H IL L S B O R O Page Eight ch u rch in P ortland Among th e 50 guests present w ere Mrs. C. B West and h er fam ily Mrs. West is a siste r to Mr. VanW inkle T he com m unity is rejoicing over a new surface on the C ornell road C ornell club met W ednesday at E dito i's N ote — Im pressions of stood the Taj Mahal A beautiful th e hom e of Mrs Doris Little. countries visited a re being sent to sight in the soft liquid light of a Collections First Half Year Dori* Wist Ls leaving for a the Argus by Miss F rieda Korn full moon, som ething alm ost ethei m onth's vacation w ith her g ra n d ­ d aughter of Mr and Mrs C E eat and less of earth than heaven Show Increases m other. Mrs. W illiam Beck, at C o t­ K orn of H elvetia, w ho left San It is said that the architect, a tage Grove. Francisco F eb ru ary 21 on a six or U nique Stachley irrig atio n p ro ­ The Jack Satchell fam ily and seven m onths' p leasu re tu p around European, though unknow n, was blinded after the com pletion oi ject in the W illam ette valley is a t­ B arb ara W alters are vacationing the world. this stru c tu re so that lie m ight not tractin g interest in th e H illsboro in S ou th ern O regon around C ra te r Bombay. India build anything else as beautiful te rrito ry because of its b earin g on L ake and th e O regon caves This port is d ifferen t from any Many M oham m edan w om en seem problem s of farm ers in th is v icin ­ V erna May W alters spent the A fter the ed to visit it this evening and pray ity, declares R. R. E aster, division w eek-end w ith her sister E velyn other along the way boat passis thro u g h th e locks and there. They seem ed alm ost g host­ m anager of the P o rtlan d G eneral at Salem E lectric com pany. J u n e 17 Leedv G range received arrives at A lexander dock one is like as they moved about quietly The project is th at of W alter a visit from a large representation immediately stru ck w ith the pop­ m th e ir w hite-hooded capes At sunrise it was an entirely and H erm an Stachley. w ho ire in ­ of m em bers from Aloha and T igard ulation and atm o sp h ere of India just a seething m ass of lazy, brown, d ifferent picture and at noontim e stalling a 10-horsepower electric G ranges half-naked bodies w andering here th e reflection of the sun against pum p to com plete th e irrig atio n B irthday C elebrated setup on th e ir dairy farm on C en­ On Sunday Mrs. Jam es W alters and th ere and no place in p articu ­ th e w hite m arble was so strong that even through sm oked glasses tra l P oint road betw een O regon honored h er d au g h ter G ertru d e lar. T h ere are. of course, m any high- it w as blinding w ith a b irthday dinner. Guests City and New Era. T he interior of the tom b is ex- "The project is un u su al in several present w ere Mr. and Mrs N. P type. well educated H indu. Mohant- respects," E aster explained, "as a P earson and A rth u r Pearson. all m endan and Parsi men and women, q u isite bey ond all w ords of dc how ever, it is th e hun d red s of scription. In a building of this 50-foat list has been regarded as of P ortland. natives in th e streets, on the docks m agnitude one is u n p rep ared for the lim it of econom ical irr.gation. in the shops, th e m ark et places, the delicacy, lightness and fine d e ­ w hile th e S tachley b ro th ers will every w ay you tu rn , th at m ake up tail of the decorative w ork. The lift w ater 85 feet. the p ictu re of India. inlay w ork of flow er designs is ill "S um m er feed," E aster continued, At my first luncheon at the Taj of semi-prccious stones an d the "has been costing them from e'JuOO Mahal, am ong those occupying the m arble screens w hich su rro u n d the to S3000 a y ear w hen th e sum m er table next to us w ere th ree M ahar- tom bs of M um taz Mahal and Shah- I’arsi women, these n atu rally a re | really false, th e actual tom bs be th e illness of th e latter Ladies are q u ite d ifferen t from th e o rd in ary ing in a vault below the floor of asked to b ring their lunch in a Indian T he m ore ed u cated women, the T aj. It is said that at one tim e p aper sack. The m eeting w ill star! dressed in th eir n ativ e saaris are I th e tom bs w ere studded w ith dia- at 10:30 a. m. and close at 3:30 perfectly beautiful. W e sp en d m ay- ntonds and other precious stones p. m. A nyone w ho is in terested is be a h u n d red d o llars for an eve- and on the an niversary of her w elcom e to atten d . ning dress, th ey spend hundreds w edding a canopy com posed en- (C ontinued from page 1) T h e coyote club of O akhill dis- of dollars ju st for one saari. These tirely of pearls was spread over a new type parachute, so I took trict an d adjoining vicinity was very often a re of b right colors the cenotaph of the express. on th e job. It was the original intention of " I “made m y ju m p all rig h t and successful in killing two foxes dur- w ith designs em b ro id ered in gold this em peror that his wife should » « h atiiti.rip T he n a ra rh n te coyotes and s i b . r. at . a good altitude. T he p arach u te in« ln8 th . e . . h u n t Sunday. The , of I stay ed in B om bay only long occupy this tom b alone and on the I opened O. K. Then I found th at a re still killing lam bs for some enough to a rra n g e , a trip into the opposite side of the Ju m n a riv er the thing was w rongly designed. It th e m em bers Rev. Stanley C ornils. pastor of interior. M arch to J u n e is very he proceeded to build another tom b filled all right, th en w ould spill and collapse, letting me fall a ways th e local church, left for a m onth's hot and unco m fo rtab le in th e in- of black m arble and connecting the v acation a fter th e close of the interior. hence th e to u rist season tw o tom bs w ith a bridge m ade of before it filled again. is closed and one m ust trav el alone gold. “Down I w ent by je rk s u n til I S undav evening services. Rev. Abe F. B ennett of P o rtlan d w ith y o u r b earer or serv an t and However, the am ount spent on was about 75 feet from th e ground, w ith th e p arachute full and letting w ill fill th e local pulpit next Sun- m ake the best of things I shall go th e Taj was so trem endous that m e ‘‘dow n*'eaVv.'"Then'it""coifa'psed both m orning and evening and tell . y .: more his kingdom w as lastly becoming Ilie UUrtii v « » . in v it ii l u h o m o v u d av • ' , . atten d d tnese th e s e ! about about Bombay Bombay w w hen hen I I retu re tu rn ri b an k ru p t and his subjects d issat­ again and I dropped to th e ground. ” E ----------- veryone is u rg ed to to atten About six m onths later I came out m eetings. , . ,, ''' cr, 1 2a',e j ?.uT c' ef d part isfied. F earful that h i s father f the way. I shall attem p t to tell m ight be assassinated. h i s son. , ' the hospital w ith all th e brok- u A nim al ? u,nda/ se, ™ you som ething of th e way- one A urangzebe. im prisoned him in 1 bones m ended. held July 4 along . i.i« , th e fort, and took over the rule "T his y e a r I w ent back to school above to w n - A basket d in n er and travels in this far-off land Agra. India W ithin the fort, as was comm on in id this spring I got my diplom a v arious sports w ill be enjoyed. All and The usual ro u te for th e inland those days, w as th eir palace, s o M i innville n n v i l l » high h i a h school. sehnnt S u n d ay school m em bers and fr.end- from th e M M r cM trav eler h ere is to go to D elhi first aside from being deprived of go- Seem ed ra th e r strange, som etim es, W1‘* be w elcome Agra. L ucknow a n d ing about in his kingdom , the to be back th ere in school w ith Mrs. G rafton .E sth er S u an so n then t o fellow s w ho w ere ju st little kids an <] , '*’ln a° ns „ lcVard a!)d cR,?c,>r ! B enares However, m ore than any-1 em peror lived on m all his glory w hen I w as out b arn sto rm in g w ith an<^ d au g h ter B arbara of _• i i t thing else in the w orld. I w anted in th e sight of the Taj Mahal, but airplanes a n d m aking parach u te cam e for a visit w ith Mrs. G raf­ to see th e Taj M ahal in the light i n ev er realizing the fulfillm ent of jum ps, but I w anted my education to n 's parents. Mr. and Mrs P eter of a full moon, so to A gra I jo u r- his dream . The foundations for and I w anted th a t high school Sw anson. It is th e tw ins first visit neyed first. I saw th e Taj in th ree - the black m arble tomb, w orn dow n w ith th e ir grandparents. They a re distinctly d ifferen t moods F irst by the elem ents, may still be seen diplom a." 1 th at evening in th e soft, silvery across the riv er So G eorge Hopkins, ra th e r tall, about one y ear old. Miss P _ o rtlan The fort. too. was im m ensely in- slim as a w illow branch, b u t som e- . . . E llen Sw , anson , .. of ,_ ___ „ d , light of th e full moon, at six th e how giving you the im pression of spent th e w eek-end w ith h er p. - follow ing m orning, s i l h o u e t t e d terestin g because of t h e palace w iry strength, is com ing back to ents. Mr. and Mrs. P eter Sw anson against a lo se red sunrise, and again w ithin, the best preserved palace I Miss Olive Scott, who has been! th e blazing, dazzling light of a have»seen on my entire trip P., leap from airplanes and fall into ing through the gatew ay the guide space like a falcon on its prey, w ith recu p eratin g from a recent a p ­ noonday sun. The Taj M ahal is p robably the tak es you first to the Moti M-c-vii his first attem p t in m ore th an a p endicitis operation at th e horn* year from the blue Ju ly skies above h er s is te r Mrs. C lifford Gossett. best knqw n m onum ent in the w orld ¡o r P earl Mosque. claim ed to be HilUbnrn has retu rn ed to h er w ork in G as­ and one of t h e most beautiful th e most exquisite house of prav- Hillsboro. ton. w here she w orks for Mrs. R m em orials to a w om an. It was e r in the world. It is of w hue If you talk ed w ith H opkins, he com m enced in 1630 and com pleted m arble w ithin and w ithout of such m ight tell you th at plain p a ra ­ Tom pkins. Mr. and Mrs. C harlie Johnson. in 1652 by the E m peror S h ah -Jeh an unsullied purity that its beaut-. is chute jum ping isn't an y th in g much, but he m ight also tell you th a t th e Vernon. Viola and Iva May J o h n ­ as a tom b for M um taz Mahal, his likened to a precious pearl. Too, real sensation is found in leaping son an d Mrs. M yrtle B row n w ent favorite queen. T he g ardens sur- they say. that at one tim e a pearl w ith batw ings. B atw ings. George to St. H elens Sunday for a visit rou n d in g a re roughly 900x500 feet of w ondrous size and luster was says, are w inglike cloth cutouts a t­ w ith C harlie's fath er and m other. sq u are and on the banks of t h e . suspended from the ceiling by a tached to his back and arm s and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson They Ju m n a riv e r T he m arb le platform goldt n chain This palace is just like a huge betw een his legs to serve as a found Mrs. Johnson quite ill, h a v ­ on w hich the Taj stan d s is 22 feet ing to stay in bed most of th e t:m e. high and 300 feet square. A grace- city —far too many things to men- gliding tail. P. P atto n and G. W. K urtz spent 1 ful m in aret sp rin g s up from each tion. Some of th e most im pres-ive Steel springs along his arm s help hold th e cloth rig id ag ain st t h e from W ednesday u n til F rid ay at corner and rises to a height of sights, how ever, w ere one of the Bay Ocean. They succeeded in find- appro x im ately 137 feet. The tomb m any b a th s—this was about the pressure of th e air. itself covers a space of 186 feet size of an o rdinary livingroom . all I "I have used them ." he declared. ing som e nice clam s and crabs. W ord has been received of the sq u are and the g reat cen tral dom e m arble sides and floor, w ith a ' "It's like nothing else in th e world. of Miss M argaret L pton ¡s jg7 feet above th e pavem ent all huge sunken fountain in the ce n ­ You plunge off the a irp lan e and Jam es W W anton at D exter of p u re w h ite m arble. The four ter and the dom e or ceiling done in spread your w ings w hen you have and "" J u n e 17. At d ifferen t tim When dropped a few hu hun “ ‘“, es 7 M ar- ' sldes of th e m arb le platfo rm face various designs of mica. n d red feet and J u n e then you glide alm ost ¡yiyw here &aret liv e d , V « h pcrfec:1-v n o rth - cast- •s outh and lighted by a torch it was a dazzling you wish. Brow n and P atto n places and at- -vest ancj v iew ing it from a dis- sight. “You can do a loop. You can drop ten d ed g rade school in I tance one canont fail to appreciate In th e center of one of the co u rt­ and clim b again about 600 feet for £ ro .v e and h ? £reshm an >car i n ; the beau ty of its o utline and the y ard s w as a huge pond which, w hen the em peror w anted to fish, every 100 feet you fall. A nd you GaSkOn union high. perfection of its balance, w hich sail around like a b ird u n til you | S ar‘ entirely false impression was filled w ith w ater and planted have dropped to the point w here P ilgrim Mouse if its size Even. I am told, the w ith fish. T hroughout th is palace at one you m ust open you r 'chute." Sunday. Ju n e 28: Public chape, stru c tu re is situ ated in such a way H opkins, though he has rubbed service, at 9:30 a. m. P asto r w ill th at th e sta r and crescen t at the tim e in practically every room was elbow s w ith the headliners and has speak on "G reen P astures th e v ery top of th e dom e a re alw ays a beautiful stream of running w ater , to keep the palace cool been one him self, has not been fo u rth in a series of sermon« on directly u n d er the n o rth star. On one side huge pits may still It is a su p rem e expression of In ­ spoiled. He seem s to be ju s t an- th e 23rd Psalm, the "little creed other young fellow whom anyone Ju n e 29: S aint Peter, th e apostle, dian art: a sym bol of the beau ty of be seen, w here, for diversion, ele- I w ould like to meet and w ho can J u n e 30: C om m em oration of St. w edded life and love everlasting, p hant fights w ere held, M any, m any m ore thing- of in- tell in terestin g stories. P aul. Ju ly 2: V isitation of St the em bodim ent of an u n u tterab le F or a n u m b er of y ears h e w as M ary. Ju ly 4: N ationa. In d ep en ­ grief and th e ra d ia n t vision of a tcres* and a splendid opportunity sp iritu al w orld th a t aw akens emo- 1 to see bow these ru lers lived three dence Day. w-ith chapel service of attached to th e barn sto rm in g group and four hundred years ago. of Clyde P angborn and H ugh H ern ­ w orship, at 9:30 a. m. All public i tions too deep for word (To he continued) As I passed th ro u g h Taj Ganj don, fam ous for th e ir flig h t across w orship services w ill continue ~ --- th e Pacific from Jap an . A fter they th ro u g h o u t th e sum m er, to be held gate and for th e first tim e gazed landed safely on th at fam ous flight at 9:30 a. m. P asto r H enry S. H al­ upon this ex q u isite stru c tu re I was . S tate C apitol News L etter G iv- highlights of official ac- Hopkins served as p riv a te secre­ ler m ay be consulted any day. e x ­ com pletely spellbound. I sat for In^ cept Monday, betw een 10 a m and n early h alf an hour at th e top of li vltyA a t Salem .—E very w eek in ta ry to the pair. A rgus. tf This fall, at Dallas, Texas. H op­ noon, or by appointm ent, a t th e the flight of steps leading dow n to kins plans to beat the R ussian rec­ house office. 232 N orth T h ird a v e ­ th e gardens below. B efore m e stretch ed tw o long ord for a ltitu d e jum ps. He plans nue. row s of cypress trees, d ark and i to bail out of an airp lan z at 30.000 m elancholy, lik e a long procession i FO R DAD feet, fall five m iles and open his p arachute fo r th e landing. In th is John Cnmt Ted. I ’ve pot th e hall and h at of mourner.- They b o rdered a wide m arble track, down th e center of L e t’» play a frame of one old cat ju m p he w ill carry an oxygen which flow ed a silent stream . At I ta n k strapped to his back to supply Tel: I’ll p itch ’em w hoopin’ o’er the p la te th e v ery end of th is avenue, tall 1 his lungs at th e high altitude. ’ll knock ’em w in d in ’ o’er th e pa»e and stately and stro n g ely s till. The H illsboro jum ps w ill be p re ­ J John I W BO UG HT SOI, I) e’ve p o t to p ractice w ith thia hall lim inary to the big event in the If w e’re a-ponna win a t all. CONSIGNED fall and also will serve to get H op­ You know Ted, Daddy say- to play kins back into form after his long To w in, b u t m ake it pay vacation from this sort of life. By hav in g fun in ju s t f he pam e A nd play in p f a i r ; it’s allthesam ** George reports more th an 1100 jum ps in his career and 411 before T ed: You know , Jo h n , thia is F a th e r’s Day he was 18 years old. He has been W e’ve pot a Dad we know ’» ” 0 K .” connected in one w ay and another I ’m proud of Dad and hope that he '29 I OKI» « o r p -Rumbl w ith airplanes and stu n ts since he cat C an be ju s t half a« proud of me was 12 years old, he says. F ine condition t Jo h n I th in k w e’ve pot the fin est Dad T hat any feller ever had. th roughout Local Girl on World Tour Writes of Visit to Orient Pumping Plant to Save Money Advertisements are your pocketbook editorials. ’They interpret the merchandise news. Demonstration Set at Cherry Grove Youthful Parachute Juniper Here July 2 Used Cars BONUS SPELLS Cedar Mill (By G irl Scout Troop No. f»l) An Ju n e w ard tine, im portant event of Sunday. 21, was the m arriag e of E d­ V anW inkle to Ellen Hasel- a t th e F irst P resb y terian W e'l! do our best, w e're ou t to win — To show him th a t w e're proud of him. H e’s o ur beat pal in work and auch — B u t come on, Ted, we’II ay to much. MRS. L IL Y W ATKINS. Bigger and Better JULY 4 AT BALM GROVE PARK 8 M iles N orthw est Forest G rove on G ales Creek P a trio tic Speaking — Boy Scout Act — W ater Sports RACES OF ALL SORTS B eau ty C ontest — Baby Show — H om eliest Man 20-pieee H elvetia C om m unity Rand w ill furnish music for th e day P rizes A w arded for V arious C ontests D A N CIN G AFTERNOON and EVENING Music by A llen S m ith and His 8 piece P o rtlan d Dance Band CON CESSION S TO LET W rite or C all—Balm Grove, Gales Creek. Oregon P len ty of shade and a spacious swimming pool to make it a GLORIOUS DAY! DON'T MISS IT! HOM E uilrl now. Y our Bo­ nus m oney can be th e dow n paym ent u n d e r t h e FH A plan. B wn you: r own home on c o n v e n i e n t O m o n th ly payments, row you can have hom e you w ant. N o u r suggested and ex p e r­ U se plans ience in planning your hom e. us today fo r b uild­ S ee ing m ate ria ls a n d estim ates. W e w el­ come an .o p p o rtu ­ nity to serve. T liuntduy, .lune IH. 1936 A R G V S . Il I L L S B O It O , O R E G O N Last of June Clearance Sale 160 V-8 wheels, very snappy in o to i. A dandy little car 155 '26 DODGE SED A N — M o ld new battery. Lots of good transportation '.',<1 good. $ 45 A J A X - Motor ' lotor S '26 NASH SED AN, first class, good serviceable car 58 '26 ( lilt 4 S I.Fit SEDAN A-1, new pistons, rings. b rake lining. New ring gear and pinion 26 FORD TUDOR— Runs very good '26 FORD COU PE— In good condition ’23 FORO PH K I P — R uns O. K. "24 B I'IC K COUPE — Good m otor ru n s fine. Good p aint WEIL’S MIGHTY ANNUAL SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Buy for the “4th” SUMMER M ERCHANDISE MUST GO. SAVE ON DRY GOODS READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHIN G SHOES S ilk C learance Big Lot — 10c CARDS Buttons - Buckles B u tto n s , Plain and Printed t ’repes, R ayons. S h e e r S ilk s , N e w lle a v j C o tto n Laves ill w h ile s a n d c o l­ o r s , s p e c ia l. Y a r d B u c k le s . In c lu d ­ ing some sets. .All colors and shapes. Special lo to r New 60 28 25 16 TW O GREAT CLEARANCE LUCKY B eautiful W ash ab le S h a n ­ tung and Silk t're p e Sport Dresses, P rinted Silk D ress­ es, Rayon S w ag g er Suits, W ashable All W hite S a n fo r­ ized (w ill not sh rin k ) Pep- perel F lannels and G ran ite Cloth ('oats. H undreds of g arm ents and sizes 12 to 50. 098 O th rrs to Choose From See 1936 Willy* “ 77,” $559 White Purses Waihable Celluloid (like fa b ric ). Also OtzVz c o lo rs . Special FOR YOUR SUMMER Values to $3 GARMENTS WARDROBE! For Women and Children S ilk , Knitted Dresses; Blouses; Sweaters; Middies; Petticoats; Night Gowns; Smocks. Women's and C hild ren 's Wash Dress­ es — Big Clearance — Big Values— Corne Early! M c C a ll W om en's P rin te d P atterns 3 for $1.00 r -------- — ------------- I 8850 Women’s ”Toyo” Panama Hats . ,25c Broadcloth Princess S li p s .......... 25c Back Lace Corsets. E a c h ............... 5c l ull Fashioned Silk I lose. Pair . . 25c Towels and Towel Ends . . . 5c Beautiful Priscilla Curtains. Pr. . . 79C 36-piece Picnic S e t s ....................... IOC Knitting and Shopping B a g s ........ 5C "W oodbury” 10c, 15c Beauty Aids 5C Mexican Auto Robes, highly colored, Farge size, stitched e n d s ................. 7i#C and 8845 A bright now idea in onsemblo'.--the frock with tho tunic longth coot! Hero aro two of them roady to pop right into your summer wardrobo and add infinitoly to its varioty and chic. Bocauso they're McCall Printed Patterns, you know v»ith ‘ f r telling you that they will make up easily, V>rofos- ,||y | that they'll fit y i to a T. And oil b< »use f 1h famou:. McCall printed cutting lino and other McCall rir.tcd features. Values to $6 G arm ents For Women and Children C oal , W o m e n ’s S ilk D resses, K n itte d and W o o l S u its , T w in C o lo re d S w e a te r Sets, A ll W o o l ( d a l a nd S lip - o v e r S w e a te rs , ( d l l o n L a ie D re ss­ es a n il C o a ts to .M atch, C h il d re ri's F l u f f y O rg a n d y D re ss­ es in sizes ti to 16 y e a rs — N o "x c h a n g e s o r re fu n d s . $ i 00 A special hit including “ Cloth c ra ft.” Good assortm ent of col ors, styles and sizes. A big re ­ duel ion! E xtra special! Ov Regular $1.00 New EMBOSSED PYRALIN NUMBERS BE . . . a Success Story Ch H art Schaffner & Marx SU ITS. FOR MEN ibbcr 39c Values to ¿6 SILK DRESSES White and Colored Sewing Thread 2C 36-inch Brown Muslin, sale. Yd. 5c Overnight Cases (large mirror) . . 49C Women's Stimmer Hats. Special. . 59C 24x46 Turkish Towels. 3 lot* • • • 50C Boys’ - M en’s Shirts - Shorts. Ea. J5C Men’s Pajamas, 2 -piece Broadcloth, Plain and Fancies. S p e c ia l.......... 98C ju o t 29 t o r ti» R O A D S! EK—N< “ w1 Why are movie stars successes? Why do slim young secretaries marry rich bosses? W li.it makes young (and older matrons') the pets of society? Look at the roto or pictorial page of any news­ paper for the answer . . . or just come and see one of our corsetieres, she’ do the rest! The garment sketched is a Gossard idea. Just sections of satin and satin elastic fabric fagoted together in such a way as to make any girl the Toast of the