TI hiig I uv . M unii 26, 1926 H IL L S R O R O Record Maile « With Chicks I ’ lny L au rel A p ril 4; M any Parties D u rin g W eek I J y S h r l. Drown) I.A ll,IK ,. "Baby chirk" lim e is licie ugnili mui sume funnels, or m ile n f le ll th e f u l r ile l s' W iv e ; , a le land W ednesday Io ee his brother, Hollie Friends ot (' Cox, father of Hollie anil Sam, would probably be hdercited In the fail that a l­ though he is slightly worse at tones, he is gradually Improving lie is till being c.ned for by Mi. Anderson, iieui Beaverton. Lenon* l.yda. son of Mr. and M i, Claude l.yda, lefl for Mon mouth Sunday evening Io attend school. The lillle Joe Vandomelcii baby, who returned from the hospital j la d week Is on the load Io re- I covery now Mi and Mrs Vietoi Lewi.; drove to Carlton Saturday night to help (celebrate the bit thijjy anniveisary "f Mi I .l.i, k ,i,n. gun, ot Mi V. Lewis \ II y busy ut >oul Ho* brooder or Bn' Ificubujoi Mrs W 1! McNuy rl.i itti.» a lit«» i <1 for hcisi If, H not OVl•r others (m losing only two ( IIIt ks from a bunt h of 400 up to twi » w<*t*ks «if ugi- Mi i Amos Wutkin has limn eggs e l ill her theubutnrs. Play April I The three act iliamu, "Si lui (H y V ivian llu „iiiiilgr from T urnip Ridge." is be­ Huywurd school has been d o cd ing prueliceil faithluUy by the cunt tin . past week because of .-.evert* unit will be given April 4 Full cold'*. Board of directors decided pai titu la rs with names uf east will to clo.-.e the si liool for a week appear next week until the children had recovered. llirthduy Celebrated Hay ward residents uwa>ke Satui Mi ami Mr.. W II McNuy mid day morning to find the ground -Jam Hilly w en guest, at a iliiinei covered with snow and more snow Ktlllduv at tile I n l i n e of Ml Me- ( fell during the duy. N a y 's aster, Mi C i v i l e S tretch uf Newberg, honoring their father, C NOTICE OF s l l U t l l l S SALE O t S Mi Nay, on Ins birthday an n iv er­ REAL PROPERTY I'NIIEK I OltE sary CI.OSI RE l.aiuel Light -I II (Jills' Sewing Notice is hereby given, that by d u b held a soeial meeting at the Imine of Viola anil Herinee Stoller virtue of an Execution. Decree and 1 O rder of Sale, igsuod out of and S aturday I under till* seal of the Circuit Court Mrs. Tews Honored Mr and Mrs. Adolph Schmidt of the State of Oregon for Wash­ Weie guests at the George Tews ington County on the 2,’lrd day of March. A I) 1936, upon a Ju d g ­ home at Gaston Sunday In honor ment and Decree entered therein of Mi 'lew s' birthday the 23rd day of March. 1936, in Mi William Kieler and infant mi of Peter Evers, plaintiff, and . son returned from the Ju n e * h o s ­ favor pital in Hill horn Sunday, Miss against C B Gatchell and his w i f e , defendants, Irene Traughhel of 1 11II l i o i o , I ; at Gatchcll, wherein a Judgm ent wus given th e K leiei home to assist with the and entered in favor of plaintiff Work and against the defendant, C B Mrs Nile Bennett has returned Gatchell, for the sum of $1128 00. fm,n Balaton and Miss Blanche and ttu* further sum of $100.00. A t­ from Portland, w here they had vis­ torney's fees, and for plaintiff's ited relatives for several weeks. easts and disbursem ents of said Mr. Stoller Celebrate» suit, taxed at $33 90, to me directed S F Stoller celebrated his b irth ­ . and delivered, com manding me to day anniveisary at his home make sule of the real property T hursday evening with Mr and hereinafter described, I have levied Mrs. Sidney Itothstrom and two l upon, and pursuant to the com ­ ns of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. mands uf said Execution, Decree J. II Haase and Harold as guests, and Ordei of Sale. I will, on Mon­ i Ml i , : I 1. 1 A a , i | , p . . l i l t e d day. the 27th day of April, A D P,'. airm an of the Easier program for 1930, at the hour of ten o'clock A the Sunday school M ot said day. at the East or Lee Brown wus quite ill with Front Door of the County Court pneum onia at the Jones hospital House in the City o , Hillsboro. over the week-end. hut is now con­ Washington County. Oregon, sell at valescing at his home public auction to the highest bid­ Mrs Flora Buker and Earl and der, for cash in hand, all the right, Jim Baker visited the form er's sis­ title, estate and interest, which ter, Mrs Fred W ither, and family said defendants. C It G atchell and ut Dayton Sunday. Gatchell, his wife, and George Schm idt, educational in- each of them, had on the 11th day structoi at CCC eatnp 'Agnes* near of November. 1913, or at any tim e (¡old Beach, visited Ills paren t, Mr have since acquired and or now- mid Mrs Fred Schmidt. Sunday have, in and to t h e following Mrs. E. Schum acher's father is bounded and described real prop­ erly lying, being and situate in q uite ill at their home. the County of Washington. State Mrs. Schmidt Honored Mis Jacob Schm idt was honored of Oregon, and more particularly ut her home last Friday when a d e s c rib e d us fo llo w s to-wR: The southeast q u arter nf the num ber of friends came to help her southeast q u arter o , Section fif­ celebrate her birthday anniversary teen G5i in Township Two (2> Present w eic Me-,dames A Rutsch­ North of Range Four (4) West man. I-' Schmidt. J H. F dlon. W of the W illamette M eridian in I. Stevens, J II Haase. S. E. S tol­ W ashington County, Oregon, ler, C P S ta f f o r d . J II M cPher­ containing 40 acres. son. W alter Schmidt. Miss Helen to satisfy the hereinbefore m en­ Rutschm an and the honor guest. Mr. and Mrs W L. Stevens spent tioned sums and for the costs and $ iid a v a n d Sunday at O ceanlake expenses of said sale and of said 'w ith her sister. Mrs Clifton Bag- Wi ii Such sale will be made subject Icy. They icportcd the w eather as to redem ption as per the statutes very windy and unpleasant. Earl P rickett of Hillsboro, stu ­ of the S tate of Oregon Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this dent at Oregon State, .spent the 24th day of Match. A I) 1936. week-end with Robert Soule. J W CONNELL Sheriff of W ash­ Visit in K ansas Mrs R Roberts and small son ington County. Oregon. Thus II departed last Thursday for Witch- Tongue Jr., A ttorney for P lain ­ 6-10 Ita, Kan , for a m onth's visit with tiff. her parents and other relatives. CALI. LOR WARRANTS The baby has entirely recovered front the burns received from spill­ All County General Fund W ar­ ed eresolene last w inter with the rants of Washington County, O re­ exception of the eye. which is still gon, endorsed "not paid for want of funds" on or before October 31. being treated but is improving. Mrs Flora Baker and son Earl 1935. are now payable at th e of­ and their house guest, Mrs Kate fice of the County T reasurer, in Brown, of P ortland visited the Hillsboro, Oregon. Interest on such latter's son. Leslie M a,fit, at the w arrants not heretofore called will foot of Chehalcm m ountain in Yarn- cease March 28, 1936 —MAUD W. 6 bill county last Friday, L ater in UOSCOW. County T reasurer. the week they took Mrs. Brown to Manning for an indefinite visit NOTICE OE ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OE REAL PROPERTY w ith her brother, W. D. Baker, and No. 4363 family. Alden Rosevcar of Portland spent In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of the w eek-end with his parents, Washington. *Mi .uni Mra George Rqaevear. end ” the family attended th e Philo In the M atter of th e E state of Henry G ehrke. Deceased. party of tiie Hillsboro high school Notice is hereby given th a t the Friday evening of w hich Velina undersigned adm inistrator of the Rosevcar is a member. estate of H enry Gehrke. deceased, by v irtue of an order of sale is­ sued out of th e County C ourt of the S tate of Oregon for the Coun­ About 39 residents of the K an­ ty of W ashington duly made and sas City com m unity gathered at entered on March 2, 1936. in the the club hall for a pot luck d in ­ above estate authorizing, licensing ner and social tim e T he afternoon and directing th e said ad m in istra­ was spent playing "500". to r to sell the h ereinafter describ- Sam Cox drove out from P o rt­ cd real property will on and after Hayward Kansas City ( h a rte r No. 9917 Reaarva Di *t rie t No. 11 KKI’ORT OR CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK in th e S t a t a n f O re g o n . Ht th e rione nf buatneaa nn M arch 4, liete*. Published In r«.p o n .a to call mini« by com ptroller n f currency under Section B U S. reviled atalule». uf lllll. h o r n , ASSETS l.n a n a a m i d ia e o u n ta O v e r d r a ft» U n ite d H iilte n G o v e r n m e n t o h llg n tio n a , d ir e c t a n d /o r fo lly K uurnilleni O th e r h ,,n ,I*. atoi'K a. mol aecuritiea H a n k in g hnnae, I I2 .2 5 o .iin . F u r n i t u r e m id f ix t u r e a . loo on R ent e a liile o w n e d o th e r th a n b u n k in g hnuae tliM c r v c w it h F e d e ra l R e aerve hank C ic d i, balances w i t h other baaka, and ra th item» in proeeaa of collection »C,. tille r at a 'I',,O il in w t a ............................................................ ..................... . »541, 057.23 130.K5 104 or,u.mi 610 ,307.17 3S .600.0# 12.' 631.50 63 03H.6I 141 ,053.60 2. ,041.33 »1.4 2 2 ,360.74 LIABILITIES Demand depoalta n f in d iv id u a ls , p n r tn c r s h ip a , m id c o r p o r a tio n s T im e d e p o s its o f in d iv id iin i» , p s r ln e r s h ip s , a n d . eorporatlons H i i l le , county, and m unicipal deposits U n it e d S ta te s G o v e r n m e n t a n d p o a tu l » n v tn g s d e p o s its D e p o s its o f o th e r h a n k s , in c lu d in g c e r t if ie d n n d c a s h ie r's »523, 719.45 403 321.26 142. 029.94 133, 243.39 checks outstanding I n i S e cu re d h y p le d g e n f lo tin a a l l d / o r investments »274,27». tl»i Not secured b y p le d u e u f In u its a n d /o r investment» 1.037,715. I«') T u la ! d e p o s its .................. 34,675.04 »1.311.994.03 C apital Account: Class A preferred stock, 1500 share», p a r »26.00 per sh a re , r e t ir a h le at »25.00 p e r »76,000.00 s h a re Common stock, 760 shares, par »60.00 per »hare 17.500.01) 10,303.37 7.663.29 S u rp lu s ttndlvided profits net Preferred stock retirem ent fund To tal capital To tal account liabilities »110,366.66 ............ »1.422,360.74 Memorandum : t.oaos and Investm ents Pledged to Secure Liab ilities a n d / o r fu lly guaranteed »100,900.00 »73,669.25 U n it e d S ta te s G o v e r n m e n t o b lig a tio n s , d ir e c t o i h e r bonds, ot.,. i , and aaeuritiaa To tal Pledged I in i (h l pledgcl (excluding redl.cnunta) A g a in s t U n it e d S ls le s G o v e rn m e n t a n d p o s tn l A g a in s t S ta te , c o u n ty , a rid m u n ic ip a l d e p o s its 'I ', . t ill # p le d g e d 6373,669.25 s a v in g s d e p o s its »1 tKJOOO.OO 225,669.25 » '1 7 3 .5 5 9 2 5 S ta te o f ( Ir c u o n , C o u n ty o f Wu tiingtoo, sx. I, J I, Searcy, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear th a t tta. above statem ent is tru e to the best o f my knowledge and belief. J. L. SEARCY, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of M arch, 1936. It. P R A S M U S S E N . N o ta ry Public. (S eal) M y commission expires November 7, 1938. C orrect- A tleal : E dw ard S rhulnierlrh, W illia m C. Christensen, M. P. Cady, Directors. ARG US, J tlL L R B G R O , O R E G O N Pur* E.v« i merit order, decree and order o f ' in and to that certain contract ' Section 15, the East half of Section east q u arter of Section ?fl. t h e jle issued out of the above en- I made and entered into bet ween 18, and the N orthwest quarter of Northeast q u arter of Section 33. U)*‘ tilled eouit in th e above entitled I said F. J Sherm an and Mary E ¡Section 16. in said tow nship and Soqthw est quarter, the Southeast i i e. to me directed and dated the Snudt and C hristian N Smidt. bear- range, as the same is now located quarjjpr anil the N ortheast quurter 12th day of March. 1930. upon a judg- : ing dale F ebruary 1st, 1928; , and constructed upon the ground of Section 27. and the Northwest All right title interest and estate anr* connecting with the line of quarter of Section 20, all in Town- merit and decree rendered and en- ; ten d in said court on the 12th day in and to that certain contract and railway of E J Sherm an Lumber i ship 3 North of Range 3 West, tif March, 1936, in favor of W. C contract.; entered into between said * Logging C a in the West half of Together w ith all the roadbed, ('tii i.itensen and L. J Merrill, as i E. J. Sherman and Mrs. K atie Section 4 in Township 2 North of tracks, sidetracks, switches, turn- I Irtu te e .. plaintiffs, and against E 1 Luck, dated March 7th, 1928; Range 3 West. ' outs, turn-tables, rails, frogs, ties, J Sherman. Almeda Sherm an. Mary Together w ith all the roadbed. I trestles, bridges, cuts, fills, fasten- All right, title, interest and estât Midge Sherm an, E J Sherman and ?o that certain contract and tracks. sidetracks, switches, tu r n - ' Ings and connections, and all other L u m b e r A Logging Co. E J S h er­ conveyance entered Into between outs, turn-tables, rails, frogs, ties, property Included us a part of and man Lumber Company. Sherm an said F J Sherm an and K uratli i trestles bridges, cuts, fills, fastenings constituting the railroad of t h e M i l l Company, Dairy Creek Log­ and Wismer, recorded in Book 131. and connections, and all other prop- Sherm an Company from Sherm an ging C o. ( .'.e d it Service Company page 531, Deed Records of Wash­ erty included as a part of and con- ¡ Station on the line ot the Railway and State Industrial Accident Com- itltuting the said railroad of the Company to the lum ber mauufac- rmsilori, defendants, for the turn of ington County. Oregon; mortgagor. > luring plant of the said Sherm an, All right, title, interest and estate $30 448. with interest on the sum Also all the franchises, rights o f ; ailJ ° r ‘he logging railroad from and to that certain contract and of $9.500 from Ju n e 5. 1934. and in in ariu io trial ceitain i m i u i s .merits privileges and li- ‘he s a i d lum ber m anufacturing entered into between said E •'"j y* « fo m en ts, privileges anti u . .h ro u irh a n d In to th e tr a c ts interest on the sum of $15.448 from deed Sherm an and M artha Dallas ^ n s e s to construct, m aintain and j PI-»"’ March 5, 1934. and interest on the J. and others, recorded in Book 128. 'P '/a t - said line of ra.lroad and ° ‘a n J hereinabove described. . tun of $5.500. from April 5. 19,33, r.'.izo n<.wI Records of Waah- W aJi- extensions thereof way ana ran* thereor now or here-1 here- aU>°, an sutn ri«»u all interest at the rate of six per page 25. Deed road property of every kind and cent per annum , and th e further fngton County Oregon: mortgagor. Also all buildings, sheds. nature which may or shall consti­ urn of $16 00 costs and disburse­ Alt right, title, interest and estate station.s. waiting rooms, term inal tute a part of said logging railroad ment t. and the costs of arid upon in and to that certain contract en- facjm jeg_ an(j a |, roadw ays and im- as now or hereafter constructed, , this writ com manding me to make tered into between i. J Sherm an provement.s and all other property w hether in the ubove enum erated sale of the follow ing described real and E M. Mays, dated day of he,d or by thp m ortgagor at | ‘»acts of land or in other tract# of and personal property situate in Septem ber, 1927; fja (e of this m ortgage or at ‘and. the County of Washington, State All right, title, interest and estate any tim e thereafter acquired or Also all the franchises, rights ol of Oregon, to-wit: in and to that certain contract constructed by it; way. easements, privileges and 11 That certain lum ber a n d lath executed and to be ex e cu ted . be- including any and all extensions I censes ‘° construct, m aintain and mill complete; a ll m a c h in e r y , tw een E. J. Sherm an and C. E oJ gaid | ine ()f )a i|way and any , operate said lines of railw ay and/ot blocks, buildings, shafting, counter- Reed, touching and relating to the ( and‘ a l, real and personai property | lo<8‘nB railw ay a n d extensions shafting, roll cases, tools, m achin­ Southeast qu arter of the Southeast aCquired or held by the m ortgagor' ‘hereof- now or hereafter owned ery and equipm ent of every kind q u arter of Sec 28. Township 3 a pa rt f)f or for use in connec- or possessed by the Sherm an Corn- and n atu re now in or being used at North. Range 3 W ill. W. M ; j tion Wlth the operation of said I P.an*- Als? ,al1 buildings, sheds, sta- the mill of the E. J. Sherm an All right, title, interest and estate railroad, which shall Immediately I ‘*?n?- w aiting rooms, term inal fa ­ Lum ber Com pany located in Sec­ in and to that certain lease and become and be subject to the lien t cilities, and all roadw ays and im- tion 21, Tow nship 3 North. Range contract made and entered into be- of this m ortgage w ithout further proyements, and all other propertj ' 3 West, W. M in Washington tw een E J. Sherm an and Mrs Dur- act of the mortgagor. But t h e held or used by the Sherm an Com ! County. Oregon; together with all sham, covering that certain loading mortgagor covenants that it will Pan y a‘ “ >e date of this m ortgage facilities, rights, privileges, ease­ dock and facilities, approxim ately execute and deliver to the m ort- <>r a‘ anJr tune thereafter acquired ments, w ater a n d flum e rights, described as follows: gagee such other and further in- constructed by it; , heretofore, now or hereafter used Bounded by the United Railways strum ents or supplem ental m ort- Including any and all extension* in. ap purtenant to or convenient as may be necessary or de- of said line of railw ay from Sher- for the operation thereof, including lines and right of way on t h e ■ gages sirable to subject such after ac- man to the lum ber m anufacturing by the North Plains and 1 14x18 Russell Steam Engine south. M ountaindale Road on the east, by quired property to the lien of this plant of the Sherm an Company, No 02012. and any and all extensions of the e D ursham road on the north, mortgage. 1 14x16 Sum m er Twin Steam E n­ th Now, therefore, by virtue of said ( logging road or roads from the running along said Dursham Road gine. approxim ately 1250 feet, then south execution, judgm ent order, decree j said lum ber m anufacturing plant, 2 Steam feed engines. and order of sale, and in compli- constructed for th e purpose o f i to th e point of beginning: 1 12x12 McEwan Steam Engine. All rights to m aintain spur tracks anoe with the commands of said transporting logs from the woods, 1 8x15 A m erican P lan er with writ, I will on Tuesday, th e 21st and any and all real and personal switches; Blower System com plete and tw o and All traffic arrangem ents w ith the day of A pril, 1936. at 10:00 o'clock property acquired or held by the knife grinders. Railways Co. at or near A M . at th e east front door of Sherm an Company as a part of or 1 Complete log loader, canting United the County Court House in Hills- for use in connection with the op- Vadis, Oregon: gear, and log lift. A ll 'r iv h t t i t l e in te r e s t and estate boro. Washington County, Oregon, 1 eration of said railroad an d /o r said 1 4-block Portland Iron Works in and • to • that • certain contract ^ i i at public auction < subject to logging railroad or railroads, which C arriage w ith pow er set works. and entered into betw een E redem ption) to th e highest bidder shall im m ediately become and be 1 2-saw head rig, 56-inch saws, J m ade Sherm an and Charles Sandy and for cash in hand, all the right, title subject to the lien of this m ort- with chipper'. Tw o extra saws. and interest which the w ithin nam- ; gage w ithout further act of the tor 3-7 S w c ife h re , ib th e e r u a n r k i n d o w J n a n e h e ir* D oe a t S la c h w re ib o e f r, F r a h n i* z 1 1-saw pony rig w ith 4-block Lottie Sandy, husband and wife, ed defendants and each and all of Sherm an Company. But the Sher- dated December 31. 1925; R o n a e , dece a-e d. th e u n k n o w n h e irs a t carriage One ex tra saw. right, title, interest and estate them in th e above entitled suit man Company covenants that It NOTICE OI SIIERII F'S SALE ON I la w o f H e n r y B. B o n e *, deceased, th e 1 6x48 P ortland Iron W orks 5- in All and u n k n o w n h e ir * a t la w o f E v e lin e Bonea. to that certain contract had on November 15, 1928. the date will execute and deliver to the I IIKLt I t t s I KE saw edger. t h e u n k n o w n h e ir * a t la w o f made and entered into by E. J. of th e m ortgage herein foreclosed. Railway Com pany such other and Notice is hereby given, th at by ; J dtM.*ea*e*i, 3 Sw ing Cut Off saws. o a c h im I S c h re ib e r. deceased, th e u n ­ Sherm an w ith the Deer Island Log- or since that date had in and to further instrum ents o r supple- virtue of an execution, judgm ent : k n o w n h e ir * a t la w o f A rm a S o p h ie 1 4-saw P ortland Iron Works ging Co. dated the 10th day of the above described property or m ental mortgages as may be nec- order, decree and order of sale S c h re ib e r. dereuaed. th e u n k n o w n h e ir * Lath Bolter. any p art thereof, to satisfy said j essary or desirable to subject such 1928: issued out of and under the seal a t la w o f M a r t h a M a u z e y , deceased, th e 1 5-saw P ortland Iron Works February. execution, judgm ent order and de- after acquired property to the lien u n k n o w n h e ir * a t la w o f A n n a R ic h te r, All right, title, interest and estate of the C ircuit Court of the S tate of deceased, Stripper. cree, interest, costs and accruing of this mortgage. in, to. over the lands o f Frank Oregon for W’anhingtón County in parti«** u n a k n m o i w n a ll to o th p e l r a i n p t i e f f rs o n c * la im a in n g d Lath 2 72x18 R eturn Tube West Coast Plesenick in Sec 22. Tow nship 3 Now. therefore, by virtue of said favor of C atherine Young, plain- | a n y r i u h t . t it le , in te r e s t o r e s ta te in o r Boilers with feed pump. D ated M arch 12. 1936. execution, judgm ent order, decree tiff, and against John H A nder­ to th e re a l p r o p e r t y in t h is c o m p la in t de- North. Range 3 West, W. M. and 1 350 H. P. Feed w ater heater. JOHN W CONNELL, Sheriff of H cribed. D e fe n d a n ts . and order of sale, and in com pli­ son. also known as Herman A nder­ lum ber thereon; N o ra M ay Ja ckso n , N e tt ie H a ll, 1 18-inch Pelton w ater w heel the All ance w ith the commands of said son. and Bessie Kea Anderson, d e­ J o T h n o ; I>«*e property, property rights, W ashington County. Oregon. H a ll, W . (J. V ic to r , A m e lia with 5 KW generator. Date of first publication March writ, I will on Tuesday, th e 21st fe n d a n t'. for t!.c . um of $531 25.' V ic to r . W . H M a r k * . W in if r e d M a r k * , choses in action now owned or 1 C ircular saw grinder w ith 5 19. 1936. Date of last publication day of April, 1936, at 10:00 o’clock with interest upon th e sum o f H e at ric e M o o d y , C h a rle s .Moody, ln c t which may hereafter be acquired H P steam engine. A pril 16. 1936. L o w d e r m ilk . W a lt e r L o w d e r m ilk . A n n a A. M , at the east front door of $488 86 at the rate of eight per cerit C u r t is . L e o n C u r t is . E va H u n te r . B ir d ie by said E. J Sherm an and or E. 1 Steam drag saw. the County Court House in Hills- per annum from the 18th day of C o n a e lru a n . J o h n D oe C’ o n z e lm a n . K a th ­ J. Sherm an Lum ber Com pany in 1 300-foot Refuse conveyor. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE boro, Washington County, Oregon, March. 1936. anil with interest u p ­ e r in e H o lc o m b C la r k . J o h n D»»e ( la r k . W ashington and Columbia Coun­ 2 Mill saw dust conveyors. In the Circuit Court of th e S tate of sell at public auction (subject to on the sum of $42 39 at the rate of H o w a r d H o lc o m b , J a n e Ib»e H o lc o m b , ties. Oregon, touching or relating 1 Boiler fuel conveyor. Oregon for th e County of Wash- redem ption) to th e highest bidder six per cent tier annum from the S a m u e l H*>lcomt>. J u n e D oe H o lc o m b . H a r ­ ie t H o lc o m b W ilm o t, J o h n D oe W ilm o t, i 1 Stock chain for lath mill, and to th e operations of said E. J. S h er­ ington. for cash in hand, all the right, title lS^h day of March, 1936. the sunt r I.e m an and or E. J. Sherm an L um ­ n n ie H o lc o m b A lle n . J o h n D oe A lle n . I drive. No. 10744 ! and interest which the w ithin nam ­ of $73.00. attorney's fees, and the E d it h H o lc o m b , ( E. H o lc o m b . J u n e Doe ber Company. 1 50-foot green chain w ith drive. sum of $27 1U, costs and disburse­ H o lc o m b , T h o m a * K ly n n . E le a n o r F ly n n , Now. therefore, by v irtu e of said United Railways Company, a cor- ed defendants and each and all of All belting, shafting, and counter- execution. judgm ent order, decree them in the above entitled suit had ments. to me directed a n d d e­ .M in n ie H o lc o m b , M a a irie H u ls te a d . J o h n poration. Plaintiff, D oe H m I ■«lead. Is a a c B o nes, M a r y B o n e *. on November 15, 1928. the date of livered com manding me to sell the I E liz a M a r r . R ic h a rd Roe M a r r . E liz a ­ i shafting complete. and order or sale, and in compli- ( vs. following described real property , b e th M a r r , J o h n D o e M a r r , J o h n W a ts o n , 4 Com plete roll cases, and all ance with the commands of said g j Sherm an Lum ber & Logging the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since that date had in and to the situate in W ashington County. O re­ M a r y A lic e W a ts o n : T h e U n k n o w n H e ir * buildings and im provem ents of ev- writ. I will on Tuesday, th e 21st q 0> a corporation. D airy Creek a t la w o f H e n r y H. Bone»*, deceased ; T h e gon. to-w it: | ery kind and nature. day of April, 1936. at 10:00 o clock Logging Co., a corporation, E. J above described property or any U n k n o w n H e ir * a t la w o f E v e lin e B o ne*. part thereof, to satisfy said execu­ Beginning at a point on the • Uveu*<*d T h e U n k n o w i; H e ita a t la w o f - - All boilers, boiler house, engines, A. M . at the east front door of the South line of Section 14. T. 2 S. R i I ra n z K o n a e , d e teased . T h e U n k n o w n conveyors, saws, planers, edgers, County Court House in Hillsboro. | Sherm an Lum ber Company, a tion, judgm ent order and decree, corporation. Sherm an Mill Com­ 1 W Will Mer., W ashington Coun-1 H e ir * a t la w o f J o a c h im E. S c h re ib e r. pumps, generators, carriages, dams, W ashington County, Oregon, sell , interest, costs and accruing costs. pany, a corporation. E J. S h er­ ty. Oregon, from which point an , (d e c e a s e d . T h e U n k n o w n H e in * a t la w o f ponds, blacksm ith shops and equip­ ' at public auction (subject to r e ­ Dated March 12, 1936. man. Credit Service Company, 1 At>vu S o p h ie S c h re ib e r. d e ce a se d ; The JO H N W CONNELL, Sheriff of iron pipe bears N. 0 42' W. 30! U n k n o w n H e ir * a t la w o f M a r th a M a u ze y. ment, including blowers, torches, dem ption) to the highest bidder I a corporation, and S tate Indus­ feet, said beginning point being N. | 1 dc<-«*n-ed T h e U n k n o w n H e ir * a t la w o f tools, drill presses, sand dryers; ' for cash in hand, all the right, title | W ashington County. Oregon. trial Accident Commission, De­ 89 24 W 1560 56 feet from the A n n a R ic h t e r , deceased a n d A l l O th e r all Date of first publication March bunk houses, cook houses, gar­ and interest which the w ithin n a m - : fendants. P e rs o n * a n d P a rtie s U n k n o w n c la im in g Va corner on said South line o f 1 19. 1936. Date of last publication _ By v irtu e of an ______ _ judg- _ a n y r ig h t , t it le , in te r e s t o r e s ta te in o r ages, office buildings, fam ily houses, ed defendants and each and all of execution, said Section 14. and said beginning' to th e re a l p r o p e r t y d e scrib e d in th e co m ­ bath houses, situated at or near them in the above entitled suit 1 m ent order, decree and order of A pril 16, 1936 point being also in the center of ( p l a in t : mill, being in Sections 20, 21, had on March 5. 1928 the date of issued out of the above en- County Road No 5; running thence j J n th e N a m e o f th e S ta te o f O re g o n : said NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE and 29. all in Tow nship 3 North, th e mortgage herein foreclosed, or titled court in the above entitled N 0 42' W 2623.75 feet to an iron 1 Y « 'U a n d ea ch o f y o u a re h e re b y re q u ire d 28 No. 10745 , since that date had in and to the Range 3 West. W. M. t o a p p e a r a m i a n s w e r th e c o m p la in t file d case, to me directed and dated the . „ . . . . . pipe; thence N SB ur w 122.19 a g a in s t y o u in th e a bo ve e n title * ! C o u rt 1 12x13 Sm ith, & Watson donkey above described property or any 12th day of March, 1936. upon a In the Circuit Court of the S tate of feet to an iron pipe; thence S. 1’ a n d cause on o r tie fo r e th e e x p ir a tio n o f p art thereof, to satisfy said execu­ judgm ent and decree rendered and Oregon for the County of Wash- 09' E 2624 48 feet to a point on f o u r w eeks f r o m a n d a f t e r M a rc h 26, engine No. 127. _ 1V36. th e d u te o f th e f i r s t p u b lic a tio n o f 1 12x14 W illam ette Iron & Steel tion. judgm ent order and decree, entered in said court on th e 12th said South line of said Sec. 14. th interest, costs and accruing costs. day of March, 1936, in favor of j United Railways Company, a cor- b o r o A r g u s , th e Co. donkey engine No. 502. from w hich point an iron pipe I d a is te S o u f m th m e o n * la s in t p th u e b lic H a ills tio n t h e r e o f b e in g Dated March 12. 1936. United Railw ays Company, a cor- ’ poration, Plaintiff, 1 9 l.x l0 S eattle donkey engine bears N 1 09' W 36 feet; thence A p r i l 23. 193ti. n a m e ly : O n o r b e fo re JOHN W CONNELL, Sheriff of poration, plaintiff, and against E .1 vs along said South line of said Sec T h u rs d a y , th e 3 0 th «lay o f A p r i l . 1936, No. 1764 Washington County Oregon. 1 Heisler locomotive No. 200. J. Sherm an Lum ber & Logging Co.. E. J. Sherm an Lum ber & Logging 14. South 89 24' E. 101 39 feet to a a * n d b y set la w f o r r e t q h u ire h y d , a th n e s w e n r, a t u d r e u ly a n d v e c r if h ie a r- d Co., a corporation, Edw ard J. D ate of first publication March 4 Sets logging trucks, ap proxi­ D airy Creek Logging Co., E. J. the place of beginning, containing i* f a n y « fta te i*«. < r r ig h t o r t it le Sherm an. E. J. Sherm an Lum ber 19. 1936. Date of last publication Sherm an Lum ber Company, S her­ m ate capacity 82.000 feet each. 6 731 l i c i t * » . to . t h a t y o u h a v e o r c la im to h a v e in Companv, a corporation. S her­ About 1 5-mile of 45-lb. steel A pril 16. 1936 man Mill Company. E. J. S her­ Now. therefore, th e undersigned. ¡ o r t o o r u p o n th e re a l p r o p e r t y h e r e in ­ m an Mill Company, a corpora­ cribed. t h a t th e s a m e m a y be rails. man. Credit Service Company, and as S heriff aforesaid, in compliance a a d f t ju e d r ic a deN d b y d e cree o f th e a b o ve en­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE tion. C redit Service Company, a About ti-m ile of 50-lb. steel rails. S tate Industrial Accident Commis­ w ith the com mand of said Writ, title « ! C te o u rt ; No. 10743 corporation, and S tate Industrial sion, defendants, for the sum of About 1.7 m iles of 56-lb. steel will sell at public auction t h e , A n d y o u w i l l please ta k e n o tic e t h a t i f Accident Commission, Defendants. In the Circuit Court of th e S tate of $162.000 with interest thereon at above described real property t o , y o u f a il so t o a n s w e r, f o r w a n t th e r e o f rails. By v irtue of an execution, ju d g ­ p ly t o th e a b o v e e n title d Oregon for th e County of W ash­ the rate of six per cent per an­ 1 G ravel car. the highest bidder for cash in C p l o a u i r n t t i f f f o r w i l a l a d p ecree and de- num from November 15. 1928. and m ent order, decree and order of ington. hand at the East Front Door of, c la r in g t h a t th e p l a i n t a i f d f ju is d g in th g e «»wner All trip lines, cable, logging in the County Court House in the fe e s im p le , in possession a n d e n t it le d to tools, all railroad and l o g g i n g U nited Railways Company, a cor­ the fu rth er sum of $16 00 costs and sale issued out of the above en ­ disbursements, and the costs of titled court in th e above entitled poration, Plaintiff, City of Hillsboro, County of W ash­ p* ssession o f th e f o llo w in g d e s c rib e d re a l equipm ent of every kind and n a­ and upon this w rit commanding case, to me directed and dated the vs. ington. S tate of Oregon, on S at­ p W ro a |> s h e in rty g to n ly i n C g o , u n ty b , e in O g re g a o n n d , a s n itu d a te d e * ig in - ture, all locomotives, loaders, y a rd ­ urday. th e 25th day of April, 1936, n a te d a * t h e E a st H a lf o f th e f o llo w in g ers, trucks, ballast cars, t r a c k , D airy Creek Logging Co., a cor­ me to m ake sale of the following 12th day ot Mardh, 1936. up(*n a judg- poration, E J. Sherm an Lum ber described real property situate in ment and decree rendered and en­ at the hour of ten o'clock A. M d e s c rib e d re a l p r o p e r ty , t o - w i t : switches, ties, bridges, all sleds, C o m m e n c in g a t a p o in t o n th e N o r th & Logging Co., a corporation, E the County of W ashington, S tate of tered in said court on the 12»h dav of said day. to satisfy the am ounts m ain lines, haul-back lines, straw of March, 1936. in favor of United e o f th e D o n a tio n L a n d C la im o f H e n ­ J. Sherm an Lum ber Company, a Oregon, to-wit: due upon said execution, judgm ent, lin line, all blocks and equipm ent, all B o n e s a n d w ife , in Sec. 19, T . 1 corporation. Sherm an Mill Com ­ All the railways, properties a sd i Railwavs Company, a corporation. order and decree, including in te r­ r N y . B. R. 1 W . W il l. M e r.. s a id c o m m e n c ­ guy lines, high lead blocks, round pany, a corporation, E. J. Sher- franchises of the Sherm an Com- plaintiff, and against E J Sherm an est, costs and accruing costs in g p o in t b e in g 106 2 3 ro d s W e st o f houses, chain blocks, pumps, sm all man. Credit Service Company, a pany. w hether at the date of this L um ber A Logging Co.. Edward J. Dated this 19th day of March. th e N . E. c o r n e r o f s a id C la im ; thence tools, saws, axes, wedges, sledges: W e s t on th e N o r t h lin e o f s a id C la im to corporation, and S tate Industrial mortgage owned by the Sherm an Sherman. E. J Sherm an Lum ber 1936 all logging and railroad m achinery, th e W 'e*t lin e o f S e c tio n 19 a fo r e s a id ; Accident Commission. D efend­ Comnanv or hereafter owned or Comnanv, Sherm an Mill Companv, J. W. CONNELL, Sheriff o< W ash­ th e n c e S o u th 31.00 c h a in * ; th e n c e E a st tools and equipm ent of every kind acquired by it, now constructed or C redit Service Companv and State ants. ington County, Oregon. Bagley & on th e S o u th lin e o f s a id C la im t o th e and nature; all w ater rights, dam By v irtu e of an execution, ju d g ­ hereafter to be constructed, includ- : Industrial Accident Commission, Hare, A ttorneys for Plaintiff. 6-10 S. W . c o r n e r o f la n d s o ld b y W m . rights, dam sites, ponds, flum e M auzey an d M a rth a M auzey to Sam uel m ent order, decree and order of ing particularly all the right, t i t l e . defendants, for the sum of $36 - S n h li ; th e n c e t o th e N o r t h lin e o f said and sluicing rights of every kind sale issued out of th e above entitled and interest of the Sherm an Com- 39618. together w ith Interest on NOTICE OE SIIERII F'S SALE C la im t o t h e p la c e o f b e g in n in g , con­ and nature; sum of $10.000 at the rate of court in the above entitled case, panv in and to th e following de- On the 27th day of April, 1936. t a in i n g HO a« re *. m o re o r le a * ; All rights of way, privileges and nt th e hour of 10 o'clock A. M at a n d t h a t n e ith e r o f y o u h a v e a n y e s ta te easem ents for logging roads, ra il­ to me directed and dated the 12th scribed real property situated in six t,pr cent per annum from April r in te r e s t in , o r r i g h t o r t i t l e to . sa id W ashington County. Oregon, to- ‘928. end interest on the bnl the East door of the Courthouse o p re roads, skidw ays of every kind and day of March, 1936. upon a ju d g ­ ance at th e rate of r I x per cent ment and decree rendered and en- wit: In Hillsboro, W ashington County, a n d m is t e h s a , t o ea r ch a n y a n d p a r a t ll o o r f p y a o r u c . l there«>f. a n d a ll nature; 1 tered in said court on the 12th dav 1. A strip of land of varying per annum from Ju n e 30, 1935, and Oregon. I will sell at auction to p e rs o n * c la im in g o r to c la im h y , th r o u g h All contracts now in existence of March, 1936. in favor of United width constituting the right of way the fu rth er sum of $16 00 costs and the highest bidder for cash the « r u n d e r y o u , o r e ith e r o r a n y o f y o u , or w hich may h ereafter be acq u ir­ o re v e r b a rre d and p re c lu d e d fro m Railwavs Companv, a corporation, of the Sherm an Com pany for Its disbursements, and the costs of following described real property c he la im f in g to c la im , a s s e rtin g ed for the purchase of logs, tim ber plaintiff, and against D airy Creek line of railw ay constructed and and upon this w rit commanding me located in Washington County, O re­ o r a t te g m p o r t in a g t te to m p a t in s s e rt, a n y in te r e s t o r land, water, railroad, logging road, Logging Co.. E. J. Sherm an L u m ­ owned by it. extending from a con­ to m ake sale of th e following de­ gon. to-wit: e s ta te in o r r ig h t or t it le to s a id Beginning at a stone at the p re m is e * , o r a n y p a r t o r p a r c e l therev>f. or skidw ays; th e loading docks ber & Logging Co., E J. Sherm an nection w ith the line of railw ay scribed real property situate | n the now in existence or w hich may Lum ber Company. Sherm an Mill of the Railway Company at S her­ County of Washington, S tate of e e n d t h a t p l a i n t i f f ’s t i t l e in a n d to Southeast corner of the A. J. Mas­ t th o e th re th e c o m p la in t and h ereafter b e b u ilt or acquired at Company. E J. Sherm an. C redit man Station. In Section 4. Tow n­ Oregon, to-wit: ters D. L. C. No. 46 North 89 in t h is a l S p u r o m j» m e o rty n s in describe«! he fo re v e r All those certain railroads and 04' East 1623.9 feet from the S o u th ­ q u ie te d a m i *e t a t r e * t In r e la t io n to or n ear Vadis, Oregon, and all Service Company, and S tate In ­ ship 1 North of Range 3 West of east corner of Section Fourteen, a n y a n d a ll c la im * o f w h a te v e r n a tu r e leases, contracts, easem ents a n d dustrial Accident Commission, de­ the W illamette M eridian, northerly railroad lines approxim ately four r a * * e r te d b y y o u , o r e ith e r o f privileges in connection th erew ith fendants. for the sum of $162.000 a distance of approxim ately 9.5 miles In length together w ith steel, Tow nship One South, Range Two, d y o n u im , e in tl d iv o id w is e ; or ap p u rten an t thereto, or used or w ith interest thereon at th e ra te of miles to the mill and lum ber m an­ ties bridges, culverts and trestles West of the W illam ette Meridian, n n d f o r s u c u h a o lly th e o r , r f j u o r in t h t e ly r , a o n r d o a th d e d r itio nal thence South 89 04' West 1032.4 r e lie f a * s h a ll seem m eet w i t h e q u ity a n il to be used in connection therew ith; six per cent per annum from No­ ufacturing plant of E. J. Sherman, used in connection therew ith, sit­ All railroads, logging roads, ra il­ vem ber 15. 1928. and the fu rth er doing business as E. J Sherman uated in Sections 21. 26. 27. 2R and feet more or less to an iron pipe goo d co n scie n ce . road or logging equipm ent w hich sum of $16 00 costs and disburse­ L um ber Companv, in the South­ 33 in Township 3 North of Range T h is S u m m o n * i* serve*! u p o n yo u , and at the Southeast corner of t h e each f y o u , h y p u b lic a tio n th e r e o f in may be h ereafter constructed or ments. and the costs of and upon west q u arter of Section 21. Tow n­ 3 West. W illamette Meridian, to ­ C harles Gustafson Tract; thence on th e H o ills b o r o A r g u * f o r a n d d u r in g th e the East line thereof North 0 22' t im e a m i o n th e d a te s in t h is S u m m o n * used In connection w ith th e op­ this w rit commanding m e to m ake ship 3 North of Range 3 West, the gether w ith all rights of way. ease­ 20” West 1308.2 feet to an iron m e n tio n e d , b y o rd e r o f th e H o n o r a b le R. eration« of th e E. J. Sherm an L um ­ sale of th e following described real center line of which said railw ay ments a n d privileges connected ber Com pany and 'or E. J, S h er­ property situate in th e County of is partiótilarly described as foi- therew ith, together with all tene te r * . J u d g e o f th e a b o ve e n ­ pipe at the Northeast corner th e re ­ t F it r le a n d k C o P u e rt, ma«h* a n d date«! a t H ills ­ man lum ber and logging opera­ Washington. State of Oregon, to-wit: lows: ments. hereditam ents and appurte of on the North line of the Hazel boro, O re g o n , on th e 2 3 rd d a y o f M a rc h . Beginning at a point on t h e nances thereunto belonging or In P ark Subdivision in said D. L. C.. 1936. r e « iu ir in g y o u . a m i each o f y o u . to tions; all contracts for hauling or All the railways, properties and thence on said N orth line South a p p e a r a n d a n s w e r w i t h in t h e t im e in transportation of lum ber or lu m ­ franchises of the m ortgagor, w h eth ­ northerly right of w ay line of the anvw ise appertaining. ber products to w hich said E. J. er at the date of this mortgage Railwav Company in Section 4. S u m m o n * s p e c ifie d . Now. therefore, bv v irtue nf said 89 37' 40" West 32.75 feet to un t h is Date«l t h is 2 3 rd d a y o f M a rc h . 1936. Sherm an an d /o r said E. J. S h er­ owned by the m ortgagor or h ere­ Townshin 1 North of Range 3 West, execution, tudgm ent order, decree iron pipe on the Southeast corner B A G L E Y A H A R E . A t to r n e y s f o r P la in ­ of the Oscar Gustafson T r a c t ; t i f f . R e s id e n t A tto r n e y s . S ta te o f O re ­ m an Lum ber Com pany is or may after owned or acquired by it, now and running northerly through Hills and order of sale, and in compliance thence on the East line thereof gon . P o st O f f ic e A d d re s s : F ir s t N a tio n a l h ereafter be entitled or m ay h ere­ constructed or h ereafter to oe con­ Acres, thence over and across the w ith the commands of said w rit, I 6-10 after be acquired in any m anner structed. including p articularly all West half of Section 34. the South­ will on Tucsdav th e 21st day of North 0 22' 20" West 1321.5 feet B a n k B ld g .. H ills b o r o . O re . I whatsoever; to an angle iron at the N ortheast th e right, title and Interest of the west quarter, th e Northwest q u ar­ April, 1936. at 10:00 o'clock A. M . NOTICE OF S H E R IF FS SALE All new equipm ent, w h eth er fop m ortgagor In and to th e following te r and the N ortheast quarter of at the east front door of the C oun­ corner thereof on the South line No. 10742 said mill, railro ad or logging op­ described real property situated in Section 27. the West half of Sec­ ty Court House in Hillsboro. Wash« of Mary E. M iller's property; thence South 89 14' East 1128 4 feet more In the C ircuit Court of th e S tate of erations, w hich may be hereafter W ashington County. Oregon, to-w it: tion 22, the West half ot Section 9. ington County. Oregon, sell at pub­ Oregon for the County of Wash­ purchased, leased or otherw ise ac­ or less to a stone at. th e N orthwest A strip of land of v arying w idth and the West half of Section 4. in lic auction (subiect to redemption) ington. quired; constituting the right of w ay of Township 2 North of Range 3 West; to the highest bidder for cash in corner of Lot 111, Beaverton-Reed- All logs and lum ber now at said th e mortgagor for its line of ra il­ the West half of Section 33. the hand, all the right, title and inter­ vllle Acreage, thence South 0 37' W. C. Christensen and L. J. M er­ rill, as trustees. Plaintiffs, mill or on said loading dock at w ay constructed and owned by It, West half of Section 28. and the est w hich the w ithin named de­ West 740.4 feet to the Southwest vs. Vadis, or now owned by said E. J. extending through the Southw est Southwest q u arter oCSectlon 21. In fendants and each and all of them corner thereof; thenci; on the West line of Lots 112. 113, 114 of said E. J. Sherm an, Almeda Sherman, Sherm an and or E. J. Sherm an q u arter of Section 15. the East half Township 3 North of Range 3 West. in the above entitled suit had on the form er w ife of E. J. S h er­ L um ber Company, or w hich may of Section 16 and th e Northwest 2 A strip of land of varying April 4, 1928 the d ate of the m ort­ acreage South 1 33' West 974.1 feet man, Mary Madge Sherm an, the h ereafter be sawed, produced or q u arter of Section 16, in Township w idth constituting the right of way gage herein forclosed. or since that to an iron pipe at th e N ortherly present wife of E J. Sherman, otherw ise acquired by said E. J. 2 North of Range 3 West of W il­ of the Shermnn Company for its date had in and to th e nbove de. N orthwest corner of the David El- lerson U. L. C. on th e East line E. J. Sherm an Lum ber Company, Sherm an a n d 'o r E. J. Sherm an lam ette Meridian, th e center line logging railroad, extending from scribed property or any part there­ a corporation, E J Sherm an Lum ­ L um ber Company; of said Masters D. L. C.; thence of which railw ay is particularly the mill and th r lum ber m anufac­ of, to satisfy said execution. Judg­ ber Zr Logging Co, a corporation, All right, title. Interest and estate described as follows: turing plant of E J. Sherman, do­ ment order and decree, Interest, on said East lino South 0" 47’ West Sherm an Mill Company, a cor­ of said E J. Sherm an an d /o r E. J. 883.2 feet to the place of begin­ Beginning at a connection w ith ing business as E J. Sherm an Lum ­ costs and accruing coets. Dated March 12. 1936 ning. containing 64114 acres. poration, Dairy Creek Logging Sherm an L um ber Company in that the line of railw ay of E J. S h er­ ber Company, in the Southwest JOHN W CONNELL, Sheriff of Co., a corporation. C redit Service certain contract made by E. J. man Lum ber A Logging Co., w here o n arter of Section 21. Tow nship 3 Also a road 20 feet wide along Company, a corporation, a n d Sherm an w ith J. P. and Cora B. the same leaves the West half of North of Range 3 West, and ex­ Washington County. Oregon. North side of Oscar Gustafson land Date of first piiblication March S tate Industrial Accident Com­ G uerrier, bearing date April 24. Section 22 in said tow nship and tending through t h e N orthwest running to County road No. 172. 1924; Together w ith t h e tenem ents, range, and extending over a n d quarter, the Southw est quarter, the 19. 1936 Date of last publication mission, Defendants. All right, title, interest and estate across the Southw est q u arte r of Northeast quarter and the South- April 1$, 1936. hereditam ents, and appurtenances By virtue of an execution, judg- April 5. 1936, offer fur ale, anil ; hereunto belonging oi In anyw ise sell at prívalo »alo, fur tu b, In appertaining. ho,ini itlr lot. nr porlioti. oi u.t a , Said . ile is made under execu­ whole, subject Io cunliririution of tion i ,.ned out of the* C i i cuit Court tin* ubove Court, at the office of of the State tif Oregon for t h e Bagley a Hara, lo tha Flral Na- County of Washington to me d i­ ' tinn.il National bank building, in rected in the ea e of The Fetlerul 'H illsboro, Washington County, Orc- Lund B.mk of Spokane, a corpora ' gon, all the following i t il property lion, vs. John P G ustafson and ■ »Hunted in Wu hington County, O re­ Cha. he C laire Gu tufson, a l s o known a.t Chussie Clai Gustafson, gon. to wit: Commencing forty (4ln rods F i t ho build and wife; Bunk nf B e u v - of the N oitliw c.t córner of I'ltnn. a (oipniutinn. Muik S k in ­ the Nortlicu t q u arter iN E 'il of ner a Supi'i interiderit nf Bank,. the Koutliwi I q u arte r (S W 'ii of W J McCieady Lumber Company, Section Seventeen G7) ill Town- a corporation; Liquidators, a cor­ hip Two <2> South of Runge One poration: Wu.,hington County N a­ Hl We;t of the W illamette Melidl tional Farm Loan A. inciation, a an; thence Sixteen rod , South; eoi poi at ion. .J W CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash­ thence fuity <40» rod: W e d ; thence T hirty ix i.'tUl rods South: thence ington County, Oregon. Date of In ,t publication March Eust to the center line of the T ual­ atin River; th em e down the cen­ 26, 1936 Date of last publication 6-10 ter line of the Tualatin River in a ¡ April 23. 1939 N ortheasterly direction t o t h e SI M M O N H North line of the N ortheast quar- | ter iN E 'il of the Southwest) q u a r­ lo t liv C in n it I '. , a r t o f th e S la t» o f O r » H‘»fi, for WichiDgloii Courtly ter i SW 'i» of Section Seventeen Anna H b y » lv , I ' i a i n l i f i , v«. 1>- umc aforesaid; thence We t to the place h«jn«'4. M a r y Kon»*-*. E liz a M > r r a n d K n b- of beginning; all being in the ‘ Mrd H'Jt> M u ir , h e r h u b b a m l, E liz a b e th N ortheast q u arter 'N F 1»' of the M a r r arnJ J o h n D« h * M a r r , h e r h u « b a n d . N e ttie* I I b II u rn l J o h n Southw est qu arter iS W 'ii of Sec-| i N » o . - rn H u M ll, u y h J e r r * k«i>n. I , u , I d t h i J. W . (. V b to r and lion Seventeen G7l Township Two A m e l i a V n ’ o r , h i* w ife , W H M u rk a , (2i South of Range fine <1» West W in if r e d M u rk « , B e a tr ic e M<>o«iy a n d of the W illamette M eridian, b e - ( < h a rle n M o o d y , h e r hiivbari< i. In e z L o u ­ ilk and W a lte r L o w d e r m ilk , her mg six 'lli acre* of land, inorc o r, d I... e r m band, H a le n I.. D a t e lM M M s M a ry M. lexs, excepting and reserving w ater , V ic t o r , K iv e r a II. Vi« t o r , A n n a C u r tie rights to spring on said property, a m i L t*o ii ( 'u r t ia , b«*r b itA b a n d , E va H u n t ­ as mentioned ill the deed convey- ’ e r, L a u r a M e n r fe e a n d K E. M en e fe « , C o o le y . ( ie r t r m le Ing certain property to one Bell h H * a - r ll b a 'i n n d t s a iie f i d o , r y e I*al»ell«- H a ll, h e r b n a b a n d , L u t h ­ Sincluir on Septem ber 22ml, 191(1. e r F e n to n a n d M a y K e n to n , hi-« w ife . said deed no.v being of record in ' B ir d ie < 'o n z e lm a ri a rid J o h n lin e C o n ze l- deed records ot aforesaid county rn a n . h e r b 'e d .a iid , J o h n W a i- o n M a ry C la r k and state Said land is the same a A m in i « - J o h W n a ta h o o n e , ( K la a r th k , e r in h e e r H<»l<-omb husband. H o w - tract of land which was conveyed u r d H o lr o m b a m i J a i.e lJ«»e H o lc o m b , by deed of Ju ly 19, 1922 from N S hi-« w i f e , l(*m e tta B e lle M a d H o n a rid J o h n Conger and Ruth A Conger, bis lit»«« M a d ia o n , h e r h u s b a n d , ' b a rle - Hrs«» a d e lin e S ta ld e r Heae, bi» w ife , A r ­ wife, to Henry G ehrke. a single a t h n u d r M He«« a m i M u r ie l H e a n . h i* w ife , Ik » r- man. which deed is recorded in I o lh y K ll'X / v e r a n d O re , H ‘ »over, h e r Hook 124. Record of Deeds of W ash-I b u n b a m i, h.rnrna K la u k **-n a r i d h ra n k Ington County, S tate ot Oregon, I K ia n * ’.« n, h e r h i »band, W illa r d H e **. R a lp h Haaa. E * lh e r W t l * o n S h ie ld * . L a w ­ on page 344 thereof; n c e H 'd to m b a m i J a n e h o e H o lc o m b , Bids will be received by th e un- ! re Ina w ife . K u rrju e l H o lc o m b a n d J a rie lA x- der.signed adm inistrator on a n d ll n k o r n b , h i* w ife . H a r r ie t H o lc o m b W hl- m o t a m i .John Ih -e W ilm o t, h e r h u sb a n d , after /April 5. 1930 at said place. l.e n m e H o lc o m b A lie n and J o h n h