Tage Eight H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , T hursdnv, Ju n e 25, l'.l.’lß O R EG O N served to the pickers. About 90 visiting the past week w ith her xi itor at the J A McCoy home , dinner and fishing Sunday at Cai I Ì ton Lake w ere present. M arie U nger and the I cousins, .lean and Beverly H e ig .it I ■ ex ei a, days last xveck Olson b ro th ers are th e cham pion 1 (¡id ts Monday .it the J P Vim Mr- F red Muhly is recovering pickers. tin ’.tmleu home xx ere their son and from a back injury sustained last Mr. and Mrs Jo h n H aase a n d j wil Mt and Mi Ed V anderzan- week w hen she fell from the porch children atten d ed a p ■: luck d in ­ deu of Hoquiam. Wash H A R R ISO N 0 . H U G G IN S n er S unday at C ornelius ball park Mi and Mrs M arlin V ander/an Mrs L. H ackett and Jerry Mc­ lP v Mi«» I o rrn in e It a n m in ) T. K Moore left last T uesday io in honor of h er bro th er. Elm er M . D. d«'i and on W ayne and d.iughter C loskey of P ortland spent th e e ' S Scholls Ju n io r Wo- visit th e O m er Moore hom e at Sellers Hosts to P i c k e r s ; Muhly. wh has just retu rn ed from •in SCHOLI Tow nsend Club H olds A m a­ 1 M arjorie xvere Sunday d in n er EVE. E.Vll, NOSE AND THROAT n ' . ' .u met at the church p a r­ C ottage G rove and the F rank M eer, days last w eek at the E. W llm St. Louis. party guests of Mrs. V andvr/un riehs home. lor- W ednesday w ith a 1 o'clock hom e at Ashland C ard Club M eets te u r Contest S l'K E llI S I Uncle Passes I den .« i ti i Mi s John Vanloo and Anita K rah n ter and Joyce Mai p,>:-luck luncheon About ten senior These attending the conference famil.x of C ornelius B ernard Van as Mrs. H cr- iadies w ere present. Mrs C harles and tea at the Portland Woman's tin re tu rn e d S aturday from the agl. who was U l. ASSES EITTKI) ( llv M r« lin i» v l ’v l v r l FIRDALE-IOW A HI1.I. The Hill ! dehe> Mi V andcr/andi n' • broth ina U nger's uncle, died Ju n e 16 H C ashier and Mrs Hosfeld o f club house S aturday w ere Mr-. I 11 sum m er school at C orvallis nnd Date club picnic x•vili be held NOKTH PI \IN S WUh few .«\its e l's box is spending the sum m er S r lith 's hospital, Mr. Vogl had P o rtlan d spoke on th e federated Ina S utherland. Mrs C lifford T r i.-k. M ildred am i M arcella B rand iw l(o«im 1 S unday at Ch. inipovg park. Any lived with them for th e past clubs. Miss Dale P ow ers w as noni- G lennis Carlson. Wilma Herd M spent th e pa-t tw o w eeks w ith in thè K ol' P hall varani. Toxx n w ith hi uncle and aunt, Mr. and ('o ttin iv irla l N a U u n a l Bank A n n as n u m b er, who h.as no way to go. is ; Ightc: n years. He had been it! ¡: ited can d id ate for G oddess of Peggy Haynes. Ava H oward. Irm al lh .tr aunt. Mrs A rth u r Salzw edel. send club t»f N orth Pl.uns pii citi Mi M artin W mderzaiideii to comm unicaP? w ith Mrs. John of Forest G rove Emil B randaw ed its first am ateu r show to un 1’honaa l lf ii r a a m onth Mrs U nger’s m oth- L iberty at Hillsboro. Trask, and V elda Kocber. Mr oid Mi Eai l Waldron and Haase H ra h ln ic a -’ U / Ï » SO a in I«* 12 in. er- Mr U nger, her brothc Mr and Mrs C A. C arlson and Mr and Mrs Eugene l.ovegren ha- been the guest of Ins aunts, enthusiastie audience Tu»” day eve children G eraldine and Hrbin and O f f iv e SVi'l I I» n» t o f» p in Miss Louise Unger. xx ho is w ork- F ran k lin Koch and M: nini* A lthough thè eom petition xx i< Mr -la Ed. of Mt. Angel, w ere here F \a C arlson spent th e w eek-end at and family went to Mi.-l Slindas Io Mrs W aldron’s parent.'. Mr and ing in Portland . .spent th e w eek- for th e funeral w hich was held Depoe Bay. keen, lhe thie« indues M is 1. R Mi F rank Brandaw \ l.-it Mr and Mrs H arry Reyi Daxo Zxviefel, of Eastern Gio end w ith her m other. Mrs. H erm ina S aturday. I II D a v is a n d gon. Mr mil Mr Allen S im an trl is at the national C ypher, Mrs s.iniiin G o iter H onored and fam ily O scar Love and Unger. c 'h a rh ’s Koont f i n a ll y d e te rm in e d fam ily and Mr. md Mrs. C laude Mr and Mrs D. H Person and Miss l.ueille C arlson is sp e n d ­ guards cam p at Seaside Mr I M S A Cotter gave C arl Peterson, w ho has been liv ­ .- ns spent Friday and Saturda> a ’ a surprise b irth d ay p arty Tuesday ing several w eeks m P ortland v is­ A lbert K rahm er. P hilip Mohr th e follow ing j the fix i* w innei • l.yda and fam ily enjoyed a picnic ing at the Jo h n H aase home, left Tw in Kecks w ith Mr and Mrs Bill afternoon in honor of Sam m y G et­ iting her aunt. Mis. Don Cole, and and Rev F W H inrichs retu rn ed T he first pri » of $2.50 went to d in n er at Konnex alle Sunday S aturday m orning for P o rtlan d to W o n ; ke and son Ja c k of Nor: ' ter's ten th birth d ay . N ine boys family. Tuesday night from Y akim a, w here C olum bus Med i k \\ lie all:; "Nep Mr. and M is John l.ilto n to and see his father. He expects to be Plains. Lowest tides of th e y ear w ere present Mr. and Mrs C arl Rueck. l.u ih . . they atten d ed a convention of tune. Lord of the Sea Ain I" •ons Eloyd. L ester and Robert and gone for som e time. The seeotul prize of $2 xxas won L utheran pastors and lavinen w ere this w eek so clam m ing w is Mr. and Mrs. W aldo F lint and M iller and F ran k M iller wa r ■ d au g h ters Josephine and Rozett.i. Pat U nger is spending this week exceptionally gcod. Mi and M r- I. 11 M ulti' Mrs by T errell Thoma w ho danced xx ho have bee n picking .straxvber- Mr and M rs E rnie F ren ch of F o r­ Sunday d in n er parly guests at the w ith his grandm other. Mrs. U nger The Bill Keddig b aler started its est G rove spent S unday clam d ig ­ W illiam W elf hem e at D el.ake and Sophie Brelje, Mr and Mr- F in e d “T he S w eetheart Sm U and Dane»'" ries for J A McCoy for the past at Mt. Angel. season's w ork Friday. T heir first ging at P acific City. attended the Bed Head Bound I'p H allaucr. l ow ell and G race lla l- and "The B urk and Wm»: • llenr.x four xxei ks. left for then home at Mrs. W. J Ammon is spending place for baling w as on th e B u r­ lauer ami A rlene and Norma Hunt, w ho sang tin* c v n popular G lide S unday m orning at Taft. To Build Home th e week w ith h er daughter, Mrs leigh ranch. E sther E lliott of C orvallis spent Muhly spent S unday at Nelscott "W hen Irish Eyes are Smittn . E Webb of Sand Lake is spend Mr. and Mrs M ike M cCann have M ildred Arnold, of Jefferson. T here will be no service m the re e u v e d the third priz of $1 50, ing a fexv days at the O scar Love At th e school election held Friday Sunday at the S. A. G utter hom e E. W. C arter spent th e w eek-end night for m em bers of th e F irdale started b uilding a six-room house T he fourth prize af $1 went to hom e this xxcek L utheran church next Sunday as P rogram Held Mr and Mrs A G. Beals and Mr. w ith his family. He retu rn ed to school board. F ran k W aibel w a. leeal m em bers are invited to attend H arold and Howai d Berggret w ho G ladys McCoy til at her hon», The follow ing program was giv­ the Mission F estival being held by did a tap dance Rachel W P o rtlan d M onday m orning. elected to succeed Tennis Pyle. and M rs W ard of th e Tillam ook w ith tonsilitis. Mrs G to ig e Locket cam e home F.lmer Boge w as re-elected clerk association atten d ed t h e county en at the M E church for c h il­ the congregation at Sehefflin. b'T k and Mat y G1 ixvngle. xvIn Mr. and Mrs A llan Rice and pioneer association and w ere S u n ­ dren's day Sunday: Chorus, "The from Jones' hospital Friday, b u t O ther m em bers of the board ar "T exas 1’lHins". ri •eeixid the fifih Mrs. Hie« Mr. H orner was ill last week m other. Mrs McCraek* day evening d in n e r guests at the O rigin of C hildren's Day " by l.ell i m ust stay in bed th ree m ore w eeks Jo h n Haase and F red Haase. Jo h n Jepson and family attended prize of 50 cents A fter the pr en. and Eli Pm* enjoyed a picnic A B. Flint home. H oward; crad le roll cerem ony; th e annual Jepson fam ily reunion gram , which was a tte n d ili by E ntertain P ickers K ufeners Hosts D r and Mrs. L ester F rew in g of "Jesus Blessing of the C h ild re n ' in Mr and Mrs C harles Sellers e n ­ W ashington park. Portland. very large crowd, dancing xxas c n- U U K » )( )( )( M.JC H » .) ( m M U »< U g ’K.M M H Mr. and Mrs. W illiam R ufener Baltim ore. M aryland, spent several by Doris Jean B rittain: song, p ri­ Sunday joyed. tertain ed th eir straw b erry pickers en tertain ed th e F irdale card club m ary departm ent; "W elcome", by days visiting h is brother-in-law Ernest T routm an M nipin X : T hursday evening. The tim e was Mr ami Mrs Jo h n K anina en­ S atu rd ay night. High honors w er? and sister. Mr. and M rs M ike Mc­ Mary Ja n e Seiffert; song. Dor, • iv ited his father. A T routm an. spent in dancing, singing and fire won by Mr and Mr.-. Sam Gerig. tertain ed Sunday evening w ith a O rr; "Choose Your Flow er" by five C ann. Tuesday birth d ay d in n e r honoring Mr Kam- w orks lee cream and cake w eie w hile Mrs. T ennis P yle and H enry Mr. and Mrs. L y le P o tter and p rim ary girls; song. P hyllis C hris- | , Ila's m other. Mrs H enry Kamil a. Mrs M erritt Jackson and M: s G u rsk e received consolation. baby w ere v isito rs at th e L afe P o t­ Jensen: song and rose drill by Wil- I R elatives of the fam ilv w ere pre­ Phyllis C hristem r w ent to C o rv al­ Mr. and Mrs. Ben C rop of Wes- te r hom e in P o rtlan d S u n d ay w ith 1 ling W orkers, and H elpers classes; en t lis T hursday where* the\ visited tim b er spent S atu rd ay and Sunday th e ir p aren ts M r and Mrs. F ran k I dialogues by J a n e t and Jacq u elin e Mrs Ed K rahm er. form erly of the I H sum m er «-eliool and also Mr w ith his uncle. Alee Eischen. P o tter of Mills C ity. Howell; duet. Amy Alice How.u . i this vicinity, u nderw ent a serious and M: Robert C ornehu- l.aY elle B erry harv est in th is v ic in ity . and Jean Trask, and talk by Rev • operation at Em anuel hospital in Jacks» n w ho has been atten d in g w ill be in full sw in g next week, S. R aynor Sm ith. I P o rtlan d Ju n e 20 Her condition is th e 4-H sum m er school for the GET INTO an unu su ally late start. The ber-1 ,M r and Mrs. C lifford T rask ami ' rep o rted satisfactory. past tw o xx ek retu rn ed w ith them ries are larg er th an fo rm erly and tw o daughters spent Sunday at O s­ F riday exenm of excellent q u ality . wego and O regon City visiting r e l­ N orth Plains w ill play B ut R. O K eith left last w eek for atives. Mr. T rask's g ro n d m o th ei. next Sunday H UBER— R oberta W hatley cf B rentw ood. Cal . w h ere he is em ­ Mrs. Ed Stinchfield of Bandon, r e ­ Miss I.aV elle J Jackson, acks represen H uber w as su rp rised Ju n e 18. th e ployed. Mrs K eith and tw o d au g h ­ tu rn ed w ith them for a visit. L. C ative of the H illsboro G u l Res«‘rxe occasion being her 16th birthday. ters rem ain ed for an in d efin ite stay T rask of Lyons spent the w eek ­ club. left Monday m orning from G uests present w ere Doris W eb­ w ith relativ es h e re and at Mt. end at the T rask home. P ortland to attend the annual eon- iTlv Mi«« M ir u n r r t M «th ie« en l ber. Violet Loomer. K enneth Short. Angel. am i K eep Cool Mrs. Kays Returns MOUNTAINDALE Miss Helen fei'i net* at Si*abeek Wash A lbert Bentley. Jam es Forsythe of Mrs. H arry Schm eltzer. Mrs. Miss Eugenie C ypher, w ho ha.. ! Mrs. Ida Kays, w ho spent the i H ollenbeck was honored w ith a H illsboro. Elna N yiund. Lillian J r- G eorge K irk p a tric k and Miss M ary w in ter in the m iddlew est w ith her ¡b rid a l shoxxer at her home Thin - been traveling for the Colum bia LADIES’ SW IM SU IT sey. V ennette W iekstrand. Lucille S ch m eltz-r re tu rn e d F rid ay from daughter. Mrs. G eorge Mounce. ami I day afternoon. The bride-elect re- K nitting mills, spent the xx eok -end , B reuning. Jo h n Cawley. A rth u r M onm outh, w h ere th ey atten d ed fam ily retu rn ed to her hom e last | ceived many beautiful and useful visiting her parents. Mr and Mis Fit like y o u r skin and just W iekstrand. Raym ond Hemricn. . tw o w eeks of su m m er school. F riday via auto in com pany w ith gifts. Present w ere M esdames Che-' H enry C ypher as com fortable pure wov.l^ B ruce and H arriett Fox of Beav- E arl D cm m in and Louie H atfield Mrs. M ounce and son G eorge and : ter Bates and children. Thomas S c h o o l S ta rts erton. atten d ed th e Red H ead R ound-U p Miss M abel Johnson, a school teac h ­ . C onnolly. Hillsboro; O rville Key zep h y r y arn newest style C h ild re n ’s Bible scho I started Mr. Jersey and d aughter L illian ; at T aft S atu rd ay and Sunday, er. w ho will attend the N F. A. in ami colors. Forest G rove. Wade Arrnen- Monday m orning in tile •hureh of left F riday m orning w ith other rel- I B etty Lou and D orothy Yedd and P o rtlan d and visit relatives in S e a t­ i nolds. trout. E lizabeth Harms. B a n k s . C h rist C U • a re from !» a m atives for an autom obile trip S hirley P ra tt of P o rtla n d are spend- tle. $ O .95 ry i 1 xveleomc. II’ you n i'fii’t, you owe it i L eonard V andornelen. Roy; R E tO ! 2 i m E v e rvone through the D akotas and C alifornia ing a w eek at th e S ta rk home. Mrs H ulda Hal Mr. and Mrs. H arry G ouldin and O ’Rourke. G abe E --ner. Preston, H ubert Miss G race Larson retu rn ed S a t­ Mr. and M rs G eorge Allison sm all son of B urns visited Mr Sm ith. Eloyd Stovall. F red Sehxx un­ Minn . is visiting ht nt p, •w. C hris to yo u rself -your fam ily— urday from sum m er school at C or­ w ere called to C orvallis T hursday G ouldin's m other. Mrs. O hm aeht. U. L your fellow m otorists— to vallis. having won a 4-H sch o lar­ night by th e critical illness of th eir G reens, at the Elm er Nelson home der F rank M urphy. A. E Willis. The baseball bon fit darn in M EN’S SW IM TRUNK S I D elbert Fowles. W alter A rnold and ship for cooking. son G eorge Jr., w ho w as atten d in g from Sunday till W ednesday. K of P hall S aturday n h a te them fixed. ht X 1 son. H arold Reynolds and son. Bill Snappy lines and colors 4-H sum m er school. Legs Broken well attended. Miss J u n e Nelson visited her Hoodenpyl. G eorge S tew art. Fred Mrs. Jo h n S tric k le r a n d Mrs. cousin, Mrs. C lay R osenbalm . at .Fosse, Jam» - M aihieseu. J L Van- No w aiting . . . no suit . . . J. I. H adley of H uber received designed for com fort. EX PERT tw o broken legs S atu rd ay evening R ichard Jo y ce h av e ch arg e of the last week. dom elen. O rin D arety. Mrs Emm.. your loss will be settled while cran k in g his car. w hich was ch ild ren 's day program for t h e R ickreall A D JU STIN G Mrs E lizabeth H arm on of S eat­ Schxvander. W illiam Joos. B Rorhl. .0 0 .5 0 .95 M ountain H ome ch u rch hom e-com ­ tle. Wash., cam e Tuesday to visit M ildred H ergert. M uriel F<»xx It in gear. prom ptly an d courteously. 1 11» M r , .1 A M, C, »1 RELINING ing day and th e ladies of the young Mrs. L. Fox is signing b erry Mrs. M ary S tretch er at the Eugene Opal S tew art. Ruby Reynolds. Mi KANSAS CITY Mi and Mrs J m arried people's class have charge Lovegren hom e and other relatives. Earl H ollenbeck. Sheila M< Laugh- A Mi-tai', and d a a a t. I Glad} pickers at Cornelius. Old Line B oard A ll W o r k G u a r a n t e e d of th e basket d in n e r hour. T his is ; !in of Hillsboro, the honored guest. and Ethel. Mr. I.ydia A lvord aud Com panies an an n u al affa ir an d is atten d ed GET UP N IG H T S ? M i's Hollenbeck, and the jo in ’ son Jim and .Mi Kuby Sm tm on- by m any fo rm er residents. I ’ ■ M \ • ■ and .son Donald enjoyed a 'a(H) D rink D istilled W ater A SK Mrs. F erd G ro n er. J. B. B artlett. Mrs. G eorge Connolly and Mi- parly at the bonn of Mr and Mrs MAKE THIS 25c TEST Mrs H. T Hesse. Mrs J. M S tre tc h ­ Loel H ollenbeck. J I’ V u n d ir/a n d e n S a'u rd .iy ev e ­ If irrita te d or w eak b lad d er er. Mr. and M rs C E3rl S tretch er, A rt G ilm ore Ike W eaver of E ugene visile 1 ning. causes gettin g up nights, freq u en t and C lifford T rask w ere a com m it­ i R v M n E W H in r irh « ! Howe & W ells, Prop. unday and M onday ¿it the home P. G. E. Delphi;! B ram an, d au g h ter of desire, scanty flown b u rn in g or tee to confer w ith D istrict S u p e r­ BLOOMING—Past presidents of S of his brother. H enry W eaver. C h a rle s B eam an of C o rile llu . is at Shell Gaa and «HI backache, d rin k lots of boiled or 207 E. Main St., Phone 1412 the W oodstock P a re n t-T e a c h e rs'a s­ in ten d en t D r H arriso n M onday in ab o u t his claim the borne of her grandm other. Mr.. 365 F M ain St. distilled w ater. You know w hat reg ard to a resid en t m in ister for sociation of P ortland held then- Miss T aylor Hostess H illsboro i V enetian tick» ’. E G W hite J. 11 Beaman ill w ith pneum onia hard w ater does to a teak ettle. Also the Scholls ch u rch charge For the an n u al m eeting Ju n e 17 at the Miss Lena T aylor w ill be hot«*.- PHONE 721 Rt 5. H ilbboroi help flush out excess acids, w aste past four y ears tn e Scholls and home of Mr.s. M ary H ornrr. Mi ; for the B anks-M ountaindale "500" and has a trained nurse Eli I’oo of F inest G rove was a ' ; 11 i n n o ' # # » a T C T H.rt «'W and deposits, w ith little green T igard churches h av e been a join t Vida Bump was the candidate in ­ club Tuesday afti rnoon. Bukets. a b lad d er laxative. Two of p asto rate w ith th e p asto r living at itiated and th e tw en tieth a n n i­ Mr. and Mrs. Leonar< I D orland of th e 8 tim e-tested in gredients are Tigard. v ersary of Mrs H orner - presidency and d au g h ter of W hite Salmon, buchu leaves and ju n ip e r oil. If Mrs. C arl S eiffert re tu rn e d from was celebrated. Mr-. H orner held W ash, visited several days la 1 60 Kinds of Insurance you a re not pleased in fo u r days, S h erid an Sunday, w h ere she was office in 1916 O ther- present w ere w eek at th e H enry W eaver home. Phone 1701Y 336 E. Washington your druggist w ill refu n d yo u r 25c. called last T uesday by th e illness M esdames Maud U lrich. Betilan S unday d in n er party gue.-!.- of —Delta D rug S tore.—Adv. of h er daughter. Mrs. C arl Waibel. Q uackenbush, M attie M orris C o n Mr. and Mr G eorg ■ Connolly were Cogswell. D orothy Rock and D r Mr. and M r . C hester Batt - an.I C lara Qugham i. of P ortland and fam ily of Hillsboro. Ml-.-i M illi. ' ' Mrs. Sam G erig of Iowa H i l l Heri :ert and K enneth Keenon. Mrs. G erig has been a m em ber and Mr. and Mr B ruce H ahn and ; on the board for six years. A pot son of Eugene w ere we k-end luck lunch was served at noon guests of friends «and relativ« here | Mr. and Mrs. C harles M etzner of Edw in and Leslie K eenon a n ri ! P ortland visited S aturday at the Russell Eox and N. H. Toate J r I H orner home and th eir little d augh­ of P ortland xx nt on ¿1 fishing trip ter. Rae. w ho had been a guest of to th e L ittle N cstucca riv er S u n ­ the H orners for the past few weeks, day. retu rn ed hom e w ith them Mrs. Anna H ergert was ill I -t S ubscribe now to th e Argus. In week but her condition has im ­ W ashington county $1.50 a year proved since. Six m onths 85c. T h ree m onths 50 I P atsy Holz of P ortland ha been cents. Tw o m onths 35 cents. tf Scholls Junior Women’s Club Selects Nominee for Goddess HÜI and Dale Club to Picnic North Plains Event Success R M '® P ’O gw’ H uber Girl Given a Surprise Party SW IM M IN G Bridal Shower Held at Mountaindale TOGS Can Ruin You! INSURE NOW! Kansas City The Portland Women Blooming Guests COOMER & LACKEY M EN ’S S H O P RUSH LOW Drive . . . and discover this 'TAXES' YOU NEED NOT PAY HUDSON BONUS! TEST THOUSAND LITTLE EXTRAS other Eights DON’T HAVE T H A N K S TO T H E F A IR B A N K S -M O R S E m H E CONSERVADOR is a ahelf- innsr door behind lhe main door, for storing most freq u en tly used foods. Il keeps the warm air out and the cold air in the main com­ partment when you open the outer door to get frequently used food items. It banishes the counllcos little tax penalties of the open door. O pen the door of a n y o rd in ary refrigerator. Out rushes the cold air. On goes the motor. Up goes your electric bill—10,000 times a yearl But not so with the new Fairbanks- Morse Refrigerator — thanks to its exclusive, p aten ted CONSERVA­ DOR. latest triumph of America's oldest engineering organization. No other improvement ever m ade in refrig e ra tio n m eans so m uch to your purse. Be fair to yourself. See lhe CONSERVADOR before you buy any refrigerator. Instead of costing you more—it saves money for you— year after year. Let us prove it. C h e c k t h e s e 15 F - M F a i n t s a g a in s t A n v o th e r R e fr ig e r a to r 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. I 1 Beauty and Masiiveness Dulifx Finish (Black Kick Plate) Finger-tip Hardware CONSERVADOR More usable storage space 6. Economy 7. F-M Precision Manufacturing experience 0. Sale, efficient conventional m achine unit 9. Slow speed—longer life—accessible for service 10. Finned Cooling Un.t I 1. Fast freezing —Generous ice supply 12. Demountable Baskets (Easy cleaning) 13. Q uiet Operation 14. Insulation 1 5. Price ELECTRIC STORE Saves You Money on Every Purchase" AVE. Kt ■* G z C^. < YOU GET THIS BONUS IN A H U D SO N — CO M FARED W IT H ANY OTHER EIGHT WW " C ar, are like halt . . . it /lay, to look at them a lll" Read the list at the left. See how much m ore you’d pay for other Eights with H udson’s size, roominess and power. And still not get I ludson perform ance; nor such im portant features as Duo-Automatic Hydraulic Brakes (patent ap­ plied for), Radial Safely C ontrol (patent applied for), i ru-l.ine Steering, the Rhythm ic Ride, ami many more. Home in for yottr “Discovery D rive.” Test 11udson against any other Eight over any route. XXe’ll furnish the ear . . . you he the judtfe. $2 4 0 SIZE B0NUS • • • '■h'''il,:i ■«<>p * “ W to 127 ini'lics, unm atched by any other E ight up to $210 more. More leg room, head room, neat room. T h i« i» «n M enl h«rve «tin < o u tfit — ’ he h n n d y M< < <ei|unl 11 ud , in? I Id horsepower; th e E ight closest to llinl- ro n 's top horsepower eoets $805 more. $1 4 ftSrtFFTY B0NUS . . . n o o th e r * I sly all (J I< el With : I and' I I., I n of, 22 54 Mllts Pi"CfitlON .n t o Ange- lea-Yo em ite Economy Itun IH O M A S S . SHOLES, H udson D ealer . . . economy equal to most: mail Sixes. HUDSON SIX I’tUCKS BEGIN AT $ Take a "D IS C O VE R Y D R IV E " w ith the ELECTRIC H A N D 710 Flick n finger . . . and g n ir. shift I Tim urte w .y to drive . . . easier, aaler. W i t la a r/ror floor in (root . . . real fool-and- leg comfort lor three fro n t-teat passen­ ger»! t he E lectric Hand it an optional extra not aviiilahle on any other liith t. Hudmn i.iaht Prircs at f760, f . n. h. Detroit, standard i^rinift of ti(iessotiei extra. 93 o r KM) I I . I ’ , in S ixes, 113 o r flw J 124 I I . P. in E.ight — W I h - c II hiscs up to 127 in c h e s . S A V I i — w i t h th e n e w H U D S O N - C . I. r . 6% B udget Plan • . . v e r y lo w m o n th ly piiyrueutw . A lto Special Veterans* Bonus Payment Plan HUDSON REMEMBER MELTEBEKE 124 S. S E C O N D M cC O R M IC K-D EER IN C H IL L S B O R O DAIRY FEEDS I. X. L. POULTRY FEEDS HILLSBORO FEED CO. P h o n e 271 180 W. M ain St. TH O M AS S. SHOLES 137 S. Third Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon Phone 21W BUILT BY HUDSON TEBBAPLANE, »595 AND UP; HUDSON SfJ, »710 AND UP; HUDSON _______________ SUPER STRAIGHT EIGHT, »760 AND UP. T. O. B. DETROIT