35 Correspondents Read I he Ads- Write Neighborhood New» for the Information of the Reader» Each Week i h r la te st In l»li rchaiilan C onsiderable c a m p a i g n i n g b y , hom e dem onstration agent. cash n l fm' ttie purpose of liquul.it of Tualatin Tin woman apparently rium beginning at 9 o'clock and in Hie eit; hall. both sides w as carried on both in The four-day cam p will be held In a had been dead for itveral hours, closing at 1 the n ex t m orning. ( h i e tn a jo t r change in tin* plan mg debts of various kinds 1 at Lost park n ear C edar Mill in T he celebration proper will open H illsboro and in the su rro u n d in g ( By Wm. F. < y o u . County Agent» w i , c o n te n n i ited a lte r protests by fewi instances the cash lias gone according to F. J Sew ell of H ills­ W ashington county, from A ugust 11 th e afternoon of Ju ly 2 w ith a territo ry , but th e vote fell 84 votes •ns residing in th e block lu­ tow ard autom obiles w hile s o m e boro. coroner "If I plow under some of my to 15. and w ill bo directed by Miss .ih" of fu rn itu re anil household daredevil aerial act in th e park by behind th e total cast a t th e H ills­ ll L in c o ln and Jackson sticcts. Her body was recovered by the E ickw orth. hom e dem onstra t i o n hairy vetch that is dow n so bad I Ravm ond brothers, high trajyez.e . boro public school election the p re ­ licit by Eourtti and Second t-quipnit nt huve bvert noted husband Maurice, and a neighbor ¡agent. Those hom em akers w ho can- I can't cut it. can I get a paym ent artists. This w ill be followed by a i vious M onday w hen th e total was N um erous v eterans liave m a d e T. A K irkw ald when a search was m This section had b e e n I not atten d th e Lost park ram p are for it under the F ederal a g ric u ltu r­ baseball game, probably betw een 263 w ith th e vote restricted to the it in Hie cen tral buslin .' s di • plans for rem odeling homes or the in stitu ted late in th e afternoon invited to atten d the B enton-L inn al C onservation plan?" city of Hillsboro. purcliase of pro p erty mi w hich to when failed to re tu rn home T his is a question th a t has been the Legion ju n io r team of W ash- I cam p at F ernview n ear Cascadia. Country Vote Light miihl F arm er veteran* w em to be after husband discovered a L ocal E n g in e e r Ask ( hange S upervi»or The purpose of th e ram p is to pro- answ ered several times, but is still ington county and the cham pions | tu rn in g llie bonus tow ard im p ro v e­ of L egion baseball in M arion • V ote d raw n in from the country daring timt tins section *■» m ents or purchase of m isle d liv e ­ note I ft on th e table at home. I vide a restful, inspiring and in- being asked 1 ne answ er is gener- county. was light and most of the votes fo r A ll N ew R oad» fu lb iesid in ti.il property, and Writes Note | stru ctiv e vacation period at a inini- ally that a paym ent can be ob- . s to c k or equipm ent Donkey Game Set cast cam e from Hillsboro. As usual essing the o p in io n t h a t th e T h e note w ritten in a clear, firm i m um cost. A ny hom em aker in tam ed, but there are instances , E vening program w ill open w ith th e last tw o hours of the afternoon V eterans in all part of O regon u d i s t r i c t w o u ld m o v e s o u th Have gone to h a n d . ri ad sim p ly ! W ashington or Y am hill counties, w here it will not be possible ow- I a C onsolidation of all WPA h ig h ­ a re being cautioned against a t­ darin g p arach u te ju m p by saw a rush of voters to th e polls, ad of north. C T Rlchuidsoii. wnu. and was signed "U rsa to way w ork in W ashington county ; w hether from the city or country. ing to the relation of th e acreage G eorge H opkins at 7 o clo ck follow ­ though at th e close of the election ■man i .q u e ste d th at Hie te m p t by organized rack eteers irding to inform ation gleaned under th e direct supervision of K I is eligible to enroll. of soil conserving crops thus y ear ; A ce money, his c ity 111- p la e e d HI t h e (I'M - d efrau d ttie v eteran of r o lu from the husband by C oroner S ew ­ F Tillntson. resident engineer u n ­ to th e acreage last year. In some : ed w ith an o th er trap eze p erfo rm ­ at 7 o'clock ap p aren tly everyone m n 2) H n i t lif iu r d on 1. Register With Agent rile council, after ell Hill Deputy Dick Busch, the der Floyd W. Allen of P ortland, instances paym ents as high as $14 ance and the donkey baseball game in terested had cast a ballot. d e n t U,1 .''III' R egistration can be m ade at the an acre can be obtained for plow - i u n d er flood lights in th e old ball Im m ediately a fter th e polls clos­ • d is c u s s io n replied th at this woman had a y ear ago suffered a district engineer, has been com ­ (Continued on page 5, -olumn 1) ed th e school board m et and ca n ­ nervous breakdow n from which pleted and the first inspection un- county hom e dem onstration a g e n ts ing down any crop th a t w as seeded (hint* vassed th e vote. A fter th e results she was thought to have co m p lete­ , dor the new setup com pleted, Til- office or w ith a m em ber of the and w hich has m ade a grow th suf­ n <1 c h in ili county hom e econom ics co m m it­ ficient to grant its being designated had been determ ined. C ady w as d e­ ly recovered She gave no in d ica­ i lotson reported this week. i*sidentuil tee A hi) are: Mrs. Della M. C yphers. a cover crop. clared elected to succeed W. C. tion of prep aratio n for her death, ( >ul5id<* * I The consolidation was m ade be- N orth Plains: Mrs N P. Jo h n ­ C hristensen, w ho declined to seek A ten tativ e announcem ent has . the ¡u n h an d said, and ap p aren tly lt< i. t h e n , cause all of the S ylvan sector of son. B e a v e rto n :'M rs C harles N el­ an o th er term . Cady retire d this was happy and contented and the been m ade w hich has not positive- i the Wolf creek route, w hich has son. W allace .Mountain: Mrs T hom ­ y ear from the board of th e H ills­ About noon M onday Mrs .1. M pi« ly been confirm ed th at paym ents of , hi-en under P o rtlan d supervision. as R R ih - G aston Mrs. Olive Mul- nt d 1*11011111. n ear w hose lions • the boro schools. IC|)I $2.50 per acre w ill be m ade for I , lies in W ashington county. h,v L aurel; Mr.- Jo h n Plass. Roy. T he school board re-ap p o in ted lane fiasse s le a d in g to th e s w im - lim ing w estern Oregon soils Some The cam p is lim ited to w om en 18 C rew s now a re w orking on the sa w M is A n is e n d r i v e L. C. Lom ax as c lerk and tr a n ­ mini! hole, n at have construed thia as m eaning ta­ dituin« y ears of age or oldt-r. Those in te r ­ west end of the sector at a point 1 th e e n d of t h e la n e , sacted several m inor m atters p e r­ her car t any tract, if it is limed, will j A g e d M an D ies; 2 E scap e alight and en ter the w o o d s w h ic h . n ear C edar Mill, w ith i parly all ested a ie urged to reg ister as soon that tain in g to th e school before a d ­ draw a paym ent of $2.50 per acre. . com plet- as possible. Final reg istratio n for r i v e r N o th in g m o r e w a s of the caster construction m a s k s tin il. it Such is not th e case, as th e $2.50 C o lle c tio n s for Fir^t H a lf jo u rn in g u n til Ju ly 8. at w hich tim e in M ou n tain M ishap I h eard of her, Mrs. P itm an told the cd. T illotson reported. B ccause of the B enton-L inn cam p is Ju ly 15 I th e new board m em ber w ill be would need to be built up by h av ­ I officers trouble iu p rocuring sm all sections and tor the Lost P a rk camp, A ug­ ing a soil conserving acreage w hich sw orn in for duty. dim; M ak e L arg e In crea se ust J. About 50 feet from the sw im ­ F inancial rep o rt of th e union of th e right-of-w ay. th e c o n stru c­ zuiate With Ills legs and arm s brok - m ing hole and in the path. the Many in terestin g features w ill be at $1 per acre w ould build an al- high school district, given a t th e tion is spotted w here every rig h t- in a n d suffering from in ternal in- officers found In r hat and »hoes. ■ low ance high enough to carry th e available to the hom em akers, in ­ T ax collections for th e first half m eeting M onday by L. C. Lom ax, p ir n l l e r l Owens. 71. d ie d S a t - On the bank of th e riv e r lay a of-w ay has been purchased. cluding sw im m ing, n a tu re study, total paym ent of $2.50 on th e a c re ­ P resen t plans call for com pletion crafts, cam p file program s, a choice age to be lim ed. M aking out a list of th is y ear exceeded th e sam e clerk, show s _ receip ts of $79,126.87 tin ’ urdav m orning m a H illsboro hos­ h e a v y e o a t a n d som e o th er articles e zoning hearing period a y ear ago by nearly $ iw - . d u ring the past y ear and a cash ... u- ■ d enforcem ent of pital a-, the result of an in cid en t i f clothing A pparently she e n te r­ ' o f the highw ay betw een the C edar lib rary and o th er activities. The w ith the acreage of each and then 000, according to the books of the ' balance on hand of $174 09 as com- |,.n king on Mam street at Rocky Point on th e G ales C reek ed the w ater clad in h er house Mill section of the B arnes road last day of cam p A ugust 15, w ill 1 of crops grow n in 1935 together tax collection office at th e close of i pared tu a baU nce ot 56 62 a year and S ylvan as rap id ly as m en can be fam ily day. w hen all th e fam ­ m aking out »noliier an o th er list of « crops i'iitly b e in g of H ayw ard road Friday afternoon li npparen list » w » , collections for th e w eek, , . . he procured for the w ork At pres- ilies of the cam pers w ill be in ­ th a t a re in or are to be planted this J stringent en- Mi Owen», w ho accom panied her dres». fnr paym ent of th e second i ^Receipts included th e balance of ipmi The searching pa<9 a year all o th er sources. truck, m which they w e ir i „ling, ( - it t n i i u * ! « i . i l ago. according to Miss G ladys E is­ D isbursem ents included $2.686.60 cutIv (h ow lied riv er road. loaded w ith wood, plunged to th e ajijial r o l uni n 3 ) a n ts a r em ployed fcr this purpose was in 1935. then no paym ent will ner, ta x deputy. The collections for fo r general control; $1860. for super- t « 1,1111 I I l i d i « A bullet hole was found hidden Wilson If present plans carry through, it bottom of a 3(Ml.foot canyon The beneath her dress and was not at The cost will be $3 in cash and be forthcom ing Ju ly 3 is th e final th is y ear am ount to slightly m ore (Continued on pare 5. column 5> tru ck was d riv en by Floyd U pdike fu st ap p aren t P o w d e r b u r n s is expected that th e W ashington produce from the hom e supply for d ate for filing 1935 crop in fo rm a­ th a n h alf of th e levy. F o r this county office of the WPA w ill su ­ sun o f Mrs Owens and w ith whom around Hie tm y hole, seem ingly th e e n tire period of four days. am ount of collection, 8259 tax r e ­ pervise the construction of th ree Those cam pers w ho prefer not to tion. i W here a farm op erato r or ow ner ceipts w ere issued. m ade w Uh a . m a il caliber bullet, m o v in g t o th e H ayw ard n eig h b o r­ in dicated that the shot had been additional m iles of the Wilson rivor bring produce w ill be charged $1 ow ns or operates m ore than one D elinouent collections for t h e road w est of th e W ashington coun- hood a week ago from P o rtlan d tract of land, w ork sheets should first half of the y ear have am ounted Iyer dav. cir a total of $4. (Vontinurd on page 3 r o lu m n a) stlf- filed at d o se range. Sew ell d e ­ A ccording to Updike, w h E veryone w ill arran g e for her be filed on all of these farm s. If to $160 17032. Miss E isner said, clared In a hidden pocket of her fereii tw o broken rib s anil bruise - eoat was found a n u m b er o f 22 ow n tran sjio rtatio n . Those planning applications for g ran ts a re made, w hich is slightly less th a n for the ' the tru ck was trav elin g dow n lull caliber b u ild s. ' to tak e th e ir own cars and d e­ before any grant is paid, in fo r­ six m onths of last y e a r in w hich around the sh a rp tu rv e s at this siring passengers should inform the m ation pertain in g to th e crops on delin q u en t paym ents of $176.356.55 U nder questioning, the husband Courtly N o m in a to rs to M eet point Ram s had so ften ,,I th e road related hom e dem o n stratio n agent. Miss all the land operated by any one w ere m ade. T he tax foreclosures tim e he th at in his spare R e ta il P r ic e s in shoulders and th e d irt caved aw ay 1 w orked as a gunsm ith mil th at a E ickw orth. at the courthouse in man w ill have to be filed, acco rd ­ of last y ear had a stim u la tin g e f­ S ta n d a r d at A lo h a J u n e 27 from one hack wheel. up:setting the I rifle was in th e house A si-ai eh of H illsboro or any m em ber of the ing to agricu ltu ral conservation of­ fect on th e collections for th at A ll O r e g o n E sta b lish e d truck t county hom e extension com m ittee. ficials in W ashington. D. C. th e house revealed th e rifle and period, it is said. T his county cam p is one of 15 ||, pm ' . Iron, d einoci.die pre- , O w ens jum ped as the tru ck s ta rt­ an o th er sm all caliber gun of the Ind cations th a t tax collections d ifferen t cam ps in O regon to be arc better, can be seen in a com- i ' iiii 'I e o in n ,lit'ein en from all p art' ed oy er, landing on logs as he fell instnl type. N either had been fired O regon m ilk control board, m e e t­ T reasurer L ocal A sso c ia tio n d irected th ro u g h th e extension of it,e county Indicate a large a t ­ The woman and her son clung to recently, th e officers said. parison of collections over a th ree- ing w ith 79 m ilk d istrib u to rs in the inside of th e tru ck cab as the service of th e state college th is A nother search Tuesday m o rn ­ tendance at Hie Roosevelt n o m in ­ year period for th e first six m onths P o rtlan d Monday, ord ered sta n d a rd F o r e se e s M uch B u ild in g sum m er. In practically all of these a to r s ' i.illy Io be h e ld m the G range m achine rolled over five tu n es to ing revculed th e gun n ear th e edg-' of the year. D uring th is tim e the retail prices for m ilk in all sections i stop only when it reached the b o t­ of the bank in ubout cam ps the Forest Service and local foot of waf- average has been $134.936.30. w hich of O regon, calling for th e sam e 11- hall at Aloha S atu rd ay night tom at th e base of the steep bank rolumn 4 ) organizations are co-operating to «( o n lin u r d <»n p a n * 3, is $9236.09 g reater th an th e average cen ts-a-q u art figure for 4 p er cent T h e sale of Roosevelt n o m in ato rs'j F u n eral services for Owens w ere T u alatin Valley F ederal Savings m ake the cam p possible. O ther for a th ree-y ear period com pleted m ilk th a t P o rtlan d a n d S alem u sers i n . m i n ,'lit|> In ki" > m eeting w ith held S unday in P ortland. ,V- Loan A ssociation of H illsboro counties w hich a re scheduled to a y ear ago. • ph m in i result., and a large m ini- , R alph T im m erm an of O rehardale have paid since F e b ru a ry 1. has just announced its reg u lar sem i­ hold cam ps are B aker. Benton. l,er are being sold. Th money re suffered bruises and was uneon- T he order, cancelling m ore th an P E P P rogram In c lu d e s 3 0 0 annual dividend payable on Ju n e i-eiveil from the ale of Ihese tick ' .scions for sev eral m inutes when 50 previous board regulations, sets in 1936. The directors of the as- schutes. Hood. Jackson. Josephine. ,■ IS for Hu- financial support of lie tell 25 feet from th e hav fork up selling quotas for distrib u to rs, M ore S e r v ic e s H ere stion found it possible to in- Lane. Linn. M alheur M ultnom ah. the Roosevelt national cam paign. as had alread y been done in P o rt­ ui the b arn w hen the rope broke rease th e dividend to a ra te of Union. W allowa and Wasco. land and Salem, and calls for th re e I ,a lL a*' Aloha Is in honor Appm I Idly lie w as not seriously in ­ 3<2 |icr cent per annum . T his is In each cam p a hom e dem on­ An im portant addition to PEPC O 's w holesale prices w hich d istrib u to rs and celebration of P resident R. m . sc jured. one half of one per cent larger stra tio n agent or specialist in hom e Scout court of honor for the are to t>ay pro d u cers—$2.34 per present ru ral service system ol 2300 V oh accept. n i l of the nom ination T hree persons w ere injure,I M on­ than w as declared for the s. mi- econom ics w ill d irect and w ill be H illsboro district will be held F ri­ 100 pounds of 4 per cen t m ilk in miles, a ru ra l electrificatio n p ro ­ f,„ president of Hie U nited States day in .m au tom obile accident at L arge L ocal C row d E x p e c te d annual period ending D ecem ber 31. assisted by local staff m em bers gram costing m ore th an $100.000 day of this w eek instead of T h u rs­ quota areas. $2.28 per 100 pounds on th ■ dem ocratic ticket at the R oam er's Rest, aeeorilnig to an a c ­ 1935 C heeks a re now being p re ­ w ho w ill provide instructions. and involving construction of 135 day, as is usual, and the session w ill in areas w here no qu o tas have C h eer S ch u lin erich to national m eeting m Philadelphia. cident rep o rt in Hie sheriff's office. pared and w ill be forw arded to “E very cam per w ill be free to m iles of new ru ra l serv ice lines. be" at Lee Falls in the evening, ac- been set. and $2.20 per 100 pound m em bers of the association July spend iter tim e as she ivishcs." Plan now include some special L in y w ere ( ’b ailes Biom e. 14. Ills announced th is w eek cording to R alph R. Easter, d istrict in areas w here th e d is trib u to r buys t( nutInurd «m png«* K, t nlumn I» featu re i ntei tailim ent. an outdoor Hill holo and W ashington county 15. R P. Rasm ussen, trcasu rei of , says Miss E ickw orth. "We a rc p ro ­ I lin T. G riffith, president of the scout chairm an. the producer's m ilk. m oving picture how and band cop- The m eeting. E aster explained, all For will h - heavily rep resen ted tonight the association, rep o rted to the viding instructions, for thivse only I P ortland E lectric P ow er Com pany. som e u p state tow ns and The program will conelud • S e lfr id g e P r e sid e n t of w ill be at Lee Falls because of the w ho w ish to participate. We desire (T hursday i in Van dm street hall board that- loan applications now I through R R. E aster, d istrict m an ­ cities th e edict w ill lift retail w ith a ilanee held in th e grange district scout cam p w hich is lo- that this w ill be a real vacation m ilk prices 1 cent. O th er d istricts H illsb o ro C redit G rou p jiaik al H p. no. in honor of Wes aro exceeding tw ice th e num ber ager of the com pany. hah , ,, ' Th? 1936 program w ill be ap-1 rated th ere and w here some 20 alread y pay th e 11-cent price. G eorge S elfridge was elected S chulinerich. m em ber of the Los received by the association last fall. for everyone w ho conies." A utom obile carav an s Hom an scouts are now cam ped in charge Angelos ball club now playing in proxim atelv o ne-third g reater than R etail prices for all m ilk grades p resident of the H illsboni associa­ "The housing shortage is g re a t­ P ortland. S ehulm crich is a resident I» a l l . of W ashington comity a r e last year's construction. O ne hun- of K en Wells of the P o rtlan d area w ere set as follows: F or 4 per cent expected to arriv e at Aloha at ,1 tion of C redit Bureaus. Inc . at the of W ashington county, form er star er now than has ever existed in [ d ied miles of line w ere added in , council. T he executive com m ittee m tm - milk, w holesale 9 cents, re ta il 11 p in The gen. nil public will oe m eeting and election Monday ove­ H illsboro high sehixil and O regon th is v icin ity '-, stated R asm ussen For 5 per cent m ilk, w h o le­ 1935 be m ore | admitted tree, ami i ■ cot uiallv in ­ rling at th r P harm acy H oward F S late college athlete. l bers of th e d istrict and th e ir fam ­ cents. "In my opinion th ere will "E lectric service w ill be a v a il­ ilies w sale 10 cents, re ta il 12 cents. For ill go to th e falls early, w here w ithin th e next tw o i vited The program will start at Hadley was elected v ice-president "Wes S c h u lin e ric h n i g h t . ’ a t hom e building able to alm ost 85 per cent of all skim m ilk, w holesale 4 cents, retail It o'clock and co n tin u e until a late and 11 F S taples re-elected secre- I Vaughn park is sponsored by th e years in this com m unky than has ru ral fam ilies living in th e te r r i­ i they w ill have picnic lunch. The 5 cents. For light cream (20 to 22 lai v-treasiirei and m anager. cerem onies w ill follow. A nyone in- hour. i v er been seen before". I Coast league m anagem ent as a tory served by PEPCO . w ith the per cent b u tte rfa tb 13 cents per The officials of the association be special honor to Sehulm crich. big addition of the new lines. T his ' terested is invited to brin g th eir half pint w holesale. 15 cents retail. and attend. E aster said. that those contem plating w ho has w orked | |j cvc region extends from V ancouver to j lunch P r e se n ta tio n F e a tu r e C ou n ty league slugger, The cam p is in operation for For heavy cream ,30 to 33 per cent Salem and from E stacada to Gas- tils way to the top in baseball. A home construction should proceed b u tte rfa tb 17 cents per half p in t M e e t; P icn ic S u n d a y I ton." he declared. "T his record is those boys w ho cannot afford to a t­ w holesale, 19 cents retail. H illsboro delegation is being spon- at once as th ere is every indiia- icr> many tim es the n atio n al average tend eam p M eriw ether on the coast. s o il'd by the M ens B reakfast club linn of a shortage of c arp en ter of H illsboro and tickets for a sp e ­ and other construction men in the '■ P resen tin g an excellent program of only 12 per cent of ru ra l hom es cial section of 200 gran d stan d seats very n ear future. | of talk, en tertain m en t, and lunch on pow er lines." are on sale at the A lgos office and In W ashington county d u rin g the The T u alatin Valley Federal Sav ­ of stra w b e rrie s and cream to com ­ for th e open sea. They had at the Men's Shop. I'.u aelm to drops a r e comm on I headed ings A- Loan association is a s tric t­ plete th e evening. B anks p o s t . past vear. extensions of PEPC O a speed boat to catch me. Those w ho cannot procure tickets ly local W ashington county histi- A m erican Legion, was host T u es­ serv ice w er? m ade to 468 custom ers n o w d a y s a n d o n ly n o w und th en ! to get and I thought, for a lime, that 11 It tbci«‘ ‘»u.v .i<’<'id«‘n t. but 1 iu t <’ w ould lake a steam ship to m ake in H illsboro are advised to I,u.v tution organized about a year and day night to the W ashington co u n ­ mostlv in rural te rrito ry , including liekels at the gate tonight and re- a half ago and has already m ade tv Jam b o ree attended by m em bers the following districts; S outh B eav­ danger, (leo rg e Hopkins, alw ays (Pontinurd »n linin' ». i'.»l.in»i. 1) Id M cM innville ' c h u t e the rescue. itself felt in the hom e finaneyig .if all posts and A uxiliary units in erton. N orth M ountaindale. Laurel. 22 y e a r W ashington county delegates to crops judging contest. D onal M c­ Glenwood. F arnham . Five Oaks, "A nother tim e 1 baled mil." Hop- [ field. The board of d irecto rs is ! the county. jum per rill tell you. (Continued on page 3. column l> th e 4-H club sum m er school, held Intosh tied for first place in th e kins related, "and started down I . Hi,|,kins, win, has I,ad many n a r ­ F e atu re of the jirogram w as the m ade up of the follow ing men: at th? O regon S tate College. C or­ new s w riting contest. Second, th ird row i i .i|,e? a n d alw ays goes back must have been ti|iside dow n when Emil Johnson. J. O Johnson and p resen tatio n of a service flag con- vallis. Ju n e 8 to 20. m ade an o u t­ and fo u rth places in the canning I pulled th e rip -co rd foi the 'chute fm in,ne. will leap from the clouds Bert C. Rue of T igard. D D. ; lainitig 83 stars including tw o gold standing record of achievem ent, ac­ ju d g in g w ere won by M ary Jaqucsn of ! sta rs for m em bers of the B anks fne llie aiiiusi ilient of sjieelatnrs opened below me or som ething, Bump and G eorge G. H ancock cording to L. E. Francis, assistant of T igard. Evelyn K elly and M il­ and E. L. Johnson. , com m unity w ho failed to re tu rn a t t e n d i n g t h e “ Huppy D ays” e«de- and there I was w ith th e thing dred Mead of Bald M ountain. D or­ W inning for th e second y ear in Forest G rove bratioii in H illsboro Ju ly 2. 3 and around me, and in the m iddle go­ ttie tw o main events of th e P o rt­ J. O. Robb, J. M P ersun and R. P from th e w ar. The flag, w hich took county agent. othy Itel of S herw ood plaeed sec­ I III most : iieelaeiii ir lea:, will ing down. Hillsboro. tw o m onths to com plete, was p re ­ B arbara Enschede and Je a n Ann Rasm ussen of ond in hom em aking judging. Oil mat surfacing of 11.45 m iles "I never had been in a .situ dinn land Hunt club al G arden Home. sented by its m akers. M is Nora be July I. w ill'll be ex|,eets In juniji C onnell w ere each elected presi- R obert Tongue, son of Mr. and A total of 71 boys and girls a t­ Dooley and Mrs. G eorge M cGraw of county roads w as com pleted d?nts of th eir living groups and fitnn an airp lan e piloted by E d like that before and I did n 't know Mrs. F 11. Tongue, took first place just what Io do. Al any rate I The flag w as received for the post Monday at a cost of approxim ately also w ere elected as m em bers of tended th e slim m er school th is y ear Ball al all allililde nf 17.000 feel. in butt, the G arden Home classic W ashington county. T hey by A cting C om m and r F. E Davis $23.000 ' W ork was done by state the executive com m ittee for th e e n ­ from "When you ju m p off. ' said llop- w anted to see w here I was going equipm ent and crew s at cost, as were: kni . "vnii seem II, fall al a great In land so I began In pull the edge and derby of the spring m eet of nf B anks tire girls' group. Amos Bierly. E lm er Bierly. Amos Bierly. R ay­ C hief speech of the evening vva . the county does not hav e sufficient G len Ireland and B ernard A ltishin i ale and it'' "i t of confusing Aft- nf the 'ch u te down si, th at I rould th e Ila club. again rode "D ealer.' of ttie on A m ericanism by G eorge Ran of equipm ent to handle the w ork e f­ w ere each elected presidents of mond D ieriekx. M erle P ennington, et a few hu n d red feel il feels like look over. Q uick as a wink, as Tongue stable, the sam e horse ficiently Someone w as taking some C layton N yberg. W illis Nyberg. the edge cam e down, the w ind P ortland, de|,ar1m enl A m ericanism y o u slnp up and llien you Just sort w hich tie loile to win llie same Roads treated w ith oil mat w ere th eir respective living groups Amos H erbert Lafky, Louis G oldham m er, real ehanecs with I'neie San, chairm an, w ho declared that d e ­ B ierly also served as a m em ber of of float dow n will,mil any p a rtic u ­ caught il and spilled me out. tw o events last year. Til,- m ak e. Sherw ood to M iddleton. 1.25 miles; over the w eek en d w h e n John Hansen. K enneth Holm lund. "Ol, bey! The p araeliule caught spite the w ording nf the uonslitu- lar . eiisatlot, ” f falling Ins second y ear in com petition. P„ ivertoti to W alker Corre*'. I R the executive com m ittee for the e n ­ F reddy Ziwahlen. B illie E verett, lighted fireeraekers were tossed tion of till' U nited Slates, all men miles "Ye-. I've bad nine narrow es- llie air and I was floating dow n tire boys' group. P rize In th e d rily w as a large C ornell road. M iller co rn er into the mail box al Third and i igld side up. b ill I can't rem em ­ w ere not created equal, or being C layton N yberg. from the T u a l ­ Billy Kelly. M errill Mead. Malcolm , :i|ie: " H o p k in s i ejilied to a f|il( s silv er and red enam el cocktail Main streets with resultant equal at birth, soon th e re a fte r b e ­ to M ultnom ah county line. 3 miles, atin clubs, placed first in the liv e­ Newton, C harles S haper, F ran k Set- lu ll a s In llie d.ingei . nf bis oe- ber that I was p articu larly seared. ih n k cr, w hile the derby prize was and H illsboro to N o rth P lain s 5.4 damage to letters. "An oth er time, and 1 'n ‘ was cam e p art of the class into w hich euiiatlnn. 'O n ce. „1, Puget Sound stock jud g in g contest and C harles niker. D onal M cIntosh. G len Ire ­ a cup. R o b e't com pleted Ins high they had b een born, eith er w ith miles. W illiam Goetter. assistant S h ap er of th e H azeldale clubs land. V irgil King. Jam es Allison. I m ade a jum p and landed in file when I bad my first and only eiaek- school enurse here this year. W ork of p u ttin g fuel oil on the postmaster, points out that the 1 or Sound as scheduled tint a . heavy np, I was testing a p arachute. I “ Ä Ä X is ; T 1 » 3 K Ä . ß - S ' — . i Amos X l ü B ierly E lm er At fops. W ard G reen. N u r­ His fa th e r won considerable r e ­ and im an B radley. A lbert G ilroy. Wal- w as w orking for the m oving p ic­ now n as a hdrsem an in tiis y o u n g­ penalty for this crime is a w ind caught the |>araehute. (Cun.iuatd on y tit» J, <.„I i »» m IJ the $1000 fine or three years in jail "T he w in d was off shore and tu res and teaching 'ch u te ju m p ­ e r days, riding "O regon Kid" in th ere I was, being dragged along ing. They w auled som ebody Io test particular.» or both. (Lualinued <>n p sili uilunui 1, at a rapid rate bi hind the 'chute Dedication Feature Second Day; Final Program Full Lost Park Bullet Huh* Pound Plan Passage Soon Highway W ork Grouped Here for Efficiency Board Meets July 8 Chosen Farmers H ave Way to Obta in Cash for Crop Death Follows Truck’s Plunge from Highway Tax Payments Gain Rapidly During Year Many Expected at Demo Rally Board Orders Uniform Price Savings Group Pays Dividend Company Plans for New Lines Fans to Honor Player Tonight Lee Falls Chosen for Honor Court Banks Legion Receives Flag Youthful A ir Stunter Planning to S ta r t Comeback at Celebration Washington County Delegates to State College M ake Good Record Local Rider Again Wins at H unt Club Oiling 11.45 Miles of Road Completed Postal* Crime Penalty Heavy