Pug»’ Six H IL L S B O R O Parties Held During Week Eagle Scout A R G U S , 11 11, LS B O R O , O R E G O N Anntial Mission Festival at Blooming Sunday: Cleanup Set A nnual M is s io n local L u th eran eon- bo celeb rated on in , I- ii. xt Snii.tti' Sylw ester of C o n ­ i' P ortland, w ill preach G orm an at 10 o'clock Rim baoh of T rin ity uiroh. P o rtlan d , will glish at 2 o'clock, La- ongrogation w ill serv e an The public is in- a .id Mr and Mis A lbert K ialuno and Donald Mrs Ernest C alhoune of G r a n ts Pass retu rn ed h o m o M onday a fte r a w eek spent 1 w ith h o t p a r e n t s , M r and Mrs. J E. H orner of F ern Hill She atten d ed the N E A vention in P ortland w hile h ere and w as accom panied by her sister-in- law, Miss B erth a C ulhoune. w ho is a teacher a: G rants Pass Florence Hauer. D orethy Wen.- and Jo h n Laym an, all teac h ers oi u erm an n of f u r t ­ B end higli school, w ere guests nt h e r v acation at th e H orner ranch over F riday, fo l­ sister. Mrs Hcr- low ing the N E A convention. Salem Man Moves on Finney Place at Firdale honm of the C hristensons’ fifth w edding an n iv er n a r \ a n d M r s I'h rislen sen 's bit thd.ii Mi and Mrs L W G uild e n te r­ tained M onday et oiling w ith a sw iinining party for th e ir sen Stanti y ni houor of tus birthday About 25 w ere present King Lytle Given Praise by Paper T h u rsd ay . .Inlv 9, 1936 Mountaindale Home Burned Layton P lace D e s t r o y e d ; Chiefs Plan Picnic S ubscribe now Io llie A rgus In over on aerount of wi t pavem ent from the heavy rains Jo y ce P arm er W ashington county $1 59 a year .mi Helena S atehell spent the w eek ­ Six m onths 85e T h ie e niiinths 51) end w ith th eir gi .indpuri'iitj, Mr cents. Two m onths 35 cents *f and Mrs Sam W alters Mr and Mrs N P. Johnson spent S M O K IN G ANO D R IN K IN G ? ! th e w e e k end visiting the II North W A TC H YOUR S TO M A C H fam ily at A storia For quick rclh f fum i inihg« tn»u llio Misses Lois and N anette Ceily of S ilverton a re visiting Mr and uiK.ut stom ach dm* to « \c< and M is G t ’oily and fam ily this siv(* sm oking and d rin k in g try Di Einil't» Ad I a T>d»lct Sold on money w eek Mrs G eorge Foege spent last hack tfuarantec K ram ien*. D rug , Store Adv week w ith relatives at N ewport, Evelyn W alters ot Salem spent the week end at hom e w ith the SAXTON A IO O N IY Jam es W alters family P roducer» of Qm lity Bow aiti May and Agnes Peterson SAND and GRAVEL w eie m arried Friday at the b rid e 's' home. P lant lo* at»*d 4 m iles no rth of F orest G rove i»n G ales G ieek. Chrlillan C'horrb Phone 1MMK Lord's day unified stmly-w orship service. 9 45 II 15 a m C hurch I school. 9 15 M orning w orship. Id 45 "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ M u sic by choir Serm on. "C onven­ tio n k.elioi's A b rief rep o rt by TRUCKMEN! tile pustor of the a n n u al state con vention at T u rn e r J u n e 30 to July 5 C hristum Endeavor, 7 p in. Union evangelistic service w ith the M ethodist ch u rch at the M ethod­ PUC Service ist chut eh. , 43 p m. Music I,y joint choir Special m usic by the zXiiniutl M onthly M ethodist church. Serm on b y i C hristian m inister. It 1. P utnani Tuesday. 2 p in . Ladies' Aid and M issionary society m eeting "The church w ith a fam ily sp irit'' w el­ llillshom , Oregon comes you It L Putnani, pastor [ FIR D A LE - IOWA H IL I__F ourth ins- Mia Mtounrrt Mallii**»nl of Ju ly d in n er p arty guests at the M t'l N I'AINDAI E The hom e of hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haase T he Bend Hull et in tins tile fol M r and Mrs Ben L ayton was b u rn ­ w ere Miss E sther Zanow of S anta low ing to say leg aid in g thi' t r a n s ed Io Lie ground T hursday A n u m ­ B arbara. Cal.. Miss B einetta Sckn- (er of K ing Lytle, form er H illsbon ber of household articles w ere sav ­ lze. Rose W olfram, E sther G insm er. boy and the son of Mr and Mrs C ed from the dow nstairs part of the O rville G insm er. Jo h n M ottoind. E. L ytle of Hillsboro, from high house. and Florence Haase. Miss H aase r e ­ wav division engineer at Bend to Tom Itobcitsou of Sum . Cal., vis m ained over th e w eek-end. She. the sam e position at R oseburg tied ses eral slays last week at the w ith four other girls from P o rt­ In a few days King Ly tle, h ig h ­ C I W illiam s ami W S Hahn land, left Ju ly 8 to atten d the way division engineer here for hemes. In tern atio n al W alther League con­ being d rilled at Mr and Mrs N H Toats-s and the past several years, w ill leave vention at Houston. Texas. They Golf course, for Ins new position in charg e of family spent th e F ourth of July w ill visit at New O rleans and re mantel o f N orth an o th er division west of th e m o u n ­ holidays at the beaches. tu rn hom e throu g h St. Louis abou' M i's Lena T aylor was hostess f it- lest of h er sister, I tains His friends here and else­ A ugust 1. er. w hile she is w here in this division and they tin ' B a n k s Mountaindale “800“ club New Resident Here in th e R R Me.v- FO REST GROVE Mrs M a il. are many will reg ret to see him at her homo T uesday afternoon C harles M osher of Salem is m ov­ G eiger. 85. died at her hom e on go. As resident engineer at T ’l ' Mrs O tis Johnson had high score ing on the Finney place. He is go­ elativ es su rp rised C ornelius ro u te 2 S atu rd ay night Dalles before . outing here in charge .Mrs C. B B all second and Mrs ing to im prove th e house. Mrs i they v isited her a fter a b rief illness. F u n eral se rv ­ of the division and .is the head of Cass Wilson th ird Mrs Fred Jesse M osher w ill come in th e fall. me last T h u rsd av ices w ere held from th e Forest the local office. Mr L ytle has gain and Mis C 1 W illmms w ere guests Mrs. Alee Lucas. P ortland, is a re Mrs. M innie G rove U n d ertak in g com pany chap. 1 ed a w ide know ledge of the h ig h ­ Mrs G eorge C onnolly w ill enter spending th e w eek w ith h er son. nsm uir. Cal., M rs., W ednesday aftern o o n w ith Rev w ays of this section. It seem s u n ­ tain the club in July. L ester Lucas. Mrs J C. L aw ton of Seattle, if San Francisco. B raek en b erry officiating In te r­ fo rtu n ate to lose the benefit of Mrs. H erm ina U nger and fam ily P ow ell an d Viol a m ent w as in the C ornelius cem e­ th at know ledge but tin- policy rep- Wash . w as a w eek-end guest of her m otored to Mt. A ngel Sunday to tighter C h arlen e tery. rfse n te d by th e shift is sound and parents. Mr and Mrs I II. M ax ­ spend th e day w ith h er m other-in- C alifo rn ian s came Mrs G eiger w as born A ugust 28 his successor w ill soon have the well. law. P at, w ho had been th ere for th e fu n eral of Miss 1870. at Fort W ayne. Inci. an d eu m t situation in hand ju st as he w ill Plan Picnic the past week, re tu rn e d home w ith w ho died at Eugene to O regon w hen 14 D eceased is shortly be in com plete touch with T he Pa-! C hiefs' d u b met at the them . all the affairs of his new post survived by the widower and the home of M r- A K Reynolds W ed­ Mrs M artin R eddig and tw o K eith Busch, son of M r and Mrs i. L oren Jack so n of follow ing children: C larence. R ey­ nesday afternoon. D uring the b u si­ daughters L yla and L ucille left A. H. Busch, w ho was recent!; ed at th e W alter D rill- nold, Edw in and H arold. C ornelius. P llt r lm H o u se ness m eeting plans w ere m ade for 1 Tuesday for A nacortes. Wash., to S atu rd av . Mrs B erth a Mrs C. V Schenck. Mrs T G m ade an eagle scout. He is . a picnic Ju ly 23. Mrs I.oel H ollen­ Ju ly 12: Public clmpel w orship visit relatives. m em ber of th e sea scout ship ’ re tu rn e d to C arlto n w ith Cowley. P ortland, and Lyle G eiger Mrs. Lena Rose of Pendleton, A F o u rth of Ju ly d in n e r purty beck and Mrs Jam es M atlliesen at 9:30 a. in., w ith serm on o n "Rainbow ." r a short visit. T im ber B rothers and sisters s u r­ wer>‘ ap pointed on the com m ittee a I .ost Sheep." the seventh w ho was severely bruised S u n ­ R ueeker is ill at th e home viving are: Mrs A nna Goetze. Sea ¿it the V b W ohlsehlegei home F u rth e r plans w ill be announced “Found in a se n e s on the 2’h d Psalm, the day evening w hen the car in w hich land, w ere guests at the D H d aughter. Mrs. I.ankow , in side: Mrs. M innie Goetze. C o rn e­ was atten d ed by Mr and Mrs E rn ­ later A fter Ute business m eeting “L ittle G reed" of the independent she w as sittin g w as w recked, is P earson hom e S aturday. Mr.- Ede id. lius. Mrs Jo h an n a E dw ards. M an­ est B aum an ¿mil d au g h ters D aphne "7)lkl' w as play I'd in w hich Mrs A churches. "H e rcsto reth my .soul.” recovering rapidly. Mrs. Rose is and Miss D ohlberg re tu rn e d to Mr. an d Mrs C arl C en ser and cos. Cal : H enry M eyers C ornelius and V irginia. Mr and Mrs Jerom e E Willi - bail high . core ami Mrs will be th e text. T ins service wdl visiting her brother-in-law . Lee P o rtlan d S unday evening. Edwin and V ivien of P o rtlan d w ere and G eorge M eyers. Los Angeles. Eppely. Mi and Mr C ollins G ra ­ Loci H ollenbeck second also cotnineinnrute the 400th anni* Roy Rose, and fam ily. ham find Mrs Ju n e B aum an, all of I w eek-end v at th e Rudolf | Cal. Birthday Celebrated V andom vlcn bail bis ton v e i s a r y of the death of Erasm us, Mrs. V. M. Davis of Salem, w ho A urora, and S hirley T hom pson of sils N olan M eyer heme. rem oved at the Jones hospital R eform ation F ath er S i vices of has been at th e C harles Sellers Mrs. Jo h n H H aase en tertain ed P ortland A fam ily outin g w as h eld in m orning Dr It M K im . w orship will be continued th ro u g h ­ hom e for the past five weeks, left a group of F ird ale an d Iowa Hill B ra n d a w s woods on Iowa H ill Ju n e Sunday d in n e r party guests ¿it Tuesday operated. out the sum m er at the 9 30 o’clock women W ednesday afternoon ir. for her hom e last T hursday. th? \\ F W ohlsehlegei hom e w ere a fter a day of b e rry p icking in W ednesday afternoon guests of Mrs. Springer Hostess honor of h er birth d ay . Mrs. Henri- 30 Mr and Mrs B L. Price. Thelm a Mr and M r. C larence Meek w ere horn P astor H enry S H aller may th e Shigeno b e rry fields. Those Mrs. C harles S p rin g er en tertain ed H aase of L aurel w as there, also M eredith. R onald and K aron M ere- * Mrs G. T ate anil son R obert ol be consulted any day. except Mon- Mrs. B ertha A ntone Linger of Hoquiam. Wash . p articip atin g w ere W ednesday afternoon for h er sis­ d eth and Buddy D empsey of P o rt­ N ebraska. Mr ami Mrs M Harvey day. betw een 10 a m and noon, or Zanow Miss E sth er Z anow , M rs C harles L agrange Brow ii, 79. died b> appointm ent, at th e House of ters. Mrs. H arold M eyers and Miss is spending th e w eek-end w ith his land Buddy is just recently out of of N ew berg. Mr. and M is C. Sew Emil B ran d aw and M arcella and at the S m ith hospital h re M ont M ay Koopman. Mrs. C harles Sel­ m other. Mrs H erm ina Unger. the E m anuel hospital, w here she ell and Dr l’asley and d au g h ter flee. 232 N orth T hird avenue K enneth. Mrs F ran k lin Koch and day. follow ing an illness of six Roy C arter, now stationed at lers and tw o daughters. Mrs. W il­ days. F u n eral services w ere held had been for tw o m onths, reco v er­ Je a n Ann of H illsboro T h ey also liam R uffener and tw o dau g h ters South Bend. Wash., is s p e n d in g th e Ju n io r and Miss Lois A lton. Lowell H allau er. W alter Muhlv. W ednesday afternoon at th e F o r­ ing from a b ro k .n pelvis bone r e ­ visited at the S z\ I) M eek home. w ere present. Mr. and Mrs. M eyers w eek-end w ith his fam ily He had D aniel S t-e le and Ja m e s H inrichs est G rove U ndertak in g com pany ceived in an au to w reck. C al A dopts K ahbit and tw o children w ith Miss K ocp- not been hom e since May. M r anti M rs P earl E tzw iler and visited at th e Lou s N e u k irk hom e chapel w ith Rev. H A. D eck of* A m other eat belonging to the E rvin Kien of B uxton v.sited a: m an have ju st driv en here from fam ily of T illam ook bro u g h t A r- K ecnons has adopted a baby cotton S alt Lake. Utah, and are m aking th e U nger hom e Monday. He has S unday in honor of Jo h n 's b ir th ­ ficiating. and interm ent w as in d y th Etzw hom e F riday from a tail rabbit. S he packed it in from F ir L aw n cem etery here been in South D akota th e past y ear day. an extended visit here. w eek's vis and rem ained at the woods w hile out hunting and M em bers of th e local ch u rch are Mr. B row n was born a! M iddle­ F ran k B rasher of P o rtlan d spent Sunday dinner p arty guests at requested to m eet to m o rro w i F r i­ bury. Vt . N ovem ber 18. 1857. and the Earl E tzw iler hem e until S u n ­ is feeding and earing for it along th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Sam th e w eek-end w ith h day i night for a g en eral elea n -u p w as m arrie d to Amy A lthouse at day. , w ith her four kittens. G erig w ere Mrs. C hristin a Kleen. C harles Brosher. and family. atten d ed a r e ­ of th e ch u rch grounds. G rand Lodge, M ich, in A ngus' • Salem. Mr. and Mrs O scar M eyers union of th e H utcl ?n fam ily ; it the Mrs. L .G eiger died su d d en ly at 1888. T hey cam e to P o rtlan d in and son Donald of Silverton. Miss h er hom e n ear F orest G ro v e last 1890. settled on a farm near M an­ Jo e Dorsey hom e it D ayton S un- Loletia Weston and F ran k Elia- S atu rd ay night D eceased is a sis­ n ing in 1897 and m oved to H ills­ day. h eart. both of P ortland. Meyers Mrs. A ngie B radw ay of In d e p e n - illy Girl Sr,.ii, Troop No fill A rth u r and C ourtney Syverson te r to H enry M eyer and Mrs. Wil- boro in 1924. w h ere he had since said th e crops aro u n d S ilverton Mrs J. M K olera H arriet R ussell re tu rn e d to her helm ina Goetze. and E arl Solee of H azeldale visited i «sided. a re all looking good but th a t ch er­ Sund av. hom e F riday from u w eek's v aca­ Mr. and Mrs H enry V oelk er and D eceased is su rv iv ed by t h e S; tur< ries and pears a re going to be h ere Sunday and Monday. Aim ly on tiu inolin­ Mr tion spent w ith her g ran d p aren ts G ladys and Sylvia S n iffer who d au g h ter C arol left e arly l a s t w idow and th re e children scarce. I’d . one tim e at T u rn e r W hile th ere she a t ­ C lifford A m are on the Con M iller ranch a re w orking in Salem , spent the T h u rsd ay m orn in g for S an F ra n ­ N e llie S m ith . H ills b during th e - ’ o u rth of tended t h e n in e te e n th reunion of B r w n a n d T he: oil B low n. W apato. c is c o and su rro u n d in g te rrito ry . has adopted a calf. Mr. M iller w eek-end here. Ju lv « i Hill Doro The at th e T u rn e r tab ern acle Ju n e 28 Hart Id M eyer serv ed as ch air- Wash. found her suckling both h er colt Mrs. Berleigh T allm an and M- - rode .e r U country at th e T u re r tab ern acle Ju n e 28 and the calf B ert Tillotson and ch ild ren are n a n a ! th e m eeting of th e young end« d jy inoun- Mr anil Mrs J H R oberts and s society F rid ay night. Pas- Mr. and Mrs. C arl Jensen and spending th e week in Eugene. d au g h ter and niece have retu rn ed W. H inrichs ad d ressed the : family. Miss F lorence O hler. all of Mrs. P ercy M eC am pbell and Jan, C oyle of from N ew port and Toledo oup on in terestin g phases of th e , Mr and Mrs J . - s Wlgginj jto n o Vernonia. Miss E sther D ohlberg d au g h ter D ella of P o rtlan d spent eek- ‘lid g u e s t . Ill. C harles Crete.s and fam ily of ^ i c i ’ti' convention a! Y akim a. Re- and Mrs. G. M. Edc. both of P ort- the w eek-end here. ind w ere S undav guests ut th « h •me. Seaside spent the week i nil at Last fresn m en ts w ere served by R obert S n y d er home. 'T h e W igging he C laud A llen hom e p ark w ith the J I. H adley fa m ­ L iebenow and E dm und W eichbrodt. | recen tly re tu rn e d fr >m ar llitll S u n d ay w ere his ily Mr- M abel H erg ert and d a u g h ­ aut trip to N orth D akota M inne Jo h n C h a ttcrto n o f O strander A llen, a b ro th rr-in - te r S arah re tu rn e d recen tly from so ta and M ontana They vise ited th. and r. Mr and Mrs Jo h n spent the w eek-end visiting his a trip to South D akota. A D. H ill hom e n ear Mile: < ' • t vo children. G ladys si -or. M rs Sam W alti rs He lived A nne Jep so n spent th e p a s t M ont, and report th e Hills ; i hap G erm a I V. la G erm an, all in B eaverton several years ago. w eek-end at Y achats w ith t h e pv and p ro sp erin g in thei: new and G W C h arles W alters P hyllis White. :ton. Jo h n G trm jm is P ie rc j fam ily of P o rtlan d . ! iocation. I 'C l i p i atiriL Irom a fra ctu red skull M r and Mrs Jack Satchel. Mr and N< ) I ’< )i )L I\” , th e y 're sdyletl An electrician is w orking on th e P aul M iller of O S C spet cceiv d i n a fall from a spar Mrs F ran k P arm er ipent Ju ly 4 fur fiiolness, com fort anti M aurer hem e, w irin g it for elec- eral days at the M ountainsid ✓ when high clim bing at a log­ at Long Bi a h Wash and re| rt ap p eal am c of light-w eight, last w eek stu d y in g w alnut bli seeing eight w reeks on the way «m g camp. Mr d Mrs P’red K rah m er en- j co long-w earing f, »Fries . . . ju st n trol as a governm ent su n tained w ith a Ju ly 4th p a rty at T ake a cam era on 11 he thing for hot, sum m er iir horn«? S a tu rd ay aftern o o n and agent. Annual Orenco Picnic Mr. and Mr . R. N. M cC lure e n ­ y o u r vacation a n d day ahi of Hillsboro. Miss F rieda te rta in e d Ju ly 4 w ith a fam ily r e ­ in Portland on Friday p reserve t h e b ig .95 union party. A bout 25 frien d s and Kiar I of P o rtlan d . M r an d Mrs ( Incorporated) ORENCO A nnual church and “th rills ” fo r all tim e. Hun y Rec-se. L aurel. Mr. and Mrs , relativ es w ere p resen t from P o rt­ com m unity picnic will be held in Collections — Credit Reporta See us fo r film s and M ar •in K rah m er and sons. Mr. and land. Mrs. Jo sep h in e H am ilton of C olum bia park. P ortland. F riday. in W ide v a rie ty of styles, patterns! M rs. H enry H ering an d d au g h ters developing. Sioux. C ity. Ia , and d au g h ter Mis. Meet at th e ch u rch at 9:30 o'clock. W ashington T illam ook. Y amhill. anil fabrics in shirts ,»t w e ll-! Ellen H am ilton, w ho attended the B ring y o u r lunch, y o u r ow n di.shes, know n makes In a w ide range! P olk and M arion Counties. N. E A. in P ortland, w ith Mrs and y o u r sw im m ing suits and let's Schramel Service at Studio Only ot prices. Personal DR. R. J. NICOL have a good day together. Contact on Collection« | H am ilton's sister. Dr. Leah Rich* Boys and girls a re h av in g a good eld erp h er and d au g h ter C atherine DR. E. W. ALMQUIST Washington County Office of W asco sp en t several days last tirpe at th e vacation ch u rch school w eek v isitin g Mrs. H. L. Elint and every T h u rsd ay m orning from 9 Commercial Building Veterinarians Hillsboro's Only Home-Owned Photographic Studio fam ily. T he sen io r ladies w ere to 11:30. 109 S. Second Ave. Phone Hillsboro 1511 Second and Main Streets Telephone 643 and 642 schoolm ates at H ighland P ark C ol­ Plionc 3071 ANDREW LOUIS lO R Itl.S T Howe & W ells, Prop. lege in Des Moines. Ia. Fori.-it G rove Andrew Loui Hillsboro, Oregon Mrs. Jo h n A dam s of Gold Be ich 207 K. Main Phone cam e S unday for a visit at the J< - F o rrest 34 died at the E m anuel S n y d er home. S he is also visiting hospital in P o rtlan d M onday a f t­ h er dau g h ter, Mrs. Bill H utchens, e r an illne-- of a y ear and a half He was born at Dayton. O ctober in P ortland. The house at th e E. G. Heaton 27. 1902 He is survived G ladys Ma.v farm is receiv in g a new coat of widow, Mr and th e follow ing children: paint. CONDENSED REPORT Louis Mrs. Ed Holcorn atten d ed : re- Boneta. E dyth Rae. dolph. H arvey R ichard and R obert union at th e hom e of her >ter, Mrs. H arney B arclay, in Pot and H arold. IB- p aren t-. Mr and Mr last F rid ay in honor of Mr and J. R F orrest of B uxton, a n d a Mrs. B urt Z ook from C alifornia, sister, Mrs. Fred H arp er of Yarn- friends of 30 y ears ago. M r Zook hill, also survive. is a raisin packer at Fresno, Cal We specialize in q u ality corn- A J Russell resum ed hay baling tf at th e H ow ard ranch T uesday a f t:r m ereiai printing. A rgus. OF HILLSBORO, OREGON sev eral days w aiting for d ry w eath­ er. Mr. and Mrs. S. A C o tter left J u n e 27 by auto to visit relativ e: H A R R IS O N D. H U G G IN S ! in Iowa for about th re e week. M . D. Mr and Mrs W illiam Jack on and son of P o rtlan d spent the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT F o u rth and w eek-end visitinj. h r SPECIALIST m other. Mrs C arrie H itchcock and Mrs. Geiger Dies at Home on Julv 4 Chehaleni Mountain FREE RUSHLOW 3 I! 3! 330 1 W ash P h o n e 17011 Not w orking for Public U tih tp s ( 'om m ivoon * J! w'HAr-? au C. L. Brown Dies in Local Hospital // Air-Cooled S H IR T S Cedar Mill Timber Scholls Don’t Let That Big One Get Away - - - Let I s Tel 1! Y o u ! a n d ! Y o u ! Won’t H a v e ! to ! I! t 'l l ! th e ! Jud.u'e P* X 1R light!» b r i n g .ib .,i t situ.: l i o n s w o r n th a n c n d i . i r r j m i i g — the d an g er and strain of night driving is a high p m e for p o o r lights. SA FE illum ination m.iki night d riving a pleasure and cos’ sc ry little T he W eaver Head Inrnp A d ju ster quickly tclb Un­ tru e condition of y o u r light D rive in fixlay for the FREE inspection Credit Bureaus SCHRAMEL STUDIO The M EN’S SH O P Sahnow Bros. Garage ( ’I r a n ( ’ornfor*. »Tiens D r i n k i n g F o i liituin» uni l.im iilii PUT TH/S »! i ! 1 Pilone 1271 U r w > jr j c M » j X t , X x !« K J The Commercial T^ational ^a n k Close of Business June 30, 1930 other relativ« fo u fo u /ì Mrs M ike McCann and Mr Lyle P o tter left M onday for several days at th e beaches. Mr. anrl Mrs. Ju liu s C hristi and d au g h ter Peggy, and the S te tts fam ily of H illsboro d in n er p a rty guests at th e C R oberts hom e in P o rtlan d Julv CM CLARKES Room Commercial N a tio n a l Phonea Residence 2372! O ffic e 297 RESOURCES F IT T E O .1! Hank Hnura I. to 12! . rn. to S p. ( ash on hand and due from h an k s $-16(5,13T.K2 l .S . G overnm ent and G overnm ent g u a ra n te e d bonds 111,15(1.(10 M unicipal and o th e r bonds and w a rra n ts .................................. 5:55,486.16 Loans an d discounts ...................................................................... 557,968 00 H anking house, fu rn itu re and fix tu re s ....................................... ,'58,550.00 O th e r real e sta te ow ned ........ ................. .................. 10.'51.'I 50 O th e r assets ................ ........................................................................ " .‘L5.36J9 Total ....................................................$1,723,438.97 LIABILITIES (Capital to< I. 76,000 00 S urplus, reserves and undivided p ro fits .‘{.'5,751.57 D®P° 1 1 1,611,687. m Tolal ................................ Total Deposits June 30, 1933 Total Deposits June 30, 1934 Total Deposits June 30, 1935 $1,723,438.97 $ 752,852.29 986,429.09 1,197,292 83 Total D eposits June 30, 1936 1,614,687.40 EDWABD KCHULMERICH, P resid en t E. I K URATLI, Vii'e P resid en t W ILLIAM C. CHIUSTENSEN. Vice P resid en t J L. SEARCY, C ashier W V. BERGEN. A .si.-Jant Ca .hler ( !, JACK J r , A ssistant Ca. hler EARLE A. HOWMAN, Assistant Cashier MacKenzie Corner Third and W ashington phone 911 SEE YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE DEALER MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ■ . . . . . . -,!J,! a- g LM tifT B i i P t y m c a n c x - i . i r » x a n o o c jo c s u y y o : ! « y