The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 16, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pa pre Two
Limit 300 .Words
WteboriáBMr g us
W ith W lilr h I« Com bined lh « II ill«» ho ro In dependent
Billa!» ro A rirua aatab. 11*94
H ills b o ro Ind e pe n d en t eetab. 18?S
M c K IN N K Y A M« K IN N E Y . P u b lish ers
Published T h u rsda y.
E n te re ,! as aeeond-cH*« m a tte r In the
p o a to ffire a t H ills b o ro , O regon
M c K inney
E d ito r
M rs E. c.
m c k in n e y
Associate Editor
Selected as O regon's Rent W e e kly New paper, 1930
Nam ed on A ll-A m e ric a n W e e kly N ew spaper E leven. 1930
H onorable M e n tio n N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A s o c ia l ion N ew sp a pe r
P ro du ctio n C ontest. 1934-35, and G eneral E xcellence. 1935
S u b scrip tio n Rates S tr ic tly Cash in A dvance
W ith in W a sh in g to n C ou n ty
O u trid e W a s h in g to n C ou n ty
V S.. per ye a r
f2 .t‘O
S ix m o n t h s .................... ......... 85
F o re ig n c o u n trie s .
3 50
Per yewr
M E M B E R O regon S ta te
K d ito ria l A n o t-ia tion and
N a tio n a l E d ito ria l Asso­
c ia tio n .
F ir s t A u d ite d Paper.
L a rv e -t ABC W .v k ljr
C irc u la tio n in W est.
Will Vouch for Liftin
The republicans could not find a more
capable or stronger delegate from the
state at large than Ben R. Liftin, pub­
l i s h e r of The Dalles Chronicle, who is a
candidate for delegate at large to the re-*
publican national convention. H a v in g
known Liftin personally for years we can
and do appreciate the opportunity of rec­
ommending him to republicans of this com­
munity. He is a live wire, courageous and
thoroughly true to his convictions.
City council took a stand last week
th a t on the face of things seems to be
justified. T ransfer of men from W PA pro­
jects to the sewer job under PWA has
resulted in an early discharge for cause.
The men, contractors declare, are physi­
cally unfit to carry on the hard work in
connection with the sew er project and
have lost their WPA standings. Men not
capable of extremely hard work should
be kept on the WPA rolls in all fairness
and the younger and stronger men trans­
ferred to the sewer work.
Flood control in the Tualatin would
be one of the biggest things th a t could
happen to this valley and Senator McNary
is to be commended for bringing favorable
committee action on Oregon rivers.
The candidates are a t the tape and
the registration for voters is closed. In
fairness to the w elfare of the people may
the best man win.
A new spaper plant is a factory—b u t a new spa­
per is a soul.
eyes a chance to see w hat th e ir ow n political p re­
judices refuse to perm it th e ir brains to absorb? This
can be the only answer, as many who have w atched
th e operation of CCC camps in this Pacific N o rth ­
west w ill agree.
Take, for instance, th at section of th e M ount
Hood National forest w hich lies betw een th e C olum ­
bia riv er on th e n orth and th e Mount Hood Loop
highw ay on th e south, review the w ork w hich has
been done by the youths and officers of these CCC
camps in th is region, and see if you can find it
possible to say th at the money spent on renabllita-
tion of these youths has been squandered
Aside from th e m any fire roads and trails these
youths have built through the forests, to say n o th ­
ing of th e im provem ent of the C olum bia riv er high­
w ay by th e opening up of m any glorious view s of
the great riv er by the rem oval of brush, th e re is
th e splendid w ork these boys have perform ed in
fighting forest fires, in w hich several have sacrificed
th e ir lives, and others have been b u rn ed a n d
A re w e w illing to forget, because of absurd
political bias, th a t these youths found themselves,
through the economic erro rs of th e ir elders, w ith ­
out th e chance w hich every A m erican youth has
a right to expect in this, th e richest nation of the
world? If this is the m yopia w hich w e m ust endure
because we absorb p arty politics, th e sooner we
break aw ay from them entirely, th e b etter w ill it
be both for our nation and ourselves.—Hood R iver
Mendacious Falsehood
It is difficult to understand how a state of mind
could be gleefully malicious, b ut no oth er words
could b etter describe the attitu d e of the Oregonian
in referrin g to NRA regulations and AAA r e ­
strictions as presaging th e possibility th a t th e fed­
eral governm ent may presently be com m anding its
citizens to “wash behind tb e ears." The purpose, of
course, though stated with a so rry attem pt a t w him ­
sicality, to em phasize th e L iberty League point of
view th a t individual freedom is being denied the
A m erican people.
T he statem ent is as u n w arran ted as it is m a­
T he only invasion of personal lib erty has been
an effort to end unfair practices and compel cor­
porations to b e honest in th eir dealing- w ith the
public. And th a t is not a new u n d ertak in g on th e
p art of th e A m erican governm ent. It has ever been
th e substance of all regulatory legislation, w hether
national or state. The outstanding w ieider of the
"big stick" in ell our history was T heodore Roose­
velt. to whom th e republicans refer w ith justifiable
pride, although th e sam e type of "m alefactors” who
oppose him are now opposing F ran k lin D. Roose­
It is tru e th a t th e NRA did attem p t to in ject a
modicum of honesty and fair-dealing into business
practices; and it is also tru e th a t its purpose was
defeated by business men them selves for th e very
simple reason th a t observance of its regulations
w ould have elim inated m any of th e evils th a t con­
trib u te so largely to social and economic injustice.
So-called Big Busines.: would not consent to r e ­
nunciation of th e special privileges it had so long
But business honestly conducted and individuals
•who obey ju st law s have suffered no los3 of liberty
or lack of opportunity because of any congressional
enactm ent. Any statem ent to th e contrary is m en­
daciously false, and known to be false by the one
who makes it.—Oregon Democrat.
Confronting the Reds
We commend The Oregon Jo u rn al for th e valiant
fight it is m aking against Red influences in civil
and official life. This is not a scare cry, at all. The
Reds are w orking quietly, all th e tim e, and noisily
p art of th e time, to overthrow th is governm ent.
They are directly responsible for th e long series
of strik es w e have had on this coast in milks and
am ong longshorem en and seamen. They have cost
m illions of dollars and some lives. They have been
industriously try in g to incite th e m en of th e navy
to insurrection. They have w orked on th e N ational
G uard, the Boy Scouts and other organizations.
They urge th e men in th e arm y to use th e ir guns
against the capitalists and join Com munism to ta k ­
ing over th e country by force. They have in ­
filtrated into th e Y. M. C. A. and other church o r­
ganizations. Some schools are lousy w ith them.
T he Jo u rn al is doing a patriotic public service in
w arning th e public of th eir activities.—Corvallis
Thnraday. April 10. 1936
Phe Great American Heme
ncertain Future of Townsend
Movement Worries ( undulates
leaders nnil Ilia outcom e of the
searching congress Iona I Investiga­
tion? A good many politicians
It, -sides eongreesm en
w orrying
about re election
If so step right up to the prim ary
i bargain counter and take your pick.
! These and scores of other tem pting
• inducem ents are contained in the
’ 4lX)-odd platform s being offered by
I prim ary candidates in Oregon this
year. The range of offerings may
’ be no g reater than usual, but there
are more platform s to pick from
I due to the larger crop of candi-
I dates. Some of the planks may be
! a bit shop worn, but they have all
1 been polished up as good as new
and sound every bit as good :u
some of the new er inducem ents
that are alw ays being introduced
in every campaign.
T here is an especially heavy run
on old age pension planks this
year. A pparently the boys and girls
who are seeking public office have |
had th eir ear to the ground and
heard rum blings to indicate that
this was going to be a popular is ­
sue this spring. Anyway. 119 of
the 444 candidates for state, fed­
eral and district jobs in Oregon
are declaring for old age pensions.
Fifty-seven of these coine out u n ­
qualifiedly for th e Tow nsend plan
Sut th e rest of the pension planks
only commit th eir sponsors to “lib­
eral" or "adequate" pensions, leav­
ing th e interpretation o f these
term s to the judgm ent of tho can ­
d idate if and w hen he gets into
• • •
T hree m ore initiative m easures
m ade th eir appearance on th e pol­
itical horizon this week. One. sp o n ­
sored by th e Eagles lodge, would
provide pensions ranging from $15
to $45 a m onth to needy persons
65 years of age or over. Another,
First prize for a fishing story
sponsored by th e Oregon com m it­
to that substantial citizen
tee for Peace and Freedom, op­
poses com pulsory m ilitary tr a in ­ of Hillsboro, w ho returned Mon­
ing at state institutions of higher i day with a talc about the moon
education. The third, sponsored by shining so bright Saturday night
th ree McMinnville men. involves a and Sunday morning that the
constitutional am endm ent to p ro ­ fish w ouldn't idle during the
hibit sales taxes on food products. day tim e. Here w e h a v e a
All three are in the em bryo stage, staunch, forthright, unhackneyed
unirayed alibi, w hich should
i T heir sponsors have u n til Ju ly 1 and
the clam my depths of any
to secure enough signatures to , warm
th eir petitions to place th e m e n s-' fisherm an's heart.
ures on the Novem ber ballot.
We still believe th at th e fellow,
. , .. . . . ..
. i who bet th at H auptm ann would
Many school districts th ro u g h o u t, never banlf sbl)u!(l b(,
the state are planning salary in ­ for taking money under false p re ­
creases for their teaching staffs for tenses.
next year, according to in fo rm a­
tion received here. Of 105 districts
The hill b illy philosopher says:
of the first and second class re ­ “Sonic
es you have to split
plying to a questionnaire on the hairs to tim tell
the difference be­
subject. 37 have already voted pay tw een persecution and prosecu­
increases and 39 more plan to do tion.”
Main Street
Oregon republicans do not pro-1 Some of the Hillsboro ad v ertis­
pose to let the dem ocrats get aw ay ing, if not unique, is at least
w ith any political plums w ithout startling. One store had a placard
a fight, according to Lowell C. w hich read: "There are no bones
Paget, president of the Oregon re ­ in our bananas." A nother ad v er­
publican clubs. In districts in which tisem ent set below a picture of a
no republican candidates filed the rushing m ountain stream suggest
voters will be urged to w rite in cd that you should "be sure you
names. One senatorial d istrict— know how your milk is handled.”
Douglas county—and six legislative
seats failed to attract republican
O ur Platform: Vacations for
erybody when the season fo rsp rin
fever arrives.
• • •
O ver - payments, totalling more
th an $3600. to state aided in stitu ­
O range Phelps and Tommy Con­
tions have been revealed in an nell can charge th eir recent fish ­
au d it ju st com pleted by the state ing expedition on the Salm onberry
departm ent, according to Wallace! to fisherm en's luck. Intending to
S. Wharton, executive secretary to je n jo y a couple of day* li hing *nd
G overnor Martin. Wharton charged retu rn to Tim ber on the S. P.
that money contributed by rela- I freignt. w here an autom obile would
tives tow ard the support of institu- rush them home w ith their catch,
tion wards had not been properly they spent a day fishing and nearly
credited against the state's con- another day w aiting for the freight,
tribution. M ore th an 50 per cent L ittle was said about the catch,
of the alleged over-paym ent was
• * •
laid at the feet of the court of
Speaking of fish in g -w h ile we
domestic relations for M ultnomah > a r/ on th e subject_ *ome of th .,
. . .
.vise-crackers of H illsboro are try-
- .,
, . ,
, , in » to devise bait for political-
m em bers of the state board of ^ „ d e d anglers to use in hooking
m ed'eal exam iners found little sym- voters Right now there are a num-
pathy at he hands of th e board ber of cand,dates who would give
of control w hen they appealed | a
d price to learn w hat bait to
from a ruling at the budget de- , ®
partm ent reducing their per diem I
pay from $10 to $6 a day. S tate
T reasurer Holman and S ecretary of
S tate Snell refused to in terfere in j
the controversy, pointing out that
the board m em bers were appointees i
of the governor as also is the bud­
get director. G overnor M artin d e­
By Robert Ames Bennett
clared that If the medical e x a m in -1
ers did not w ant to w ork for $6 a
(W Nt) Service- Copyriuht by
day there w ere plenty of medical
Robert Ames Bennett)
men who would be glad of ap- ’
pointm ent to th e board.
(Continued from lflnt week)
Thirty Years Ago
from tho plan In 1935 was I t '. .
f.Xf., and that I l l s wife received a
$1 175 Mlliry as secretary.
T hat Townsend Plan funds had
paid for a $218 apartm ent In
Washington for Hr Townsend and
Cleineiits. along with maid serv­
ie«!. groceries, ami othor oipenses.
T hat Edward 11 Margen, stato
area manager In San Francisco,
had drawn ns high ns I'.'tlOU a
month In commissions. Mnrgett
said he paid organizational and
ottico expenses out of this sum.
A S I I I N O T 0 N.—w ill Iho
’ ’ Townsend movement survive
I* e current dissension among It»
llko to
At present tlio movement's fu-
turn seems Irnutded. Robert K.
Clements, co founder and organ­
izing genius of Iho plan, lias re­
signed. ostensibly iis a result of u
disagreem ent with |>r. Townsend
over tho "third party“ question.
Ilepresentnllvo McOroarly, the
plan's congressional spousor. Is at
outs with the doctor, who ac­
cuses him of trying to use Iho
movement to Advance his private
political fortunes.
McOroarly, In return, claims
th at tho doctor lias abandoned
tho transaction tax method of
llnanclng tho pension fund for a
tax exempt bond Issue.
The Investigating committee Is
trying to show tho movement ns
a scheme operated by promoters
nt tho expense of trusting old
people, whoso dlme n month (lues
havo gone to pay huge commis­
sion* uml expenso accounts.
• • •
TJOORI.Y prepared, the commit-
■*' tec rushed Into lliu Investiga­
tion abend of schedule because so
many congressmen were anxious
lo get am m unition against tho
Townsendltcs In limo for their
primary tights, and got Itself ra­
ther badly hailed up. Principal
revelations of tho first few duy*
th e w reck ag e of Mr. R am lll's c u s­
T hat tho Incomo of tho Town­
to m -b u ilt m onoplane.
He w orked his way down along­ send Plan from dues and othor
side the rapids to look closer at
sources slnco Its formation totaled
the wreck. What little had been
nhout a million dollars, not In­
left of the costly aircraft was not
cluding profits from tho Town­
worth salvaging Hut the tattered I send Weekly, owned personally by
cover of one broken wing thrust ! Dr. Townsend and Clements.
up out of the w hite w ater within
T h a t C lem ents' own Incomo
reach from the hank
G a rth
sta rte d
a fire
sm all
t them
tra tm tf
Is nothing «can-
tlaloiis In tills. Clements earned
his money, they say, by building
up tho organization io Ils present
slreuglli: and. anyway. It Isn't
very much pay for a big time
Washington lobbyist.
Washington observers am guess­
ing both ways as to tho outcome
of all Ihe excitement. At present
Hr. Townsend stands ns a rather
lonoly figure In his efforts to save
Ills plan from disintegration.
His o r i g i n a l leadership is
broken up Those lenders who re­
main are unknown quantities. His
revenues are reported to lie fall­
ing. Politicians who once wer*
badly scared by success of his
movement are out to get him.
Rut survival of the movement
In some form Is probable, because
social security experts generally
are convinced that the present old
ago pension set up simply Isn't
worth anything. And you can tlml
many economists who think that
the purchasing power theory on
which the Townsend Plan Is
based Isn't so had. Pensions on
reasonable terms, not of $200 a
month, but $30 or $00, would tend
to keep money In circulation and
malt* for Increased stability of
our economic system, they eon-
the m oraine. G a rth recrussed the herself
sticks. He quenched it with damp
moss, and used the charred stick
ends to w rite on the wing fabric:
"$5.000 rew ard for
T hief and
M urder."
"how can you w in if you
don't kill them ”
T here was no sign of Lilith when
"W hy for a sta rte r Miss Cook,
he came down from the moraine w e'll let them .stew In th e ir ow n
He called into the entrance tunnel
Hack came a quavering cry of re ­ ju ic e for a few day*. T hut w ill
lief A quick craw l took him in ten d to soften th e ir bonds of m u tu ­
through the low narrow passage. al aid No bedding and a (Ret of
I.ilith wa.'. breathing hard, almost saltle . m eat w ill h elp those th re*
gu-ping "Oh! oh. thank God! I p lacer jack: to consider th e d e sira ­
looked and looked, but 1 could not bility of th at five th o u san d d o lla r
rew ard I offered for th e ir boss."
I see you I thought you must be
F em ale of the Species
I lying there like that poor police-
"A lan G arth , y o u 're m arvelou.
S hortly before noon, th e four | man
(T o !»e continue«! •
trailers appeared on the moraine.
' H ardly, Look h ere an d h ere ' ;
The man who had not been bogged He show ed th e |>>..tol. th en d u m ped A I ’
, \ I rl ' l I*
led the way down. A nother m iner his flout Ilk pack. "H ow about
‘U in n
l ll
followed, then Huxby. The man alt on o u r m eat, and a cup of tea
-----( ) , j T i p s t e r S h e e t s
who had lost Ills rifle lagged be­
i l l y P o rtla n d B e tte r B usttiee. B ureau. In c I
hind. The tw o leaders reached the
he cried
You m ade
A ccording to a recent rep o rt is-
broken m onoplane wing. G arth
thern give you ail this
, <Ul.,j by t b,, P o rtln n d B e tte r Buxi-
saw them read the writing.
"In a way yes. Set a pot of . ne .s B ureau, it has been estim ated
Huxby jum ped dow n beside the
slice . thut fifteen m illion people ill th e
miners, to sta re at the offer of re ­ etiow on th e lam p stone, an d
w ard that branded him for what som e m eat " L ilith gazed ut him ! U nlti ■d S tates a re p erio d ical re c ip ­
he was. With a curse, he ripped in speechless w o n d erm en t, h e r b lue ients ot "tip ste r sheets," p u b lic a ­
th e tattered piece of fabric from eyes w ide and v ery lustrous lie tions in various form s of m ark et
th e wing fram e and flung it down p reten d ed not to notice lie ailed letters or financial sheets, m ailed
and sta rte d to eat th e first hot fat out by so-called b ro k e rs o r fi­
into the foam ing rapid.
cia l advisory se rv ices for the
The two men glanced furtively caribou ste a k thut sh e se rv e d him n p an
urpose of selling som e "p et" se ­
at each other. Huxby pointed to on one of th e looted tin plates.
c u rities to th e public.
th e trail on the opposite bank .and
Hut a fte r he had told h er about
T hese "tip ste r sh eets," th e b u reau
a re and th e lin in g of
signed for them to lead the way tin* In a
across. N either moved. The fil l the men into the bog, her sur- reports, a p p ear in th e guise ot un-
an d re p u ta b le publications.
man cursed, and shouted his r e ­ | prise found utterance
p ro paganda con cern in g t h e
"Why didn't you kill the beasts 'Die
stock i they w ish p a rtic u la rly to
"Jum p them boulders’ I ain't while you had the chance?"
sell a p p ears am ong th e ILst o f
G arth answ ered with sudden w ell-know n and d iv id e n d -p ay in g
no lynx. I'm through trailin g that
gravity: "For several reason*, my secu rities discussed. O ne such p u b ­
"Me too,” declared the second gill. The main ones are because I lication. the b u reau says, goes u n ­
man. "I won't break my neck for am not a killer and because I in- .solicited and w ithout d uirge to
tend that Vivian Huxby shall be weekly mailing list of 600.000 at a
A second look at th e crossing tried and hung for m u rd er."
C ost of $36.000 for stam p s alone,
forced Huxby to sh o u t his agree- S he gasped: "You hung! Hut he | at un average of six cent* a piece
rnent: "Curse the devil! We'll has all those men to help him The public, who purchase these
back. He's going on around to our . You're alum worse than aion". stocks, pay for Hie cost of p rin t­
plane. T hat's w here hi- must have I'm only a hindrance."
ing. mailing and the usual follow ­
He smiled hanleringly. "Well, I up of telegram s and long distance
left both of his disabled com pan­
w ouldn't say that. A handy cook telephone calls.
Along w ith the angry statem cn’, isn't altogether a nuisance. The pot
"Tipster sheet*" depend for their
the engineer signed for his miners is beginning to sim m er You might success on the inheren t desire of
to start back ahead of him. G arth drop in a pinch of tea. How's your the investor to inuke easy money
i and get rich quick They do not
smiled. The tw o who had seen that ankle?"
Ever so much better. I've exer- [ m erit confidence. They should not
offer of rew ard would not forget
It, and H uxby was keenly aw are cised it a littI«- everytim e I went he confused with reputable finan-
outside. And I've half finished my ' rial publications or financial *erv-
of the fact.
When all four disappeared up on parka. But how " she interrupted , ice«.
School S p ir it Kelp« to
M uke a B e tte r School
H ilh i N ew s
E»Hte«l by
Cast Selected
in Senate Play
“Foiled by Heck" is the 'm eler-
dram er' to be given by the Senate
club in the near future. C ast in ­
cludes Lowell Chase, V i n c e n t
Phelps. Jack ie Christenson, Lloyd
Selfridge, L uV crne A b e n d r o th .
Keith Busch. The admission will
be for blondes, nine cents; brown-
ettes, eight cents; brunettes, seven
cents; red-heads, six cents, a n d
i all-balds, five cents.
Plot - Irene
Hanks, beautiful
(young heroine, Inherits a brew ery
in M ilwaukee. A dark plot by the
villair^ to steal the land from her
Is stopped by the hero.
At Huxby'* shouted orders, the
R equirem ents for admission t o ’ last man ran to fetch poles of
the Oregon bar w ere increased by down tim ber. The two leaders were
the suprem e court this week. Here- i in alm ost to th e ir arm pits before
after applicants for a law diplom a ! the dead aspen tru n k s could be
m ust have graduated from a three- brought and shoved out of them.
year course in a recognized law
Set on niggerheads, the poles
school and have taken two years
of pre-law or general college work. gave support for the trapped men
them selves up out of the
The new requirem ent will not be- to pull
come effective until August 1, 1941, treacherously sucking quagm ire,
Argus, A pril 7, 1921—K nights of Columbus have
Ptenie at Falls
giving those now taking law course ; O ther poles made a bridge for
large class, 40 candidates under way. Jo h n R yan is
plenty of tim e to get in under the '•hem. back to solid ground. But
The second period sociology class
grand knight.
wjre .
the bearded m iner left his rifle | and their guests spent S aturday
Miss Theo. Louise K ing weds Ray Em m ott here
• • •
down in the ooze.
picnicking at Lee Falls. Softball,
A pril 2.
S ubstantial business in cerasesare
G arth chuckled and looked to and the ball was lost; eating, und
County Commissioner John F. Carstens died here
reported by power utilities oper- see Huxby backtrail with iii men I the sandw iches were dried out;
A pril 6. He was a big hop grow er in B anks section
ating in Oregon, according to Frank Instead, the engineer headed up | singing, and no one knew the
fo r years.
C McColloch, public utilities com­ the bog valley tow ards the gulch. words; and hiking by the light of
K. C. Couch sells insurance business to A ustin
missioner. M ountain States Power T hat added to G arth's m irth. By a glow-worms constituted the en ter­
company, operating in the W illam­ quick return, the hunters could tainm ent.
P k sent were I.eRoy
G eorge Ledford received w ord from w ar d e ­
ette valley reported 1935 income have stripped off the grizzly's Mills, V irginia Edward*, Lloyd Self
p artm ent th a t his sister. Miss Ima C. Ledford,
$40,179 over th at of 1934, an in ­ hide before it froze. They w ere 1 ridge, Ruth Kraus, Lewis G arfield,
nurse, w ho died in France, w ill be retu rn ed here
h a t ( N aydeane Patterson, a H
vr • * 15
w per cent.
1 « V. The
Z IIO Will
- rv
— aw —
»z from
- • ■ • a rug t '»»Ml
■ v erbert
i u v • V Mun-
crease of
com- | w alking
for burial.
pany’s Coos Bay division reported would have gone far tow ards re- kies, M arjorie Montgomery, David
♦ * ♦
a 40 per cent net increase am ount- j placing their b u rn t blankets. He Torbet, Ann Mdnkres, Lester Wil­
Let Activities Prove
ing to $60,290.60. Pacific Light Az had so tantalized and enraged them liamson and Glen Gwenn. Mr. Stal-
To th e Editor Is the Townsend investigation, Pow er com pany reported an in ­ th at they could think only of re- ley and Miss Brogden were chaper
for the season. ;. disastorous turm oil and strife r e ­ crease of 24 per cent on Its O re­ venge.
Argus, A pril 12. 1906 -B urke Tongue on Oregon
port. aggravated and exaggerated by a hostile in ­ gon operations.
To add insult to injury, h e
K id w ins K err cup at P ortland H unt club hurdle
• • •
quisitorial body, augm ented by a fiercely opposing
tram ped a heavy trail up into a 1
For Men Only
S aturday.
new s-agency, or, rather, will it not be a welcome
S tate employes, who are in a r ­ spruce thicket and built a small |
T he B oard of T rade is trying to Interest th e
(Read Backwards)
renovator w ithin the ranks, sort of a spiritual tonic rears in their principal and in ter­ fire. Beside the fire, he scattered | t ’ndid uoy fi lrig a eb t'ndluow
citizens of the tow n in a sawm ill proposition. S aw ­ inspirational
w eeder to revigorate a g reater unity, est paym ents on loans from the a handful of dried apricots a n d uoy ;siht daer dluow uoy w enk ell
m ill m an w ants site and says he will do the rest. Is
and infusion for energy in the cause.
World War V eterans’ S tate Aid prunes. A fter Ihnt he skirted along —Exchange
to em ploy about 40 men.
My fellows, be not beguiled, n eith er confused
the edge of the muskeg to its
O regon C ondensed Milk com pany has crew of by these rancorous rum blings. O ur cause is just, r e ­ commission, are to be called onto north
carpet and advised to keep
M ary Caldw ell suffered a severe
10 o r 12 men, u n d er C harles Mltcheil, laying pipe main loyal to the movement. We have utm ost be­
th eir credit good. G overnor M ar­
H ere he came to where in ancient relapse of mastoid trouble and will
lin e to T u alatin river.
lief th at the old inspired doctor (The Moses of our tin has instructed Jerro ld Owen, times, before it started to re ­ not be able to retu rn to school
S. B. H uston of H illsboro seeks republican nom ­ era ) is sincere. G ive him your full encouragem ent. secretary of the bonus commission,
cede, the glacier had piled a big this year.
in ation for congress.
He is n eith er dum b nor blind, but secs the great to prepare a list of all state em ­
Judging from the several rep re­
O eorge H. Wilcox and Miss L ura Waggoner of h um anitarian need at this tim e for a full-hearted ployes who have failed to meet term inal moraine. This was the
immense n atural dam th at held the sentatives of other schools whom
H illsboro m arried A pril 11.
"m arch on:" pursuit, your responsibility and my th eir obligations promptly. The d e­ lake in its bed.
we have seen around the halls
J. C. G recar buys 72x99 foot frontage next to responsibility is r o t small, let our loyal activities partm ent is moving in on borrow ­
Among the rocks of the rapids, lately, it appears that mast schools
Second s tre e t liv ery an d w ill build brick building prove us. BURTON 15 REEVES, P resident Cedar ers who are in position to meet on th e slope nt the low er valley postponed
their vacations until a ft­
M ill Club.
th is sum m er.
loan paym ents but do not do so.
below the fnlls, G arth made out er the snow storm.
Fifteen Years Ago
S I'E i'l \ l . CO R R ESPO N D EN T
What Other Editors Say
The number of weekly new spapers is
on the decline, a recent directory of news­
papers in the U. S. and Canada reveals.
Weeklies suspending in 1935 totaled 156.
There are 13,927 papers in the two coun­
tries. Running a new spaper is no bed of
roses and with the tough sledding of re­
cent years it is a wonder that more have
not suspended.
Improvements of recent years, new
features, costlier services a n d a d d e d
equipment have increased the costs of
publication, and there has been no in­
crease in rates commensurate with the
rising expenses. The result has been th a t
the second paper could not compete and
several Oregon county seats are now bet­
ter served from a new spaper standpoint
by one paper.
S ta te C ap ital
N e w s L e tte r
H IL L S R O R O ,
T he A rg u s w elcom es le tte rs fro m re a d ­
ers u m le r " P u b lic F o ru m ," m id is g la d to
have I lie expre ssio n s o f lo c a l p e ople on
d iffe r e n t s u b je c ts as lo n g as th e y a re not
lib e lo u s . H o w e v e r, th e le n g th o f le tte rs
1 . 1 1 N I) K E e ft
tu rn e d in d u r in g recent w eeks m id th e
la c k o f room m akes it necessary to a d h e re
Candidates Have Many
s tr ic tly to th e lim it o f w o rd s. H e re a fte r
le tte r - g o in g o v e r th e w o rd lim it w ill be
and Varied Slogans
re tu rn e d to th e w r ite r w ith a request to
in Race
re d t'n e th e c o m m u n ic a tio n to 30 0 w o rd s
o r less.
A1.EM Do you w ant l o w e i
T he le tte rs have p ro ve d v e ry in te re s t­
taxes’ A re you in favor of
in g and we are a lw a y s g la d to g e t th e m . greater economy in governm ental
I f th e p e ople w a n t th e ir le tte rs re a d th e y expenditures ' Are you of the o pin­
ion that a lot of offices, boards
w ill fin d it m uch m ore d e s ira b le to keep and commissions should be ubol-
th e m w ith in th e lim it as w e ll.
Forest Hills Country club has taken
on a new and entirely different spirit as
the result of the membership drive that
Red Cross Appeal
brought in so many members. Lockers
Editorial recognition and thanks was and showers will be installed, social ac­
given by the Journal last week for the re­ tivity is increasing and more men and
ceipt of a $5 contribution from a Hillsboro women are playing golf. The Forest Hills
woman to the Red Cross to aid eastern golf course is a credit to the community,
flood sufferers. This contribution went in and those so inclined should give it every
to the credit of the quota set lo r Mult­ possible encouragement through member­
nomah county, which is having some d if-. ship and participation in club activities.
ficulty in raising the money as are other
counties and communities all of which
have been «assigned quotas. W ashington
county was given a quota to raise, and
later, after disaster followed disaster, the
county quota was raised 50 per cent.
Wasting Whose Money?
Rather than have the sufferers wait until
Many of us w ho have had an opportunity to
the amount was contributed, the county w atch the developm ent of the Civilian Conservation
chapter sent the requested sum. hoping Corps find ourselves w ondering ju st w hat ty p e of
m egalom ania it is w hich prom pts leaders
that free-will donations would be made to political
who have, in the past, been credited w ith possess­
reimburse the chapter on the county fund, ing an average am ount of sound commonsense. to
which is used for local relief and disaster. charge that all the money spent on this reh a b ilita­
It would be greatly appreciated if county tion of youth has b etn squandered, and w ithout
people would contribute to the county tangible
Can it be th at men w ho m ake such statem ents
never have an opportunity to trav el and give th eir
Papers Decrease
H itln h o ro
U n io n H ig h
S tu d e n t
l lll.I ll NEWS KT A I K
E d ito r
A n n M tinkre«
A ««¡«I $$nt E d ito r*
M n ry C a ld w e ll and J<»y Foe lke r
N adine P nttereon
I . n V erne A b e nd ro th
( ¡ ir l Ití^erve«
E ith e r H a rty
Hi Y
Tom St ret<-her
Blue H
D avid T o rb a t
H tiid e rit C ouncil
Irm a l Tra n k
T r y Square
H a ro ld M eyer
M in* A lle n
A d v i ">r
At the very mention of chang­
ing anything concerning our com­
mencement exercises, one hears
a thousand proteat*. Everything is
quite perfect as it is! Leave well
enough alone! There would be no
sentim ent connected with a newer
In spite of these protests, certain
changes, which will be released
for publication later, have already
been made. May we suggest an ad­
ditional alteration?
Previously the procession has a d ­
vanced willi all ttie girls first, fol­
lowed by all the boys. This is an
unnatural order. Then, too, the
music has a well, put on high
heels and just try to walk down
that incline at a rapid rate.
A change in this procccdurc
would be a step to elim inate an
unsatisfactory .situation. Let us then
thiow off Ihe m antle of tradition
and don Ihe robe of progress.
The subject is trite but the "sub­
jects" deserve the reprim ands. Be­
cause two reporters failed to live
up to their titles, several hoys who
worked hard to get their athletic
letters in basketball are not even
getting the honor of being enum er­
ated in Ihe news. The rem ainder
of the staff wish to apologize to
the boys for the injustice and hope
to give a list of the aw ards next
C o-operate W ith Y o u r
H ilh i New« S ta ff
Award Letters
Assembly Meet
Lust W ednesday’s assembly p er­
iod was occupied entirely by the
aw arding of letters and trophies to
athletes and the introduction of
the class teams in the soft ball
tournam ent.
A men's chorus from Pacific u n i­
versity is ex p ifted to sing at this
week's assembly, and there will be
a short talk by a representative of
the university.
Visit Lumber Yard
The Try-Square club was shown
around the Pool-G ardner lum ber
yard last Wednesday by V. W.
G ardner. They were shown d iffe r­
ent kinds of lumber, and various
grades. He explained the uses at
the lum ber and told why the lum ­
ber was put into the different
grades. Following the visit to the
yard, the club was treated to r e ­
freshm ents by Mr. G ardner.
To Send Delegate
Hi-Y club is planning to send
Tonj S tretcher as a delegate to the
national convention w hich Is to be
held nt Berea, Kentucky. T here are
to be tw enty delegates from O re­
gon. They intend to ch arter a car
and go in a group.
Program Planned
Girl Reserves met Monday. P ro ­
gram: a U p dance by Jean Person,
piano solo by Mary Manley, skit by
Ardis Ellingson and Esther thirty,
and another lap dance by Betty
Roseni ran*. Several songs were
sung by ull the Girl Reserves.
The Physics classes after several
wild goose chases downtown, and
to all corners of the school, for
guns and blanks, finally succeeded
in perform ing on experim ent Mon­
day on the velocity of sound. Two
groups of students stood 1100 feet
Pardon us! It's Ihe Hilhi Varieties apart. One group fired a pistol and
follies of 1936. Anyway the other group took the tim e that
come to the high school Friday elapsed between seeing the smoke
night und enjoy the program.
and hearing the report.