H I L L S B O R (1 Page Six Five Shovels on Sea Road C rew s Push W ork; New W a g e Scale O perating ( ( '• n l in u n l fro m p«»e 1> w hich includes the east part of the county and P ortland, w ill w ork 100 hours at 55 cents O ffice w o rk ­ ers wages are set at 49 cents an hour, w orking for 1(H) hours. S k ill­ ed men will draw $85 a m onth T his setu p resum es th e practice used under SERA to a great extent, the higher skilled men. leaving the job sooner than th ? laborers It is expected that som e difficulties w ill develop when sk illed men leave a job and th e lab o rers must go on independently, p articu larly w here the common labor is d ep en d ­ ent on the progress m ade by th e skilled men A num ber of points rem ain to be ironed out as the system develops, Tillotson said. Nehalem Fisherman Fined Here; Jailed C aught fishing on th e N ehalem riv e r w ithout a license by a state gam e w arden. M G. W ardell of W tstim ber Monday w as fined $25 by A W. H avens in justice co u rt U nable to pay his fine. W ardell w ent to jail. L aw rence Nolan and his b ro th er Lloyd, both of N ew berg ro u te 1. a re held in the county ja il on a charge of larceny. They w ere a r ­ rested at T igard S atu rd ay night by state police, w here it is alleged they w ere pilfering autom obiles. Local Firemen Thank Assistants H illsboro F irem en ’s association this week issued the following slatem ent in eonneetion w ith the "llap p y Days" celebration: The H illsboro F irem en ’s asso- riatio n w ish to tak e this o p ­ p o rtu n ity to thank the various o rganisations a n d indiv id u als w hose hearty co-operation helped to m ake the Happy D a y s " cele­ bratio n th r success it « as. Es- peciallv do we wish to thank the Business and P rofessional W omen’s club, lin e ric a n I egion. Kotary club t ham ber of t ’om- n 11 n e ( e! 1, e , I lib s r i >, ouls and tile H illsboro Argus. We wish Io have th r public know th at th r proceeds ol these celebrations, sponsored by us. are to be used for a fire d e ­ p artm en t fu n d , im provem ents and m aintenance of the city park, and the firem en's general fund. Again we wish to say th an k you to raeh and every one who participated. Signed: Andrew I.rn tz. \. I.. Brock. W. E verett. Glen Burge, W ilb u r D illon 8 W. M rliuii-h com m ittee. contain a new a n t u n iq u e featu re —a com plete log for w estern rad io stations, conveniently arran g ed by states With this inform ation, m o­ torists having radios in th eir cars can quickly tu n e in th e station I nearest them . Shell road m aps are free to m otorists, p art of Shell tourin g service w hich is helping thousands of car ow ners plan trip s and vacations. Pomona Sessions W ashington C ounty P o m o n a G range w ill m eet at K inton next Lost Trinket Uncovered W ednesday, according to an a n ­ OREGON CITY—F arm plow ing nouncem ent m ade th is week. unevoered a ring w hich had been lost 30 years ago near Forest G rove Marriage Licenses by Mrs. M. E. T urner, presid en t of V incent Jo h n G heen. HilLsboro. the county Cam p F ire G uardians' and Olga K onigan. ro u te 5. H ills­ association, w ho now lives in G lad ­ boro. Ju ly 10 stone. New ow ners of th e property W illiam A ndrew Baisch and Lydia re tu rn e d the trin k et to h er m other. Mae K ung. Hillsboro. Ju ly 11. Mrs. A. B. Todd, w ho su rp rised H enry Jo h n VanDom elen. Banks, her d au g h ter w ith presen tatio n of and G enevieve Jo sep h in e Evers. it last week. The k eepsake had Dayton. Ju ly 11. been form ed by hollow ing out a A rth u r G. B rachm an. W oodburn, 10-cent coin.—P o rtlan d N ew s-T ele­ and M axine F. Thom pson. Forest gram . Grove. Ju ly 13. C harles Leroy Burke. ro u te 2. Radio Logs Available Hillsboro, and E. G race Kingston. T his year, m otorists out on the ro u te 4. Ju ly 13. Louis Edw ard D e K oss. N orth highw ays no longer w ill have to “fish aro u n d ’’ w ith th e ir radios to Bend, and D o r o th y Ellen W alter find th e closest statio n and get M arshfield. Ju ly 13. best reception of th eir fav o rite pro­ gram s. Shell road m aps for 1938. W ashington county $1.50 a y ear w hich have ju st gone on d istrib u ­ Six m onths 85c. T h ree m onths 50 tf tion at Shell stations ev ery w h ere cents. Tw o m onths 35 cents. >♦♦♦♦♦< : BEAUTY SHOP Oven for Business ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ in ch a rg e of LA W RENCE EISENREIS ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ R ich ard s B a rb e r & B eau ty Shop Schilling Bldg. Aloha. Oregon >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦ ♦ ♦ C o m m o n s e n .«• c> t h e m o s t p o t e n t “The S tars and S trip es." A d m iral B y rd ’s south p o lar airp lan e in w hich he flew over the frozen w astes of th e polai w ild ern ess for m ore th an 200 hours will b e in H illsboio at the m unicipal a irp o rt Wcd- n.sda> and T h u rsd ay next w eek. N om inal c h a rg e s w ill be m ade for flights over the valley and H illsboro, according to rep resen tativ es of th e ai t plane com pany sponsoring the tour. Flying Pastor Assigned Banks Church; Many at Sunday Picnic (F y M io Mtirv S a n d y ) BANKS C hap lain F G P h illip s has been ap p o in ted p asto r of th e B anks ch u rch and occupied the pulpit h ere S unday evening a fter spending the day at th ? Sunday school rally at H illside. C hap lain P hillips is the only flying sky pilot in th e U. S arm y an d at present in M ed­ is w orking w ith th e C_ ford d istrict. He has been flying w ith the serv ice for 12 years. He plans to be tra n sferred , if possible, to th e CCC in this d istrict and w ill also a tten d Pacific U n iv ersity next w in ter, w here he w ill ta k e special w ork to p rep are him self for a h ig h ­ e r position in th e arm y. C h aplain Phillips, his w ife an d th re e ch il­ d ren a re at p resen t liv in g in M ed­ ford b u t plan to be settled in B anks parsonage by school tim e. M ean­ w hile te n tativ e p lan s a re th a t he w ill fly back and fo rth b etw een M edford and B anks for S unday services, alth o u g h h e can n o t be h ere n ext S unday F o rty -th re e people from B anks S unday school a tten d ed th e Sunday- school rally at th e S h e a re r picnic g ro u n d s n ear H illside S unday. In addition to th e p riv a te cars th at w ent M. W akasugi fu rn ish ed tra n s ­ p o rtatio n in his tru ck . G ets $2.50 C rate H enry Beard, w ho lives ten m iles n o rth of B anks on G reen M ountain, is h arv estin g his cro p of stra w - b. rries and is receiv in g $2 50 a crate for th em on th e P o rtlan d m arkets. T he b erries a re larg e in size an d of good q u ality . Mrs. D A. P ayton of K irk lan d . W a sh . is stay in g w ith Mrs. M. A. Dodds, w ho has been ill. Bobby S to h ler and B illy M oore a re sp en d in g a few d ay s in P o rt­ land. Mr. and Mrs. H en ry M cD onald left S u n d ay for a trip to V an ­ couver. B C.. to v isit th e ir son. Alex McDonald, w ho is p laying on a baseball team th ere. F ran k Lockwood of P o rtlan d has been visitin g Bobby S to h ler and B illy Moore for th e past few days. Mr. and Mrs. L eonard G am roth and son visited frien d s in Y akim a over th e F o u rth of Ju ly . Mrs. W. G. W alker visited rel- IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N ED T he m ajor iieaith problem s of childhood are for the most part com m unicable. a c u t e conditions. T h e continuation of th e pre. nt high ra te of infection is unnecessary. T u berculosis is no longer inevitable; m easles and w hooping cough can be prevented or postponed; and colds, d ip h th eria and en te ritis can be reduced. In th e control of com ­ m unicable diseases past gain has been g reat and fu rth e r progress m ay be expeeted. Long thought inevitable, tu b e r­ culosis is classed today as a p re­ v e n tab le disease am enable to con­ trol m ethods. O nly a few years ago tu berculosis was the leading cause of death. Of the seven leading causes of death, th a t from tu b e r­ culosis is falling most rapidly. This change cam e in re ponse to a d efin ite plan of attack on ihe dis­ ease and an exter.-iva educational cam paign for its prevention The g reat reduction which occurred in tu berculosis dem onstrates the e f­ fectiveness of control m e a u re s. E arly diagnosis, and effective tre a t­ m ent and hospitalization of active contagious casi have reduced the d an g er of infection from tu b e r­ culosis. Measles although freq u en tly con­ sidered trivial, i . a serious <1, ease in infancy. In fact, th e probability of death from measles is seventeen tim es as great for a child under one y e a r of age as for a child of six. C om plete protection is not possible, b u t postponem ent until school age, w hen it is relativ ely w ithout d a n ­ ger. should be attem pted and in FREE L arge, Blue C rockery M IXIN G B O W L w ith p u rch a se o f tw o p a c k ag e s o f SALAD DRESSING M ade by K ra ft. P acked in reu sa b le ja rs . BORENE SO A P G R A N U LE S Quart Double refin ed . to y o u r h an d s Kind 69c Brown Sugar G U L D E N C. .b, 20c Powdered Sugar Q uality < ib,. 19c M FA NCY CH IN O O K . Q No 1 T all 29c Cans 9<*acT lO n SPRING CATCH £ 23c 37c PURE SHORTENING Armour's White ( loud SUPERIO R A R M O U R ’S All CRACKERS PIGS FEET ideal hot weather dish G olden H ea lth . . . ass tin'll w ith Forest Grove G rade A C rea m ery BU TTER A W ashington County P roduct of H ighest Q uality AVAILABLE Large 28-oz. jar M r and Mr- J a k e Weil a n d d au g h ter Roxanne spent Sunday at D cL ake w ith th e ir son F orrest, nephew , R obert, and cousin, Jo h n Weil. Divorce Suits Filed S teinke Edna against W alter Thomas S. Sholes third -i O FFERS NOX-A-FLY FOR CATTLE Fly R cpellan t and K iller We g u a ra n te e NO.X-A-FLY to he entirely satil'actory or y our money will lie c h e e r­ fully refunded. 95c 1932 W illys-K n igh t Custom Sedan New ru b b e r all 'round, p e r­ fect inside and out. P erso n al­ ly indorsed by us. A llow ance for your co n ta in er Delta Drug Store W here Von Save w ith S afety P r ic e s COFFEE SUGAR PENRAD BEER good tr a n s ­ $< 225 49c Pure Cane. F ine G ra n u la ted lbs. 52c O ther 1 sed C ars and Trucks from $15 up Pure 100' i 24-H our Service Standard G asoline P en n sylvan ia Tires C om plete Shop H illsboro — O pposite Courthouse Brown Derby LADY FINGERS ....„ WATERMELONS COOKIES BEETS , i.„ ,a i CARROTS , cro»„ GREEN O NIONS ) bunch 2 I.O.« f th in C om plete line of high q u ality BREADS and PA STRIES I 45c 20c SWEDISII RYE BREAD Every Melon G uaranteed n 39c 12-oz. tins $ 2 .2 9 ) QQ x» M W U 9c 25c M axim um , fresh, crearne. Lb. PH O N E 9c 2171 PORK ÔC BEANS JLLS RETE jciiii 2 luittirs 25c 19c II-ox. tins JELL WELL B aker's PINEAPPLE bar 13c Cf\AI) 15c PEAS ? Hill alale, broken .slices. 29c No. 2 '- tins II X I llilct SOAP 1 li.irx PUREX p k K, 18c 15C 15C CfAAP Y v •’EK'I'S GRANULATED L arge pk«. Del M unte 27c N». I lull Lins 25c 3 III. Un 65c NUBOIIA v pkg. 23c 'F ZIT 1 IS IO S D I I JE’ II ill) : ,11 b ,,n’ e lli J PUREX T he rolls M aster Bleueher. Quart FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS ORANGES CARROTS IOC IOC I’kR. P rem ium I’kg. l’kR SHREDDED WHEAT " flav"' 5c GRAPENUTS — SA T U R D A Y SPECIALS Produce Prices Effective Friday and Saturday Only 1.19 8-quart can BRAN FLAKES " SUPER SUDS 2 ami 19c Quart COFFEE „ 1 1 Icpcndablc 23c 2 25c P en n sylvan ia Motor Oil D E L IV E R Y CHOCOLATE POTA LO CAKE 10 T riangle, Quick or R egular. 4 75 18 lbs. Rolled Oats Peanut Butter FREE 1929 S tu debak er President Sedan \ \ I KI ( K ( IIASSIS S a tu rd a y A IR W A Y , Pure B razilian Blend. ( Pound 17c) (C A SE , 24 tins 425 19 '• I Giti» E f f e c t iv e and J u l y 17 a n d $j job, G allon 10-lb. bag 425 S ix-w heel portation. GROCERIES F r id a y 1933 Ford V -8 V ictoria T his ear has been reco n d i­ tion, d in o u r shops and is personally indorsed. Successor to M ax’s B akery Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ALL Think Oregon Beautiful Mi- and Mr» it B W tte, and w eek ’s vacation trip to C rater Lake, d a u g h ter retu rn ed M onday from a O regon caves. L ava caves. Sea Lion caves, and as far south as below C rescent C ity. C’al Mr Wiley rep o rts th at m any tourist., from o th er states rem ark ed on Ihe beauty of Oregon. Hillsboro HOME Bakery Long B ldg. — AT DELTA Plain or Salted 2L 23c 3 29c «aalt/Vz CROWN FLOUR H ard w h eat P a ten t. 49-lb. bag *1.79 Large RE TO M A TO. 14-oz. bottle 10c LrM JUT PU FANCY QUALITY 12c M U S T A R D Large 2-Ib. jar M O U R ’S. TOMATO JUICE A L R arge 10c 23-oz. ran it, o f H e a lt h ) ' By Mai v h i i ' ' I.«», .id i "Ms boy need not have died if .some one had know n how to top ! the bleeding from the w ound m tus leg." Mild a H illsboro m other recently This, and many o th er deaths, could hav e been p revented b y i know ledge of first aid K now ledge is easily e a rn e d .uni especially he fore a m otor trip, or extended va cation, one m em ber or m ore of e v ­ ery fam ily should know how to give im m ediate, tem poral y c ire in cases of accident or sudden ill- ! nexs. First aid is by no m eans a cheup ' su b stitu te for a doctor ra th e r it is a m eans of getting t h e patient quickly to a doctor in th, best pos­ sible condition More than the to­ tal population of W ashington c o u n ­ ty die as a result of m otor vehicle^ each y ear in U nited S tates, and the sam e is tru e of accidents in the i home Men and boys especially need to learn caution, because from the ages of 3 to 40 no disease, not even tuberculosis, claim s as many lives, and the sam e is tru e of girls up , to the age of 18 A dults should r e ­ m em ber that accident rates in ­ crease w ith age. It is w ell t o th in k sanely of practical m ethods of preventing injuries, for not only is th ere the hazard of death, hut thousands each year en d u re s u f­ fering and lose needless days and w eeks from th eir jobs w hile o th ­ ers a re perm anently disabled In ­ fections of hands and fingers ami feet and legs in New York account for one in seven ca. es of com pen­ sation. T hree per cent solution of iodine, or any good antiseptic applied im ­ m ediately w ill greatly reduce the chance of infection. Tin* farm ha» an enviable record of freedom from disease, hut "m ore persons a r e accidentally killed w hile at w ork in ag ricu ltu ral p u r­ su its th an in any o th er occupa­ tion.’’ In Kansas, w here a study w as made, m achinery was more hazardous than anim als and falls Also the farm er should note that m ore fatal accidents occur on ru ral highw ays th an in the city and m ore results from collision w ith fixed objeets such as trees and milk stands, or ditches. Fatal accidents m t h e h o m e arc m any eases can be achieved W hooping cough is the most d is­ tu rb in g as w ell as one of the mi*st serious diseases w hich occur in in ­ fancy R ecent studies w ith new vae- ,-ines a re giving very encouraging results Many ch ild ren a re com ­ pletely protected, and the m ajority of those who do contract w hooping cough a fter vacillation have it in a m uch m ilder form . T he acute resp irato ry infections tak e an exceptionally heavy toll of life in infancy. In infancy, p n e u ­ m onia is largely a term in al form follow ing some o th er acute infec­ tion Colds a re especially serious in infancy E xposure to resp irato ry in ­ fections tran sm itted from one person to an o th er can h ard ly be avoided by older children and adults But not so w ith the infants; infections m ust be curried to them T his is done usually bv w ell-m eaning p a r­ ents. brothers, sisters, or other re la ­ tives. If possible, persons w ith "colds" should not be perm itted to go into room s w ith infants or handle th eir food or dishes. T he so-called "sum m er com ­ p lain t" of children, a 1 th o u g h g reatly reduced in recent years, still rem ains a prom inent cause of death of ch ild ren u n d er tw o y ears of age. C o ntam inated food an d d rin k are responsible for this infection. A dequate care in the selection and p rep aratio n of food is necessary to elim in ate it. If p a r­ ents w ill only m ake use of a v a il­ able inform ation, the. hazards of Ask y o u r atto rn ey to send your childhood can be effectually r e ­ legal ad v ertisin g to the Argus. duced. HAZARDS GF C IIII.D HOOD (Py Oree">n S tate Board WE L E A D — O THERS FOLLOW P h one 3251 FREE DELIVERY Second at M ain Street P rices E ffective Friday, S aturday and M onday — July 17, 18 and 20 Pint ntives in P o rtlan d sev eral days las’, w eek Lee E rg en w ent to V ernonia S u n ­ day and M onday sta rte d to w ork for the S unset Logging eom pany Mr. and Mrs Bud McKe.v and son and L ester Deyo of Heron. S D . and W allace MeKcy of B row nsville. Minn.. a rriv e d in B anks T h u rsd ay and spent a few days at the A rth u r M orn’ll home. T hey left th e east on account of th e d ro u th and said th a t the crops th ere w ere bad They left S atu rd ay m orning for W alla Walla. « her th ey had found w ork on th e ir w ay here. Mr and Mrs Je ff K ennedy and d a u g h ter C onnie Lou of B anks and Mr. and Mis. Del C o rn u th of B u x ­ ton spent S atu rd ay night and S u n ­ day on Wilson river. T hey report th e road in fine shape com pared to a year ago. Mr. and Mrs Ja c k R cppeto and sons D onald. Hugh and C harles of R yderw ood. Wash., visited relatives in B anks from W ednesday until S atu rd ay last week. D onald and C h arles w ill stay for a w hile to visit. Miss Sylvia S everance w ent to L exington M onday to visit w ith h er sister. M rs Rev C am pbell, and fam ily. Miss S e v e r a n c e f in is h e d h e r w ork in th e post office Ju ly 1. Mr. and M is Ralph K inton left S atu rd ay for th eir hom e in M artin s­ ville. Ind. They spent a few days at the beach and tw o w eeks visiting frien d s and relatives in Banks Mis. Belie Lilly of CorneUus i- spending a few days at the hom e of h er daughter. M is Fred W olford. Lyle W olford of C anyon City visited at th e hom e of his parents. Mr. and Mrs F red W olford, from S atu rd ay until W ednesday. Mr and Mrs. H arry W hitfi Id of T im ber spent the w eek-end at the N J. G riffen home. Mr and Mrs. F rancis Thom pson of P ortland a n d I.arnar Sandy, w ho is w orking in P ortland, spent th e w eek-end at the C lifford Sandy hom e C lifford S andy is getting his house painted and reshingled this w eek Mrs N. J G riffin ha- been v i s i t ­ ing w ith her m other. Mrs Kecnon. on P u m pkin R idge for th e past w eek. Jim m ie A rm en tro u t of S eattl • i visiting his gran d p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs. W. B A rm ntrout. HEALTH MIRACLE W HIP l,e left In the bulb lien- listed in the Killer in w hich I slmili,1 nevi i < m iti, il Is most needed Fall claim I tub Accidents Take Next hi pi «’Viilenee aie bulli«, Hie population of H llbboro. For 4 Gi ove. B eaverton mid Tig.m l expltvsioiu. poisons amt poisonous Big County Toll, e 1'iiys mid objeets should never b< ’ U left ll on I'll the ' I ’ | ’ A •» sale ’«• « 1 stepliidder • ««'■»' ...... Nurse Declares should be III’ in steps every home, mid soap uccldent pieventlv Week Admiral Byrd's Plane Here QÆ FflIRUJflV Thursday, July K», 19,’trt A E C U S , 11 I L L S R O II O , O II E G O N E ancy, firm , golden ripe. Serve with S h re d d ed W heat, for a delicacy. Pound 13c 10c — 4c L arge size, N avel .seedless. D ozen Eancv, loi'al, b rig h t red. Bunch W e R eserve the R ight to Limit Q uan tities lc W