Page Six H IL L S B O R O A R C. U S , H I L L S B O K O . O K E G O N With I ownsendites at National Convention Sewer Lines Nearly H alf Set in Place Chas. Robinson Kicked by Cow R ibs Broken; U. G. Am m on S u ffers Foot Injury W est Side Town to be Ready by A ugust 10 With approxim ately 40 per cent of the Hillsboro sew er installation com pleted. K ern & Kibbe. con­ tractors. now a re pushing the work to com plete the west half of the city by August 10 At that time, according to Sam 11 Lind, su p erin ­ tendent in charge, it is expected that all sew ers in this district can be placed in operation if w anted. Met by unexpected difficulties in the south part of tow n by way of quicksands and groundw ater at a depth of 18 feet, digging in th at section w as abandoned in favor of higher ground in the northw est section w here shallow er ditches w ere to be dug Only one quicksand pocket was encountered here, th at being on West Main street w here consider­ able trouble developed at th e six- teen-foot level. However, this has been com pleted and Tuesday the e n tire northw est corner of H ills­ boro had been finished M achines w ere moved this week to below B aseline street and west of F irst avenue, w h ere feeder sew er lines are being laid to the m ain tru n k sew er w hich will be dug G a th erin g 15.000 strong for th e ir second n atio n al co n v en tio n , follow ers of Dr. F ran cis E. T o w n ­ down th e west side of th e railw ay send, u p p er left, jam m ed C lev elan d 's P u b lic H all to sh o u t an d sing th e ir allegiance to th e p rin ­ to the disposal plant. From now on ciples of th e Old Age R evolving P ension p lan . O ne o f th e h ig h lig h ts of th e sessions w as an ad d ress it is expected th at w ork will be by F a th e r C h arles E. C oughlin, rig h t, D etro it p rie st, in w h ich th e lead e r of th e N ational U nion for speeded up to a m axim um of 5.000 S ocial Ju stic e lau n ch ed a b itte r tira d e a g ain st th e R oosevelt a n d L andon candidacies. T h e abo v e feet per week, w hich pace must be p ic tu re show s th e cro w d a t o n e of th e co n v en tio n session; m aintained from now on if the contract is to be com pleted by No­ fered a cut in the h and and T h o m p ­ vem ber 1. Lind declared A total of son w as nicked in th e shoulder 75,000 feet of ditch was in the S m ith is then alleged to have fled original estim ate. to P o rtlan d w ith his w ife and sm all Last payroll for K ern & Kibbe baby. contained a total of 76 men em ploy­ ed in various capacities. Three S m ith once w as convicted in digging m achines are in operation federal court of o p eratin g an illegal in addition to a com pressor used for still. M organ told Ju d g e P eters th e operation of Jack h am m ers to Brother of Late Governor A ppearing for S m ith w as F rancis A ccident at T igard R eveals b reak through paving w herever S tu rg is of O regon Passes Stolen A utom obile it is necessary to dig ditch along Jaco b VanLoo, arrested by state th e paved streets. police, paid $10 and costs in Ju stice Thom as W ithycombe. 84. well H aven's court T h u rsd ay w hen he- C hief labor difficulty so far e n ­ D isaster overtook tw o alleged countered by th is com pany has know n W ashington county farm er a pleaded guilty to speeding w ith a car thieves Friday m orning at 5 num ber of y ears ago and b ro th er been to supply efficient pipelayers tru ck tQ set the sew er tile in place S h o rt­ of the late Jam es Withyci mbe. gov­ A fine of $100. sentence of 30 o'clock w hen the stolen c ar in age of this type of labor is believed ern o r of Oregon, died Friday at days in jail and rev o catio n of his w hich they w ere d riv in g west, d ue to the fact th at for a num ber of Good S am aritan hospital in P o rt­ d riv er's license for a y ear was m et­ tu rn ed over tw ice a fter a skid at years, few cities and tow ns in this land. F u n eral services w ere held ed o u t in Ju s tic e A W H avens th e intersection uon of the Bend road state have been installing much Tuesday m orning at St. Stephens court to Frank S ch n eid er T hursday, cathedral in P o rtlan d and in te r­ when he pleaded gu ilty to a charge and th e T ualatin ;hw ay, south sew er line. A nother m onth probably w ill w it­ m ent was at Lewis cem etery at of d riv in g his au to m o b ile w hile Of Tigard. Farm ington. ness the com pletion of the sewage u n d er the influence of liquor. Jail icved to he K enneth He had been conducting religious sen ten ce w as suspended on pay- ■ O ne man. belie-.a disposal plant in readiness for the B orger, aboul 24 years old. was m eetings for the past several years governm ent inspection, which p re­ nent of th e fine. He w as arrested tak en from th ear unconscious mid and until recently used offices in by S h eriff C onnell a fte r his car ru shed to a cedes the acceptance by th e city P ortland hospital, All concrete is now in place w ith dow ntow n P ortland buildings. was w recked the night of J u ly H w here he i not expected to live, Mr. W ithycom be was o n e o f n ear th e N orth P lains railw ay over- according the exception of the w alls for the t s ta te police officer, sludge beds M achinery for the o p er­ O regon's early farm leaders. Ho j pass. W aiter H adfield, w ho has been in ­ ation of th e plant is expected to helped to establish th e w alnut in ­ New suits filed in circu it court v estigating th e < accident T he other a rriv e next week, and finishing dustry in O regon and was one of this w eek include S ta te In d u strial m an dii ip p e a r.d and O regon police touches now are being placed on th e first to introduce p u rebred J e r ­ A ccident com m ission vs W estim ber officials a re now searching for him. sey cattle in th is state His farm, L um ber com pany, a sk in g S2 461 O2 th e various tanks B orger w as supposed to have Two houses of hollow tile have near Hillsboro, was know n th ro u g h ­ w ith in terest for p rem iu m alleged an address in O regon City, but a been erected and w orkm en this out th e northw est for its fine herd due on accident insurance: S tate checkup th ere disclosed th a t the w eek are finishing them . The first of Jersey s Many of th at breed on In d u strial A ccident com m ission vs address w as false T he car. a Ford is the blow er house which sets O regon farm s today had th eir a n ­ Round Top Logging com pany, a s k ­ coupe, was rep o rted stolen from a astride the tanks, and th e other is cestry in th e W ithycom be herd. ing $3,142.61 alleged d u e on acci­ Thomas W ithycom be was born d en t in su ran ce paym ents; F irst P o rtlan d street at about 4 o'clock th e laboratory w hich is being con­ F r id a y m o rn in g . structed nearer th e street, and A pril 7. 1852. at Tavistock. E ng­ B ank of Tigard, vs T igard M otor C om plete identification of B or­ w hich will contain th e office and land. and cam e to A m erica in 1872 com pany, chattel foreclosure: C redit chem ical equipm ent to be used in F our years later tie retu rn ed to B ureau vs S H. M iller et al. fo re­ g er still is lacking and state and city police a re co-operating in an control of the sew age plant o pera­ England, w here he m arried C a th ­ closure: C redit B ureau vs Art erin e Ja n e H e n d tr Ju ly 6. 1876. She B foreclosure: F ederal Land effort to find out w ho he really is tion. Besides the concrete retain in g died F eb ru ary 17. 1903. and in 1904 bank of S pokane vs F red R ath- and w here he lived. Ja n e bone. m ortgage foreclosure: C red it M iner cuts and bruises w ere su f­ w alls on the sludge beds, a crushed Mr. W .thycom be m arried rock filter must also be installed B lair Peters, w ho survives. The B ureau vs S. H. M iller et al. fo re­ fered by Emil M iller of N orth children a re Mrs. H. H. Boge and P lains T h u rsd ay night when his through which the w ater from the closure; C redit B ureau vs A rt tru ck crashed into an east bound sludge will pass before en terin g the Mrs. T. R Moore Hillsboro, and Blodgett, foreclosure. outfall sew er on its way to the riv ­ Will and G eorge W ithycombe. G as­ O rd ers filed th is w'eek in circu it S o u th ern Pacific logging tram at S cnefflin. northw est of Hillsboro, ton A nother daughter. C aroline H. er. Dickinson, passed aw ay in 1931. B eaverton, au th o rizin g com prom ise at 11 p. m. T he truck, according to Mr. W ithy a» m be was very p io u d of illegal offset and an o th er o rd er rep o rts stru ck an em pty flat car as of his ancestry, tracin g his lin e­ com prom ising suit now p ending in th e tra in w as passing over the age to m edieval times. ; 0 a long circuit court against H. M. and crossing. T he tru ck w as carried line of W ithvcombes in England. A nna M. B arnc-, In d u strial A cci­ about 30 feet and th e cab crushed, dent com m ission vs. H arry J. Bab- p inning M iller against the side. fC n n tin aed fro m p a re P nell. Dotson was identified in a c .k, d fault; In d u strial A ccident A ttem pting to e x tricate M iller, w ith soliciting accounts w ithout a police lineup in P o rtlan d by men com m ission vs. B ridge L u m b er com ­ and to release the truck, the train license. who saw him when th e checks w ere pany. d efau lt: L ucila L. H ow ell vs. men w ere com pelled to back the They w ere representing a C ali­ cashed. He is alleged to have used M ultnom ah G olf club et al. d efau lt fornia corporation and w ere in ­ th e name. C. Cook, ar.d others in an d decree: U nion C en tral Life In ­ train w hich served to w arp the cab enough to perm it th e train crew dicted about the first of th e year. his cheeking w riting. surance com pany vs. O tto E rickson, T rial was before th e court. Ju d g e S atu rd ay m orning. W C .Smth of confirm ation; S ta te L and B oard vs. to release th e d river, who was P eters finding them guilty and Portland. WPA w o rk er on the W il­ R. O. Stevenson, co n firm atio n ; M el­ levying a fine of $100 each ' Dell- son riv er road, arrested at W estim- an ie A. P ark e vs. H aldis M. P a u l­ m ore Lessard, th eir attorney, in ­ ber follow ing an arg u m en t in a b e :r son et al. p u b lication; H ome O w n ­ 119 8. Seron«! Ave. dicated that the case would be ta k ­ p arlor there, plead guilty to assault er*' Loan co rp o ratio n vs. H estine en to the suprem e court on an w ith a dangerous w eapon. Ju d g e H ollister, ad m in istra to r esta te B a r­ PH ON E 771 appeal. R. F ran k P eters sen ten ced him to clay Davis, d efau lt and decree. A rrested T hursday by P o rtlan d a y ear in the county jail. police. C harles Dotson. 25. form erly A ccording to th e statem en t made Marriage Licenses employed on a farm near Bank? at the tim e of sentence by G Rus- K eith E Wilcox and L y n ette was brought to th e local jail F ri­ s e l l Morgan, d istrict attorney. K ruchek, H illsboro. J u ly 15. day by S heriff Jo h n C onnell and Sm ith becam e enraged when he Joseph W eber and T h elm a W il­ D eputy H arry Johnson. Dotson is was evicted from th e b e r parlor, liams. G aston. J u ly 17. alleged to have issued several bad retu rn in g w ith a p air of b u tch er A rin in T heodore N ettcr, A urora, checks, including tw o at Banks, knives obtained at a n earb y house and H ilda C h arlo tte H ering, G aston one to th e Forest G rove H ardw are With one of these knives he m ade ro u te 1. Ju ly 20. com pany and one at Dean's D rug an attack on the bartender. Dean Jam es E dw ard Buck. C orvallis »tore in Beaverton. Thum p-on. In tl fracat and M inne M. H ulet, B eaverton, A ccording to S h e n ff-Jo h n Con- followed, a patron of th e place suf- Ju ly 20. T. Withycombe Buried Tuesday Alleged Auto Thief Killed New Grand Jury Meets, Trials Set T h u r s d a y , J u ly 2 3 , 1936 Funeral Held for Former Resident Uusine*» Incre.iMes F uneral services for Em ily C C ornelius, w ho died in her home in W ashington. 1) C . w ere held W ednesday afternoon from t h e C ornelias M ethodist c h in ch w ith | b u rial in the cem etei v th ere Mrs C ornelius w as a form er resident of W ashington counts and d au g h ter of the late Rev W E Sm ith, pioneer M ethoitist pastoi here D uring the war, she and hei daughter. M innie, entered th e fed eral service in W ashington, D C w here she had lived since w ith the exc. ption of a short tune spent I m I .os .Angeles, being sent by the governm ent. For a nu m b er of years she taught school in C ornelius and in T u alatin aeadem v at Pacific university Et oi i C ornelius she moved to S alem and from Salem to W ashington S urviving a re th ree daughters. M innie of W ashington; M is E ian I ces S iew ert of Clay C enter. Kan sas. and Mrs Jo h n Elliott of Den , ver. C olorado FIRDALK-IOW A H IL L - C harlie Robinson was kicked by a cow last Tuesday, break in g several ribs. W J Am m on stepped on a piece of a broken wedge M onday ami has had to stay e»ff of his foot this week Mrs Sam G erig atten d ed a sh o w ­ er g iv .n for her niece. Mrs J a k e Faix. of K inton W ednesday The N ever Idle ili\ ision of St. Matthew s A ltar s.x-iety met w ith Mrs Will W aibel T hursday evening The tim e was spent w orking on a sunflow er quilt Mrs Elm er Boge ami d au g h ter w ere club guests. Mrs H enry Peters, w ith a party of P ortland friends, is spending u week at G aribaldi. Mr and Mrs Fred H aase e n te r­ C o m m itte r Meets tained Mr ami Mrs H erb F rieken S ixty new applicants for county and ch ild ren of S herw ood at a dinner p arty Friday T hey took old age assistance w ere passed at M ildred H aase to S herw ood w ith | th e m eeting of the relief com m it . tee T hu rsd ay night in the court them for a tw o w eeks' visit. Mr and Mrs C harles S ellers and 1 house, w hile seven w ere denied T he total now is 359 on the »»Id two children atten d ed a reunion of ' age assistance lists. Miss Alice Max the S ellers fam ily at the hom e of executive secretary, rcportcii Mr. and Mrs H enry C hezem of I ! well, last week P ortland S unday Miss Louise U nger, w ho was The follow ing orders w ere filed home over the w eek-end. retu rn ed to P ortland W ednesday. A ntonne : this w»M»k in probate court G eorg, Bell. Mary Peterson. F ran k lin Unger, w ho cam e hom e before the , D oughty. E sther 1. Adams. Jo h n P Fourth, left for H oquiam . Wash . I C ham bers. W E M asters. A lbert T hursday, w here he is w orking in a . E Dethlefs. Nil»* E B ennett. E d­ planing mill. B arbara Erw in ,>f P ortland, niece win C R ichardson. W illiam Mogen- of C harles Sellers, is spending tw o sen. A W Steele, C harles C lifford Sm ith. Jo h n C W hite. C larence 1. w eeks at the S ellers' hom e te v e n s. T heresa Emt.i. A lice Em Jo h n n ie S teele of B loom ing Is ; 'S ma Eoord, Jo h n G albreath. Luther the guest of Alvin Haaae tins week J Foster. R uth Sw alley Denton. H ave Vacation G eorge O. O liver Sunday school is discontinued until fall. O ur classified colum ns may hav< T enuis P yle is th e first in this w hat you a re looking fur com m unity in th e harvest of w heat. Just tl He started cu ttin g T hursday, w hile R ead them . Elm er Huge sta rte d Friday. E dw ard Gross and Miss E reida Lorenz, both of P ortland, spent the w eek-end at th e D avid Lorenz home. Mr and Mrs. P G abel of Pi rtland. Mr and Mrs F red B rett- , h auer of Hillsboro. Dick V ande- ; shin re. C ornelius, and H ow ard Helm. L aurel, w ere S unday d in n er ' p arty guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lo­ renz. Dan Hailey and the R asm ussen ! B rothers have ju s t finished w ir- [ ing th eir buildings for th e prom ised electricity H enry G oetze. for whom Jo h n G oetze gave a blood transfusion T h is a il is g o o d f o r 2 0 '< last w eek, is m uch b e tte r He has 1 p ric e on a n y left St. V incent's hospital. Portland, o f p u r c h a s e and is now at Seaside. U se d C a r . Misses M ary and Lydia Koch r e ­ tu rn ed T h u rsd ay from San F ra n ­ cisco and are living in Miss Mary 1935 C he S t a n d a n ( 'o u p e K och's new house V ery little e n te rta in in g w as done 193 1 ( h»1 1-door Sc d a n Sunday in this com m unity as most of those belonging to th e F arm ers' 1932 M a rm o n l- d o o r S e d a n Union atten d ed the union's picnic held at R ippling W aters 1931 F o r d R o a d s te r Your Chance Introduction of new baking m ethods w ith the installation of the new oven at P erfection llukciv I has brought m aterially increased al»1 the m anagers reported this I we< k To care for the increase I I business. Mrs Le.ster lloak has been auded to th • sales force. Bethany-Cedar Mills Success D ue to Advertising 1928 B u ic k l- d o o r S e d a n E vidence of the pow er of new s­ p aper ad v ertisin g to stim u late con­ 1 9 2 6 O ld s 2 - d o o r S e d a n sum ption of every -d av necessities, w ithout sacrificing price or q u a l­ ity. is revealed in a report issued O u r p r ic e s a r e t lie­ lo w e st by S afew ay Stores. In c . in connee- in to « n . tion w ith its recent farm er-co n ­ sum er d airy products cam paign The d riv e lasted only one w eek, TERM S T R A I)F S from th e 17th to the 25th of April, but final com pilation of retu rn s from all divisions discloses the fact th at in that brief period a com bin­ ation of stro n g ad v ertisin g a n d I P hone 1271 or 1191V econom ical prices boosted the com- ! H illsboro pany's sale of m ilk, eggs, b u tte r i T hird and Lin<*olri and cheese to an all-tim e one- | week high. Anderson Motor Co. FREE DELIVERY K rw ai d Etta WEST1NGHOUSE Ji model clc< trie range, practically new. rea unable E lec w iring until August I Mis Mae A lvord, S S ixth tv e 23tf LUMBER. fence posts cut to order. also cedar for chicken h o u r . S chw antes Mill, on McKee creek, l ‘j miles south of l.a u n I 23 tip Divorce i Ilo ffu ib er i » dph. ' ( Suits Ida E l ilcd against Itu- wild bla< kbei l ies. *1 Iful- Mis Viola S undhcig. as - 23p sessi >i \ office court house. WANT Ions No llu r r y MII K goal, tw o k ils. eoin h. Meek \ oice over th»» telephone ! i ugat»»»! i olici dintng t ibie *’Doet«»r. this is Mr H enpcck Mv A lionside. block imiti» of w ife ju st dislocated h er jaw . If and Mani you’re out this way next week or the w tv k aft er VOI! m ight drop tu G< )( >1 > g e n tle m a re w o rk : or di m hle. w eight 1 KM» Mi and see her Ex It lliighc.- 1 mil» u m th » f ning Loo Late to Classify ORBIS H f ir d w h e a t. L ik e New LOST In H illsboro or P o r e s t G rove. Ju ly 1H, sm all gold pm w ith B H S C la rio n S ta ff in silver N fu C H W F V DE LUXE SHELVflDOR p1 J ihk Ladies! H a v e y o u e n jo y e d th e d e lic io u s g o o d n e s s o f th e New Perfection LOAF Oiur today l.»*de the D ifferen ce F la v o r Suprem e It r«Kist«t M ade w ith (¿old M edal I lour. I resli M ilk and Pure l.ard. Fresh Sunkist LEMON PIE 25c Hot W eather D e liia e y Sm arm ««» • ur« . . Con«»ni«HCM auch «• ..M y Sh«Uai>nr i an o lla r . . . drpandahla, ««•*. atomical, tro a h la -lra a r a fr iia r a lt n a . and w n rid -lea d in g v a lu a ! ih a ia 'a a (re a l in alora lo r $<>u w h rn ,n u m m » m I.EiTUCE— Solid bead T A N G S A L A D DRESSING. Q uart jai 5c 3 fur Each 19c T A N G p^'i” WKKSH,Na ( AN I I.I.O I P |,s Each 5c jam jell PECTIN- PEN JEL— Fruit Pectin. Pkg. It Pays to Insist on Quality I h ere’s no su bstitute for q uality in m eats. W c fea tu re q uality governm en t insp ected m eats at low cost. Saturday S p ecia ls 15c CAM PBELL’S SO U PS. 3 cans „ 2 fo r WAX PAPER K C BAKING POWDER SALT Pound Bar­ 19c COFFEE Q u a lity C offe»' L ow p r ic e d . M edium red. 35c 10c 10c ingl • s W Man 23 House EIVE room cottage, c»>inplctely r»»- novated inside and out. Lot 50 by 190, ap p le and ch»*rry tr*»es, grapes, lots of shrubbery, near c a n ­ nery. will consider dow n paym ent E A G riffith. 131 S. 2nd Ave P hone 171 t»r 252IX $- 49-lb. sack KITCHEN 49-lb. Sack WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street P h one 3251 Prices E ffective Friday, Saturday an d M onday — July 24, 25 and 27 SALMON coi - Mi 12th 23p EIGHT h p Vaughn ti actor w ith i*ompli*tr tools J H Ja c k . 3017 LOST Black m ale C ocker Spaniel, 23p w hite m arkings on chest R ew ard N E 21st A ve. P ortland (lone sine»» Ju ly 4th. Shelby F o r­ llarg aln ney, 515 N S e c o n d Av» Phon»» ! 2H12 23 TEN acr< s, 3-room bonne, barn. 1 aeri» clear, good soil, spi ing. PU LPW O OD cutter*. $2 ••ord. pay 500 cords wood, rock rouil. 1 ’*• »•very week H arry Brown. 143 miles west of M anning $350 E A g|p W < talk St Ph • ? t tu G riffith ! LCkST Brown purs«*, on highw ay Need a Home at (h u e betw«*<*n B e a \» ito n and Hill- PR EFER rent mg. hut will c»»usider W ednesday F inder k »• e p buying 3-b» (tr»»(»in m ixiern bom»» boro E A G u ffith . 131 S 2nd Ave ehang»* and re tu rn r»»st to A igu Hillsboro. 23p P hone 171 or 252IX BUSH’S M A R K E T FLOUR .25 T.47 Bailey. 23 Mi and Mrs Clai enee ( lot tei b>> of- Long Beach, C al. v kitted Mi SIX room house foi lent A ugust I. furnace. In eplace, hardw ood Hour . and Mrs C A Wilson Moiuia.i $25 Bert H untington 23 To Save Money bro u g h t to Jo n es hospital in H ills­ 1930 O ld s S p o r t C o u p e boro for treatm en t. He w as released Friday A ccord­ ing to his version, he could not 1929 P o n tia c l- d o o r S e d a n see the flat car. The car was be­ tw een tw o loads of logs. 1929 C h e v -l-d o o r S e d a n lettering B uxton Boiling Beef Veal Roast C hoice Steer B eef. M ealy, Shoulder Cut. Roil or Stew MUTTON BACON LARD Sugar Cured Lean P iece Pure and S w eet lb- 9c lb- 15c 1 lb 2 lbs. 25c OYSTERS, Frosh Willapas. Qt. 35c SALMON, Half or Whole. Lb. 15c BACON BACKS, by the Piece. Lb. 23c SHORTENING, Perk - P.eef. 3 lbs. 25c H illsboro meat C o . ear n e Btsr ■ pw rue teasr FPM C tn v tB Y