The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 20, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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P n. ore Tw o
Letters, News Welcomed
I?illsbon^Arg us
W lih W h ich I« C mb M mmì th» llilh b o r ® Independent
Biliebor»» A rg u s M ta b . 1894
Hillui»«'ro Independent t ita h . 1S73
M c K J N N K Y A M c K IN M B Y . PublU hera
P uhfahed T h u rsda y.
Entere«! a* BMond-clasa m a tte r In th a
pu» t o ffic e a t H ills b o ro . O regon
v erne M c K inney
F « iito r
M rs
E. c.
M c K in n e y
Aaoociate E d ito r
Select«»«! a* O regon's Best W e ekly N ew spaper, 1930
Named on A II-A m e ric a n W e e kly N ew spaper Eleven, 1930
H on o ra ble M e ntio n N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A sso cia tio n N ew spaper
P ro du ctio n C ontest, 1934*33, and G eneral Excellence, 1935
S u b scrip tio n Bhtee S tr ic tly t'a -h in Advance
W’ ith in W a sh in g to n C ounty
O utside W a sh in g to n C ou n ty
Per year .....
V . S.. per ye a r ....... ..
Six m onths ... ............_ ......... »5 E o reig n co u n trie s .
M E M B E R O regon S ta te
E d ito ria l A ssociation an«!
N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A w
ela tio n .
F ir s t A u d ite d Paper.
L arg e st A 111' W eekly
C irc u la tio n in West.
Stabilizing Decision
Decision of Circuit Judge Lusk in
Portland in upholding the constitutional-
ity of the milk control law should be a
stabilizing influence in the dairy industry
of this section. Its importance and value
is brought out in a letter by Representa-
live E. L. Ross, which appears under Pub-
lie Forum.
The dairy industry is of the greatest
importance to the economic welfare of
W ashington county and anything t h a t
might happen to it would seriously affect
all business in this section. Although most
people are inherently opposed to govern­
mental regulation, removal of state con­
trol of the milk industry and its return to
the old “ dog eat dog" methods, where
Individual distributors would have great
th e m a rk e t w
ould in
pow ers
ers • to
io • reffiilste
re g » u la te
$ i in • c m . ai i kei.
., O l l l U . i n
3ur opinion he detrim ental to the best
nterests of the important dairy industry
d to
u n tv in
in g c p e n n e p ra
ril l.
io W
n ashington
asniitgion eo
ll e q u ite agree with Representative
R oss w h e n he says,
“All who
a re
Proud of Its History
; been the result T
tT J31'
b rcakdo" n
our RreaU'St
industry, .md would h a \e retarded for years the
development ol
of cu r dairies and agricu ltu re projects
unless some other means could have been immedi-
atelv devised to stabilize prices.
It is tru e that regulation by law of an industry
publican side of the political fence for Signatures as soon as the ballot
there will also be at least two title js prepared If the necessary
16,371 signatures are secured
| contenders for congressional hon- 16.371
I ors. Clarence B. Phillips of Burns j uj v i ,he m easure will h - on the
[is already in the race and C. D ballot, next fail for acticn by the
. Nickelsen of Hood River has let voters.
, it he known th at he expects to
• . .
! ¡enter.
enter. All four of these candi-
school in the state
dates are supporters of the Town-
will be visited by a deputy state
send old age pension plan
Congressional candidacies in the ^*re m arshal in a state-w ide hom e
fire ¿ prevention
¡th ird district are not so far ad-1 1 }ire
♦ campaign j u ,• s t
vanced as in the other tw o dis-
‘ J
< nit, s ,
tricts. William A. Ekwall. incum - p*11 s
an(t <• A Howard, sti
but w ith powerful sales organizations constantly
striving to lower prices of agriculture products w ith-
out any regard to th e cost of production it is nec-
essary to submit to regulation in order to safeguard
th ■ in d u stry . T he m ilk co n tro
l law
as created _ by
____ w __________
and ior th e producer and consum ing public. It may
not be a Pe r*cc*
but it. like most others, is
done by ti
■ •
same session which elim inated the so-called "one I tor the republican nom ination by
¡some Townsend candidate. Elton
The costs of adm inistration have been exceed- (W atkins, who had a brief taste
ingly low and 'hould continue to be so. T here should
life at Washington. D. C.. some
....... ««
: * excessive salaries and a large ‘" ;l vt'
operating force. Ail who are interested in
plre to E k w all’s seat and w ill
" . ’ ''' " ' • Washington county sh o u ld see to it th a t probably seek the dem ocratic not
tune to the great dairy industry is given every protecl
e «v.
loziei are present most of the
tell of the many interesting things in the
collection. T h at'in terest is good is shown
by the registration Friday, the opening
day and the 77th birthday of Oregon as
a state. People of this county appreciate
the great interest shown by the Toziers
in bringing their collection here.
(. fleering news IS brought hack from
the east by B. E. Maling, head of the lo-
th al
at httsinpqq
rn n
.... cannerv • ’ who
. ,, savs
.S ln
Ju-ine>S con-
ditions are markedly improved. Especially
pleasing to local people is the report th at
the local company will increase its frozen
food pack this season due to increased
m arket demands.
_________________ _
and have
cut The
roads Wolf
.0 creek
S e sea
Sad riv a e r hcctfc
time within the last few months as works
progress projects. They have been re-
jected and appeared again on the slate
and assistance possible—E. L. ROSS, representative,
WashinSton county.
Decries Star Route C arrier Plight
To th e E d ito r—I wish to call to th e attention
of th e people of Washington county, the efforts of
the N atiunal S tar Route C arriers' association to ob­
tain legislation m aking perm anent all existing star
ro u te contracts.
The N ational S tar Route C arriers' association is
an organization representing approxim ately 12.000
carriers- who serve over 25.000.000 people. Many
a sta ru route c a rr‘t r receives a bare living and
as each contract expires is forced to bid still low-
er to hold his job
, In a .rc.ce.n .t . editorial in the Oregon Journal the
system of bidding on a star route contract is te rm ­
ed "a relic of stage coach days of America." The laws
governing star route service are over 60 years old
and made before the days of autom obile and R F. D
service. Ninety per cent of the star route carriers
of Oregon are perform ing R. F. D. service. The
;’5ational S tar Route C arriers' association feels that
" 'b
not for the fact th a t these roads are so
im portant to us here in this section.
lectures delivered to em phasize
' ci’rVLnon t,oJPeu *lre hazards and
| fx1ic,ren " ,
" u rg e'’, to inspect
" ltir
borne- for fire dnngets.
• • •
Income taxpayers
turns early and
• . .
avoid the last nnnute rush. Last
Oregon's formal request for a i year, the commission points out.
share of Uncle Sam ’s old age p e n - lmorc than J000 persons filed their
sion fund will be in th e hands of re tu rn i on the final day in the
¡th e N ational Security • board w ith- , P « o l a n d x office
. many
, of
i in the w eek. T his will put the '* \ SS J* andir*g m Jin e for hours
state o °Jd
pension set-up
serxed. As an ac-
Isquare.y bi .ore the federal board 11 l,n
1 *"n ■ ta x p ay e i.. in ot.i-
ion here is fairly evenly divided sentative of the commission w ill
i as to th e outcome. Many believe visit every large city between now
I the board will overlook the dis- ' and A prii 1 to assist those who
1 erepancies in the Oregon act, per- j need help in making out their re ­
m itting this state to participate in turns.
th e federal appropriation for ae*
• • •
sistance of the needy aged on a( O rville S. Gamble, superintend-
50-50 basis. O thers are not so op- cnt
th e state school for adult
tim istic and fear that nothing short blind in Portland, was exonerated
I of additional legislative action to of charges of extravagance and
correct the pension act can satis- insubordination at a hearing be-
fy the requirem ents of the fed- fore the board of control last week
eral act.
, Three members of the blind school
• • •
advisory board, unfriendly to Gam-
Carl F Gould, consulting arch- l5les f eKimc, w ere later rem oved
itect employed by the capitol re- 1in a shak«'->JP of the organization
construction commission, expects
G overnor Martin.
’Q(‘ FtOVt/ ctotn Ln, ten «ex
of the nation.
F rh riin r,’
im u
j the ( anoe out a iu t i ide ib" I.nip
river steam er
G arth aw no more of th e giil
| until after the steam er tied up at
(lie i unit II of tie I iat d i ' i i 'I'.d r
| en into ii stale-room by the w i f e
id a nusaotiaiv from Fort Norm in,
she leinaup d In complete scclli ion
Her father kept almost eipiallv
close In tlie skipper's own room
The canny Scot bad Welcomed the
> American nuillonau e to In bunk
for a eon ddernlion. The cabin
was jammed w ith fur traders and
Fort Norman oil t o Id officials, w ho
were going out ade for the w inter
G art'i m esast and berthed forw ard
with the (lew lie kept to his Worn
buck km . Hut i sleet a|U0ll ended
th'P post of flit' and mosquitoe .
Ih » W.ii able lo
to shave and c le n n e
1 hi; skin of do >e, .Vet enjoy the
i in »sh air on the unscreened deck
b il l
When the building
topped bluff
of Fel t Sunn n m was sighted in
th<• di tance. M
Hamill left tin-
cabin and ¡tilit* forward. Though
( not yet fully recovered from hi
¡wound. In’ w alked w ith the prlngy
step of a lean-w alstcd middle-aged
gentlemiiii io healthy training A ft­
er the .snugged and stained leather
idt. the i lollies loaned him bv the
k .p ic r looki-d startingly respecla«
1 Id e Tlie same Was true of b e , c h s i l i -
■haven dope-free skin.
He .’ ti pped bcfoii ( t i l t h bland*
f !(•(•(I. shrew d-eyed
' I've Ju. t heard, my hov that
i you think of stopping off at this
post I trust it's not on account of
any feeling iigauist me or my dough
ter You cun t blame hei lor a bit
of resentm ent She's a woniun, and
you certainly put hei tluough the
mill As for myself, I railed it nulls
when you puliii*d ini out of the
hole this la.t time What d you
lie tossed his half
rigar outbo ai d and
nnci’-fhihhy n o w
, firm - mtucled
hinid G arth gave it n i hearty grip
"AU account* squared, sir. and
1 no hard feelings against either of
you. Miss Ratnill proved herself
far more plucky and sporting than
could have been expected. I w ith
you both bon voyage.”
’ B ut for you to I m * leaving the
Her eyes did not tw inkle They
flashed "You’ll not have m u c h boat, my boy! There** no need of
it I can arrange for you to get in
longer to insult me!”
to the cabin In fact, I'd like *.h
. , ,
, ... .
opportunity to talk over malt
blanket, he said
A fire on th e
fn, g n «,u g«>t to g eth er on th* a
him ’ means nothing of Itself. Just term s you offer«!."
:m Indian ram p John Buck and
' We might." G arth agreed, but
By Robert Ames Bennett
qijnw We ll have to signal."
then Ins ' mile hardi ned "That side
, h(.
w li| h;lV(. t(, w al, ,
(W N U Srrvlc«» C o p y rig h t by
I the bank She ram e flying back x|inll first settle w ith your friend
R obert Arne« B e n n e tt!
with the blanket G arth ordered Huxhv "
her to hold one corner He took
The m innionaire frowned
(C'*nt(nu®<l fm m la-«t w»»®V!
another. They stood 111 front of the
on't call that m urderous hound
By another sunset G arth had th fire, with the big blanket -tretehed a ’D
friend of mine H i . i shooting sou
com pleted to his satisfaction between them Mr R u n ill called
understandable My wounding
had built a superstructure that irritably firm the top of the bank m
w.r. of coin .« what he claiined
sed the footing well above the w hat did they mean, wakening him sheer uccident But for the scoun­
waterline. Rails guarded against , an(j taking away his bedding’’ Lilith drel to ubandon a helpless girl to
the risk of -quail w ar.
washing cried out the new
G arth starvation! If he was too cowardly
the still weak m illionaire o .e r g.ive her a curt order to pay at- to dare her frenzied threats amt
I. 1
¡, . eommands, shi I m • forcibly take her and me with
Ibe paddles
him in the canoe. In* could at lea ’
. T ae
economic stability of W ashington county
W alter
M. Pierce of LaG rande
hung •••
in the balance ««••<
w h < ile
m easu re w as utiuv*
u n d e r alread
y uas
has com petition for the
«. u this
iu tiivcaouiv-
consideration by the court and it is clearly evident ¡dem ocratic nom ination for con-
bv the w ords of th e opinion that had it not been gress in the second Oregon dis
ac.m en t e, S. 3 . 39 d in in g th e late special ! triet in the person of V. S How­
session en
of the legislature am ending the law to lu ­ ard of Madras, who has already
formal declaration w i t h ! .
i erats have as yet definitely an- !
, nounced as candidates for this of-
: fice but many are being mentioned
including W alter Fisher of Rose­
burg. a veteran state legislator: !
Milk Law Decision Upheld
Earl A. Nott of McMinnville, dis­
F ebruary 10. Editor A rgus—One of th e most trict attorney of Yamhill countv
im portant court decisions rendered in recent years and W. A. Delzell of Salem, th<
is the ruling of Circuit Ju d g e Lusk upholding th e dem ocratic nominee of your years
c o n stitu tio n a lity of th e O regon M ilk C o n tro l law.
T I iiic i L v
t li J ll ll l
Public Forum
Q uarters in th e b asem en t of th e c o u rt
house w here M rs \V«»’i’h e rre d *ind M r
T n -iiu L
S tate C apital
N ew s L e tte r
has reason . . to x be
i rs
Of its . place in early . Oregon history,
The historical collection given to t h e
b v A lb e r t T o z i e r a n d M r s F d i t h
. w
n i
-n u i
M r8 ’ i l .
l ozii‘i \\ i .
d will help greatly in
keeping alive the memories of those great
pioneer days.
• ••
, . x • .
1 OOpiC. flic III ged to Visit the historical
H IL L S B O R O ,
The Argus is always glad Io print the
letters of readers under the heading of
"Public Forum." The letters should he
limited to 300 words and have the signa­
ture and address of the writer. The Com­
BY A 1 1.1 N P B K l 't
munications, insofar as possible, should
he mailed to the office the last of tin*
week, preferably Thursday or Friday to
Bumper Crop Primary
insure publication the following week.
Candidates Seen
Lack of space ami mechanical limitations
in Earlv Signs
make these conditions necessary. Libelous
and personal m atter cannot, naturally, he
Q A L F M F irly
.i;ns point to a
bum per crop of prim ary can d i­
This new spaper is always pleased to
dates. With nearly six weeks r e ­
have people of this community report lo­ m
aining in which to file for a 1
cal happenings, m eetings, m a rria g e s , place on the May ballot volunteers 1
deaths, etc., as soon after the event oc­ ' for public service are springing I
up with a profusion rem iniscent 1
curs as possible. Different groups should ’ of
dandelions on a neglected lawn ‘
have reporters appointed to write up the
Indications are that Charles L. I
meetings and send to the Argus office McNary, republican, will h a v e j
petition w ithin his own party
immediately. The articles will, of course, com
for the senatorial nom ination to
be judged on the merits of their news which W. F Burke, state senator
value. A necessarily limited local news from Yamhill county, is said to
aspire Willis Mahoney, fiery m ay­
staff makes it impossible for the paper or
of Klam ath Falls, will probably
to cover all the different meetings and ■ have a clear field for the dem o­
news events and the thorough co-opera­
In the first Oregon district Sam
tion of groups and individuals is essential.
B low n, the G ervais farmer, and
— ---------------
(W alter Norblad. youthful Clatsop
legislator, both adm it that
Who says the Hillsboro Merchants* ¡county
. they are giving serious considera­
"Popularity Contest” isn't popular? Mae tion to suggestions that they enter!
, the lists against Jam es W. Mott,
West received some votes Sunday.
incumbent, for t h e
___ ________________________________
: nom ination for congress. No demo-
inter- (■'’•"■ "•
ested in the welfare of W ashington coun-
ty should see to it th at the great industry
is given every protection and assistance
If you rare for my guess,"G arth
ln (ron of the fire, at irregular said, "he was more interested in
your daughter as an heiress than
mie tim e he ordirei! a as a woman "
halt, with the blanket on t h [-
"No gio .-s about it A coldblooded
«»«1 I liC
AJHI.I.. I ' l l rascal
.... .
. . .
I m
I . 1 urdered
4 I > I. I < I
He illtU
an « explanation
’ Those» were dots and d ishcs We’ve V*’U f*»i voui < luim! I ll run him
given the SOS und my name. They dwon and m ake him pay in fill
may nut have made it out T hat for do rlio ■ Lilith uul me. if a
fi^gt watch
"His punishm ent will cost you
e<l Ready now. We'll repeat.”
In the midst of his first sleep,
He went through another series nothing. Mr Ramill. He has been
G arth opened his eyes with the of long and short liftings of the trapped by his own greed.”
instant alert w akefulness of a hunt- blanket They again paused with
"Before we came aboard, word
er. The girl's hand was on his fore- the blanket down. G arth stepped
out of the fire glow to peer over was received by radio that a man
named Iluxby had recorded a plat-
"Yes’ " he asked.
the water. Lilith followed.
1 mum placer claim at Fort Smith:
"I Fm not sure." she m urm ured
Above the low -hung star another
h, , ,
“TtJe * J nd h
K >n<' down,
II j stt ir flashed on and off. Across the
,ini| f|own
|t £ , h
looks like * a "*
star But it's so 1 ow silent, glim m ering flood of the
on the water, I thought I d better - river came the hoarse blasts of a
Mr. Ramil looked h i s doubts
„ you."
.. , , .
steam er’s whistle, muffled by dis-1 ■•iVP heard nothin*, of it"
He rolled from the bed of spruce , U nce yet unm istakable.
"Beca. se I thought best for vou
tips and dry moss. A single glance
... „
. . ..
1 inou«n* b<
dow nriver was enough He jum p-
..T*,? ? ' M , ! am i,l. G arth not to.
ed to light the prepared bundle of ?alrt' T?.U yollr n’a,d 10 >’ul' k y"Ur
"You! Do you mean to tell me
brush at the sm udge-fire and leap ,u «#a«e
| ,h a' everyone on this steam er kept
with it down the bank
She asked in a low v o I c e: . nium because you. n m ere prospec-
As the heap of fuel on the beach "H aven't I tried to play up? Is it t,ir
T>“ ' n' 11ll,‘\n,' ' r'' p a u s e d
burst into flam e he heard the girl
sporting of you to mr ek m e”"
,,n v '' 1 ™'«'” «>bnd” You ire not a
gisping m urm ur, close behind his ( Her face waa shadowed He could ! I?!?’!’'!.’! Prospector. T here « some-
shoulder: "It can't be a m istake” not : ec the look that went w ith the |
SPI,<' " f
You're certain — certain that it's questions. After a moment, he an- your vagabonding about this north
| sw ered soberly: "It is not, and you country!"
G arth said: "We are talking about
“A steam er,” he replied.
have Perm it inc to upologize."
Huxby. I've radioixl for a N orth­
"But w hat if—if they don’t—see
"Is th at all?"
us? It's night.”
I "W hat else?” he replied "You west policeman to meet me a t
"D arker th e better, if no fog are of course relieved and pleased Simpson with a plane. T he ehargi a
They can't miss seeing this fire."
to be rid of a man you so thorough- ire robbery and assault to mui *
Assured of rescue, she sighed her ( hate. You may rest assured 1 will der.”
, „ ,
"R adioed” The skipper told me
relief With that, woman-like, her not intrude, once you re aboard
| jj¡s transm itter was out of order "
feminine vanity came suddenly to ship.”
. . . ..
. .
life "Oh. but to go among people
"Yes,” she m urm ured, "w hen Dad '
By my requM t' 8,r' 1 ,hol' Kht il
like this! such a sight!"
' and I no longer have any need of fair. It is possible Miss Ramill may
G arth turned to eye her in the you to—”
recovered from her resent­
glare of the upflaring fire. He
Her father camp staggering down hnve against
him. I'll ask you to
looked at her worn moccasins and the bank to thrust in between them, ment
pardon rny going tn see If there
lynxskin leggings, at the c ru d e -k irt "I say. G arth' don't lie Is it true are
any more reports on Huxby'*
of moose-calf skin and the tattered the steam er is putting in for us?"
upper part of the sports dress. He
. . . .
Though by no means curt, the
looked at her rope-smeared face,
Doubtful of a safe night landing dismissal was abrupt Mr. Ramill
and at the light p ig tlils of tlie at this unused beach, the steam er stood pondering for several mo­
semi-bobbed hair that had once captain lay off-shore and sent in a menta before he returned to the
been so frozen in that modish per- canoe. G arth steadied Mr Ramill cabin and went to the door of tlie
m anent wave. His gray eyes tw ink- ! into the birchbark At the same stateroom that the Fort Norman
led in the firelight.
| tune Lilith stepped in ahead of her m issionary’s wife had shared with
"Well. I’d say you're less a sight father. Stic repeated the m aneuver i I.itith
an when 1 first met you."
when the tw o Indian peddlers drove I
(Tn b# rnn(ln«ie«f!
boist the blanket .is a sail in case
of a favorable change in the wind
"Shift or calm, w e'll put off at
sunrise, he announced
* Iiwitftii .Ml
Mr Ramill grumbled, « he
a| C his fill of broiled Whitefish, and
roRetj Up for the night to fill into
(jlv (,r a |thv. heavy leep of a con-
1 ¡ng added to the library to suit
• • •
: the reading tastes of everyone, and
G overnor M artin frowns on the (among the interesting books add-
proposal of the city of Salem to ed since the first of the year are
(turn Willson park over to the state ! the following:
From the activity and appearance of
I for capitol purposes. The governor
Fiction—"Home Ranch." by Will
things at Shute park, Hillsboro is going
I scents a plot to thw art the will of James: "Life With Father." by
to have a mighty attractive park set-up
H o u s in c * N p P f ls
the legislators as outlined in the j Clarence Day; "Last Civilian." Dor-
when the work is finally completed. It
McMinnvill should this year experience some- capitol bill lim iting the new state othy McCleary; "Money M u s k ,"
house to the old site.
Carolyn W e l l s ; "Beachcomber,"
was greatly in need of attention and the thing >n the way of a m inor building boom. The city
William McFee; "Presidents' Mys-
m ade a steady growth for the past several years
improvement should be greatly appre­ has
Securities in which funds of thè tory Story," several w riters; "Keep
and as a resu lt has a housing shortage w hich will
Quiet." Richard Hull: "Not for
become pronounced in succeeding m onths unless a 1 World War u Veterans S tate Aid Heaven,"
Dorothy McCleary; "If
num ber of homes are built.
commission has invested its sink-
I Have Four Apples," Joseph Law ­
T here is , general belief th a t building homes ' ¡2*
Congratulations are due John Lindow for rental purposes does not pay, and indeed th ere by tp p ^o x lm atelv 3$23OOOOd smre rence; "Apple Tree," John G als­
worthy: "Career," Phil Strong;
& Sons of Bethany, whose herds have are other ways o ' nvesting money which offer & a, „ ^ X r e r Holman ^ u d , t ^ « "Moon
Out of Reach,” Faith B ald­
advispd thp
been winning prizes throughout the coun- , g reater returns. Tr s, however, is no bar to a build- advised
the commission to dispose win; "Dead Man Manor.” V alen­
try in the last year. These winnings brine t nK progran?- M an\ couples who are now renting of the securities four years ago tine Williams; "Lorenzo Bunch,"
n u irh
? innings oring homes are in a position to finance construction of and take their loss, am ounting at Booth Tarkington; “Through the
much prestige to this county.
th eir own. Loans extending over a period of years that tim e to approxim ately $200,- Wheat," Thomas Boyd;
------------------------- are readiiy available, w ith th e result that they can
000. The sale was opposed by Hol­ Wagon.” T. S. Stribling; “Alleged
Failure to stop at stop streets or stop coestsPaid iOr
°n‘y 3 sUgh‘ increase °ver rental man and Jerrold Owen, secretary G reat Aunt," Webster and Barnes;
“Trail D river,” Zane Grey; “G in k ­
highways is a real traffic menace and a
The best com m unity is th a t in w hich a large of the commission,
go Tree," Cora Ja rrett; "Wooden
• • •
danger to life and limb th a t should be Percenla8e ct residents are homeowners. It is more
Tuberculosis, the w hite plague, Indian," Carolyn Wells; "Case of I
G ardner;
severely d e a lt with by J law e enfo
stab1^ an? m ore lik TIy t0 experience sound, well- can be entirely eliminated, in the the C aretaker." E r i e
K rhool S p ir it Help» to
C o-operate With Your
n i u n e m e n i considered progress than one in which ren ters make opinion of Dr. G. C. Bellinger, "P rivate Pavilion,” Jam es Edwards.
Mnkf* a R ette r
u p th e b u lk of th e population. It is to McMinnville's superintendent of the sta te tu b e r­
H ilh i New» S tu ff
Non-Faction — "Flow er A rrange­
________ _
__ _____
interest to have a num ber of new homes built this culosis hospital.
E d ite d by H llln h o ro U n io n H ir h School S tu d e n t Body
m ent,” Rockwell a n d
year, not only because they a re actually needed, but
Two things are needed to attain "Red Sea to Blue Nile," Rosita
because th ey w ill add to the city's stability and this end. Bellinger points out in Forbes; "My Country, My People,"
give its fu tu re added assurance.—McMinnville Tele­ a report to S tate T reasurer Rufus Lin Yutang: “Gods Who Die," J u li­
lilt .I ll NEWS HTAi r
C. Holman, m em ber of th e state an Davis; "Seven League Boots,”
E d ito r
A n n M u n k rrs
board of control. One of these in ­ Richard Halburton: "L etters of a
A N .j.lH n t E d ito rs
Argus, February 10, 1921
M fir y E n ld w o tl nod Jo y F o rlk e r
volves increased field work in the Self-M ade Man,” Will R o g e r s ;
The measles are still holding
I ’lillo
Mrs. S arah A, Baker, resident of Oregon since
prevention of tubreculosis and tlie "Trail Cortez Through Mexico,” has been invited by Mr. Davis, of
N nd in o P atterson
sway but every day some one re ­
t.u V o rn o A h o nd ro th
1877, died here F ebruary 6.
home care of tu b ercu lar patients H arry Frank; "Oregon Poets," H en­
covers. LaVelle Jackson, M argaret
( í l r l Itosorven
Joan A n o C o lin o li
Senators B urke and Zim m erm an charged that both before and after hospitaliza­ ry Harrison, editor; "M anners in to a luncheon. This luncheon is
F. Sias, Hillsboro G. A. R member, named
Cypher, Shirley Kelley and E rn­
Tom H tro le h o r
legislators w ere always being corrupted by wicked tion. The other is increased hos­ B«isin<” s," Elizabeth MacGibbon; the result of their winning a grand
aide-de-cam p to the national com m ander-in-chief
llln o -H
est Brown are bnek at Ihe old
pow er companies. Opponents of Public U tility dis- pital facilities so th at all patients "This Way to Man's H eart” cook champion ribbon for th eir exhibit
of th e Grand Army of the Republic.
S tu d o n t C ou n cil
Irm n l T ra sk
grindstone after a long absence.
T r y Square
H a ro ld M oyor
P ete r S. Penne of near Farm ington died Feb- UicLs stated th eir belief that the political heads of requiring attention might be ad ­ book, Mrs. Simon Kandcr; “His­ of m iniature buildings at the O re­
A d v is o r
Miss A llo ri
ru ary 8.
pow er districts would also be am enable to corrup- mitted at once and long waiting tory of Western Civilization,” H ar­ gon state fair last. fall. Some of
ry Barnes; “New Decalogue of the buildings will be exhibited
O peretta practiee Is In its last
W. II. M iller of Gales Creek died F ebruary 4
b en . There is probably far less corruption than most lists eliminated.
Saturday at ihe Waatarn Retail
stages. The "nervous" stage has a r ­
Mr. and Mrs. George Schulmerich. H T. Koe- People believe but it is a sad fact th a t th ere is some
Bellinger recommends t h e ex ­ Science," Albert Wiggan.
There have also been added to
ber, Mrs. W. N. Harris, Mrs. E. L. Moore and Mrs. corruption. The average legislator, being only one penditure of between $500,00« and
We notice in reading our ex ­ rived. Costumes are piled high in
at the M ultnomah hotel in changes
G. C. Combs w inners in Pythian m asquerade party.
a hundred or so has little power to do much dam- $600,000 on new hospital facilities. the seven-day shelf a num ber of tion
that certain schools seem the sewing room and green hats
Forest Grove-Gaston highway to be paved, will afSe when he is corrupted b u t a viilian in charge The recommendations will prob­ western, mystery, and light ro ­
to have trouble in obtaining good have decorated the typing room
go through to McMinnville by fall.
of th e spending of a million dollars of money could ably be placed before th e next
assembly programs. This makes us for several days.
Following review is by a high meeting of the leaders of these realize that something which we
Hamilton Davison, well known in Banks secton, do a vast am ount of injury. A m an who would be state legislature for consideration.
groups of 4-H builders. H. C. Sey­
We speci.di/e in quallly c o m ­
school student:
• • *
dies F ebruary 9.
corrupt as a legislator would not be above corrup-
have heretofore taken as perfectly
mercial printing,—Argus.
Helen Ashton's latest n o v e l , mour will preside.
Argus Febru-irv
22 ’ 19BR
-ion as 8 u/ '. lity manp.s c r' The corruption argum ent
Wd have assemblies often and they
. .u . u-
' b
,s a Powerful one against the form ation of a utility had their autom obile operators’ “Dust Over the Ruins,” is set
Ninety Absent
are usually extraordinarily good.
B ttem i m
b.ig. '’ ucces’ Nearly 500 district having a political m anager. And too, if hon- licenses revoked in the seven- against the rom antic background
11 United RaBwav8 wii|d i t awg h t v • u.
est re«uIation and honest fixing of rates cannot be month period between Ju ly 1, last, of Wady HaroUn, a distant valley
There were approxim ately nine­ It seems to be one of those times
_,;L j R lw ay^w iil start work right away, had against the pow er com panies how could the and F ebruary 1, according to Sec­
ty pupils absent on Monday. The when it might be well to “count
of archaeologists are exploring an Oregonians just "can't take" Arctic, your blessings." It is barely pos­
A dvertised sale of Oregon Traction company did great problem of handling th e whole situation with retary of S tate Snell.
not take place.
ancient Roman town. Robin C ary’s weather. (Then, too, they say Ice- sible that this blessing might he
honesty and efficiency be attained?—Sheridan Sun.
strange foreboding that something skating is at its peak now).
City council Tuesday votes down plan to p u r­
the result of our recently created
Intended ns a concession to small would happen to all the members
chase a city park because city is already heavily
assembly committee.
involved in debt.
AI Sm ith's long aw aited speech has apparently
We can't imagine w hat happen­
S uprem e court says Forest G rcvc « ,nnot license served to rem ove him as a political figure of im ­
ed (maybe a bug bit their ear),
saloon according to charter
portance. In factions w here it was not resented it
hut anyhow som ething possessed
V eterans of Foreign Wars, tion of all men in the party yet of a thing for this Column this our
Jam es M iltenberger of Portland buys L. P. was eith er received in a lukew arm m anner or ap- post.
cheer leaders to change their
would limit taxes on property up m aintained loyalty to one man, her week.
H eidcl candy stroe.
plaudcd by those who, w hile opposed to th e elem ent to an assessed valuation of $2500
ways. Yes, at least they have w ak ­
ed tip and are doing their w ork
A nother railw ay company has been organized attacked by Smith, could never be brought into line to $10 a year. The prelim inary
There was a Girl Reserve m eet­ with a will. Keep it up boys and
to build line out of South P ortland through Scholls for Sm ith himself. Smith tried to strik e a note but petition was filed with the state
you'll surely have the entire
country to Cornelius.
it proved to be sour.—A storia Astorian-Budget.
departm ent this week and peti- legal advertising to the Argus.
reports and party announcem ents. school’s support yet.
H ilh i N ew s
Our Yesterdays
Building Club
Luncheon Guests
Measles Hold
Sway at School
Who Are the Bribe Takers?