T hurulav, April 193(Ì H I LT,,A P, O P û Junior H iah • H ears of T rip p le d g e m y e n tire tim e and best 1 rner Beaverton, rou te I No. 24. e ffo rts ." John K Ih rig . Forest Gr< e, route Nolan, Forest Thornburgh Makes Statement John A T h o rn b u rg h . *r° re** ' v'\od* route ! '! * N( S w ay/e. S h e r- 17. J A Irm- G ro v e banker a nd ta n n e r, c m , j ( . , ,, , /e h , " 5. Jack Khen, p h a -i/cs economy in « "V e rn m cn t 1 W l' , |r(' bp| • /„ ‘-o 32 J K M ' / I i i . e y , one o f Hu- ou tsta nding p ro v l- ,j , u s Minis o f In p la tfo rm in a fo rm a l Ut-ptiblican« announcem ent o f p rin c ip le made Hus week a . a candidate for tlie C le rk Robert H. K e lly . H ills - rep ub lica n n o m in a tio n f o r state |b ¡1 E dw in L. G raham . Fore J senator from W ashington county. 'G ro '.' w A T upper. H illsb o ro ; Thornburgh, w ho is a native of W ashington county, gained h i s J J M S tretcher. Scholl.- ; W illia m fii t la w m a kin g experience a re p ­ i l l D ie rd o rff. H illsboro. re. o p ta tiv e in the 1931 eciion He C u iin ty C om m issioner Oscar M ha . served tlie c ity of Forest G rove I T a j lo r. Beaverton, rou te 1; J a m e s three d iffe re n t term a m ayor In I L e w i H uber. G ra n t C Dodge. a d d itio n to Ins h a n kin g experience, I H illsb oro , route 2. cove rin g 30 y e a r ;. lie has been an S h e riff John W. Connell. H ills - ou tsta nding fu rm c r in the cou nty I boro. being a leader in irrig a tio n de ­ I County Assessor J. E C arpenter, velopm ent and filb e rt cu ltu re . I Forest G rove; R. E B a rre tt, For- His p la tfo rm as announced th is i ei t Grove. week follow s: Con table Sherwood d is tric t. E. "No increa se in taxes. G liuge y; B eaverton d is tric t, W "N o new commissions. F. De . niger; H illsb o ro d is tric t, J. “ No ap p ro p ria tio n s th a t are not It Peppard. D istrict A tto rn e y • G. Russell Robert K e lly , H ills b o ro real estate absolutely necessary. "R educe taxes by c u rta ilin g e x ­ Morgan, H illsb o ro ; Paul I,. P a tte r­ and insurance agent, see kJ re penses. son. H illsboro. publican no m in ation fo r county "N o t a to o l of any boss, gro up clerk. State Senator John A. T h o rn - I or faction. " W ill consider eve ry b ill on its m e rits and vote fo r the best in - i teresLs o f the state and county, i "E ve ryon e is a taxp ayer, e ith e r ' real, personal, in ta ng ible, gas. in - : d u s tria l accident, autom obile, d r iv - | e r’s licenses or oth er tax "E v e ry d o lla r spent comes from you. then let's cu t out unnecessary i spending. " W ill legislate according to busi- | ness p rin cip le s.” T h e J u riiu r liig li pupil« untj tc o rli- •13 enjoyed i p c im l treat M m h /u when N d B icli.it'd on. .1 g r id m ile of H ill li..in In itli 1 liniil, gave nil interest in g account id Ins In p 111 m ind Hie w o rld 11 u c u lo t of f ile r 1111 II large steamship The buy«- m id g ills ' 1 hoi 11 1 . .mg s e v ­ eral sile e llo n s under the d in e tin u o f M i K llie r W ick . m usic sup ervisor H ills b o ro crude schools lire proud of llu* results shown in Hie w ritin g eh1 i e n t Hie J u n io r hig h In the e ve nlh m id eigh th glades the re nre 25 pu pils who have eunie.l high school certificu tcs, mid 21 p u ­ p ils w ith guide .school ce rtific a te T he tcnchei . M i G e rtru d e Ide. A M Jannsen of Hi liiv ille , seventh mid eigh th grades, m il d i'd lih g contractor, won hl again Me. . Q eo rg in iu Hi own, s ix th grade, serve th is county a. a repre. enta- Uve. .e p o rt the fo llo w in g students n I pient of Hie. c Palm er e e l till f’lites H igh .school c e rtific a te . Seventh grade, A lic e P in e. W in i­ fred W iley, E velyn A nn B usch,! Lillian M ill. r, E d i t h S.iln,,.- t ’ loyce Iturnp. eigh th grade, l.oi n an May. P h v llr Atnai her. P h y l­ lis Johnston. Elaine C riize ii. Ho.a m ine W ell, Helen Cyrus, Anna M ary llu rtra m n f. Jacq ue lin e Wal le i Ann Webb. Ella Ito e Ma am. D a ry l E ,ti pp. K a th e rin e W iley, Coh-ne M acD ow ell, V irg in ia Haven L u c ille W alters. M arion Unci her, Jack G notinuin, A lb e rt Loonier, M a ry Jane D u x b u ry G rade school c e rtifica te s seventh grade, A k ira Tsuguwa E velyn G errish . eighth grade. V e lra I.u/.urk. Jean A nn Pa.sley. Knte Iw as.ikl. Hazel K.i mu . eu Leon Bunner. M ary W yatt. Jack Schukart, Irene D arnell, Day- Id W ile y, Dougla Seym our, Jack W illiam so n. B illy I .eider. Bud Him - Z c l'la W cintz D o ro th y T ra u g h b e r, B illie Cox. B illy F oelk- 1 r, Haym ond K -lm g e i. .sixth grade. Rosem ary Bass .Superintendent Nosier attended the m eeting of c ity school super- in te nd en ts ill Salem ; C iC 'u rly i Bennett o f H lllsboro. J M S tretcher, w e ll know n Scholls 1 A tti ndunce is alm ost hark to na tive -.on, candidate fo r dém o­ resident, .seeks rep ub lica n no m ­ ,(F /m il III th e ei ade , I.....I a fte r cra tie no m in ation fo r .’ lie riff. in a tio n fo r county clerk. a siege of measles am i in flu e n z 1 M a ke -u p e la s s e s are b e in g s t a l l e d at the ju n io r high th is week. In an e ffo rt to he lp these c h ild re n w ho have missed w o rk The teueh- ers m e h o ld in g these chis.se . before school, at noon, m id a fte r school T hough it means an e xtra burden fo r tile teacher«, the y are w illin g to put in th is e x tra tim e in an a ttem p t to decrease the n u m b e r of fa ilu re s at the end of the year. , ' Sv’S •W» / (C o n tin u r d fro m i n g r I ) porated in th e ir decla ration s r e f­ erence» to pension» or to tlie T o w n ­ send clubs. W I- Voting, Sherwood. dem o­ crat. wus a last m in u te candidate fo r clerk H e lias been 11 re»i(lent o f Hie county fo r the past 18 year.,, a»'- a taxp ayer in tin - cou nt) for 'iz. la st 3(1 y c a i. lie u) He tau ght school at M id dle ton, T u a l/i- Tbl« •nioriadon hau never Laid iän« thau 3% cate Is insured up Io >5,000.00 under the Federal Insurance ria n . Savings of $1.00 ac­ c e p te d o r la r g e r amounts to suit your convenience. S tart a systematic savings account today. Tualatin Valley Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n. J. M. PERSON, Mgr. Ravings & Hillsboro Loan Bldg. Oregon : I cannot and w ill not f u lf ill; but if nom inated and elected 1 sh a ll ' con tinu e to urge the h e a rty co­ operation of the taxpayer, e x te n d ­ ing to h im the utm ost courtesy, g iv in g m y personal a tte n tio n to any suggestions o r com p la ints to w h ich m.v a tte n tio n m ay be called, that m ig ht, in any w ay m ake fo r a ju s t and e q u ita b le assessment, thus re su ltin g in a lik e d is trib u ­ tio n o f tlie ta x burden. " I n s o lic itin g y o u r support, 1 PROTECTED / “ Les LACKEY ('laude COOMER Have O pened n is protected from the FARM G EN ER A L REPAIR S H O P in H illsboro and w ill sp ecialize in Automobile Wheel, Axle, Frame, Body and Fender Work C Morningdew Milk Latest Equiment for W heel A ligning ] TO YOU 365 E. Main — Phone 721 Across Street from New Postoffice Residence Phones 1222 or 1192 I Easter Clothes Fourth Anniversary Sale New Spring Dresses $7.95 Exciting fashions for all d a y -tim e o c c a sio n s. Many of them are reg­ ular $12.75 and $13.95 dresses. Single a n d d o u b le - breasted and link but­ ton styles. Also swag­ ger suits in plain wools and plaids. Farm Implements - Parts Roy (By M ia « Martha Vanderzanden/ Phone Miss A gner Pranger was guest o f honor at a b irth d a y d in n e r p a r­ ty given by Beta D u yck Sunday. 9605 Beaverton, Oregon Zephyr, s tr in g a n d Boucle. New spring col­ ors. Morningdew New straws, b l a c k , navy grey and brown. navy, Felts to w ear with your suit. Knit Dresses $7.95 and $13.95 Spring Hats $1.95 to $5.00 GOAR’S Woman’s Shop C. M. Hame», Prop. COFFEE *ir, r yi The Sleepy H ollow. Quart .................. Bring your Well Streaked with Lean. Pound .............................................................. O M * J fl Lvz Carton ................................. PEACHES 2 Libby’s or Del Monte. Halves or Sliced. No. 2 Vg cans ............. Q Q 4U « z* /V SOUP Van Camp’s Tomato. cans ................................ JL MAXWELL HOUSE KOOLS At this exceptionally low price. 23c Pound ........... .................................................... SOAP ZEE. soft, absorbant White King Granulated. O Q a rolls ................................ OÛZ» 23C Fine G ranulated lbs. (Limit) Sat. only 35c No. 2*2 cans . 43c MILK SYRUP Log Cabin. Medium size tin ............... ( cans ............................. 19c General Foods GLO COAT QQ z» O e/C Johnson’s. was truly a success and we wish to thank you for your participation in the contest. First Prize Won by M ISS IS A G R ABF.L Second Prize Won by MRS. W. A. V E R B O O R T Specials for Fri., Sat. and Mon., April 3, 4, 6 47c Pint can .. Fresher Fruits and Vegetables H illsboro’s finest food store offers you the freshest and largest variety available and priced consistently in line with the market. G R A PEFR U IT A,?,Z0N - ) ( case A 99c LETTU C E Dozen 19c 2 a»,. 15c O R A N G ES Arizona. Large, solid heads. Each ........................................... 2 “Kook - Craft Kontest 10c large assortment C À D D D T Ç Cali- Oxharts. V /Z * .r\.Iv V 7 L ¿5 Large bunches Safeway 5c CANDY BARS 1UC MAXIMUM or MT. VERNON (Limit, Sat. only) Q zx »/«-lb. tin .............................. PUREST CANE JL” Ivory. Medium bar COCOA SUGAR -4 SOAP Libby’s or Del Monte. pkgS..................................4M Î / X / RALEIGHS Large P kg........................... HC PINEAPPLE 2 25c TOILET TISSUE Baker’s. CIGARETTES 2 2> 3 own containrr. COFFEE EASTERN SUGAR CURED Western, large cartons. Lb......... 49-lb. bag BACON MATCHES most popular brand WesL........ 17c FLOUR G uaranteed. 1.09 flavors. JELLO Assorted Pkg. . .........5c ÇVD J TD maple. Pure cane < l.« 4 /Vz a v L J A and maple (3 lbs. 49c) Pint J a r .................................. Sweaters $1.95 and $2.95 Boucles in pastel col­ ors. Sizes 14 to 20. "A Flavor You’ll Favor" Sam Hullt A Son» Phone 2568 Three Year Average Score by Pacific International Over 98 Trucks and Tractors Free 4 Cleanliness is param ount in the production and de- 1 ivery of M o r n i n g d e w M i 1 k. But c le a n lin e s s alone is n o t enough. Scientific inspection« pro­ tects the purity of Morn­ ingdew a t every p o i n t from the dairy to you. GUERNSEY DAIRY International Harvester Co. ■ 1 v w -O ne large, solid head Lettuce with each pint of Aristocrat Mayon­ naise. Try it! You, too, will agree why it is so popular. Suits $13.95 to $22.50 I// HUGH LEWIS CO. Democrat« ^Woman’s Shop ff "I have no promise to make that burg. Fore t Grove: Ford Langer. Present were C lara Vanderz.inden, nesday fu r M onm outh to atten d Sh< r\ ..oil. F a il Fisher, Beaverton. M a rg u e rite D uyck. Cecelia Pranger. tehool. State R epresentative J W W ilm a McPeak. Reta Duvek and M r- H e n ry D uyck. son Charles Hugh« Forest G rove; A M Jann- the guest of honor. Alignes Pranger. and d a ug hter S y lv ia le ft W ednes­ C larence Vanderzanden le ft W ed­ day fo r a t r ip to the eastern states. sen, R e id v ille . Republican filin g s fo r precinct com m itteem en fo llo w : No. 29. Paul C. Cap Forest G rove route 2. and Charles J Herb. Forest G rove; No. 48, Donald T T em pleton. H ills ­ boro; No. 3, W C. Edy. Sherwood. No. 11, H. J Valentine. B eaverton ro u te 1; No. 7. J. O. Johnson. T iga rd. No. 33. James A. Sew ell Com plete line of and Robert N T orbett, H ills b o ro ro u te 1; No 44. E J. Maple. For­ est Grove; No. 34 L. K C ypher. N o rth Plains; No 35. Claude 11 E lfo rd , H ill boro, route 3; No. 43. Sam uel 11 Lawrence. P ortla nd , route 5: No. 45. E. B. Sappington. Forest G rove: No 47, L. C. K ra - m ien. H illsb oro ; No. 49, J. J. W is- mer. L is t o f filin g s com pleted to M on- day fo r e n te rin g thep ritn a rie s M ay 15: C h-rk H Beitzan. T igard, route ! 1: W. F. Young. Sherwood Com m issioner B ert C. Hagen. Tigard. S h e riff M K Abraham . Forest i Grove. E. C. B ennett, H illsb oro . i Assessor U. B. Beeves. P o rtla n d .) rou te 2; I ’. W. L illis o n , T igard. I | route 1. State Senator— E. L. Ross A loha, j State R epresentative— R ichard Scott. Sherwood: Ray L. A n trim . ! A loha; Dr. G F Via. Forest Grove ' D em ocratic filin g s fo r p re cin ct ' com m itteem en fo llo w : No. 47. L. S I Cam pbell. H illsb o ro ; No. 42. W E M cC lusky. Beaverton; No. 11 K a t e 1 Robertson. P ortland, route 5: No. 1 ' D avid Cole, Sherwood, route 1: i No. 2. G ordon H Fiske. Sherwood: I No 4. P L illis o n . T ig a rd : No. 5. 1. M. Leslie. T ig a rd rou te 1; No. 10. i Eva M Price. A loha. C. E. B a rke r, i Aloha; No. 19. Joseph T Van Dyke. Gaston, route 1: No 22. C ecil L. Koberstein. Gaston; No. 23, Louis M. Fraer. Gales C reek: No. 28. W. T Sellers. Banks; No. 33. E. L. Johnson. H illsb o ro ; No 41 R. G Berst. Beaverton: No. 45. M a ry L. Roberts, Forest G rove: No. 7. H o w ­ ard C. A tkinso n. Metzger: No. 44. , F ra n k J L e w is . Forest G rove; No. | 49. Ed I. Moore. H illsb o ro : No. 27, , C G. Sevecker. M anning: No. 6. Bert C Hagen. T ig a rd ; No. 18. L iz - - zie Baum ann. Forest Grove, ro u te 1; No 29. John W. Bernards. Roy: No. 30. Celia A. P u rd in , Forest Grove, rou te 1; No. 31. A lb e rt Ja n ­ ’ sen, Forest Grove, route 2; No. 34. George B ie rsdo rf, C o rne liu s; No. 39. M azie Hays. A lo ha ; No. 40. E d w in L. G raham . Forest G ro vt F ra n k I.. S teffan, P ortla nd , rou te attorney. who aspire to pubi! 5. No. 43. John E. Lahey, B eaver­ can n o m in a tio n f< r county cle rk A r th u r T upp er, resident o f H ills ­ ton ro u te 2; No. 9. A lb e rt T. K em - boro fo r m any years, cle rk in o f­ fice o f cou nty engineer and law tin m id C ipule m id has served six gruduute. seeks rep ub lica n none years as m em ber o f the Sherw oo t in a liu n fo r cou nty cle rk school board and tile same length of tune on the Sherwood council GCome to if nom inated a n d elected h c subject to the pi unary elect ion to promises an econom ical, e ffic ie n t be held M ay 15, 1930. Ç GOAR'S a d m in is tra tio n w ith courtesy to ull. " In s o lic itin g the support o f the T w o filin g s fu r state representa­ electorate o f th is county I w o u ld I tiv e from W ashington county were , c a ll y o u r a tte n tio n to the e x p e r­ reported fro m Salem Saturday. ience I have had by m y 15 yea rs') or y< your T hey included A M. Jannsen of service as d e pu ty assessor in this K eedvilla, pro m ine nt w e ll d r ille r o ffic e and the know ledge and e x ­ and fo rm e r le gislator, w ho seeks perience th a t I have gained in the i the re p u b lica n no m in ation fo r re p ­ past three years in the actual con­ resentative, and Dr. G. F V ia o f duct o f the office, b e lie vin g as I Forest G rove, w ho aspires to the do. tha t th is is one o f the highest It’s Our • q u a lific a tio n s re q u ire d to conduct Bay L. A n trim - o f A loha has file d th is o ffice in te llig e n tly , success­ fo r the dem ocratic n o m in ation fo r f u lly and e ffic ie n tly in the in te r ­ est o f the taxpayers. state representative. R epresentative J W Hughes o f Forest G rove has file d fo r the re ­ p u blican n o m in a tio n to succeed h im se lf as representative. E. C. B ennett, n a tiv e son. en­ tered the p o litic a l arena S aturday by f ilin g fo r the dem ocratic nom ­ in a tio n fog sh e riff. He is re ly in g on support fro m t h e Townsend clubs, being a m em ber o f the lo- ' cnl group. B r itt N edry, superintendent of the T ig a rd grade school and p ro m ­ inent republican, tw ice president o f the Oregon rep ub lica n club, is seeking election as delegate to the rep ub lica n n a tio n a l c o n v e n t i o n fro m tin- firs t congressional d is tric t. N edry firs t declared his in te n ­ tio n o f seeking tile o ffice o f state treasu rer u n til W. E. B u rke of near New berg file d fo r th a t office. N edry then w ith d re w . J. E. C arpenter, cou nty assessor and rep ub lica n candidate fu r nom ­ in a tio n to succeed him self, this week made the fo llo w in g statem ent re g a rd in g hie q u a lifica tio n s: Carpenter Issues Statement " I hereby fo rm e rly announce my candidacy fo r the o ffice o f county assessor on the rep ub lica n ticke t, P hi ?»« f iv» j day n ig h t, last Ì Every saving« ce rtifi­ n 11 r ” R n R n , n r f g o n Some 1916 Primary Candidates M any I »P.»| Student* Get W ip in g C ertificates Many Seek Office Coming Election A RG U 5c 10 a». 13c B urbanks Ore. U. S. No. 2 50L53C tF V O N IO N S U. Oreg,,n S. No. PO TATO ES bunches 5c Is bag Produce Specials Friday and Saturday FREE DELIVERY TIM ES A 4 DAILY Phone 2171 □