Page Four fllL L S R O R O A n n u a l P.-T, A , D in n e r M eeting M ond ay N ig h t O p en s W eek ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Church Service Opens National B. P. I P c c /c Here O R fiG O N S hould R eco g n ize C h ild ’s C a p a c ity "We need to recognize w hat our children can do now and what they m ight do under ideal condi­ tions This brings about a study of I capacities." .said Dr O. R. Cham- ' tiers over KOAC to radio study groups Tuesday He explained ea | parities as the com bination o f ' hvs c a lc h a r a c eris ics s m ,s , 1 enable an individual to lei»“ to i eac! to a stim ulus He urges our X V N u rrJ“ Thursday, Marcii 12. IM G Hillsboro Night =1 : 1 4 at Aloha Grange IRBL_Z.'Jf--- Z.M._ _ - Æ Next Wednesday' î ................................ "Religion in Bu»lHess __will be A l.O H A - E verything la in read i­ the topic of Rev Charles M Reed's ness for the fourth annual “Hills- next Monday night at 6:30 o clock go|ng b w ay of Nogal«, and re ­ sermon Sunday m orning at the boro night" Aloha G range in the chamber of commerce rooms. ; turning b of E, p e . Methodist church, to w hich the ?bro " ‘K'»’,, at A' b” a G range liait hall ■ A fine menu is assured the pub- . vUit8 at Los A , and " ' Business and Professional Women's ‘ Vn'N*. " " h *.‘ ' T * 30 Ic by Mrs M orris We.l w ho , , placeg. Thcv r e p *n good weath' " elub h is been invited in observance ' i ’ * • ' ”i *‘nt,'1,a‘n" “‘"* «bout an of National Business Women's Week W“ ‘ fullbw |" in charge of the dinner. Mrs. Weil d u rjng their entire trip, w ith onlv rnwirts that manv hiiKin«*« firms * . ,.. . - . . . • ' T h lS W i l l be H®* th a» first f I o event v o r t t .v# u .. ............ . . . . * I !■ reports many business This will the of ♦ the two half-days of cloudy w eather ■xperiences and encourage brows- and P.-T. A. members are contrib­ w eek's activities, and will be fol­ mg in many fields to help them N Four ladies will , put on a stunt uting materials and time to make lowed by the business meeting find th eir own field of work. N »\i 1 liebeuu. tenor singer, will the evening a success. Assisting in Dr. N icol T a lk s lie on the program again this year and party Monday night at the The Hillsboro P.-T. A. radio study One or two other num bers are also | the plans are Mesdames H. L. Mac- . TA . home of Miss M argaret Cady.with group met at tho home of Mrs Kenzie, R R Easter. Jake Weil. : H t D U IV V S C S S I O H the annual banquet o n Friday Rene M eltebeke. being arranged E ntertainm ent will ■ Fred Amacher and Miss R u t h be followed by dincing. modern night. March 20. at the cham ber Dr. R J Nicol attended a m eet­ Jones. and old time. of com merce An o u t s t a n d i n g , ing of the Portland m ilk inspec­ Miss Maurine Moore and Mrs. tion departm ent, and spoke on speaker has been secured and a N i l t l O n a l DcfCUSC Local people are planning for a Margaret Mooberry are planning mastitis during the afternoon ses­ good musical program is being ar- . r i, . , . big crowd of Hillsboro neighbors table decorations, which will sug­ sion at the city hall in Portland ranged M e e tin g to n ig h t and assure them of a good time. gest St. Patrick's day. Saturday The class in d d ry in g nt hirst Business Women's w eek : A merican Legion and A uxiliary Dr. Lena Kenin will talk about Oregon S tate college were invited radio broadcast from the W hite I will hold a N ational Defense eon- Forrest Eple.v, soldier stationed youth problems. Dr. Kenin is q u al­ guests. Professor Simmons, bacter­ F! i on W ednes-i ference at the M ultnom ah hotel in at Fort Stevens. was a" w eek-end ified to speak on this subject as iologist. and Dr. Sims, head of the j day. March 18. at 6:35 p m . east- Portland tonight (T hursday). A visitor at the It I Putnam home she is on the board of directors of veterinary departm ent at the col­ • ern standard tim e (th ree hours later banquet will be served a t 6 30 Mr. Kpley is the son of C harle the Social Hygiene society of O re­ lege. were also present ... here, w h e n Mrs. F ranklin D. | o'clock, followed by a mass meet- Kpley of Salem ......... and the famille gon and is the medical exam iner Among those attending from D.-... KiKiseveft. wife of • the president, i nig. mg. iHi'iiiui'i Members h in of Hie the u local groups became fast friends during m eight • ..1 . we r* j v , ....... of the high schools of Portland. Washington county w ere A J. Rm C harles M Reed, who opens and Miss Chari Orm ond Williams, will attend the banquet. and many I year m inistry of Mr. P utnam in Musical numbers by Miss Irene | Dysle and Schindler Bros . Bethanv National Business W om ens Week. president of the National Fedora- more expect to attend nd the mass Salem. Engeldinger and Miss Rosanne Weil dairymen. Mr. Wardeen of Fulton locally. Sunday bv serm on on tion of Business and Professional meeting will be included in the program. Park dairy, and Mr. Eckleman of L Busineß" W o m a n ' s clubs, w ill discuss “ W o om­ rn- _______________________ Mrs. H. H. Stannard. president, Fairview. en's Responsibility for Effective Ix . n . T , extends an invitation to the pub- ------------------------- Democracy." On Monday M arch 30. P . A . I \ . J M C m D C V S M o d els D isp lay lie to attend the dinner and urges t -» i „ • • m i the H onorable Florence P. Kahn. tt i. all P -T A. members to buy tickets rflOeniCia 1 Cmple republican congressm an from Cali lt> A l l V l H l A l t ? ( ? l K n it G a rm e n ts is ready for or make reservations early as only 1 O h i P i m o T in i n Modeling knitted garm ents under fornia, w ill discuss the same topic, David Hill chapter, D. A R 125 tickets are available. Tickets 1 V /U S C I \ €* 1 ' i t It? w ith Miss W illiams over NBC met Monday afternoon w ith Mrs are 35 cents and nd may be obtained •' Phoenicia Temple, Pvthi P ythian Sis- the direction of Nellie Hunter, hook-up during a portion of the B. F Pile M is Hubert Kelly had you— models from B M. Goodman. ters, will celebrate the 41st an- Columbia , yarn sodman. Lester Moo- , . ters- .. stylist, seven , period from 4:30 to 5 p in . eastern charge of th e program Round berry. Charles Douglass. Rev. C. M niversary of the institution of the appeared on the stage of the \e n e - standard time, known as the "Let's table discussion on foreign relations th Jones. Mrs. S. W temple at t h e regular meeting I13? h‘ a i e Thursday night in a Talk it Over Program ." Reed. Miss Ruth was also held, and DcLoas A nder­ Melhuish, Mrs . T. G. Bronleewe. ; March 27. Plans w ere m ade to cele- fashion ^ o w in connection with son gave a recitation. Plans were Mrs, II TH U RS,, F R I, SAT. I I- ¡1 HE’S YOUNG.. . i t s up to usl TOIÎILP HIM THROUGH !" I I Your Suit I I I Weil Weil A T membership grade est . _ „ ____________ parents registered as P.-T. A. mem- bers. People unable to attend the din- ner are cordially invited to come In o ir the speaker ennoVo,. and nnU music to h hear which will follow. Mrs. Hazel Hollenbeck, grand lory or the m anners and events come to see him His studio is at chief, w ill m ake her official visit A l n m n t T lc rx r Q o f - H,ar.du'nV ^ m in is tra tio n the V eterans' hall on West Mam at 'h a t tim e and the North Plains 111111111 1 ‘ ‘ A c t l , . " o J 3311 th,e Coolidgb adm inis- street, and the class now forming and Forest G rove temples will be . T l l d f P T .n n f Z »ration. The final chapters give H from 3:45 to 4 45 each Monday lnVlted tO attend. i - l U l l g X 11 1 I\ O trend m music, literature, and afternoon W ednesday will be "alum ni day" a the chronology of affairs that m ake T n n «« i at the high school and all old grads Mrs. L. f O. B ennett and a ‘ son new spapers headlines. Fascinating r > an n J . left „ Miss Rossman Complimented— are invited to hear the all-alum ni Mary Ann G arthofner Coope L ocal Y ou n g M an ' tained honoring ; î , Ç . ' i • H “ “ ' W * " - n ä » v e r .l m u .ic .l „„S ,. 11.,„„-Il l„„ d them part way. Mrs. | w ith her M akes S . ta g -L e D ebut w ith pictures. , . . . js been . . visiting . Rossman, of Portland. Present w ere b;,r, arp beine a r r n n o d Gale Woodworth, son of Rev. ! Ann Peters. M arjorie p atterson , bers are belnS arra n Sed- Many new books for th e young- ?>ar(en t\ Mr Mrs .” Varner, er readers have been added "Test anli other relatives, for several M S. Woodworth, returned Sunday Evelyn Busch, Beulah Shepard. Bill and. Mrs. J. M. S andifer of Pilot." by Jim m y Collins, will in- >weeks from California, w here he has been Corwin. Leon Banner. Leon Wilev - ” Mr. r ' anck ■ for the past two years. He was Loren Bronleewe. Ted G ardner and s l!em v ;-'“ ed ........... honor ....... guest daughter. Dr and Mrs. R J. Nicol, "N uvrat the Brave,” by R adke m anager of the Loyal Protective in San Francisco and Sah Diego. Francis ______ Brown, , the where he made his stage deb u t”as and hostess. last week j j rs Nicol and her par- Doone. an Eskimo Robinson Crusoe I’isurance company, was a Hills- Bill Dowton. a leading role in the Mrs Scearce Honored— ents made 'h e Astoria. Rockaway. Boy Scout year book, and stories boro visitor Tuesday, conferring recent stage success, "The D runk- Mrs. C. E Wells and Mrs How- Tlllamook looP trip Thursday and about dogs. T he th ird and fourth w i,h N. Torbet. special ard." He has returned home to at- ard Wells entertained * Tliursdov Frld:iy- grade readers w ill enjoy travel- k,cal a«ent. tend school. afternoon with dessert-bridge ~ in Leo Richter left W ednesday for mg w ith M adeline Urandeis as Ever-Ready class of the Chris- honor of Mrs. R. J. Scearce who F' in t- Mich., on th e stream line guide. H er stories about children tian church met Tuesday afternoon is leaving to m ake her home in ’rain. He will take delivery on a 1 in other lands are fascinating. “Lit- at the hom e of Mrs. G eorge Self- Legion C e le b ra tio n Portland. Mrs. Scearce was pre- car and driv e home about A pril 1. tie P hilippe of Belgium." "L ittle ridge. sented with a farew ell gift Mrs A sto p p in g en route home for a visit Jean of France.” "L ittle Tom of Mrs. C. E Wells and Mrs Hen- in Members P o rtla n d S u n d a y of Hillsboro Post Amer- w S ° ? .man naade. high score .M rs ' ! Dreezen in Spirit^ Lake. "Nite_ and Fritz of rietta Morgan spent th e w eek-end ¡e=r, a " G. Hare, second, and Mrs L T Iowa, form erly of this com munity. G erm any" have recently been pur- at the Well's cottage at Pacific been invi ed tn h’ Ve McPheeters. low. ’ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Ramey vis- fhase^. and several more by Made- City Legion Victory celebration m T o rt" Attend Medi<‘*1 « i n n e r - ‘ted her sistej, Mrs. Howard An- U randeis that have been read s c Klllen of P o rtI, nd. formpI land March 15, it was announced n D r' anl , M rs' H D HuSgins and derson of McMinnville. Sunday and Following is a boo*' *‘d itor of the Independent, w a s i here, this week. The event w illTO & A_O Pitm an attended a h T g h S o l^ s tu d a e O book O review by J grt»etinff Hillsboro friends Friday. held Sunday evening, beginning at jn® medical dinner at the Portland ln o m as Beaty, at “ A p,ps - n . Mariorie Dr and Mrs A O Pitm an at 7:30 in the Multnomah county arm - „ March 4 *5” g' . . . _ K innan Rawlings is the touchin« 4 tended the Rusarians' ball in I’ort- ory. This will be the 17th anniver- 1‘•m an and Mrs. Huggins attended Mr. and Mrs W. C C o o i^ o C _tf)ry of , bo-. ,, ho oru h in ed w i^ Jb a n d Tuesday evening sary celebration £ iea for doctors' wives at the Post Falls. Idaho, who have sTer.t ' .“A 3 „ ° y. wnb'„orphabe1dlluw *'h - _________ irthday C elebrated- ^ B M rs. Rollin Deck Town Club in Portland March 3. Mrs. M cPheeters H o ste ss- entertained w . ^ M r a M ^h and Mrs J. W. a"'1?,? " " " f° r ' ht‘ir of h V ’s i ^ . ^ „ U ^ h ^ c h e d ^ h e Tuesday afternoon in honor of the ,, ‘ T' 1 _ fulfillm ent of his dream s of a v a st first birthday anniversary of her i , er. , wlth Irlsh Jokes M rs F C Francis retu rn ed orange grove in th e stead of a little daughter Sandra. Pink and E JA McAIear arranged the Sunday from a visu w ith her sis- dan k Florida jungle. It gives brief w hite w ere the predom inating , n ? P ra ! n s iu rnished en- ter at Tacoma, brother at Seattle, glimpses of the ho rticu ltu re nee- colors in refreshments. Guests were ? QJnentT, , j meeting will be and son. Francis O lm ie, at Brem- e3sarv to raising oranges, and also K aren Morley, Sharon Connell. A " MfS' Donald Megargel M arch erton. Wash. shows som ething of the life of the Mary Carol Davidson. Sharon Love- , H arry Morgan returned hom e w ealthy orange growers, but the lit. Billy Joos. the honor guest. Honored on Birthday— Tuesday evening for a short stciy story is based on the poverty- and their mothers. Little Sandra Mr. and Mrs. F. W Heintz gave after nine w eeks' work auditing stricken inhabitants of the swampy received many lovely presents. a dinner party Sunday honoring liquor agencies' books in southern lands of Floria. It is entertaining Social Circle Meets— birthday of their daughter, Oregon. fiction and portrays vivid pictures Social Circle of the Congregation- Miss Irene Heintz. Guests w ere Mr. Major F o rrest M ann of Portland ot the land and its people.—Velma al church will meet at the church , Mrs_Claude Morley and daugh- and Lt. Neil Stangel w ere guests E- Rosevear. Thursday. March 19. at ten o'clock °J . Dayt°n. Mrs. Ruby Irvine of Lt. and Mrs. A rthur K roeger --------------------------- for an all-day meeting. Ladies will ¡^loyd Irvine of Bend, and Friday evening b e f o r e nat.onal The Ten M arks of an Educated bring their own sandwiches or Mlss M argaret Doherty. guard inspection. Man salad and the hostesses. Mrs. D Bo>' Breaks Arm— Mr. and Mrs A. W Lentz anti He keePS his m ind open on ev- E. Wiley and Mrs. J. O. Robb, will Jack Literal, 10-year-old son of daughter and Mr. and Mrs. H enry ery question until th e evidence is j serve dessert and coffee at 12:30. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Literal, fell Kern and children of Portland vis- all in. Please bring thimbles and scissors, while playing at the P eter Boscow ited Mr. and Mrs. J. H Pankonir.e He always listens to the man I Mrs. Dinsmore Hostess— school Tuesday afternoon and broke at The Dalles last week-end. who knows. Delphian club will meet Mon- “oth bones in his right arm. Dr. A Mrs. George Bidwell and chil- He never laughs at new ideas, day at one o’clock with Mrs. J. B ° Pitm an set th e fractures drc-n Lila and L ester of Sherm an's He cross-exam ines h is daydream s, i Dinsmore as hostess and Mrs. V. Busy Bee Class Meets— mill visited Mr. and Mrs H D He knows his strong point and I W. G ardner leader. The topic for ' Busy Bee Cooking class had its M cEntire Monday. plays it. the day will be "British Posses- meeting Wednesday at the home Th® Lobese Camp Fire group met . know s the value of good hab- sions." of its leader, Mrs. Rene Melte- the junior high Tuesday and they Rs and how to form them. Red Cross Meets Tonight___ beke. The girls were given a les- P an n ed for a party next Tuesday Re knows when to think and County Red Cross meets tonight 9bn ‘n baking bread and helped night. call th e ex p ert to think (Thursday) at the chamber of com- PrePare and serve a luncheon " Mrs. Charles Douglass and daugh- ioL, hlm - merce. Appreciates Friends' SuDDort— ters are v ‘s‘’‘ng her father. L. F Y °u can t sell his magic. Return from M e x ico - I wish to express m v sincere Br»wn. and sister, MU« Lois Brown, ” e 1*v,ea . the forw ard - looking5 | Mrs. G. Russell M o?kn and Mrs ' thanks for the s u p p o r t given bv ‘"„ P o rtla n d this week. outw ard- life. J. W. Kelley returned Thursday my friends during the popularity • aPd Mrs A E- O pdenw eyer ^ c u ltiv a te s a love of th e beau- from a month's visit w ith Mrs contest, making it possible for m'e , the w eek-end in P ortland »’»ul Ex. Morgan's brother-in-law and sis- to. eni ° y the California-M exico u parents- M r- and M rs- R ..w hn i»»~. i >i Mr and Mrs R- v - Thomas spent „ 11 seems to be some woman; at noseDurg. Roseburg ivjrs. Mrs. Thom- her say is 'idiot. I P wiçh es tr» Appreciation— thnnb li e • t ]ast weck w w k at J nom- a11 1 », can hear L luiui. 'ho c o n t r i b u t e d as' m?.t.h er' M rs' A A S p r'JSu e' wa-“ atLSWer H' “ m ust be niy , who contributed votes to me so very ill wife.”—Ex. SmtM°tUllAlmar n gr r l he p o p u b rity Mrs. Jam es Jackson retu rn ed con test.-A lm a Raffety. M arch 3 from a m onth-s visit w ith W inter brings new hazards to H. E. C. Club Meet her daughter. Mrs. Robert Ecklund ! motoring, it is pointed out by the Home Economics' club of th e o l Pasadena. Cal. I safety departm ent of th e Oregon /»ru gra "g e will meet today Blue Bird group will not m eet S tate Motor association. W ethigh- ’Thursday) at the home of Mrs. again until M irch 24 at th e home ; ways, glaring headlights and rain- Anna Gottlieb for pot luck lunch- of Mrs. Paul Patterson. smeared windshields add trem en- eon- Mr. and Mrs. O. B. G ates left ' dously to the dangers of driving. Frames and Repairs Mrs. Bolma III— today (Thursday) for two w eeks' and m otorists are w arned to use Mrs. Elmer Bolma o f N orth business trip to Los Angeles, Cal. extrem e cautions. Records show a A ttractive modern zylo, white T racy M anley of Portland spent sharp rise in the num ber of acci­ or natural gold-filled frames and Plains underw ent a m ajor opera- tion Saturday at Sm ith's hospital tbe week-end w ith his uncle and dents during w inter months. parts at Dr. C. T. Smith perform ed the op- au n t' M‘'■ and Mrs. W. R. Manley. 1 Card P arty and Dance REAL SAVINGS eration. Mrs. F. W. H eintz retu rn ed Fri- At Cedar Mill G range hall S at­ Operated for Mastoid— day from a w eek's visit w ith Mr. urday night, M arch 14. Admission operated ^ n " V e d n ^ d ^ 6 ” ’ ° " A ^ t i ^ ^ r o ^ s ^ i ^ ^ o l d - 25c. Everyone welcome. 4 « a ^ ing a f o o d i e today (Thursday) Baseball Benefit Dance JEWELER Boyden of Portland operated. | Alma Bennett Olden tent, D. March d - - - - - - Plains, At K. 2] P. Go( Hall, N orth 211 E. Main St. Hillsboro U L - e n i n g j u m e fo r’ a l t X m ^ n T e . "Let Andy Fix Your Watch” ant?, M rs' C' C- WrlKht of | at th e V eterans' hall. ' " I _ . _____________ ___ McMinnville, form erly of C om e- P.-T. A. study group, pre-school Modern Dance I bus, were guests W ednesday of ¡to 12 years, w ill not m eet again At Helvetia hall S atu rd ay night Mrs. Jam es Miller. I until after spring vacation. March 14. Admission 25c. 4 B irths Rennells—To Mr. and Mrs. L. E Rennells of Orenco, March 8 a boy. Korn — To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Korn of Hillsboro, M arch 7, a girl A new line of quality ARE YOU TIRED? York—To Mr. and Mrs. John ready - made suits York of Huber, March 6, a boy. Don't forget we can remove one of the jobs that takes alm ost >4 of your t i m e , "Meal Time.” Call on us for Tailored by Merit those delicious Hot, Tasty You'll be pleased w ith the snappy CUSHION SHOES H am burgers—12 for only 60c. spring styles and fabrics CORRECTIVE SHOES We also have Hot Jumbo for .95 Peanuts, Spanish Salted Pea­ MEN and WOMEN nuts, P opprd-ln-B utter Pop­ corn, Cold Drinks, Candies, THE etc. Spectacle We A nnounce---- ’ Style-Mart Clothes” DR. A. REED ’15“ ’19“ 22 0 ’24 I H I E ’S Cecil’s Place N ext door to Penney'» Foot COMFORT Clinic 736 S. W. Morrison (Near Parki P ortland, Oregon M EN'S SHOP Howe and Wells, Props. 207 E. Main St. Phone 1412 its first temptations ! BROWN’S ClARINCE PR O D U C TIO N ilk 1t)iideMeAi r \ EUGENE O ’NEILL’S g r e a t A m e ric a n d r a m a . . . O u ts ta n d in g s u c c e u of the past d e c a d e . . . now an ev en g r e a te r screen tiium ph1 •forrtHg WALIACC L IO N E L «nc/ ERIC IINOEN * CECI1IA PARKER SPRING IYINGTON 0