Page Pour R ïL L S B O ftO Order of Rainbow Organized Saturday ARCUS, H IL L S B O R O . Builders’ Clubs Pythian Sisters Award Pius Will C elebrate to Achievement pins are Wed 50 Years .lie / -------- P hoenicia Hillsboro Assembly. Order of er bouquet of lilies-oi-the-vallev. Rainbow for Girls, will be institut­ orchids, freesias, and Ophelia rose­ ed Saturday evening at the Masonic buds. Miss Elda Hershey. maid of hall. The initiation, which will be honor, was dressed in peach-colored conducted by Waverly assembly of taffeta and carried a bouquet of Portland, will begin at 7:30 o'clock Talisman roses and sweetpeas. Rob­ and will be a closed meeting. The ert Heesacker. cousin of the bride­ installation, b e g i n n in g a t 9:30. groom, was best man is open to parents of the girls. Arnold McCoy played the wed- About 40 Hillsboro and Forest ding m arch from Mendelssohn, and Grove girls will become members. ' Paul Swigart sang “O, Promise Mary Louise Oliver, Grand W orthy ■ Me." dvi sar a u ber7 n»s,taillin£ I Baskets of spring flowers and and the Albany DeMolay boys will I ferns w ere for rooni decoru- crown the w orthy advisor. D. ; tions. The table for lhe brid , Bruce Stuart. Suprem e Deputy in j party was decorated with a center- Oregon, will install the advisory piece of Ophelia roses and sweet- board. Mesdames R_ h Peters, J peas, with w hite candles. The bride's B. Dinsmore, W. J Enschede Miss cake was cut by her grandm other Patty Lomax and Messrs L. E Mrs. John Kamna Sr. Those assist- McDowell, J. H M urton and W. H. „ig with the serving and about e r e Mrs John OMicers to be installed are Betty ' lhe ner. rooms Mrs j » ohn Kamna J r Gard- M to be aw ard ed 13 boys at a pecial joint me.-Hin; of th e ' H illsboro 4 11 .1 M I I I IZ/’ F V/7 U V C l II I I I » t I O il I J T b iir'il i’.', Man h t’C. 19''6 OREGON JOHN IIU KTUI.I, John Ueektoll, 71 years of age died Thursday at the comity home. Rebekahs Name Representatives to Grand Lodge builders' clubs A pril 2 at 7:30 in Tem ple. P v Sis- the union high school Miss K a th e rin e Weik. Mr building Our D ruggist Savs D ella tan . will celebrate the fcrty-firsl The beys receiving the pin* were D enton am i Mt- J e m c Young w ere a n n iv e rsa ry of its erganizaf, on at th e m eeting F rnlav night .-at th e K nights of P vrhias hall Mrs Elsie S ch ulm erich of C orvallis is th e on- ly S ister c h a rte r m em ber, w ho Atilt retains h er m em b ersh ip here, a u d W. V W iley is th e only K n ig h t charter member who still belongs Mrs Schulm erich will give a brief history of the organization. Grand Chief Hazel Hollenbeck will make her official visit, and members from North Plains and A , ' ' 11 Forest G rove have been in v ited to attend. Mrs. A lice B oylan of Ohio, suprem e m istress of finance, is also and funeral services wer« hold I'rlilav afternoon from Young's Funeral ll< niir elected to represent the local lodge at tlw> R ebekah G ran d lodge a! Itoseburg May 19-22. at the m e e t­ ing of R ebckalis T uesday night Mrs. M ildred McGonnaha.v was recom m ended as d istrict d eputy A nnouncem ent w as m ade that the next T lu e e la n k association m eeting w ould be held at th e H anks high school on A pril 24, and the follow ing w ere nam ed as com m it - tee to a rra n g e H illsboro's part of the program : H enry Young. Mi . M ildred Chri.stiau.son, and Mis F lorence P eterson F ollow ing the lodge session, the R ebekahs wane e n te rta in e d by the of the Oregon Building Congress. Past N oble G ran d s' chili w ith r e ­ will be an honor guest. He is the fresh m en ts and a social hour. tnem 'oeis ol th e club List r e a r and have com pleted th e ir w ork sue- ees-full.i Each studies c a rp en try . has built m odel farm b u ild in g s and ex h ib ited them at the slate fair, w here the club w on th e sw eep- stakes in th e ir division Ju n io r high club, a new group let! by W alter H enry, an d the h ig h school club w ith M. M Rom- i* as leader w ill tak e p a rt ill the progrum A fe a tu re of th e evening w ill be four ed u catio n al film s pic- tu riiij; p arts of th e lu m b er indus- try L au ren ce F rancis, assistant county agent, w ill show th e film s O l) Hughson, a rep re se n ta tiv e ’ A pi'»“ci ipt mu filled ttt Pharm acy always lives up to expectation# a l­ ways accompli s h e : the exact result* lliut your doctor intended »1 to. That's b is au. •• our registered pr» u’l lptionUts know the m eaning of ACCURACY ;«nd they practice it faithfully in all t h e work they do for you ” HILLSBORO PHARMACY Om p rescrip tio n r i '. r is »lit iii th e op<*u .<> \ ou eau • ee the u k dune expected as a visitor. Mrs. Dora Nelson is chairm an of the program com m ittee and Mrs R. Frank Peters is chairm an of the pioneer organizer of 4-H building clubs and helped organize the local refreshm ent committee. Hobbs worthy advisor: Barbara Simon Hershey. Mrs. Jam es Craig groups. Enschede, worthy associate advisor: Miss Betty Kamna and Miss Helen All frieiwls of the school and Dixie Lee McDowell, Charity; Nelson. n aw t «a anyone win» is interested in the Louise Cruzen. Hope: Jean Person. I n«. • ... ». . z. . o, , , Faith' M araaret 1 aver r e c o r d e r - ^ le ^ r i d e 1S well known here ^ r- an£f Mrs. C A. Shipley cele- club's activities are invited to a t­ H illsboro Royal N eighbor- w ire L U T H E R A N Rosanne WeH treasurer B eriiece ?nd 1S 3 gradua!e of the Hillsboro brated golden w edding anniver- tend. A special invitation is ex ­ e n te rta in e d W ednesday evening, D H l Z chaplain! D ^ t h y ChaTl” 1 b‘g b ? chf° ° ‘ cla“ 19d2 a«<* » - sarv ?Iareh ,1G C u t co u m ’sv O re- Members of the Sea Scout Ship tended to officers and members of M arch 19, by the Past O racles' combe. drill leader: Ann Peters, : ’ PP>' DV ’S,’ C*le~ “ Journal. ------ ----------- _ club, honoring th e fo rty -sev en th a n ­ Rainbow will hold a monthly social P.-T. A Love; Eleanor Bendler. Religion; “ m e year Later she j n iv ersary of th e N eighbors A M i at the American Legion hall to­ M arjory Montgomery, Nature; Dor- 3 Ie" ded O :e«on S 3 c c° nege and S e r V I C e O il G o o d Jor Bowes A m ateu r N ight program night (Thursday» at 8:30. This is f l o r d n n i ’l l l h » v l f U t . I l V I U U , box S0Cia ]. minimum '- othy Barr. Immortality; Jean Ann “ 3 m em ber of Sigma Kappa y-, • , w as pul on by high school students to be a as e n te rta in m e n t. G uests w ere p re s­ Pasley, Fidelity: Constance Peter- sorority. Mr. R Dierickx ‘,e rlckx at attended price for a box being tw enty-five 8 p. in. so n . P a t r io t i s m H e le n C v r u s S o r e . State college and e n t from O regon Rose and M ar­ son. Patriotism: Helen C yrus,Serv- n ?l‘iesc and , " a s The Christian ministers of Hills- cents, Hillsboro G arden club will meet g u e rite cam ps in P o rtlan d and ice; Margaret Batchelar. confi- _,a ,we . known orchestra boro met at the C hristian church me „ S 'VP , 8 °ln8 to display its Monday evening at 7:30 in the I from Forest G rove an d H in k S ch ool A u d itoriu m dential observer: Mary Ella Mari- az r vcars Wednesday and planned for r the -4-foot w haleboat, w hich boys have basement room of tire library. After ner. outer observer: Mary Manlev, r „ ~r 3 ,?w wecks tr iP to San special "Good F riday" servic n e „ w .¡i.:. nev I i f rancisco the — young «- couple will last year a ’three-ho'ur service be- been cleaning, an a painting and the business meeting a round-table APRIL 2 musician: and W a a s tn e R n ¡Z. F Pe'ters T 3^ . ,heir h?me ln Hillsboro. The ginning at .‘toon and continuing «ettrng in shape for the scout discussion w ill be held. Members choir director, traveling suit was green w ithout interruption till th ree clrcLLS held in the In tel- are asked to tiring questions for Tiimi Nut Fear God?" will be mother advisor of the a s - }>rlde:> trimm ed in brown beav e r with o'clock w in 'b e ^ield' in the Chris- nati?,nal Stock show buildings the question box, and also any Lukv 23, 40 sembly. corsage t i tian a n c church h u r c h A A n pril r il til a c h m m i n inister i s t o r ' APn , l 3 and 4' article or garden hint that w ill 10. E Each „ , Masons and Eastern Stars at- brown accessories, and a corsage Paul II Schatis of Schcfflln of gardenias. speaking is to furnish the special • The Sponsors Group, which is prove helpful to the members tending the installation are re- music for his period. Next meeting composed of the parents of the the care of th eir gardens at this ! quested to bring receipts. of the local m inisters will be at members of the ship, will meet in tim e of year the M. E. parsonage A pril 7 at an adjoining room to discuss plans ------------------------- A Cappella Choir ifor the future. Miss Ju n e M artin of N ew port is 10:30 a. m. ------------------- i Members of th e Sea Scout Ship spending th e week w ith Mrs. E. C O R D I W E L C O M E ; Columbia of Portland will be A. Dvaville. A quiet w edding ceremony was F o e t p r P n n z ’ O i’f Etill s w a g g e r coats ! guests of the Hillsboro group. , ------------------------------- -— --------------- solemnized Mondav evening M a rc h J - ' c t i ' l C f V U l l L t l l Plans are under way for the "Mr. and M rs." of K asha S uede in a t W p d d î n o "ê- tde ^ome Bev- Goude of n t c p i T m T S u n d i i v I f f I 1 1 / IIL IF C L l C l l I l g the Congregational church in Van- Rainbow to train for the annual I A piav, "Mr. and Mrs." will be H H id M a E K a iiiM iia K a B flB iy a z tiH B B B iB iB fliiia a H a B iB B a a a a B B th re e - q u a r te r Wash Stabat Mater uraiorw oratorio wi will fonn regatta to be held Ju n e 5 and 6 at given at t he new G range hall couver. Wash., when Kay Kerr. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl daughter of Mrs. I. E. Taylor of part of the E aster music to be Vancouver. Wash. They will be in April 2. at 8 p. m under the di- len g th . I. Donelson was the scene of a Hillsboro, became th e - bride ____ _ c l given by the com bined Pacific competition against 13 other ships recti,in"' of Mrs. H. H Stannard pretty wedding Tuesday evening Arlyn G em hart of Hillsboro. Onlv U niversity glee clubs and the For- of the council. Continuous m usical comedy with ________________ when their daughter Mildred was imm ediate relatives were presec* est G rove Choral group, directed an hour of dancing afterw ard. Ad­ Saris, at 4 p. m. Sun- , * 1 • united in m arriage to Jam es W The bride w ore a grav spri.* by j- Clarence ' mission 25 cents. 8-7 S p rin g seed in g tim e is h ere. It pays to buy good Seed. S in g le -b re a ste d m an in Marsh haii on the p. u Dierickx, son of Mr. and Mrs suit w ith shoes and hat to match day campus at Forest Grove. O u r Field and G a rd e n S eeds a re b e tte r. August Dierickx of Verboort. The and red accessories. ta ilo re d suits col­ O ther members on the program service was read at 7:30 by Father The young couple will m ake their ors navy, g r e y, will include secular music. Palm Advisory com m ittee on Hills- Heesacker of Beaverton, an uncle home on a farm near Hillsboro, R eclvaned G rey O ats $ 2 9 .0 0 ton Sunday. Good Friday, and Easter b°r o cem etery upkeep, w orking in of the bridegroom, before a bower brow n an d oxford. music. Everybody is invited to at- conjunction w ith t h e Hillsboro of palms, tulips and calla lilies R eclca n cd V ictory Ont.- 2 8 .0 0 ton tend. Christian Council, which has u n ­ The bride, who was given in $ -• g are on disPlay in ‘he Argus durable. Friday, Dr. J. O. Robb op- window, and are attracting a great era’lng' ¡deal of attention. M erle Vandehey was sent t o 1., . _ b oernbecher hospital Wednesday Huggins la k e s Course— m orning to be operated on for ; Uf- H. D. Huggins will not be at — mastoid. h ia. next week. He w ill be post graduate w work Mrs. Ray Thomas is back at her taking takin8 P°st ork in Port- Port position in the corset departm ent ^anc^ the Academy of Ophthal T rout Season O pens at Weil's D epartm ent store after j mol°Sy and Otolaryngology, A p ril 5 a m onth's vacation. Bush Breaks Leg— Mr and Mrs. C. E. M ariner and O. B. Bush of near Cornelius Be p re p a re d to c a tc h th e family spent the week-end w ith sustained a fractured right leg in lim it th e first d ay . See Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beymer at An- an accidental fall Saturday. Dr. D. telope. Wiley attended him. o u r m ost com plete line of P -T. A. Radio study groun met , Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Rene Vesper s’ervice Sunday— fish in g supplies to d ay . Meltebeke. Camp F ire G irls' groups will REELS— Nancy Aileen Easter is spending b? ld 3 “ 7 ^ S,u" day a ft' spring vacation w ith Erm a Kemper ( ™ o ^ l church ‘ Full size ....... D ancing every n ig h t e x c ep t S unday. PLATES Mr. Fisherman 98c REELS— Jew el $ J .9 5 level-w inding . LINES — H ighest qu ality silk. 25-yd . c o ik and up i T elesco p e Rods— $n Wlsbon®^A.rg us J o b b e rs of a co m plete line of au to m o tiv e re p la c e m e n t p a rts. W ith Which I« Combined The Rilleboro Independent J a ck F a irw ea th er 126 N. 3rd Ave. “S to rm y ” F a irw ea th er Hillsboro y o u r y u u r u iilr r n t q u u lily H illsboro 3101