Pagi* Pour R IL L BBORO Mr, H arbison Buried Monday z Operetta Leads w Highlights in KYck’s News ARG US, H li IR R O R O , Millions Mourn George V’s Death February 13 A fight again-U the new deal as long as it lasts pledged by H er­ bert Hoover in Portland. Ten Ja p a n e se-M an c h u k u o an troops killed in border clash with O uter Mongolian soldiers. Federal kidnaping charges faced by tw o Vancouver soldiers, who allegedly forced Vancouver taw d riv er to take them in his ear Resident o f O re g o n M a n y Y e ars Dies S a tu rd a y Robert Ellsworth Harbison. 78. resident here for many years, died Saturday afternoon in C ot­ tage Grove. Funeral services were held Monday m orning from the Donelson & Sewell funeral chapel w ith Rev. It. A. Deck and Rev. Duncan officiating Burial was in the Masonic cemetery here. The sumo pastors officiatel for Mrs Harbison. He was born Septem ber 30. 1861, in Indianola. Ia., and came to Washington with his mother at an early age, the family settling in the Big Bend country and later moving to Hood River His father, I,. ,1. Harbison, a Union soldier, died of fever during the Civil war and Mrs. Harbison came west with her three boys. In 1886 he was m arried in Hood across Inte: state b rid g e an d d riv e them to Silverton California farm consultant holds reciprocal tariff pacts "cock-eyed." ■ President Roosevelt a p p r o v e s ’ long-time, lew-cost housing and ' slum clearance program. February 14 West and southwest wool con­ tracting speeds up. U. S. governm ent obligations go zooming up w ith all m aturities ad ­ vancing. Tw enty thousand Italians b e ­ lieved in trap in Ethiopia w ith ­ out chance to escape. Pioneers observe O regon’s 77th River to Lucy R and, living in birthday. Hood River for 25 years before Severe w inters predicted for fu­ coming to Hillsboro in 1910. He tu re by w eather bifreau in Waint- was a member of Morgan Lodge. ington. D C. I O. O. F , and Ione lodge. A. F. Cold takes m iddle west Rescue 8; A M expeditions planned to aid snow j Mr. Harbison owned and op­ bound communities. Trains, traffic i erated the F air Acres farm at the halt in Iowa. south end of Fifth street here from Farm ers' co-operatives fared bet-1 1910 to 1920. w hen he moved tc er during the depression than Morgan, living there until 1932 most other businesses. S. D. S an­ when Mr. and Mrs. Harbison came ders. farm credit adm inistrator. - to Orenco to reside. Mrs H arbi­ says. son died at Orenco in February, 1933. F ebruary 15 Surviving are four daughters, a New farm bill passes senate 56 son and seven grandchildren as to 20. McNary hits constitutional­ follows: Mrs. Blanche B e r g e n , ity. Marshfield: Mrs. Hester Payne, Ralph E. Williams, republican To the gates ot Buckingham palace, staunchly symbolic of the power Portland: Mrs Ruth G ardner. H ills­ -rational com mitteeman, plans to boro; Mrs. Mary Workman, C ot­ hold aloof in prim ary campaign. 1 of the British empire, came thousands of English subjects the night tage Grove: R E. Harbison Jr., of Jan. 20 to read the official bulletin announcing that K ins George V Allied powers w arn Germany. Eugene, and a brother, J. S. H arbi­ was dead at Sandringham house In Norfolk. During all the tim e th a t \r m y of Rhine bank to bring re ­ son of Corvallis. prisals. th e monarch lay gravely III, huge crowds gathered before th is gate Relief hurried t o snowbound to read dally physicians' bulletins. In the left background a corner niddle w estern towns. of the palace looms through wisps of London fog. The death notice Dr. Menno says obscure type of bulletin Is clearly visible on the Iron fence to the left. People pneumonia causes death of Don­ refused to believe th eir sovereign was dead until th is notice was na Lou Masters, little Roseburg posted. girl, instead of poison. Bond m arket given breathing . . . , , «Continued from pare I ’ David C rittenden •peed after week of steadily rii- nor,hw est regional planning co lv w orking in the transition from, m ission. th e emergency to a perm anent pol- These tw o have leads in th e Hilhi .ng prices. S enate adopts adm inistration's icy of agricultural adjustm ent and operetta, w hich will be present 1 February 16 stop-gap n eu trality resolution. co-operation. ed at the union high school audi R epresentative J o h n S. Mc- A financial report has just been ! torium Friday night, issued showing total expenditures ' _ oerm it his nam e to be used as a _ • . ,u_. . , j the days uncom fortable and the of the AAA from its inception in T , ■»«- • m , i presidential candidate in line w ith ? ga,n;st W nights cold. May. 1933. to the end of 1935 The J o h n M e i e r I e l IS olans to send a Tow nsend-plan . threatcncd by labor' T em peratures for the Week total am ounted to $1.480.057.513.25 e m,- t -> i . lelegation from C alifornia to th e Suprem e court declares Port- Date Max. Min. Of the total approxim ately 1100 O I I* l i i e r i e S U l t S lem ocratic national convention. land's speed limit of 25 miles an February 13 36 24 million dollars was paid to farm ­ Italians rep o rt big area tak en ' hour invalid, M eier of H illsboro route February 14 32 18 ers for rental and benefit pay­ 4 John ind 80.000 Ethiopians fleeing. Catholics lash Father Coughlin pleasing results from February 15 32 15 ments. About 75 m illion was used the had use such Lawson K. B arton at P ort O r - ' at caP’ta l- of classified advertising F ebruary 18 31 17 for removal and conservation of February 19 ■hard. Wash., adm its m u rd er of F ebruary 17 30 15 surplus, and 157 million for drouth in the Argus to sell his pigs that irother-in-law . Adolph Sandell. in F ebruary 18 31 France makes appeal through 21 relief, food conservation and dis­ he recom m ended Argus classi­ " can®P*racy w ith his sister. Mrs. diplom atic channels for U. S to F ebruary 19 37 27 ease eradication operations. About fieds to his neighbor as th e best ,a J?de " , , agree to lim itation of battleship 78 million was used in adm inistra­ and quickest way to find a m ar­ One hundred lose homes a t tonnage below 35,000-ton mark. ket for his pigs. FEED A MAN ACCORDING TO tion. 60 per cent of w hich was I nenr>1' «t ir«?' a>d h ? Hotel, a p a r t- . Robert Polson, tim ber em pire M eier advertised 23 pigs for spent in th e field and 40 per cent IIIS TYPE S S U B T j a S U , * » at Washington. The report shows i sale in a 17-word advertisem ent This problem of feeding a man at a cost of 34 cents. All th e pigs that Washington county received Five firemen killed at Columbus isn't as sim ple as it appears on party says retu rn of prohibition in- to date $74 737.03 for wheat con- Y ere ,S° ld bv 2:30 ° 'clo- blessed For you a re the envy of m ake admissions of L indberg ‘"gton. now Suprem e K of R and the num erous w orried wives who dnaping and m urder. S- wcI1 kn6wn here, assisted in find the problem of husband-feed- he s u g S d ^ T ’^ th in g and! A lexandcr Pantages, retired rul- ^be ceremonies. ing a large one. H auptm ann resentenced to die Tho method for m aking a meal w ere of incom parable value to the Pigglv Wiggly grocery’ store has ?r of a vast th eatre em pire and ¡enjoyable varies with th e type of individual. completed its move from th e Mc- veteran of gold rush, died in Los I*" chair M arch 30. Angeles. ’ 1 Investigation of the Townsend man you have to feed. If he is ov- Paul L. Patterson, vice-president. A lear building next to the Vene- S to p -g ip resolution to guard and o,her old age Pcnsice plans erw eight, it is wise to curb his presided. H. L. McKenzie, presi- | tian theatre, to the old Safeway U„ U „..„ appetite w ith a lalg). guceuient dent being in California on a location on the corner of Main and American's n eu trality until May 1 > ° r derecl b.v house in Washington business trip. The speaker was in- Second avenue and will hold an 1937. adopted by house and sent by v o te^ o i 240 to 4. following salad, served as th e first course. i c" a r Pe Townsend d r a w s $2000 And be very miserly w ith sugars troduced by William Hare. official opening Friday and Satur- to senate Six killed and tw o injured in a I „ ., , , , .. and fats in cooking and w ary of Next meeting Monday was an- day. th e m anagem ent has an ­ snow-slide th at wiped out a m ining , ~ MatlIda Gearm wide of late I nounced by J. J. W ismer as a pro- nounced. gram in connection w ith the pro- The interior of the building has camp in m ountains near Cortez , y enator Oearin. dies in Port- ’ I land. posed com mercial alcohol distillery- been rem odeled and redecorated Colo. SAXTON * LOONEY r , Viva Austin of the Oswego-Linn in Hillsboro. shelving added and the stock ex ­ Firo e« r llar 'r,- V • schccjl will represent the tate Producer, of Quality Farm ers interested in the pro­ panded Fire rakes Hood River business at the D A R congress in W ish duction of crops for an industrial congress ln Wasb With th e move, th e m eat mar- area w ith loss of $40.000. B itter ■ fngton. D. C. SAND and GRAVEL alcohol production plant are invit- ket. Ed W ortman, proprietor, and costliest* blaie“Vn yews**” agalnst L J 5 crea„se. i . b3V. dem and forced by p la n t located 4 miles n o rth of For ed to attend the cham ber luncheon known as Ed's M aster M arket, has cold w eather in northwest. est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone and hear of the plans for devel- I gone to the new location. The New dealers consider path clear­ 1609R opment of the plant in Hillsboro, m arket facilities have been mod- ed by suprem e court TVA decision j Births according to J. J. Wismer. local ernized. and a dry cold .refrigerat- for w ater-pow er projects to supply i real estate man. interested in the ine unit added. nation with low-cost electricity. Harm s—;To Mr. and Mrs. H E. establishm ent of the plant. The store still m aintains its Tw enty to 30 below zero tem per- Harms of near North Plains. Feb- | lease on the old location and. ac­ atures freeze faces of snowplow ruary 13. a boy. Divorce Suits Filed cording to E J McAlear. owner. and shovel crews in m iddle west i M atthews—To Mr and Mrs. M. Connett—Melvin from Fay A. | expects _____ to ____ __ ____ _ bent on rescuing im prisoned com- C. Matthews of Sherm an's mill, Phone 953 : Hillsboro hold the lease _____ although Meyers—Charles G. from Luella. an attem pt is being made to sub- m unities or farm homes. February 18. a girl. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ——■— ----------------------------------------- lease. W eather has little effect on car- i Cahoon To Mr. and Mrs Percy ' and load produce shipm ents from north- Cahoon of Beaverton. February LICENSED EMBAI.MERS 18. a boy. Richard Norman ' Eighteen Hillsboro pupils o f west. Dorothea Long, local instructor of U. S. Steel leads stocks into fast ‘ the N ational In stitu te of Music recovery. and Arts, w ere presented in en ­ Creation by congress of a P a ­ semble recital at the P ortland audi- cific northw est power agency as Everything in Insurance I torium Sundav afternoon. Pupils a public corporation to develop , 1701V •>-><- r us , , from 1he entire Portland district the transm ission and sale of pow­ Phone 1701Y 336 E. Washington | p articip ated . er from Bonneville and G rand Coulee dams recom m ended t o | President Roosevelt b y Pacific Agent Prepares for AAA Payment Low Temperatures Worry Fuel Users Portland Lawyer Tells of Philosophy Grocery Plans for Opening This Week Donelson & Sewell *---------------------------- ♦ , _________ RUSHLOW E= A t Y our MARY, Too Late to Classify We Miss ou Terribly! FINE 2-months-old Shepherd arid Collie pups, $2.30 and $150.— Phone 8718 Beaverton. J. T. Croeni. near Cedar Miil. 1-2 You w ere right. The sand­ wiches w ere poorly made. Dad and I w ent to 18 PIGS for sale.—Edw ard Krug. Hillsboro Rt. 3; 1’, miles south Jackson school. Ip Please Come Home Cecil’s Place . . . w here you got those lovely 5c sandwiches and I adm it they are far better than I can make. We will get some of them the m inute you come home. Please come home at once.—Mother. DARK blue suit, size 34: man's topcoat, size 38; oxford gray suit, size 32; m an's suit, size 38; combination gas and good range; will sell or trade for wood. Phone 2141Z Hillsboro. ltf LIGHT weight Vaughn drag saw for sale.—152 N. Second Ave. 1 TWENTY tons clover hay, $12.— H. D. Kerkm an. 1 To give real meat values at the lowest possible cost. To advise you in purchasing the right cut for every purpose. All Meats Inspected by Drs. Nlrol and Almquist BACK BA CO N Lb HAM S ,b Build Up Your Resistance Against P IC N IC S ) WINTER COLDS Don’t let w inter—with its icy B A C O N SQ U A R E S )lb- blasts and rainy days—catch you unprepared. Build up your health and y o u r resistance against w inter diseases w ith STOP Morningdew robbing your­ self of good ap­ pearance by let­ ting dust, dirt, spots or stains steal into your clothes. Irradiated Milk ‘‘A W inter Sunshine” Rich in Vitamin D BEEF R O A S T BEEF STE A K u. Lb FRA N K FU RTERS 24c 25c Q c | 9 12c 13c 2 ,b. 25c We carry a full line of SWIFT’S BRANDED STEER BEEF. Give it a trial. Morningdew FRED'S GUERNSEY DAIRY Send your clothes to us regularly. You’ll be pleased with our service. Home Laundry 8C Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 S E R V IC E HOLSTEIN cow. fresh in April: 400-chick brooder: 50 Leghorn pullets. $1 each: for sale.—John Knodel, Inquire North Plains. Ip Hillsboro, Oregon ‘‘A Flavor You'll Favor” Sam Hulit & Son» Phone 2568 T hree Year A verage Score by Pacific International O ver 98 SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 651 f r 1— 11 5 Deliveries Daily '¡'hm il v-. ¡ < bimu ORPOON Res. Phone 32IZ i Captain John Ils.ill of Pmll.iml. q u arterm aster* corps of the nil tional guard, will be the speaker at the joint Legion mid A y meeting in the Legion hall Tuesday night, il ss as an ­ nounced Wednesday b y A llhlii'i Krueger, chairm an of the elitei - tainm ent com mittee Captain H yatt's speech deals ss ilh ' the use of gas in modern w arfare and dem onstrations of the modern g a s m a s k s O ther num bers include music by the A uxiliary sextet and ' possibly a num ber by the Hill I boro quintet, singers and dancers , ss ho will appear on the Legion i am ateur show March 11. The com m ittee promises c a r d , games and a social evening Io follow the close a pot o'clock Lincoln lodge, I. O o K . of .Scholls visited Mohtc/uin.’i lod>:c of 11ilL.Loi•<» in a body VVedne i.i • night. Ililh horo coiifei rod tin* *•«•» <>nd degree on ’icvonl cundidut« fnyn Scholls The meet ing w t attended After ITidge all pre out retired to the dining ionin Ini a ocial hour A iro : classified lids >:«•! rcsultR. WK I»»-: A I. IN K K A b KHT ATK W rite F ire And Anl(»u»*»tlU hntir»n<«< Muk« I ..«ti« am i laaua U n re if M»mU KURATL1 & WISMER IIII.I.HIluno, (li(KGI)N j T,|,„h,,l„ u , i izjii s„™,l St DOUBLE VOTES l)t*lwtM'tt lotliiy ¡itnl March 2 Give Your Favorite Candidate n Boost Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial | Imperial Feed & Grain Co. Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feed. South Second Ave. Ask for Popularity Contest Votes Here FORFST GROVE G ra d e A C rrnm rry BUTTER TRY IT TODAY! trial of tlii-4 W ashington county product will con­ vince you of its high merit. O tto ASK FOR IT AT ALL GROCERIES Deep Sea Delight 1 package of poodles 1 cup medium w hite sauce 1 small can button mushroom* or 14-pound fresh ones 1 medium size can tuna fish 1 pound can asparagus tips or l ' i pounds fresh ones 1 cup grated American cheese 4 -teaspoon salt '»-teaspoon pepper Dash of paprika. Cook tlig noodles ill salted boil­ ing water until tender. Drain, rinse and drain them again. Add the rest of the ingredients in the o r­ der named, reserving some of the grated cheese for th e top of the dish. Place in buttered casserole, ' Sprinkle with the grated cheese an d -b ak e in a m oderate oven <350 degrees). Subscribe W ashington She m onths cents. Two now to th e Argus. In county $150 a year. 85c. T hree m onths 50 m onths 35 cents. tf I t ’« th e T a lk o f the T o w n ! it’s New! Mission Dry Orange or Lemon S p a r k lin g — W ith o u t E q u a l as a M ix e r Available All Dealers— Bottled under exclusive license by ROYAL SODA WORKS Phone 2432 IlilM inro 345 E. Main Mt. Consistent L o w P r ic e s of Q uality M erchandise EFFECT REAL SAVINGS FOR YOU Price* for Fri., Sat., Mon., Feb. 21, 22, 24 . .♦ 29c PE E T S With 2 large C rystal W hite Soap FREE CRYSTAL W H IT E , ^ . 2 9 c U'ase $2.891 /"A A 'T 'Ç Sperry. Regular or quick cooking. 9-lb. bag A O STA RCH CA TSU P N 35c 15c 19c 10c 25c Argo, Corn or G loan. SA L M O N Is Ocean tai Caught, pink. 2 can* K ern’«. Full 12-oz. botti« Each Monte G. B. Cream style or whole kernel. 2 can* PEAS— M ission. Picnic tins. 4 cans ...... 25c PANCAKE FLOUR Sperry’s. No. 10 sack ... V ■ (28-oz. pkg. 18c) HONEY. Desert Bloom SYRUP. Mellow 24-oz. bottle (12-oz. bottle Drips 20c 15c) COLOR—Schilling’s. Red or green. 1-oz. bottle 14c NABISCO — W afers, with 2 pkgs. Cherry 43C iilLtV":....20c J 5-lb. can CHILI CON CARNE Van Cam p’s. No. Is. 2 cans SARDINES — Del Monte. -| Large. 2 can* JLizU JLtJV FLOUR ijn v<* Pay Ymir 1935 mill Prior Kills mol * ¡<'1 fi.JQ such trim m ings as rich gravies and jellies Bill be careful Io rem em ­ ber that n hungry man is not a happy one and make a speciality of meals th at are filling without being fattening. If the man is thin and nervous be as lavish as you like with cream, b u t’er. sugar and other high calorie foods blit be sure Io serve the food in a tem pting m anner and see that th e atm osphere at the d in­ ner table is happy, even gay. Perhaps the man takes a negative attitude tow ard good-for-you food; sim ply because too much has been said regarding their very im port­ ant place in the diet. In lh at case a bit of careful disguising of the protective foods saves turn and his disposition A (lit of onion, a dasli of catsup, or W orcliestershirc sauce adds sophistication and develops the character of cream soups and cream or cheese sauces; fruit or to­ m ato juice cocktail even w here fruits and vegetables fail; fruit pies served w ith cheese are a l­ ways welcome. Build around this m annish dish the type of meal your husband re ­ quires but when it comes to ed u ­ cating a man to certain types of foods, rem em ber that a woman's best weapons are subtlety a n d patience. an»t inenmci CLEAN II Hi SI ATI- program which will I luck dinner at A f» \ i s or hoi I talk ’ Lincoln Lodge* X’ isits Montezuma Legion, Auxiliary Hold Joint Meet Tuesday Evening ¡’O. BEANS — Red Mexi­ can or Small White. (5 lb*. 23c) 10 lb*. ... PEAS— Red Dart. We recommend. 2s. 2 can* .LvzV« PINEAPPLE — Sweet Treat or Del Monte. Fancy sliced. 2Q). 2 can* (1% can, 2 for 19c) GRAPEFRUIT — Del Monte. 2s. 2 cans TOMATO JUICE — Libby’s or Del Monte. OQx> -1 Qo OOO O Cr» Xrfd U 3c.„. Z C 9c J/t-lb. can CHEESE. K raft Amer­ ican. Brick. S w i s s, Pimiento, Limburger, Velveeln, Old English. ’/a-lb. pkg....... 4 Columbia Best iOU .k47c 24% lb*. 13c COFFEE MARSHMALLOWS — Fresh. 1-lb. cello pkg. J L v V z CHEESE— -| Full cream. Lb. Crown Best I’atent. No. 10 25c TUXEDO TOBACCO Pocket tins 3 for .......... m COCOA— Baker’s 23c *1.89 Lb. 99c S I 1