Annual Picnic Set Hazeldale Event July 12; McDonalds to Live Murphy Place (By Mm. J . C. Sm ith) HAZELDAI.E The Com m unity club picnic w ill be held Ju ly 12 at Halm Grove. B asket d in n e r w ill be served and a full schedule of events is being planned by the com m ittee, w hich includes Mrs. W. A. Jones, Je a n O'Connor. Mr. an d Mrs. C la r­ ence W alker. Betty A ltishin and E velyn Day. both studen ts at O regon N orm al school, spen t th e early p art of this week at th eir homes. E dw ard Day was homo from Oregon S ta te col­ lege. w here he is atten d in g sum m er school. The schools w ere closed for the N ational E ducational associa­ tion m eeting in Portland. Mrs. A. L. D anford. w ho has been stay in g w ith h er daughter. Mrs. Tom Miller, for several weeks, has re tu rn e d to her home in P o rt­ land. over. S u n d ay w as a day to do as w e pleased. M onday is past, to ­ m orrow we e n tra in at 6:30 a. m bound for hom e and pay-off It is about tim e to go, too. 1 note th a t th e four roses bloom ing in front of my ten t have alm ost shed th eir p etals KROEGER. Highlights in Week's News M ove to Aloha Mr. and M rs C hris M urphy have moved to Aloha. The M cDon­ ald fam ily of Scholls have taken over th e M urphy property Mr. and Mrs. je s s C hurchley and H om er C h urchley spent several days last week at W aldport Mr. and Mrs. Dan K enney (C lara S yverson' and th e ir baby d au g h ter and Mrs. N orm an G reer i F aye S y­ verson) a re h ere from San F ra n ­ cisco. Cal., visiting th eir p arents. I Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Syverson. assistance. and levy- ;md ad m in isterin g all defining gill nets and heir use in C olum bia Local Highway Work Curtailed State, Federal Employment Demands Pinch Budget Early dem ands on th e W ashing­ ton county road budget, b ringing ihe funds on hand to a low ebb. caused fu rth e r c u rtailm en t of coun­ ty road, bridge and q u a rry w ork it w a s announced Tuesday by J W B arney, county en g in eer Necessary co-operation in s ta te and federal 're-cm p lo y m en t effo rts is pointed out as a co n trib u tin g cause of the vanishing appro p riatio n s. W ork brought to a stop w ith this w eek includes Jack so n qu arry, w here 15 men a re em ployed D u r­ ham q u arry , w hich em ploys eight, and ten men from th e b rid g e crew s on new co n stru ctio n and repairs. All m en w ere placed on call. D uring th e new m onth ju st s ta rt­ ing. only g rad in g w ork and sm all em ergency p ro jects w ill be con­ tinued. w hich w ill give em ploy­ m ent to about six w orkm en, B ar­ ney said. N elson w as born A| at F e rg u s Falls. M um (< r*tin u « « l fro m pace I ) playing any kind of an instrum en I a re invited to bring it along, foi i the chairm an of th e day has som e I thing of a su rp rise for all in tin i way of a stunt. So b rin g that 1 m outh harp or w hat e v e r you 1 play Musie by a band and every form of am usem ent can lie found on th e grounds. T he loeal club m akes a special appeal to all other d u b s in the county to m ak e this one <>t the biggest T ow nsend rallies ' ' y | T he loeal club is e n terin g a float in th e parad e Ju ly 4 Mrs. (1 i; C hantler. ch airm an of th e float com m ittee. asks the assistance of every local m em ber w ho possibly can help w ith th e float. All the w ork is being done at her hom e at th e end of Xor. a Second ay emu*. County Clerk Busy Cheeking Petitions Up to W ednesday night, deputies in the office of Ed C. l.uee. eounty clerk, had cheeked s ig n a tu re s on petitions for 12 d ifferen t referred laws. T he titles of th e proposed law s include one to establish a state bank, a state pow er law. hy - dro-eleetrie bill, non-eom pulsory m ilitary training. C olum bia riv er fishing, hom estead exem ption tax law. lim iting and reducing p erm is­ sible tax es on tan g ib le property, am endm ent for g rad u ated licenses for stores, constitutional a m en d ­ m ent forbidding food taxes, a law Jo u rn a l of A m erican M edical asso­ ciation. sp eak in g in P o rtlan d , op­ poses socialized m ed icin e system D ro u th a n a insects h it farm crops in m id d le west. Z ioncheck. free from asylum , puzzles police. E rratic solon r e ­ poses In W ashington office w hile i au th o rities w o n d er w h at to do. Leaves by tra in for coast V ancouver B arrack s so ld ier Wil- B irth days C elebrated above usual seasonal decline liam F. Lyles, 40. k illed as auto Mr. and Mrs. C. P. S yverson e n ­ S en ato r N orris indicates intent skids at high speed. tertain ed a group of friends and | to m ake stu m p for R oosevelt re- W ANTED G ood u se d silo. 6 or N. E A. sp eak ers deno u n ct relatives at d in n er Sunday in h o n ­ election. 10-foot size. — H. U nger, Rt. 2 tato rsh ip s in school. A ttack s or of th e b irth d ay an n iv ersaries 20-1 p More th an 500 WPA w orkers re ­ ter on oaths re q u ire d of te ac h ers at C ornelius. of th eir son. A rth u r. Emm a Leopold leased in M arion and Polk counties I capital. JER SEY bull. 14 m onths old. for and D orothy G etty of H elvetia O th ­ to g iv e o p p o rtu n ity to w ork in Irm a W estover. P o rtla n d a i r sale.—W alter S challberger. B eav­ e r guests w ere Mrs. M yrtle S y v e r­ b erry fields. I crash victim , fo u n d to have broken erton. 20-lp son of P o rtlan d and B eecher Jones M ethodists in session back. of Hillsboro. lis vote for unification. June 30 SE V E N W. P. B rooks and G. A. W atson Roosevent nom inated for presi- G overnor H erb ert H. Lehm an. Jo h n ’ of Aloha atten d ed th e riv erm en 's dent by acclam ation at dem ocratic New Y ork d em o cratic governor. highw ay picnic at B onneville Sunday. convention. ! yields to p a rty p ressu re an d w ill Dick K elly of The D alles is v isit­ N ational C om m itteem an R alph e n ter contest for th ird term . ing Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones. W illiams, hom e from convention, Al S m ith said to be p lan n ing Mr and Mrs. C. P. S yverson and pred icts L andon-K nox ticket will cam paign against N ew Deal. M r and Mrs Dan K .n n y spent : sw eep country. C razed U tah m an w ields ax to TEN acres, new home, good barn. T uesday at Ocean Lake. June 27 chicken house, garage, w oodshed, kill tw o and w ound others. V ice-P resident Jo h n Nance G a r­ P etitio n s filed at Salem for p ro ­ deep well, crops. 140 hens. 1 horse, n er nom inated as ru n n in g m ate of posed in itia tiv e m easu re p ro h ib it­ farm m achinery: good road, welt P resid en t Roosevelt. In acceptance, ing com pulsory m ilita ry tra in in g located. E verything for $3100. he pledges aid to Roosevelt. | in O regon's h ig h er ed u catio n al in ­ I a rm N e a r W olf ( r e , a H ighw ay P resid en t Roosevelt speaking b e­ stitu tio n s. 56 ACRES, all cultivated, only nine fore ¡15.000 persons in P hilad elp h ia miles from P ortland. 8-room p las­ L egislation re q u irin g firm s, w hich P ro p erty ow ners, w ho lack the accepts nom ination and pledge- sell goods to th e govern m en t, to tered house, large barn, best soil cash for connections to , sew ers in fight fo r dem ocracy. Vast crow d com ply w ith th e 4 0 -h o u r w o rk w e e k P rice $7500. only S75O down, b al­ H illsboro a fter th e com pletion of gives trem endous ovation. Roose­ o th er lab o r regulations, signed ance easy paym ents. th e new sew er system, w ill find v elt rallies held th ro u g h o u t th e and D airy F arm by presid en t. assistance th ro u g h th e F ederal land. R oosevelt said in part: "For 98 .ACRES. 88 cultivated, n ear sm all July 1 H ousing A dm in istratio n loans m ore th a n th ree y ears we have tow n, on good m ark et road. 7- Ju d d G reen m an of V ernonia re ­ handled in H illsboro at both the fought for th e citizens. This Con­ room house, good barn. 5 acres C om m ercial N ational and th e F irst vention in every w ord and deed signs as ch airm an of th e sta te r e ­ can ary grass, fam ily orchard, live N ational banks. has pledged th at fight w ill go on lief com m ittee. In doing so he d e ­ s tre a m ; $8500. h a lf cash U nder these loans, any pro p erty . . . In th e place of th e palace of clares th a t any citizen w ho a t­ E. A. G R IFFITH . H illsboro ow ner m aking show ing th at he priv ileg e we seek to build a tem ple tem p ts to liq u id a te o bligation to has sufficient incom e to m ake r e g - . , out of faith and hope and charity." society by g ra tu ito u s serv ice m akes WANTED D:iirv u lar paym ents on his loan, w ill be silos, w ho desire Faecists th ru st perils F rance him self a "colossal chum p." Legion ed ito r sp eak in g at N. E. vines.—A pply B. ab le to obtain th e $75 or $100 n ec­ C oup sim ilar to M ussolini seizure essary to m ake th e sew er connec­ of Rome th re a te n s as w alkouts A says legion does not su p p ort H illsboro. P hone 1 any m easure re q u irin g teach ers in ' tion. bank executives point our. spread. cow. fresi T he p articu lar section of th e F ed- » i M vrna Loy weds film producer public schools to sw ear o ath s not ■ to teach com m unism , b u t th e le- ! E. F urrow oral Housing Ioan act u n d er w hich in Mexico. gion is u n a lte ra b ly opposed to a d ­ th e loan w ill be granted, allow s L andon sta rts conditioning for vocacy of com m unism in schools. borrow ing up to $2000 on w hat v ir­ cam paign. G reat B ritain asks L eague of WANTED G u l for housew ork tually is a prom issory note. P o stm aster G eneral F arley u n a n ­ care of t w o children. — 1 H illsboro citizens soon w ill be im ously re-elected chairm an of th e I N ations to refu se recognition of C hristine Davis. 362 N 4th Aye Italy 's seizu re of E thiopia faced w ith th e necessity of m akjng dem ocratic natio n al com m ittee. T eachers at N. E A. seek $100.- ' sew er connections w h ere a con­ June 28 O ur classified colum ns may hav< federal aid a n d open nection to the sew er system has A lyce P ash b u rg and Irm a W est- I 000.000 not heretofo re been made, because over, com ely P o rtlan d aviatrices ! p reced en t-sm ash in g cam paign for ju s t w h at you a re looking fo r— Read them . tl of a city o rd in an ce passed a t th e for whose lives g reat fears w ere academ ic freedom . R ain g re a tly n eeded in m id-w est sam e tim e th at th e g overnm ent felt, found follow ing plane crash d ro u th area. PW A loan and g ran t was made. n e a r Camas. Wash. T his ordinance forbids an y o th er S w erv in g tra ile r h its bridge over 119 S. S econd Ave. sa n ita ry a rran g em en t w ith in th e Sandy' riv e r n e a r B aseline road sew er d istricts o th er th an a co n ­ F ran k B urlow . 66. of Salem, dies PHONE 771 nection to th e sew er. an d tw o in ju red . V esper serv ices open sessions of N ational E ducation association con­ Balm G rove park, on G ales C reek vention in P o rtlan d . 20.000 educa- n o rth w est of F orest G rove, will ' to rs in P o rtlan d . Steel in d u stry declares its in ten t furnish a cool place for th e F ourth to "oppose any a tte m p t to com ­ of Ju ly celebration. T h e re w ill be (C o n tin u e d fro m page 1) pel its em poyes to jo in a union or patrio tic speaking, w ater sports, place in th e com m unications d e ­ to pay trib u te fo r th e rig h t to races of all kinds, b eau ty contest, baby show, and a p rize for the tachm ent race ag ain st a field of w ork." n in e o th er en tries. In th e a w a rd ­ O tto Person. 26. of A rgonne. S. hom eliest man. The 20-piece H elv etia b and will ing of th e prizes, o u r com pany D.. d ro w n s in S ilv erto n sw im m ing play all day an d th e r e w ill be guidon w as given its blue stream e r pool signifying th a t th e com pany had L em ke to open national offide? dancing aftern o o n an d ev en in g to been "very satisfacto ry " for 1936 C hicago to be h ead q n arters of the m usic of A llen S m ith and his 8-pieco P o rtlan d dan ce band. A t­ fed eral inspection. This guidon 1 U nion party. is called to th e larg e tra c t decoration w as by th e h an d of G ov­ F o rm er F rench com m unist forms tention e rn o r M artin him self. One o th er | new p arty . He leaves com m unist used for a picnic park, an d the com pany receiv ed th is honor. p arty a fte r trip to Moscow, w hich 1 sw im m ing facilities. S atu rd ay w e p articip ated in th e . he described as "disiliusionine " b rig ad e review and th e com bat SAXTON & LOONEY dem onstration . We w ere pleased to P ro d u c e rs of Qut lity see a n u m b e r of p rom inent H ills­ boro citizens present, in clu d in g SAND and GRAVEL yourself. Mr. M cK inney. We a p ­ P la n t located 4 m iles n o rth of p reciate the in te re st show n in th e F o rest G ro v e on G ales C reek. N ational G uard as evidenced in a P h o n e 1609R p a rt by o u r frien d s v isiting our cam p. W ith th ese day s past, cam p w as Covers Air Jump < Cunt inurri fro m 1» thvr descents. it is s a id . T he law also specifics ju st how he imust open his parachute. H opkins will be tak en into the eth er by Ed Ball. hx*al pilot, flying a plane designed to clim b into the blue to a point w hero th e eye can hardly distinguish it Ball also will fl\ paxSs nger.s d u rin g th e ce le b ra ­ tion here. LANG Salad Di FIG BARS « \K I . S. N t I SO N FO REST GROVE C arl S N e l­ son. 54. died in P o rtla n d J u n e 21 a fter an illness of s e t . ral years F uneral ser\ ices w ere held from the Forest (¡ro v e U n d ertak in g com PO TA TO CHIPS SWEET PICKLES SARDINES oval Too Late to Classify ROO F BEER EXTRACT Fisher’s Blend Flour Sewer Problems Solved by Loan Local Guardsmen Back from Camp Balm Grove Plans for Celebration m acaroni or Spaghetti GOOD NEWS! A m e r ic a n B e a u ty Flour Ikwz Now you can en jo y th ese fine W ine and Beers w h en ev er you w ant! Y our d e a le r now carries a com plete line. T heir prices a rc m ig h ty low — w hen you discover w h at high q u a lity th ey have. GOETZ B LA TZ Comes in in c lu d in g th e T iffany V iking Ruse City” Label W Y ou'll like th e ir flav o r and bout) P ort. S h erry , A ngelica. T okay, M uscatel, ASK FOR THEM UY NAME AT YOUR D E A L E R ’S D ISTR IB U TED BY Columbia Distributi 221 N. W. Couch, P o rtlan d Sandwich Bread r i l.l MANS c™ If Adam an d Eve fell for an apple in the G ard en of E den, th e ir de- cendants have been fallin g f o r apple- auce ev e r since. W e're not spreading any ap p le-sau ce w hen we tel you th a t no Used C ar is any b etter than th e d eale r you buy it from . We back up e v ery statem en t we m ake about o ur U sed C ars and are right h ere to m a k e o u r s ta te ­ m ent good dow n to th e sm allest detail. THESE BACK ED U P 100'1 IIIE SI Pepperm int D evil’s Food CAKE MADE WITH SWANSDOWN 1934 C hev M a.,ter Sedan 1932 P ly m o u th 4-door S edan . 19.30 Ford C oupe M odel A I'ltlt N I I I It I l\ I I IIID ONI ) WATERMELONS (il A KA N TEEI) K li'E. Pound LETTUCE CARROTS le 11 I-liMONS i LC 11 ORANGES FREE DELIVERY Velio w, Ripe. Tim k Meal Il Al lit ) SIZE. EACH I riila y and Monday J u ly 3 and 6 Q u a lit y CORNED BEEI AT LOW EST PRICES OLIVES— I CHIPPED BEEI PAPER NAPKINS— loo count CHOCOLATE— Baker’s. ’A-lb BIX A SSO R TED FLA V O R S Pkg. PINEAPPLE TIDBITS— C MUSTARD on MUSTARD SO UP— ( SPECIA LS I’KODI ( I & ¡£S CANTALOUPES wesson PRODUCE Lb. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CRISCO Make a Long Tale Short 10c 23c KARO SYRUP KARO SYRUP— Dark. 5-lb JAR RUBBERS— 3 dozen MAYONNAISI thing I success, Cold Luncheon Meats m ake your Fourth of ¡hop with us and save. Specials for Friday Fresh Fish HALIBUT SALMON: Ling Cod OYSTERS Shortening Mutton Roast H alf or BACON W hole VEAL ROAST 1930 D urant Sedan 1932 B uick 8 Sedan Cady Motor Co. Hillsboro, Oregon O ldest A utom obile D ealer in W ashington C ounty SHRIMP MARTINI CRACKERS— Pkg nr THC ear ■ m y nr tear fr e e c e l iv e r v