Pape Two H IL L S B O R O A Needed Improvement ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Tliur«d»tv, February 27, 19;»r, for hei I If at lea it ‘ min h as for her Inheritance. 'Hell bath nu fitly like a woman seoiin’d' all that, For years the business people of Hills­ you know " boro have hoped th at some means could W ith Which la Camhinrd the IlillMhore Independent . . "Not all, G arth no' Tben-'s be worked out to get the utility poles re­ A nr us eetab 1£»4 H i ¡is bun. Independent «n tab. 1871 iiimethlng el I ean't m ake h> A M r K IN N E Y A M r K IN N E Y . Publishers moved from tin* business streets, alleys out Something different ubout hei ' PabHahed Thursday. Entered a« w o n d -e la » « m atte r In the I "Perhaps •lie'll tell you when u e dedicated ami improved, decorative light­ poatoffice at Hillsboro, Oregon BT | I'ome out I'll of course do w hat I ing installed and the sidewalks cut back can for hei W . V E R N E M c K IN N E Y M RS E. C. M c K IN N E Y as a progressive step in the community. Re­ G arth hook hands, ami swung Associât» Editor Editor Bi'tr Personnel ( ’hange gardless of what one thinks of the merits aboard the small craft At a sign • from him. the dlsptaeeil pilot g ale or dem erits of municipal ownership of Expected in Both O F F IC IA L N E W S P A P E R O F W A S H IN G T O N C O l’ N T Y the propeller u spin. The plane electric utilities it would still seem that Selected as Oregon*a Rest Weekly Newspaper, 1930 .wring around, to taxi dow nstream House. Senate Named on A ll-A m erican Weekly Newspaper Eleven, 19.30 the hoped for improvement would bene­ There was no hurry. Had llux- Honorable Mention N ational E ditorial Association Newspaper fit the city. by schemed Io fly into the vulley e AI EM T here will be many new VI.EM Production Content, 1934-33, and General Excellence, 1935 | merely to stake the placer i l l hi; Nothing would improve the ap p ear­ fact4’» in both the house and i own name and hop out ag tin, he Subscription Rates Strictly Cash in Advance ance of the business district more than the senate cham bers when the state W ith in Washington County Outside Washington County 1 would not have taken the three legislature meets in regular ses­ Per year ...... ..............„ $1 50 U S., per year $2.00 removal of the poles. The city council has miners He undoubtelv had plan again next January. Six month« _— ..................... S5 Foreign countries ....... 3.50 gone on record in a divided vote against sion ned to do his season's assessment senators are to be elect­ work T hat would mean a shall any fu rth er I’epco extensions or improve­ ed Sixteen M E M B E R Oregon State next November and a number First Audited Paper. sunk Io bedrock, .so that he could Editorial A s.w-iation anti L a rg e s t A lit W e e k ly ments in the municipality. A great diver- veterans of form er sessions w in N ational Editorial Asso­ lin in g oul a load of the platinum - C irculation in West. ciation. sity of opinion exists in regard to this bc ‘"‘»dictates for re-election. I gold alloy Midway of the down river flight, l.\« tl . I o i l t \ e \t)ltu a ll\ should take seriously missed will be John D. the three-seater ran Into a sleet over the system anil there is divided opin- Goss of Marshfield, a dem ocrat .squall G arth dropped to the w ater ion on this, it would seem that steps could and fW»erally rated as one of the and tied up under the lee of a most brilliant m em bers of the sen­ The W ashington County T a x p a y e rs ’ he tnken to prevent swollen values Ktoinjf ate. spruce black point Win n Lilith d e­ G om was accidentally killed manded to know the cause of the league, headed by Mrs. Anna Kruger of into any changes that would give Hills- when struck by an autom obile on delay, he explained b o w sleet may Beaverton route 2 as president, has partic­ boro an improved appearance. The city the streets of Salem during the put a plane Into i pin by fnu.aX closing days of the last special ses­ ularly im portant anti worthwhile objec­ owned system, if it comes, is a matter sion. H enry L. C orbett, t w i c e iug on the wings, ’ the future. tives set forth in its constitution. The squall blew over. leaving honored by election to the senate presidency, has let it be known everything ■ heeled with tee G arth It would encourage home ownership, that he is through w ith public life and Constable Dillon knocked elixir one of the most stabilizing influences in and w ill not be a candidate. the frunt edge of the wings A n­ the nation today under a plan of fair and other bop brought the party to A change in the boundaries of file emergency refueling p o s t , the tw en ty -fo u rth district h a s equitable taxation. To help in this the elim inated P eter Zim m erm an of shortly before sundown league would encourage proper and neces- r, i i v n - o > • Yamhill county from th e fo rth ­ T h i s tim e t.ilith Itamill did lint sary protection of these homes from un- Deplores Gambhng. Minors Smoking coming campaign, at least so far refuse Tobin's crude hospitality r e a s o n a b l e t a v r t i o n It w o u ld l o w e r t n v e a To ,h e Edllor Argus- Arc the people of as th e senate is concerned and She troubled the old sourdough lea. (liable taxation. Il would lowei taxes Hillsboro concerned w ith the habits and morals of the new m em ber from that dis­ far more by Insisting upon w atch­ in W ashington county and especially to ..... Iren Is their apparent indifference and trict w ill come from either L in­ ing bis preparation of upper ami lower taxes on real property. carelessness regarding smoking and gam bling real coln or Tillamook counties. breakfast » The scheme of property taxes under or only because its w ide use is unknow n? T here is T here appears to be consider­ He could nut nt first believe lie .. v : u ii i j * i a . • ’nore and more smoking among minors and the law able room for argum ent as to was the painted lady who had Wnich nil real and personal property in prohibiting the sale of cigarettes is being broken, w hat can bc expected to happen scoffed at his "garbage." She not this county and others bears such a heavy One m erchant reports that .when he refuses to to the house* membership. Last only refrained from scoffing, she burden is a holdover from ancient times. scl1 cigarettes to a boy. the bov sim ply goes to an ­ session the dem ocrats controlled ate his h icon and porridge as il is n o t F a ir o r • n n i t a h l o l ie r - i- i« . if rfn a a I gets them. Somi the house for the first tim e in heartily as G arth and the police­ i t is nor fair or equitable because it does hap> the cWldren can get them at home Some par. more than 60 years w ith 38 m em ­ man. not in the least take into consideration the ents may sanction smoking but most do not. Some bers in th e regular session and 34 The moosehhle canoe lay up­ ability to pay. Many people under our ma-v say . 'Vhy not let them smoke since their par- in th e special. Republicans, call­ turned on the hank beside G arth's ing attention to th eir norm al m a­ present scheme pav very little as their en.,S d<’ , Thjf argum ent is thoughtless and incon- old birehbark Tobin bad al once , r • .i * . , siderate. In th e first place a growing child and rity in the state registrations, in ­ told lluxby's story According to share Of the cost of the government al- a m ature adult are so different in physical needs jo sist that this can not happen again the engineer, the lady and her though having a substantial income in that they should not be considered alike —at least for another 60 years— father were still marooned in the I tried to spare you. But. if you Constable Dillon put in a word: m in w hich event th ere w ill be a o u n tain . lie had come out with comparison with those burdened with prop- Medical science has proved by extensive tests must have it. he is a thief " "It's not oil the cards, sir. to take G arth sizeable tu rn -o u t in the house p er­ to fetch a plane for them erty low’ in income 'h a t 'h e 1150 tobacco raises th e blood pressure. along a young lady. If this llitx- The girl's eyes flashed. "Worse! But G arth hail been killed by a 'M a v t h e ti m e c o m e w h e n th r o n o - h « tiiH v acCl>lera' es the heart and respiration and effects the sonnel on this account to begin by tries to act up— He's a cow ardly m urderer. T hat is Aia> tne lime tom e V nen through study nervous system. It retards the m ental processes and with. Democrats, on the o th e r , wounded sh egrizzlv — i why I too am going to see him ; "He's your meat. Dillon " T i l hand, have been digging in ever I T U C W/TT IA (T u !•• c.aillniied) 4$ and conscientious effort, forgetting the hu- shortens the ‘ wind. taken prisoner." stand responsible for Miss Hamill " since th eir m ajor victory of 1934 | * l l L VV 1L-.L/ man selfishness in all of US. an equitable Recognizing the fact th at th e use of tobacco is and are preparing to defend th e ir; "You?" LIVE TIIE I.H E Down nt the w aterfront. G arth By Robert Ames B ennett and just form Of taxation may be arrived harm ful to young people the state has passed laws gains w ith all th e heavy artillery ! Do God's p e o ple liv e t h e ir liv e s | "Yes, I am going Io see him 1 went over the plane w ith his pilot they can b rin g to bear on the- ( W N U Service C opyright by cringe, th e sneaky beast' Do you friend. T here was a full load of o m e th in g ns th e y b u y t h e ir g ro - at th at will furnish the sums , needed for in enforcem ent of th is law minthS ' The present of lax»ess j, shows negligence dutv cam p in the approaching Robert Amea B ennett) th in k I've forgotten how he crept gasoline and a change o f o il T o t r i e s ’’ Work ami earn and buy the many services now required of govern- on the part of enforcem ent officers and reflects on enemy battle of the ballpts. A num ber of up and shot you when you w eren't the week's supply of provisions ho ''*iKS ’o d ,v ; work ami earn mid ment. The prejudice and rantings of dem- 'h e com munity for allow ing such conditions to the house members, however, will looking'' And what if he d idn’t in - j added the three pairs of snow- ,>uy b u tte r tom orrow ’ I; it like iContlnueB fmm 1*.» wrekl not try for a come back. Howard j agogues. though, is liable to alwavs be a con,*nue unprotested. tend to shoot Dad'' He left hint to shoes and the neiv rifle With the 'h a t’ Work at being good; take on Some tim e before th e steam er here and a bit L atouretle, M ultnomah c o u n t y s t u m b l i n c b lo c k W h e n th is o c c u r s ' it w ill , The , P a rc n t-Teacher association of Hillsboro de- die. If th at's not enough, m ust I rifle came enough cartridges to re i little goodne Siumonng blOCK. « nen inis occurs It Will p!ores the present conditions and pledges itself to democrat. V i 11 try for v election as j x . • . A L I ' '«*' >'»“ how he taunted m e’ He fill the belt that" stijl hold’ his k"’'''-- ,n' r bilioni strength “ J ‘ O i iv t. n u ll u a A t . . n i l V v »*s n u n u r b tiu iik v u t ill. f it* nife ,h " 'c rr r e e bv oy -v your national com m itteem an and E W. °!ltJ hat tbe pon'ooned plane a ' 10'1 ' . jeered that I'd be starved into iv d - provide the greatest possible encourage- do all it can to bring about im provem ent, I Struggle on and on ami so live the K irkpatrick. Clackam as c o u n t y at the w a'*'I' lron' was too small '<> colninR him by the tim e b e c a m e and twlt-nx ment to home ownership. sincerely. Lilith had gone aboard the steam ­ C hristian life; is that it’ democrat, is already out as an be onc ° \ , 1 ?e reg u lar Bellnnca j or •• Or do you get it as n beggar girl er. She returned with her father. _______________ MAUD STANNARD. President. avowed candidate for congress. i 'ransports. It had no cabin anil "Yet that's no reason why you He looked w on led She had put wed to a K ing’ She tus bride with e e e only three seats. Forem ost of the LUCILE ROMIG, Secretary. name and a place all in an in- on her Indian-w oinan costume a a . passengers ashore, he at o n c e i ... . . The state suprem e court h an d e d ! climbed th e bluff to the post. I 11 ks! You shan’t go w ithout t i n e buck kins, moccasins, fur rap and s,:" ” ,,nd a " pr-ned up as the the home ru le am endm ent a k n o c k -, . . . , . . , If you refuse, th e re’s another plane g loves The m illionaire chose to lay c°,ne. ;,nd k’° , V <'.hhr1‘, '.: out blow this week so far as traf- As, be •coa. ed just come. I'll m ake Dad chart inrter the blame on Garth. bc b"* X«'" 'h at is it C hrist A fine band organization has existed i l U I U I I I C ¿ V C J I I I 1 W 1 9 1 I I I H U I? * f T’ l l I « .. It. . I a , .. Courtesy of Council A ppreciated died for th e vast com pany who fic regulation is concerned. In an <'°ns’able of ,h e N orthw est police lounging in th e old tr a d in g ' ’ n / r v o . P ' ’ H P ° l *“* • u ,,nvc •v ou «one Insane? No more would become his. (h it He might at Helvetia for a number of years through opinion h e ld by 'th a Ju stice Bailey t h e : p?st. Hillsboro, Oregon. F eb ru ary 19, 1936. court" T w h r o T t / traffic *’“ {» ° i 'h e A i r - .. . _. 'h an get her out of that muskeg present them to himself, a glorious the splendid efforts of Joseph Wenzel, G arth studied h er gravely. She hell, and you want to drag her Bride We do not struggle to get To th e Editor of the Argus-—I was one of conflict w ith state law s the i w ayf i ? '° tS’ a t ttr sPran 8 ' ° stared back at him. hotly defiant school teacher, and others. A program and com mittee from the P.-T. A. to call upon the city laws back to your Infernal hole in de.s him: He diixl to have us. You his latter are param ount. The opinion rnce' him ' dance is being given March 7 for the counc‘l a»d the county law enforcem ent officials represents a com plete reversal of "Hullo.—you d - n’ l a m e He pretended to accept her reasons ol ition and He yofirs and having him you "The lady's choice, not mine benefit of this croun to ra is e f u n d s f o r a n d l_P rese'?' '* ’<> petitions, one to ban pin-ball the court's position in the case c,uck' Helluva note, you sq u atter- for w anting to go: have all; for In him dw elleth the u e i i e i n VI m i s g r o u p t o r a i s e Tunas io r m achines from t l ^ city, th e other tp enforce the of K alich vs. K napp in 1914 ini in K in 'h e w-et all these months. "You most certainly are a good "Well, you're taking h e r " fullness of the god-head bodily H fit'll I’ \1ix2«; IJ 'im ill fln o ♦ Ei ■ n new music and instruments. The organ- law regarding the sale of cigarettes to minors. "Iloiv ran J .help it. ir ’ You are nod we are com plete in him l'i In both instances th e com m ittee was received ization and its friends merit the support our your p' sioni T ik e t i k th e most friendly m anner and consideration was cheer, love. joy. hope, strength* of the people of th a t communitj’, and else­ in given our petitions due a m atter of m ajor im port­ wisdom, truth, peace; have him where as fa r as th at is concerned. ance. and In him you have all these and The city council did not debate long and the more. motion to instruct th e city attorney to draw up the I m a in s, e u n e r oy aci oi tn e le g is-lto see. I to ld m e x h n u t H"re is new life for the disenn- ordinance repealing the present ordinance and pro- ¡ature or by vote of the electorate. I -A nd sm ell' I've heard of vour At th at he s m ile d a b it u r i m l v nround her father and kiss him. It tented, worrying, restless, fruitless, « - - a> k - l & i k l m o S s . 1 ^ was the only caress G arth had ever w orld-loving child of God You her give anyone. have C hrist as Saviour but you Speaking of absurdities, the telephone mJnVhoSmakegupOtthe cdy c X t T 6 °f the prescribing tn e speed of motor I com pletely outside. Indian huts are have rabbit and buckskins.” He seen As he put on his pilot friend's ; «ever took him for your victory vehicles and general rules rc g u la t-! enough and to spare." turned to the factor: "Add the proposition in this county which requires I w ant to take this opportunity through your tng traffic on th e highw ays of the K„ .i helmet and goggles, the constable i So y ° u ask what you H” 1"' do ' “ G arth sobered to business. "W hat lady's outfit to my account.” To practically every section within a few paper, to commend this action. Too often we are state, w hich right w hen exercised news? the pilot: "Kiwi, this is w here you mounted to the middle cockpit bave hlm and ln hlrn a11 els<* absolute surrender A clean miles Of Hillsboro to call long- distance if ready to condemn the action of our public officials cannot be curtailed, infringed up­ “Your man set his bus down here are to fit your name. Y ou're go­ K i w i handed the girl into the rear on or annulled by local author­ ing to be a wingless ground bird." one. He drew over her head the I “i'11" “' '<> God All the days that they wish to telephone the county seat, ° rget t0 commend w hen com m endation is due. ities." th ree days ago. Hopped off PDQ, shatterless glass rowl that almost rem alp “ f your ,i,r: 3,1 y,,ur ,!l1' Sincerely yours, "Oh, have a heart, ’Lan!" w ith all she could heave up u nder ents, hopes, abilities, even your ranks near the top. Hillsboro is practical­ "Three is a crowd, and she is it. covered the opening CHARLES M. REED. Oregon m otorists have paid a —Kas and °>1-" G arth spoke a Iasi word to her pet sins confessed and turned over ly cut off at the pockets as fa r as tele­ Ask her father." Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church. grand total of moro than $64.000.- The constable had stood a t at- For th e first tim e th e girl be- anxious father: "In all probability, to him; your fears and worries too phones are concerned and that such should 000 in gasoline taxes since this tention. He met G arth's glance w ith frayed a trace of doubt. “But w e'll sir- we’ll overtake you within You stand stripped; nothing left can call your own in this be when Hillsboro is the “ hub” of the ------------------- source of revenue was first adopt- a salute. "All ready, sir." have to have a pilot.” three or four days. May, however. you world. ed in 1919. I "Good work. Dillon. One ques- county does not stand to reason. , , , , „ „ »x- a • a Kiwi stared, then grinned at the have to lay over, in ease of storm, • • • Next from this tim e on all that Stockholder Favors Pow er District joke. "Lady, what you don't know H h>g or snow makes us miss you you plan or do is to give glory to T he state em ergency board is "B roke prospectors, sir. Records, about our boy friend would ap- , ------------------------- To the Editor of Argus—I attended th e hearing your w ay out. we'll probably God. Step out and look utterly to meeting ---- here — today 'T h u rsd ay l , to But pvai lu far as knowl1' not savory. • IV U U IJUllL* of the H ydro-Electric comn ■ H illlbart pear to be quite < a 1 lUIIMUlTrfUie.— considerable meet at Fort M cM urray.” h M r r iml || ,.arn,, cl(;gp "G arth, C hrist for the power Say it this Chicago Parent - Teacher association uary 25 Many facts came out by th e proponents consider requests for deficiency " ont; of tbe bunch is ivanted. and A„ righl you ,anie f1uck t0' aling m ore than ^ y ™ not new com ers from across lhe j oystick. Do I stay planted or there's som ething I can't under way I am dead to self and the conducted an anti-gun campaign amontr of l.he Pr°P°sed pow er district w hich I believe the $23,000. This is the first meeting tb ® border. They 11 know enough w atercraft?" stand. This crazy notion of Lilith's world and self-plans. It Is no long­ er I that live, but Christ that livelh the schools, seeking to discoura,,« the use ¿".."“ re,. , ign„lc>„ce of the board since the session: " “‘ ‘‘» ‘» " " ie r e when I tak e tn y j -stea m e r. Southbound planes are I mean. It's not m ere willful u • i aP' ' ° be overcrow ded, w ith ev- She has som ething In m in d " ness. | in me; and the life that I now live Ot SUCh playthings by children. A bonfire Of the chart displayed by Mr. K ram ien, druggist of shortly after the close of th e 1935 p i . l ,n er' , , , hour by hour is by the faith fu l- A session w hen two of th e !. Tbe poat .fac'? r ,fa™ hastening „ One corning out." G arth replied. "W ants to .see t h e haAc of the toy guns was held. Not such a bad Hillsboro. This chart showed the pow er dollar of regular ndeuffs ness of the Son of God who lovecP members w ere held to be dis- ln ' ° shake hands. "Pardon my a b - 1 - * 1" narK , - n £ . M ? Garth“ Wa, T p O te ¿ ia rS °n .... .. ' me and gav’e h im ^ if f o r me ’ idea at th at and it might well be extended the MiafiicipaI ,p ° w er System of Tacoma, Wash., in S f l e d because” T h e y had w i t h lio n n fi't Li- n l k n . r> m i ‘ r> ! percentage as follows for th e y ear 1934: Taxes. 7 5 cepted other public em ploym ent ' 118 a Krcat Pleasure to have you , .. ‘ ° ' vanitv V lad 1» I? v I'T M'l" « l,' they do not retire th e ir bonds. W here is th is riv er fer jobs, but the federal adm inis­ It was a face smooth and firm, interm ission program and games. rough edges on the cafeteria tables Peters, decoration; Constance P e t­ of money going? I have found plenty of evidence trato r refused to accede to th e re ­ vivid w ith life and vitality. Only The rest of the cabinet and com ­ and benches? If the school should erson, social; Helen Halrium, pub­ w here some of it at least is used against the very quest. As a result those who were th e blue eyes w ere hard. be obliged to pay for all the licity; Eleanor Bcndler, service; m ittees are assisting. not on relief rolls November 1 can people who pay the high taxes. clothes they have ruined, we'd bc M argaret Cypher, ring, and Lea- The M others’ club is asked to "Alan G arth,” she said, "I’ve I have often w ondered how th e people of the not find jobs on relief projects. learned all about it. Y ou're going help, and a large crowd is an tici­ w illing to w arrant that someone nore Sherm an, librarian. would be put to work today, with cities will ev er get possession of th e ir n atu ra l re ­ pated. back th ere—after him!" Argus, February 17, 1921 T he budget departm ent is steal­ a plane. N othing is quite so m ad­ source, w hen these pow er barons have an invisible "Sorry. Miss Ramill. It's not re ­ Many Absent dening as to bc eaught unaw are Dairymen plan to protect m arket. Big m eeting p artnership w ith the b an k er and strik e for th e key ing the legislature's thunder. When venge. if th a t’s w hat yoyu think. Finds Trophy Ten students returned to school here votes for cheese and butter factories positions of all th e civic organizations, even the th e law m akers met in 1935 they B. M, Goodman, while cruising by a large, w icked-looking splinter on Monday, but there w ere still decreed th at salary savings in self- contributions to the compensation around Beaverton Inst Friday, dug ju st beginning to misplace u piece Milk price at Carnation condenser $2.25. school boards. 120 on the absence list. This means Mrs. Isabella Tannock. resident of county since T hink it over and vote for yourself. V ote for supported state activities should go fund covered only 60,500 workers. up the coveted football trophy that of stocking. It is no wonder pupils that most of the six-w eeks tests into the general fund. Now the Records for October, 1935, show w e w ere to have received some cat th eir lunches on the streets it 1879. dies In Wallace Settlem ent F ebruary 10. "The Proposed Pow er D istrict.” will have to be repeated. budget m akers are taking credit that em ploym ent was back up to th ree weeks ago. It will be p re­ is much m ore economical. A few Buxton revives its commercial club. The w riter of this article purchased 57 shares for this salary diversion as sav­ moments of tim e and a little wcil- 2.986,008 m an-days or approxim ate­ sented at the next assembly. Queer Hilhi boys lose to Forest Grove high 17 to 11 C entral Public Service corporation stock in 1930 ings brought about by this d ep art­ Beware Girls! ly 114,875 individual workers. how trophies arc seemingly lost. dlrccted effort, and the cafeteria and girls’ team wins 10 to 6 over Grove girls. through th e Oregon office of A lbert E. P ierce and The Blue-II club hereby notifies ment. In fact they adm it that would take on a new dignity. Mrs. Vashti A. Klmberlin died here F ebruary 15. Company, who gave out th e inform ation th a t they these salary diversions constitute you to be on the lookout. The • • « T he Grim Reaper got off to a A Boner a, . had taken over th e P ortland G eneral E lectric com- th e big end of th e departm ent's reason Is (hat the Blue-H club will The class in general science had * * pany and several other electric companies in Ore- alleged $195,000 in "actual savings” good start this y ear w ith 22 vic­ W hat is wrong? Is it alterable? have n dinner and theatre party Argus, March 1, 1906 gon and W ashington. One of th eir m ain argum ents accomplished during the past year. tim s killed in autom obile accidents been studying electricity and m ag­ Monday m orning our stars and Friday, March 13. during January. T hat was five netism, and the teacher was som e­ w as th at th ey w anted all of th e ir consum ers to * * * more than th e record for January, w hat electrified at receiving this bars w ere wound unceremoniously fu t u r e o u tlo o k v „ ( . ■' i \ company, encouraged share in th e profits of th e company. S hortly after Things to Change Industrial em ploym ent in O re­ 1935. Eleven of the 22 victims w ere response to a test question: Elec­ around th e ball of the flagpole, T u a la tin r iv e r at ? J jlsta Pumping plant on my last purchase of stock th e com pany failed to T ake the W orm's cap off the gon is back to w ithin 10 per cent pedestrians. N ine of th e fatal ac­ tion anrl magnetism are about the looking as if they had been there C o rn e l US S ta te koaA t h ° U,A " d <,,o ,la rs c o s t pay any "’<»« interest on the stock sold, for sometime. One of our input ele­ honorable bust of A braham Lin­ hiiruli For..«! Crr v» . S0J,d 2 ? Jobn Thorn- As far as I am personally concerned I would of the peak of 1929, according to cidents occurred i n Multnomah same, only election is more shock­ m entary lessons Is a respect for coln. ing. Fd Si-hiilinerieh S Sholes, S. B. Huston, be w illing to sacrifice every dollar invested in this records of the state industrial ac­ county. The tem perature of the schools the emblem of our country. Who • • • Tliornhie oh H ilt / ' n8A W- kchulmerich, Hillsboro, stocn if th e voters of this proposed u tility district cident commission. High point in on Monday. T he state will retire from the Thornbin-gb will be « s h ie r and manager. in Oregon would get behind the m ovem ent and put em ploym ent am ong industries cov­ Mr. Romig attended the annual is falling down in their duty to ered by the w orkm en's compcn a- flax industry as soon as farmers' initiation and banquet of Epsilon th eir flag, th e ir country and their r »WvW. ndeW' F ' Adkins secure G eorge it over. Mrs. Abraham and Miss McDon- 4 fund w as December, 1929, co-operatives, now organizing, are Pi Tau, national honorary fratern - God? L' rrae.eLei ihent™ Company-" for showing here Let us all get out and learn more about the tion aid entertained Mr. and Mrs. when approxim ately 120.000 w ork­ prepared to tak e over the rettin g i ity in industrial arts and vocation- . proposed super utility district. George Jacobson of West Union ers w ere on the commission's rolls. and scutching of the crop. This al education, held in the Memorial High school basketball tourna­ and Barbara B urdette of O renco In hnih'1 f ^ n ? n h t^ ^ ler llght' Two ' il-’lte' s HelP circulate th e petitions and th en vote for The low em ploym ent record was is not expected to occur for sev- Union building on the O. S. C. m ent in field, both favorable to system. it when it is put on the ballot.—FERD LANGER. w ill take place at Mac on at dinner Friday evening. After reached in February, 1933, when eral years yet, how ever, cam pus in Corvallis. March 0 and 7. dinner they attended the operetta. 3B?iUsboná^Ar g us The Place for This Fellow S ta te C a p ita l N e w s L e tt e r A. U LINDSEOK Equitable Tax Needed CAUGHT IN j A Fine Band Absurd Condition H ilh i N ew s Annual Reserve Party Saturday • « • Operetta Success, Spite of Weather