T h u rs d a y . M u r li 19.? f, H IL L S B O R O 'A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Three l imber Mill a Begins Work T r in ity I.u th e ra n C h u rch II I," conducted in the high thou also one o f th is Irian's dls- am i" a i .eerelary M r G lenn ' pa t yveck w ith flu and pleu risy. l i re .Methi illst Church State Capitol News Letter G iv ­ Publie w o rs h ip at 10:30 a. m ; ’ school a u d ito riu m th is eve ning at , ... , , , „ , Mrs. Sue Isaacson re tu rn e d home The d is tric t (p ia .'te rly m eeting of S tiff is president and M rs. Ida ing the highlights of official ac­ m day chool and B ib le class at 8 o'clock The local pastor w ill ‘ lpIe* ' Y ou a te c o rd ia lly w elcum - S atu rday fro m an extended t r ip the P ortland D is tric t Free M etho- K irk w o o d , vice -preside nt tivity at S a le m —E very week In The cro u d Le nten service peak on the subject. " A r t not ed to w o rsh ip w ith us. Helen Im la y has been i l l t h is ’ w ith her re la tive s in W ashington 9:4 di .1 i liureh w il l he held from th e Argus. tf M o d i 3 to H fit H w C e n tra l Free M ethodist chu rch, I ’m Hand A »pc- ria l feature i. an e v a n g e listic con­ ven tion to be c o n d u c t'd by the Trains Pulled Off; Officials general evm igeli tic .< ,-rc tu ry . Rev C am pbell. The re g u la r - r r v i i I o , ol Railroad Visit ttie local i h i i i d i fo r l l i i i week are a; follow p la y e r m e e tin g T h u i • T IM B E R S nide r Brotberx* shln- day. 7 30 p III . Sunday school. m ill !• m in'd iip n ¡ itn , n . M dii- HI i in ; piea eliing . 11 and 7 30 by iln y a fte r helm : f lined down fo r Esther II T u rn e r, conference» S u n ­ several weeks The men w ill w o rk day school .eeietary R e vival m e e t­ JOK days a week and fiv e h o u r. ings w ill begin M aieh 22 w ith Hev a day. and M i W. It. B u ckle r, e v u n ^ e l- T lie dance given hy H a rriet i ;t i and Inger A ll are in v ite d . Hayden, .lim e Townsend and l.a- V ern K ilb u rg T h in alny evening Baptist Church wn w e ll attended Cam p Heehei' T racy M uile.v, son o f D r C h u rlo : • ' < orchestra fu rn i lied the mu ­ M anley, m issionary to Ind ia, w ill le. In mg us a me. lo ua ry me age S u n ­ Trains Pulled day m o rn in g at I I o'clock The. Several tra in s were pulle d o ff you ng man was horn in O regon Friday, Saturday, Monday and last week because o f lack o f b lisl- hot lias spent the g c r u tir p u l l o f Tuesday, March 6, 7, 9 and 10 liesH. Ins life in India. The pa to r w ill H a rry and Noel C h o w tiin g and preach at 7:30. VVc reserve the right to W a lte r Sol g. win» w ere em ployed at the W estim her m ill, have re ­ limit, quantities. turne d to tlte lr home at C e ntr ilia . Wash. M r and M rs. C a rl S p a rlm e r of Mi l.u e v W ilb u r has m oved to T oklu , Japan, were week-end lie T a llm a n home, whore she w ill giiect.s of M r. m id Mrs. W M board d u rin g the rest of tin- school Snipes M i S|,.ii linen i the A m e r­ year Mrs. W ilb u r Is an ii i. lr u i t o r ican consul, and they are i n route at tlie Jedm urc setiiMil. hom e from a w o rld tour. M rs W. M cD onald ha. been tra n s ­ W alter Lorenz of P o rtla n d was also fe rre d to Hotoburg, w here lie w ill a v is ito r at the S nipe * home. lie p ro in o tisl fro m nssi.-.tant tr a in ­ Hud Isaacson, M a rio n lla g g and m aster to train m aster Edw urd Jannsen wen* on am ateur Not just another cheap coflee, hut an exceptionally good blend Hugh Itu n d e ll was called to his program ut B eaverton M onday hom e in New berg because of tlie evening Miss lla g g played a piano — at Jin extremely low price. We sacrifice the profit just to con­ Are always enjoyed so much more when they d e . it t i o f an uncie. Mrs. Itu n d e ll ,olo and accom panied others on tlie vince you. It’s the largest selling package coffee in the entire are realised under pleasant conditions. Even came a fte r h im Thursday. program . E dw ard Jannsen w h istle d West. Try it without fail! if all prices were equal, our finer equipped Meehaiueal iiffic iu ls , Hurt W ilson, a solo and duet. Hud I.aae ain acted m aster m echanic; E. S troud, tr a in ­ as com edian w ith a group o f boys food store would still afford you greater Oregon Curve Gut. m aster; M r. W isliar, toad forem an d ri" a il a negroe* savings in time, effort and worry, which in o f engines, and M r. Day. muster Choice M issionary society m et T hursd ay themselves are very important. But when e a r-b u ild e r, were here on business w ith Mr. II. J C h u rc h le y O ld Quality. lbs we combine for you not only low er prices, Monday. o ffice rs were re-elected except Mrs. ( ¡ n e ts o f M i Inez I.lo y d S u n ­ but all the facilities of modern food re ta il­ day evening were M rs M oore and ing. we are positive yoif w ill be convinced Oregon, full cream. Mellow ripe flavor. daughter M a ty Pat. M r M cP h e r­ that Safeway offers you far more advantages son. Mrs. Weber, M r. W itty. M r that lead to greater consistent savings w ith M oore and M r. H e ld le b rin k . a ll of P ortla nd . the least amount of effort on your part. Come John Greenbo, b ro th e r-in -la w of in and see for yourself. M rs W E. G ilm o re, spent the 4 BIG DAYS Event! Reedvillc AIRWAY COFFEE w eek-end here. G reenbo was on a business t r ip to Hunks. Hoy C ro w d e r spent the week-end at his home in P o rtla n d Mrs. S chm u lin g of P ortla nd spent the w eek-end v is itin g he r husband her.- M r. S ch illin g is a Southern P acific em ploye Emma Leopold Is spending sev­ eral days th is week ut her home in Beaverton. Veteran County Clerk to Retire (Continued frnm page 1) MACARONI CHEESE FLOUR POUND W H Y BAKE AT HOME The city’s biggest value. And it's g uaranteed.......... No. 2 Tins. Del Monte Sweet DEPENDABLE for CDITLL Choice Vacuum Pack 39c CViTDD PEAS Early Garden ± IvV-xV>V_/ The M argarine tastes différer ■nt. When You Can Buy Such D rlirioaa “ Home-Type Cakes” at the his c a n d id a c y ’ G raham released the fo llo w in g statem ent: “ C onsid ering the fact that the In ­ cum bent. Edw. C. Luce, has de­ clin e d to la* a candid ite fo r re- election to the o ffic e o f county c le rk o f W ashington county, and fe e lin g that m y legal education and experience as a p ra c tic in g attorn ey in W ashington cou nty p a rtic u la rly Gold ’N Snow q u a lifie s me to hold the o ffic e of county cle rk. I have concluded to sub m it m y name to the voters of W ith that delicious orange icing W ashington c o u n ty fo r n o m in ation to the o ffic e o f cou nty c le rk on the rep ub lica n ba llo t. , “ The on ly p la tfo rm upon w h ich I i candidate fo r the o ffic e o f cou n­ ty cle rk can ' ' IS ..lie o f Angel Food honest, e ffic ie n t and im p a rtia l serv­ ice to the people of W ashington county. The w o rk of the c le rk ’s o f­ fice Is h ig h ly technical and de­ Light and tender. Made w ith m ands a know ledge o f la w fo r its the new A irw hip. successful operation, and in this respect I could best serve the peo­ ple of W ashington county hy m a in ­ ta in in g the high standard of e f­ fic ie n c y set by M r Luce d u rin g his term s o f o ffic e " Last week Hubert K e lly o f H ills ­ boro file d as a candidate fo r nom ­ in a tio n on the re p u b lica n ticket. Oscar M. T a y lo r o f H azel,lale file d S aturday fo r th e rep ub lica n n o m in a tio n fo r cou nty com m ission­ er lie w o u ld succeed James Lewis, present com m issioner, whose term expires th is year. T a y lo r, a re s i­ dent o f W ashington c o u n ty fo r 5(1 years, was road forem an fo r 12 years, sta rtin g w itti E n g i n e e r Charles I). Jones lie was n ca n d i­ date fo r the rep ub lica n n o m in ation in 1930 and 1931 Taylor was born in P o rtla n d in 1R75. L e w is has not yet made p u b lic announcem ent, b u t it is understood th a t he intends e n te rin g the fie ld Keep Your fo r re-election. John C onnell, sh e riff, s till stands • lo n e in the fie ld fo r s h e riff. Up to date ru m o r has not connected anv oth er name w ith th is office. F ilin g s fo r the o ffic e o f d is tric t FIR GROVE Milk will a tto rn e y s till rem ain a blan k, a l­ though G. Russell M organ is ex- ■ help! It will bring you peeled to file . H e n ry A t lee, w h o became Hanks I the healthy interest in postm aster S aturday, resigned u s ' activity th a t belongs to stale dem ocratic com m itteem an at the dem ocratic conclave in t h e ' youth . . . the real vigor c li im b e r o f com m erce room s E ri- i th at is always associat­ day n ig h t. He was suceeded by John B ern ard s o f Hoy. Possible ed with childhood. candidates fo r cou nty o ffic e were J considered. Senator George A itk e n o f G a r­ Let FIR GROVE help den Home announced nt the dem o­ you the natural way. c ra tic m eeting th a t be w o u ld not j be a candidate fo r re-election. E. L. Ross, state representative. Is expected to file n e xt week for state senator o n the dem ocratic tic k e t fro m th is county. Asked W ednesday i f the re p o rt was true. DAIRY Hoss said th a t he w o u ld m ake a statem ent n e xt week. Grade A A n o th e r contestant in the dem o­ c ra tic ra n ks is expected to be Bert M IL K and C R E A M Hagen, T ig a rd real estate mnn, w ho w i ll seek the n o m in a tio n fo r coun­ Phone 4RX1 t y com m issioner. ---------------------- - - SALT PRUNES lbs. Select Oregon Italian. CAKE 49c Maximum quality. j 30c 49c world beater. 14c P o u n d p k g . ... BROOMS Extra durable kitchen. Each ............................................. UtfC Canterbury Orange-Pekoe. One of our There’s no need of unattractive m eals during Lent when you can choose from the wide variety of Lenten Foods at y o u r Safeway Store— and you save money, too! 14c H a pp y SA LM O N T all tin V ale. A laska. 9c 4 °S. 25C A ssorted Sauces. T U N A FLAKES 17c CAKE 20c 5c Squares for frying or Pound 2-lb. tin 25c I You’ll MARSHMALLOWS agree. 49c TEA SA R D IN ES 13 A Lb. tin LENTEN that 16c Pound Perfection Bakery 30c ^2 ing. salad o r san dw ich ... 2 N,".„ 19c OYSTERS No. 1 2 19c tins Best fo r Soup. K IPPERED SNACKS Faor q u ic k lu n c h 6 25c 19c tins C O D F IS H Toiico -b. pkg. A ll Boneless. Peas, Corn, Tomatoes SHORTENING CHOICE STANDARD QUALITY ARMOUR’S 4 'b . 12 c,„, 95c WHITE ( LOUD 39c 2,.„,17c * S an itary P k g. 1 ;-lb. pkg........... ........... 23c EGGS Large extras. Positively guar- 9 9 / » anteed. 2 Dozen ......................... MILK Maximum Quality. Tall can ............................................. i?X» vV CALUM ET 20c BAKING POWDER— Pound Can .................... XI YOUTH W arm sunshine . balmy breezes, blooming flowers are all certain signs of ad­ vancing Spring. So are our massive displays of Fresh, Spring Produce evidence of the fact th a t we can solve your every “Greens” desire of the advancing sea- son. JELLO Fam Fa£ ous FIR G ROV E O V A L T IN E w Famous health beverage. r p i p L ’C ill 1 U L 3 S c h illin g 's Pepper, and G inger. 2-oz. tin 29C C inna m on ■ GRAPEFRUIT Arizona seedless. So health- ful and appetizing. Dozen CELERY Chulavista. Large stalks. Crisp and tender. Each ........ ONIONS Oregon U. S. No. 1. f r u it flavors. 5c mium. C H O C O LA TE £ £ £ Premium' 14c '--lb . bar CREAM OF W H EA T frie d , too. Large pkg. 21c BANANAS Fancy golden ripe fruit. lbs........................................... CARROTS California Oxharts, coreless , fresh and tender. bunches .............................. YAMS A Louisiana. * lbs....... .................................... POTATOES Oregon U. S. No. Is. 50-lb. bag .................................. 4 luV Q.*» * z 1 | 4 LW Ax» Q d 19c 10c 15c RUDABAGAS A Medium size, sweet, solid. 79c T T IY C r? Bunch of Fresh, Green, Spring PARSLEY with Every Pro- ED FlvLiE duce Purchase. Makes a Plain Dish Appetizing. * IK EC iSEr A rgus classified nds get results. FOREST GROVE BREAD JULIA LEE WRIGHT— More popular every day. W HITE OR WHEAT. SLICED GRADE A CREAMERY BU TTER Ask for it every tim e you order A BUTTER W ashington County P roduct of Highest Quality. FREE DELIVERY 3 TIMES DAILY PALMOLIVE For a more 9c 13c Lb. loaf l ’/j-lb. loaf SUGAR W HITE KING O bars 14c G ranulated beautiful skin. PUREST CANE. GRANULATED . Soap 29c 10 ,b. 47c FREE DELIVERY £ P H O N E 2171 Available at All Groceries »