am en w as only 18 years fancies. N o w ’s the from th e heights, b u t engineers d e ­ ton and Y am hill counties w ill be p l,^ ..u ?„.tbe_,iLG3i.„a l...A Y O U N G ’S We m otored across th e d esert ' w hen he died, had been a con- ; f lu f f y piece a ll ready clare th a t this is th e most difficult held a t L ast park. C edar Mill. tim e to save on th is distan ce u» of i | sum ptivc and costly part of th e route. fo r the ip iilt or com ­ w hich is n o rth of B eaverton. R cgii- frem “ .*'?! Suez to C airo, a ■' uiaianvc -• . . all his hfe^ an(j W hen w lu^ |f im p o rta n t item . Here, the road m ust follow th e tr cool of w th a t io n fe is $1. 51 w hich w i ill l l be h o evenj e ig h ty m ile th e th p coo! „ r r b . ro th er th ro u g h whose death . .. (ration fee e is w hich w A „ s . a Jn ,ong ere e His fo rte r. S P E C IA L Y ard deep, rocky canyon w ith its steep ] refu n d ed if you can't go Regis-1 "Thoughtful, Sympathetic walls, to clim b upw ard tow ard th e , , ratio n ci„ses' S atu rd ay A ugust 1 sm all carav an s of w a n d erers an d h e gained th e th ro n e w as a heretic Service" and because of his strange belief sum m it in a gentle gradf\ Send reg istratio n to Mrs. Thomas h ere and th e re ru in s of old castles was disliked by his subject It flillsboro On beyond, to w ard Tillam ook. Roc of G aston or Miss Blanch? th a t at one tim e w ere on th e was th e custom in those days that ! P hone 972 th e new road w inds tow ard the E ickw orth, Hillsboro. Total cost fcr desert trad e ro u te befo re th e com ­ pletion of th e S uez canal. m ain river, appearin g from th e air. th e cam p w in be $4 to be nearly a straig h t line from Each w om an is to bring her own „ C airo, th e successor of A m ru's V alues lo 50c one side of th e m ountains to th e bed and perso n ai belonging- w ith C l,y E ' Fo-,a ’- w as f u n d e d by Go- other. In the background, th e riv er p iatc cup and silv erw are The d a "' h ar a ftc r ,h e L'-nfluest of Egypt Sum m er V oiles, IL ft- valley seem s to end ab ru p tly 0, cam p is {rom A ugust 11 to 15 ln 973 L ater in 1793 N aPl,!ean nc' against a m ountain denuded of its inclusive No cooking or d shwa h- ' IJPted the city a fte r th e b a ttle of istes, Law ns, S u itings. tall trees in som e previous fire. lng w,n be req u ired of cam per ti|,‘ P>'ram ids an d lcft K ieb er in Fine co u n t, fast c o lo r w hile to the side of this moun- Mrs P eter Sw anson and daugh- cornm and- K ieber v.as assassinated school p a tte rn P rin ts. tain, the valley opens out to give ters Ellen and Lillian spent S atu r- and la te r ,h e F rcn ch cap itu lated , a f ill:, clear view of th e sea. dav w ith relativ es at Lebanon A ll g o ! One big lo t! L iken as a whole, from the alti- T be young people had a rally ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S pecial. tu d e attained by the plane, th e the church at H aley Sundav after- P ro m p t ( j- . P hone 81 Y ard cou n try seems im m ensely rough, n00n at 3 o'clock: The frdlow.ng 1 Service (Jp M ain S treet peak a fter peak extending u pw ard w ent from C herry G rove: Mr and on all sides, w ith here and th e re a Mrs. John Pearson and P auline and higher peak showing. Out of this Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs Reuben Jo h n - m aze of peaks. Saddle M ountain, son. Rev Stanley C orniis and Mi near Seaside, stands out head and N orene Vogett of P o rtlan d Misses Specials for F rid a y and S a tu rd a y shoulders far above its su rro u n d - Elva Lovegren. Olga Wallin and BOUGHT SOLD ing lesser peaks. Beyond, lay t h e , C larence A nderson I f you need w o m e n ’.; Blooming Aid Sponsors Picnic bunkhouses of a logging cam p am ong th e desolate stu m p s com ­ pleted th e scene N earing Gales creek valley again th e old Wilson liv e r pioneer rigid could be discerned zig-zagging up th e steep sides of th e m ountain to fall aw ay along the west slope into th e burn. T he brightness of th? roadw ay proved the report th at m achinery recently had m ade the road passable to traffic at leas: as far as th e county line Away to the south a huge p illar of smoke, rising stead ily higher, told th e sto ry of an o th er forest fire getting u n d er way The haze from this tire b lanketed most of the view in this direction. Local Girl on World l our Writes of Visit to Orient Wheat Prices Help Nebraska Farmer each ru le r p rep are his own tom b and a fter his death nothing more w ould be added However, in T ut- aukh am en’s ease he was in v ery bad health all lus short lile and his b rother was very m uch in d is­ favor. so many of the treasu res o r­ iginally in his b ro th er's tom b w ere taken cut. the nam e taken o f f and replaced w ith th.it of Tut- aukh-am en H owever, that docs not account for all tin* w onders found in his latest discovered tom b The tom bs of the P haroahs w ere in v a r­ iably robbed by the conquerors, but that of Tut ankh am en was so com pletely hidden by d riftin g sand it w as never discovered and eonsequehtly was intact w h e n * found only a few y ears ago. The mum m y of Tut ankh-am en. we w are told is still at L uxor Because he died of consum ption th e people of that day w ere so afraid o f this disease that they covered his body w ith several la y e rs o fta r. clay. e tc . and to rem ove all this has proven a Ion : debí ate task GARDEN GUARDS Farmers’ Cash Store WEIL’S MIGHTY ANNUAL BLANKET SALE MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE Starts Friday Doors Open 8:15 BLANKETS Air View of Wilson Reveals Progress 49c MediCal Pamphlets Are Available Free BLANKETS PURE FLEECE WOOL 79c "PENDLETONS” BLANKETS $J69 A Small Deposit Will Hold any Blanket till Called tor Cherrv Grove 36-inch Outing Flannel 2-lb. Stitched Batts Wc Funeral Home WASH GOODS Must Go! Powers Grocery ¡ ROUGH 1 J AND D O (IT IN .m? 19c Used C ars sea again, invisible in the haze. | CO N SIG N ED ________________ T he plane cut a figure eight ' across th e canyon of the W ilso n ! and turned tow ard home, moving