Page Four Party Planned at Hazeldale H IL ta B O ftO In the Race River came Wednesday for a visit w ith his daughter. Mrs. A rting I Torni: lad. and family Mr. A nder- son formerlv lived in Cherry Grove Mis: Elsi lfalvarson of McMinn- ville e spent the week-end at her le here. home ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N in and to th at certain contract m ade and entered Into between said E J. Sherm an and Mary E Sinidt and Christian N Sinidt. h ear­ Tburdav. Makh 10. 1. H awaii, visited Mr and Mrs i (By Mr* 3. C Smlthl P. P atto n Monday. Reuel Snider in and to that certain contract and tracks, sidetracks. .switches, tu rn ­ ings and connections, mid nil other , H A ZEI.yA I.E— Community club tau g h t th e C h erry G rove school conveyance entered into , between outs. turn tables, rails, frog.-:, ties, I property Included us n pari of and w ill'h o ld a card * party ■* in the tw en ty years ago. M onday w as his said K J Sherm an and Kdrutli trestles bridge«, ruts, fills, fie tellin g s (Onsftliiting (tie railroad of t h e schoolhouse Saturday evening Play first visit to the valley in more and Wismer, recorded in Book 131, and connections, and all other prop­ Shennun Company (rom Shcrniun will start at 8:30. th a n 10 years , page 331. Deed Records of W ash­ erty included as a part of and eon Stulion on tin* line of the Railway Frances Thornton of Portland is stihittng the »aid railroad of the Compuny to the lumber M and Mi G W. Kurt.* and ington County. Oregon; visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr i luring plaid of the suid Shennun, daughter Shirley returned Wednes- All rigid, title. Interest mid estate mortgagor. and Mrs. Tom Miller, for a few Also ull tile franchises. lights of und or the logging railroad from dav from i visit with Mr. and Mrs in and to that certain contract and days. Henry Kiurtz at Eddyville. deed entered into between said E way, eusoinenU, privileges and li­ the s a i d lutnlier inunufuctiiring Couple Honored Miss Li.icy Humphrey and niece. .1 Sherm an and Marthu Dallas censes to construct, maintain and plunt Ifiroiigli unil into the tracts Mr. and Mrs. Harley Taylor w ere L ois Hutnphrev. of Portland and and others, recorded in Hook 128, operate said line of railroad und of land hereinabove described, and guests of honor at a party last Mr. and Mrs John H um phrey of 1 page 23. Deed Records of Wash­ extensions thereof now or here­ also all such right of wuy and rail­ Friday night at the schoolhouse, after owned or pifesrssed by the road property of every kind und Tigard spicnt Sunday visiting their ington County, Oregon; given by the Com munity club. mortgagor. Also ail building sheds, ' niktiu e which muy or shall ronatl- cousin, 1’em Patton, and family. All right, title, interest and estate stations, waiting rooms, j tute a part of suid logging railroad Carnes, dancing and assembly sing­ The Hum phrev family were former in and to that certain contract en ­ facilities, and ull roadways and Im­ I us now or hereafter constructed, ing were enjoyed during the eve­ residents of Hillsboro. Miss Hum- tered into between F J Sherm an provements. und ull other pmperty whether In the above enum erated ning. w ith Mrs. Paul O'Connor in phrev is a teacher in one of t h e ! and E M. Mays, dated day of held or used by the mortgagor at I tracts or land or in other tracts <>l charge of arrangem ents. Mr and Paul L Patterson, pre Portland .schools, while John Hum- September, 1927; Mrs. Taylor were presented with the itute of this* mortgage or at , laud ph lives on a small acreage attorney, who this a gift from the club. About sixty All right, title. Interest and estate uny time thereafter acquired or Tii Also all the franchises, rights of ncunced candidacy w ere present. in and to that certain contract constructed by it; way, easement», privileges and II can nomination for dis: Members of Hazeldale's tw oW PA executed and to be executed b e­ Including any mid all extensions l censes to construct, maintain mid torney. classes w ill take part in the free tween E J. Sherm an and C. E of said line of railwuy and uny I operate said lines of railway and or program at the junior high school Reed, touching and relating to the and all real amt personal property logging railway a n d extensions in Hillsboro tonight. Southeast quarter of the Southeast acquired or held by th luorlgagor | now or herenfter owned Mrs. C. P. Syverson is seriously , qu arter of Sec. 28. Township 3 os a part of or for use in connec-: or possessed by the Sherman Com­ CAMP RFEHFRS. CCC. Timber ill w ith pneum onia at the Smith North. Range 3 West. W. M ; tion with the operation of suid pany. Also all Inilldings. sheds, sta­ Mar. 19—"Turn about" will be the hospital in Hillsboro. All right, title, interest and estate railroad, which shall Immediately tions, waiting rooms, term inal fa ­ Forest G rove-Reehers order for Mrs. Vina Parkins and son Dale, In and to that certain lease and become and toe subject to the lieii cilities. and all roadways and Im­ Monday. Members of the Pacific who have made an extended visit contract made and entered into b e­ of this mortgage without further provements. and all ether properly university men's ensemble are here with the Schoene family, re ­ Ilut t h e held or used by the Sherman Com ­ tween E J Sherm an and Mrs Dur- net of the mortgagor scheduled to visit the camp and turned to their home in R itter last A ROUND neckline and band trim on lap-over fro n t have youth- shain, covering that certain loading mortgagor covenants that it will pany at the »late of this mortgage, CCC enrollees of the Company 2906 week. Her daughter, Mrs. Herman dock and facilities, approxim ately execute and deliver to the m o rl- or at nny tim e thereafter uequlri-d * * ful. slen d erizin g m otives w hich m ake P a tte rn 86S3 a frock Schoene, accompanied them home o rch estra will be included in the ' described as follows: | gagee such other and further In- ! or constructed by It; flatterin g to women of all size». A vailable In sizes 34 to 44. "emergency education" program to j and is visiting there for some time. Bounded by the United Railways »trumeiits or supplem ental mort- Size 36 req u ires 4% y ard s of 35-lncb fabric, w ith 1 '.4 y ard s Including any mid all extensions be given by students of Washington M arjorie Gossner was honor j lines and right of way on t h e I gages as may be necessary or de­ of said line of railway from Sher- guest at a party on M arch 11 at county in the Central school Mon- 1 co n tra st. south. by the North Plains and | »irable to subject such after ue- T h e soft fem ininity of P a tte rn 8627 w rites rom ance and gayety the home of her uncle and aunt. day night. Carl Emil Berggren of i M ountaindale Road on the east, by ’q u ired p ro p erty to th e lien of tills Í man to the lum ber m anufacturing J plant of thi- Sherm an Company, Into th is ch arm in g frock. T h e sh irred w aist lends itself espe­ Mr and Mrs. Ves Bany. it being Aloha is music instructor for the I the Durshant road on th e north. ! mortgage cially to th e school g irl o r young business w om an's figure. Avail­ her birthday. Guests included Miss­ CCC boys. ru n n in g along said D urshain Road Now. therefore, by v irtu e of said and any and all extensions of the es Edna Nylund, Vera Jacobsen. Despite the usual run of rum ors ( ab le In sizes 12 to 20. Size 14 req u ires 4% yards of 39-inch ap p ro x im ately 1230 feet, then .south execution, ju d g m en t order, d defendants and each and all of tian purposes. New lookout towers Sherm an Company But the S h er­ BROOKLYN, N. X. All right, title, interest and estate I them in the above entitled suit and patrol stations are main items I (By Mn. P. Patton) in and to that certain contract had on November 15. 1828. the date man Company covenant» that it CHERRYGROVE—C herry Grove John A. Thornburgh. Forest Grove to be constructed. Encloicd find............ cents Picase send me the patterns made and entered Into by E J . |o f the mortguge herein foreclosed, 1 will execute and deliver to th e , It's also in the books th at the j extension economics unit of the banker, who announces his can­ state forestry office will take over , checked below, at 15 cents each; Sherm an with the Deer Island Log- | or since that dute had In and to Railway Company such other nnd home economics departm ent at C or­ didacy for republican nomination ging Co dated the 10th duv of i Uie above described property or further instrum ents o r mipple- the soil erosion camp near W a rre n -. vallis met w ith Mrs. Pern Patton P a tte rn No. 86S3 Stze for state senator. February. 1928; any l,art thereof, to satisfy said ¡ irit-ntal mortgages as may lie nee- ton and the McKinley and Sitkum ' Friday. Miss Blanche Eickworth, All right, title, interest and estate | execution, Judgment order and de­ I i'ssary or desirable to subject such camps near M yrtle Point. home dem onstration agent-at-large, at W eyerhauser's mill in Tacoma. P a tte rn no. 8627 Size in. to. over the lands o f F rank 1 < ’rpe' interest, costs and accruing after acquired property to the lien At the present tim e 11 CCC I led th e group in the first study of of this mortgage Mr. and Mrs. Teon Lovegren of camps are under the sta te fo re stry , Pleseniek in See. 22. Township 3! costs a series on ‘'Buymanship". This Cathlam et visited Mr. Lovegren's P atte rn No. 8714 Size Now. therefore, by virtue of said North. Range 3 West. W M. and Dated March 12. 1936 office. included learning the identification mother. Mrs. Hilma Lovegren. Sun­ Looking into the possible C C C ' the lum ber thereon; ! JOHN W CONNELL, Sheriff of execution, judgm ent order, decree N am e ............................................................................. of various fabrics made of cotton, day. nnd order of sale, and in com pli­ All property, property Tights. I Washington County. Oregon future, officials of the forestry serv- j rayon and silk and a study of the H arry Williams, who had his choses in action now owned or I Date of first publication March ance with the commands of suid Address ........................................................................ actual value of the cloth the house­ arm operated on at the Hillsboro ice are understood to have a 10- which may hereafter be acquired P. *?36 publication writ, I will on Tuesday, the 21st w ife purchases by name and looks hospital, was able to come home year work program outlined for day of April, 1936, at 10 00 o'clock C i t y ................................................................... S ta te . nine of th e present camps. Five , by said E J Sherm an and or E April 16. 1936. only, often without really know ­ Saturday. A M nt the cast front door of years w ork could profitably be J. Sherm an Lumber Company In ing w hat it is made of or how- Mr and Mrs. Oscar Davis were the County Court House in H ills­ Name of this newspaper ....................................... NOTICE OE SHERIFF'S SALE Washington and Columbia Coun­ well it is made Next meeting will w eek-end guests of Mrs. Davis' dene by the Reehers and Mill City ties. Oregon, touching or relating In the Circuit Court of the S tate of boro, Washington County. Oregon, be April 10 at Mrs. Patton's home. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Locey, at companies, it is estim ated. The pro­ grams are entirely ten tativ e since to the operations of said E. J. S h er­ Oregon for the County of Wash­ sell nt public auction isubject to This unit includes GastonT Laurel- Vancouver, Wash. redem ption' to the highest bidder the actual future of the conserva­ man and or E J. Sherm an Lum ­ ington. wood. Spring Hill. Dethlefs, Scog­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 1 Stock chain for lath mill, and ber Company. Jun io r B. Y P. U. had a party for cash in hand, all the right, title No. 10744 gins Valley. Patton Valley and at the home of Mrs. Wallace Fol­ tion corps is at present u n p re d ic t-! drive. No. 10742 Now. therefore, by virtue of said , ¡United Railways Company, a cor­ and interest which the within nam ­ Cherry Grove and all ladies in som Tuesday evening. The evening able. 1 50-foot green chain w ith drive. execution. Judgment order, d e c re e 1 ed defendants und each and nil of More than 500 miles of forest In the C ircuit Court of th e S tate of these localities are welcome to a t­ was spent in playing games. them in the above entitled suit had All belting, shafting, and counter - und order or sale, and in compli- , poration, Plaintiff, Oregon for the County of Wash­ protection roads have been built tend. vs. P. Patton w ent on a fishing trip by the CCC camps under the state zhafting complete. on November 15. 1928. the date of ington. unce .w ith the commands of said P rin c ip a l Nam ed to Hebo last Wednesday w ith A. 4 Com plete roll cases, and all writ, I will on Tuesday, the 21st E. J Sherm an Lumber Si Logging the mortgage herein foreclosed, or Mrs. Swan Nvberg has been M. P orter and H arry Wescott of forestry office during the last W. C. Christensen and L. J Mer- three years. C ontribution to t h e , rill, as trustees. Plaintiffs, buildings and im provem ents of ev ­ day of April, 1936, at 10:00 o'clock , Co, a corporation, Dnlry Creek since that date had in and to the rehired as principal in the Cherry Gaston. road program has been a principal vs. ery kind and nature. A M,. at the east front door of tlie I j Logging Co., a corporation, E J above described property or any Grove school for next year and Rev. Stanley Cornils w ill speak All boilers, boiler house, engines, County Court House in H illsboro., Sherm an Lumber Company, a part thereof, to satisfy said execu­ Mrs M ary G rant w ill teach the S u n d ay m orning on "A Sufficient factor in the Reehers work schedule E. J. Sherm an, Almeda Sherm an along with the snag falling, varied | the form er wife of E. J Sher- i conveyors, saws, planers, edgers, Washington County. Oregon, sell ! corporation. Sherm an Mill Com­ tion. Judgment order and decree, low er grades. Christ and a Complete Christian." fire pre-suppression activities and pany, a corporation. E J S her­ lntere ,’. costs and an ruing costs . man, Mary Madge Sherm an, the pumps, generators, carriages, dams, at public auction isubject to re ­ Mr. and Mrs. H erb Davis brought Roy Heddin, Alfonso Tornblad. telephone line construction. C redit Service Company, Dated March 12. t'»36 present wife of E. J. Sherman. ponds, blacksm ith shops and eq uip­ demption) to the highest bidder i a man, their baby boy home from a P ort­ Earl Brown and Carl Linde went corporation, and S tate Indus ! JOHN W CONNELL, Sheriff of Officials estim ate that 800 man- E. J. Sherm an Lumber Company, ment, including blowers, torches, for cash in hand, all the right, title ' land hospital last W’eek. w here he to the Crown W illamette camp doys Accident Commission, D e -' Washington County. Oregon of labor are required for one a corporation. E J. Sherm an Lum­ tools, drill presses, sand dryers; and interest which the within nam- ! trial has been under treatm ent for some west of Carlton to work Monday. m ile of fendants. Date of first publication March new forest protection road ber & Logging Co, a corporation, all bunk houses, cook houses, g ar­ ed defendants and each and all of time. At present he seems to be Mrs. E R. Henderson visited construction according to present By virtue of an execution. Judg­ 19. 1936. Date of lust publication Sherm an Mill Company, a cor­ ages, office buildings, family houses, them in the above entitled suit improving. Mr. and Mrs. Felix O'Dorfhell of standards. ment order, decree and order of April 10. 1936 poration, Dairy Creek Logging bath houses, situated at or near had on March 5. 1928. the date of ' John Johnson of Black Rock W aldport from Saturday until Tues­ issued out of the above en­ Co., a corporation. C redit Service said mill, being in Sections 20. 21, the mortgage herein foreclosed, or i sale came S aturday and took his cousin day. * NOTK E OE S ill I t lll 'S SAI.E titled court in the above entitled We specialize in quality c o i t i ­ Company, a corporation, a n d 28 and 29. all in Tow nship 3 North, since that date had in and to the I Johan Johnson to w-ork w ith him A lexander Anderson of Hood m ereiai printing - -Argus. No 10745 to me directed and dated the ' ti S tate Industrial Accident Com­ Range 3 West. W M. above described property or any case, 1 12x13 Sm ith & Watson donkey part thereof, to satisfy said execu­ 12th day of March, 1936, upon a In the Circuit Court of the S tate of mission. Defendants. Oregon for the County of Wa»h- By v irtu e of an execution, ju d g ­ engine No. 127. tion, judgm ent order and decree, Judgment nnd decree rendered and Ington. 1 12x14 W illam ette Iron Sc Steel interest, costs and accruing coats. entered in said court on th e 12tli ment order, decree and order of day of March, 1936, In fnvor of U nited Railways Company, a cor­ sale issued out of the above en ­ Co. donkey engine No. 502. Dated March 12. 1936 Railways Company, a cor- I poration, Plaintiff, 1 9 '« x l0 Seattle donkey engine titled court in the above entitled JOHN W. CONNELL. Sheriff of United poration, plaintiff, and against E • vs. case, to me directed and dated the No. 1764 Washington County. Oregon. Sherm an ber St Logging Co, E J. Sherm an Lumber St I.ogging 1 H eisler locomotive No. 200. 12th day of March, 1936. upon a judg- Date of first publication March J Dairy Creek Logging C o, 'E J C o. a corporation, Edw ard J i m ent and decree rendered and en- ’ 4 Sets logging trucks, ap proxi­ 19. 1936. Date of last publication O you think aviation has grown Sherm an Lumber Company, Sher- Sherm an, E J. Sherm an Lumber m ate capacity 82,000 feet each. itered in said court on the 12th day April 16. 1936 up’ Company, a corporation. S h er­ fnan Mill Company. E J. S her­ ] of March, 1936, in favor of W C. ! About 1/5-mile of 45-lb. steel man, Credit Service Company, nnd man Mill Company, a corpora­ Then step for a little while Into I Christensen and L. J. Merrill, as rails. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE S tate Industrial A rrident Commis­ tion, Credit Service Company, a the laboratories and drafting A bout '¿-m ile of 50-lb steel rails. ■ trustees, plaintiffs, and against E. No. 10743 corporation, nnd S tate Industrial rooms of the country's foremost About 1.7 miles of 56-lb. steel In the C ircuit Court of th e S tate of sion, defendants, for the sum of t J. Sherman. Almeda Sherman, Mary Í162.OOO w ith interest thereon nt ¡ Accident Commission. Defendants. Madge Sherm an, E. J. Sherman rails. airplane builders Xou’ll learn Oregon for the County of Wash­ the rate of six per cent per a n ­ By virtue of nn execution ju d g ­ I Lum ber & Logging Co., E. J. Sher- j 1 G ravel car. that the '’baby” nurtured by the ington All trip lines, cable, logging United Railways Company, a cor­ num from November 15. 1928. nnd ' ment order, decree and order of m an L um ber Company, Sherman Wright brothers nearly 33 years the further sum of $16 00 costs and j sale Issued out of the above en ­ Mill Company, Dairy Creek Log­ tools, all railroad and l o g g i n g ago Is still a toddler poration, Plaintiff, disbursements, and the costs of ! titled court In th e above entitled equipm ent of every kind and na- ( ging Co., C redit Service Company v«. So far as its engineering guar­ and State Industrial Accident Com- i ture, all locomotives, loaders, y a rd ­ Dairy Creek Logging Co , a cor­ and upon this w rit commanding case, to me directed and dated the dians are concerned, aviation has me to make sale of the following 12th day of Mardh. 1936, upAp a Judg­ ) mission, defendants, for the sum of ers, trucks, ballast cars, t r a c k , poration, E J. Sherm an Lumber described real property situate in ment and decree rendered and en ­ its full life ahead. $30,448, w ith interest on th e sum switches, ties, bridges, all sleds, & Logging Co., a corporation, E In the Interim, the plans being of $9.500 from Ju n e 5, 1934, and main lines, haul-back lines, straw I J. Sherm an Lumber Company, a the County of Washington, State of tered in said court on the 12th day Oregon, to-wit: of March, 1936, In favor of United laid and developed approach the interest on the sum of $15.448 from line, all blocks and equipment, all corporation, Sherm an Mill Com­ All the railways, properties and Railways Company, a corporation, fantastic. March 5, 1934. and interest on the guy lines, high lead blocks, round pany, a corporation, E. J. S h er­ franchises of the Sherm an Com ­ plaintiff, and against E J Sherm an sum of $5,500, from April 5, 1933 houses, chain blocks, pumps-, small They will enable you, for In­ C redit Service Company» a pany, w hether nt the date of this I,lim ber St Logging C o, Edward J all interest at the rate of six per tools, saws, axes, wedges, sledges; I man, stance. If they succeed, to board corporation, and Stafe Industrial mortgage owned by the Sherm an Sherm an, E J Sherm an Lum ber cent per annum , and th e further all logging and railroad machinery, a bermettcally sealed cabin plane Accident Commission, Defend- Company or hereafter owned or Comoanv, Sherm an Mill Company, sum of $16.00 costs and disburse­ tools and equipm ent of every kind , j ants. In Los Angeles to soar across the _____ ___ Service Company and Stnte ments, and the costs of and upon and nature; all w ater rights, dam ' By virtue of an execution, ju d g ­ acquired by it, now constructed or Credit continent through the sub-strato­ hereafter to be constructed, includ- Industrial Accident Commissi on, this w rit com manding me to make rights, dam sights, ponds, flum e ment order, decree and order of sphere at live miles a minute. sale of the following described real and sluicing rights of every kind sale issued out of the above entitled ing particularly all the right, title | defendants, for the sum of $36,- nnd interest of the Sherm an Com­ 396 18, together with interest on Plans for such a plane are al­ and personal property situate in and nature; in th e above entitled case, pany in and to the following de­ the sum of $10.066 nt the rate of ready In shape for construction the County of Washington, State All rights of way, privileges and court to me directed and dated the 12th scribed real property situated in six per cent per annum from April purposes. of Oregon, to-wit: easem ents for logging roads, ra il­ T hat certain lum ber a n d lath roads, skidways of every kind and day of March, 1936, upon a Judg­ Washington County, Oregon, to- 4. 1928, and interest on the bal­ A rriving In New York City, ment and decree rendered and en ­ wit: ance nt the rate <»f six per cent mill complete; a l l m a c h in e r y , nature; then, you could lay out a fast tered in said court on the 12th day 1. A strip of land of varying per annum from Ju n e 30. 1935, and blocks, buildings, shafting, counter­ All contracts now in existence weekend Itinerary to speed yon I of March, 1936, in favor of United w idth constituting the right of way the further sum of $16 00 costs and shafting, roll cases, tools, m achin­ or w hich may hereafter be acq u ir­ to London and return, nonstop. Railways Company, a corporation, of the Sherm an Company for its disbursements, and the costs of ery and equipm ent of every kind ed for the purchase of logs, tim ber j plaintiff, and against D airy Creek Your ship likely would have cost line of railw ay constructed and and upon this writ commanding me natu re now in or being used at land, water, railroad, logging road, from 31.000,000 to 32.000.000—far the mill of the E. J. Sherm an or skidways; the loading docks Logging Co., E. J. Sherm an Lum- owned by It, extending from a con­ to m ake sate of the following d e­ larger than any commercial plane Lumber Company located in Sec­ now in existence or which may i ber & Logging Co., E. J. Sherm an nection with the line of railway scribed renl property situate in th«- yet In operation—because money tion 21, Tow nship 3 North, Range h ereafter be built or acquired at Lumber Company. Sherm an Mill of the Railwny Company nt S her­ County of Washington, S tate of Is only Incidental to the progress 3 West, W. M. in Washington or n ear Vadis, Oregon, and all ; Company, E J. Sherm an, C redit man Station, In Section 4, Tow n­ Oregon, to-wit: All those certain railroads and County, Oregon: together with all leases, contracts, easem ents a n d Service Company, and S tate In­ ship 1 North qf Range 3 West of of aviation. • • • facilities, rights, privileges, ease­ privileges in connection therew ith dustrial Accident Commission, d e­ the W illamette M eridian, northerly railroad lines approxim ately four fendants, for the sum of $162,000 a distance of approxim ately 9.5 miles in length together with steel, ments, w ater a n d flum e rights, or ap purtenant thereto, or used or D ETU RNIN G to America, you j heretofore, now or hereafter used to be used in connection therew ith; with interest thereon at the rate of miles to the mill and lum ber m an­ ties, bridges, culverts and trestles 1 would fly back to the Pacific six per cent per annum from No­ ufacturing plant of E. J. Sherm an used In connection therew ith, sit­ I in, ap purtenant to or convenient i All railroads, logging roads, ra il­ coast, likely taking advantage of I for the operation thereof, including ; road or logging equipm ent which vem ber 15. 1928, and the further doing business as E. J Sherman uated in Sections 21. 26. 27. 28 and sum of $16 00 costs and disburse­ a sleeper service which would L um ber Company, in the South! 33 in Township 3 North of Range 1 14x18 Russell Steam Engine may be herenfter constructed or tuck you away comfortably while l No. 02012. ' used in connection with the op­ ments, and th e costs of and upon west q u arter of Section 21, Tow n­ 3 West, W illamette Meridian, to­ this w rit commanding me to make ship 3 North of Range 3 West, the gether with all rights of way, ease­ your ship whirred through the 1 14x16 Sum m er Twin Steam En- I erations of th e E. J. Sherm an L um ­ of th e following described real center line of which said railw ay ments a n d privileges connected ; gine. night at 3*4 miles a minute. Not» ber Company an d /o r E. J. S h er­ sale 2 Steam fed engines. man lum ber and logging opera­ property situ ate in the County of is particularly described as fol­ therew ith, together w ith all tene­ under construction, these huge ments, hereditam ents and appurte­ 1 12x12 McEwan Steam Engine. I tions; all contracts for hauling or Washington. State of Oregon, to-wit: lows: ships are designed to carry 16 All the railways, properties and Beginning nt a point on t h e nances thereunto belonging or in j 1 8x15 American P laner with I transportation of lum ber or lum passengers by night and 32 by | Blower System complete and two ber products to w hich said E J. ‘ i franchises of the m ortgagor, w heth­ northerly right of way line of the anyw ise appertaining. day. i knife grinders. Now. therefore, by v irtu e of said Sherm an an d /o r said E J. Sher er at the date of this mortgage Railway Com pany in Section 4 The future seems unbounded. . r __ _____ ___ ■ I owned by th e m ortgagor or here- Township 1 North of Range 3 West' execution, judgm ent order, »leered 1 Com plete log loader, canting I r C, ° n P, a ny ” or m ay 4 a fte r owned or acquired by it, now "W ithin the next five or ten I gear, and log lift. *reaf*cr fje entitled or may here-1 constructed or h ereafter to be con- and running northerly through Hills and order of sale, and incom pliance years, around the world In a week I 1 4-block Portland Iron Works i arter be acquired in any m anner structed, including particularly all Acres, thence over and across the with the commands of said writ, I T housands nl feci above th e en rth , ib is g igantic ull-m elnl Dougin» C arriage w ith power set works. West half of Section 34. the South­ will on Tuesday, the 21st day of will be entirely possible for the whatsoever; the right, title and interest of the a ir liner, top, tn in -m o to red and equipped w ith every m odern aero« business go-getter ” predicts Col. 1 2-saw head rig, 56-inch saws, ! AH new equipm ent, w hether for : mortgagor In and to th e following west quarter, the N orthwest q u a r­ April, 1936, at 16:00 o’clock A. M , nnutieal device, speeds across th e co n tin en t, touching both coasts w ith chipper. Two extra saws. te r and the N ortheast q u arte r of at th e east front door of the Coun­ Edgar Correll, newly appointed said mill, railroad or logging op­ between daw n and dusk. Below, tho even larg er F an A m erican 1 1-saw pony rig w ith 4-block erations, which may be hereafter described real property situated In Section 27. the West half of Sec­ ty Court House in Hillsboro, W ash­ "czar” of the aviation Industry. Washington County. Oregon, to-wit: tion 22, the West half of Section 9, ington County, Oregon, sell ut pub­ A irways’ China Clipper Is shown retu rn in g to hom e w aters, Han carriage One ex tra saw. And In the light of existing purchased, leased or otherw ise ac­ A strip of land of varying width and tho West half of Section 4. in lic auction isubject to redem ption) 1 6x48 Portland Iron Works 5- quired; F ranriseo liny, a fte r tier first epochal lllglit to tho mtrt-Paclllc. progress his prediction Rppms rea­ constituting the right of way of Township 2 North of Range 3 West; to tho highest bidder for ensh in saw edger. O akland and Berkeley, C'nlif., are in th e background. All logs and lum ber now at said the m ortgagor for Its line of rail- the sonable. Already aviation can West hnlf of Section 33. thè hand, all the right, title and in te r­ 3 Swing Ctit Off saws. I mill or on said loading dock at way constructed nnd owned by It, point to the record-breaking 3387- West half of Section 28. and the est w hich the w ithin named de­ now branching out as tran s­ 1 4-saw P ortland Iron Works Vadis, or now owned by said E today. It will be priced to com­ J. extending through the Southwest mile flight of the navy’s latest Southwest q uarter o f Section 21, in fendants nnd carb and all of them oceanic. pare with automobiles and just as Lath Bolter. Sherm an an d /o r E. J. Sherm an of Section 15, the East half Township 3 North of Range 3 West in type patrol plane from the Pan­ 1 5-saw Portland Iron Works L um ber Company, or which may q of u arter the above entitled suit had on Moreover, the men behind tho comfortable, may travel 30 to 40 Section 16 and th e Northwest 2. A strip of land of varying April 4, 1928. the date of the m ort­ ama Canal to Alameda. Calif ; to h ereafter be sawed, produced or qu arter of Section 16, in Township I width scenes In the shops and airplane miles an hour faster than the best Lath Stripper. constituting the right of way gage herein forelosed, or since th at 2 72x18 Return Tube West Coast otherw ise nequired by said E, J. 2 North of Range 3 West of Wil­ the epochnl flights of the Sikorsky laboratories have thought of the ear. and on the same am ount of Boilers with feed pump. of the Sherm an Company for Its date had in nnd to Ihc above de­ Clipper, which has been blazing Sherm an an d /o r E. J. Sherm an lam ette M eridian, tho center line Jogging little fellow who wants to fly his gasoline. railroad, extending from property or any part th e re ­ 1 350 H. P. Feed w ater heater. L um ber Company; a new mall and passenger rour- of which railwny is particularly the mill and the lum ber manufae- scribed own plane. Perhaps the most With it will come the problem of, to satisfy said execution. Judg­ 1 18-inch Pelton w ater wheel All right, title, interest and estate across the hazardous Pacific; and described as follows; hopeful sign for the future of pri­ J u rin g plant of E. J. Sherman, do­ ment order and decree, Interest, of air trafllc! w ith 5 KW generator. of said E. J. Sherm an an d /o r E. J. to the general rapid growth of Beginning at a connection with ing business as E. J. Sherm an Lum- costs vate flying has been the effort of 1 C ircular saw grinder w ith 5 Sherm an Lum ber Com pany in that But already the Bureau of Air and accruing costs. the line of railw ay of E. J. S h er­ com mercial dying Company, in the Southwest the induHiry to build a small, Dated March 12, 1930 Commerce Is laying the ground­ H. P. steam engine. cortain contract m ade by E. ,J. man Lum ber Ai Logging Co., w here j (q ber • • • u arter of Section 21, Township 3 1 Steam d rag saw. foolproof plane JOHN W CONNELL, Sheriff of work of a rigid traffic control of Shet mi n ■. ith J P. and Cora ■ the same leaves the West half of North of Range 3 West, and ex- Washington County, Oregon. C'Q I'A I.LV sign ificant have been 1 300-foot Refuse conveyor. The goal Is a type which above airw ays and airports When that G uerrier, bearing date A pril 24, Section 22 in said tow nship and ( tending through t h e Northwest 2 Mill saw dust conveyors. Date of first publication March development» of a nation wide all will be far safer than the 1924; day comes, the ’ baby” will be range, and extending over a n d quarter, the Southw est quarter, the 1 Boiler fuel conveyor. network of airmail transportation, craft being told to private owners All right, title, interest and estate across the Southw est q u arter of I N ortheast q u arter and the South- 19, 1936. Date of last publication garown up. April 16, 1936. Back in Politics P. U. Men's Group to Visit at Camp Extension Meet H eld on Friday Ev~e Luxury Liners of the Air May Circle World in Week by 1340 S