Printing- 203 Ne ip Families linin' lu IlilM x iio liKrruHri Loral Payroll* and Aihla to Loral Pronprrlty A dded as N ew P aid -in Ad van« A rgus Su b scrib ers from January 1 Io May 31 W ith W hich is Com bined the H illsboro In d e p e n d e n t Volum e 13, No. I!» Hill boro In d ep en d en t ¡boro, O regon, T h u r day, Ju n e 25, 1936 E stablished 1873 +------ Helvetia Boy Scouts Meet Proverb No. 2 R egular Sessions Set; M is. C onnell T nlks nt Club « H r M u Jo h n M l>a«l I Wenzel I - ultcnditig uniim i .school in P ortland, w here hi* Is taking U , of (> extension woi k He expected to have to go to E ugene hut the P ortland eou« s • g i v e s t h e same w ork and he will have hand prae« | life and .scout meeting** as usual here. S unshine club met at the horn** of Mi C larence Meek w ith Mr J II Davi and Mi Floyd H affety ' a sisting host« •.< s T h irty th r e e i m em bers and nix visitors w ere I present Next m eeting will he w ith M is Ja sp e r K effer Ju ly 15. Mrs. Thorn.i- Connell w .r a v isito r r« p-I n tid in g the county federation of clubs, and guve an in terestin g talk on w hat groups w ere doing She gave the history of the Coff<*e 11 i h It ■ ,t i •. d 42 years ago w hen th ere w as a group < f men volunteering th eir services w hen a fir«* broke out. so th<* w om ­ en of H illsboro form ed a club .so they could serve coffee to th e men .»fter a fire Any m em bers, who did not show up to help w ith th«* lunch, w ere fined 10 cents. Mr and Mi Slrnon H ershey and Mi Fibber vi ited Mr and Mrs H atty Holten (L im a T u rp in ) at B onneville Sunday. Mi Irene K orn of Yakima. Wash w ith her children. R obert and K athryn, are .spending th e su m -i J u t vacation w ith th eir g ia u d p ar- • e tits . Mr and Mi: C E K«>rn. C arol W enger, a stu d en t from W hitm an Colleg« W alla Walla. Wa h . i, tu rn ed home last week for th«* sum m er \ acation. W« t Union unit lust to L aurel Form el Union at L aurel Sunday ( 13 to 11 la* «’« r Z iiit I mt is very ill at a hi spital in P ortland He had to have a hl«n»«l transfusio n Monday, and hi p.m nLs. Mr. and Mrs W il­ liam Z ürcher, w ent to P o rtlan d to he w ith him Mt Joe Her.* In y of Hacona is a patient at th e S m ith hospital in H illsboro this w eek. No visitors allow ed at pres«*nt. Mi T urk, w ho wa.. a patient at I)r S m ith's hospital, is co n v ales­ cing at his home. School Directors Elected at Bend I B y M r« O II The proverb a n sw e r is My nam e is A ddress (S av e U ntil Six C arto o n s Appear» Proverb Rules Each w eek fur ¡1 period of six w eeks th e H illsboro A rgu will p rint one of ¡1 series of cartoons rep resen tin g som e well know n p ro v erb or saying. Homecoming Held at Mountain Top C o n testan ts solvo the p ictu re puzzles by w ritin g th e p ro ­ verb that th e car toon suggests o r illu strates in th e blanks b e­ low the pictures T h e prize*, totalin g $10 in cash, will be aw ard ed those *«*nding In co m plete or n ear co m plete pictur«* sets w ith th«» h, • and most ap p ro p riate an sw ers to th e pictu res published, and « ith er paying th eir ow n su b scrip tio n f«»r a period of one year « 1 s«*euring one new* o n e-y ear subscription to th e H ills­ boro z\igus In ca. e of tie. jud g in g will be ex ten d ed to neatness ¡«ml p resen tatio n of m aterial Cart« < n.s rh o u ld not be sen t to the p ap er u n til the series is com plete. O nly one an sw er may b«* given to a picture. O nly one m em ber of a fam ily will be given a prize, th e aw ard going to th«* perstm in th at fam ily su b m ittin g th e best set. Th«* answ ers may be w ritten in pen, pencil, p rin ted or ty p ew i itten. re te rw o n ) P.END A nnual school election PRIZE wa held M onday even in g T w o F irst Prize i -\v d irecto r w ere voted in to re- t lace W ilharn H odm an w ho re- | Second Prize .tied and Will Holtz w hose term i xpired Alvin Maly tak es Mr T hird Prize Holtz place as chairm an of th«* school hoard and If. L. E isner fills Mr Hielrnati's vacancy Mrs Hrel- inan resigns ¿is clerk and E unice 23 at 7 p. ni. in th e F irst M. E M itchell is « xpected to fill the v a ­ church at T igard Session w ill bo cancy. tw o hours long and e x ten d over a Mr and Mrs W W eaver and Mr period of five weeks. Classes will t left Friday meet each T uesday and T hursday for a several days’ stay at the W. L T om linson w ill be th e in ­ W eaver-G holson sum m er cabin in structor. the m ountains m ar Mt Hood Call E xtended Mr and M is W illiam H ielm an A rail has been ex ten d ed to the and san R obert w ent to B attle Itev P. Sehans of S ehefflin. to fill (•round. W.i.*‘i„ S unday to visit the vacancy In th e p asto rate of the n lativcs. St. P au l's L u th eran ch u rch The Donald Tollcfson. w ho was ill at pulpit w as form erly occupied by his home is m uch im proved. itev. F. W esterkiim p. w ho served Alv in Maly I« ft Ju n e 15 to Jo in th e ch u rch n ear Six C o rn ers for the national guards at C am p C la t­ 17 years. sop for tw o weeks. F arew ell G iv en Mr. Ered W eller and tw o d au g h ­ David Fonk, a S herw ood youth, ters retu rn ed J u n e Hi to C lifton, w here tin y and Mr. W eller a re left W ednesday to Join a train in g spending t h e sum m er, ¡«fter a ten- ■hip at the naval y a rd s at San day visit at th«* h o m e of h er par- D ie g o . Cal He expects to rem ain < nt. . Mr ami Mis Alvin N inth, and ¡it San Diego for th ree m onths, a ft­ fa lb Mi' Wi i b i ■'hi i Wi ■ e r w hich he will he en titled to a I« y N orth return«, d w ith her fur an 10-day leave z\ group of friends su rp rised him w ith a farew ell p a r­ ind«*finite visit. ty S unday at R oam er's Rest. E ntertains Brot her hood l egion to I'icnle Mr and Mrs A lbert Scott e n te r­ A rgonne Post No. 58 A m erican tained tin* A lbright B rotherhood of th«* Evangelical churches of Km- Legion w ill hold its an n u al picnic t«»n. Laurel and M ountain Home Ju ly 28 at E isner's p ark on th e T u alatin river. A co m m ittee is m a k ­ Ju n e Hi w ith a large attendance*. Mi E leanor W intcrmuti* of M il­ w aukie is pending this week at th« B rin e Bovvne home. WTA l irst Aid Class Scheduled A course in first aid is soon Io BE A he available tu WPA forem en and w orkm en, according to A W. Ayl- ing, WPA safety engineer. The classes ar«* scheduled to begin Ju n e rived a» the hom e of a sister Mrs J. E C hurchill, S unday to .-pend the umm er. Miss F lnigan to M arry Mi W anda Finigan, youngest dauy iter of I.. T Finigan. and Ted R u t;' lim an of L aurel announced S . P . R e p a i r » D e p o t , L a y s th en engagem ent a t a w eek-end p arty at Taft. O th er m em bers of T rack; G arage D am aged th e party w ere M rs H. H. Boge and Miss C ath erin e Boge. F arm - TIMBER C J C ritenden is the Ingtoii, ,nd Ed H atfield of SchoiJ I m*w station agent H; has been Mi and M rs Joe N citllhg. Mi th ird trick operato r at H illsboro Tom Shuck. S tanley S huck and for several m ontlts Mr. Brickrney- S tanley N eitling of H illsboro jo in ­ er w ho ha been agent her«* for ed the p arty S unday. M. Ju n e H olcom e of P o rtlan d Heveral w««ks in Mr. B adger-, plat.* . has been tran sferred to D e­ was a w eek-end guest a t th e D e ­ troit He 1 now ¡«t M yrtle C reek ford home. H elen F rostad of A lbany is sp en d ­ M arvin Goss of P o rtlan d i> sp en d ­ ing the ¿um m er w ith his g ra n d ­ ing this w eek at the hom e of an parent.«. Mr. and M r s H erb ert I aunt. Mrs. J E C hurchill. A bout th re e au to loads of people Goss. from the M ountain Top church will R epair Depot S o u th ern Paeific com pany is d o ­ go to S heridan this F riday evening ing quit«* a lot of rep air w ork on and attend a revival service co n ­ the depot and tu rn -tab le, and la y ­ ducted by Itev. E lery P a rrish of New berg. ing m ore track s for siding. Mrs. Logan Moad and d aughters Miss Joy Sm ith «rf Modesto. Cal . Rosie and L ourena of In d ep en d ­ visited friends h ere M onday. ence and F red O tto of S ilverton Mrs. C hari«' S tanton is visiting visited the A lfred H utchens fam ily in Rf*.seburg for .several days. Sunday. A W estim ber log truck ran into Mr and Mrs. Sam O tto w ere th«* front of W elter's garage hosts at a d in n e r p a rty Sunday. I T h u rsd ay night. dam aging the G uests w ere Mr. and Mrs. L orrie | d riv ew ay and front. Plew s and children Jo h n n ie and L aV erne K ilburg. Elton Ingraham Ruth. Miss H eldore P eterson, and ! and D elm ar Higgle of B irkenfeld I G eorge Sheldon and d au g h ter D or­ ; visited in T im ber from W ednesday , othy. all of N ew berg Bob S m ith | to S aturday. of P ortland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed M av ertn c T allrnan is spending the Oberg. ■ w« <*k in Jew ell Mr and Mrs. Cecil M organ v isit­ A large crow d atten d ed the ed Mr. and Mrs. G eorge T u rn e r dance, given by the O regon L og­ at N ew berg over th e w eek-end. ger« her«* F riday evening Jim m ie P roctor, w ho is w orking W alter W right left for M ontana in N ew beig, spent th e w eek-end W ednesday afternoon. a’ his hom e on Bald Peak. G eorgette C arcot and C aptain Mrs. D M M cInnis. M rs Ira G B unner of San Francisco visited M cC orm ick and K enneth M cInnis Mrs. C arro t's daughter, Vera G il­ attended a d in n e r p arty given by m ore, last W'eek-end. Mrs L L. M urray and Miss Alice A rth u r S yverson w ent to his . M cInnis at B eaverton S aturday. hom e in H azeldale S aturday. Mr and Mrs. G ra n v ille E verest Vera M cElroy of B eaverton v is­ and g ran d ch ild ren Eloise and S h e l­ ited Emm a Leopold several days don R ockw ell w ent to N ew berg last week. M onday and w ill rem ain to h a r ­ vest th e ir ch erry crop there. PotaUi p lan tin g began on the m ountain last w eek. A n u m b er of farm ers finished p lan tin g w hile others have not started. Mrs. Lee H erm an and d au g h ter ( B y M r B ir d M r('< > rm ie k ) S andra of P o rtlan d sp en t from F ri­ CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN The day until S unday w ith M rs. H e r­ M ountain Top hom ecom ing all day m an's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G ra n ­ Sunday was a splendid success. The ville E verest. Mrs. E verest en ter- ch u rch room s w ere beautifully dec- t a . ’.c d w i t h a d in n e r S unday Mr. c r a h d w ith large baskets and vases and Mrs. Em il T ouser of P o rtlan d of cu t flow ers. A ch ild ren ’s day i w ere am ong th e guests. program w as given as follows: re- | K m n e th and L eonard W hitm ore citatio n s by G eraldine O rnduff. left T uesday for the Dick E ichner D ale Wood, Donald Tykeson, Je a n ranch n ear B urns to w ork d u rin g O rnduff. B cvery Colins. Z ane Wood. harvest. H elen Mae G uenther. C harm ain | Mrs. E. C. W ohlschlcgel e n te r­ B runson. P atricia K otera. M arjorie tained w ith a fa th er's day d in n er H anson and C lauda Wood: songs Sunday. H er fath er, L. V. H ulit, and by th e Ju n io r and Young People's fam ily w ere guests. classes: a play by Iva S tew art. : B uck H eaven H istorical society Jean and M asie B urt, V'lvian Z eig­ m et at the school house M onday ler, Eldon H avem an. A rth u r S tew ­ evening. H istories of several of the art. Lloyd G uenther, C la r c .ie pioneers w ere handed in by the , Wood. D onald T ykeson and B e. - ; stan d in g com m ittee. ei ly C ollins Special n um bers in the i evening song services w ere by the 1 Lewis sisters of N ewberg. Mrs W illiam Morse. Masie B urt and A r­ th u r P arrish . Rev. Speeee of M oun­ tain Home d elivered the evening n lig h t T o iru id e a m i le ad ua t h r o ’ th e niirh« ■ So y o u r loved one» m ay p e a c e fu lly die A n d he r e u n ite d in G o d ’» l ’ a ra d i*c . M l H I A S I ’ lk R I N G . L a u re l Junior Festival Draws Large Crowd to Beaverton Saturday S ubscribe now to th e A rgus. In BEAVERTON M any p e o p l e gram and bu. me . m eeting. M rs thronged the -treets in B eaverton Ri.tjert Brow n gave a re „m e of W ashington county $150 a year. S atu rd ay to w itness th e annual , re• m onths 50 ju n io r festival parade. G r a n d Mr: Thom as H D enney who cross­ cents T w o m onths 35 cents. sw eepstakes tro p h v wa3 w on by ed the plain: by ox team in 184.) Jan ice Osfield. d au g h ter F i of Mr. o r a and , ' I , n , ! ' J n '! , r O \ r v « o n _ S c a m u e l i M r. „ .k G f ie ld rst nd rs J Jack Osfield. F irst grand 11 i.aurence J r sang a s o lo . G u i t a r p r i z e was aw arded to little girls : and tap dancing concluded from the St. Cecelia school in mu th e program . Mr D eH ann w as re- (IiMOrporatedl D utch c . ‘am e pulling a Dutcli C ollections — Credit Reports shoe w ith other little girls in D utch In costum e riding am id w indm ills in motion H airy V etch and A ustrian W ashington T illam ook, Y am hill, T he flow er show under the d ire c ­ P olk and M arion C ounties. tion of the B eaverton G range in the P eas W anted P ersonal C on tact on C ollections w ork shop of th e high school cam e in for its share of attention. G rand We a rc still in th e m ark et for a W ash in gton County O ffice sw eepstakes w ent to Mrs Francis lim ited am ount. W rite or call us. Donaldson on a m agnolia blossom C om m ercial B uilding w ith m any first and second prizes A. M. HAND SEED CO., Inc. 8 econ d and M ain S treets in various divisions. S everal hun- P h on e 3071 dred people enjoyed the luncheon I E. Union Ave. EAst 5535 H illsboro, Oregon prep ared ar.d served by the local P ortland, O regon K iw arns ladies in the high school lunch room A very in terestin g program was ! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I presented d u rin g th e afternoon in th e high school auditorium by Miss M arcelle Renox and her dancing class. It was repeated in th e ev e ­ ning. followed by dancing. The auditorium was filled to capacity d u rin g the evening. Credit Bureaus Í la th e r Honored Mr. and Mrs. Doy G ray w ere en tertain ed at the hom e of th eir son and daughter-in-law . Mr. and Mrs John G ray of P ortland, ho n o r­ ing F ather's Day. The R B. McMinn Bible class held its reg u lar S atu rd ay evening m eeting at Louis p ark on t h e T u alatin river. A pot luck sup p er w as enjoyed before the Bible study Mrs. Rex D enney and d au g h ter S arelle of C alifornia a rriv e d in G arden Home last w eek to visit w ith Mrs. D enney's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sipe. Rex D enney, w-ho is in the U. 5. forest service, has been tra n sfe rre d from S o u th ­ ern C alifornia to a reserve in the eastern p art of the state about 80 m iles from Reno. Nev. Miss R uth Denney, a sen io r in th e nurses' class at th e M ultnom ah hospital, spent th e past w eek on a vacation at the hom e of her p a r­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. D enney. Su II iiii you c.iii see through them , yol slriing ¡mil dm able. Ciii' m a n u fa c tu re rs have given you speed to meet public d em an d . They have also given you e v ery th in g known to autom obile m an u ­ fac tu rin g science to give you I SA FE driving. Use the speed of y o u r c a r w isely— heed the tra ffic ru b ’s and miniin- j ize tra ffic accid en ts to both d riv e r and p ed estrian s. G asolin e - Oil B atteries - T ires G reasing - A ccessories - I sincerely cry pinto coinfnrliible Ioniin os n . try In m ake ev- n'lturnl looking, olid resto re last nonr ¡is possible. T w o H andy L ocations R eunion H eld Super Service Station lllil«. Second and Muin Sts. H illsboro O regon C o rn er T h ird and B aseline I’ I h h ic .'¡ill A. II. B um 'I i , Prop. Consider these points: ♦ Your Savings insu red up to $5000.00 u n d e r F e d e ra l plan. ♦ P ut in any am o u n t a t any tim e— e a rn ­ ings s ta r t a t once. ♦ E arn in g s com pound, every six m onths. in your favor, ♦ Y our m oney is in a hom e institution, w h ere it is a v a ilab le w h en n eed ed . Tualatin Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association CHEVROLET TRUCKS alwuvft cipializcd for quirk, unswerving, ’’»traight line” Stop* Thr on hottest day.. mu«» ««• j before you buy g ¡gs¡i time> NORGE ORIGINATED 3 0 OF T H E M O S T I M P O R T A N T F E A T U R E S IN M ODERN R E F R IG E R A T IO N THE ROLLATOR cold-making m tch an itm .. . introduced in 1926. MODERN ST Y LIN G . . . introduced in 1932. COM PLETELY SEALED ICE C O M PA R T M E N T ... introduced in 1926. And 27 other outitanding fea tu rti. Norge set the pace in the past. Norge sets the pace today. Norge will set the pace in the future. Z».,i the <',U K o lla lo r. H illsboro with clrar-vision instrument panel for safe control 13G S. Third Ave. Nowhere else in tlie world will von find trucks that will give you such T»»Nsro«T«non great piillinii power at sucn low prices as the new 1936 Ghevrolets! Nowhere else in the world will you find trueks that are so extremely economical for all­ round duty! And nowhere else in the world will you find trueks with such outstanding performance, comfort and safety features as a Iligh- «lompression \ alve-in-llead Ijioine, I’erfeeted Hydraulic Brakes, Ful I-Floating Rear Axle and new Full-Trinnned l)e Luxe Gab, at Chevrolet’s remarkably low prices! Sec these trucks . . . have a thorough demon­ stration . . . anti you will know that they’re the right trucks for you! CHEVROLET Choose «he refrigerator w ith the Press Action Lazilatch * Combination Bottle and Dairy Rack * Sliding Utility Basket * Adjustable Shelf * Im­ proved Automatic Flood Light ★ Closely Spaced Shelf Bars * Many other features and refinements. Selfridge Furniture Co. P hone 21X NEW FULL-TRIMMED DE LUXE CAB ★ * * THE ROLLATOR COMPRESSOR P h on e 501 DENTIST Comnioi oinl 3,/2% on you r “ B o n u s” m o n e y T he an n u al reunion of the pioneer alum ni picnic of th e W hitford school d istrict w as held S atu rd ay J. M. P E R SO N , Mgr. in th e grove on the school grounds. S a v in g s A L oan Bldg. H illsboro The president, A dam D eH ann, p re ­ sided d u ring the afternoon pro- ■ » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES Service Garage Dr. P. (i. Brown A tte n tio n ! w ill y ou find a truck w ith a ll th e se fea tu res a t su c h low prices Mr/A m /<»«■ LIBERAL C RED IT VETERANS O fficials Nam ed At the annual school election held M onday evening L. W S h o rt was elected director and Mrs. A lthea H aulenbeck. clerk. B oth w ere re- elections. Miss Alice C lem ent. dean o f m usic at L infield college, has r e ­ tu rn e d to h er hom e for the su m ­ mer. Theo H etu left last w eek for San Diego, w here he w ill join the U. S. navy. DRIVER PLATES elected p resid en t and C. M McKay was elected to serv e his tw en tieth year as secretary of the alum ni as­ sociation. NOW HERE ELSE IN THE WORLD CO U RTEO U S I ItANSI'ARKNT Section 2, Pages I to 8 H illsboro A rgua E stablished 1894 DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $500 MOTOR 360 with increased horsepower, increased torque, greater economy in gas and oil FULL-TLOATING REAR AXLE with barrel type wheel bearings on lj j - t o n models CO.. D E T R O IT , M IC H . G EN E RA L M O T O R S IN ST A L L M E N T P L A N -M O N T H L Y $ NEW HIGH- COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE PA Y M EN TS T O S U IT Y O U R PU R SE AND UP. / »St price of the hn/f-hm nt Flint, Michigan. Special equipment extra. Prire.n tiimicd in thif nib t rtinemcnt are lit t nt Flint* \tiihifin n, and subject tn change uithout notice. H illsb o ro M o tor Co. Ja m e s W h itelaw , P rop. 31 8 - 33 2 E. M ain St. Phone Day or Night 4 11 H illsboro, O regon I