Award Letters Timber Pup side of his m arket with himself, fine, upstanding man behind t counter. The wheat ranch also is depict« in photographs faded w ith a g showing a huge crew feeding threshing m achine while strai m ounts high from the blower. Yes, Dave Miller, has seen a 1 of life, and the fu tu re now turi on the luxury promised bv D Tow nsend. onor Koli Given; Stu« Prepare for Meet TIMBER -Green and Gold basket­ ball letters were aw arded to the grade school team Friday Members of the team, who received letters were Felix Marquez, Robert Travis, Bill Dunn, Tom Ramsey. Buck Scott. Eric Armstrong, Jack Hof- fart. Bill Lachapelle, and Robert Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Braden moved here from Silver Creek. Wash., Sunday. Mrs. Joe Kirk, who is in Sell­ wood hospital in Portland with typhoid fever, is much better. Felix Marquez cut his hand Tuesday night w hile cranking a tar. He was taken to Vernonia and eight stitches w ere taken to •lose the wound. Honor Roll Listed Show Friday at Mt. Home RUN DOWN**? i f 11 t t Prize Hogs Pride of Local Fanner V our ’-J (C o n tin u e d fro m page 1) of the snout to the root of the tail, is the m aternal ancestor of the "iongies " The presiding matron ot the blocky group is "Q u een ie" a daughter of the Chester White sow that young Hornecker p u r­ chased seven years ago when he sla r'e d serious pig raising as a 4-H club project. N either • Queenie " her dam nor grand-dam have evt’r been defeated in the show ring. The present sire owned by the Horneckers is “M onstrous King. ’ a_ four-year old weighing about