Page Four Thursday, April IH, 193C Mrs. J. L. Green New P.-T. -- A. Council Plead ♦ W orld Souvenirs Shown in Window Chlekens In Window Display— Mnlindy Thur lav and olhei !■ Mrs. W. Busch Girl Reserves to “Art in Schools' Through tile courtesy of G rant ligious holiday I’ot hick i r f i r It- in W reck Zumwalt. Weil's D epartm ent s t o r e menl.. w e r e . e t v r d Hold Observance Injured Theme of P.-T. A. ¡showed a Banty hen and chickens! Mis W alter Busch was seriously In their center display window ov­ injured ui a bus wreck near Rose- Miss Mei.eit of near Week of April 19 b u r ; Thursday afternoon on her Meeting Monday er the Eastertide. l l l l l la i t i , leit Sundín to . pend the Souvenirs collected by Neil Rich­ ardson front his trips around the world are attracting much atten ­ tion in the Argus window this w in hom<> from attending the fun week The assortm ent includes a Mrsi d ; ?f^ b S nw n lh C coun,ies- In!u,e a trip to Tillamook ! carved c.i mphorwood Hillsboro G irl Reserves are m ak ­ of her brother. W alter Vun- "A rt Work in the Schools" will chest, hand- deh y. nt San Kr.ineiseo. Cal. She was elected president of the Wash- Monday - to com arrangement;; em — bresden . . plete .---------- - ... ed bridge set. intercarv- ing preparations for the observ­ suffered shock, possible spinal in ­ b e t h e them e of the regular meet in Kt on County 1 arcnt-Tcacher as- fnr *un initiatinn * ■ « « « j ... ---- ... Ington in g o f tile llilislniro P -T A. ill tile for the initiation of n large class ed ivory ball on a carved ivory ance of Gir! Reserve Week April 1;1 soeiation council at the final m eet­ of when , , ,, tlie . bus union higli school Monday at H p Initiation will be pedestal ivory jewel chest and a to 28. M ayor J. H G arrett is su p ­ jur.' ami bad bruises, ing of the school year at G arden held candidates. April 28, at Tilla- Chinese "happy" man. from variou porting ttie observance and issued struck loos g ra v e l a n d ro lle d in to m Mvs E s th e r W orst, s’u p e rv k so r Home Tuesday. Other officers are: mook. Sunday, (•»» » ,,al‘ .K o s c b u rg in of a r t in Hie P o r tla n d schools, w ill Mrs. M iltenberger accom- places in China; a bene from th - the following proclamation: Mrs. Wood. Tigard, first vice- panied ruins of Pompeii, linen tablecloth! "To b etter acquaint the people of ,h *’ la,<' a l,e ln °on C a u se of tile -.peak on th e s u b j i v t, " A l t A s Iti him. president; Mrs. A. M. Jannsen, from Genoa, lava souvenirs from Hillsboro with the alms and ob- accident has not yet been deter- i lu te d Io E v e r y day l.ife Reedville. second vice-p resid en t; c , . , rr, T-> • E x h ib its of al l projet Is and work Mt. Vesuvius and a mosaic necklace I*®*8 the G irl Reserves, a most mined. She. w ith about eigtit of Mrs. R. Rawles. Durham, .secre- o l l V d ’ 1 t? u ' 7 , m sale ax ,ne H.'thias. will m m ake an official vis- ,.d Wednesday evening. April ll. for closed schools, teachers wages w in take t , hi the f-'-st And - b ir d hlgh schocl during the noon hour. ¡t • , Phoenix li J i H *e 1 ' ®fon- w ith four tables of bridge in hon P ' ,ers°n « "d M .rybel Flint, day e v i X x T maintained, shortened term s de- vention. and delegates will make S : n S and th ird ^ n e s S a " ^ W ed n esd ay of Wednesday, an assembly w ith al! the th ird rank T here w ill be work in or o( t)le birthdays of Mrs. Don­ feated. free textbooks provided, visitations next Sundav to create each month ald Tem pleton and Mr MacKenzie given h a n S p e d c h ild re n ' All of ^ t e T 'w u f visit f o S r ^ e h 'l L ' ' ex -servi« ™ n h a v e the girls in uniform and Miss Ret- Mrs. Tem pleton and Mrs. Morris tv Lou Sw art as a guest of honor Mr and Mrs. Pete Balatory and Weil m ade high score. ph-TC r r™ m b K S by thC greSt i dele£at< \ . ^ to » P to n and F « m K d .w th ” ° W E sther H arty and Louise Cruzen. was appointed chairm an C atherine and Joe Sosia Thursday, a magazine driv e the daughter « r » Dora Wenzel th and Mrs ed to the county hospital. Eleanorc dent, spoke on the new national Laurel and Mountain Top and Cavanaugh of Portland. Aileen and Bendier. plan for safety. Mrs. Paul P atter- Laurel's delegate will visit at M argaurctte of Woodburn. Matt and son was named to carry out the Scholls. Friday, the annual Dad and work in this county after a resolu- D aughter banquet in Portland, and F rank G rill of Scappoose. Si C hi­ and Vincent Vandehey were g m w a s passed accepting the pro- Hold T nfsday_ Reed College Commons. B arbara otti Easter Sunday party guests at the Enschede and A nn Peters. 137 S. Third Ave. _ home of Mr. and Mrs F ran k Plesh- A county-wide gain in member- .;S*rClo i ° ne ° f u*e M‘ Ladles' A pproxim ately 200 persons at- Sunday ink and fa m ily of F o n -t G ro v e lip oi 13 per cent was announced A id w ill give a bazaar of aprons, tended the E aster sunrise services service at t h (A e pril lo c a l 26L M e t h th o d e i- t church r r.i • Irs. Courtwright. Mrs. Sande -ea towels, cooked food and other ¡n the Venetian th eatre at 5:25 a codj I church nnd to w h ic h nil r it and W' R M:,nIe-v :‘nd .ed the prize for largest gain und(?r the auspices of Reserves, their parents and frie n d ' «¡' '' ¿!>v ' u '" ‘t ' t - i W‘' 1- since December to the Hillsboro Tuesday aftenioon. Tea will b ' ,H e s " ^ n ^ 7 h a 1 r U^ i,hTh5?s to a t t £ d . Leanore Sher- ^ oI^ ; 1 9 3 3 F o r d V -8 T u d o r association and t h e chaim an's served Everybody welcome, Four new tires, finish like n c was the first vear th e services had o , . r ii ^ i , . , i . u - - l j , j catch of fish, a steel head, salmon motor A -l. Only 21.(XM) miles. prize to Mrs. Bronleewe. G arden Card P arty W e d n esd ay - „P ub“ Haldum. 9 ‘7. ls w hile v handled , „ rf '¿ t r ÜU, „,l( „ „ , Home and Shute units won certifi­ L adle, of th e A ltar society of ' b e n hew but change | i H elen " r £ n ~ P e by 7 a,H? S Al O fi? " 0 cates of m erit for per cent of St. M atthew ’s church will give a d di?f ™ade bec,uw bccause 04 ol w«»ther w eather con* con- kins kins’ and Patricia Moyer are In 1 Mr' and Mr ° Mlln and th eir .................................................. “ o™8de school card party W ednesday — night at ** . , patrons in membership. ----- ---------------------------- _. charge of th e displays in Weil'. son and daughter-in-law . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne, urrived lust A play presenting the "Summer the parish hall. Everybody invited , ” r °gram was as follows: Prelude and Penney's windows 1932 Terraplane : week from Canton. Minn. They are Round-up,” w ritten by Mrs. Wal- . by Evangeline Fuller, hymn, prav- I -______________ i living northeast of Hillsboro on ter Workman of Forest Grove, was »“ Ver Tea Planned— er by Rev. R L. Putnam , in d i­ C onvertible Coupe I the North Plains road. given as a reading by Mrs. M. M The silver tea of th e Methodist viduals from Bethany and Hiils- Four new tires. S portiest car in Romig of Hilsboro. Mrs. Blum fin- Ladies' Aid will be held Wednes- boro M. E. choirs song "H alleluiah TT1 V’ x x • Mrs. Irvin Kron of Salem visited town, motor goixl Vory «■conomi- ished the course on the manuaL , day. A pril 29. instead of the 22nd. C hrist_Is Risen." women's chorus Mr. and Mrs. W E. P ittinger Sun- cal. at the church. from Bethany and H illsboro Meth- Blooming local. F arm ers' Union, day Mrs. M. E Groshong of Clov i odist churches directed by Jesse ' w ill have an en tertain m en t at crdale was a guest at the Pittinger Entertain at Breakfast— Circle Two Meets— Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall e n t e r - : r t r e i » is.-e «r ♦ v . •?'ite r - address by Rev. Thom as A. Runnings’ hall. Cornelius, th e eve- home one day last cck 1929 C hevrolet Coach tained w ith an Easter breakfast church will meet w ith Mrs. Thom i R ^ . g C h a ^ UMa^ d L nedlCU®n wU? t e r i n r t e" tertail o j ....... •— »7 — u a iu tu win iiicvx wiui mrd. in o m - Sundav mnmmir Easier Factor eggs «cycrc were as Connell -„ n Thursday afternoon, _____ x_ c v u arie s .vi. n t f a . a iu begin at B 31) p. m. training at EmanuH h<>- '.il. Perl Four gixxl tires, new lacquer paint. bunday morning. to- ------------------------- ---- -— ------------------ land, spent the w eek-end w ith her Motor O K. used as place cards and jonquils day. for decoration. Guests w ere Messrs, Z - X Z -, U « ,X c , Mr? Emma M cKinney en tertain- T ransferred to Eugene— parents, Mr and Mr. R W. Ovei ed with a card Monday nigh, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lucas of by. and Mesdames W. W. Hall, J. R. Garden Club Holds Sale— Betzer, Claude Hale and son of Garden club members will hold one of a series of benefit p artiej Bend, form erly of Hillsboro vis- ^ r - an d M r« J. \V Kelley. Mr Linnton and Mrs. Julia Roy. ' a sale of seeds and plants at A m -’ given by m em bers of the P ast ited the last of th e w eek w ith Mrs R- D English, and Mr C. J. Em- 1930 Nash Special Sedan Initiation Planned__ acher s m arket Friday, A pril 24. Chiefs’ club for benefit of th? Lucas’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. II err on pent t i e week- nd v.Ph rel- A. J. M iltenberger district depu- Leave for Dakota— Pythian Home. Mrs. F ran k B arr Emmott. Mr. Luras. who is w ith ;d ‘\. n Sea: le \Ii f in on r r o - « u of Columbus. -- - Dis-1 - i Mr M r- and Mrs. A lbert Spooner and d S high f ♦ c • t . o m Knights lb ert S o o o n eran i ^jnoTs^at^caTiu' M ? ; . * S n t c .V ’ been transferred to Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs H E tn c t No. 2. which comprises Wash- family left Friday to m ake th eir g honors at cards. 1 9 2 8 B u ic k S e d a n Mr. and Mrs. Fred E ngeldinger they w ere. en ro u te to th at city to tho week-end at Corvallis with ington, YamRill and Tillamook home in N orth Dakota. and family visited Mr. Engelding- th eir home. Mrs. Bayfield Mi ( E. L. Staples. They m ade a er's sister. Miss Anna, at Vancou- " Pooley of P ortland accompanied ‘rip to Newport and W aldport S u n ­ day. ver. Wash., Sunday. Miss Er.gel- them as far as Hillsboro. 1931 Ford Truck dinger is on th e staff at St. Joseph Selfridge« E ntertain— Mr. and Mrs. Charles K essler and hospital in th at city, and is re- daughter Nancy Ann of Seattle, Mr and Mrs. George Selfridge covering from an illness. Mr. anu and m Mrs. *’ a s n > visited 'is u e a nar. rs W. v I,. entertained xx»a, Nee our rum pleie MEN’S SHOP Howe & Well«, Prop. 207 E. Main St., Phone 1 112 ICE CREAM Season is I lere! W hen . vdii e n te itn iii w ould you like so n ie th in g out ol I he o rd in a ry fo r y o u r d e s s e rt? In Six Hours' Notice W e Can Supply You With Any of the Follow ing Flavors: Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, quart. 40c Thomas S. Sholes Almond Roca, Maple Nut. Black Walnut, Black Walnut F’rappc, Pecan F’rappe, l.emon Custard. Fruit Salad, Peanut Brittle, quart 50c Genuine Home Made High Quality V ” offe•rs HILLSBORO PHARMACY 435 Z J Blooming- Local i Ians Entertainment 175 100" POULTRYMEN 275 Start a savings account while you’re young . . . then reap the benefits in old age secur­ ity and comfort. Put aside a regular amount each month and watch it grow. This association h a s never paid less than 3 '. . Let us explain our plan. 45°° SEE US TODAY! We carry a full line of lumber and hardware for Poultry Houses FREE plans and pointer books, Prepared by experts, available Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. “If It’s Lumber—Call Our Number” 151 W. Baseline Phone 2691 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for C H IC K S Starting and Growing Feeds ALBERS, CROWN, SPERRY, TRIANGLE Brands — All Proven Feeds — also — PULLET MASH I.X.L. 8 MASH PLANTING TIME IS HERE Seed G rain. . Field and Garden S eed . V egetable Seed - Bulk or P ack et. Flower Seeds Use MORCROP or VIGORO to insure good Garden or Lawn growth. HILLSBORO FEED CO I. X. L. Poultry and Dairy F e e d . McCORMICK-DEERING FARM MACHINERY 160 W. Main S t (Venetian ticket, A. W Peters, Rt. 2, Forest Grove) TUALATIN VALLEY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. J M. PERSON, M anager Savin«« A Loan Bldg. Ilill.boro. Orrgoa. ? " » “ • “ o — •— r Dr H mastoid D Hupcins nerfnrm rd n w om 11aftern an Relief Uu“ " 'n d ' r h e r ^ d a , u g h t o M « ™ « radical operation f ir George ii,ai LM>n Corps at th ” will meet MiUioarnd o f ^ E a S " O regon" w^o dMa/ al Vi! C0U" A h^ ‘al Mon- A!1 are u r ^ “ > a‘‘ is v isitin c her werr* r a llin i/ r>n clay. He also perform ed a m astoij Hillsboro ''friends F riday operation for Frederick Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Poole and \ t ^rida>. son Qf Mr and Mrg Erncst Lchman daughter Colene of Vancouver. xMr. and Mrs. Francis Wade and of near Elmonica. F riday at Jones Wa; h.. w ere E aster guests of Mr children, C orrine and Roger, of hospital. F rederick was able to re and Mrs. L. C. Kramicn. Portland w ere w eek-end guests of tu rn home Wednesday. Neil Thompson of G rants Pass .Mrs. vVades parents. Mr. and Mrs „ visited his sister. Mrs. Elizabeth O. B. Gates. Return from Vacation— T urner, th e first of the week. Mr. and M Mrs. Gates Rev. and Mrs. O. R. Vincent of . and rs- O. B B G ates and Bud Rogers of W illamina spent McMinnville w ere guests Monday ^ e i r daughter. Mrs Francis Wade of Mrs. V incent's sister Miss P earl ot p °rtland. retu rn ed f r o m a the w eek-end at the home of his Allen. m onth’s vacation in Southern Cal- father, H. S. Rogers. H. S. Rogers attended a banquet Mrs. J. H G arrett was hostess S a m Mr M" . Wednesday for th e m onthly silver T ... h r.f1ShCr n ' for departm ent officers of U. S. W. nd-n« /N o ChrU,ian Los Angeles. w eather c tea l t r c of h ? th ^ p t LadiM ° f f th thC pd during the Cool entire tripC prevail V. at The Dalles Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Rawson and children of Tigard were Easter Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Sahnow of Pot Lnck P la n n e d - north of Hillsboro entertained witn Pot luck dinner at 6 30 has been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guv Paine. a family reunion and dinner E aster planned to precede the m eeting of "The Old District School” Sunday. Phoenicia Tem ple on A pril 24, ac- Will be staged at the L aurel hall Mrs. Nellie Hoard has purchased cording *o announcem ent at the the Vaught property on N orth m eetin« F riday night. Mrs. C. L S aturday night. April 18. Also card Second avenue and w ith her son Oakes wil1 be chairm an of the din- and dancing. Admission 15c. 9 H arry is making h er home there. npr a.nd evening's en tertainm ent Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H eath and comm*^ee- son of Portland w ere g u est, of Mr. Host« at Eastpr Dinner— H eathy m other. Mrs. N ellie Hoard, . Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Robb enter- o \e r Easter. tained E aster w ith a d inner party. Mrs. Lora Stockton of G rants Guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pass is a guest of her sister-in-law , Reeves and son, Mrs. Josephine Mrs. L. T. M cPheeters. i Johnson, Vernon Bailey, and Miss Mr. and Mrs. F ritz A bendroth PM ty Lou Beutell, all of Beaver- were E aster Sunday guests of rel- I ton< atives at Vancouver. Wash. Good Neighbors Meet— Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Helm of Red- ! Good Neighbors’ club met Thurs- mond w ere guests Monday of Mr. day w ith Mrs. Norm an Mann. Three and Mrs. O. B. Gates. visitors. Mesdames Schaink, C M ethodist Ladies' Aid will hold Birch, and Springer, and 13 mem- a cooked food sale at A m acher’s bers were present. N ext meeting M arket S aturday, A pril 25. | will be with Mrs. Howard Rice. EGG The future production of your flock depends upon tiie use of proper starting, growing and pullet feeds. Don t experiment — depend on proven feeds! Phone 271 5 Riggs, graduate of the California College Pharm acy Save for SECURITY 335 195- line today! The t tiancellor M a r i LaVelle ,Jac^on and ' isits Here Monday Easter Sunrise Service A ttracts S IIIItT S ’1 85 IMI up P U B L IC SALE On Springfield Road, about D/g miles east of Bethany Presbyterian Church On Tuesday, April 28 1 :0 0 o’Clock P. M. One team horses, about 3000 lbs.; mower, rake, disc, corrugated roller, plow, harrow, 2 wagons, platform scale, hay rack, garden cultivator and seeder, 500-chick brooder, about 7 tons Hanschen barley, some household goods, roller top desk, carbide light plant, and all small tools usually found on a farm. SIGM UND BURGER, Owner H. A. K uratli, A u ctioneer J. J. W ism er, Clerk SPECIALLY PRICED FOR A LIMITED TIME O N L Y -! this GENUINE Complete SOc PAY ONLY WEEK dictionary says: INTEGRITY “Uprightness of character,” The integrity with which we conduct our business has established our repu­ tation as an ethical phar­ macy ! Delta Drug Store 1 >*. ' l l 7?! ! POSITIVELY TIIE BIGGEST VA LU E IN SM ALL SETS W E ’VE EV ER OFEERED! A brand new Philco Superheter­ odyne, with power enough for distance, true Philco tone quality because it has the genuine l’hilco dynamic speaker, durable because like all larger Philcos it is built of the best materials. Equipped with finest Philco High-Efficiency Tubes. Approved by the National Board of Underwriters. This is the small set radio buy of the year. You’ve got to — Temporarily » hurry ! Supply very limited. New 1936 P H IL C O FREE! PHILCO POLITICAL ATLAS W ITH ALL PHILCO MODELS TH IS W EEK reduced * down t o .......... 19” COM PLETE SELFRIDGE FURNITURE GO. Phone 2 1 X H ilkboro, Oregon