T im i’ ilriv, M u i li 19, 192(1 G roup Meets • on Saturday H I L I.?. R O P. O ne «lay n ig h t h e ru u g ro u p to o k p a rt in Legion a m a te u r co boro. • som e o f th< th e Am«,rl< a i «•it ii) M ill: HirthiUy sfu prise Given A RCU S, H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N Christian Science Lecture Fri«n«l in d relativ«.» gave a F rie n d F ii t C h u rch « 1 o f f ’ h ri J. S i. •nti of Fore • Crove and H ill o welcome y o u , and a re g la d pi i. o bn I In la y • r t y fo r M rs. M th a t .so m a n y o f y o u have accepted th '.'d a tio n to co m e h e re th ■vening to h e a r a C h r i tia n I >u vid so n .ike tm d a y n ig h t. A M r». W inw i-ll H onored; A ll S cie n ce le c tu re . v Messiah, or Christ, the anointed one. or affect his true being. They are fro m P o rtla n d . wheie she .spoilt H. n Zue,« h« i. M e lb a H ave, d ic k Entitled ) The true method of salvation was re- simply illusions of the material I • ' •' • • k Mi 1 1ntdiiik WA oi 'a n d M a r jo r ie M eek. We ley B a tc h e ld e r. f ) S C tu - i vealed In Its perfectness by Jesus of senses. Whether one believes that J u re d in a c a r a<« id o n t u h i,e th e re L liris lia it Science: Cod's ' Nazareth. p e n d in g th e p r in g va« « A k itc h e n sh o w e r was g iv e n M r «lent, i these false mental qualities are due io n w it h h i p a re n ts. M i and M i Jesus, illumined, by the unfailing to heredity, environment, or educa­ and M i W. le v W i w e ll o f C a m - it Jam«“ Kit h Blessing to B a te h e id e r II«* w il, n tu rn light of Christ, Truth, worked out in a Wa h . at tk o C o rb e t C rn w th e r tion, one can get rid of them through the right way all the problems of hu­ the understanding of the truth of H um anity h o m e h e ro F rid a y a fte rn o o n Pre • i to co lle g e S u n d a y. í )k la iw iin i M i G W K l l l l of man exist« rice Jesus’ life was one of «•nt w e re M i A lfr e d I.e w ix and being. blessedness and blessing. We see in by J im m y . M i . Peggy P o n g ra tz o f < ’ its . O k la . w h o tame !«•!«• to h«‘ The individual who grasps this w it h h«‘i hi o th e r W i l l i . n i Seh«‘ ui« r, 1 his life unfuillng strength, kindness, K an. i C ity , M o dam e I. I, C r a w ­ fact, and becomes busy In working u lm d ie d M a rc h 9. loft fo r hom e j Peter II. Biggins. C. S. B. and Justice, purity, tenderness, un­ fo rd , V e rn e Pi ie k e tt and S h ir le y out his salvation. Is very watchful limited wisdom, and Intelligence In that he does not entertain any erro­ of S eattle, W ashinglon Jo a n n e and V«Th* C. S w e c k e r. W il ' S u n d a y 1 H . lv e t ia r.td ic met with j s’ Alci his words and deeds he was obeying h u m M ( ( id l, F II K a u ffm a n . C M , tu b er w( Ib e llw «( I «jr*ahi jt • ( I lie neous concept regarding himself or tils divine Principle, God. We see this, his fellow man. He habitually strives M o l h e r « h o r d i . l b « l o r t l « b u r* h «1 « .h r u l, ( ’ . i i ?<*n . H o m e r B e n n e tt, F r «• d tin* P h illip s g io u p at th e hom e o f b r i e u l u l , in l lo t lo n . M assa« b u t*« « * for Instance, In his well-known Ser­ to gain a fuller understanding of the lb n e fii J ite i'r v d c n d a l I, a nd Bay M rs F re d B e rg e r S r. at B e th a n y mon on the Mount. Tills gr« at ser­ one divine Mind, and through the up­ G le n n , R euben K e lly . W II Uid- M a rc h I I N«*xt m e e tin g w ill b<* S im o n H«,rsh«*y A p r il 8 mon contains a comprehensive state­ lifted consciousness thus gained he «link. F a il C a ld w e ll und G e ra ld , w it h M i Christian Science, os discovered, Joe N il s .h a u rn e r o f V a n c o u v e r. ment of the simple rules of Christian sees that man Is the image and like­ i > i ii i a nd i ' ice 1 taught, und founded by Mary Uakci wa.s v is it in g his p a re n t:. living We may see in Christ Jesus’ ness of perfect Mind He discerns in ItiiH -k . Je «• M e y e rs . A le x A lh ii . W a sh , Eddy, blings blessing into Hie lives J J. N u sh a tim e r. works throughout his ministry a re­ a measure the Science of being. He C m b e tt C ro w th e r, a n d M y r t le M r. and M i of those wtio receive Its healing mes­ Ci« p Mi M ild re d W a tk iu x and fro m M o n d a y to T h u rs d a y o f l a s t , sage, und it is a joy to tell about markable coincidence with his words then rejects any evidence of Imper­ been i l l fo r some as contained In this great sermon, M i . F lu e M e y e rs M iss W is w e ll w e e k Joe ha B e n n ie Nuss- Itils blessedness und blessing. Christ which Is full of blessing We recog­ fection regarding himself or another, w as fo r m e r ly M r s M uneca I ’on- to n e M r. and M i and refuses to admit that error of Jesus, who understood God so well, ha tim e r w e n t to V a n c o u v e r to v is ­ that he reflected the healing any kind belongs to man. Thus he g ra tz o f B u x to n l as said, "This Is life eternal, that nize it b o n S u n d a y. power of the divine Mind. In his en­ l l a r r y lY e lih H o n o re d various ways to give this Truth to mankind—the churches, the literature and lectures. We have with us M r P e te r B. B ig g in s o f S e a ttle . Wash, a member of th e Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., who will speak to you on the subject; Christian Science: “God’s Rich Blessing to Humanity,” said Mrs. Ida Cherrington in introducing the speaker at the Forest Grove high school Monday night. Mr. Biggins: the plan of divine Love, as reflected less. True prayer always blesses, UV • urtfier. We haw Scriptural author* by the Discoverer and Founder of lifts, purifies, and heals. When Jesus Ity for knowing that Gw/, Spirit, ha» Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy's work and his disciples were on their way to created all. Since Go! could make will remain to help and bless all Jerusalem, where Jesus was about to nothing unlike Himself, It Is plain mankind. give his final proof of the powerless­ th at God's universe must express' C h ris tia n Science It Is a memorable day In one’s ex­ ness of malice, envy, and hate to Him: that Is, it must be spiritual. perience when one Is awakened to an destroy him or his work, thia little Christian Bcience. Instructing us In understanding of God in Christian band of early Christians approached this fact, opens up new possibilities Science. I well remember ray own a village of Samaria. We read in the of thought. Doubtless everyone In1 this audience loves to view the beau experience. Having left my home and T pe! ,oi ? at ‘he >*opl* oi t'i;7;f"7;ru7e;7he'¿loud eff'ecu; th e' come to a new country. I found a ^ this vuiage did not receive Jesus hos- rainbow the and Mttlng sun? church of the denomination of which pliably. The disciples, not yet fully As you do u u p ^ n , ^ to look be- I had already been a member. One awakened to the Christllness of yond the material appearance and Sunday evening In this church a healing message, said to their through spiritual sense behold what ‘ sermon was preached on the subject Jesus' Master, "Lord, wilt thou th at we God has made, to discern the realities ' of Christian Science. Much was said command to come down from of being which these beauties of in favor of spiritual healing ; and one heaven, and fire consume them, even as nature symbolize. Then you are fact stands out above all others. Ref­ Elias did?" But Jesus turned and re- catching a glimpse of the tru th of erence was made to an elderly lady buked his disciples, saying: "Ye know spiritual being. who had been an invalid for many God s universe Is spiritual. The years. When she read In the Chris­ not what manner of spirit ye are of. tian Bcience textbook «Science and For the Son of man Is not come to mistake is with mortals, who wrongly Health, p. 2) the words, "God is destroy m ens lives, but to save believe that It is material. Mortals, wing the universe materially, con- Love," she arose healed. This made a th e m ." | ceive that It Is of a destructive nature, Healing deep Impression on me. Unfortu­ and they theorize about this destruc­ nately for the purpose of the sermon, The healings effected today by however, much was said In criticism Christian Science are similar to tiveness. Nevertheless, spring con­ of our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy. those performed by spiritual power tinues to follow winter; green leaves Immediately things began to happen ln tpe eariy dayg of the Christian shoot forth from bush and tree;; I era. Christian healing, as practiced seedlings spring from the earth, pro­ , very quickly ln my experience. _. tl. -y might know thee the only true tire life, we see the nature of God bears witness to the truth Thus he j found in the public library of that ¡n Christian Science, is more wlde- viding food for man and beast. These A b ir th d a y p a rty was g iv e n fo r C ¡d, and Jesus Christ, whom thou Clearly manifested Mrs Eddy, re­ is learning to love his neighbor as c l‘ X th e Christian Science Sentinel spread today than ln any other phenomena cannot be explained on tu H a rry W e b b at th e J e -a * Meyer.s !.a. t lent.” This rich blessing, the ferring to Jesus' achievement, writes himself. Thus he expresses the Mind and The Christ ian Science Journal.— r^rlod of the world's history. It is purely material basis. They never h o m e M a rc h 9 T h e e v e n in g was and monthly periodicals 1 clearly the function of the Christian have been explained thus. *We ars Christ. He « Is ■ beginning to „„„ see that ; the understanding of eternal Life, Is I in her book Miscellaneous Writings" of r-K.«., .•pent in p la y in g ca rd s O th e rs the real man Is born of God. and In­ \ ot the Christian Science movement church to carry on the apostolic work nearing the true explanation, as wo rained by knowing God aright. Ho p,« ent w«*rr M< r and M e .dame 'p 199«, "We learn somewhat ot the herits only those qualities which are -and I was much impressed by the recognize th at infinite Mind is ex­ It Is well worth our while to con­ i qualities of the divine Mind through good and true—an unfailing and beauty of the thoughts expressed i of healing the sick through spiritual pressed. that divine Mind’s law of F re d W atson. V ic to r W hit«* and sider the true nature and character B E A V E R T O N M a u ric e W M a n ­ power, and the Church of Christ, Sci­ i the human Jesus." S h irle y . ]) E d w a rd s. Reuben K e lly , eternal birthright. In the light of therein. I felt sure that I had found entist, Is performing this vital func­ ceaseless growth and development is n in g . 47. d ie d s u d d e n ly at h is hom e lit God. F le d B< i n f i l l , O scar C e a rle y . M i. Because Jesus taught and prac- Truth, errors engendered by false ! the manifested. truth for which I had been | fro m an a tta c k o f h e a rt tr o u b le A le x A lle n , M rs M o ,lie T a llm a n .) I tlced eternal Truth, his teaching Is education fade away before the fact , looking. I immediately obtained tion. Daily, hourly, throughout the There is no sin, no disease, no sor­ God « a r ly T h u r d a y m o rn in g . world, wherever the Church of Christ, M is J r s ip T illm a n . Franc«“ - C a n - i as applicable to the needs of the pres­ H is d e a th cam e as a g re a t sh o ck 1 Christian Science teaches that God ent duv as It was to the needs of his that divine Mind has ever been Im­ from the Christian Science Reading ; Scientist—The Mother Church and row so deeply rooted but divine Lovs bv. F e rn u n i B< fa F • .tm a ii, G eorge parting to His beloved child Ideas of j Room in that city a copy ot "Science i its branches—Is established, this can eradicate it, because of the infi­ F i h«*r, F ra n k P e trz ilk u . M e lv in as he had ju s t r e tu r n e d to his Is divine Principle, the inllmte source own day. He came preaching the divine Truth and Life and Love. The ' and Health with Key to the Scrip­ healing, redemptive work goes stead- nite depth of Love. Man's being Is a t P o w e ll, Georg«* a nd ( ’ laud«* B ig g ie , a p a rtm e n t in th e M a n n in g b u ild - or origin Irum whom man proceeds. gospel of the kingdom He declared one with divine Love. From everlast­ a fte r h a v in g gone d o w n s ta irs ' God Is divine Mind. Truth and Love, (hat the kingdom of heaven Is at beliefs of false environment yield as tures” by Mary Baker Eddy, and I I ily on. H a ro ld F isher t( get an Spirit, Bout, l.lfe; He is divine intelli­ hand He illustrated the coming of one sees that man always lives and am grateful for the rich blessings Time and time again I have seen ing to everlasting, man Is and has F ra n k P e tr /d k a lo ft M a rc h 10 I t ‘ > his g ro c e ry moves and has his being in infinite, which have come into my life cases of supposedly hopeless disease been and ever will be at one with: f o r W e s tp o rt. W ash , w h e re In* w ill a rtie h * fu r th e refr< ‘.shmentx o f th e gence Infinite substance, our Father- this kingdom by simple parables. In m e e tin g o f th e F.axtern S ta r in Mother. the cause and creator of all , which, among other things, he com­ divine Mind, wherein man enjoys un­ through studying this book and im­ healed instantaneously, as this light God, held securely ln the embrace o f be e m p lo y e d . limited possibilities for good. Day bibing in some measure its teachings. J of divine Truth as revealed in Chris­ the eternal Mind, safe ln Science. Mr L ee R a n d a ll a nd M rs. R ic h ­ th e ir room s ucrtiss th e h a il. that really la. God has revealed Him­ mended diligence in business, faith­ by day the shadows of sin, disease, This book breathes forth the spirit tian Science has dawned upon the Through the helpful ministrations a rd B a u g h m a n o f O rc n c o v is ite d M r M a n n in g is w e ll k n o w n here, self throughout succeeding genera­ ful stewardship. The Master taught and fear are fleeing before the light. of Christ, bringing blessings to the thought of sufferers. Those who of Christian Science, a new ideal has th e fo r m e r ’s mother, M rs. A le x has in g been « nguged in th e g ro c e ry tions to those who have been pre- and practiced diligence in the Fa- These facts are Intensely practical. earnest reader correcting and dis­ have been enslav«>d by liquor, opium, come, not only to those of mature A and m ea t m a rk e t business fo r a b o u t |>an-d to receive Him. Thus there ' ther s business, and he wisely took They become more tangible as we pelling false beliefs. Like thousands and other phases of vice have found years, but also to the youth of the < e l e b r a t e Itirthdays te n years. cume to Abram of old a clear reve­ much time for quiet meditation on use them. of others I am grateful that Mrs. freedom through the Christ-power. present day. We are seeing the ful­ A n a ll- d a y m e e tin g w it h c h ic k e n H e was b o rn in P a w n e e C ity . lation of God. Abram lived on tiie law of God. an example which is The God of Abraham is your God Eddy was not content merely to en­ d in n e r fo r m e m b e rs h a v in g b ir th - D e ce m b e r IK. 188«. In 1909 the plains of Mesopotamia about the followed by many thoughtful men and mine. The light which Abraham joy the fruits of this discovery her­ Invalids, who have spent weary fillment of the prophecy of Joel: "It da in M a rc h was h e ld a t th e m a rrie d to M is Harriet year 1900 U C. He turned from the and women In this present day. glimpsed may come to you and to me. self. but that she went on with her ; months and years In seemingly hope- shall come to pass afterward, that I G ra n g e h a ll b> W . B A. la d ie x M teavenson. w h o p a rse d a w a y in pagan worship to which his lellow Christian Science Reading Rooms af­ ; less invalidism, have risen from their will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; S a tu rd a y . A n u m b e r o f n o n -m e m - 1011. T o IH ls u n io n one son, F ra n k , countrymen were devoted and « aught ford to busy men and women the op- That light is the Christ. Truth, to valiant work as the Founder of the ' beds well, even when they were be­ and your sons and your daughter."» bera w e re p re se n t fo r th e d in n e r. w as b o rn , w h o passed a w a y in a clear glimpse of the one God, who ' portunlty to commune with the di­ which the Apostle John refers as religion of Christian Science, provid­ lieved to be in "the valley ot the shall prophesy, your old men shall "the true Light, which lighteth ing for its many activities, includ­ M rs H o m e r B e n n e tt wax In itia te d . 1»31 O n M a rc h 14, 1912, he m a r ­ Is revealed In Christian Science a vine Mind, the source of true strength every man that cometh into the ing the issuing of the periodicals, shadow of death." These results are | dream dreams, your young men shall M r. a nd M rs. F s tis G ib s o n have rie d M iss L o u is e F re t-m a n , to w h ic h being continually repeated in the see visions: and also upon the serv­ the one Mind, the supreme intelli­ and Inspiration. Who can estimate world." It was this light which came through which so manv are being led practice of Christian Science. In the ants and upon the handmaids in r e tu r n e d to E a ste rn O re g o n a fte r u n io n one .son, M a u ric e , was h o rn gence. who, though Invisible to the what it means to busy people who re­ to Mary Baker Eddy when in her to find the Christian Science text­ s p e n d in g th e w in t e r at th e hom e M r M a n n in g is s u rv iy e d b y hi physical senses, governs the universe plenish their lamps with the oil of time of physical need she turned to book, the true Key to the treasures experience of those who are healed those days will I pour out my spirit.” o f his m o th e r, M ra. H o m e r B e n ­ w id o w . Loui.se C. M a n n in g , one by Christian Science, there is being So young people, today, are having and man In perfect harmony. Abram gladness during the noon hour at God. and was healed. It was this contained in the Bible. n e tt. fulfilled today in large measure the the opportunity to catch the vision of ■on. M a u ric e M : bis p a re n ts, M r and his family left their native coun­ these Reading Rooms, and go back light which guided her in writing the A lf r e d R u c k e r. D a v id E d w a rd s and M rs I. H. M a im in g , a ll o f promise given by God through the Truth as revealed in Christian Sci­ The Bible try, and later came Into Canaan. to their duties with clarified mental­ Christian Science textbook. "Science a nd J o h n W a g n e r a re e m p lo y e d at B e a v e rto n ; th re e sister.-. M rs. W prophet Malachi: "Unto you that ence, and so to express strength and' God promised that He would bless ities to solve the perplexing problems and Health with Key to the Scrip­ W e s tim b e r n u ll One of the first things to impress fear my name shall the Sun of right­ purity in thought and life, finding | F A llm a n . M rs E H T e n lin e and him and his family, and all human­ of the day? Christ Jesus states the tures." Tliis same light comes with the beginner in this study is the eousness arise with healing in his thus a higher happiness and success.' lr». Roy t d. ity In these words: "I will make of reward of true watchfulness and dili­ healing touch to each one who reads great love for the Bible which Chris­ ' wings." I her.- w ill be an a ll- d a y m e e t- j un(1 b ri> tlu .r N o rm a n M a n n in g , i While conditions at present appar­ g. thee a great tuition, and I will bless gence In these words: "Blessed are this textbook with humble, recep- i in g M a rc h 22 w it h b a ske t d in n e r >f C lu ts k a n it tian Science awakens in his thought. How is this healing wrought? How ent ln the world require the earnest thee, and mnke thy name great; and those servants, whom th" lord when tive thought. at th e P re s b y te ria n c h u rc h Rev. If he has been a student of the Bible, may each one utilize and enjoy this thought of every thinking man and- thou shalt be a blessing . . . and In he cometh shall find watching: verily B D E v e re tt a nd D r. W L V a n - he finds that, in the light thrown healing power? These questions are woman, can we not see a bow of1 The Discoverer and Founder Itnute Extended tiie«- shall all families of the earth I say unto you, that he shall gird nu ys, S u n d a y school w o r k e r and H ill b o ro ro u te .'I h a / been e x ­ b«- blessed.” Abram was faithful to himself, and make them to sit down Throughout Bible history we note upon it by the Christian Science best answered by a careful study of radiant promise? Youth is being en- he,nt o f e d u c a tio n a l d e p a rtm e n t o f te n d e d to th e c o u n ty lin e , a d is - , his new vision or the one God. and ; to meat, and will co: i? forth and that manv a time when God's people textbook, it becomes a new book to Science and Health. People are being couraged and enabled by Christian P ie s b y te iia n c h u rc h P ro g ra m as 1 ta n ce o f tw o miles, effective April l so we sec a remarkable unselfishness l serve them.” were sorely oppressed by their ene­ him. If he has not already studied healed every day by reading this Science to utilize the might of di- fo llo w s : S u n d a y school. 10 a in ; 1, a c c o rd in g to w o rd re c e iv e d tier«- ! expressed In bis life. This resulted In mies. God raised up a prophet, or one ' the Bible, he is agreeably surprised book They are helped by the Christ- vine Mind, thus gaining true liberty, We ran discern the consummate divinelv c h u rc h service. I t a m .; ba ske t i T h is . «-ction is in ttu- W a lla c e school . inspired "to accomplish their 10 flnd the wealth inspiration, spirit which pervades this volume, that liberty which is found in being continual spiritual growth for Abram, d in n e r a t c h u rc h . 12 nn; I d is tr ic t and a b o u t 30 p a tro n an- , und when he hud attained the age of loie exemplified by the appearing of d e live ra n ce . The Scriptures are full comfort, and strength he derives and they flnd that their burdens are good and in doing good. Jesus, ami demonstrated in his life. /•e rv ic e . fo llo w e d by an a d d r t. , _ „ -a they are . enabled u»_a i Education is being enriched today "^ie Bible which Christian dropping away, and in v o lv e d . ninety years and nine, be received a i What but infinite divine Love and its of such incidents Divine Love h a s i^ rom f Scientists study is the Authorized i understand man's true heing. by a new factor, the understanding richly blessed humanity today by higher revelation He then heard the expression could strip the disguise I m te n >hn M Bavldaon) Tills revelation of the nature of God Producer» of Quality for God and man. This fact is evi­ parted by the Bible. Thus the Bible mortal man, the only man there is for God's law. and so learning more HELVETIA Many attended the arid true being, and of the practical entered upon It at the age of thirty ■ denced S A N D a n d G R A V E L in reality, comes to light. Christian by her p«3ems, written in years, he was imbued with the Holy of man's higher nature. While there came Into the hands of the common o p e n in g n n -e tin g o f the naturaliza­ method of using It. has been recorded tio n « hi lu ii- F rid a y ( ) V White plant located 4 miles north of Por- in the Scriptures, und thus it has Spirit. With this fuller inflow of childhood These poems show s re­ people who then, as in the time of Science is not associated in any way is in educational activities, on one with and bears no resemblance to markable degree of spirituality, Bnd j spiritual light, he wxs given the new hand, a materialistic trend, there is, Jesus, heard the Word gladly. The w h o is in c h a rg e o f th e p ro je c t est Grove on Oales Creek. Phone been preserved. j name. Messiah, or Christ, the they are distinctly prophetic of the Word of God speaks to us through hypnotism, mesmerism, or theoso­ on the other, a growing tendency to g a ve a s h o rt ta lk a n d M rs. C. M 1609R phy. The only influence Christian great work as a spiritual Leader, anointed of God. The Christ was the give fieed to the divine law. This is the Bible. As we study the Scrip­ Salvation W h itfo rd , th e te a c h e r, e x p la in e d selfhood of Jesus, and It which she was to perform in later tures to gain their spiritual meaning, Science acknowledges is the influ­ indicated by the passing of an act in th«' purpose« o f th e school S e v e n ­ Whenever tilts light of divine Truth spiritual ence of the unerring divine Mind; the life. was through the power of Christ, North Dakota a few years ago, which we commune with God. acquaint our­ teen e n ro lle d , som e b e in g fro m comes to an individual. It brings some- Truth, that Jesus performed the Mrs. Eddy. In her young woman­ selves with the divine Mind, and so only wisdom, the wisdom of God. requires th a t the Ten Command­ B e th a n y , N o r th P la in s and S c h e ff- measure of sulvutlon from evil, that mighty works of healing and restora­ hood. was deeply and actively inter­ gain true peace Paul, in writing to Through Christian Science practice, ments shall be displayed in every I f m i n t I pa t Inn i nunrw y««u «lot». I n - lin O th e rs can jo in a t a n y tim e , Is. from the belief in evil. It makes tion of which we read in the four ested in many reforms. After her re­ the youthful Timothy, says, "All harmonious results are realized In public school room in that state. Ws d ltf r a tlo n , >1 u t l n d i « « , ll»«l S le e p , P i m p ­ h u t it is to t h e ir a d v a n ta g e to jo in ly S k in , t o t q u ic k r e l ie f w ith A l'l.K - one more active, and better able to Gospels. Jesus, speaking of the 1 turn from the South she opened au scripture I tl K A . T h o m u g h In u v tlo n > e t e n ­ now. M r W h itfo r d w ill h ave tw o by inspiration of proportion as thought is in accord find, furthermore, a widespread read - express one's true Individuality. As ChrLst. said. “I am the light of the Infants' school w hirl was somewhat God. and is is given t ir e ! ) g e n tle m i m f« profitable for doctrine, with the eternal law of God. True ing of the Scriptures in schools. We classes, one fo r those w h o ca n n o t this glorious light enabled Abraham world: he that followeth me shall not in the nature of kindergarten schools for reproof, for correction, rea d o r w r it e a nd one fo r th o se I for in­ thought proceeds from the divine find it in university fraternities and to exercise more faith In God, so this walk In darkness, but shall have the today, and from time to time she ! struction in righteousness: that the Mind. G«od. It is ever harmonious. win» a re re a d y to ta k e th e e x a m in ­ light, coming to us today through light of life." This Christ, or Truth, substituted in the New Hampshire i rnan of God mav be perfect. It is ever active. It manifests, in­ sororities. a tio n in M n v . T ho se w h o do n o t Christian Science is not merely Christian Science, frees us from the was the light which the spiritually- Conference Seminary during the ab- ' throughly furnished unto all good deed. the ceaseless activity of the di­ h a v e t h e ir f ir s t p a p ers s h o u ld a p ­ "another denomination.” It is not tendency to doubt God and to be sence of regular teachers. She also works " vine Mind, from tvhich it emanates. p ly n o w nt th e o ffic e o f th e c o u n ­ had glimpsed in the earliest "just another sect." Christian Sci­ afraid of evil. When these errors minded M dail newspapers today are Christian Science imparts true spir­ ty c le r k a n d th e n a tte n d th e »ch o ol. times This was the light which Abel, took an active part in the Promotion doubt and fear, are removed from Enoch, Noah, and Abraham dis- ' of temperance. It was. in fact, while | freel pubIishlng quotations from the ituality. The real man is the prod­ ence is the law of Life. When this is T h e e n tir e g ro u p lat<>r v is ite d th e | seen, the term “Christian Science" human consciousness by spiritual un­ corned. Hence Jesus' words, as he | returning from a temperance meet- i Bjbi^ some H o y S c o u t e xe rc is e s in th e base newspapers are doing uct of God's creative power, and he will never be used lightly. Words are derstanding. we are entering the ing that she met with an injury, sub exists eternally as perfect as God spoke of the Christ. "Before Abraham m en t. kingdom of heaven. Instead of de­ was. I am ” Paul speaks of Christ sequent recovery from which led her I this every day. This is. indeed, good made him. As patriarch, prophet, symbols of thought. The words may Tiie band did not practice Wed pending upon material things for as “the power of God. and the wis­ to discover Christian Science, and to i news. Wherever the Bible is read and apostle have beheld this truth be easily spoken, but care and atten­ happiness, health, or supply, It Is bet­ dom of Ood." Jesus' mission on earth give it to the world as true Science. 1 aright it brings a fuller measure of ln the Science of being, and realized tion are required ln order that the thought may be comprehended. Hoy* i light and spiritual progress. Men. ter to turn from this limited sense A number of instances are on man's unity with God, they have easy it is to speak the word “life"! to the Infinite possibilities resident in was to impart to humanitv the un­ record during the latter days of the 1 women, and children, rich and poor, been endued with the Holy Ghost. How vast is the true concept of Life ! divine Mind. This intelligent trust in derstanding of Christ, and thus to Christian era. as well as in the earlier the educated and the uneducated, Christian Science makes clear the Ood frees from a sense of apathy, or redeem men from evil. He taught days, wherein Christlike characters find therein the bread and water of allncss of divine Mind, and the noth- Does It not take much patience, watchfulness, and love to under­ Life. Speaking of the Bible. Mrs. Inertia. It Imparts increased alert­ that man. In reality. Is the perfect have experienced healing by spiritual I Eddy writes in her book "MtewlTa"-' ! ln'?nIss1° f matte.r K ihere„af e. th0®e stand Life? Our relations with our ness, dlltgencp, persistence In doing child of a perfect Pal ’ter. and there­ means. Mrs. Eddy's experience, how­ U m a y ° ^ a S fellow men give us continual opportu­ good. This consciousness of Truth fore not the victim of evil. He said, ever. is outstanding for this reason, neons Writings" tp . 363», "The Bible * th e m ^ k n o w ^ha" ^ven’na?- nities to use what we understand of saves from all evil beliefs, dishonesty, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your that she was thereby impelled to find tenoran^m an'T dVctlonarv^th»6 suspicion, fear, doubt, hatred, re­ Father which Is in heaven is perfect." I out how this healing had been ac­ ignorant m ans dictionary, the wise i ural scientlsts do not regard matter Life, God, and of man, who is the thls way Qf aU the thQusands true expression of Life. What hap­ Christian Science teaches that complished. In this patient search ----- man - s directory. sentment, revenge. It Imparts a piness It gives us when we see ln the higher sense of honesty, courage, man's true individuality is the reflec- I for a definite understanding of the who have engaged in the elusive pur­ simple affairs of daily living the Prayer confidence, affection, forgiveness lion of the divine Mind, the Image i divine Mind which had healed her, suit of trying to flnd out what matter proof that a valuable rule of Life has Ttils consciousness of Truth frees thc and likeness of God. This true indl- ; Mrs. Eddy showed absolute consecra­ In the experience of every individ- is. not one has ever been able to Ihoughts of men from the belief In vlduality is spiritual and perfect. In- | tion to the spiritual ideal to which ual there comes the time when he Is announce a positive or conclusive been properly applied! What a blessing It is to know th at disease by imparting the understand­ dividual character is far more po­ her life was devoted. She healed awakened to a keener desire to know fact to prove the existence of m at­ tent, far more real and tangible, than through spiritual means alone many I God better and to express the reality ter. The simple reason is that matter God's law is ever available to solve ing of God’s saving health. the problems of human existence ! As Salvation from error is wrought as mere corporeality. What is it that cases of supposedly hopeless disease, of man's being. Whether this desire is unreal, nonexistent in Truth. we gain a clear sense of the present you appreciate In your friends? Is These practical proofs of the value of comes sooner or later it comes inevi­ One may say: Well, if m atter is we each cast out of thought unjust |>erfectlon of God and man. Even a it not some quality of thought? The j the divine Science which she discov­ tably, and then the individual has unreal, what about this universe? criticism, suspicion, fear, hatred, glimpse of this spiritual fact awaken unselfishness, the nobility, the intel­ ered prepared the way for the begun to pray aright; he has begun What about the men and women Miger, Impurity, impatience, and one to take all practical steps towards ligence, the fidelity, which you see reception of her book. Science and to utilize divine power. Jesus said, whom we see? Do you mean to say every false sense that may claim to Its realization. It reveals the possi expressed by those with whom you Health. Sibyl Wilbur, in "The Life “If ye abide ln me, and my words that this universe does not exist? flnd lodgment there, remembering Returned to GENERAL’S bilitles of complete salvation. Till are associated are those qualities of Mary Baker Eddy," tells of her abide in you, ye shall ask what ye Oh. no; it is to material sense that that these are not realities, but P r e f e r r e d R isk Fire r.alvatlon can begin here and now and | material? Obviously not. Do they patience and perseverance in writ­ will, and it shall be done unto you." the universe appears to be material 1 merely beliefs, then angels come and Insurance Policyholders continue until that which is false belong to corporeality? No. Do not ing the Christian Science textbook, Here is the basis of effectual prayer. but the real universe. God's universe, minister unto us, and we flnd our and unreal has been dispelled. Our such qualities as these truly repre­ which fully sets forth her discovery. Thus man communes with God is wholly spiritual. It is here now, and for Twelve Consecutive salvation lies In conscious at-one- 1 sent your friends? Yes, assuredly. In a small room on the attic floor of through Christ. Do Christian Scien­ is far more beautiful than what is llves becoming more harmonious. Years rnent with God. Well does Isaiah rep­ These mental, moral, and spiritual the little house on Broad Street, tists pray? Yes, unceasingly. The seen materially. God's man Is here Our useful work Is less hampered, our resent God as saying, "Look unto me, qualities belong to the true Indtvid- Lynn, Mrs. Eddy pursued her Scrip­ Christianly scientific prayer is one and he Is real and substantial. As helpfulness gteatly enhanced. This Is and' be ye saved, all the ends of the iality of man. How much more tail- tural study and research, and fin­ of humility and love. Mrs. Eddy tells we gain the true spiritual standpoint, the practice ot true forgiveness. This earth' for I am God, and there is ible and real these qualities are than ished her manuscript of this book. how Christian Scientists pray when we see God's universe and man. Let is essential to Christian healing and living. Here we see the change that weight, height, or any other material Her devotion to her ideal was suita­ she writes in Science and Health us consider a simple illustration. A Christian Science Is making in in­ none else." SPRUCE UP evidence or condition! Well, It should Tills does not mean that the Chris­ bly expressed by the framed inscrip­ (p. 15) these words: “Christians re­ man was going down to his office one dividual character and life, in so far > ‘-V« tian Scientist closes his eyes to the not be difficult to see th a t man whom tion which adorned the wall of this joice in secret beauty and bounty, morning. His heart was heavy and as this teaching is faithfully applied. for SPUING The GENERAL of AMERICA you may have believed to be material, evils that are apparent In the world. little room, "Thou shalt have no hidden front the world, but known sad. As he went, he gained a new It enters Into all the details of one’s 'is a strong, o ld -lin e stock Far from It. The understanding or both material and spiritual, is not other gods before me.” to Ood. Self-forgetfulness, purity, standpoint. He became confident of life, strengthening all that Is good, Now is the time to pep up your material at all, but wholly spiritual which Christian Science brings Mrs. Eddy wisely discerned the and affection are constant prayers. success. Immediately his step be­ and insuring the success of all right­ company with cash capital clot lies in keeping with spring. A and mental: and this is just what makes one more keenly conscious of need of an organization to protect Practice, not profession, understand­ came sprightly; he noticed the sun­ eous endeavor. quality cleaning job will renew and surplus of nearly fo u r the need of getting rid of all that is i Christian Bcience teaches. Man is and foster the new discovery of spir­ ing not belief, gain the ear and right shine, and heard the song of the that suit or dress make it smart, One of our hymns says (Christian made in the image and likeness of million Jollartl unlike the Mind of Christ. Instead itual healing. For this reason she hand of omnipotence and they as­ birds. He met many friends whose Science Hymnal, No. 51): trim and fresh. i suredly call down infinite blessings.” ready smile met with his glad re­ of teaching that evil is as real or God. established The Mother Church, the B tfort you iniure, get ALL True prayer cannot be used to ac­ sponse. The sun had been already "God's will is done; His kingdom powerful as good, or more real or Nothing that Is unlovely belongs to helpful activities of which insure to Call Today th e facie about GEN EKALI powerful than good. It makes clear the real man. A diamond, when it is the seeker for Truth the means of complish an evil purpose. It can be shining; the birds had been singing; I come; th at evil can and must be overcome discovered in the field or in the mine. progressing spiritually. The Mother i properly used only to do good. If one his friends greeting him. But he had j The Potter’s work Is plain. by the diligent practice of good. Thus Is hidden by crude elements. It Is. to Church, visible among men as the should attempt to pray to God, who not been alert to notice them. Now The longing to tie good and true It teaches practical salvation, a pres­ use n familiar expression, "a dia­ type of universal Truth and Love. Is is infinite good, to injure a fellow his own mental attitude had changed. ( Has brought the light again. ent redemption from evil. mond In the rough." The expert a blessing to all. It stands as an being, such a mistaken individual and everything looked different. ; And man does stand as Ood'e otrn worker skillfully removes these rough ideal type of self-government, help­ would be simply injuring himself. Probably everyone in this audience child. Jesus elements, and lo! there may come to ing those who are ready for this help Anyone who would attempt to pray has had an experience of this kind. The image of His love. any other motive than that of One's own mental attitude has a Let gladness ring frem every tongue, Telephone 47 nillsboro, Ore. Phone Sil 316 E. Main, Hillsboro The revelation of the one true God light a gem of the first water, perfect to enjoy their God-bestowed rights. with blessing and helping mankind, him­ direct bearing on what one sees and And heaven and earth approve." which Abraham had gained was en­ In purity and transparency. The cru­ The establishment of The Mother self. others is asking amiss, and hears, and how one sees and hears it. joyed also by his descendants, by dities never belong to the diamond. Church on Its sound and permanent such and X ------ ERO . prayer is powerless and fruit- Let us carry this Ulustratlou still Isaac, by. Jacob, and by the children They never affect the diamond basis is a glorious consummation of Death Sudden for Beaverton Merchant Cass at Helvetia Attracting Many C o n s tip a tio n Look Your Best IT PAYS! DIVIDEN Not a “Mutual"! > Page Five Home Laundry ÔC Dry Cleaners Tualatin Valley Insurance Agency