Page Two H IL L S B O R O A R G U S . H IL L S B O R O . Thurttdny. .Inno I, I'l.’.r, OREGON District Convention at Gaston June 11 Members of the Pythian Sisters Temples of District No. 9. com pris­ Wishram. Wash : Mr. and Mrs ing Washington and Yamhill coun­ Clyde Hopkins of Sherwood. Mr. ties. will hold a district conference and Mrs. Verle P rick ett and son at Gaston next Thursday. June It. of Neah Ray. Wash . Miss Lucille Isboru. Pui pose of tin- beginning at 1 o’clock with registra­ Burney of Troutdale: Mr and Mrs. Io plan a county pro­ tion and reception. le extension for the Harold W ilbur Mrs Della M Cvph- The convention will be called Mr. and Mrs. Plains presided a s to order at 1:30 o'clock, and after quamish. Was! d Miss Blanche F.ick- an address of welcome and re ­ dem ion agent sponse. there will be exem plifica­ •n and Yamhill eoan- tion of balloting by Vernonia - N 1* Johnson of Temple, installation by Friendship sisted w ith the pro- Temple of North Plains, and drap­ Subscribe for the Argus ing of the charter by Fern Temple of Yamhill. Mrs Hazel Hollenbeck, I HA ZELD A LE— Miss M a r jo r ie Mrs A zaha Sager of Corvallis, grand chief, will sing a solo, and ■ Gassner. daughter of Mr. and Mr- state leader in home extension, talks will be made by Mrs Nellie J Julius Gassner. became th e bride spoke at the afternoon session on Morris. G. M of R. and C . and of Wilbur Crocker of M onmouth Going On Learning.'' enlarging Mrs. Barbara Graves, past grand May 26 at the St. Cecelia church on the theory that we live only as chief, both of Portland. I long as we learn, and that home i at Beaverton. sc Y o u r Hmius for 4 la s tin g D inner will he served at 6 'ex ten sio n is one of t h e better The bride was attended by her o'clock, and the evening session W o rth tt hile Investm ent of forms of adult education now avail­ will convene at 7:30. The ritu a l­ cousin. Miss Lena Gassner of S ea­ Hazel Hollenbeck G rand Chief and Nellie Morris. G rand M cf able istic opening will be by Dianicia side. Clarence Crocker of Canby and C . who will take a prom inent p art in the district convention Mrs G ertrude Skow Sandford of Temple of McMinnville. Knights was best man for his brother. Pythian Sisters at Gaston next Thursday. Ju n e 11 Corvallis, specialist in community A wedding dinner followed for initiation by Delphi of Forest lvcreation organization, led group New Special Radio Xilvrrtiseil Grove, lady's initiation by Phoeni­ the imm ediate relatives at the singing in the m orning and con­ Price» cia of Hillsboro with floor work by bride's home. Many out of town ducted th e meeting of the group Delphi Temple, and closing by- guests w ere here for the wedding Newest P atterns interested in recreation. Lakeview Temple of Gaston Mr and Mrs Crocker left for M E Ladies' Aid served a lunch­ I ill-ins Old Patterns Mrs. Hazel Hollenbeck will be a tw o weeks' trip to C rater Lake. Open house for friends, relatives eon at noon, at which Mr. and Mrs the principal speaker of '.he eve­ Oregon Caves and Eastern O re­ Save $5 to g.’ii Q uantity and the public will be held torn ght W F Cyrus. Mrs H K Morgan. ning. and num bers will be given on gon They will m ake th e ir home Discount on Sets Thursday i by Sea Scout Ship Mrs. Emma McKinney, Miss M ar­ the program by all of the Temple j on Cooper Mountain. He has been Mrs. Josephine Baker of Gaston , the teacher at th e Cooper M oun­ Rainbow in the basem ent of the garet Dixon, and Law rence F ra n ­ See O ur A ttractive Displays! Mrs Mae W aters of Salem, dis­ Congregational church at 8 o'clock cis w ere guests C yrus spoke on the is district deputy grand chief, and tain school for tw o years and w ill trict president, m ade a su rp rise it was announced Wednesday. C an­ close relationship of home econ­ other convention officers are Iva again teach there this fall. J. L . A n d e rs o n omics and ag ricu ltu ral extension visit to Hillsboro American Legion didates will be initiated. Reimers of Yamhill, past chief; w ork A uxiliary Tuesday evening. She Estella Johnson of Hillsboro Tem­ The Rainbow expects to enter It E. Main Kt. Ilillaboi spoke 'io the closing of the year' several of the events of th e P o rt­ ple. excellent senior: Lucile Frank- 1 "Let Andy Fix Your Watch work and th e convention at Rose­ land area Sea Scout regatta to be lin of Forest Grove, excellent ju n ­ burg in August Her m other-in- held Ju n e 5, 6 and 7 at V ancouver ior: manager from McMinnville; i law. Mrs. Waters, also of Salem, Among the events th e local ship Vera Sharp. M. of R. and C : Amy Heesacker. M. of F.: M artha Hull. , Miss M argaret Dixon, bride-elect accom panied her. will en ter are two crews in p u ll­ protector, all of Gaston: and Grace of Louie Logan, was honored w ith Mr and Mrs R A Dean gave a Pas: presidents of the A uxiliary ing races including a heavy and Raffety of North Plains, guard. gift show ers Monday and Tuesday- w ere especially honored at t h e light crew: knot tying, chanties b irth d ay dinner party for their Sporty - Sum m ery evening. Mrs H R. Morgan and m eeting and each presented w ith and inspection Saturday m orning son Maurice, who was home from Mrs. Dora Nelson were hostesses a gift. Each told of some in te rest­ A benefit tea w ill be held by the W illam ette university for the w eek­ Monday evening at Mrs. Nelson's ing incident during her term of Sponsors' club in th e V eterans' end G uests w ere Misses Mary- for a miscellaneous show er atten d ­ office. hall Tuesday afternoon from 2 to V irginia Nohlgren, Suzanne C urtis ed by about thirty. Bridge a n d and Elavia Downs, Prof. Cameron 5 o’clock. BANKS — Miss I d a H o p k in s , monopoly w ere played. Marshall, Burtis Preston, and K en­ daughter of Mr and Mrs. E. E. Mrs. J. B. Dinsmore. Eastern S tar dall Teisinger. all of Salem: Dr. Hopkins, became the bride of How­ m atron, was hostess Tuesday eve­ and Mrs. I. G Russ and Miss D ora in Solid W h ite ard H. W ilbur of Neah Bay at a ning for a party at which other Shafer of St Helens pretty ceremony held at 11 a. m. officers of th e chapter w ere p res­ P arent-T eacher officers, com m it­ at the home of the bride’s parents. ent. Miss Dixon engaged in a tee heads, and past officers w ere Past Chiefs to Meet— St. M atthew s school eighth grade Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hopkins. treasure hunt for recipes and was entertained at luncheon Tuesday Past Chiefs' club of the Pythian graduation program was given S u n ­ The service was read by Rev. E. presented w ith an electric sandwich by Mrs. M M. Romig. w ith Mes­ S isters will be entertained tonight M Tilton of Banks M. E church grill. Games furnished en tertain ­ dames R P Rasmussen and Ben day evening at the school hall, ■Thursdayi at th e home of Mrs here nine students received their in the living room, which was dec­ m ent during the evening. Faber assisting. P resent were Mes­ w diplom as Plays, musical numbers, Henry- Johnson of Portland Her orated w ith large baskets of flow ­ dames S W Melhuish. J M P e r­ and a talk by Rev. F ather J T m other Mrs Dora Nelson of H ills­ ers. Honored on Birthday— son. H. H Stannard. P aul P a tte r­ Costello w ere given before t h e boro. w ill assist her. The bride w ore a w hite shark son. Ja k e Weil, J. L. Searcy. L C. Mrs. George Biersdorf gave a presentation of diplomas. G rad ­ B irthday C elebrated— skin dress w ith navy blue trim ­ Mooberry. R. W. Gates. T. G. Bron- mings and w hite accessories and party Saturday at th eir home leewe. E. M. Bowman. C harles uates are Evelyn Sohler. Ju lian n a Mr and Mrs J. M Person en te r­ w ore a corsage of pink sweet peas near Schefflin in honor of her Douglass and R. R Easter, and Sahlfeld. M ary A nne Peschka. C lif­ tained W ednesday night with a d in ­ ALL - LEATHER husband's birthday. Present w ere ford Stroeder. Felecia C rittenden and talism an rosebuds. Messrs. C harles Douglass, Rex C harles Crunican, Francis Ryan. ner party in honor of the sixteenth Messrs. and Mesdames Charles S H OES FOR M E N Miss Moxie Hopkins was her birthday of th e ir daughter Jean Jones. C harles Reed. B. M. Good­ W ilbert Herb, and Jam es Abts. sister's only attendant. She wore a Lange of Portland. E. L. Johnson. m an and M. Romig. America's Best Known Portland friends w ere guests. dress of pink crepe and a corsage . Otto Voges and children. W. T. Putnam Jr. and children. Gordon of pink sw eet peas and rosebuds. Memorial Day guests at th e B Mr and Mrs. O tto C. Voges of F eaturing a variety of stylish, Harold W ilbur of Neah Bay acted Sahr.ow and K enneth Biersdorf and T Rosencrans home were Mi ssrs com fortable designs t h e s e son. Miss Mae Laneyne, H ubert above M ountaindale en tertain ed at as best n a n . and M esdames Fay Rosencrans and a p arty th e follow ing guests S u n ­ shoes are buih "to take it." Preceding the wedding ceremony Thun and Delbert Biersdorf. son Robert. Jam es Bryan and day: Mr. and Mrs. George F. B iers­ Mrs. E. M. Tilton sang "I Love You M aster's Degree Received— N ative Sons and D aughters will dorf. Mr. and Mrs K enneth B iers­ hold th e ir annual picnic and m eet­ daughter Vivian. Ralph Ilreland. Truly", accompanied by Miss L u­ Thomas B utterw orth. Ira B utter- Among the people to receive th e cille Burney at the piano. Miss degree of m aster of science from dorf and son D elbert Biersdorf. ing Ju n e 21 at Shute park Judge worth, Robert B utterw orth, and Burney also played Lohengrin's Oregon S tate college is L aw rence and Mae LaH anie of Schefflin. Mr Donald E. Long of P ortland will Parnell, Ebe and D orothy B utter- and Mrs. Gordon Sannow of H ills­ be th e speaker. A m ple provision wedding march. w orth of Vadis; H allie In la n d Farthing Skene of Roy. He is a Following th e ceremony a boun­ graduate of th e high school at boro, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. P u tn am w ill be m ade to take care of a and daughter June. John McClaren. Jr. and daughters of Farm ington. large crowd, and a refreshm ent and Guy Rosencrans and daughter tiful w edding dinner was served Forest Grove and Pacific U n iv er­ to the tw enty guests present. The sity at Forest Grove. He is the H ubert Thun. H enry H ardekoppi stand will be put up at the grounds B etty of Hillsboro, and Bill G ren- of P ark er's P rairie. Minn. couple left for a honeymoon trip to head of th e chem istry departm ent bem er of Ashland. Miss Ja n e tte Cady attended a Local Women R etorn— Victoria. B. C.. after which they Bud Person retu rn ed Saturday wedding Sunday at t h e A lpha w ill be at home at Neah Bay. Wash , at Pacific College at Newberg. Mrs Fritz Schendel and Mrs. G from Los Angeles, w here he has Gamma D elta sorority house at For her going away costume the Help Children's Home— Russell Morgan retu rn ed the first bride w ore a grey suit w ith navy- j Woman's Relief Corps will meet Corvallis, th e bride being one of of th e w eek from tw o w ee k s'trip been w orking for his uncle. J E Person, for th e past th ree months. blue accessories. Friday in all day session w ith pot her sorority sisters. H enry Nelson j east to Pontiac. Mich., from w here Jo n ath an Weldon, form erly with The bride is the youngest daugh­ luck luncheon at noon to finish the of Bonneville accom panied her. they drove over 3000 miles home Colum bia Food store, is now em ­ te r of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hopkins quilt for th e W C.T. U. children's Clifford Long of S eattle spent with new cars. Mr. Morgan and Howe & Wells, Prop. of Banks and for the past year was hom e at Corvallis. All m em bers D ecoration Day w eek-end with his Mr. Schendel met them at Pendle­ ployed with Kennedy' service sta- principal of th e M anning grade are asked to bring handkerchiefs parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Long ton. w here they flew by plane S at­ schooL She is a graduate of the for th e girls and ties for th e boys. of this city, and at the home of urday. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan r e ­ S hirlee Sm ith is employed 507 E. Main St., Phone 141! Banks high school and Oregon Com mercial N ational bank his m other-in-law . Mrs. Isador Van- m ained at H eppner for a few days Normal. She also attended Pacific Pullet Has Record— summ er. derzanden. at Forest Grove. and th e Schendels returned home univresity. w here s h e affiliated Mrs. Dwight Sellers reports th at Mr and Mrs. H erbert Staples, Monday after a sh o rt visit in John w ith Chi Lum ba Omigan. The they sold a setting of R. I. R. eggs his m other. Mrs. E L. Staples, of ! Day. Mrs. Schendel stated t h a t groom is the son of Mrs. F. B. to Joe Cochran of Cornelius, and C orvallis and his uncle and aunt. Idaho was th e only state w here Moore of Paulsbo, Wash. ! that one of the pullets from th a t Mr. and Mrs. Fred O rnef of Mt. they w ere strict about credentials. O ut-of-tow n guests at the w ed­ setting began laying at four months. Vernon. Wash., spent th e week-end 1 They ask tourists to show th eir ding w ere Mr and Mrs. Eli Hop­ I The pullet is from trapnested stock. on a trip south along th e beaches I ow nership cards for cars, and im ­ kins of Pasco. Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. as far as Yachats. pose a fine if they are not av a il­ P latt Hopkins and daughter of McDaniel G raduates— Mrs. H arland Kelly left th e last able. A rthur McDaniel, son of Mrs. O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N Helen McDaniel, graduated Friday of th e w eek for a m onth's visit To Visit in Canada— from th e Naval Hospital Corps w ith her daughter. Mrs. Jo h n A n ­ and S U R G E O N Dr. an d Mrs. J. O. Robb and sons training school at San Diego. Cal. dersen, at A gate Beach. A rvin and M arvin will leave F ri­ THE G R E A TE S T He w ill now be stationed at the Mrs. Neva G illenw ater attended day for London and Toronto. C an ­ hospital at Moore's Island. a Past M atron's luncheon Tuesday ' ada. w here they will visit Dr. Robb's ' a n n o u n ce s th e o p e n in g R E F R IG E R A T O R at th e hom e of Mrs. L ayton at m other. They w ill retu rn about I Presented in Dance’ Recital— Yamhill. Ju ly 1 w ith th ree cars which they ' OF ALL T IM E N ancy Aileen E aster was p r e - , of his offices in the sented in dance recital w ith t h e ' C harles M arshall w ent to P o rt­ have arranged to purchase through younger pupils of Wiliam F. C hris­ land Tuesday to visit his daughter. Cady M otor company. tensen's school of dance W ednes­ Mrs. C harles Stew art of Vernonia, i C am p D ates Set— C O M M E R C IA L B U IL D IN G w ho is in a hospital there. day evening in Portland. W ashington county Cam p F ire ' Mrs. O. B Gates underw ent an j General Aid Meets— operation on her rig h t eye at th e advisory board met in Forest G rove General Aid of the M. E. Ladies' Good S am aritan hospital Tuesday Tuesday afternoon and set the dates for Camp A dahe for Ju ly 19 Aid will meet Wednesday at the and is getting along nicely. to Ju ly 24. Fam ily picnic day will church for pot luck luncheon and Office Phone 861 Residence Phone 86? Mrs. J. W. Connell left Thursday election of officers. Dime cards for Palo Alto. Cal., to visit her be Ju n e 28. w ith a pot luck lunch at noon. will be opened at this meeting. daughter and family. F ather Succumbs— Mrs. Benton Bowman of P ortland O H Stilson. fath er of Mrs. R o b -1 spent last w eek at the G. N. T ag­ ert Burlingam e of Hillsboro. died gart home. Sunday at his hom e in Corw ith. , Mrs. O T. H anfen of Wasco is Iowa. Mr. Stilson visited Mrs Bur- I a guest of h er sister. Mrs. Lloyd ! lingam e last year and m ade m any Brown, th is week. Hillsboro friends. Mr and Mrs. O. A. Peterson were S eattle visitors over th e week-end. Subscribe for th e Argus. Veterans ! LÀSTIHG TRIBUTE OREGON MONUMENT WORKS Il It STANNARD, M anager Phone 131 lllllsltorn VEN M a t ince Saturd Rainbow Sea Scouts District Legion -4 u xilia ry Lea der Open House Tonight Makes Visit Here Miss Margaret Dixon Honored DIAMOND MASTER Maurice Dean Honored at Dinner Miss Ida Hopkins Weds H. H. Wilbur Mrs. Romig Hostess for P.-T. A. Officials Graduation Held at St. Matthews Hi» diamond» baught woman’» heart» . . . conquerad the junglo . . . built on ampira. . . changed tha map ef tha world. Btitd on Ike b eet by PRODUCTION S«r